LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
A simple service example: `AtomicNumberService`
Example name: AtomicNumber
Type: LArSoft service and provider
Author: Gianluca Petrillo (
Created on: April 13, 2016

This example shows a complete service with a minimal interface.

Features of the service:

  • the interface returns a single quantity: the atomic number of the active material in the TPC
  • reads the configuration from a FHiCL file
  • provides a "standard" FHiCL configuration

Missing features that you need to go elsewhere if you need to implement:

  • multiple implementation (for example, for different detectors)
  • reaction to framework events (new event, end of run, closing input file...)
  • integration test
  • extension of LArSoft test utilities to easily have this provider in unit tests

Technical choices:

  • employs the service/provider factorisation model
  • uses validation of the configuration
  • has four tests (three for the provider and one for the service)
  • it is fully documented via Doxygen interpreted comments

How to use this document

This document is pretty long. You are encouraged to read it all, but you might understandably opt out of that. The document is organised in sections. We suggest that you read the section above to know what this example is about, and the (very terse) explanation of the model, and the beginning of the section of the provider header. These contain information about the design that can stimulate your own. Then, you can dig into the code and come back to the pertinent section when you have questions.

For every questions, answered or not here, you are strongly encouraged to contact the example's author (contact information is at the top of this file).

And, if you want to have a bit more printer friendly format, know this text file is written in markdown format and you can convert it to something else with:

pandoc -s -S --toc -o README.html
pandoc -s -S --toc -o README.pdf

et cetera.

The factorisation model for services

The factorisation model prescribes the code to be split in a functional part that is independent of the framework, and a framework interface.

In case of services, LArSoft calls the functional part a service provider (or just provider) and the interface a art service (sometimes just service).

A more extensive description of this model can be found in LArSoft wiki.


The example is split between two directories:

1 larexamples/Services/AtomicNumber/ ### contains all the service code ###
2 |-- README # this file
3 |-- Providers ## service provider code ##
4 | |-- AtomicNumber.h # header for the service provider
5 | |-- AtomicNumber.cxx # source for the service provider
6 | `-- atomic_number_standard.fcl # "standard" service configurations
7 `-- Services ## art service interface code ##
8  |-- AtomicNumberService.h # header for the art service interface
9  `-- # implementation of art service interface
11 test/Services/AtomicNumber/ ### contains the service tests ###
12 |-- Providers ## unit tests for service provider ##
13 | |-- # plain unit test with fixed configuration
14 | |-- # unit test based on Boost test library
15 | |-- # unit test with validation
16 | `-- test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl # configuration for Boost unit test
17 `-- Services ## unit test for art service interface ##
18  |-- # test module using the service
19  `-- test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl # configuration of a test using art

Each directory also has its own CMakeLists.txt file.

LArSoft mildly recommends the following file name suffices:

  • .h for all the header files
  • .cc for modules, services and tests; this is because CET build macros prefer the .cc suffix
  • .cxx for algorithm implementation and anything not connected to art

If adding code to an existing directory, it's good practise to spend a couple of minutes to observe the name patterns of files in the directory, its parent and its siblings.

Directory structure

The directory structure is overly detailed for such a small project, but it contains main essential components.

First, the code is divided into two disjoint subtrees that replicate the same internal structure. This is a LArSoft prescription: all the code and configuration files are in larexamples subdirectory, and the tests are under the test subdirectory.

The choice of two sublevels Services and then AtomicNumber is driven by clarity of organisation, and may be too much for your service. It is conceivable that the same directory hosts more than one service (see e.g. lardata/DetectorInfo and lardata/DetectorInfoServices).

Internally, the subdirectory AtomicNumber contains two directories. It is important that the art service interfaces, that are art-dependent, are compiled in separate libraries than the service providers, that have smaller framework dependency. The simplest way to achieve this is to have the two sets in two different directories, as in this example. Alternatively, multiple libraries can be compiled from sources in a single directory by a careful tuning of the CMakeLists.txt file.

The service provider: AtomicNumber

The service provider is where all the action goes. In this example, there is not much action ongoing though: the provider just reads a value from the configuration, and it returns it back when asked.

The provider is split in the usual header and implementation file.


The tasks of this CMakeLists.txt file are:

  • generate a library for the provider
  • install headers and source code (meaning to make sure they appear in the final UPS product
  • install FHiCL configuration (as above)

The installation part is done by the usual macros (install_XXX()). The generation of the library can happen with either art_make() or art_make_library() macros. They both do very similar things in this case, and they will grab all the source files that end in .cc, .cxx etc. and that do not have a "magic" ending (,, ...), and pull them together into a library that will be called after the path it is created from, which turns into larexamples_Services_AtomicNumber_Providers. We recommend that, although inconvenient, the library name is left this long, since it helps avoiding collisions (Providers is not a good library name):

  • the library file name is (in Linux) or .dylib (in Darwin), in $LAREXAMPLES_LIB directory
  • the name to be used in CMakeLists.txt files including it (as in this service below) is larexamples_Services_AtomicNumber_Providers
  • this name does not appear in the configuration files

In this case, we opted for art_make(). Filling the list of libraries can be tricky. A way to address the problem is to give a minimalist first try and then add as needed: the build system settings will tell us loudly if anything is missing. A recipe that gives good results to have a first list is to:

  1. check all the included headers
  2. add a library for each of them

Running the following command from ${MRB_SOURCES}/larexamples/larexamples/Services/AtomicNumber/Providers :

1 grep -h -e '# *include' *

gives the output:

1 #include "AtomicNumber.h"
2 #include "art/Utilities/Exception.h"
3 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
4 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Atom.h"
5 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Table.h"

The first is the library we are building, so we don't include it. The second header comes from art/Utilities: the library name is contained in a variable in cmake called ${ART_UTILITIES}. The next three describe things in the FHiCL C++ library. Following the pattern, we would get two libraryes: ${FHICLCPP} and ${FHICLCPP_TYPES}. It turns out, FHiCL C++ produces only one library with everything, and that is in ${FHICLCPP}. You can peek at the libraries from that UPS product by running


In this case, it worked pretty well. The UPS products where this approach typically fails are nutools (where the include path does not even tell you it's a nutools header), ROOT, CLHEP.

Our examples follow a non-standard and not recommended practice: we install CMakeLists.txt files and FHiCL files with install_source(). This is done only because this is an example that should be distributed complete. Normally, FHiCL files are installed in the correct location thanks to the install_fhicl() directive, and CMakeLists.txt files are not installed at all.


The design of this service is extremely simple. We allow it to receive configuration from the framework, and we have just one information we provide.

Documentation explanation

The header is documented with Doxygen. The complete documentation goes into the header. This is recommended because headers might be shipped without implementation, and because headers contain all the declarations that callers may use.

We first document the file itself (at the very beginning) to include author name and contact information, and a short description of the content of the file. The date is a creation date and it's not essential.

The namespace should be documented only if unique, that is not the case here.

The provider class should have documentation for the class itself, for every non-obvious member function, and for all data members. The class documentation includes a detailed description of the configuration parameters, that can be much more verbose than the one by fhicl::Comment (see [configuration and validation] below). Note the use of grouping to collect together methods dealing with the same topic. In this example its use (the "Accessors" group) is quite specious, since there is only one method after all. This construct is used for example in geo::GeometryCore documentation to group methods operating with TPCs, with wire planes, with wires, etc.


The provider is placed in a namespace that describes its general category. The namespace lar is used for things that are specific of LArSoft mechanics. Services and algorithms rarely fall in it, as there are more appropriate ones like sim (simulation), reco (reconstruction), etc.

Configuration and validation

The configuration of the provider relies on FHiCL constructs to document and validate it at run time. This infrastructure is described in the fhicl-cpp wiki. The idea is that the configuration parameters are represented by special data member within a single data structure. In our example this data structure is contained in the provider itself and it's called Config. All of its one elements have a "comment" concisely describing their purpose (and normally the unit their values are expressed in). The link shows how to create more complex structures than just simple numbers. The provider constructor directly accepts a class of type Config. The only easy way to construct a Config object is via a parameter set. The art framework does that in one way (see [AtomicNumberService.h]), and the tests do it in another (see [] and the other AtomicNumber constructor): the Config constructor is where the two ways finally merge. Note that the provider does not run the validation. The test must invoke validation explicitly, and art framework does the same behind the scenes when constructing the service.

Coding practises

The ridiculously long include guard LAREXAMPLES_SERVICES_ATOMICNUMBER_PROVIDER_ATOMICNUMBER_H is in fact the recommended one. Having naming collisions for include guards is pretty much guaranteed to yield misleading compilation errors. So we stick the whole file path into it. You can learn more about this in the art workbook (appendix F in version 0.90). We have used an upcase identifier as it's custom to have C preprocessor definition names, and only those, uppercase.

There are two constructors. One is the usual one based on FHiCL ParameterSet, the other is a more unusual one directly based on our configuration class. The latter one is intended to be used indirectly and it is exposed for the art service and the tests to be able to enable configuration validation (see also [Configuration and validation] above). The explanation of their existence is better seen in their use, in [], in [] and in [AtomicNumberService.h]. Keep in mind that the constructor based on a ParameterSet does not use validation. The other one does not either, but it enables the caller to do that.

LArSoft recommends that service providers are not copyable nor movable. Some LArSoft utilities (noticeably, lar::providerFrom() function) will refuse to work otherwise. A set of deleted constructors and assignment operators fulfils this requirement.

We also insist that the data members be private. This complicates the interface because of the need of "accessors" (like the Z() method here) but improve maintainability, allowing changes in the underneath representation being absorbed by the implementation of the interface, that can stay unchanged (for example, imagine replacing a C array data member with a std::vector or std::array).

The choice of a data member name ending with an underscore character (Z_) is not a recommendation, but just one of the possible solutions. It is recommended that the names for the interface methods have clear meaning, internally consistent style, and then briefness: e.g., avoid having atomic_number() and nucleonNumber() together. Remember that especially for a service once the names are set the whole community will have to live with them.


In this example, the implementation file is completely trivial. Its mere presence, though, has the effect that a library is generated for AtomicNumber. You will rarely find yourself in a situation where the implementation file is not necessary, and we suggest that also in such case you add a trivial one nonetheless.


With the service provider, it's a good idea to provide also some example configuration that reflects the most common use case (or cases). The FHiCL file provided here can be used to configure both the provider and the art service. It contains the configurations in a "prolog", that is a special section that contains pieces of configuration that can be reused in the main configuration. An example of how is in the test configuration test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl (see below). It also contains a fair amount of comments, describing what is inside the file itself. It would also include a list of "dependencies", mainly a list of services this provider depends on: nothing in this example, but check for other examples that do have this kind of dependency.

This configuration file must be present in the final UPS product. This is achieved by the install_fhicl() macro in CMakeLists.txt in Providers directory.

The service: AtomicNumberService

The art service is extremely simple in this example: it does not need to react to framework state changes (like the opening of a new input file or event), and it does not implement an abstract interface (that is, there is only one possible implementation for this service). The only tasks of this service are:

  • manage and provide the service provider, AtomicNumber
  • implement the (terse) service interface that art requires
  • implement the (even terser) interface that LArSoft recommends

It is placed in a separate directory to have dependencies independent from the ones of the provider (see [Directory structure] above for an explanation).


The header has two main components: the declaration of the service class and the declaration of the art service macros.

For the first part we use a template that LArSoft providers to create the simplest art service possible, that can only return its provider. This template imposes requirements on the provider, that are documented with the template itself.

The second part is required by art, that is in this way informed of the existence of this class as a service.

The only interesting part here are names: we encourage the art service to live in the same name as the service provider. Also, we recommend to have the names of service and provider be easy to match: LArSoft uses often a (meaningful) name for the provider, and the same name with "Service" appended for the art service. Other times, the provider is appended a "Provider" suffix too; this is usually to avoid name conflicts with existing classes.

Note that basically no documentation is provided. The provider documents all the information specific to the service.

The implementation file is required as it needs to contain the art service definition macro call. The (already small) implementation of the service class itself is included in the template itself, and no customisation is required here.


The purpose of these "unit" tests is to exercise all the features of the service provider and its art interface. We have two groups of tests. The first group exercises the provider only, and it does not depend on the framework. The second one exercises the functions that are specific to the art service interface, and does not necessarily tests the features that were tested also by the provider. An even better pattern is to have a test that can be run in both modes – one of geo::GeometryCore tests is such: it has a test library and both the provider and the service tests call it. The following tests are implemented:

  • AtomicNumber_test: provider unit test with no configuration
  • BoostedAtomicNumber_test: provider unit test that uses Boost unit test, configured via FHiCL file
  • ValidateAtomicNumberConfiguration_test: provider unit test using configuration presentation and validation
  • AtomicNumberTest_module: service unit test

When mrb test is used, all the tests are run automatically and all failures are individually reported. A global output log is also available somewhere, typically in ${MRB_BUILDDIR}/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log.


Tests are declared to cmake via the cet_test() macro. This macro can compile the test libraries and executable, run the test, verify the output and report errors. Some of these features are only rarely used.

In case of a stand-alone unit test, it's usually enough specify a test name (mandatory), source files to be compiled into the test executable, and a list of libraries to link with it. In our examples we did not specify the source files, which are therefore guessed by cet_test() by adding .cc to the test name: for example, in AtomicNumber_test, the source will be expected to be in In BoostedAtomicNumber_test,we added a command line argument with TEST_ARGS and we also specified that that file needs to be copied in the test directory with DATAFILES. We rely on cet_test() to link the proper Boost libraries to enable unit testing, by USE_BOOST_UNIT flag. Note that the double-dash (--) is required by Boost to correctly interpret the arguments as belonging to the test rather than to the Boost unit test framework. As such, they are needed only when running a test with Boost.

For the art service test, we run a full lar job: we specify that the executable name is special, lar, with TEST_EXEC, and we also tell cet_test() that it should not bother to try and build it: it's HANDBUILT already. We add the lar option --rethrow-all that should prevent art from absorbing, dealing with and eventually hiding exceptions: if an exception occurs and reaches art, it will not try to handle it. The job requires a test module. To build its library we use the usual simple_plugin() macro, that is not specific for testing. It's worth noting that the this list of libraries is the only one including art: the provider tests do not depend on it.

As mentioned while describing the other CMakeLists.txt, we perform here a more complete installation than it would usually be done for non-example code.

This test uses hard-coded configurations. This is an approach complementary to using user-supplied configurations: it allows to test with total predictability of results, but it does not necessarily test real use cases. The BoostedAtomicNumber_test test takes the alternative approach.

The general pattern of this test is to have a test function that accepts a configuration and the expected test results, performs the test and verifies the results. This function is called here twice, to test the default configuration and a custom one. The test is a common executable with a main() function that runs the tests and returns an exit code. Failing tests have to return a non-zero exit code, in the UNIX tradition. We chose here to return, in fact, the number of errors encountered. Note that exit codes can be 8 bit signed integers, that don't accommodate for large values.

The actual test function, TestConfiguration(), illustrates the use of a somehow cryptic facility, the TesterEnvironment class. The gain in using it is that it takes care of:

  • parsing a FHiCL file (if provided, which we don't here)
  • initializing the message facility service
  • keeping track of all service configurations (and test algorithm configuration too: another facility we don'y use here)

This facility can be extended to set up, manage and provide other service providers too, which makes it a small test framework in his own. But we don't do that here either.

The test environment is a template that requires a configuration object. The configuration object holds information about the configuration: a bunch of strings representing names of services, configuration file paths, and actual FHiCL configuration. The test environment is initialised with one of these objects and will use its information.

We first initialise the configuration object, giving it a test name (mostly eye candy) and we inform it of which configuration string is associated to a service called "AtomicNumberService". This is now just a label, but it matches the label that would be used in a full art-aware configuration file. Then we create a TesterEnvironment object with this configuration. There are many ways to do that; in this example we take the simplest one of using a function that does just that, given the configuration as first argument.

We create a new service provider AtomicNumber Zprov using the constructor that takes a fhicl::ParameterSet as a argument. We obtain the parameter set from the test environment, asking it about the same label we just set. In the while, it converted the configuration string we gave it into a parameter set.

The test itself is fairly trivial. We call the member function Z() and if the result is unexpected, we write an error message and increase an error count.

In the end, the error count is returned. The main() functions will sum all the error counts and exit with that as the exit code, and the system running the test will know whether it was successful (exit code 0) or not.

This test is similar to AtomicNumber_test, differing in two important aspects:

  • it requires a configuration file from command line
  • it is implemented with Boost unit test suite

The configuration file is required to have a section configuring AtomicNumber provider as it were in a art job, via AtomicNumberService parameter set, and also have the expected results expressed in aphysics.analyzers.expected parameter set, in a configuration equivalent to a art job with an analyser module instance called expected. The test expects this parameter set to have the same structure as the service provider configuration. Such a FHiCL configuration file is provided: test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl.

Note that the requirement on the configuration file are documented at top of the test source, in the customary Doxygen format.

Running a Boost test

A Boost unit test executable supports a large number of options. Among the most useful: --report_level=detailed will give a precise report of what went well and what went wrong in the test; --log_level=all will print all the checks on screen. For example:

1 "${MRB_BUILDDIR}/larexamples/bin/BoostedAtomicNumber_test" --log_level=all \
2  "${MRB_SOURCE}/larexamples/test/Services/AtomicNumber/Providers/test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl"

Boost unit test library

The Boost unit test suite is made of C preprocessor macros that make the code look like invalid C++ and make error messages nearly unusable. It provides a good deal of facilities to automate the most common test tasks and reduce the amount of typing. The implementation we use here uses a fixture. A fixture is a class that provides an environment in which the tests run. The tests in the BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE() blocks are aware of the content of the fixture. In fact, they see all the public members of the fixture class directly (they constitute member functions of a class derived by the fixture class, created automatically by Boost). We use our own class AtomicNumberTextFixture as a fixture, that has among its public data members an instance of AtomicNumber provider called Zprov. Therefore, our tests in BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE() will be able to access it directly, for example writing auto Z = Zprov.Z();.

The custom fixture class

Our fixture class can be seen as made of two parts:

  1. general test environment including configuration handling
  2. an instance of our provider

The fixture class derives from a test environment, that is very similar to TesterEnvironment class used in AtomicNumber_test. The difference is that the configuration object is not testing::BasicEnvironmentConfiguration, but a class derived from it, testing::BoostCommandLineConfiguration, that adds the ability of automatically read the configuration file from command line. Here tricks are needed because we don't create the fixture object explicitly, but rather have Boost take care of that. Boost will use the default constructor, so we must be sure that our fixture constructs exactly as we want on the spot, since after the construction e are not given a chance to fix, tune or adjust it. The testing::BasicEnvironmentConfiguration and testing::TesterEnvironment classes take care of all those tricks. Still we need additional data members (for example, we need an instance of the service provider AtomicNumber), so we have to derive our fixture from testing::TesterEnvironment instead of using it directly.

The instance of service provider is held as data member, and initialised in the default constructor in the same way as in AtomicNumber_test, calling the constructor with a parameter set. Here the parameter set is obtained by the fixture class itself, that derives from testing::TesterEnvironment.

We also save the set of values describing the expected results, that comes from the configuration file with the label "expected". TesterParameters() method assumes that there are test analyser modules, configured in physics.analyzers as per art rules.

The test cases

The test starts with the declaration of which fixture class we use, and a name for the test: BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(). This is matched by the declaration that the test is over: BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END(). You can imagine the call BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(BoostedAtomicNumberTest, AtomicNumberTestFixture) to be equivalent to a line class BoostedAtomicNumberTest: public AtomicNumberTestFixture {, and the closing BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() equivalent to a };: everything in between these belongs to the BoostedAtomicNumberTest test class. The test case BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(AllTests) macro call might be method definitions, like void AllTests(). Boost unit test suite will know what to do with this class and its methods.

The only test case we have performs the same test as AtomicNumber_test. First, we extract from physics.analyzers.expected.Z the value we expect for Z, and then we verify that AtomicNumber::Z() returns that very same value. To do that we use a BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL() macro that will take care of communicating errors in a way that depends on the test arguments.

This test just checks that the given service configuration is valid. It relies on the validation feature of FHiCL library and on the fact that the provider supports configuration via objects based on fhicl::Atom, fhicl::Table and the such (AtomicNumber::Config).

As usual, the instructions for running the test are described in words in the documentation of the source file.

The test is made of three part: configuration of the test environment, printing the allowed provider configuration on screen, and checking the provider configuration from the file specified on the command line.

Testing environment

The test environment here is similar to the one in AtomicNumber_test, with two differences.

The first difference is that the configuration file path is read from the command line. The configuration object is created with knowledge of the command line arguments (argc and argv), which it will use to extract the path.

The second difference is that we don't provide a default configuration. We don't need to, since we expect the configuration from command line. But this means that if no configuration file is specified, we do not have any fallback configuration and the test will immediately fail.

Printing the allowed configuration

An object of type fhicl::Table is able to print the configuration it represents. All we have to do is to create such a table with provider's Config as content. Such an object is useful enough that AtomicNumber provider has a name for it, parameters_type. A technical detail is that to create such a table we need to give either a parameter set or a name. Neither of them is important, so we choose the fastest way, just provide a name. Then it's only matter of calling its print_allowed_configuration() method.

Testing the validity of the configuration

The other thing an object of type fhicl::Table can do is to validate a FHiCL parameter set. We provide this method a parameter set and a list of keys that should be ignored, and the method validate_ParameterSet() checks that:

  • all the elements of the wrapped Config object that have no default value are present in the specified parameter set
  • that no key in the parameter set is present that does not match any element in the wrapped Config object, with the possible exception of the ignored keys

If any of these checks fails, an exception is thrown. In the test, we have asked to ignore a key called "service_type". This key is by default added by art and some configuration files end up having it (for example, configuration files derived from the dump of a art-processed configuration, as with config_dumper or the --debug-config option of art). With this, any valid art configuration file including the service AtomicNumberService is expected to pass this test.

A test for an art service requires running lar with the proper configuration file, possibly including one or more test modules.

The configuration file, called test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl, that is in fact based on its namesake in the Providers test directory, but dressed to work with art: it adds a test module "atomicnumbertest" of type AtomicNumberTest.

In this example, the art service does not add any functionality on top of the provider, so only the trivial test AtomicNumberTest is provided. It obtains the service provider from the framework (testing that lar::providerFrom() works with our service), and exercises the provider one-method interface. The test is performed in the beginJob() method: at that time, services are already available but no input file is open. In this way, no input file is actually needed for the test to run — and in fact we don't provide any.

The validation of the configuration, that for the provider was explicitly checked only in ValidateAtomicNumberConfiguration_test, is automatically performed by art, both in this test and every time the service is instantiated in a regular run.


If you have any question about the example, please contact its author. This section will be populated with questions and their answers.

Version 1.11: August 15, 2017 ( Teeny change: filename README -> since this is a Markdown file.