LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
A simple algorithm example: `RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints`
Example name: RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints
Type: LArSoft algorithm with module
Author: Gianluca Petrillo (
Created on: June 30, 2016
Version: 1.1

This example shows an algorithm filtering a collection of input objects, complete with a module using it.

Features of the algorithm and module:

  • the interface is a single operation function
  • reads the configuration from a FHiCL file
  • provides a template FHiCL configuration

Missing features that you need to go elsewhere if you need to implement:

  • data product associations
  • module reaction to framework events (new event, end of run...)
  • lar_ci integration test

Technical choices:

  • employs the module/algorithm factorisation model
  • uses validation of the configuration
  • has tests
  • it is fully documented via Doxygen interpreted comments

How to use this document

This document is pretty long. You are encouraged to read it all, but you might understandably opt out of that. To make it even longer, we assume that you are aware of the existence of the art introductory documentation (in particular, the art workbook). Having read it will imbue the present text with a lot more sense. And if you have no idea about what art is, or what a art module is, you definitely need to go there first. Also, bits of information that are already present in LArSoft example AtomicNumber are not repeated in their entirety here.

This document is organised in sections. We suggest that you read the section above to know what this example is about, and, below, the (very terse) explanation of the model and the beginning of the section of the [Algorithm task and design choices]. These contain information about the design that can stimulate your own. Then, you can dig into the code and come back to the pertinent section when you have questions.

For every questions, answered or not here, you are strongly encouraged to contact the example's author (contact information is at the top of this file).

And, if you want to have a bit more printer friendly format, know this text file is written in markdown format and you can convert it to something else with:

pandoc -s -S --toc -o README.html
pandoc -s -S --toc -o README.pdf

et cetera.

The factorisation model for algorithms

The factorisation model prescribes the code to be split in a functional part that is independent of the framework, and a framework interface.

Here we call the functional part solving a given problem simply algorithm. Its art framework interface is an art module.

A more extensive description of this model can be found in LArSoft wiki.


The example is split between two directories:

1 larexamples/Algoritmhs/RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints/ ## contains example code ##
2 |-- # this file
3 |-- PointIsolationAlg.h # generic isolation algorithm
4 |-- SpacePartition.h # container used by PointIsolationAlg algorithm
5 |-- SpacePointIsolationAlg.h # header for the space point specific algorithm
6 |-- SpacePointIsolationAlg.cxx # source for the space point specific algorithm
7 |-- # art module interface
8 `-- removeisolatedspacepoints_standard.fcl # example module configuration
10 test/Algoritmhs/RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints/ ## contains example test ##
11 |-- SpacePointTestUtils.h # header with common utilities for these tests
12 |-- SpacePointTestUtils.cxx # source with common utilities for these tests
13 |-- # a simple unit test for the generic algorithm
14 |-- # other unit test for the generic algorithm
15 |-- # a stress test for the generic algorithm
16 |-- point_isolation_test.fcl # configuration of the test of art module
17 |-- # module producing test input
18 `-- # module checking test output

Each directory also has its own CMakeLists.txt file.

LArSoft mildly recommends the following file name suffices:

  • .h for all the header files
  • .cc for modules, services and tests; this is because CET build macros prefer the .cc suffix
  • .cxx for algorithm implementation and anything not connected to art

If adding code to an existing directory, it's good practise to spend a couple of minutes to observe the name patterns of files in the directory, its parent and its siblings, and adapt to them.

Directory structure

The directory structure in this example is minimal, with a code section under the repository code tree (larexamples) and a test section under the proper tree (test). Compared with the service examples, this structure is simpler. A goal of the factorisation is to have the algorithm library independent of the framework. Here we obtain that effect by a careful tuning of cmake. A consequence is that not all the code in the directory compiles in an out-of-framework environment. If that is a requirement, the code should be split into two separate directories as in the service examples. It is possible that the repository where you are going to commit your code already has such a structure, in which case you will likely be asked to adapt to it, and it is possible that your algorithm will share a directory with others.

The two disjoint subtrees replicate the same internal structure. This is a LArSoft prescription: all the code and configuration files are in larexamples subdirectory, and the tests are under the test subdirectory.

The algorithm

In this section the algorithm purpose, design choices and implementation are described. The next section will then describe its framework interface, the art module.

Algorithm task and design choices

The algorithm is expected to receive as input a collection of LArSoft space points (recob::SpacePoint) and to return the information of which of them are isolated.

Our design is to split the tasks as follows:

  • the module reads the configuration and the space points, and delivers them in addition to the required services to the algorithm
  • the algorithm processes the input space points and returns the index of the ones that are not isolated
  • the module converts the list of indices in a new data product with copies of the space points that are not isolated, and saves it into the event

The decision of letting the module take care of converting the list of indices into an actual data product instead of having the algorithm return the new collection directly is driven by two reasons:

  1. the task of converting the indices into space points is pretty trivial;
  2. another module or algorithm could be using the algorithm to extract the non-isolated space points without the need of a full copy: for example, they might use a mask, or a list of pointers to the original space points, or the index list directly.

In general, the life of the algorithm is expected to be as follows:

  1. creation
  2. configuration
  3. acquisition of input
  4. execution
  5. delivery of output
  6. clean up
  7. (back to 1., 2. or 3.)

where the creation and configuration are often merged and expected to happen rarely (possibly only once), while the remaining points happen many times.

The algorithm is simple enough that it can receive all its input in a single method call, and its return value is easily expressed in a return value. Therefore, we chose to have a *"stateless" algorithm* (except for the configuration). This means that no information is cached between public method calls. For example, between the configuration call and the algorithm execution call, the algorithm object has no input stored, and immediately after the execution call has returned, the algorithm has already forgotten both input points and result. This pattern is very much recommended, coming with advantages like:

  • no need to "clear" results or inputs; we have seen cases in LArSoft where this was both required and omitted, and memory waste would ensue
  • the same algorithm instance can be used multiple times, at the same time; this is pure blessing in a multi-threaded job
  • this model tends to reduce duplication of data, as a common alternative pattern is to keep the result in the algorithm and return a copy of it

If you have hard times making this model fit your algorithm, please ask for support: it may be worth it.

There is another decision that we took in design phase. The isolation algorithm, in its core, processes just 3D coordinates. LArSoft space points are a glorified form of 3D points, and the algorithm does not require any of the additional glory. In order to accommodate for the chance of the isolation algorithm to be used in other contexts, the core algorithm is written for a generic data type, and the algorithm dealing with space points will take care of providing the necessary degree of translation. This decision brings a good deal of complication. This complication can be avoided altogether by having the algorithm deal only with space points, which is also a legitimate choice.

The generic algorithm: PointIsolationAlg

This algorithm expects as configuration:

  • a world box, describing the coordinate range that the points live in
  • a isolation radius

This algorithm expects as input:

  • an iterator to the first point, and an iterator past the last one; or a container supporting the C++14 std::cbegin()/std::cend() idiom (all C++ standard containers do)

The algorithm returns:

  • a vector of indices of the non-isolated points; the index corresponding to  the point pointed by the first iterator is 0

The design choices drive us to have an interface including:

  • creation and configuration
  • execution (including input, execution and output delivery)

Clean up is not necessary in a stateless algorithm.

The choices of this algorithm are toward the "low level": no automatic checks, no automatic frills, and assume the caller knows how to use the algorithm.

The configuration is set by passing a full configuration object.

This implementation goes very far in trying to be generic. The type of coordinate may be either double or single precision (float), and we choose to have it as a template argument. Also we don't constrain at all the data type holding the coordinate information, leaving it as another template argument (this is another instance where a stateless algorithm matters, since the input type appears only as parameter in the relevant methods rather than in the whole class). There is a catch, though: our algorithm will need to know how to extract the information it needs from this unspecified Point data type. So it assumes that a set of helper functions exist that take a Point object and return a coordinate value. This set of functions is documented as PositionExtractor, and an implementation for a Point that is a pointer to an array of coordinates (x, y and z in sequence) is also provided. This technique is used in other libraries. It combines flexibility of implementation, no execution overhead with any decent compiler, and some serious non-readability. The former will be illustrated in the space-point specific algorithm implementation.

One aspect the algorithm does not try to be generic about is which actual algorithm to use: no run-time polymorphism is used. Introducing it would require to drop the generic iterator interface and would likely come with a price in speed. Whatever the solution, methods in "tight" loops (like closeEnough()) should not be virtual: in this way, the function can be "inlined", that is, included in the calling function without the processor having to jump to another place to get it, and code locality is an important optimisation factor in modern processors.

The algorithm uses a container to organise the input points. This container is segregated in its own header, SpacePartition.h. While we don't necessarily want one header per class, having complex, self-standing classes in their own file is a good practice. The SpacePartition class could prove to be useful in other contexts, and it will be easier to reuse if in a separated file.

Note that the algorithm uses basically only standard C++ libraries (the use of cet::sum_squares() might be very easily replaced) and has no art dependency. It does have a LArSoft dependency, in the form of a utility library GridContainers.h (currently in lardata repository). This header, and the ones it includes, do not introduce additional dependencies as they are pure C++ and pure header libraries (in fact, they were created for this example, and promoted to general utility code later).

The configuration data structure

The configuration class is a simple structure. This is usually more than enough. In this case, though, some of the data members are also custom classes (Range_t). The class Range_t is very straightforward, and we have just added some convenience methods to it.

Construction and configuration

Configuration is achieved by passing a full configuration object. The only constructor requires one, and reconfigure() method allows to change the configuration after the algorithm is instantiated. In this way, the algorithm is always configured.

Partial reconfiguration is not allowed, e.g. changing isolation radius without changing the containment box.

On the other end, there is no validation in the current implementation. The configuration can be validated with a separate call, but it's up to the caller to decide whether to do that by calling validateConfiguration() on a configuration object.

The algorithm

The main algorithm receives the input from two iterators. This choice makes it easier to use it with different container types. We provide also a version of the method taking the collection directly. This relies on the collection supporting std::cbegin() and std::cend(): this techniques is similar to the one we used with PositionExtractor, but it comes directly from the C++ standard library.

A possible, basic implementation of the algorithm is brute force, trying all combinations and then decide. While this scales very badly with input data size, it is easier to get right. Such an algorithm is available in a method, to be used as cross check implementation for unit tests with arbitrary content.

The limit of the brute force approach is that it compares each of the N points in the input with each other of the still N points: this is a N x N algorithm, that means doubling the input quadruplicates the time taken. The main implementation of the example algorithm tries to reduce the number of comparisons. The idea is simple: we can partition the input points in space cells, and then compare cells first, as most of them might be far enough that the points in one can't affect the isolation of the points in the other. We have a container that arranges points by cells (that is SpacePartition class), then we define for each cell which neighbouring cells could render a point in one cell non-isolated, and then we will compare only points in those cells. The size of the cell is a critical choice to have the algorithm efficient. Here, with not too much of a thinking, we chose it so that if there is more than one point in it, all the points in the cell are non-isolated. We buy execution speed with the use of additional memory to rearrange the input; if the cell size is chosen too small, memory usage will explode (it increases as the cube of N). So we have a rough estimation of the basic memory required for the optimal cell size, and if that is too much, we increase the cell size. The algorithm will not be able to rely on the assumption that more points in a single cells mean they are not all isolated, and it will be slower.

The closeEnough() method hides all the coordinate extraction. It employs PositionExtractor via some helper functions that have the advantage they don't need the template type explicitly specified — the compiler guesses it. Also note the use of cet::sum_of_squares() for convenience, and that we compare distance squares to avoid expensive square root evaluations.

The algorithm can be improved in many ways. Some of them are marked as "TODO" in the code, for future developers to consider and implement them. With some additional knowledge, it might be possible also to back up to just use the brute force approach, that may be faster with few points in input.


The documentation of the algorithm includes an example of usage and an explanation of the configuration. These are required in order to have a usable algorithm.

The favourite documentation language is Doxygen, that is the documentation closest to the code and therefore the easiest to be maintained together with it. This can be hard to get right. If you want to test how your documentation looks like, you can quickly create a Doxygen configuration file:

cd "${MRB_SOURCE}/larexamples/larexamples/Algorithms/RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints"
doxygen -c

and then edit the lines:

PROJECT_NAME = "RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints"

You can now run it:

doxygen Doxyfile

You can take a look at the result starting from html/index.html, navigating to the "Classes" section and to PointIsolationAlg class.

Doxygen produces a lot of messages of undocumented objects. Parsing this output feels like an endless effort, but it's very likely to catch many typos.

The space-point specific algorithm: SpacePointIsolationAlg

The space-point specific algorithm uses LArSoft specific knowledge (and additional dependencies) to apply the PointIsolationAlg algorithm to LArSoft's data structure.

The main point of this algorithm is to call PointIsolationAlg, and its structure revolves on the latter's. The documentation again shows how to use the algorithm, highlighting the construction, set up and execution phases.

One task of the implementation is to extract from the geometry description the total size of the volume to be covered. This volume is defined as a box including the volume from all TPC's in the detector (across all cryostats). This approach can be nefarious in case of DUNE Far Detector, where the cryostats are very far from each other. A more sensible approach would be to treat the cryostats independently.

The type Coord_t is written in a C++11-heavy way and it translates into double. That definition in fact reads the type directly from the type of x coordinate of recob::SpacePoint. Ideally, recob::SpacePoint itself would expose the type of its coordinate directly by defining a type name.


Configuration happens only on construction, which is served in two flavours: with configuration from a Config data structure, or via a FHiCL parameter set. In the end, the former is always used, and it implements FHiCL configuration validation. Documentation on FHiCL validation can be found in fhiclcpp wiki. In short, if the FHiCL parameter set that generates the Config object has unknown parameters or has mandatory parameters missing, an exception will be automatically thrown.

Note that on construction, no PointIsolationAlg is created, since its creation requires a complete configuration, and that will not be available until the point containment box is known. For this reason, the base algorithm object can't be stored as a data member. We have it as a pointer, initially invalid.

Set up

In the set up phase, the algorithm acquires geometry information. Without knowing better, we assume that the box where the points are living is a box large enough to include all TPC volumes. A better algorithm could attempt to detect that volume once it has the input points available, and also treat cryostats as separate and independent entities.

Internally, initialisation is performed by the initialize() method. It finally creates a fully configured algorithm on the first call, and on the following ones it takes advantage of PointIsolationAlg ability to be reconfigured. It also uses the facility that the base algorithm provides to validate the values of the configuration, although currently a misconfiguration can arise only from a bug.


The interface for execution phase is similar to the one from the base algorithm. A method accepting any pair of iterators pointing to recob::SpacePoint is offered. Another method accepts a std::vector<recob::SpacePoint>, which is the most common collection of space points expected in LArSoft data files.

We have explicitly encoded the requirement that the iterator must point to recob::SpacePoint (or a derived class). While this is not technically required now, supporting a more general case might complicate future extensions where that case can't be supported any more (for example, if the new algorithm uses the Chi2() method to remove badly reconstructed points, or the uncertainty to treat the space points like entities with physical extension). The check is a static_cast which will fail at compilation time, or never again.

No protection is provided against incomplete set up. We rely on users to read the documentation and call the set up function. Until this happens, no base algorithm is instantiated and any attempt to run will result in unpredictable behaviour (actually, very likely a segmentation violation).

Bridge to the base algorithm

The base algorithm has as requirement that its input data must support the PositionExtractor interface. Since recob::SpacePoint does not "naturally" do so, we provide a specialisation PositionExtractor<recob::SpacePoint>.

This specialisation extracts the position from recob::SpacePoint::XYZ(). No additional code is expected to be generated in a optimised build, and the final result is that PointIsolationAlg::closeEnough() method will be coded as

return cet::sum_of_squares(
A.fXYZ[0] - B.fXYZ[0], A.fXYZ[1] - B.fXYZ[1], A.fXYZ[2] - B.fXYZ[2])
<= config.radius2;

and actually, cet::sum_of_squares() and closeEnough() itself can disappear and be inlined into PointIsolationAlg::removeIsolatedPoints(). An exceedingly smart compiler might then use special optimisations for the resulting loop.

This inlining would not be possible if polymorphic were involved in recob::SpacePoint::XYZ() or PointIsolationAlg::closeEnough() or PositionExtractor.

The art module: RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints

The task of the art producer module is to act as an interface between the algorithm, SpacePointIsolationAlg, and the art framework.

The module accepts as an input a collection of space points and produces a new collection of space points. An alternative approach might be to have in produce a vector of art::Ptr to the original space points, which may save a bit of space on disk (recob::SpacePoint uses, at the time of this writing, 84 bytes).

The algorithm is contained by the module, since at the time the module is constructed all the information needed to instantiate the algorithm is available.


The module also uses the FHiCL configuration validation facilities. Monir details differ respect to the use in the algorithm. The configuration object contains two elements: an input tag that specifies the input data product label, and the full configuration of the algorithm, encapsulated info a fhicl::Table member. This is how a nested parameter set is implemented with configuration validation.

To enable the validation, art module constructor interface accepts a special FHiCL table object, art::EDProducer::Table<Config> (which is not that special after all, being like a fhicl::Table<Config>, plus the information that some special keys like module_type should be ignored for validation purposes). If the type of that object is defined in the class a Parameters type, art will be also able to print information about the module itself. Try it out:

1 lar --print-description RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints

More information on these features is available in the art wiki.

The resulting configuration can be seen in the example FHiCL configuration: removeisolatedspacepoints_standard.fcl. That is not a very usable configuration, since there are two parameters and both need to be overwritten before the configuration is accepted (that is the purpose of assigning them a @nil value), but it works as a template. If we had more likely parameters, we would use them. Unfortunately, a sensible isolation ratio depends on the wire pitch, and the name of the input collection is just unpredictable.


The module constructor is almost trivial. The data members are initialised from the configuration. A lot is going on to configure the algorithm, but it is well contained in a seemingly normal initialisation.

The only other task of a producer constructor is to declare what it is going to use as input, and what it is going to produce. In this case, the produce is a collection (vector) of recob::SpacePoint, and the input is also a collection of recob::SpacePoint. In the case of the input, we need to specify exactly which data product (that is, which input label) is going to be used. This will in the future allow the farmework to understand the dependencies between modules and schedule them in parallel. Producers don't even have to call the base class constructor, so we are done.


The art framework will call produce() method on each new event. Here we have to run the algorithm, that implies setting it up, feeding it with input and use the result to produce module's output.

The input is a collection of space points whose label was specified in the configuration. Here we read it by a art::Event::getValidHandle(), which ensures the data product is present in the input.

The algorithm set up requires a geometry service provider, that we obtain from the framework and immediately pass to the algorithm. In principle this action might be moved to the constructor, if we know that the geometry will not change. On a new run LArSoft geometry can change, hence our choice.

We run the algorithm and save the result in a new variable (that allows an important optimisation, preventing a copy from the return value of the method into our variable). Finally, we build a new collection of space points managed by a std::unique_ptr, which is required by art to move data products around.

A terse information is printed, that is hopefully not too long as to result annoying, but it shows that the module has run and also allows for detecting blatant misconfigurations by eye: it's unlikely that there are no isolated points, and even more unlikely that all of them are.


The module source file ends with a call to art's DEFINE_ART_MODULE macro. This is a necessary piece for the art framework. This and many other secrets of the business of writing modules and producers are well described in the art workbook documentation.


CMakeLists.txt instructs cmake about what to do to compile and install the software in this directory. We use art_make() to provide directions. The use here is fairly simple, but it deserves a bit of explanation.

One purpose of this structure is to have an algorithm library that is framework-independent and a framework interface library. These have naturally different dependencies, the latter including all of the former and some more. With art_make() we fill two link lists, one for the modules in the source directory (only one in this case), and one for a library containing all the source code that is not a module (nor a service). The latter, introduced by the LIB_LIBRARIES keyword, includes also some LArSoft dependencies, that should be framework-independent too. The other list, MODULE_LIBRARIES, shows to depend on the algorithm library (that is, larexamples_Algorithms_RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints), and some more, including LArSoft services and art libraries.

Some hints about how to fill this list are given in the README file in LArSoft AtomicNumber service example.

Our examples follow a non-standard and not recommended practice: we install CMakeLists.txt files and FHiCL files with install_source(). This is done only because this is an example that should be distributed complete. Normally, FHiCL files are installed in the correct location thanks to the install_fhicl() directive, and CMakeLists.txt files are not installed at all.


The purpose of these "unit" tests is to exercise all the features of the algorithm and its art interface.

The test strategy for this algorithm is to have:

  • a test verifying the correctness of the algorithm result
  • a stress test processing a large data set
  • a test exercising the module and verifying the correctness of the result

Since we chose to separate the algorithm in a generic and a space-point specific part, a reasonable addition would have a correctness test for each of them. Here we decided to entrust the check of the space-point specific algorithm to the module test.

test/Algoritmhs/RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints/ ## contains example test ## |– SpacePointTestUtils.h # header with common utilities for these tests |– SpacePointTestUtils.cxx # source with common utilities for these tests |– # a simple unit test for the generic algorithm |– # a stress test for the generic algorithm |– point_isolation_test.fcl # configuration of the test of art module |– # module producing test input `– # module checking test output

Test utility library

Some tasks are, or may be, common to many tests. For example, the creation of a new recob::SpacePoint at a given location, or the population of space with points according to a pattern. This small library collects functions to perform those common tasks. Being they a set of loosely related functionality, the documentation of the header exposes a short summary of those functionalities.


This unit test processes a few simple point populations. The test is split in two sections, whose meaning is documented in the test.

This unit test uses the Boost unit test library, that offers support for result report with fine granularity, and for test debugging. Running the test executable with --help argument will show many options we can use to figure out where a test failed, or what is broken in the test.

We need some "Boost magic" at the top, that is to define a value for the BOOST_TEST_MODULE preprocessor symbol, and then we include the right headers. The Boost unit test libraries can be used in many different ways. The one we choose is possibly the simplest. The test executable will execute some "test cases", each of them will have a sequence of checks. Each check can be individually reported on failure. A test case will fail when any of its checks fail, and the test fails when any of its test cases fail. A drawback is that the Boost unit test framework extensively employs preprocessor macros, that makes it very hard to understand some compilation error messages.

Each test case is enclosed in a BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE macro. This is more Boost magic, thanks to which the unit test framework knows a new test case is present ("AUTO" refers to the registration of this function as a test, that is not explicit but "automatic"). We leave the content of these functions bare, having them call another function, which contains the actual test. In each of the functions, we prepare the input data, we predict the expected result, we set up the algorithm, we run it and we check the result. This type of tests is also useful as an example of how to use the algorithm.

Digging into the first test case (by the exhaustive name PointIsolationTest1), we have a single configuration for the algorithm (fixed isolation radius), but we are going to progressively augment the input data. The four sections have all the same structure: add input point, modify the list of expected result, that is the indices of the points we expect non-isolated, run the algorithm and check the result. The check is performed by a Boost macro, BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS: if the check fails, the Boost unit test framework will report the failure in a detailed way. Since the isolation algorithm does not specify the index order in the result, we need to sort both the expected and the actual result before comparing them.

The second test case (PointIsolationTest2) has fixed input data, but varies isolation radius on each algorithm run. The input data is constructed so that we can predict the result as function of the radius. We start with a radius that should include all the points, and then halve it for a number of times. After each halving, more and more points at the beginning of the input data, which are the most peripheral ones, become isolated. The procedure is similar to the previous test case, except that instead of changing the input data we modify the algorithm configuration, hence testing the reconfigure() method. The check on result size is effectively redundant, but it speeds up finding the problem in the error log. The check is in a loop, and the potential error message will show the line number of the failing test, but it will not inform us about which iteration was ongoing. We make that information promptly available by asking the test framework to deliver a message on each iteration. The syntax of BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE arguments is not correct C++, and it works because BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE is a preprocessor macro, that is another chapter of the Boost magics book.


This test runs the algorithm on some randomly generated data point distributions. There are two sensitive aspects in this kind of tests.

Foremost, it's hard to predict the result of an algorithm on random input. In fact, another general algorithm would be needed, and then that one is in general as questionable as ours. We have such a second algorithm, that was unit-tested and is therefore reasonably safe. The reason why this is not the main algorithm is that it takes much longer to run in the general case, and this is a price our test will have to pay. Incidentally, this tests proves that this "brute force" algorithm is not always slower than the main one.

The second aspect is that a test needs to be reproducible in order to provide the chance of debugging on failure. Therefore, we allow to specify the random seed, and we always print it on the screen.

Technically, the test is similar to PointIsolationAlg_test. It performs tests on two input data set sizes and four different isolation radii, running the two versions of the algorithm and comparing their result each time. It also provides timing information on screen for each algorithm execution.

One technical difference in the test implementation is the use of a "fixture" class, that provides the Boost test cases with an "environment" (if the fixture is global, that environment is shared among them). The member variables of the fixture class are directly accessible in the test cases, and our fixture has two, the usual argc / argv pair, which are obtained from the Boost unit test framework and stored locally.

As an anecdote, this test was added as an after-tough while updating this document just before release. And it discovered a bug in the algorithm that was not exposed by any of the other tests, which have a much more controlled set up.


The stress test runs the algorithm once with a large data set, and reports the time elapsed to create the data set and to run the algorithm. This test is meant in part as a development tool, in part as a way to help verify that changes in the algorithm do not compromise execution speed. For that reason, command line arguments are used to tune the test execution.

The test follows the usual pattern of input preparation, algorithm configuration and execution, and verification of the result. The pattern used for the input sports a symmetry so that either all points are isolated, or all points are not. The check on the result is just on the number of non-isolated points found by the algorithm. Due to the simple nature of the check itself, in addition to the use of command line arguments, we decided to drop Boost test framework for this test. Configuration and test failures will yield a termination with an error code.

Due to the motivation of this test as a stress for the algorithm, it also provides some execution timing information. This is not extremely reliable since it is based on the "wall clock", but it can report only the time elapsed during the execution of the algorithm. Using a command line tool like time to run the test will include also loading and test preparation time in the report, which is typically very short, but will report the "CPU time", that excludes slow downs due to other processes running on the same machine.

Test of the art module

The main purpose of this test is to verify that the art interface to the algorithm is operating as expected. The correctness of the algorithm is a less important goal, since specific tests already verify it.

The test of the module follows the standard path of each test: create a known input, run the algorithm and verify the output. In this context, the algorithm is actually a full art module, and the input data must be provided either by an input file or by another module. The validity check needs also to be performed by another module.

Another approach is not to test the module but rather just test the algorithm it uses. This approach is feasible when the module is extremely simple and does not contain any algorithmic part, as for example adapting the input or the output from and to different format. This example is borderline in that there is in fact some adaptation of the output format, but it's very simple. In the end, we go the harder way here for demonstration purpose.

The configuration file point_isolation_test.fcl describes the test:

  • test: [ createInput, looseIsolTest, tightIsolTest ]: the first module produces the input data , then two instances of the to be tested are executed with that same input data
  • check: [ checkLooseIsol, checkTightIsol ]: verification of the output of the two modules

The input creation module, SpacePointMaker, is a simple producer that uses a routine from the space point test library to create a distribution of points on a grid, similar to the one of the stress test except that the spacing of the points is variable and the size of the containing volume is determined by the whole detector. This is a good, if simple, example of a producer, featuring configuration validation and some documentation.

The verification module, CheckDataProductSize, is a analyser module that reads a collection of space points and, depending on the configuration, checks that it has the same size as another collection of space points, or a fixed size. In fact, rather than loading the module with prediction logic, we rely on the test designer to predict and code in the configuration the expected result. Our tests are set up so that either no or all points are isolated, and the configuration of the two analyser instances reflect that.

On failure, the test will raise an exception.


We need to enumerate all the three tests in the CMakeLists.txt file. We use cet_test macro from CET build tools library.

The first test is the correctness test. It is a self-standing executable that uses Boost unit test library. The enabling line is:

1 cet_test(PointIsolationAlg_test USE_BOOST_UNIT)

This instructs cmake to enlist a new test named PointIsolationAlg_test, compiling it from (default choice when no SOURCES keyword is specified), linking it with Boost, and with no other library. The test will be run with no arguments (just PointIsolationAlg_test) and it is expected to succeed.

The stress test is at the bottom of the file. Respect to the correctness test, we don't ask for Boost unit test library, and we specify command line arguments: PointIsolationAlgStress_test 10000 0.05. These were tuned so that with a debugging build it takes bearable time, on the order of a few seconds.

The module test is more articulate, requiring two additional modules and a configuration file. The test itself is again declared with cet_test macro, but the executable is now lar (TEST_EXEC), and the arguments are the usual ones for a LArSoft run. In addition, the test needs to find the configuration file in its directory (DATAFILES). Finally, we don't need to build the test executable: lar is already provided (HANDBUILT). We do need the modules invoked from the configuration file to be built, though. The main module, the one subject of the test, is already built in the source section of the example. The two additional modules, specific to the test, need to be built here, which we do with the usual art_make macro. Also, there is some library code that the modules use (and a space-point algorithm unit test might use as well), and art_make will build that too. We just need to direct it not to put in the library the files that are the source of the other tests: art_make would compile into the library all the sources in the directory. Finally, note that the library compiled from this directory will be called test_Algorithms_RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints, and it is explicitly mentioned in the link list of the modules. In principle, the two modules have very different link needs: the checking module does not use services nor algorithms nor test libraries. We could have compiled it aside with

1 single_plugin(CheckDataProductSize "module"
2  lardata_RecoBase
3  art_Framework_Core
4  art_Framework_Principal
5  art_Utilities
8  )

This is a good idea for a regular module. In this case, we are being a bit sloppier because this is just a test.

Finally, we install the source code for the tests. This is not always advisable: in this case, the package is meant as an example, and the test is integral part of that example. So we install its sources, and we also add CMakeLists.txt and all FHiCL files.


If you have any question about the example, please contact its author. This section will be populated with questions and their answers.

Change log

Version 1.0: May 26, 2016 ( original version

Version 1.1: June 30, 2016 ( changed the algorithm implementation from a brute-force, try-every-combination approach to one that spends memory to reduce the number of comparisons

Version 1.11: August 15, 2017 ( Teeny change: filename README -> since this is a Markdown file.