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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - http://larsoft.org/
This is the complete list of members for cluster::HoughBaseAlg, including all inherited members.
FastTransform(const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster > > &clusIn, std::vector< recob::Cluster > &ccol, std::vector< art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > > &clusHitsOut, art::Event const &evt, std::string const &label) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | |
FastTransform(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &clusIn, std::vector< art::PtrVector< recob::Hit >> &clusHitsOut) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | |
FastTransform(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &clusIn, std::vector< art::PtrVector< recob::Hit >> &clusHitsOut, std::vector< double > &slope, std::vector< ChargeInfo_t > &totalQ) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | |
fMaxDistance | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fMaxLines | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fMaxSlope | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fMinHits | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fMissedHits | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fMissedHitsDistance | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fMissedHitsToLineSize | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fNumAngleCells | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fPerCluster | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fRhoResolutionFactor | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fRhoZeroOutRange | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fSaveAccumulator | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
fThetaZeroOutRange | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | private |
HLSSaveBMPFile(char const *, unsigned char *, int, int) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | protected |
HoughBaseAlg(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | |
HoughTransformClus class | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | friend |
reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | virtual |
Transform(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > const &hits, std::vector< unsigned int > *fpointId_to_clusterId, unsigned int clusterId, unsigned int *nClusters, std::vector< protoTrack > *protoTracks) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | |
Transform(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > const &hits) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | |
Transform(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > const &hits, double &slope, double &intercept) | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | |
~HoughBaseAlg() | cluster::HoughBaseAlg | virtual |