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This is the complete list of members for pma::Track3D, including all inherited members.
AddHits(const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > &hits) | pma::Track3D | |
AddNode(pma::Node3D *node) | pma::Track3D | |
AddNode(TVector3 const &p3d, unsigned int tpc, unsigned int cryo) | pma::Track3D | inline |
AddNode(void) | pma::Track3D | |
AddRefPoint(const TVector3 &p) | pma::Track3D | inline |
AddRefPoint(double x, double y, double z) | pma::Track3D | inline |
ApplyDriftShiftInTree(double dx, bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | |
AttachBackTo(pma::Node3D *vStart) | pma::Track3D | |
AttachBackToOtherTPC(pma::Node3D *vStart) | pma::Track3D | private |
AttachBackToSameTPC(pma::Node3D *vStart) | pma::Track3D | private |
AttachTo(pma::Node3D *vStart, bool noFlip=false) | pma::Track3D | |
AttachToOtherTPC(pma::Node3D *vStart) | pma::Track3D | private |
AttachToSameTPC(pma::Node3D *vStart) | pma::Track3D | private |
AutoFlip(pma::Track3D::EDirection dir, double thr=0.0, unsigned int n=0) | pma::Track3D | |
AutoFlip(std::vector< pma::Track3D * > &allTracks, pma::Track3D::EDirection dir, double thr=0.0, unsigned int n=0) | pma::Track3D | |
AverageDist2(void) const | pma::Track3D | private |
back() | pma::Track3D | inline |
back() const | pma::Track3D | inline |
BackCryo(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
BackTPC(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
CanFlip(void) const | pma::Track3D | |
CheckEndSegment(pma::Track3D::ETrackEnd endCode) | pma::Track3D | private |
CleanupTails(void) | pma::Track3D | |
ClearNodes(void) | pma::Track3D | private |
CompleteMissingWires(unsigned int view) | pma::Track3D | |
Cryos(void) const | pma::Track3D | |
DeleteSegments(void) | pma::Track3D | private |
DisableSingleViewEnds(void) | pma::Track3D | |
Dist2(const TVector2 &p2d, unsigned int view, unsigned int tpc, unsigned int cryo) const | pma::Track3D | |
Dist2(const TVector3 &p3d) const | pma::Track3D | |
DriftsOfWireIntersection(unsigned int wire, unsigned int view) const | pma::Track3D | |
EDirection enum name | pma::Track3D | |
erase(const art::Ptr< recob::Hit > &hit) | pma::Track3D | |
ETag enum name | pma::Track3D | |
ETrackEnd enum name | pma::Track3D | |
ExtendWith(pma::Track3D *src) | pma::Track3D | |
fAssignedPoints | pma::Track3D | private |
fEndSegWeight | pma::Track3D | private |
fHits | pma::Track3D | private |
fHitsRadius | pma::Track3D | private |
FirstElement(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
Flip(std::vector< pma::Track3D * > &allTracks) | pma::Track3D | |
Flip(void) | pma::Track3D | |
fMaxHitsPerSeg | pma::Track3D | private |
fMaxSegStop | pma::Track3D | private |
fMaxSegStopFactor | pma::Track3D | private |
fMinSegStop | pma::Track3D | private |
fNodes | pma::Track3D | private |
fPenaltyFactor | pma::Track3D | private |
fPenaltyValue | pma::Track3D | private |
front() | pma::Track3D | inline |
front() const | pma::Track3D | inline |
FrontCryo(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
FrontTPC(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
fSegments | pma::Track3D | private |
fSegStopFactor | pma::Track3D | private |
fSegStopValue | pma::Track3D | private |
fT0 | pma::Track3D | private |
fT0Flag | pma::Track3D | private |
fTag | pma::Track3D | private |
GetBranches(std::vector< pma::Track3D const * > &branches, bool skipFirst=false) const | pma::Track3D | |
GetDirection3D(size_t index) const | pma::Track3D | |
GetEndSegWeight(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
GetMaxHitsPerSeg(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
GetMse(unsigned int view=geo::kUnknown) const | pma::Track3D | |
GetNearestElement(const TVector2 &p2d, unsigned int view, int tpc=-1, bool skipFrontVtx=false, bool skipBackVtx=false) const | pma::Track3D | private |
GetNearestElement(const TVector3 &p3d) const | pma::Track3D | private |
GetNearestTrkInTree(const TVector3 &p3d_cm, double &dist, bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | private |
GetNearestTrkInTree(const TVector2 &p2d_cm, unsigned int view, unsigned int tpc, unsigned int cryo, double &dist, bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | private |
GetObjFnInTree(bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | |
GetObjFunction(float penaltyFactor=1.0F) const | pma::Track3D | |
GetPenalty(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
GetRawdEdxSequence(std::map< size_t, std::vector< double > > &dedx, unsigned int view=geo::kZ, unsigned int skip=0, bool inclDisabled=false) const | pma::Track3D | |
GetRoot(void) | pma::Track3D | |
GetT0(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
GetTag(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
GetUnconstrainedProj3D(art::Ptr< recob::Hit > hit, TVector3 &p3d, double &dist2) const | pma::Track3D | private |
HasRefPoint(TVector3 *p) const | pma::Track3D | |
HasT0(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
HasTagFlag(ETag value) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
HasTPC(int tpc) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
HasTwoViews(size_t nmin=1) const | pma::Track3D | |
HitDxByView(size_t index, unsigned int view) const | pma::Track3D | |
HitDxByView(size_t index, unsigned int view, Track3D::EDirection dir, bool secondDir=false) const | pma::Track3D | private |
index_of(const pma::Hit3D *hit) const | pma::Track3D | |
index_of(const pma::Node3D *n) const | pma::Track3D | |
InitFromHits(int tpc, int cryo, float initEndSegW=0.05F) | pma::Track3D | private |
InitFromMiddle(int tpc, int cryo) | pma::Track3D | private |
InitFromRefPoints(int tpc, int cryo) | pma::Track3D | private |
Initialize(float initEndSegW=0.05F) | pma::Track3D | |
InsertNode(TVector3 const &p3d, size_t at_idx, unsigned int tpc, unsigned int cryo) | pma::Track3D | |
InternalFlip(std::vector< pma::Track3D * > &toSort) | pma::Track3D | private |
IsAttachedTo(pma::Track3D const *trk) const | pma::Track3D | |
kBackward enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kBeamIncompatible enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kBegin enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kCosmic enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kEmLike enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kEnd enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kForward enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_X enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_XX enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_XY enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_XZ enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_Y enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_YY enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_YZ enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_Z enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kGeometry_ZZ enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kNotTagged enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kOutsideDrift_Complete enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kOutsideDrift_Partial enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kStopping enum value | pma::Track3D | |
kTrackLike enum value | pma::Track3D | |
LastElement(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
Length(size_t step=1) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
Length(size_t start, size_t stop, size_t step=1) const | pma::Track3D | |
MakeFastProjection(void) | pma::Track3D | private |
MakeProjection(void) | pma::Track3D | |
MakeProjectionInTree(bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | |
NEnabledHits(unsigned int view=geo::kUnknown) const | pma::Track3D | |
NextHit(int index, unsigned int view=geo::kZ, bool inclDisabled=false) const | pma::Track3D | |
NextSegment(pma::Node3D *vtx) const | pma::Track3D | |
NHits(unsigned int view) const | pma::Track3D | |
Nodes(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
operator[](size_t index) | pma::Track3D | inline |
operator[](size_t index) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
Optimize(int nNodes=-1, double eps=0.01, bool selAllHits=true, bool setAllNodes=true, size_t selSegHits=0, size_t selVtxHits=0) | pma::Track3D | |
PrevHit(int index, unsigned int view=geo::kZ, bool inclDisabled=false) const | pma::Track3D | |
PrevSegment(pma::Node3D *vtx) const | pma::Track3D | |
push_back(pma::Hit3D *hit) | pma::Track3D | inline |
push_back(const art::Ptr< recob::Hit > &hit) | pma::Track3D | |
ReassignHitsInTree(pma::Track3D *plRoot=0) | pma::Track3D | private |
RebuildSegments(void) | pma::Track3D | private |
release_at(size_t index) | pma::Track3D | |
RemoveHits(const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > &hits) | pma::Track3D | |
RemoveNode(size_t idx) | pma::Track3D | |
Segments(void) const | pma::Track3D | inline |
SelectAllHits(void) | pma::Track3D | |
SelectHits(float fraction=1.0F) | pma::Track3D | |
SelectRndHits(size_t segmax, size_t vtxmax) | pma::Track3D | |
SetEndSegWeight(float value) | pma::Track3D | inline |
SetMaxHitsPerSeg(unsigned int value) | pma::Track3D | inline |
SetPenalty(float value) | pma::Track3D | inline |
SetT0FromDx(double dx) | pma::Track3D | |
SetTag(ETag value) | pma::Track3D | inline |
SetTagFlag(ETag value) | pma::Track3D | inline |
ShiftEndsToHits(void) | pma::Track3D | |
size() const | pma::Track3D | inline |
SortHits(void) | pma::Track3D | |
SortHitsInTree(bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | |
Split(size_t idx, bool try_start_at_idx=true) | pma::Track3D | |
SwapVertices(size_t v0, size_t v1) | pma::Track3D | private |
TestHits(const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > &hits, double dist=0.4) const | pma::Track3D | |
TestHitsMse(const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > &hits, bool normalized=true) const | pma::Track3D | |
TPCs(void) const | pma::Track3D | |
Track3D(void) | pma::Track3D | |
Track3D(const Track3D &src) | pma::Track3D | |
TuneFullTree(double eps=0.001, double gmax=50.0) | pma::Track3D | |
TuneSinglePass(bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | |
UpdateHitsRadius(void) | pma::Track3D | private |
UpdateParams(void) | pma::Track3D | private |
UpdateParamsInTree(bool skipFirst=false) | pma::Track3D | |
UpdateProjection(void) | pma::Track3D | |
WireDriftRange(unsigned int view, unsigned int tpc, unsigned int cryo) const | pma::Track3D | |
~Track3D(void) | pma::Track3D |