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This is the complete list of members for trkf::BezierTrack, including all inherited members.
BezierTrack(int id, const recob::Trajectory &traj) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
BezierTrack(const recob::Track &track) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
BezierTrack(std::vector< TVector3 > const &Pos, std::vector< TVector3 > const &Dir, std::vector< std::vector< double > > const &dQdx, int id) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
BezierTrack(std::vector< recob::Seed > const &) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
CalculatedQdx(art::PtrVector< recob::Hit >const &) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
CalculatedQdx(art::PtrVector< recob::Hit >const &, std::vector< double > const &SValues) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
CalculateSegments() | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
fBezierResolution | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
fCumulativeLength | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
fdQdx | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
FillSeedVector() | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
FillTrackVectors(std::vector< TVector3 > &xyzVector, std::vector< TVector3 > &dirVector, double const ds=0.1) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
FillTrajectoryVectors() | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
fSeedCollection | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
fSegmentLength | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
fTrackLength | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
fTraj | trkf::BezierTrack | private |
GetCalorimetryObject(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > const &Hits, geo::SigType_t sigtype, calo::CalorimetryAlg const &) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetCalorimetryObject(art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &Hits, geo::SigType_t sigtype, calo::CalorimetryAlg const &) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetCalorimetryObject(art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &Hits, geo::View_t view, calo::CalorimetryAlg const &calalg) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproach(recob::Hit const &hit, double &s, double &Distance) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproach(art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit, double &s, double &Distance) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproach(recob::SpacePoint *sp, double &s, double &Distance) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproach(recob::Seed const &seed, double &s, double &Distance) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproach(TVector3 vec, double &s, double &Distance) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproach(uint32_t w, int p, int t, int c, float x, double &s, double &Distance) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproaches(art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &hits, std::vector< double > &s, std::vector< double > &Distances) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetClosestApproaches(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > const &hits, std::vector< double > &s, std::vector< double > &Distances) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetCurvature(double s) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetdQdx(double s, unsigned int View) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetLength() const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetPartialTrack(double LowS, double HighS) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetProjectedPointUVWT(double s, double *uvw, double *ticks, int c, int t) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetProjectedPointUVWX(double s, double *uvw, double *x, int c, int t) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetRMSCurvature() const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetSeedVector() | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetSpacePointTrajectory(int N) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetTotalCharge(unsigned int View) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetTrackDirection(double s, double *xyz) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetTrackDirectionV(double s) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetTrackPitch(geo::View_t view, double s, double WirePitch, unsigned int c=0, unsigned int t=0) | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetTrackPoint(double s, double *xyz) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetTrackPointV(double s) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
GetTrajectory() const | trkf::BezierTrack | inline |
GetViewdQdx(unsigned int View) const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
NSegments() const | trkf::BezierTrack | |
Reverse() | trkf::BezierTrack | |
WhichSegment(double S) const | trkf::BezierTrack |