LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "services_dune.fcl"
2 #include "imagepatternalgs.fcl"
4 # Example configuration of job file dumping ADC to text files for
5 # further processing of trainning/testinng sets for CNN. Dumped
6 # data contains "images" of ADC downscaled in drift direction,
7 # accompanied with images of PDG codes and vertex information,
8 # Configured for ProtoDUNE, hopefully straight-forward to adopt
9 # to other experiments.
11 process_name: DataDump
13 services:
14 {
15  TFileService: { fileName: "reco_hist.root" }
16  MemoryTracker: {}
17  TimeTracker: {}
18  RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
19  message: @local::dune_message_services_prod_debug
20  FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
21  @table::protodune_simulation_services
22 }
24 source:
25 {
26  module_type: RootInput
27  maxEvents: -1 # Number of events to create
28 }
30 physics:
31 {
32  analyzers:
33  {
34  # module making ADC + MC-truth data dumps
35  datadump: @local::standard_pointidtrainingdata
36  }
38  anadata: [ datadump ]
40  trigger_paths: [ ]
41  end_paths: [ anadata ]
42 }
44 # Data preparation settings:
45 #
46 physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.SimulationLabel: "largeant"
47 physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.SaveVtxFlags: true # save (or not) interaction and decay vertex info
48 physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.DriftWindow: 6 # downsampling window in drift ticks
49 physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.AdcDelayTicks: 0 # delay of ADC peak in drift ticks
50 physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.DownscaleFn: "mean" # downsampling function
52 # Input TPC / plane selection:
53 #
54 physics.analyzers.datadump.SelectedTPC: [2] # all TPC's if empty list, or save data from selected TPC's only
55 physics.analyzers.datadump.SelectedView: [2] # all views if empty list, or save data from selected views only
57 # Output format and location:
58 #
59 physics.analyzers.datadump.OutTextFilePath: "/home/your_path/to_files" # output directory for data dump
60 physics.analyzers.datadump.Crop: true # set to false when dumping noise (empty) events
61 physics.analyzers.datadump.DumpToRoot: true # all events data is saved to a single ROOT file (otherwise text
62  # files for each PDG/ADC/deposit map are produced), both formats
63  # can be parsed by the patch making Python scripts
64 # Calibration:
65 #
66 #physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.CalorimetryAlg: @local::standard_calorimetryalgmc # use your detector calibration constants, this is the default
67 physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.CalibrateAmpl: true # this equalizes ADC amplitudes between planes and MC/data
69 # Noise and distortions testing (off by default):
70 #
71 #physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.BlurKernel: [0.03, 0.15, 0.64, 0.15, 0.03] # wire to wire blur
72 #physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.NoiseSigma: 4 # uncorrelated noise
73 #physics.analyzers.datadump.TrainingDataAlg.CoherentSigma: 6 # coherent noise, over 32 wire groups