An example of dosimetry in a water phantom. The example has same geometry and physics as exMPI02, only the analysis part is diffenrent.
- Geometry : water phantom
- Primary : broad beam (200 MeV proton)
- Physics List : FTFP_BERT
- Analysis : g4tools histogramming
The environment variables, G4LEDATA, G4LEVELGAMMADATA and G4SAIDXSDATA are required for data files.
- Score dose distribution in a water phantom.
- Learn how to paralleized your applications.
- Create a ROOT file containing histograms/trees in each node. Each slave node generate a ROOT file, whose file name is different from each other.
- MT is enabled.
- One of each object supported by g4tools is instantiated: 1D, 2D and 3D histograms and 1D and 2D profiles.
- Histograms and profiles are merged first among threads of the same MPI-rank and then across MPI-ranks. See RunActionMaster class for an example on how to use the mergers.
- G4Run object and scorers (command line ones) are also merged via MPI.
- Output: several root files are created: dose-rank*.root thread-merged histograms for each rank; dose-merged.root, merged across threads and across ranks.
How to build
Use CMake on Geant4 library installed with CMake build.
This example requires G4mpi library to be installed (see examples/extended/parallel/MPI/source/
Follow these commands,
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -DG4mpi_DIR=<where-G4mpi-wasintalled>/lib[64]/G4mpi -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpicxx \
-DGeant4_DIR=<your Geant4 install path>/lib[64]/Geant4-V.m.n <path-to-source>
(V.m.n is the version of Geant4, eg. Geant4-9.6.0)
> make
> make install
Repalce mpicxx with your MPI-compiler wrapper