pandora::StringVector m_inputClusterListNames
The names of the input cluster lists.
CheatingClusterMergingAlgorithm class.
std::string m_mcParticleListName
Input MC particle list name.
void CheatedClusterMerging(const pandora::ClusterList *const pClusterList, const std::string &listName) const
Cheated Cluster Merging. Use MC to match clusters based on the main MC particle.
Default constructor.
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
bool IsValidToUse(const pandora::Cluster *const cluster, std::map< const pandora::Cluster *, bool > &clusterIsUsed) const
If a cluster is valid to use: Is a shower tagged cluster, and not been used yet.
const pandora::MCParticle * GetMCForCluster(const pandora::Cluster *const cluster, std::map< const pandora::Cluster *, const pandora::MCParticle * > &clusterToMCMap) const
Get the MC particle for a given cluster, caching to a map.
float m_minNCaloHits
The minimum number of hits for a cluster to be deemed true for IsAvailableToUse.