pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
HitTypeToNameMap m_caloHitListNames
The hit type to calo hit list name map.
pandora::StatusCode Run()
std::string m_slicingListDeletionAlgorithm
The name of the slicing list deletion algorithm.
std::string m_sliceClusterListName
The name of the output slice cluster list.
std::map< pandora::HitType, std::string > HitTypeToNameMap
HitTypeToNameMap m_clusterListNames
The hit type to cluster list name map.
std::string m_slicePfoListName
The name of the output slice pfo list.
EventSlicingBaseTool * m_pEventSlicingTool
The address of the event slicing tool.