![]() |
Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/TCVertex.h"
#include "larcorealg/Geometry/GeometryCore.h"
#include "larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/geo_types.h"
#include "lardataalg/DetectorInfo/DetectorPropertiesData.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/DebugStruct.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/PFPUtils.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/Utils.h"
#include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include "TVectorD.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
tca | |
Functions | |
void | tca::MakeJunkVertices (TCSlice &slc, const CTP_t &inCTP) |
void | tca::Find2DVertices (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, TCSlice &slc, const CTP_t &inCTP, unsigned short pass) |
bool | tca::MergeWithVertex (TCSlice &slc, VtxStore &vx, unsigned short oVxID) |
void | tca::FindHammerVertices2 (TCSlice &slc, const CTP_t &inCTP) |
void | tca::FindHammerVertices (TCSlice &slc, const CTP_t &inCTP) |
void | tca::SplitTrajCrossingVertices (TCSlice &slc, CTP_t inCTP) |
void | tca::Reconcile2Vs (TCSlice &slc) |
bool | tca::Reconcile2VTs (TCSlice &slc, std::vector< int > &vx2cls, bool prt) |
void | tca::Find3DVertices (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, TCSlice &slc) |
unsigned short | tca::TPNearVertex (const TCSlice &slc, const TrajPoint &tp) |
bool | tca::AttachToAnyVertex (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, float maxSep, bool prt) |
bool | tca::AttachAnyVertexToTraj (TCSlice &slc, int tjID, bool prt) |
bool | tca::AttachAnyTrajToVertex (TCSlice &slc, unsigned short ivx, bool prt) |
bool | tca::AttachTrajToVertex (TCSlice &slc, Trajectory &tj, VtxStore &vx, bool prt) |
float | tca::TrajPointVertexPull (const TrajPoint &tp, const VtxStore &vx) |
float | tca::VertexVertexPull (const Vtx3Store &vx1, const Vtx3Store &vx2) |
float | tca::VertexVertexPull (const VtxStore &vx1, const VtxStore &vx2) |
bool | tca::StoreVertex (TCSlice &slc, VtxStore &vx) |
bool | tca::FitVertex (TCSlice &slc, VtxStore &vx, bool prt) |
bool | tca::FitVertex (TCSlice &slc, VtxStore &vx, std::vector< TrajPoint > &vxTPs, bool prt) |
bool | tca::ChkVtxAssociations (TCSlice &slc, const CTP_t &inCTP) |
void | tca::ScoreVertices (TCSlice &slc) |
void | tca::KillPoorVertices (TCSlice &slc) |
void | tca::SetHighScoreBits (TCSlice &slc, Vtx3Store &vx3) |
void | tca::SetVx3Score (TCSlice &slc, Vtx3Store &vx3) |
void | tca::SetVx2Score (TCSlice &slc) |
void | tca::SetVx2Score (TCSlice &slc, VtxStore &vx2) |
void | tca::CompleteIncomplete3DVerticesInGaps (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, TCSlice &slc) |
void | tca::CompleteIncomplete3DVertices (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, TCSlice &slc) |
bool | tca::RefineVtxPosition (const Trajectory &tj, unsigned short &nearPt, short nPtsToChk, bool prt) |
bool | tca::MakeVertexObsolete (std::string fcnLabel, TCSlice &slc, VtxStore &vx2, bool forceKill) |
bool | tca::MakeVertexObsolete (TCSlice &slc, Vtx3Store &vx3) |
std::vector< int > | tca::GetVtxTjIDs (const TCSlice &slc, const VtxStore &vx2) |
std::vector< int > | tca::GetVtxTjIDs (const TCSlice &slc, const Vtx3Store &vx3, float &score) |
void | tca::PosInPlane (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const Vtx3Store &vx3, unsigned short plane, Point2_t &pos) |
unsigned short | tca::IsCloseToVertex (const TCSlice &slc, const VtxStore &inVx2) |
unsigned short | tca::IsCloseToVertex (const TCSlice &slc, const Vtx3Store &vx3) |