LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
evdb_tool::DrawSimPhoton3D Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for evdb_tool::DrawSimPhoton3D:

Public Member Functions

 DrawSimPhoton3D (const fhicl::ParameterSet &pset)
 ~DrawSimPhoton3D ()
void Draw (const art::Event &, evdb::View3D *) const override

Private Member Functions

void DrawRectangularBox (evdb::View3D *, const Eigen::Vector3f &, const Eigen::Vector3f &, int, int, int) const

Detailed Description

Definition at line 27 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

evdb_tool::DrawSimPhoton3D::DrawSimPhoton3D ( const fhicl::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 46 of file

47  {
48  // fNumPoints = pset.get< int>("NumPoints", 1000);
49  // fFloatBaseline = pset.get<bool>("FloatBaseline", false);
51  return;
52  }
evdb_tool::DrawSimPhoton3D::~DrawSimPhoton3D ( )

Definition at line 54 of file

54 {}

Member Function Documentation

void evdb_tool::DrawSimPhoton3D::Draw ( const art::Event evt,
evdb::View3D view 
) const

Implements evdb_tool::ISim3DDrawer.

Definition at line 56 of file

References evd::ColorDrawingOptions::CalQ(), DrawRectangularBox(), evd::SimulationDrawingOptions::fG4ModuleLabel, evd::ColorDrawingOptions::fRecoQHigh, evd::ColorDrawingOptions::fRecoQLow, evd::SimulationDrawingOptions::fShowSimPhotonInfo, evd::SimulationDrawingOptions::fSimPhotonLabel, art::ProductRetriever::getByLabel(), geo::OpDetGeo::GetCenter(), evdb::ColorScale::GetColor(), geo::OpDetGeo::HalfH(), geo::OpDetGeo::HalfW(), art::Handle< T >::isValid(), geo::kCollection, and geo::GeometryCore::OpDetGeoFromOpChannel().

57  {
60  // If the option is turned off, there's nothing to do
61  if (!drawOpt->fShowSimPhotonInfo) return;
63  // Recover a handle to the collection of MCParticles
64  // We need these so we can determine the offset (if any)
67  evt.getByLabel(drawOpt->fG4ModuleLabel, mcParticleHandle);
69  if (!mcParticleHandle.isValid()) return;
71  // Create a mapping between track ID's and MCParticles
72  using TrackToMcParticleMap = std::map<int, const simb::MCParticle*>;
74  TrackToMcParticleMap trackToMcParticleMap;
76  for (const auto& mcParticle : *mcParticleHandle)
77  trackToMcParticleMap[mcParticle.TrackId()] = &mcParticle;
79  // Now recover the simphotons
82  evt.getByLabel(drawOpt->fSimPhotonLabel, simPhotonsHandle);
84  if (simPhotonsHandle.isValid() && simPhotonsHandle->size() > 0) {
85  mf::LogDebug("SimPhoton3DDrawer")
86  << "Starting loop over " << simPhotonsHandle->size() << " SimPhotons, " << std::endl;
88  // Get the detector properties, clocks...
92  // First step is to create a map between MCParticle and SimEnergyDeposit objects...
93  using MCPartToOnePhotonMap =
94  std::map<const simb::MCParticle*, std::vector<const sim::OnePhoton*>>;
95  using ChanToMCPartToOnePhotonMap = std::map<int, MCPartToOnePhotonMap>;
97  ChanToMCPartToOnePhotonMap chanToMCPartToOnePhotonMap;
99  // Go through the SimEnergyDeposits and populate the map
100  for (const auto& simPhoton : *simPhotonsHandle) {
101  MCPartToOnePhotonMap& mcPartToOnePhotonMap =
102  chanToMCPartToOnePhotonMap[simPhoton.OpChannel()];
104  for (const auto& onePhoton : simPhoton) {
106  trackToMcParticleMap.find(onePhoton.MotherTrackID);
108  if (trackMCItr == trackToMcParticleMap.end()) continue;
110  mcPartToOnePhotonMap[trackMCItr->second].push_back(&onePhoton);
111  }
112  }
114  // Mapping of energy deposited per channel...
115  std::map<int, float> channelToEnergyMap;
117  // Keep track of mininum and maximum
118  float maxEnergy = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
119  float minEnergy = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
121  // Go through everything and get cenergy desposited per channel...
122  for (const auto& chanToMCPartToOnePhoton : chanToMCPartToOnePhotonMap) {
123  float totalE(0.);
125  // Go through all contributors to this channel
126  for (const auto& mcPartToOnePhoton : chanToMCPartToOnePhoton.second) {
127  // Current scheme will ignore displacement in time... need to come back to this at some point...
128  // // The first task we need to take on is to find the offset for the energy deposit
129  // // This is for the case of "out of time" particles... (e.g. cosmic rays)
130  // double g4Ticks(detClocks->TPCG4Time2Tick(mcPartToOnePhoton.first->T())-theDetector->TriggerOffset());
131  // double xOffset(0.);
132  // double xPosMinTick(0.);
133  // double xPosMaxTick(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
135  for (const auto& onePhoton : mcPartToOnePhoton.second) {
136  // Eigen::Vector3f point(onePhoton->InitialPosition.X(),onePhoton->InitialPosition.Y(),onePhoton->InitialPosition.Z());
137  //
138  // std::cout << " - Initial: " << onePhoton->InitialPosition.X() << "/" << onePhoton->InitialPosition.Y() << "/" << onePhoton->InitialPosition.Z() << ", final : " //<< onePhoton->FinalLocalPosition.X() << "/" << onePhoton->FinalLocalPosition.Y() << "/" << onePhoton->FinalLocalPosition.Z() << std::endl;
139  //
140  // // If we have cosmic rays then we need to get the offset which allows translating from
141  // // when they were generated vs when they were tracked.
142  // // Note that this also explicitly checks that they are in a TPC volume
143  // try
144  // {
145  // geo::TPCID tpcID = geom->PositionToTPCID(geo::Point_t(point[0],point[1],point[2]));
146  //
147  // if (tpcID.Cryostat == geo::CryostatID::InvalidID || tpcID.TPC == geo::TPCID::InvalidID) continue;
148  //
149  // geo::PlaneID planeID(tpcID,0);
150  //
151  // xPosMinTick = theDetector->ConvertTicksToX(0,planeID);
152  // xPosMaxTick = theDetector->ConvertTicksToX(theDetector->NumberTimeSamples(),planeID);
153  // xOffset = theDetector->ConvertTicksToX(g4Ticks, planeID) - xPosMinTick;
154  //
155  // if (xPosMaxTick < xPosMinTick) std::swap(xPosMinTick,xPosMaxTick);
156  // }
157  // catch(...) {continue;}
159  // Recover the deposited energy
160  totalE += onePhoton->Energy;
161  }
162  }
164  channelToEnergyMap[chanToMCPartToOnePhoton.first] = totalE;
166  maxEnergy = std::max(maxEnergy, totalE);
167  minEnergy = std::min(minEnergy, totalE);
168  }
170  // Get the scale factor from energy deposit range
171  float yzWidthScale(1. / (maxEnergy - minEnergy));
172  float energyDepositScale(
173  (cst->fRecoQHigh[geo::kCollection] - cst->fRecoQLow[geo::kCollection]) * yzWidthScale);
175  // Go through the channels and draw the objects
176  for (const auto& channelToEnergy : channelToEnergyMap) {
177  // Recover the color index based on energy
178  float widthFactor =
179  0.95 * std::max(float(0.), std::min(float(1.), yzWidthScale * channelToEnergy.second));
180  float energyFactor =
181  cst->fRecoQLow[geo::kCollection] + energyDepositScale * channelToEnergy.second;
183  // Recover the position for this channel
184  const geo::OpDetGeo& opHitGeo = geom->OpDetGeoFromOpChannel(channelToEnergy.first);
185  const geo::Point_t& opHitPos = opHitGeo.GetCenter();
186  float xWidth = 0.01;
187  float zWidth = widthFactor * opHitGeo.HalfW();
188  float yWidth = widthFactor * opHitGeo.HalfH();
190  // Get widths of box to draw
191  Eigen::Vector3f coordsLo(
192  opHitPos.X() - xWidth, opHitPos.Y() - yWidth, opHitPos.Z() - zWidth);
193  Eigen::Vector3f coordsHi(
194  opHitPos.X() + xWidth, opHitPos.Y() + yWidth, opHitPos.Z() + zWidth);
196  int energyColorIdx = cst->CalQ(geo::kCollection).GetColor(energyFactor);
198  DrawRectangularBox(view, coordsLo, coordsHi, energyColorIdx, 1, 1);
199  }
200  }
202  return;
203  }
void DrawRectangularBox(evdb::View3D *, const Eigen::Vector3f &, const Eigen::Vector3f &, int, int, int) const
art::InputTag fG4ModuleLabel
module label producing sim::SimChannel objects
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
int GetColor(double x) const
Definition: ColorScale.cxx:126
std::vector< double > fRecoQHigh
high edge of ADC values for drawing raw digits
std::vector< double > fRecoQLow
low edge of ADC values for drawing raw digits
bool isValid() const noexcept
Definition: Handle.h:203
double HalfW() const
Definition: OpDetGeo.cxx:52
bool fShowSimPhotonInfo
Display SimPhoton info in 3D display.
art::InputTag fSimPhotonLabel
and for SimPhotons
const evdb::ColorScale & CalQ(geo::SigType_t st) const
geo::Point_t const & GetCenter() const
Definition: OpDetGeo.h:72
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Point_t
Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:180
bool getByLabel(std::string const &label, std::string const &instance, Handle< PROD > &result) const
double HalfH() const
Definition: OpDetGeo.cxx:60
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, false > LogDebug
OpDetGeo const & OpDetGeoFromOpChannel(unsigned int OpChannel) const
Returns the geo::OpDetGeo object for the given channel number.
Signal from collection planes.
Definition: geo_types.h:152
void evdb_tool::DrawSimPhoton3D::DrawRectangularBox ( evdb::View3D view,
const Eigen::Vector3f &  coordsLo,
const Eigen::Vector3f &  coordsHi,
int  color,
int  width,
int  style 
) const

Definition at line 205 of file

References evdb::View3D::AddPolyLine3D(), and DEFINE_ART_CLASS_TOOL.

Referenced by Draw().

211  {
212  TPolyLine3D& top = view->AddPolyLine3D(5, color, width, style);
213  top.SetPoint(0, coordsLo[0], coordsHi[1], coordsLo[2]);
214  top.SetPoint(1, coordsHi[0], coordsHi[1], coordsLo[2]);
215  top.SetPoint(2, coordsHi[0], coordsHi[1], coordsHi[2]);
216  top.SetPoint(3, coordsLo[0], coordsHi[1], coordsHi[2]);
217  top.SetPoint(4, coordsLo[0], coordsHi[1], coordsLo[2]);
219  TPolyLine3D& side = view->AddPolyLine3D(5, color, width, style);
220  side.SetPoint(0, coordsHi[0], coordsHi[1], coordsLo[2]);
221  side.SetPoint(1, coordsHi[0], coordsLo[1], coordsLo[2]);
222  side.SetPoint(2, coordsHi[0], coordsLo[1], coordsHi[2]);
223  side.SetPoint(3, coordsHi[0], coordsHi[1], coordsHi[2]);
224  side.SetPoint(4, coordsHi[0], coordsHi[1], coordsLo[2]);
226  TPolyLine3D& side2 = view->AddPolyLine3D(5, color, width, style);
227  side2.SetPoint(0, coordsLo[0], coordsHi[1], coordsLo[2]);
228  side2.SetPoint(1, coordsLo[0], coordsLo[1], coordsLo[2]);
229  side2.SetPoint(2, coordsLo[0], coordsLo[1], coordsHi[2]);
230  side2.SetPoint(3, coordsLo[0], coordsHi[1], coordsHi[2]);
231  side2.SetPoint(4, coordsLo[0], coordsHi[1], coordsLo[2]);
233  TPolyLine3D& bottom = view->AddPolyLine3D(5, color, width, style);
234  bottom.SetPoint(0, coordsLo[0], coordsLo[1], coordsLo[2]);
235  bottom.SetPoint(1, coordsHi[0], coordsLo[1], coordsLo[2]);
236  bottom.SetPoint(2, coordsHi[0], coordsLo[1], coordsHi[2]);
237  bottom.SetPoint(3, coordsLo[0], coordsLo[1], coordsHi[2]);
238  bottom.SetPoint(4, coordsLo[0], coordsLo[1], coordsLo[2]);
240  return;
241  }
TPolyLine3D & AddPolyLine3D(int n, int c, int w, int s)
Definition: View3D.cxx:105
std::size_t color(std::string const &procname)

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