LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
evwgh::EventWeight Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for evwgh::EventWeight:
art::EDProducer art::detail::Producer art::detail::LegacyModule art::Modifier art::ModuleBase art::ProductRegistryHelper

Public Types

using ModuleType = EDProducer
template<typename UserConfig , typename KeysToIgnore = void>
using Table = Modifier::Table< UserConfig, KeysToIgnore >

Public Member Functions

 EventWeight (fhicl::ParameterSet const &p)
 EventWeight (EventWeight const &)=delete
 EventWeight (EventWeight &&)=delete
EventWeightoperator= (EventWeight const &)=delete
EventWeightoperator= (EventWeight &&)=delete
void doBeginJob (SharedResources const &resources)
void doEndJob ()
void doRespondToOpenInputFile (FileBlock const &fb)
void doRespondToCloseInputFile (FileBlock const &fb)
void doRespondToOpenOutputFiles (FileBlock const &fb)
void doRespondToCloseOutputFiles (FileBlock const &fb)
bool doBeginRun (RunPrincipal &rp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doEndRun (RunPrincipal &rp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doBeginSubRun (SubRunPrincipal &srp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doEndSubRun (SubRunPrincipal &srp, ModuleContext const &mc)
bool doEvent (EventPrincipal &ep, ModuleContext const &mc, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_run, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_passed, std::atomic< std::size_t > &counts_failed)
void fillProductDescriptions ()
void registerProducts (ProductDescriptions &productsToRegister)
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
void setModuleDescription (ModuleDescription const &)
std::array< std::vector< ProductInfo >, NumBranchTypes > const & getConsumables () const
void sortConsumables (std::string const &current_process_name)
std::unique_ptr< Worker > makeWorker (WorkerParams const &wp)
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken< T > consumesView (InputTag const &tag)
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken< T > mayConsumeView (InputTag const &tag)

Protected Member Functions

ConsumesCollector & consumesCollector ()
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
ProductToken< T > consumes (InputTag const &)
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken< Element > consumesView (InputTag const &)
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
ProductToken< T > mayConsume (InputTag const &)
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken< Element > mayConsumeView (InputTag const &)
template<typename T , BranchType = InEvent>
void mayConsumeMany ()

Private Member Functions

void produce (art::Event &e) override
void endJob () override

Private Attributes

WeightManager _wgt_manager
std::string fGenieModuleLabel

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 17 of file EDProducer.h.

template<typename UserConfig , typename KeysToIgnore = void>
using art::detail::Producer::Table = Modifier::Table<UserConfig, KeysToIgnore>

Definition at line 26 of file Producer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

evwgh::EventWeight::EventWeight ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  p)

Definition at line 57 of file

References _wgt_manager, evwgh::WeightManager::Configure(), art::detail::EngineCreator::createEngine(), fGenieModuleLabel, instance, and evgb::SetEventGeneratorListAndTune().

58  : EDProducer{p}, fGenieModuleLabel{p.get<std::string>("genie_module_label", "generator")}
59  {
60  // Configure the appropriate GENIE tune if needed (important for v3+ only)
61  // NOTE: In all normal use cases, relying on the ${GENIE_XSEC_TUNE}
62  // environment variable set by the genie_xsec package should be sufficient.
63  // Only include the "TuneName" FHiCL parameter for EventWeight if you
64  // really know what you're doing! The same goes for the
65  // "EventGeneratorList" parameter.
66  std::string genie_tune_name = p.get<std::string>("TuneName", "${GENIE_XSEC_TUNE}");
68  // The default empty string used here will cause the subsequent call to
69  // evgb::SetEventGeneratorListAndTune() to leave GENIE's current event
70  // generator list name (probably "Default") alone
71  std::string evgen_list_name = p.get<std::string>("EventGeneratorList", "");
73  // Tell GENIE about the event generator list and tune
74  evgb::SetEventGeneratorListAndTune(evgen_list_name, genie_tune_name);
76  auto const n_func = _wgt_manager.Configure(
77  p, [this](std::string const& type, std::string const& instance) -> CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& {
78  return createEngine(0, type, instance);
79  });
80  if (n_func > 0) produces<std::vector<MCEventWeight>>();
81  }
base_engine_t & createEngine(seed_t seed)
EDProducer(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
std::string fGenieModuleLabel
const std::string instance
WeightManager _wgt_manager
void SetEventGeneratorListAndTune(const std::string &evtlistname="", const std::string &tunename="${GENIE_XSEC_TUNE}")
Definition: GENIE2ART.cxx:128
size_t Configure(fhicl::ParameterSet const &cfg, EngineCreator engineCreator)
Configuration function.
Definition: WeightManager.h:77
evwgh::EventWeight::EventWeight ( EventWeight const &  )
evwgh::EventWeight::EventWeight ( EventWeight &&  )

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ProductToken< T > art::ModuleBase::consumes ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 61 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::consumes().

62  {
63  return collector_.consumes<T, BT>(tag);
64  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
ProductToken< T > consumes(InputTag const &)
ConsumesCollector & art::ModuleBase::consumesCollector ( )

Definition at line 57 of file

References art::ModuleBase::collector_.

58  {
59  return collector_;
60  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
void art::ModuleBase::consumesMany ( )

Definition at line 75 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::consumesMany().

76  {
77  collector_.consumesMany<T, BT>();
78  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken<Element> art::ModuleBase::consumesView ( InputTag const &  )
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken<T> art::ModuleBase::consumesView ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 68 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::consumesView().

69  {
70  return collector_.consumesView<T, BT>(tag);
71  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
ViewToken< Element > consumesView(InputTag const &)
void art::detail::Producer::doBeginJob ( SharedResources const &  resources)

Definition at line 22 of file

References art::detail::Producer::beginJobWithFrame(), and art::detail::Producer::setupQueues().

23  {
24  setupQueues(resources);
25  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
26  beginJobWithFrame(frame);
27  }
virtual void setupQueues(SharedResources const &)=0
virtual void beginJobWithFrame(ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Producer::doBeginRun ( RunPrincipal rp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 65 of file

References art::detail::Producer::beginRunWithFrame(), art::RangeSet::forRun(), art::RunPrincipal::makeRun(), r, art::RunPrincipal::runID(), and art::ModuleContext::scheduleID().

66  {
67  auto r = rp.makeRun(mc, RangeSet::forRun(rp.runID()));
68  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
69  beginRunWithFrame(r, frame);
70  r.commitProducts();
71  return true;
72  }
TRandom r
Definition: spectrum.C:23
virtual void beginRunWithFrame(Run &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
static RangeSet forRun(RunID)
bool art::detail::Producer::doBeginSubRun ( SubRunPrincipal srp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 85 of file

References art::detail::Producer::beginSubRunWithFrame(), art::RangeSet::forSubRun(), art::SubRunPrincipal::makeSubRun(), art::ModuleContext::scheduleID(), and art::SubRunPrincipal::subRunID().

86  {
87  auto sr = srp.makeSubRun(mc, RangeSet::forSubRun(srp.subRunID()));
88  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
89  beginSubRunWithFrame(sr, frame);
90  sr.commitProducts();
91  return true;
92  }
virtual void beginSubRunWithFrame(SubRun &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
static RangeSet forSubRun(SubRunID)
void art::detail::Producer::doEndJob ( )

Definition at line 30 of file

References art::detail::Producer::endJobWithFrame().

31  {
32  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
33  endJobWithFrame(frame);
34  }
virtual void endJobWithFrame(ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Producer::doEndRun ( RunPrincipal rp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 75 of file

References art::detail::Producer::endRunWithFrame(), art::RunPrincipal::makeRun(), r, art::ModuleContext::scheduleID(), and art::Principal::seenRanges().

76  {
77  auto r = rp.makeRun(mc, rp.seenRanges());
78  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
79  endRunWithFrame(r, frame);
80  r.commitProducts();
81  return true;
82  }
TRandom r
Definition: spectrum.C:23
virtual void endRunWithFrame(Run &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Producer::doEndSubRun ( SubRunPrincipal srp,
ModuleContext const &  mc 

Definition at line 95 of file

References art::detail::Producer::endSubRunWithFrame(), art::SubRunPrincipal::makeSubRun(), art::ModuleContext::scheduleID(), and art::Principal::seenRanges().

96  {
97  auto sr = srp.makeSubRun(mc, srp.seenRanges());
98  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
99  endSubRunWithFrame(sr, frame);
100  sr.commitProducts();
101  return true;
102  }
virtual void endSubRunWithFrame(SubRun &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
bool art::detail::Producer::doEvent ( EventPrincipal ep,
ModuleContext const &  mc,
std::atomic< std::size_t > &  counts_run,
std::atomic< std::size_t > &  counts_passed,
std::atomic< std::size_t > &  counts_failed 

Definition at line 105 of file

References art::detail::Producer::checkPutProducts_, e, art::EventPrincipal::makeEvent(), art::detail::Producer::produceWithFrame(), and art::ModuleContext::scheduleID().

110  {
111  auto e = ep.makeEvent(mc);
112  ++counts_run;
113  ProcessingFrame const frame{mc.scheduleID()};
114  produceWithFrame(e, frame);
115  e.commitProducts(checkPutProducts_, &expectedProducts<InEvent>());
116  ++counts_passed;
117  return true;
118  }
bool const checkPutProducts_
Definition: Producer.h:70
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
virtual void produceWithFrame(Event &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
void art::detail::Producer::doRespondToCloseInputFile ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 44 of file

References art::detail::Producer::respondToCloseInputFileWithFrame().

45  {
46  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
48  }
virtual void respondToCloseInputFileWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
TFile fb("Li6.root")
void art::detail::Producer::doRespondToCloseOutputFiles ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 58 of file

References art::detail::Producer::respondToCloseOutputFilesWithFrame().

59  {
60  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
62  }
virtual void respondToCloseOutputFilesWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
TFile fb("Li6.root")
void art::detail::Producer::doRespondToOpenInputFile ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 37 of file

References art::detail::Producer::respondToOpenInputFileWithFrame().

38  {
39  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
41  }
virtual void respondToOpenInputFileWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
TFile fb("Li6.root")
void art::detail::Producer::doRespondToOpenOutputFiles ( FileBlock const &  fb)

Definition at line 51 of file

References art::detail::Producer::respondToOpenOutputFilesWithFrame().

52  {
53  ProcessingFrame const frame{ScheduleID{}};
55  }
virtual void respondToOpenOutputFilesWithFrame(FileBlock const &, ProcessingFrame const &)=0
TFile fb("Li6.root")
void evwgh::EventWeight::endJob ( )

Reimplemented from art::EDProducer.

Definition at line 105 of file

References _wgt_manager, DEFINE_ART_MODULE, and evwgh::WeightManager::GetWeightCalcMap().

106  {
107  // Get the map from sting to Weight_t from the manager
108  std::map<std::string, Weight_t*> weightCalcMap = _wgt_manager.GetWeightCalcMap();
110  std::stringstream job_summary;
111  job_summary << std::setprecision(2);
112  for (int i = 1; i <= 110; i++)
113  job_summary << "=";
114  job_summary << std::endl;
115  job_summary << std::setw(20) << "WeightCalc" << std::setw(15) << "Type" << std::setw(15)
116  << "#RW neutrinos" << std::setw(15) << "#Multisims" << std::setw(15) << "Min"
117  << std::setw(15) << "Max" << std::setw(15) << "Avg" << std::endl;
118  for (int i = 1; i <= 110; i++)
119  job_summary << "=";
120  job_summary << std::endl;
121  for (auto it = weightCalcMap.begin(); it != weightCalcMap.end(); it++) {
122  job_summary << std::setw(20) << it->first << std::setw(15) << (it->second->fWeightCalcType)
123  << std::setw(15) << (it->second->fNcalls) << std::setw(15)
124  << (it->second->fNmultisims) << std::setw(15) << (it->second->fMinWeight)
125  << std::setw(15) << (it->second->fMaxWeight) << std::setw(15)
126  << (it->second->fAvgWeight) << std::endl;
127  }
128  for (int i = 1; i <= 110; i++)
129  job_summary << "=";
130  job_summary << std::endl;
131  mf::LogInfo("") << job_summary.str();
132  }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::map< std::string, Weight_t * > GetWeightCalcMap()
Returns the map between calculator name and Weight_t product.
Definition: WeightManager.h:63
WeightManager _wgt_manager
void art::Modifier::fillProductDescriptions ( )

Definition at line 10 of file

References art::ProductRegistryHelper::fillDescriptions(), and art::ModuleBase::moduleDescription().

11  {
13  }
void fillDescriptions(ModuleDescription const &md)
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription() const
std::array< std::vector< ProductInfo >, NumBranchTypes > const & art::ModuleBase::getConsumables ( ) const

Definition at line 43 of file

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::getConsumables().

44  {
45  return collector_.getConsumables();
46  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
std::array< std::vector< ProductInfo >, NumBranchTypes > const & getConsumables() const
std::unique_ptr< Worker > art::ModuleBase::makeWorker ( WorkerParams const &  wp)

Definition at line 37 of file

References art::ModuleBase::doMakeWorker(), and art::NumBranchTypes.

38  {
39  return doMakeWorker(wp);
40  }
virtual std::unique_ptr< Worker > doMakeWorker(WorkerParams const &wp)=0
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ProductToken< T > art::ModuleBase::mayConsume ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 82 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::mayConsume().

83  {
84  return collector_.mayConsume<T, BT>(tag);
85  }
ProductToken< T > mayConsume(InputTag const &)
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
void art::ModuleBase::mayConsumeMany ( )

Definition at line 96 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::mayConsumeMany().

97  {
98  collector_.mayConsumeMany<T, BT>();
99  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
template<typename Element , BranchType = InEvent>
ViewToken<Element> art::ModuleBase::mayConsumeView ( InputTag const &  )
template<typename T , BranchType BT>
ViewToken<T> art::ModuleBase::mayConsumeView ( InputTag const &  tag)

Definition at line 89 of file ModuleBase.h.

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::mayConsumeView().

90  {
91  return collector_.mayConsumeView<T, BT>(tag);
92  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
ViewToken< Element > mayConsumeView(InputTag const &)
ModuleDescription const & art::ModuleBase::moduleDescription ( ) const

Definition at line 13 of file

References art::errors::LogicError.

Referenced by art::OutputModule::doRespondToOpenInputFile(), art::OutputModule::doWriteEvent(), art::Modifier::fillProductDescriptions(), art::OutputModule::makePlugins_(), art::OutputWorker::OutputWorker(), reco::shower::LArPandoraModularShowerCreation::produce(), art::Modifier::registerProducts(), and art::OutputModule::registerProducts().

14  {
15  if (md_.has_value()) {
16  return *md_;
17  }
20  "There was an error while calling moduleDescription().\n"}
21  << "The moduleDescription() base-class member function cannot be called\n"
22  "during module construction. To determine which module is "
23  "responsible\n"
24  "for calling it, find the '<module type>:<module "
25  "label>@Construction'\n"
26  "tag in the message prefix above. Please contact\n"
27  "for guidance.\n";
28  }
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
std::optional< ModuleDescription > md_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:55
EventWeight& evwgh::EventWeight::operator= ( EventWeight const &  )
EventWeight& evwgh::EventWeight::operator= ( EventWeight &&  )
void evwgh::EventWeight::produce ( art::Event e)

Implements art::EDProducer.

Definition at line 83 of file

References _wgt_manager, fGenieModuleLabel, art::fill_ptr_vector(), art::ProductRetriever::getValidHandle(), art::Event::put(), and evwgh::WeightManager::Run().

84  {
85  // Implementation of required member function here.
86  auto mcwghvec = std::make_unique<std::vector<MCEventWeight>>();
88  // Get the MC generator information out of the event
89  // these are all handles to mc information.
90  std::vector<art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth>> mclist;
92  // Actually go and get the stuff
93  auto const mcTruthHandle = e.getValidHandle<std::vector<simb::MCTruth>>(fGenieModuleLabel);
94  art::fill_ptr_vector(mclist, mcTruthHandle);
96  // Loop over all neutrinos in this event
97  for (unsigned int inu = 0; inu < mclist.size(); ++inu) {
98  auto const mcwgh = _wgt_manager.Run(e, inu);
99  mcwghvec->push_back(mcwgh);
100  }
102  e.put(std::move(mcwghvec));
103  }
std::string fGenieModuleLabel
PutHandle< PROD > put(std::unique_ptr< PROD > &&edp, std::string const &instance={})
Definition: Event.h:77
WeightManager _wgt_manager
ValidHandle< PROD > getValidHandle(InputTag const &tag) const
void fill_ptr_vector(std::vector< Ptr< T >> &ptrs, H const &h)
Definition: Ptr.h:306
MCEventWeight Run(art::Event &e, const int inu)
Core function (previous call to Configure is needed)
void art::Modifier::registerProducts ( ProductDescriptions productsToRegister)

Definition at line 16 of file

References art::ModuleBase::moduleDescription(), and art::ProductRegistryHelper::registerProducts().

17  {
18  ProductRegistryHelper::registerProducts(productsToRegister,
20  }
void registerProducts(ProductDescriptions &productsToRegister, ModuleDescription const &md)
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription() const
void art::ModuleBase::setModuleDescription ( ModuleDescription const &  md)

Definition at line 31 of file

References art::ModuleBase::md_.

32  {
33  md_ = md;
34  }
std::optional< ModuleDescription > md_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:55
void art::ModuleBase::sortConsumables ( std::string const &  current_process_name)

Definition at line 49 of file

References art::ModuleBase::collector_, and art::ConsumesCollector::sortConsumables().

50  {
51  // Now that we know we have seen all the consumes declarations,
52  // sort the results for fast lookup later.
53  collector_.sortConsumables(current_process_name);
54  }
ConsumesCollector collector_
Definition: ModuleBase.h:56
void sortConsumables(std::string const &current_process_name)

Member Data Documentation

WeightManager evwgh::EventWeight::_wgt_manager

Definition at line 53 of file

Referenced by endJob(), EventWeight(), and produce().

std::string evwgh::EventWeight::fGenieModuleLabel

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by EventWeight(), and produce().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: