LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
lar_content::EventSlicingTool Class Reference

EventSlicingTool class. More...

#include "EventSlicingTool.h"

Inheritance diagram for lar_content::EventSlicingTool:

Public Member Functions

 EventSlicingTool ()
 Default constructor. More...
void RunSlicing (const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const HitTypeToNameMap &caloHitListNames, const HitTypeToNameMap &clusterListNames, SliceList &sliceList)
 Run the slicing tool. More...

Private Types

typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject * > ClusterToPfoMap
typedef std::vector< pandora::ClusterVector > ClusterSliceList
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, unsigned int > ClusterToSliceIndexMap
typedef KDTreeLinkerAlgo< const pandora::CartesianVector *, 2 > PointKDTree2D
typedef KDTreeNodeInfoT< const pandora::CartesianVector *, 2 > PointKDNode2D
typedef std::vector< PointKDNode2DPointKDNode2DList
typedef std::list< const pandora::CartesianVector * > PointList
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::CartesianVector *, unsigned int > PointToSliceIndexMap

Private Member Functions

void CopyAllHitsToSingleSlice (const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const HitTypeToNameMap &caloHitListNames, SliceList &sliceList) const
 Copy all the input hits in an event into a single slice. More...
void GetThreeDClusters (const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const std::string &pfoListName, pandora::ClusterList &clusters3D, ClusterToPfoMap &clusterToPfoMap) const
 Get the 3D clusters from a specified list of pfos, storing the 3D clusters in the provided list and populating a map from 3D cluster to parent pfo. More...
void GetClusterSliceList (const pandora::ClusterList &trackClusters3D, const pandora::ClusterList &showerClusters3D, ClusterSliceList &clusterSliceList) const
 Divide the provided lists of 3D track and shower clusters into slices. More...
void CollectAssociatedClusters (const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterInSlice, const pandora::ClusterVector &candidateClusters, const ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap &trackFitResults, const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap &showerConeFitResults, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterSlice, pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters) const
 Collect all clusters associated with a provided cluster. More...
bool PassPointing (const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterInSlice, const pandora::Cluster *const pCandidateCluster, const ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap &trackFitResults) const
 Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via pointing (checks association "both ways") More...
bool PassProximity (const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterInSlice, const pandora::Cluster *const pCandidateCluster) const
 Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via pointing. More...
bool PassShowerCone (const pandora::Cluster *const pConeCluster, const pandora::Cluster *const pNearbyCluster, const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap &showerConeFitResults) const
 Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via cone fits to the shower cluster (single "direction" check) More...
bool CheckClosestApproach (const LArPointingCluster &cluster1, const LArPointingCluster &cluster2) const
 Check closest approach metrics for a pair of pointing clusters. More...
bool CheckClosestApproach (const LArPointingCluster::Vertex &vertex1, const LArPointingCluster::Vertex &vertex2) const
 Check closest approach metrics for a pair of pointing cluster vertices. More...
bool IsNode (const LArPointingCluster &cluster1, const LArPointingCluster &cluster2) const
 Check whether a pair of pointing clusters are nodally associated. More...
bool IsEmission (const LArPointingCluster &cluster1, const LArPointingCluster &cluster2) const
 Check whether a pair of pointing clusters are consistent with an emission. More...
void CreateSlices (const ClusterSliceList &clusterSliceList, SliceList &sliceList, ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap) const
 Create new slices for each of the groupings of 3D clusters in the provided cluster slice list. More...
void CopyPfoHitsToSlices (const ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap, const ClusterToPfoMap &clusterToPfoMap, SliceList &sliceList, pandora::ClusterSet &assignedClusters) const
 Use 3D clusters in the cluster slice list, find their parent pfos and assign all hits in all 2D clusters in the pfos to the relevant slice in the output slice list. More...
void GetRemainingClusters (const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const HitTypeToNameMap &clusterListNames, const pandora::ClusterSet &assignedClusters, pandora::ClusterList &remainingClusters) const
 Get the list of 2D clusters with hits yets to be assigned to slices. More...
void GetRemainingClusters (const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const std::string &clusterListName, const pandora::ClusterSet &assignedClusters, pandora::ClusterList &remainingClusters) const
 Get the list of 2D clusters (from a named 2D cluster list) with hits yets to be assigned to slices. More...
void AssignRemainingHitsToSlices (const pandora::ClusterList &remainingClusters, const ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap, SliceList &sliceList) const
 Use the list of remaining 2D clusters to assign all remaining 2D hits to existing slices in the slice list. More...
void GetKDTreeEntries2D (const SliceList &sliceList, PointList &pointsU, PointList &pointsV, PointList &pointsW, PointToSliceIndexMap &pointToSliceIndexMap) const
 Use projections of 3D hits already assigned to slices to populate kd trees to aid assignment of remaining clusters. More...
void GetKDTreeEntries3D (const ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap, PointList &pointsU, PointList &pointsV, PointList &pointsW, PointToSliceIndexMap &pointToSliceIndexMap) const
 Use 2D hits already assigned to slices to populate kd trees to aid assignment of remaining clusters. More...
const PointKDNode2DMatchClusterToSlice (const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster2D, PointKDTree2D &kdTree) const
 Use the provided kd tree to efficiently identify the most appropriate slice for the provided 2D cluster. More...
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings (const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool SortPoints (const pandora::CartesianVector *const pLhs, const pandora::CartesianVector *const pRhs)
 Sort points (use Z, followed by X, followed by Y) More...

Private Attributes

std::string m_trackPfoListName
 The name of the input track pfo list. More...
std::string m_showerPfoListName
 The name of the input shower pfo list. More...
unsigned int m_minHitsPer3DCluster
 The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to warrant consideration in slicing. More...
unsigned int m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice
 The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to seed a new slice. More...
unsigned int m_halfWindowLayers
 The number of layers to use for half-window of sliding fit. More...
bool m_usePointingAssociation
 Whether to use pointing association. More...
float m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance
 Pointing association check: min longitudinal distance cut. More...
float m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance
 Pointing association check: max longitudinal distance cut. More...
float m_maxVertexTransverseDistance
 Pointing association check: max transverse distance cut. More...
float m_vertexAngularAllowance
 Pointing association check: pointing angular allowance in degrees. More...
float m_maxClosestApproach
 Pointing association: max distance of closest approach between straight line fits. More...
float m_maxInterceptDistance
 Pointing association: max distance from cluster vertex to point of closest approach. More...
bool m_useProximityAssociation
 Whether to use proximity association. More...
float m_maxHitSeparationSquared
 Proximity association: max distance allowed between the closest pair of hits. More...
bool m_useShowerConeAssociation
 Whether to use shower cone association. More...
unsigned int m_nConeFitLayers
 The number of layers over which to sum fitted direction to obtain cone fit. More...
unsigned int m_nConeFits
 The number of cone fits to perform, spread roughly uniformly along the shower length. More...
float m_coneLengthMultiplier
 The cone length multiplier to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions. More...
float m_maxConeLength
 The maximum allowed cone length to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions. More...
float m_coneTanHalfAngle1
 The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 1. More...
float m_coneBoundedFraction1
 The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 1. More...
float m_coneTanHalfAngle2
 The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 2. More...
float m_coneBoundedFraction2
 The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 2. More...
bool m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp
 Whether to include 3D cluster projections when assigning remaining clusters to slices. More...

Detailed Description

EventSlicingTool class.

Definition at line 34 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<pandora::ClusterVector> lar_content::EventSlicingTool::ClusterSliceList

Definition at line 69 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster *, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *> lar_content::EventSlicingTool::ClusterToPfoMap

Definition at line 55 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster *, unsigned int> lar_content::EventSlicingTool::ClusterToSliceIndexMap

Definition at line 169 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

typedef KDTreeNodeInfoT<const pandora::CartesianVector *, 2> lar_content::EventSlicingTool::PointKDNode2D

Definition at line 225 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Definition at line 226 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

typedef KDTreeLinkerAlgo<const pandora::CartesianVector *, 2> lar_content::EventSlicingTool::PointKDTree2D

Definition at line 224 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

typedef std::list<const pandora::CartesianVector *> lar_content::EventSlicingTool::PointList

Definition at line 228 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::CartesianVector *, unsigned int> lar_content::EventSlicingTool::PointToSliceIndexMap

Definition at line 229 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lar_content::EventSlicingTool::EventSlicingTool ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 30 of file

30  :
42  m_maxHitSeparationSquared(25.f * 25.f),
44  m_nConeFitLayers(20),
45  m_nConeFits(5),
47  m_maxConeLength(126.f),
53 {
54 }
unsigned int m_nConeFits
The number of cone fits to perform, spread roughly uniformly along the shower length.
unsigned int m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice
The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to seed a new slice.
float m_maxHitSeparationSquared
Proximity association: max distance allowed between the closest pair of hits.
unsigned int m_nConeFitLayers
The number of layers over which to sum fitted direction to obtain cone fit.
float m_coneTanHalfAngle2
The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 2.
float m_maxVertexTransverseDistance
Pointing association check: max transverse distance cut.
float m_coneBoundedFraction2
The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 2.
unsigned int m_minHitsPer3DCluster
The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to warrant consideration in slicing.
float m_coneTanHalfAngle1
The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 1.
float m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance
Pointing association check: max longitudinal distance cut.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
bool m_useProximityAssociation
Whether to use proximity association.
float m_maxClosestApproach
Pointing association: max distance of closest approach between straight line fits.
bool m_usePointingAssociation
Whether to use pointing association.
float m_coneLengthMultiplier
The cone length multiplier to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.
float m_maxInterceptDistance
Pointing association: max distance from cluster vertex to point of closest approach.
float m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance
Pointing association check: min longitudinal distance cut.
bool m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp
Whether to include 3D cluster projections when assigning remaining clusters to slices.
float m_maxConeLength
The maximum allowed cone length to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.
bool m_useShowerConeAssociation
Whether to use shower cone association.
float m_vertexAngularAllowance
Pointing association check: pointing angular allowance in degrees.
float m_coneBoundedFraction1
The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 1.
unsigned int m_halfWindowLayers
The number of layers to use for half-window of sliding fit.

Member Function Documentation

void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::AssignRemainingHitsToSlices ( const pandora::ClusterList &  remainingClusters,
const ClusterToSliceIndexMap clusterToSliceIndexMap,
SliceList sliceList 
) const

Use the list of remaining 2D clusters to assign all remaining 2D hits to existing slices in the slice list.

remainingClustersthe list of 2D clusters with hits yet to be assigned to slices
clusterToSliceIndexMapthe mapping from 3D clusters to index in the slice list
sliceListthe list containing slices to be populated with 2D hits

Definition at line 530 of file

References lar_content::KDTreeLinkerAlgo< DATA, DIM >::build(), lar_content::KDTreeNodeInfoT< DATA, DIM >::data, lar_content::fill_and_bound_2d_kd_tree(), lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType(), GetKDTreeEntries2D(), GetKDTreeEntries3D(), lar_content::Slice::m_caloHitListU, lar_content::Slice::m_caloHitListV, lar_content::Slice::m_caloHitListW, m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp, MatchClusterToSlice(), lar_content::LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits(), and SortPoints().

Referenced by RunSlicing().

532 {
533  PointToSliceIndexMap pointToSliceIndexMap;
535  try
536  {
537  PointList pointsU, pointsV, pointsW;
538  this->GetKDTreeEntries2D(sliceList, pointsU, pointsV, pointsW, pointToSliceIndexMap);
541  this->GetKDTreeEntries3D(clusterToSliceIndexMap, pointsU, pointsV, pointsW, pointToSliceIndexMap);
543  pointsU.sort(EventSlicingTool::SortPoints);
544  pointsV.sort(EventSlicingTool::SortPoints);
545  pointsW.sort(EventSlicingTool::SortPoints);
547  PointKDNode2DList kDNode2DListU, kDNode2DListV, kDNode2DListW;
548  KDTreeBox boundingRegionU = fill_and_bound_2d_kd_tree(pointsU, kDNode2DListU);
549  KDTreeBox boundingRegionV = fill_and_bound_2d_kd_tree(pointsV, kDNode2DListV);
550  KDTreeBox boundingRegionW = fill_and_bound_2d_kd_tree(pointsW, kDNode2DListW);
552  PointKDTree2D kdTreeU, kdTreeV, kdTreeW;
553, boundingRegionU);
554, boundingRegionV);
555, boundingRegionW);
557  ClusterVector sortedRemainingClusters(remainingClusters.begin(), remainingClusters.end());
558  std::sort(sortedRemainingClusters.begin(), sortedRemainingClusters.end(), LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits);
560  for (const Cluster *const pCluster2D : sortedRemainingClusters)
561  {
562  const HitType hitType(LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType(pCluster2D));
564  if ((TPC_VIEW_U != hitType) && (TPC_VIEW_V != hitType) && (TPC_VIEW_W != hitType))
565  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
567  PointKDTree2D &kdTree((TPC_VIEW_U == hitType) ? kdTreeU : (TPC_VIEW_V == hitType) ? kdTreeV : kdTreeW);
568  const PointKDNode2D *pBestResultPoint(this->MatchClusterToSlice(pCluster2D, kdTree));
570  if (!pBestResultPoint)
571  continue;
573  Slice &slice(>data)));
574  CaloHitList &targetList((TPC_VIEW_U == hitType) ? slice.m_caloHitListU
575  : (TPC_VIEW_V == hitType) ? slice.m_caloHitListV
576  : slice.m_caloHitListW);
578  pCluster2D->GetOrderedCaloHitList().FillCaloHitList(targetList);
579  targetList.insert(targetList.end(), pCluster2D->GetIsolatedCaloHitList().begin(), pCluster2D->GetIsolatedCaloHitList().end());
580  }
581  }
582  catch (...)
583  {
584  std::cout << "EventSlicingTool::AssignRemainingHitsToSlices - exception " << std::endl;
585  for (const auto &pointMap : pointToSliceIndexMap)
586  delete pointMap.first;
587  throw;
588  }
590  for (const auto &pointMap : pointToSliceIndexMap)
591  delete pointMap.first;
592 }
KDTreeLinkerAlgo< const pandora::CartesianVector *, 2 > PointKDTree2D
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::Cluster *const pLhs, const pandora::Cluster *const pRhs)
Sort clusters by number of hits, then layer span, then inner layer, then position, then pulse-height.
static pandora::HitType GetClusterHitType(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster)
Get the hit type associated with a two dimensional cluster.
const PointKDNode2D * MatchClusterToSlice(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster2D, PointKDTree2D &kdTree) const
Use the provided kd tree to efficiently identify the most appropriate slice for the provided 2D clust...
std::unordered_map< const pandora::CartesianVector *, unsigned int > PointToSliceIndexMap
KDTreeNodeInfoT< const pandora::CartesianVector *, 2 > PointKDNode2D
static bool SortPoints(const pandora::CartesianVector *const pLhs, const pandora::CartesianVector *const pRhs)
Sort points (use Z, followed by X, followed by Y)
void GetKDTreeEntries2D(const SliceList &sliceList, PointList &pointsU, PointList &pointsV, PointList &pointsW, PointToSliceIndexMap &pointToSliceIndexMap) const
Use projections of 3D hits already assigned to slices to populate kd trees to aid assignment of remai...
std::list< const pandora::CartesianVector * > PointList
Definition: HitType.h:12
std::vector< PointKDNode2D > PointKDNode2DList
KDTreeBox fill_and_bound_2d_kd_tree(const MANAGED_CONTAINER< const T * > &points, std::vector< KDTreeNodeInfoT< const T *, 2 >> &nodes)
bool m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp
Whether to include 3D cluster projections when assigning remaining clusters to slices.
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster > > ClusterVector
void GetKDTreeEntries3D(const ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap, PointList &pointsU, PointList &pointsV, PointList &pointsW, PointToSliceIndexMap &pointToSliceIndexMap) const
Use 2D hits already assigned to slices to populate kd trees to aid assignment of remaining clusters...
KDTreeBoxT< 2 > KDTreeBox
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::CheckClosestApproach ( const LArPointingCluster cluster1,
const LArPointingCluster cluster2 
) const

Check closest approach metrics for a pair of pointing clusters.

cluster1the first pointing cluster
cluster2the second pointing cluster
whether the pointing clusters are declared to be in the same slice

Definition at line 346 of file

References lar_content::LArPointingCluster::GetInnerVertex(), and lar_content::LArPointingCluster::GetOuterVertex().

Referenced by PassPointing().

347 {
348  return (this->CheckClosestApproach(cluster1.GetInnerVertex(), cluster2.GetInnerVertex()) ||
349  this->CheckClosestApproach(cluster1.GetOuterVertex(), cluster2.GetInnerVertex()) ||
350  this->CheckClosestApproach(cluster1.GetInnerVertex(), cluster2.GetOuterVertex()) ||
351  this->CheckClosestApproach(cluster1.GetOuterVertex(), cluster2.GetOuterVertex()));
352 }
bool CheckClosestApproach(const LArPointingCluster &cluster1, const LArPointingCluster &cluster2) const
Check closest approach metrics for a pair of pointing clusters.
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::CheckClosestApproach ( const LArPointingCluster::Vertex vertex1,
const LArPointingCluster::Vertex vertex2 
) const

Check closest approach metrics for a pair of pointing cluster vertices.

vertex1the first pointing cluster vertex
vertex2the second pointing cluster vertex
whether the pointing clusters are declared to be in the same slice

Definition at line 356 of file

References f, lar_content::LArPointingCluster::Vertex::GetDirection(), lar_content::LArPointingClusterHelper::GetIntersection(), lar_content::LArPointingCluster::Vertex::GetPosition(), m_maxClosestApproach, and m_maxInterceptDistance.

357 {
358  CartesianVector intersectionPoint(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
359  float displacement1(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()), displacement2(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
361  try
362  {
363  LArPointingClusterHelper::GetIntersection(vertex1, vertex2, intersectionPoint, displacement1, displacement2);
364  }
365  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
366  {
367  return false;
368  }
370  const CartesianVector approach1(vertex1.GetPosition() + vertex1.GetDirection() * displacement1);
371  const CartesianVector approach2(vertex2.GetPosition() + vertex2.GetDirection() * displacement2);
372  const float closestApproach((approach1 - approach2).GetMagnitude());
374  return ((closestApproach < m_maxClosestApproach) && (std::fabs(displacement1) < m_maxInterceptDistance) &&
375  (std::fabs(displacement2) < m_maxInterceptDistance));
376 }
static void GetIntersection(const LArPointingCluster::Vertex &firstVertex, const LArPointingCluster::Vertex &secondVertex, pandora::CartesianVector &intersectPosition, float &firstDisplacement, float &secondDisplacement)
Get intersection of two vertices.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
float m_maxClosestApproach
Pointing association: max distance of closest approach between straight line fits.
float m_maxInterceptDistance
Pointing association: max distance from cluster vertex to point of closest approach.
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::CollectAssociatedClusters ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pClusterInSlice,
const pandora::ClusterVector &  candidateClusters,
const ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap trackFitResults,
const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap showerConeFitResults,
pandora::ClusterVector &  clusterSlice,
pandora::ClusterSet &  usedClusters 
) const

Collect all clusters associated with a provided cluster.

pClusterInSlicethe address of the cluster already in a slice
candidateClustersthe list of candidate clusters
trackFitResultsthe map of sliding fit results for track candidate clusters
showerConeFitResultsthe map of sliding const fit results for shower candidate clusters
clusterSlicethe cluster slice
usedClustersthe list of clusters already added to slices

Definition at line 228 of file

References m_usePointingAssociation, m_useProximityAssociation, m_useShowerConeAssociation, PassPointing(), PassProximity(), and PassShowerCone().

Referenced by GetClusterSliceList().

231 {
232  ClusterVector addedClusters;
234  for (const Cluster *const pCandidateCluster : candidateClusters)
235  {
236  if (usedClusters.count(pCandidateCluster) || (pClusterInSlice == pCandidateCluster))
237  continue;
239  if ((m_usePointingAssociation && this->PassPointing(pClusterInSlice, pCandidateCluster, trackFitResults)) ||
240  (m_useProximityAssociation && this->PassProximity(pClusterInSlice, pCandidateCluster)) ||
242  (this->PassShowerCone(pClusterInSlice, pCandidateCluster, showerConeFitResults) ||
243  this->PassShowerCone(pCandidateCluster, pClusterInSlice, showerConeFitResults))))
244  {
245  addedClusters.push_back(pCandidateCluster);
246  (void)usedClusters.insert(pCandidateCluster);
247  }
248  }
250  clusterSlice.insert(clusterSlice.end(), addedClusters.begin(), addedClusters.end());
252  for (const Cluster *const pAddedCluster : addedClusters)
253  this->CollectAssociatedClusters(pAddedCluster, candidateClusters, trackFitResults, showerConeFitResults, clusterSlice, usedClusters);
254 }
bool PassShowerCone(const pandora::Cluster *const pConeCluster, const pandora::Cluster *const pNearbyCluster, const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap &showerConeFitResults) const
Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via cone fits to the shower clust...
bool PassPointing(const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterInSlice, const pandora::Cluster *const pCandidateCluster, const ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap &trackFitResults) const
Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via pointing (checks association ...
void CollectAssociatedClusters(const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterInSlice, const pandora::ClusterVector &candidateClusters, const ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap &trackFitResults, const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap &showerConeFitResults, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterSlice, pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters) const
Collect all clusters associated with a provided cluster.
bool m_useProximityAssociation
Whether to use proximity association.
bool m_usePointingAssociation
Whether to use pointing association.
bool PassProximity(const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterInSlice, const pandora::Cluster *const pCandidateCluster) const
Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via pointing. ...
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster > > ClusterVector
bool m_useShowerConeAssociation
Whether to use shower cone association.
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::CopyAllHitsToSingleSlice ( const pandora::Algorithm *const  pAlgorithm,
const HitTypeToNameMap caloHitListNames,
SliceList sliceList 
) const

Copy all the input hits in an event into a single slice.

pAlgorithmthe address of the calling algorithm
caloHitListNamesthe hit type to calo hit list name map
sliceListthe slice list to receive the single new slice

Definition at line 96 of file

References lar_content::Slice::m_caloHitListU.

Referenced by RunSlicing().

97 {
98  if (!sliceList.empty())
99  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
101  const CaloHitList *pCaloHitListU(nullptr);
103  PandoraContentApi::GetList(*pAlgorithm,, pCaloHitListU));
105  const CaloHitList *pCaloHitListV(nullptr);
107  PandoraContentApi::GetList(*pAlgorithm,, pCaloHitListV));
109  const CaloHitList *pCaloHitListW(nullptr);
111  PandoraContentApi::GetList(*pAlgorithm,, pCaloHitListW));
113  if (pCaloHitListU || pCaloHitListV || pCaloHitListW)
114  {
115  sliceList.push_back(Slice());
116  Slice &slice(;
118  if (pCaloHitListU)
119  slice.m_caloHitListU = *pCaloHitListU;
120  if (pCaloHitListV)
121  slice.m_caloHitListV = *pCaloHitListV;
122  if (pCaloHitListW)
123  slice.m_caloHitListW = *pCaloHitListW;
124  }
125 }
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::CopyPfoHitsToSlices ( const ClusterToSliceIndexMap clusterToSliceIndexMap,
const ClusterToPfoMap clusterToPfoMap,
SliceList sliceList,
pandora::ClusterSet &  assignedClusters 
) const

Use 3D clusters in the cluster slice list, find their parent pfos and assign all hits in all 2D clusters in the pfos to the relevant slice in the output slice list.

clusterToSliceIndexMapthe mapping from 3D clusters to index in the slice list
clusterToPfoMapthe mapping from 3D clusters to parent pfos
sliceListthe list containing slices to be populated with 2D hits
assignedClustersto receive the list of 2D clusters with hits assigned to slices

Definition at line 446 of file

References lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType(), GetRemainingClusters(), lar_content::LArPfoHelper::GetTwoDClusterList(), and lar_content::LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits().

Referenced by RunSlicing().

448 {
449  ClusterList clusterList;
450  for (const auto &mapEntry : clusterToSliceIndexMap)
451  clusterList.push_back(mapEntry.first);
452  clusterList.sort(LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits);
454  for (const Cluster *const pCluster3D : clusterList)
455  {
456  const unsigned int index(;
458  const Pfo *const pPfo(;
459  Slice &slice(;
461  ClusterList clusters2D;
462  LArPfoHelper::GetTwoDClusterList(pPfo, clusters2D);
464  for (const Cluster *const pCluster2D : clusters2D)
465  {
466  const HitType hitType(LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType(pCluster2D));
468  if ((TPC_VIEW_U != hitType) && (TPC_VIEW_V != hitType) && (TPC_VIEW_W != hitType))
469  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
471  CaloHitList &targetList((TPC_VIEW_U == hitType) ? slice.m_caloHitListU
472  : (TPC_VIEW_V == hitType) ? slice.m_caloHitListV
473  : slice.m_caloHitListW);
475  pCluster2D->GetOrderedCaloHitList().FillCaloHitList(targetList);
476  targetList.insert(targetList.end(), pCluster2D->GetIsolatedCaloHitList().begin(), pCluster2D->GetIsolatedCaloHitList().end());
478  if (!assignedClusters.insert(pCluster2D).second)
479  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
480  }
481  }
482 }
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::Cluster *const pLhs, const pandora::Cluster *const pRhs)
Sort clusters by number of hits, then layer span, then inner layer, then position, then pulse-height.
static void GetTwoDClusterList(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, pandora::ClusterList &clusterList)
Get the list of 2D clusters from an input pfo.
static pandora::HitType GetClusterHitType(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster)
Get the hit type associated with a two dimensional cluster.
Definition: HitType.h:12
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::CreateSlices ( const ClusterSliceList clusterSliceList,
SliceList sliceList,
ClusterToSliceIndexMap clusterToSliceIndexMap 
) const

Create new slices for each of the groupings of 3D clusters in the provided cluster slice list.

clusterSliceListthe list of 3D clusters, divided into slices (one 3D cluster list per slice)
sliceListthe slice list to receive the new slices
clusterToSliceIndexMapto receive the mapping from 3D clusters to index in the slice list

Definition at line 424 of file

References lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType().

Referenced by RunSlicing().

425 {
426  unsigned int index(0);
428  for (const ClusterVector &clusterList : clusterSliceList)
429  {
430  for (const Cluster *const pCluster3D : clusterList)
431  {
432  if (TPC_3D != LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType(pCluster3D))
433  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
435  if (!clusterToSliceIndexMap.insert(ClusterToSliceIndexMap::value_type(pCluster3D, index)).second)
436  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
437  }
439  sliceList.push_back(Slice());
440  ++index;
441  }
442 }
static pandora::HitType GetClusterHitType(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster)
Get the hit type associated with a two dimensional cluster.
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster > > ClusterVector
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::GetClusterSliceList ( const pandora::ClusterList &  trackClusters3D,
const pandora::ClusterList &  showerClusters3D,
ClusterSliceList clusterSliceList 
) const

Divide the provided lists of 3D track and shower clusters into slices.

trackClusters3Dthe list of 3D track clusters
showerClusters3Dthe list of 3D shower clusters
clusterSliceListto receive the list of 3D clusters, divided into slices (one 3D cluster list per slice)

Definition at line 166 of file

References CollectAssociatedClusters(), lar_content::LArGeometryHelper::GetWirePitch(), m_halfWindowLayers, m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice, and lar_content::LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits().

Referenced by RunSlicing().

167 {
168  const float pitchU{LArGeometryHelper::GetWirePitch(this->GetPandora(), TPC_VIEW_U)};
169  const float pitchV{LArGeometryHelper::GetWirePitch(this->GetPandora(), TPC_VIEW_V)};
170  const float pitchW{LArGeometryHelper::GetWirePitch(this->GetPandora(), TPC_VIEW_W)};
171  const float pitchMax{std::max({pitchU, pitchV, pitchW})};
172  const float layerPitch(pitchMax);
174  ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap trackFitResults;
176  for (const Cluster *const pCluster3D : trackClusters3D)
177  {
178  try
179  {
180  trackFitResults.insert(
181  ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap::value_type(pCluster3D, ThreeDSlidingFitResult(pCluster3D, m_halfWindowLayers, layerPitch)));
182  }
183  catch (StatusCodeException &)
184  {
185  std::cout << "EventSlicingTool: ThreeDSlidingFitResult failure for track cluster." << std::endl;
186  }
187  }
189  ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap showerConeFitResults;
191  for (const Cluster *const pCluster3D : showerClusters3D)
192  {
193  try
194  {
195  showerConeFitResults.insert(
196  ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap::value_type(pCluster3D, ThreeDSlidingConeFitResult(pCluster3D, m_halfWindowLayers, layerPitch)));
197  }
198  catch (StatusCodeException &)
199  {
200  std::cout << "EventSlicingTool: ThreeDSlidingConeFitResult failure for shower cluster." << std::endl;
201  }
202  }
204  ClusterVector sortedClusters3D(trackClusters3D.begin(), trackClusters3D.end());
205  sortedClusters3D.insert(sortedClusters3D.end(), showerClusters3D.begin(), showerClusters3D.end());
206  std::sort(sortedClusters3D.begin(), sortedClusters3D.end(), LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits);
208  ClusterSet usedClusters;
210  for (const Cluster *const pCluster3D : sortedClusters3D)
211  {
212  if (usedClusters.count(pCluster3D))
213  continue;
215  if (pCluster3D->GetNCaloHits() < m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice)
216  continue;
218  clusterSliceList.push_back(ClusterVector(1, pCluster3D));
219  usedClusters.insert(pCluster3D);
221  ClusterVector &clusterSlice(clusterSliceList.back());
222  this->CollectAssociatedClusters(pCluster3D, sortedClusters3D, trackFitResults, showerConeFitResults, clusterSlice, usedClusters);
223  }
224 }
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::Cluster *const pLhs, const pandora::Cluster *const pRhs)
Sort clusters by number of hits, then layer span, then inner layer, then position, then pulse-height.
unsigned int m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice
The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to seed a new slice.
void CollectAssociatedClusters(const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterInSlice, const pandora::ClusterVector &candidateClusters, const ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap &trackFitResults, const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap &showerConeFitResults, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterSlice, pandora::ClusterSet &usedClusters) const
Collect all clusters associated with a provided cluster.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, ThreeDSlidingFitResult > ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap
static float GetWirePitch(const pandora::Pandora &pandora, const pandora::HitType view, const float maxWirePitchDiscrepancy=0.01)
Return the wire pitch.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, ThreeDSlidingConeFitResult > ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster > > ClusterVector
unsigned int m_halfWindowLayers
The number of layers to use for half-window of sliding fit.
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::GetKDTreeEntries2D ( const SliceList sliceList,
PointList pointsU,
PointList pointsV,
PointList pointsW,
PointToSliceIndexMap pointToSliceIndexMap 
) const

Use projections of 3D hits already assigned to slices to populate kd trees to aid assignment of remaining clusters.

sliceListthe slice list
pointsUto receive the points in the u view
pointsVto receive the points in the v view
pointsWto receive the points in the w view
pointToSliceIndexMapto receive the mapping from points to slice index

Definition at line 596 of file

Referenced by AssignRemainingHitsToSlices().

598 {
599  unsigned int sliceIndex(0);
601  for (const Slice &slice : sliceList)
602  {
603  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : slice.m_caloHitListU)
604  {
605  const CartesianVector *const pPoint(new CartesianVector(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector()));
606  pointToSliceIndexMap.insert(PointToSliceIndexMap::value_type(pPoint, sliceIndex));
607  pointsU.push_back(pPoint);
608  }
610  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : slice.m_caloHitListV)
611  {
612  const CartesianVector *const pPoint(new CartesianVector(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector()));
613  pointToSliceIndexMap.insert(PointToSliceIndexMap::value_type(pPoint, sliceIndex));
614  pointsV.push_back(pPoint);
615  }
617  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : slice.m_caloHitListW)
618  {
619  const CartesianVector *const pPoint(new CartesianVector(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector()));
620  pointToSliceIndexMap.insert(PointToSliceIndexMap::value_type(pPoint, sliceIndex));
621  pointsW.push_back(pPoint);
622  }
624  ++sliceIndex;
625  }
626 }
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::GetKDTreeEntries3D ( const ClusterToSliceIndexMap clusterToSliceIndexMap,
PointList pointsU,
PointList pointsV,
PointList pointsW,
PointToSliceIndexMap pointToSliceIndexMap 
) const

Use 2D hits already assigned to slices to populate kd trees to aid assignment of remaining clusters.

clusterToSliceIndexMapthe 3D cluster to slice index map
pointsUto receive the points in the u view
pointsVto receive the points in the v view
pointsWto receive the points in the w view
pointToSliceIndexMapto receive the mapping from points to slice index

Definition at line 630 of file

References lar_content::LArGeometryHelper::ProjectPosition(), and lar_content::LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits().

Referenced by AssignRemainingHitsToSlices().

632 {
633  ClusterList clusterList;
634  for (const auto &mapEntry : clusterToSliceIndexMap)
635  clusterList.push_back(mapEntry.first);
636  clusterList.sort(LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits);
638  for (const Cluster *const pCluster3D : clusterList)
639  {
640  const unsigned int sliceIndex(;
642  CaloHitList caloHitList;
643  pCluster3D->GetOrderedCaloHitList().FillCaloHitList(caloHitList);
645  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit3D : caloHitList)
646  {
647  if (TPC_3D != pCaloHit3D->GetHitType())
648  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
650  const CartesianVector &position3D(pCaloHit3D->GetPositionVector());
652  const CartesianVector *const pProjectionU(
653  new CartesianVector(LArGeometryHelper::ProjectPosition(this->GetPandora(), position3D, TPC_VIEW_U)));
654  const CartesianVector *const pProjectionV(
655  new CartesianVector(LArGeometryHelper::ProjectPosition(this->GetPandora(), position3D, TPC_VIEW_V)));
656  const CartesianVector *const pProjectionW(
657  new CartesianVector(LArGeometryHelper::ProjectPosition(this->GetPandora(), position3D, TPC_VIEW_W)));
659  pointsU.push_back(pProjectionU);
660  pointsV.push_back(pProjectionV);
661  pointsW.push_back(pProjectionW);
663  pointToSliceIndexMap.insert(PointToSliceIndexMap::value_type(pProjectionU, sliceIndex));
664  pointToSliceIndexMap.insert(PointToSliceIndexMap::value_type(pProjectionV, sliceIndex));
665  pointToSliceIndexMap.insert(PointToSliceIndexMap::value_type(pProjectionW, sliceIndex));
666  }
667  }
668 }
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::Cluster *const pLhs, const pandora::Cluster *const pRhs)
Sort clusters by number of hits, then layer span, then inner layer, then position, then pulse-height.
static pandora::CartesianVector ProjectPosition(const pandora::Pandora &pandora, const pandora::CartesianVector &position3D, const pandora::HitType view)
Project 3D position into a given 2D view.
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::GetRemainingClusters ( const pandora::Algorithm *const  pAlgorithm,
const HitTypeToNameMap clusterListNames,
const pandora::ClusterSet &  assignedClusters,
pandora::ClusterList &  remainingClusters 
) const

Get the list of 2D clusters with hits yets to be assigned to slices.

pAlgorithmthe address of the calling algorithm
clusterListNamesthe hit type to cluster list name map
assignedClustersthe list of 2D clusters with hits assigned to slices
remainingClustersto receive the list of 2D clusters with hits yet to be assigned to slices

Referenced by CopyPfoHitsToSlices(), and RunSlicing().

void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::GetRemainingClusters ( const pandora::Algorithm *const  pAlgorithm,
const std::string &  clusterListName,
const pandora::ClusterSet &  assignedClusters,
pandora::ClusterList &  remainingClusters 
) const

Get the list of 2D clusters (from a named 2D cluster list) with hits yets to be assigned to slices.

pAlgorithmthe address of the calling algorithm
clusterListNamethe cluster list name
assignedClustersthe list of 2D clusters with hits assigned to slices
remainingClustersto receive the list of 2D clusters with hits yet to be assigned to slices
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::GetThreeDClusters ( const pandora::Algorithm *const  pAlgorithm,
const std::string &  pfoListName,
pandora::ClusterList &  clusters3D,
ClusterToPfoMap clusterToPfoMap 
) const

Get the 3D clusters from a specified list of pfos, storing the 3D clusters in the provided list and populating a map from 3D cluster to parent pfo.

pAlgorithmthe address of the calling algorithm
pfoListNamethe pfo list name
clusters3Dto receive the list of 3D clusters
clusterToPfoMapto receive the mapping from 3D clusters to parent pfos

Definition at line 129 of file

References lar_content::LArPfoHelper::GetThreeDClusterList(), and m_minHitsPer3DCluster.

Referenced by RunSlicing().

131 {
132  const PfoList *pPfoList(nullptr);
133  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_INITIALIZED, !=, PandoraContentApi::GetList(*pAlgorithm, pfoListName, pPfoList));
135  if (!pPfoList || pPfoList->empty())
136  {
137  if (PandoraContentApi::GetSettings(*pAlgorithm)->ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo())
138  std::cout << "EventSlicingTool: unable to find pfo list " << pfoListName << std::endl;
140  return;
141  }
143  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo : *pPfoList)
144  {
145  ClusterList pfoClusters3D;
146  LArPfoHelper::GetThreeDClusterList(pPfo, pfoClusters3D);
148  for (const Cluster *const pCluster3D : pfoClusters3D)
149  {
150  if (pCluster3D->GetNCaloHits() < m_minHitsPer3DCluster)
151  continue;
153  if (!clusterToPfoMap.insert(ClusterToPfoMap::value_type(pCluster3D, pPfo)).second)
154  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
156  if (clusters3D.end() != std::find(clusters3D.begin(), clusters3D.end(), pCluster3D))
157  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
159  clusters3D.push_back(pCluster3D);
160  }
161  }
162 }
unsigned int m_minHitsPer3DCluster
The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to warrant consideration in slicing.
static void GetThreeDClusterList(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, pandora::ClusterList &clusterList)
Get the list of 3D clusters from an input pfo.
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::IsEmission ( const LArPointingCluster cluster1,
const LArPointingCluster cluster2 
) const

Check whether a pair of pointing clusters are consistent with an emission.

cluster1the first pointing cluster
cluster2the second pointing cluster
whether the pointing clusters are declared to be in the same slice

Definition at line 402 of file

References lar_content::LArPointingCluster::GetInnerVertex(), lar_content::LArPointingCluster::GetOuterVertex(), lar_content::LArPointingCluster::Vertex::GetPosition(), lar_content::LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(), m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance, m_maxVertexTransverseDistance, m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance, and m_vertexAngularAllowance.

Referenced by PassPointing().

403 {
404  return (LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster1.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetInnerVertex(),
406  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster1.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetInnerVertex(),
408  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster1.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetOuterVertex(),
410  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster1.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetOuterVertex(),
412  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster2.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetInnerVertex(),
414  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster2.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetInnerVertex(),
416  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster2.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetOuterVertex(),
418  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsEmission(cluster2.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetOuterVertex(),
420 }
float m_maxVertexTransverseDistance
Pointing association check: max transverse distance cut.
static bool IsEmission(const pandora::CartesianVector &parentVertex, const LArPointingCluster::Vertex &daughterVertex, const float minLongitudinalDistance, const float maxLongitudinalDistance, const float maxTransverseDistance, const float angularAllowance)
Whether pointing vertex is emitted from a given position.
float m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance
Pointing association check: max longitudinal distance cut.
float m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance
Pointing association check: min longitudinal distance cut.
float m_vertexAngularAllowance
Pointing association check: pointing angular allowance in degrees.
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::IsNode ( const LArPointingCluster cluster1,
const LArPointingCluster cluster2 
) const

Check whether a pair of pointing clusters are nodally associated.

cluster1the first pointing cluster
cluster2the second pointing cluster
whether the pointing clusters are declared to be in the same slice

Definition at line 380 of file

References lar_content::LArPointingCluster::GetInnerVertex(), lar_content::LArPointingCluster::GetOuterVertex(), lar_content::LArPointingCluster::Vertex::GetPosition(), lar_content::LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(), m_maxVertexTransverseDistance, and m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance.

Referenced by PassPointing().

381 {
382  return (LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster1.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetInnerVertex(),
384  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster1.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetInnerVertex(),
386  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster1.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetOuterVertex(),
388  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster1.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster2.GetOuterVertex(),
390  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster2.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetInnerVertex(),
392  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster2.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetInnerVertex(),
394  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster2.GetInnerVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetOuterVertex(),
396  LArPointingClusterHelper::IsNode(cluster2.GetOuterVertex().GetPosition(), cluster1.GetOuterVertex(),
398 }
float m_maxVertexTransverseDistance
Pointing association check: max transverse distance cut.
float m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance
Pointing association check: min longitudinal distance cut.
static bool IsNode(const pandora::CartesianVector &parentVertex, const LArPointingCluster::Vertex &daughterVertex, const float minLongitudinalDistance, const float maxTransverseDistance)
Whether pointing vertex is adjacent to a given position.
const EventSlicingTool::PointKDNode2D * lar_content::EventSlicingTool::MatchClusterToSlice ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pCluster2D,
PointKDTree2D kdTree 
) const

Use the provided kd tree to efficiently identify the most appropriate slice for the provided 2D cluster.

pCluster2Dthe address of the 2D cluster
kdTreethe kd tree
the nearest-neighbour point identified by the kd tree

Definition at line 672 of file

References lar_content::KDTreeLinkerAlgo< DATA, DIM >::findNearestNeighbour().

Referenced by AssignRemainingHitsToSlices().

673 {
674  PointList clusterPointList;
675  const PointKDNode2D *pBestResultPoint(nullptr);
677  try
678  {
679  clusterPointList.push_back(new CartesianVector(pCluster2D->GetCentroid(pCluster2D->GetInnerPseudoLayer())));
680  clusterPointList.push_back(new CartesianVector(pCluster2D->GetCentroid(pCluster2D->GetOuterPseudoLayer())));
681  clusterPointList.push_back(new CartesianVector(
682  (pCluster2D->GetCentroid(pCluster2D->GetInnerPseudoLayer()) + pCluster2D->GetCentroid(pCluster2D->GetOuterPseudoLayer())) * 0.5f));
684  float bestDistance(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
686  for (const CartesianVector *const pClusterPoint : clusterPointList)
687  {
688  const PointKDNode2D *pResultPoint(nullptr);
689  float resultDistance(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
690  const PointKDNode2D targetPoint(pClusterPoint, pClusterPoint->GetX(), pClusterPoint->GetZ());
691  kdTree.findNearestNeighbour(targetPoint, pResultPoint, resultDistance);
693  if (pResultPoint && (resultDistance < bestDistance))
694  {
695  pBestResultPoint = pResultPoint;
696  bestDistance = resultDistance;
697  }
698  }
699  }
700  catch (...)
701  {
702  std::cout << "EventSlicingTool::MatchClusterToSlice - exception " << std::endl;
703  for (const CartesianVector *const pPoint : clusterPointList)
704  delete pPoint;
705  throw;
706  }
708  for (const CartesianVector *const pPoint : clusterPointList)
709  delete pPoint;
711  return pBestResultPoint;
712 }
KDTreeNodeInfoT< const pandora::CartesianVector *, 2 > PointKDNode2D
std::list< const pandora::CartesianVector * > PointList
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::PassPointing ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pClusterInSlice,
const pandora::Cluster *const  pCandidateCluster,
const ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap trackFitResults 
) const

Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via pointing (checks association "both ways")

pClusterInSliceaddress of a cluster already in the slice
pCandidateClusteraddress of the candidate cluster
trackFitResultsthe map of sliding fit results for track candidate clusters
whether an addition to the cluster slice should be made

Definition at line 258 of file

References CheckClosestApproach(), IsEmission(), and IsNode().

Referenced by CollectAssociatedClusters().

260 {
261  ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap::const_iterator inSliceIter = trackFitResults.find(pClusterInSlice);
262  ThreeDSlidingFitResultMap::const_iterator candidateIter = trackFitResults.find(pCandidateCluster);
264  if ((trackFitResults.end() == inSliceIter) || (trackFitResults.end() == candidateIter))
265  return false;
267  const LArPointingCluster inSlicePointingCluster(inSliceIter->second);
268  const LArPointingCluster candidatePointingCluster(candidateIter->second);
270  if (this->CheckClosestApproach(inSlicePointingCluster, candidatePointingCluster) ||
271  this->IsEmission(inSlicePointingCluster, candidatePointingCluster) || this->IsNode(inSlicePointingCluster, candidatePointingCluster))
272  {
273  return true;
274  }
276  return false;
277 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
bool IsNode(const LArPointingCluster &cluster1, const LArPointingCluster &cluster2) const
Check whether a pair of pointing clusters are nodally associated.
bool CheckClosestApproach(const LArPointingCluster &cluster1, const LArPointingCluster &cluster2) const
Check closest approach metrics for a pair of pointing clusters.
bool IsEmission(const LArPointingCluster &cluster1, const LArPointingCluster &cluster2) const
Check whether a pair of pointing clusters are consistent with an emission.
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::PassProximity ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pClusterInSlice,
const pandora::Cluster *const  pCandidateCluster 
) const

Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via pointing.

pClusterInSliceaddress of a cluster already in the slice
pCandidateClusteraddress of the candidate cluster
whether an addition to the cluster slice should be made

Definition at line 281 of file

References m_maxHitSeparationSquared.

Referenced by CollectAssociatedClusters().

282 {
283  for (const auto &orderedList1 : pClusterInSlice->GetOrderedCaloHitList())
284  {
285  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit1 : *(orderedList1.second))
286  {
287  const CartesianVector &positionVector1(pCaloHit1->GetPositionVector());
289  for (const auto &orderedList2 : pCandidateCluster->GetOrderedCaloHitList())
290  {
291  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit2 : *(orderedList2.second))
292  {
293  if ((positionVector1 - pCaloHit2->GetPositionVector()).GetMagnitudeSquared() < m_maxHitSeparationSquared)
294  return true;
295  }
296  }
297  }
298  }
300  return false;
301 }
float m_maxHitSeparationSquared
Proximity association: max distance allowed between the closest pair of hits.
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::PassShowerCone ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pConeCluster,
const pandora::Cluster *const  pNearbyCluster,
const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap showerConeFitResults 
) const

Compare the provided clusters to assess whether they are associated via cone fits to the shower cluster (single "direction" check)

pClusterInSliceaddress of a cluster already in the slice
pCandidateClusteraddress of the candidate cluster
showerConeFitResultsthe map of sliding cone fit results for shower candidate clusters
whether an addition to the cluster slice should be made

Definition at line 305 of file

References lar_content::CONE_BOTH_DIRECTIONS, f, lar_content::ThreeDSlidingConeFitResult::GetSimpleConeList(), lar_content::ThreeDSlidingConeFitResult::GetSlidingFitResult(), m_coneBoundedFraction1, m_coneBoundedFraction2, m_coneLengthMultiplier, m_coneTanHalfAngle1, m_coneTanHalfAngle2, m_maxConeLength, m_nConeFitLayers, and m_nConeFits.

Referenced by CollectAssociatedClusters().

307 {
308  ThreeDSlidingConeFitResultMap::const_iterator fitIter = showerConeFitResults.find(pConeCluster);
310  if (showerConeFitResults.end() == fitIter)
311  return false;
313  float clusterLength(0.f);
314  SimpleConeList simpleConeList;
316  try
317  {
318  const ThreeDSlidingConeFitResult &slidingConeFitResult3D(fitIter->second);
319  const ThreeDSlidingFitResult &slidingFitResult3D(slidingConeFitResult3D.GetSlidingFitResult());
320  slidingConeFitResult3D.GetSimpleConeList(m_nConeFitLayers, m_nConeFits, CONE_BOTH_DIRECTIONS, simpleConeList);
321  clusterLength = (slidingFitResult3D.GetGlobalMaxLayerPosition() - slidingFitResult3D.GetGlobalMinLayerPosition()).GetMagnitude();
322  }
323  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
324  {
325  return false;
326  }
328  for (const SimpleCone &simpleCone : simpleConeList)
329  {
330  const float coneLength(std::min(m_coneLengthMultiplier * clusterLength, m_maxConeLength));
332  if (simpleCone.GetBoundedHitFraction(pNearbyCluster, coneLength, m_coneTanHalfAngle1) < m_coneBoundedFraction1)
333  continue;
335  if (simpleCone.GetBoundedHitFraction(pNearbyCluster, coneLength, m_coneTanHalfAngle2) < m_coneBoundedFraction2)
336  continue;
338  return true;
339  }
341  return false;
342 }
unsigned int m_nConeFits
The number of cone fits to perform, spread roughly uniformly along the shower length.
unsigned int m_nConeFitLayers
The number of layers over which to sum fitted direction to obtain cone fit.
float m_coneTanHalfAngle2
The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 2.
float m_coneBoundedFraction2
The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 2.
std::vector< SimpleCone > SimpleConeList
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
float m_coneTanHalfAngle1
The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 1.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
float m_coneLengthMultiplier
The cone length multiplier to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.
float m_maxConeLength
The maximum allowed cone length to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.
float m_coneBoundedFraction1
The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 1.
StatusCode lar_content::EventSlicingTool::ReadSettings ( const pandora::TiXmlHandle  xmlHandle)

Definition at line 731 of file

References m_coneBoundedFraction1, m_coneBoundedFraction2, m_coneLengthMultiplier, m_coneTanHalfAngle1, m_coneTanHalfAngle2, m_halfWindowLayers, m_maxClosestApproach, m_maxConeLength, m_maxHitSeparationSquared, m_maxInterceptDistance, m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance, m_maxVertexTransverseDistance, m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice, m_minHitsPer3DCluster, m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance, m_nConeFitLayers, m_nConeFits, m_showerPfoListName, m_trackPfoListName, m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp, m_usePointingAssociation, m_useProximityAssociation, m_useShowerConeAssociation, and m_vertexAngularAllowance.

732 {
733  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "TrackPfoListName", m_trackPfoListName));
735  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "ShowerPfoListName", m_showerPfoListName));
738  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MinHitsPer3DCluster", m_minHitsPer3DCluster));
741  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "Min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice", m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice));
744  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "SlidingFitHalfWindow", m_halfWindowLayers));
747  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "UsePointingAssociation", m_usePointingAssociation));
750  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MinVertexLongitudinalDistance", m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance));
753  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxVertexLongitudinalDistance", m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance));
756  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxVertexTransverseDistance", m_maxVertexTransverseDistance));
759  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "VertexAngularAllowance", m_vertexAngularAllowance));
762  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxClosestApproach", m_maxClosestApproach));
765  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxInterceptDistance", m_maxInterceptDistance));
768  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "UseProximityAssociation", m_useProximityAssociation));
770  float maxHitSeparation = std::sqrt(m_maxHitSeparationSquared);
771  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxHitSeparation", maxHitSeparation));
772  m_maxHitSeparationSquared = maxHitSeparation * maxHitSeparation;
775  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "UseShowerConeAssociation", m_useShowerConeAssociation));
777  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "NConeFitLayers", m_nConeFitLayers));
779  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "NConeFits", m_nConeFits));
782  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "ConeLengthMultiplier", m_coneLengthMultiplier));
784  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxConeLength", m_maxConeLength));
787  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "ConeTanHalfAngle1", m_coneTanHalfAngle1));
790  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "ConeBoundedFraction1", m_coneBoundedFraction1));
793  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "ConeTanHalfAngle2", m_coneTanHalfAngle2));
796  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "ConeBoundedFraction2", m_coneBoundedFraction2));
799  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "Use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp", m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp));
802 }
unsigned int m_nConeFits
The number of cone fits to perform, spread roughly uniformly along the shower length.
unsigned int m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice
The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to seed a new slice.
float m_maxHitSeparationSquared
Proximity association: max distance allowed between the closest pair of hits.
unsigned int m_nConeFitLayers
The number of layers over which to sum fitted direction to obtain cone fit.
float m_coneTanHalfAngle2
The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 2.
float m_maxVertexTransverseDistance
Pointing association check: max transverse distance cut.
float m_coneBoundedFraction2
The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 2.
std::string m_showerPfoListName
The name of the input shower pfo list.
unsigned int m_minHitsPer3DCluster
The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to warrant consideration in slicing.
float m_coneTanHalfAngle1
The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 1.
float m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance
Pointing association check: max longitudinal distance cut.
std::string m_trackPfoListName
The name of the input track pfo list.
bool m_useProximityAssociation
Whether to use proximity association.
float m_maxClosestApproach
Pointing association: max distance of closest approach between straight line fits.
bool m_usePointingAssociation
Whether to use pointing association.
float m_coneLengthMultiplier
The cone length multiplier to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.
float m_maxInterceptDistance
Pointing association: max distance from cluster vertex to point of closest approach.
float m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance
Pointing association check: min longitudinal distance cut.
bool m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp
Whether to include 3D cluster projections when assigning remaining clusters to slices.
float m_maxConeLength
The maximum allowed cone length to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.
bool m_useShowerConeAssociation
Whether to use shower cone association.
float m_vertexAngularAllowance
Pointing association check: pointing angular allowance in degrees.
float m_coneBoundedFraction1
The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 1.
unsigned int m_halfWindowLayers
The number of layers to use for half-window of sliding fit.
void lar_content::EventSlicingTool::RunSlicing ( const pandora::Algorithm *const  pAlgorithm,
const HitTypeToNameMap caloHitListNames,
const HitTypeToNameMap clusterListNames,
SliceList sliceList 

Run the slicing tool.

pAlgorithmaddress of the calling algorithm
caloHitListNamesthe hit type to calo hit list name map
clusterListNamesthe hit type to cluster list name map
sliceListto receive the populated slice list

Implements lar_content::EventSlicingBaseTool.

Definition at line 58 of file

References AssignRemainingHitsToSlices(), CopyAllHitsToSingleSlice(), CopyPfoHitsToSlices(), CreateSlices(), GetClusterSliceList(), GetRemainingClusters(), GetThreeDClusters(), m_showerPfoListName, and m_trackPfoListName.

60 {
61  if (PandoraContentApi::GetSettings(*pAlgorithm)->ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo())
62  std::cout << "----> Running Algorithm Tool: " << this->GetInstanceName() << ", " << this->GetType() << std::endl;
64  ClusterToPfoMap clusterToPfoMap;
66  ClusterList trackClusters3D;
67  this->GetThreeDClusters(pAlgorithm, m_trackPfoListName, trackClusters3D, clusterToPfoMap);
69  ClusterList showerClusters3D;
70  this->GetThreeDClusters(pAlgorithm, m_showerPfoListName, showerClusters3D, clusterToPfoMap);
72  ClusterSliceList clusterSliceList;
73  this->GetClusterSliceList(trackClusters3D, showerClusters3D, clusterSliceList);
75  if (clusterSliceList.size() < 2)
76  {
77  return this->CopyAllHitsToSingleSlice(pAlgorithm, caloHitListNames, sliceList);
78  }
79  else
80  {
81  ClusterToSliceIndexMap clusterToSliceIndexMap;
82  this->CreateSlices(clusterSliceList, sliceList, clusterToSliceIndexMap);
84  ClusterSet assignedClusters;
85  this->CopyPfoHitsToSlices(clusterToSliceIndexMap, clusterToPfoMap, sliceList, assignedClusters);
87  ClusterList remainingClusters;
88  this->GetRemainingClusters(pAlgorithm, clusterListNames, assignedClusters, remainingClusters);
90  this->AssignRemainingHitsToSlices(remainingClusters, clusterToSliceIndexMap, sliceList);
91  }
92 }
void GetThreeDClusters(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const std::string &pfoListName, pandora::ClusterList &clusters3D, ClusterToPfoMap &clusterToPfoMap) const
Get the 3D clusters from a specified list of pfos, storing the 3D clusters in the provided list and p...
void GetClusterSliceList(const pandora::ClusterList &trackClusters3D, const pandora::ClusterList &showerClusters3D, ClusterSliceList &clusterSliceList) const
Divide the provided lists of 3D track and shower clusters into slices.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject * > ClusterToPfoMap
std::string m_showerPfoListName
The name of the input shower pfo list.
void CopyPfoHitsToSlices(const ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap, const ClusterToPfoMap &clusterToPfoMap, SliceList &sliceList, pandora::ClusterSet &assignedClusters) const
Use 3D clusters in the cluster slice list, find their parent pfos and assign all hits in all 2D clust...
void CopyAllHitsToSingleSlice(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const HitTypeToNameMap &caloHitListNames, SliceList &sliceList) const
Copy all the input hits in an event into a single slice.
std::string m_trackPfoListName
The name of the input track pfo list.
std::vector< pandora::ClusterVector > ClusterSliceList
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, unsigned int > ClusterToSliceIndexMap
void GetRemainingClusters(const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const HitTypeToNameMap &clusterListNames, const pandora::ClusterSet &assignedClusters, pandora::ClusterList &remainingClusters) const
Get the list of 2D clusters with hits yets to be assigned to slices.
void CreateSlices(const ClusterSliceList &clusterSliceList, SliceList &sliceList, ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap) const
Create new slices for each of the groupings of 3D clusters in the provided cluster slice list...
void AssignRemainingHitsToSlices(const pandora::ClusterList &remainingClusters, const ClusterToSliceIndexMap &clusterToSliceIndexMap, SliceList &sliceList) const
Use the list of remaining 2D clusters to assign all remaining 2D hits to existing slices in the slice...
bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::SortPoints ( const pandora::CartesianVector *const  pLhs,
const pandora::CartesianVector *const  pRhs 

Sort points (use Z, followed by X, followed by Y)

pLhsaddress of first point
pRhsaddress of second point

Definition at line 716 of file

Referenced by AssignRemainingHitsToSlices().

717 {
718  const CartesianVector deltaPosition(*pRhs - *pLhs);
720  if (std::fabs(deltaPosition.GetZ()) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
721  return (deltaPosition.GetZ() > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
723  if (std::fabs(deltaPosition.GetX()) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
724  return (deltaPosition.GetX() > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
726  return (deltaPosition.GetY() > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
727 }

Member Data Documentation

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_coneBoundedFraction1

The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 1.

Definition at line 299 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_coneBoundedFraction2

The minimum cluster bounded fraction for association 2.

Definition at line 301 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_coneLengthMultiplier

The cone length multiplier to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.

Definition at line 296 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_coneTanHalfAngle1

The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 1.

Definition at line 298 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_coneTanHalfAngle2

The cone tan half angle to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions 2.

Definition at line 300 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_halfWindowLayers

The number of layers to use for half-window of sliding fit.

Definition at line 280 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by GetClusterSliceList(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_maxClosestApproach

Pointing association: max distance of closest approach between straight line fits.

Definition at line 287 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckClosestApproach(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_maxConeLength

The maximum allowed cone length to use when calculating bounded cluster fractions.

Definition at line 297 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_maxHitSeparationSquared

Proximity association: max distance allowed between the closest pair of hits.

Definition at line 291 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassProximity(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_maxInterceptDistance

Pointing association: max distance from cluster vertex to point of closest approach.

Definition at line 288 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by CheckClosestApproach(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_maxVertexLongitudinalDistance

Pointing association check: max longitudinal distance cut.

Definition at line 284 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by IsEmission(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_maxVertexTransverseDistance

Pointing association check: max transverse distance cut.

Definition at line 285 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by IsEmission(), IsNode(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_min3DHitsToSeedNewSlice

The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to seed a new slice.

Definition at line 279 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by GetClusterSliceList(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_minHitsPer3DCluster

The minimum number of hits in a 3D cluster to warrant consideration in slicing.

Definition at line 278 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by GetThreeDClusters(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_minVertexLongitudinalDistance

Pointing association check: min longitudinal distance cut.

Definition at line 283 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by IsEmission(), IsNode(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_nConeFitLayers

The number of layers over which to sum fitted direction to obtain cone fit.

Definition at line 294 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_nConeFits

The number of cone fits to perform, spread roughly uniformly along the shower length.

Definition at line 295 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by PassShowerCone(), and ReadSettings().

std::string lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_showerPfoListName

The name of the input shower pfo list.

Definition at line 276 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by ReadSettings(), and RunSlicing().

std::string lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_trackPfoListName

The name of the input track pfo list.

Definition at line 275 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by ReadSettings(), and RunSlicing().

bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_use3DProjectionsInHitPickUp

Whether to include 3D cluster projections when assigning remaining clusters to slices.

Definition at line 303 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by AssignRemainingHitsToSlices(), and ReadSettings().

bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_usePointingAssociation

Whether to use pointing association.

Definition at line 282 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by CollectAssociatedClusters(), and ReadSettings().

bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_useProximityAssociation

Whether to use proximity association.

Definition at line 290 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by CollectAssociatedClusters(), and ReadSettings().

bool lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_useShowerConeAssociation

Whether to use shower cone association.

Definition at line 293 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by CollectAssociatedClusters(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::EventSlicingTool::m_vertexAngularAllowance

Pointing association check: pointing angular allowance in degrees.

Definition at line 286 of file EventSlicingTool.h.

Referenced by IsEmission(), and ReadSettings().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: