LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm Class Referenceabstract

TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm class. More...

#include "TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h"

Inheritance diagram for lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm:


class  SortByDistanceAlongLine
 SortByDistanceAlongLine class. More...

Public Member Functions

 TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm ()
 Default constructor. More...
template<typename T >
void InitialiseContainers (const ClusterList *pClusterList, const T sortFunction, ClusterVector &clusterVector, SlidingFitResultMapPair &slidingFitResultMapPair) const
template<typename T >
void UpdateContainers (const ClusterList &clustersToAdd, const ClusterList &clustersToDelete, const T sortFunction, ClusterVector &clusterVector, SlidingFitResultMapPair &slidingFitResultMapPair) const

Protected Types

typedef std::pair< TwoDSlidingFitResultMap *, TwoDSlidingFitResultMap * > SlidingFitResultMapPair
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::CaloHitList > ClusterToCaloHitListMap

Protected Member Functions

virtual pandora::StatusCode Run ()=0
virtual pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings (const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)=0
template<typename T >
void InitialiseContainers (const pandora::ClusterList *pClusterList, const T sortFunction, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, SlidingFitResultMapPair &slidingFitResultMapPair) const
 Fill the cluster vector and sliding fit maps with clusters that are determined to be track-like. More...
bool GetClusterMergingCoordinates (const TwoDSlidingFitResult &clusterMicroFitResult, const TwoDSlidingFitResult &clusterMacroFitResult, const TwoDSlidingFitResult &associatedMacroFitResult, const bool isEndUpstream, pandora::CartesianVector &clusterMergePosition, pandora::CartesianVector &clusterMergeDirection) const
 Get the merging coordinate and direction for an input cluster with respect to an associated cluster. More...
void GetHitsInBoundingBox (const pandora::CartesianVector &firstCorner, const pandora::CartesianVector &secondCorner, const pandora::ClusterList *const pClusterList, ClusterToCaloHitListMap &clusterToCaloHitListMap, const pandora::ClusterList &unavailableProtectedClusters=pandora::ClusterList(), const float distanceToLine=-1.f) const
 Find the unprotected hits that are contained within a defined box with the option to apply a cut on the distance to the connecting line. More...
bool IsInBoundingBox (const float minX, const float maxX, const float minZ, const float maxZ, const pandora::CartesianVector &hitPosition) const
 check whether a hit is contained within a defined square region More...
bool IsCloseToLine (const pandora::CartesianVector &hitPosition, const pandora::CartesianVector &lineStart, const pandora::CartesianVector &lineDirection, const float distanceToLine) const
 Check whether a hit is close to a line. More...
bool AreExtrapolatedHitsGood (const ClusterToCaloHitListMap &clusterToCaloHitListMap, ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation) const
 Perform topological checks on the collected hits to ensure no gaps are present. More...
virtual bool AreExtrapolatedHitsNearBoundaries (const pandora::CaloHitVector &extrapolatedHitVector, ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation) const =0
 Check the separation of the extremal extrapolated hits with the expected endpoints or, in the case of no hits, the clusterMergePoint themselves. More...
bool IsNearBoundary (const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit, const pandora::CartesianVector &boundaryPosition2D, const float boundaryTolerance) const
 Check whether a hit is close to a boundary point. More...
bool IsTrackContinuous (const ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation, const pandora::CaloHitVector &extrapolatedCaloHitVector) const
 Check whether the extrapolatedCaloHitVector contains a continuous line of hits between the cluster merge points. More...
void GetTrackSegmentBoundaries (const ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation, pandora::CartesianPointVector &trackSegmentBoundaries) const
 Obtain the segment boundaries of the connecting line to test whether extrapolated hits are continuous. More...
void RepositionIfInGap (const pandora::CartesianVector &mergeDirection, pandora::CartesianVector &trackPoint) const
 Move an input position to the higher line gap edge if it lies within a gap. More...
float DistanceInGap (const pandora::CartesianVector &upstreamPoint, const pandora::CartesianVector &downstreamPoint, const pandora::CartesianVector &connectingLine, pandora::DetectorGapList &consideredGaps) const
 Calculate the track length between two points that lies in gaps. More...
bool IsInLineSegment (const pandora::CartesianVector &lowerBoundary, const pandora::CartesianVector &upperBoundary, const pandora::CartesianVector &point) const
 Whether a position falls within a specified segment of the cluster connecting line. More...
const pandora::Cluster * RemoveOffAxisHitsFromTrack (const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster, const pandora::CartesianVector &splitPosition, const bool isEndUpstream, const ClusterToCaloHitListMap &clusterToCaloHitListMap, pandora::ClusterList &remnantClusterList, TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &microSlidingFitResultMap, TwoDSlidingFitResultMap &macroSlidingFitResultMap) const
 Remove any hits in the upstream/downstream cluster that lie off of the main track axis (i.e. clustering errors) More...
void AddHitsToMainTrack (const pandora::Cluster *const pMainTrackCluster, const pandora::Cluster *const pShowerTrackCluster, const pandora::CaloHitList &caloHitsToMerge, const ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation, pandora::ClusterList &remnantClusterList) const
 Remove the hits from a shower cluster that belong to the main track and add them into the main track cluster. More...
void ProcessRemnantClusters (const pandora::ClusterList &remnantClusterList, const pandora::Cluster *const pMainTrackCluster, const pandora::ClusterList *const pClusterList, pandora::ClusterList &createdClusters) const
 Process the remnant clusters separating those that stradle the main track. More...
bool AddToNearestCluster (const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterToMerge, const pandora::Cluster *const pMainTrackCluster, const pandora::ClusterList *const pClusterList) const
 Add a cluster to the nearest cluster satisfying separation distance thresholds. More...
bool IsClusterRemnantDisconnected (const pandora::Cluster *const pRemnantCluster) const
 Whether a remnant cluster is considered to be disconnected and therefore should undergo further fragmentation. More...
void FragmentRemnantCluster (const pandora::Cluster *const pRemnantCluster, pandora::ClusterList &fragmentedClusterList) const
 Fragment a cluster using simple hit separation logic. More...
template<typename T >
void UpdateContainers (const pandora::ClusterList &clustersToAdd, const pandora::ClusterList &clustersToDelete, const T sortFunction, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, SlidingFitResultMapPair &slidingFitResultMapPair) const
 Remove deleted clusters from the cluster vector and sliding fit maps and add in created clusters that are determined to be track-like. More...
void RemoveClusterFromContainers (const pandora::Cluster *const pClustertoRemove, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, SlidingFitResultMapPair &slidingFitResultMapPair) const
 Remove a cluster from the cluster vector and sliding fit maps. More...

Protected Attributes

float m_minClusterLength
 The minimum length of a considered cluster. More...
unsigned int m_microSlidingFitWindow
 The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the microSlidingFitResultMap. More...
unsigned int m_macroSlidingFitWindow
 The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the macroSlidingFitResultMap. More...
float m_stableRegionClusterFraction
 The threshold fraction of fit contributing layers which defines the stable region. More...
float m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation
 The threshold cos opening angle between the cluster local gradient and the associated cluster global gradient used to determine merge points. More...
float m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval
 The threshold fraction of hits to be removed from the cluster for hit removal to proceed. More...
float m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack
 The threshold distance for a hit to be added to the main track. More...
float m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster
 The threshold separation between a hit and cluster for the hit to be merged into the cluster. More...
float m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster
 The maximum separation between two adjacent (in z) hits in a connected cluster. More...
unsigned int m_maxTrackGaps
 The maximum number of graps allowed in the extrapolated hit vector. More...
float m_lineSegmentLength
 The length of a track gap. More...
bool m_hitWidthMode
 Whether to consider the width of hits. More...

Detailed Description

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::CaloHitList> lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::ClusterToCaloHitListMap

Definition at line 31 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 21 of file

21  :
31  m_maxTrackGaps(3),
33  m_hitWidthMode(false)
34 {
35 }
unsigned int m_macroSlidingFitWindow
The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the macroSlidingFitResultMap.
bool m_hitWidthMode
Whether to consider the width of hits.
float m_minClusterLength
The minimum length of a considered cluster.
unsigned int m_maxTrackGaps
The maximum number of graps allowed in the extrapolated hit vector.
float m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval
The threshold fraction of hits to be removed from the cluster for hit removal to proceed.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
float m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster
The threshold separation between a hit and cluster for the hit to be merged into the cluster...
float m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster
The maximum separation between two adjacent (in z) hits in a connected cluster.
float m_stableRegionClusterFraction
The threshold fraction of fit contributing layers which defines the stable region.
float m_lineSegmentLength
The length of a track gap.
float m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack
The threshold distance for a hit to be added to the main track.
unsigned int m_microSlidingFitWindow
The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the microSlidingFitResultMap.
float m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation
The threshold cos opening angle between the cluster local gradient and the associated cluster global ...

Member Function Documentation

void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::AddHitsToMainTrack ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pMainTrackCluster,
const pandora::Cluster *const  pShowerTrackCluster,
const pandora::CaloHitList &  caloHitsToMerge,
const ClusterAssociation clusterAssociation,
pandora::ClusterList &  remnantClusterList 
) const

Remove the hits from a shower cluster that belong to the main track and add them into the main track cluster.

pMainTrackClusterthe main track cluster
pShowerClusterthe input shower cluster
caloHitsToMergethe list of calo hits to remove from the shower cluster
clusterAssociationthe clusterAssociation
remnantClusterListthe input list to store the remnant clusters

Definition at line 572 of file

References f, lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetConnectingLineDirection(), lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetLengthSquared(), lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetUpstreamMergePoint(), m_minClusterLength, and m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval.

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::CreateMainTrack().

574 {
575  // To ignore crossing CR muon or test beam tracks
576  if (((static_cast<float>(caloHitsToMerge.size()) / static_cast<float>(pShowerCluster->GetNCaloHits())) < m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval) &&
578  return;
580  if (pShowerCluster->GetNCaloHits() == caloHitsToMerge.size())
581  {
582  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::MergeAndDeleteClusters(*this, pMainTrackCluster, pShowerCluster));
583  return;
584  }
586  // Fragmentation initialisation
587  std::string originalListName, fragmentListName;
588  const ClusterList originalClusterList(1, pShowerCluster);
590  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::InitializeFragmentation(*this, originalClusterList, originalListName, fragmentListName));
592  const Cluster *pAboveCluster(nullptr), *pBelowCluster(nullptr);
594  const bool isVertical(std::fabs(clusterAssociation.GetConnectingLineDirection().GetX()) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
595  const float connectingLineGradient(
596  isVertical ? 0.f : clusterAssociation.GetConnectingLineDirection().GetZ() / clusterAssociation.GetConnectingLineDirection().GetX());
597  const float connectingLineIntercept(isVertical
598  ? clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint().GetX()
599  : clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint().GetZ() - (connectingLineGradient * clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint().GetX()));
601  const OrderedCaloHitList orderedCaloHitList(pShowerCluster->GetOrderedCaloHitList());
602  for (const OrderedCaloHitList::value_type &mapEntry : orderedCaloHitList)
603  {
604  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *mapEntry.second)
605  {
606  const bool isAnExtrapolatedHit(std::find(caloHitsToMerge.begin(), caloHitsToMerge.end(), pCaloHit) != caloHitsToMerge.end());
607  if (isAnExtrapolatedHit)
608  {
609  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::RemoveFromCluster(*this, pShowerCluster, pCaloHit));
610  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::AddToCluster(*this, pMainTrackCluster, pCaloHit));
611  }
612  else
613  {
614  const CartesianVector &hitPosition(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector());
615  const bool isAbove(((connectingLineGradient * hitPosition.GetX()) + connectingLineIntercept) <
616  (isVertical ? hitPosition.GetX() : hitPosition.GetZ()));
617  const Cluster *&pClusterToModify(isAbove ? pAboveCluster : pBelowCluster);
619  if (pClusterToModify)
620  {
621  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::AddToCluster(*this, pClusterToModify, pCaloHit));
622  }
623  else
624  {
625  PandoraContentApi::Cluster::Parameters parameters;
626  parameters.m_caloHitList.push_back(pCaloHit);
627  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::Cluster::Create(*this, parameters, pClusterToModify));
629  remnantClusterList.push_back(pClusterToModify);
630  }
631  }
632  }
633  }
635  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::EndFragmentation(*this, fragmentListName, originalListName));
636 }
float m_minClusterLength
The minimum length of a considered cluster.
float m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval
The threshold fraction of hits to be removed from the cluster for hit removal to proceed.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
static float GetLengthSquared(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster)
Get length squared of cluster.
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::AddToNearestCluster ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pClusterToMerge,
const pandora::Cluster *const  pMainTrackCluster,
const pandora::ClusterList *const  pClusterList 
) const

Add a cluster to the nearest cluster satisfying separation distance thresholds.

pClusterToMergethe cluster to merge
pMainTrackClusterthe main track cluster
pClusterListthe list of all clusters
whether cluster was added to a nearby cluster

Definition at line 667 of file

References lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetClosestDistance(), m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack, and m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster.

Referenced by ProcessRemnantClusters().

669 {
670  const Cluster *pClosestCluster(nullptr);
671  float closestDistance(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
673  for (const Cluster *const pCluster : *pClusterList)
674  {
675  if (pCluster == pClusterToMerge)
676  continue;
678  const float separationDistance(LArClusterHelper::GetClosestDistance(pClusterToMerge, pCluster));
680  if (separationDistance < closestDistance)
681  {
682  if ((pCluster == pMainTrackCluster) && (separationDistance > m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack))
683  continue;
685  pClosestCluster = pCluster;
686  closestDistance = separationDistance;
687  }
688  }
690  if (closestDistance < m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster)
691  {
692  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::MergeAndDeleteClusters(*this, pClosestCluster, pClusterToMerge));
693  return true;
694  }
696  return false;
697 }
float m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster
The threshold separation between a hit and cluster for the hit to be merged into the cluster...
float m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack
The threshold distance for a hit to be added to the main track.
static float GetClosestDistance(const pandora::ClusterList &clusterList1, const pandora::ClusterList &clusterList2)
Get closest distance between clusters in a pair of cluster lists.
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::AreExtrapolatedHitsGood ( const ClusterToCaloHitListMap clusterToCaloHitListMap,
ClusterAssociation clusterAssociation 
) const

Perform topological checks on the collected hits to ensure no gaps are present.

clusterToCaloHitListMapthe input map [parent cluster -> list of hits which belong to the main track]
clusterAssociationthe clusterAssociation
whether the checks pass

Definition at line 187 of file

References AreExtrapolatedHitsNearBoundaries(), lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetConnectingLineDirection(), lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetUpstreamMergePoint(), IsTrackContinuous(), and m_hitWidthMode.

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::Run().

188 {
189  CaloHitVector extrapolatedHitVector;
190  for (const auto &entry : clusterToCaloHitListMap)
191  extrapolatedHitVector.insert(extrapolatedHitVector.begin(), entry.second.begin(), entry.second.end());
193  // ATTN: Extrapolated hit checks require extrapolatedHitVector to be ordered from upstream -> downstream merge point
194  std::sort(extrapolatedHitVector.begin(), extrapolatedHitVector.end(),
195  SortByDistanceAlongLine(clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint(), clusterAssociation.GetConnectingLineDirection(), m_hitWidthMode));
197  if (!this->AreExtrapolatedHitsNearBoundaries(extrapolatedHitVector, clusterAssociation))
198  return false;
200  if (clusterToCaloHitListMap.empty())
201  return true;
203  if (!this->IsTrackContinuous(clusterAssociation, extrapolatedHitVector))
204  return false;
206  return true;
207 }
bool m_hitWidthMode
Whether to consider the width of hits.
bool IsTrackContinuous(const ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation, const pandora::CaloHitVector &extrapolatedCaloHitVector) const
Check whether the extrapolatedCaloHitVector contains a continuous line of hits between the cluster me...
virtual bool AreExtrapolatedHitsNearBoundaries(const pandora::CaloHitVector &extrapolatedHitVector, ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation) const =0
Check the separation of the extremal extrapolated hits with the expected endpoints or...
virtual bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::AreExtrapolatedHitsNearBoundaries ( const pandora::CaloHitVector &  extrapolatedHitVector,
ClusterAssociation clusterAssociation 
) const
protectedpure virtual

Check the separation of the extremal extrapolated hits with the expected endpoints or, in the case of no hits, the clusterMergePoint themselves.

extrapolatedHitVectorthe extrapolated hit vector (ordered closest hit to the upstream merge point -> furthest hit)
clusterAssociationthe clusterAssociation
whether the check passes

Implemented in lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm.

Referenced by AreExtrapolatedHitsGood().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::DistanceInGap ( const pandora::CartesianVector &  upstreamPoint,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  downstreamPoint,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  connectingLine,
pandora::DetectorGapList &  consideredGaps 
) const

Calculate the track length between two points that lies in gaps.

upstreamPointthe upstream point
downstreamPointthe downstream point
connectingLinethe track direction
consideredGapsthe list of gaps to ignore

Definition at line 384 of file

References f.

Referenced by GetTrackSegmentBoundaries().

386 {
387  const CartesianVector &lowerXPoint(upstreamPoint.GetX() < downstreamPoint.GetX() ? upstreamPoint : downstreamPoint);
388  const CartesianVector &higherXPoint(upstreamPoint.GetX() < downstreamPoint.GetX() ? downstreamPoint : upstreamPoint);
390  const float cosAngleToX(std::fabs(connectingLine.GetDotProduct(CartesianVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f))));
391  const float cosAngleToZ(std::fabs(connectingLine.GetDotProduct(CartesianVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f))));
393  float distanceInGaps(0.f);
394  const DetectorGapList detectorGapList(this->GetPandora().GetGeometry()->GetDetectorGapList());
395  for (const DetectorGap *const pDetectorGap : detectorGapList)
396  {
397  if (std::find(consideredGaps.begin(), consideredGaps.end(), pDetectorGap) != consideredGaps.end())
398  continue;
400  const LineGap *const pLineGap(dynamic_cast<const LineGap *>(pDetectorGap));
402  if (pLineGap)
403  {
404  const LineGapType lineGapType(pLineGap->GetLineGapType());
406  if (lineGapType == TPC_DRIFT_GAP)
407  {
408  float xDistanceInGap(0.f);
410  if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartX() > lowerXPoint.GetX()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndX() < higherXPoint.GetX()))
411  {
412  xDistanceInGap = (pLineGap->GetLineEndX() - pLineGap->GetLineStartX());
413  }
414  else if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartX() < lowerXPoint.GetX()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndX() > lowerXPoint.GetX()))
415  {
416  xDistanceInGap = (pLineGap->GetLineEndX() - lowerXPoint.GetX());
417  }
418  else if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartX() < higherXPoint.GetX()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndX() > higherXPoint.GetX()))
419  {
420  xDistanceInGap = (higherXPoint.GetX() - pLineGap->GetLineStartX());
421  }
422  else
423  {
424  continue;
425  }
427  if (std::fabs(cosAngleToX) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
428  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
430  distanceInGaps += (xDistanceInGap / cosAngleToX);
432  consideredGaps.push_back(pDetectorGap);
433  }
435  if ((lineGapType == TPC_WIRE_GAP_VIEW_U) || (lineGapType == TPC_WIRE_GAP_VIEW_V) || (lineGapType == TPC_WIRE_GAP_VIEW_W))
436  {
437  float zDistanceInGap(0.f);
439  if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartZ() > upstreamPoint.GetZ()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndZ() < downstreamPoint.GetZ()))
440  {
441  zDistanceInGap = pLineGap->GetLineEndZ() - pLineGap->GetLineStartZ();
442  }
443  else if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartZ() < upstreamPoint.GetZ()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndZ() > upstreamPoint.GetZ()))
444  {
445  zDistanceInGap = pLineGap->GetLineEndZ() - upstreamPoint.GetZ();
446  }
447  else if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartZ() < downstreamPoint.GetZ()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndZ() > downstreamPoint.GetZ()))
448  {
449  zDistanceInGap = downstreamPoint.GetZ() - pLineGap->GetLineStartZ();
450  }
451  else
452  {
453  continue;
454  }
456  if (std::fabs(cosAngleToZ) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
457  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
459  distanceInGaps += (zDistanceInGap / cosAngleToZ);
461  consideredGaps.push_back(pDetectorGap);
462  }
463  }
464  }
466  return distanceInGaps;
467 }
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::FragmentRemnantCluster ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pRemnantCluster,
pandora::ClusterList &  fragmentedClusterList 
) const

Fragment a cluster using simple hit separation logic.

pRemnantClusterthe input remnant cluster to fragment
fragmentedClusterListthe input list to store the final remnant clusters

Definition at line 730 of file

References lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetClosestDistance(), and m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster.

Referenced by ProcessRemnantClusters().

731 {
732  // Fragmentation initialisation
733  std::string originalListName, fragmentListName;
734  const ClusterList originalClusterList(1, pRemnantCluster);
736  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::InitializeFragmentation(*this, originalClusterList, originalListName, fragmentListName));
738  ClusterList createdClusters;
740  const OrderedCaloHitList &orderedCaloHitList(pRemnantCluster->GetOrderedCaloHitList());
741  for (const OrderedCaloHitList::value_type &mapEntry : orderedCaloHitList)
742  {
743  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *mapEntry.second)
744  {
745  const Cluster *pClosestCluster(nullptr);
747  if (!createdClusters.empty())
748  {
749  float closestDistance(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
751  for (const Cluster *const pCreatedCluster : createdClusters)
752  {
753  const float separationDistance(LArClusterHelper::GetClosestDistance(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector(), pCreatedCluster));
754  if ((separationDistance < closestDistance) && (separationDistance < m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster))
755  {
756  closestDistance = separationDistance;
757  pClosestCluster = pCreatedCluster;
758  }
759  }
760  }
762  if (pClosestCluster)
763  {
764  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::AddToCluster(*this, pClosestCluster, pCaloHit));
765  }
766  else
767  {
768  PandoraContentApi::Cluster::Parameters parameters;
769  parameters.m_caloHitList.push_back(pCaloHit);
770  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::Cluster::Create(*this, parameters, pClosestCluster));
771  createdClusters.push_back(pClosestCluster);
772  }
773  }
774  }
776  // End fragmentation
777  if (createdClusters.empty())
778  {
779  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::EndFragmentation(*this, originalListName, fragmentListName));
780  fragmentedClusterList.push_back(pRemnantCluster);
781  }
782  else
783  {
784  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::EndFragmentation(*this, fragmentListName, originalListName));
785  fragmentedClusterList.insert(fragmentedClusterList.begin(), createdClusters.begin(), createdClusters.end());
786  }
787 }
float m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster
The threshold separation between a hit and cluster for the hit to be merged into the cluster...
static float GetClosestDistance(const pandora::ClusterList &clusterList1, const pandora::ClusterList &clusterList2)
Get closest distance between clusters in a pair of cluster lists.
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::GetClusterMergingCoordinates ( const TwoDSlidingFitResult clusterMicroFitResult,
const TwoDSlidingFitResult clusterMacroFitResult,
const TwoDSlidingFitResult associatedMacroFitResult,
const bool  isEndUpstream,
pandora::CartesianVector &  clusterMergePosition,
pandora::CartesianVector &  clusterMergeDirection 
) const

Get the merging coordinate and direction for an input cluster with respect to an associated cluster.

clusterMicroFitResultthe local TwoDSlidingFitResult of the cluster
clusterMacroFitResultthe global TwoDSlidingFitResult of the cluster
associatedMacroFitReultthe global TwoDSlidingFitResult of the associated cluster
isEndUpstreamwhether the sought cluster merge point is the upstream
clusterMergePositionthe merge position of the cluster
clusterMergeDirectionthe merge direction of the cluster
whether it was possible to find a suitable merge position

Definition at line 68 of file

References f, lar_content::TwoDSlidingFitResult::GetGlobalDirection(), lar_content::TwoDSlidingFitResult::GetGlobalFitPosition(), lar_content::TwoDSlidingFitResult::GetLayerFitResultMap(), lar_content::TwoDSlidingFitResult::GetMaxLayer(), lar_content::TwoDSlidingFitResult::GetMinLayer(), m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation, and m_stableRegionClusterFraction.

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::FindBestClusterAssociation().

71 {
72  CartesianVector clusterAverageDirection(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), associatedAverageDirection(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
73  clusterMacroFitResult.GetGlobalDirection(clusterMacroFitResult.GetLayerFitResultMap().begin()->second.GetGradient(), clusterAverageDirection);
74  associatedMacroFitResult.GetGlobalDirection(associatedMacroFitResult.GetLayerFitResultMap().begin()->second.GetGradient(), associatedAverageDirection);
76  const LayerFitResultMap &clusterMicroLayerFitResultMap(clusterMicroFitResult.GetLayerFitResultMap());
77  const int startLayer(isEndUpstream ? clusterMicroFitResult.GetMinLayer() : clusterMicroFitResult.GetMaxLayer());
78  const int endLayer(isEndUpstream ? clusterMicroFitResult.GetMaxLayer() : clusterMicroFitResult.GetMinLayer());
79  const int loopTerminationLayer(endLayer + (isEndUpstream ? 1 : -1));
80  const int step(isEndUpstream ? 1 : -1);
82  // ATTN: Search for stable region for which the local layer gradient agrees well with associated cluster global gradient
83  unsigned int gradientStabilityWindow(std::ceil(clusterMicroLayerFitResultMap.size() * m_stableRegionClusterFraction));
84  unsigned int goodLayerCount(0);
88  for (int i = startLayer; i != loopTerminationLayer; i += step)
89  {
90  const auto microIter(clusterMicroLayerFitResultMap.find(i));
92  if (microIter == clusterMicroLayerFitResultMap.end())
93  continue;
95  CartesianVector microDirection(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
96  clusterMicroFitResult.GetGlobalDirection(microIter->second.GetGradient(), microDirection);
98  const float cosDirectionOpeningAngle(microDirection.GetCosOpeningAngle(associatedAverageDirection));
99  if (cosDirectionOpeningAngle > m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation)
100  {
101  // ATTN: Set merge point and direction as that at the first layer in the stable region
102  if (goodLayerCount == 0)
103  {
104  clusterMergeDirection = clusterAverageDirection;
106  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, clusterMicroFitResult.GetGlobalFitPosition(microIter->second.GetL(), clusterMergePosition));
107  }
109  ++goodLayerCount;
110  }
111  else
112  {
113  goodLayerCount = 0;
114  }
116  if (goodLayerCount > gradientStabilityWindow)
117  break;
119  // ATTN: Abort merging process have not found a stable region
120  if (i == endLayer)
121  return false;
122  }
124  return true;
125 }
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
float m_stableRegionClusterFraction
The threshold fraction of fit contributing layers which defines the stable region.
std::map< int, LayerFitResult > LayerFitResultMap
float m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation
The threshold cos opening angle between the cluster local gradient and the associated cluster global ...
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::GetHitsInBoundingBox ( const pandora::CartesianVector &  firstCorner,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  secondCorner,
const pandora::ClusterList *const  pClusterList,
ClusterToCaloHitListMap clusterToCaloHitListMap,
const pandora::ClusterList &  unavailableProtectedClusters = pandora::ClusterList(),
const float  distanceToLine = -1.f 
) const

Find the unprotected hits that are contained within a defined box with the option to apply a cut on the distance to the connecting line.

firstCornerthe position of one corner
secondCornerthe position of the opposite corner
pClusterListthe list of all clusters
clusterToCaloHitListMapthe output map [parent cluster -> list of hits which belong to the main track]
unavailableProtectedClustersthe list of clusters whose hits are protected
distanceToLinethe maximum perpendicular distance of a collected hit from the connecting line

Definition at line 129 of file

References f, lar_content::LArHitWidthHelper::GetClosestPointToLine2D(), IsCloseToLine(), IsInBoundingBox(), and m_hitWidthMode.

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::Run().

132 {
133  const float minX(std::min(firstCorner.GetX(), secondCorner.GetX())), maxX(std::max(firstCorner.GetX(), secondCorner.GetX()));
134  const float minZ(std::min(firstCorner.GetZ(), secondCorner.GetZ())), maxZ(std::max(firstCorner.GetZ(), secondCorner.GetZ()));
136  CartesianVector connectingLineDirection(firstCorner - secondCorner);
137  connectingLineDirection = connectingLineDirection.GetUnitVector();
139  for (const Cluster *const pCluster : *pClusterList)
140  {
141  if (std::find(unavailableProtectedClusters.begin(), unavailableProtectedClusters.end(), pCluster) != unavailableProtectedClusters.end())
142  continue;
144  const OrderedCaloHitList &orderedCaloHitList(pCluster->GetOrderedCaloHitList());
145  for (const OrderedCaloHitList::value_type &mapEntry : orderedCaloHitList)
146  {
147  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *mapEntry.second)
148  {
149  CartesianVector hitPosition(m_hitWidthMode ? LArHitWidthHelper::GetClosestPointToLine2D(firstCorner, connectingLineDirection, pCaloHit)
150  : pCaloHit->GetPositionVector());
152  if (!this->IsInBoundingBox(minX, maxX, minZ, maxZ, hitPosition))
153  continue;
155  if (distanceToLine > 0.f)
156  {
157  if (!this->IsCloseToLine(hitPosition, firstCorner, connectingLineDirection, distanceToLine))
158  continue;
159  }
161  clusterToCaloHitListMap[pCluster].push_back(pCaloHit);
162  }
163  }
164  }
165 }
bool m_hitWidthMode
Whether to consider the width of hits.
bool IsCloseToLine(const pandora::CartesianVector &hitPosition, const pandora::CartesianVector &lineStart, const pandora::CartesianVector &lineDirection, const float distanceToLine) const
Check whether a hit is close to a line.
static pandora::CartesianVector GetClosestPointToLine2D(const pandora::CartesianVector &lineStart, const pandora::CartesianVector &lineDirection, const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit)
Consider the hit width to find the closest position of a calo hit to a specified line.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
bool IsInBoundingBox(const float minX, const float maxX, const float minZ, const float maxZ, const pandora::CartesianVector &hitPosition) const
check whether a hit is contained within a defined square region
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::GetTrackSegmentBoundaries ( const ClusterAssociation clusterAssociation,
pandora::CartesianPointVector &  trackSegmentBoundaries 
) const

Obtain the segment boundaries of the connecting line to test whether extrapolated hits are continuous.

clusterAssociationthe clusterAssociation
trackSegmentBoundariesthe output vector of segment boundaries

Definition at line 274 of file

References DistanceInGap(), f, lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetConnectingLineDirection(), lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetDownstreamMergePoint(), lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetUpstreamMergePoint(), m_lineSegmentLength, and RepositionIfInGap().

Referenced by IsTrackContinuous().

275 {
276  if (m_lineSegmentLength < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
277  {
278  std::cout << "TrackInEMShowerAlgorithm: Line segment length must be positive and nonzero" << std::endl;
280  }
282  const CartesianVector &trackDirection(clusterAssociation.GetConnectingLineDirection());
283  float trackLength((clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint() - clusterAssociation.GetDownstreamMergePoint()).GetMagnitude());
285  // ATTN: Consider the existence of gaps where no hits will be found
286  DetectorGapList consideredGaps;
287  trackLength -= this->DistanceInGap(
288  clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint(), clusterAssociation.GetDownstreamMergePoint(), trackDirection, consideredGaps);
289  consideredGaps.clear();
291  const int fullSegments(std::floor(trackLength / m_lineSegmentLength));
293  if (fullSegments == 0)
294  {
295  trackSegmentBoundaries = {clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint(), clusterAssociation.GetDownstreamMergePoint()};
296  return;
297  }
299  // ATTN: To handle final segment merge track remainder with preceding segment and if track remainder was more than half of the segment length split into two
300  const float lengthOfTrackRemainder(trackLength - (fullSegments * m_lineSegmentLength));
301  const bool splitFinalSegment(lengthOfTrackRemainder > m_lineSegmentLength * 0.5f);
302  const int numberOfBoundaries(fullSegments + (splitFinalSegment ? 2 : 1));
304  CartesianVector segmentUpstreamBoundary(clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint()), segmentDownstreamBoundary(segmentUpstreamBoundary);
305  this->RepositionIfInGap(trackDirection, segmentUpstreamBoundary);
306  trackSegmentBoundaries.push_back(segmentUpstreamBoundary);
308  for (int i = 1; i < numberOfBoundaries; ++i)
309  {
310  if (i < fullSegments)
311  {
312  segmentDownstreamBoundary += trackDirection * m_lineSegmentLength;
313  }
314  else
315  {
316  if (splitFinalSegment)
317  {
318  segmentDownstreamBoundary += trackDirection * (m_lineSegmentLength + lengthOfTrackRemainder) * 0.5f;
319  }
320  else
321  {
322  segmentDownstreamBoundary += trackDirection * (m_lineSegmentLength + lengthOfTrackRemainder);
323  }
324  }
326  float distanceInGap(this->DistanceInGap(segmentUpstreamBoundary, segmentDownstreamBoundary, trackDirection, consideredGaps));
327  while (distanceInGap > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
328  {
329  this->RepositionIfInGap(trackDirection, segmentDownstreamBoundary);
330  segmentDownstreamBoundary += trackDirection * distanceInGap;
331  distanceInGap = this->DistanceInGap(segmentUpstreamBoundary, segmentDownstreamBoundary, trackDirection, consideredGaps);
332  }
334  trackSegmentBoundaries.push_back(segmentDownstreamBoundary);
335  }
336 }
float DistanceInGap(const pandora::CartesianVector &upstreamPoint, const pandora::CartesianVector &downstreamPoint, const pandora::CartesianVector &connectingLine, pandora::DetectorGapList &consideredGaps) const
Calculate the track length between two points that lies in gaps.
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
void RepositionIfInGap(const pandora::CartesianVector &mergeDirection, pandora::CartesianVector &trackPoint) const
Move an input position to the higher line gap edge if it lies within a gap.
float m_lineSegmentLength
The length of a track gap.
template<typename T >
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::InitialiseContainers ( const ClusterList *  pClusterList,
const T  sortFunction,
ClusterVector &  clusterVector,
SlidingFitResultMapPair slidingFitResultMapPair 
) const

Definition at line 40 of file

References lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType(), lar_content::LArClusterHelper::GetLengthSquared(), lar_content::LArGeometryHelper::GetWirePitch(), m_macroSlidingFitWindow, m_microSlidingFitWindow, and m_minClusterLength.

42 {
43  for (const Cluster *const pCluster : *pClusterList)
44  {
46  continue;
48  try
49  {
50  const float slidingFitPitch(LArGeometryHelper::GetWirePitch(this->GetPandora(), LArClusterHelper::GetClusterHitType(pCluster)));
51  const TwoDSlidingFitResult microSlidingFitResult(pCluster, m_microSlidingFitWindow, slidingFitPitch);
52  const TwoDSlidingFitResult macroSlidingFitResult(pCluster, m_macroSlidingFitWindow, slidingFitPitch);
54  slidingFitResultMapPair.first->insert(TwoDSlidingFitResultMap::value_type(pCluster, microSlidingFitResult));
55  slidingFitResultMapPair.second->insert(TwoDSlidingFitResultMap::value_type(pCluster, macroSlidingFitResult));
56  clusterVector.push_back(pCluster);
57  }
58  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
59  {
60  }
61  }
63  std::sort(clusterVector.begin(), clusterVector.end(), sortFunction);
64 }
unsigned int m_macroSlidingFitWindow
The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the macroSlidingFitResultMap.
float m_minClusterLength
The minimum length of a considered cluster.
static pandora::HitType GetClusterHitType(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster)
Get the hit type associated with a two dimensional cluster.
static float GetWirePitch(const pandora::Pandora &pandora, const pandora::HitType view, const float maxWirePitchDiscrepancy=0.01)
Return the wire pitch.
static float GetLengthSquared(const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster)
Get length squared of cluster.
unsigned int m_microSlidingFitWindow
The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the microSlidingFitResultMap.
template<typename T >
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::InitialiseContainers ( const pandora::ClusterList *  pClusterList,
const T  sortFunction,
pandora::ClusterVector &  clusterVector,
SlidingFitResultMapPair slidingFitResultMapPair 
) const

Fill the cluster vector and sliding fit maps with clusters that are determined to be track-like.

pClusterListthe list of input clusters
sortFunctionthe sort class or function used to sort the clusterVector
clusterVectorthe input vector to store clusters considered within the algorithm
slidingFitResultMapPairthe {micro, macro} pair of [cluster -> TwoDSlidingFitResult] maps

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::Run(), and UpdateContainers().

bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::IsCloseToLine ( const pandora::CartesianVector &  hitPosition,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  lineStart,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  lineDirection,
const float  distanceToLine 
) const

Check whether a hit is close to a line.

hitPositionthe position of the hit
lineStartthe start point of the line (can actually be any point on the line)
lineDirectionthe unit vector of the line direction
distanceToLinethe definition of 'close'
whether the hit is close to the line

Definition at line 177 of file

Referenced by GetHitsInBoundingBox().

179 {
180  const float transverseDistanceFromLine(lineDirection.GetCrossProduct(hitPosition - lineStart).GetMagnitude());
182  return (transverseDistanceFromLine < distanceToLine);
183 }
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::IsClusterRemnantDisconnected ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pRemnantCluster) const

Whether a remnant cluster is considered to be disconnected and therefore should undergo further fragmentation.

pRemnantClusterthe input remnant cluster
whether the remnant cluster is disconnected

Definition at line 701 of file

References m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster.

Referenced by ProcessRemnantClusters().

702 {
703  if (pRemnantCluster->GetNCaloHits() == 1)
704  return false;
706  const OrderedCaloHitList &orderedCaloHitList(pRemnantCluster->GetOrderedCaloHitList());
707  const CaloHit *pPreviousCaloHit(orderedCaloHitList.begin()->second->front());
709  for (const OrderedCaloHitList::value_type &mapEntry : orderedCaloHitList)
710  {
711  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *mapEntry.second)
712  {
713  if (pCaloHit == pPreviousCaloHit)
714  continue;
716  const float separationDistanceSquared(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector().GetDistanceSquared(pPreviousCaloHit->GetPositionVector()));
719  return true;
721  pPreviousCaloHit = pCaloHit;
722  }
723  }
725  return false;
726 }
float m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster
The maximum separation between two adjacent (in z) hits in a connected cluster.
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::IsInBoundingBox ( const float  minX,
const float  maxX,
const float  minZ,
const float  maxZ,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  hitPosition 
) const

check whether a hit is contained within a defined square region

minXthe minimum x coordinate of the square region
maxXthe maximum x coordinate of the square region
minZthe minimum z coordinate of the square region
maxZthe maximum z coordinate of the square region
hitPositionthe position of the hit
whether the hit is contained within the square region

Definition at line 169 of file

Referenced by GetHitsInBoundingBox().

171 {
172  return !((hitPosition.GetX() < minX) || (hitPosition.GetX() > maxX) || (hitPosition.GetZ() < minZ) || (hitPosition.GetZ() > maxZ));
173 }
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::IsInLineSegment ( const pandora::CartesianVector &  lowerBoundary,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  upperBoundary,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  point 
) const

Whether a position falls within a specified segment of the cluster connecting line.

lowerBoundarythe lower boundary of the segment
upperBoundarythe upper boundary of the segment
pointthe position
whether the position falls within segment

Definition at line 471 of file

Referenced by IsTrackContinuous().

473 {
474  const float segmentBoundaryGradient = (-1.f) * (upperBoundary.GetX() - lowerBoundary.GetX()) / (upperBoundary.GetZ() - lowerBoundary.GetZ());
475  const float xPointOnUpperLine((point.GetZ() - upperBoundary.GetZ()) / segmentBoundaryGradient + upperBoundary.GetX());
476  const float xPointOnLowerLine((point.GetZ() - lowerBoundary.GetZ()) / segmentBoundaryGradient + lowerBoundary.GetX());
478  if (std::fabs(xPointOnUpperLine - point.GetX()) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
479  return true;
481  if (std::fabs(xPointOnLowerLine - point.GetX()) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
482  return true;
484  if ((point.GetX() > xPointOnUpperLine) && (point.GetX() > xPointOnLowerLine))
485  return false;
487  if ((point.GetX() < xPointOnUpperLine) && (point.GetX() < xPointOnLowerLine))
488  return false;
490  return true;
491 }
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::IsNearBoundary ( const pandora::CaloHit *const  pCaloHit,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  boundaryPosition2D,
const float  boundaryTolerance 
) const

Check whether a hit is close to a boundary point.

pCaloHitthe input calo hit
boundaryPosition2Dthe position of the 2D boundary point
boundaryTolerancethe definition of close
whether the check passes

Definition at line 211 of file

References lar_content::LArHitWidthHelper::GetClosestDistanceToPoint2D().

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::AreExtrapolatedHitsNearBoundaries().

212 {
213  const float distanceToBoundary(LArHitWidthHelper::GetClosestDistanceToPoint2D(pCaloHit, boundaryPosition2D));
215  return (distanceToBoundary < boundaryTolerance);
216 }
static float GetClosestDistanceToPoint2D(const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit, const pandora::CartesianVector &point2D)
Consider the hit width to find the smallest distance between a calo hit and a given point...
bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::IsTrackContinuous ( const ClusterAssociation clusterAssociation,
const pandora::CaloHitVector &  extrapolatedCaloHitVector 
) const

Check whether the extrapolatedCaloHitVector contains a continuous line of hits between the cluster merge points.

clusterAssociationthe clusterAssociation
extrapolatedCaloHitVectorthe vector of extrapolated calo hits
whether the calo hits are continuous

Definition at line 220 of file

References lar_content::LArHitWidthHelper::GetClosestPointToLine2D(), lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetConnectingLineDirection(), GetTrackSegmentBoundaries(), lar_content::ClusterAssociation::GetUpstreamMergePoint(), IsInLineSegment(), m_hitWidthMode, and m_maxTrackGaps.

Referenced by AreExtrapolatedHitsGood().

221 {
222  CartesianPointVector trackSegmentBoundaries;
223  this->GetTrackSegmentBoundaries(clusterAssociation, trackSegmentBoundaries);
225  if (trackSegmentBoundaries.size() < 2)
226  {
227  std::cout << "TrackInEMShowerAlgorithm: Less than two track segment boundaries" << std::endl;
229  }
231  unsigned int segmentsWithoutHits(0);
232  CaloHitVector::const_iterator caloHitIter(extrapolatedCaloHitVector.begin());
233  CartesianVector hitPosition(m_hitWidthMode ? LArHitWidthHelper::GetClosestPointToLine2D(clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint(),
234  clusterAssociation.GetConnectingLineDirection(), *caloHitIter)
235  : (*caloHitIter)->GetPositionVector());
237  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (trackSegmentBoundaries.size() - 1); ++i)
238  {
239  if (caloHitIter == extrapolatedCaloHitVector.end())
240  {
241  ++segmentsWithoutHits;
243  if (segmentsWithoutHits > m_maxTrackGaps)
244  return false;
246  continue;
247  }
249  unsigned int hitsInSegment(0);
250  while (this->IsInLineSegment(, + 1), hitPosition))
251  {
252  ++hitsInSegment;
253  ++caloHitIter;
255  if (caloHitIter == extrapolatedCaloHitVector.end())
256  break;
258  hitPosition = m_hitWidthMode ? LArHitWidthHelper::GetClosestPointToLine2D(clusterAssociation.GetUpstreamMergePoint(),
259  clusterAssociation.GetConnectingLineDirection(), *caloHitIter)
260  : (*caloHitIter)->GetPositionVector();
261  }
263  segmentsWithoutHits = hitsInSegment ? 0 : segmentsWithoutHits + 1;
265  if (segmentsWithoutHits > m_maxTrackGaps)
266  return false;
267  }
269  return true;
270 }
bool m_hitWidthMode
Whether to consider the width of hits.
bool IsInLineSegment(const pandora::CartesianVector &lowerBoundary, const pandora::CartesianVector &upperBoundary, const pandora::CartesianVector &point) const
Whether a position falls within a specified segment of the cluster connecting line.
unsigned int m_maxTrackGaps
The maximum number of graps allowed in the extrapolated hit vector.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
static pandora::CartesianVector GetClosestPointToLine2D(const pandora::CartesianVector &lineStart, const pandora::CartesianVector &lineDirection, const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit)
Consider the hit width to find the closest position of a calo hit to a specified line.
void GetTrackSegmentBoundaries(const ClusterAssociation &clusterAssociation, pandora::CartesianPointVector &trackSegmentBoundaries) const
Obtain the segment boundaries of the connecting line to test whether extrapolated hits are continuous...
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::ProcessRemnantClusters ( const pandora::ClusterList &  remnantClusterList,
const pandora::Cluster *const  pMainTrackCluster,
const pandora::ClusterList *const  pClusterList,
pandora::ClusterList &  createdClusters 
) const

Process the remnant clusters separating those that stradle the main track.

remnantClusterListthe list of remnant clusters to process
pMainTrackClusterthe main track cluster
pClusterListthe list of all clusters
createdClustersthe input list to store the final remnant clusters

Definition at line 640 of file

References AddToNearestCluster(), FragmentRemnantCluster(), and IsClusterRemnantDisconnected().

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::CreateMainTrack().

642 {
643  ClusterList fragmentedClusters;
644  for (const Cluster *const pRemnantCluster : remnantClusterList)
645  {
646  if (this->IsClusterRemnantDisconnected(pRemnantCluster))
647  {
648  this->FragmentRemnantCluster(pRemnantCluster, fragmentedClusters);
649  }
650  else
651  {
652  fragmentedClusters.push_back(pRemnantCluster);
653  }
654  }
656  for (const Cluster *const pFragmentedCluster : fragmentedClusters)
657  {
658  if ((pFragmentedCluster->GetNCaloHits() == 1) && (this->AddToNearestCluster(pFragmentedCluster, pMainTrackCluster, pClusterList)))
659  continue;
661  createdClusters.push_back(pFragmentedCluster);
662  }
663 }
bool AddToNearestCluster(const pandora::Cluster *const pClusterToMerge, const pandora::Cluster *const pMainTrackCluster, const pandora::ClusterList *const pClusterList) const
Add a cluster to the nearest cluster satisfying separation distance thresholds.
bool IsClusterRemnantDisconnected(const pandora::Cluster *const pRemnantCluster) const
Whether a remnant cluster is considered to be disconnected and therefore should undergo further fragm...
void FragmentRemnantCluster(const pandora::Cluster *const pRemnantCluster, pandora::ClusterList &fragmentedClusterList) const
Fragment a cluster using simple hit separation logic.
StatusCode lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::ReadSettings ( const pandora::TiXmlHandle  xmlHandle)
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm.

Definition at line 822 of file

References m_hitWidthMode, m_lineSegmentLength, m_macroSlidingFitWindow, m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack, m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster, m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster, m_maxTrackGaps, m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation, m_microSlidingFitWindow, m_minClusterLength, m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval, and m_stableRegionClusterFraction.

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::ReadSettings().

823 {
825  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MinClusterLength", m_minClusterLength));
828  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MicroSlidingFitWindow", m_microSlidingFitWindow));
831  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MacroSlidingFitWindow", m_macroSlidingFitWindow));
834  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "StableRegionClusterFraction", m_stableRegionClusterFraction));
837  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MergePointMinCosAngleDeviation", m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation));
840  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MinHitFractionForHitRemoval", m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval));
843  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxDistanceFromMainTrack", m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack));
846  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxHitDistanceFromCluster", m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster));
849  XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster", m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster));
851  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "MaxTrackGaps", m_maxTrackGaps));
854  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "LineSegmentLength", m_lineSegmentLength));
856  if (m_lineSegmentLength < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
857  {
858  std::cout << "TrackInEMShowerAlgorithm: Line segment length must be positive and nonzero" << std::endl;
860  }
862  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND, !=, XmlHelper::ReadValue(xmlHandle, "HitWidthMode", m_hitWidthMode));
865 }
unsigned int m_macroSlidingFitWindow
The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the macroSlidingFitResultMap.
bool m_hitWidthMode
Whether to consider the width of hits.
float m_minClusterLength
The minimum length of a considered cluster.
unsigned int m_maxTrackGaps
The maximum number of graps allowed in the extrapolated hit vector.
float m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval
The threshold fraction of hits to be removed from the cluster for hit removal to proceed.
float m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster
The threshold separation between a hit and cluster for the hit to be merged into the cluster...
float m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster
The maximum separation between two adjacent (in z) hits in a connected cluster.
float m_stableRegionClusterFraction
The threshold fraction of fit contributing layers which defines the stable region.
float m_lineSegmentLength
The length of a track gap.
float m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack
The threshold distance for a hit to be added to the main track.
unsigned int m_microSlidingFitWindow
The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the microSlidingFitResultMap.
float m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation
The threshold cos opening angle between the cluster local gradient and the associated cluster global ...
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::RemoveClusterFromContainers ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pClustertoRemove,
pandora::ClusterVector &  clusterVector,
SlidingFitResultMapPair slidingFitResultMapPair 
) const

Remove a cluster from the cluster vector and sliding fit maps.

pClustertoRemovethe clusters to remove from the containers
clusterVectorthe vector to store clusters considered within the algorithm
slidingFitResultMapPairthe {micro, macro} pair of [cluster -> TwoDSlidingFitResult] maps

Definition at line 804 of file

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::ConsiderClusterAssociation(), and UpdateContainers().

806 {
807  const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap::const_iterator microFitToDelete(slidingFitResultMapPair.first->find(pClusterToRemove));
808  if (microFitToDelete != slidingFitResultMapPair.first->end())
809  slidingFitResultMapPair.first->erase(microFitToDelete);
811  const TwoDSlidingFitResultMap::const_iterator macroFitToDelete(slidingFitResultMapPair.second->find(pClusterToRemove));
812  if (macroFitToDelete != slidingFitResultMapPair.second->end())
813  slidingFitResultMapPair.second->erase(macroFitToDelete);
815  const ClusterVector::const_iterator clusterToDelete(std::find(clusterVector.begin(), clusterVector.end(), pClusterToRemove));
816  if (clusterToDelete != clusterVector.end())
817  clusterVector.erase(clusterToDelete);
818 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
const Cluster * lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::RemoveOffAxisHitsFromTrack ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pCluster,
const pandora::CartesianVector &  splitPosition,
const bool  isEndUpstream,
const ClusterToCaloHitListMap clusterToCaloHitListMap,
pandora::ClusterList &  remnantClusterList,
TwoDSlidingFitResultMap microSlidingFitResultMap,
TwoDSlidingFitResultMap macroSlidingFitResultMap 
) const

Remove any hits in the upstream/downstream cluster that lie off of the main track axis (i.e. clustering errors)

pClusterthe input cluster
splitPositionthe position after which hits are considered for removal
isEndUpstreamwhether the upstream end is to be refined
clusterToCaloHitListMapthe map [parent cluster -> list of hits which belong to the main track]
remnantClusterListthe input list to store the remnant clusters
microSlidingFitResultMapthe mapping [cluster -> TwoDSlidingFitResult] where fits correspond to local gradients
macroSlidingFitResultMapthe mapping [cluster -> TwoDSlidingFitResult] where fits correspond to global cluster gradients
the address of the (possibly) modified cluster

Definition at line 495 of file

References f, and lar_content::TwoDSlidingFitResult::GetLocalPosition().

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::CreateMainTrack().

498 {
499  float rL(0.f), rT(0.f);
500  const TwoDSlidingFitResult &microFitResult(;
501  microFitResult.GetLocalPosition(splitPosition, rL, rT);
503  const TwoDSlidingFitResult &macroFitResult(;
504  CartesianVector averageDirection(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
505  macroFitResult.GetGlobalDirection(macroFitResult.GetLayerFitResultMap().begin()->second.GetGradient(), averageDirection);
507  const bool isVertical(std::fabs(averageDirection.GetX()) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
508  const float clusterGradient(isVertical ? 0.f : averageDirection.GetZ() / averageDirection.GetX());
509  const float clusterIntercept(isVertical ? splitPosition.GetX() : splitPosition.GetZ() - (clusterGradient * splitPosition.GetX()));
511  // Fragmentation initialisation
512  std::string originalListName, fragmentListName;
513  const ClusterList originalClusterList(1, pCluster);
515  STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::InitializeFragmentation(*this, originalClusterList, originalListName, fragmentListName));
517  const Cluster *pMainTrackCluster(nullptr), *pAboveCluster(nullptr), *pBelowCluster(nullptr);
519  const OrderedCaloHitList &orderedCaloHitList(pCluster->GetOrderedCaloHitList());
520  for (const OrderedCaloHitList::value_type &mapEntry : orderedCaloHitList)
521  {
522  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *mapEntry.second)
523  {
524  const CartesianVector &hitPosition(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector());
525  float thisL(0.f), thisT(0.f);
527  microFitResult.GetLocalPosition(pCaloHit->GetPositionVector(), thisL, thisT);
529  bool isAnExtrapolatedHit(false);
530  const auto extrapolatedCaloHitIter(clusterToCaloHitListMap.find(pCluster));
532  if (extrapolatedCaloHitIter != clusterToCaloHitListMap.end())
533  isAnExtrapolatedHit = std::find(extrapolatedCaloHitIter->second.begin(), extrapolatedCaloHitIter->second.end(), pCaloHit) !=
534  extrapolatedCaloHitIter->second.end();
536  const bool isAbove(((clusterGradient * hitPosition.GetX()) + clusterIntercept) < (isVertical ? hitPosition.GetX() : hitPosition.GetZ()));
537  const bool isToRemove(!isAnExtrapolatedHit && (((thisL < rL) && isEndUpstream) || ((thisL > rL) && !isEndUpstream)));
539  const Cluster *&pClusterToModify(isToRemove ? (isAbove ? pAboveCluster : pBelowCluster) : pMainTrackCluster);
541  if (pClusterToModify)
542  {
543  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::AddToCluster(*this, pClusterToModify, pCaloHit));
544  }
545  else
546  {
547  PandoraContentApi::Cluster::Parameters parameters;
548  parameters.m_caloHitList.push_back(pCaloHit);
549  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::Cluster::Create(*this, parameters, pClusterToModify));
551  if (pClusterToModify != pMainTrackCluster)
552  remnantClusterList.push_back(pClusterToModify);
553  }
554  }
555  }
557  // End fragmentation
558  if (pAboveCluster || pBelowCluster)
559  {
560  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::EndFragmentation(*this, fragmentListName, originalListName));
561  return pMainTrackCluster;
562  }
563  else
564  {
565  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::EndFragmentation(*this, originalListName, fragmentListName));
566  return pCluster;
567  }
568 }
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::RepositionIfInGap ( const pandora::CartesianVector &  mergeDirection,
pandora::CartesianVector &  trackPoint 
) const

Move an input position to the higher line gap edge if it lies within a gap.

mergeDirectionthe direction of the track
trackPointthe input position

Definition at line 340 of file

Referenced by GetTrackSegmentBoundaries().

341 {
342  const DetectorGapList detectorGapList(this->GetPandora().GetGeometry()->GetDetectorGapList());
343  for (const DetectorGap *const pDetectorGap : detectorGapList)
344  {
345  const LineGap *const pLineGap(dynamic_cast<const LineGap *>(pDetectorGap));
347  if (pLineGap)
348  {
349  const LineGapType lineGapType(pLineGap->GetLineGapType());
351  if (lineGapType == TPC_DRIFT_GAP)
352  {
353  if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartX() < trackPoint.GetX()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndX() > trackPoint.GetX()))
354  {
355  if (std::fabs(mergeDirection.GetX()) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
356  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
358  const float gradient(mergeDirection.GetZ() / mergeDirection.GetX());
360  trackPoint = CartesianVector(
361  pLineGap->GetLineEndX(), 0.f, trackPoint.GetZ() + (gradient * (pLineGap->GetLineEndX() - trackPoint.GetX())));
362  }
363  }
365  if ((lineGapType == TPC_WIRE_GAP_VIEW_U) || (lineGapType == TPC_WIRE_GAP_VIEW_V) || (lineGapType == TPC_WIRE_GAP_VIEW_W))
366  {
367  if ((pLineGap->GetLineStartZ() < trackPoint.GetZ()) && (pLineGap->GetLineEndZ() > trackPoint.GetZ()))
368  {
369  if (std::fabs(mergeDirection.GetZ()) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
370  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
372  const float gradient(mergeDirection.GetX() / mergeDirection.GetZ());
374  trackPoint = CartesianVector(
375  trackPoint.GetX() + (gradient * (pLineGap->GetLineEndZ() - trackPoint.GetZ())), 0.f, pLineGap->GetLineEndZ());
376  }
377  }
378  }
379  }
380 }
virtual pandora::StatusCode lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::Run ( )
protectedpure virtual
template<typename T >
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::UpdateContainers ( const pandora::ClusterList &  clustersToAdd,
const pandora::ClusterList &  clustersToDelete,
const T  sortFunction,
pandora::ClusterVector &  clusterVector,
SlidingFitResultMapPair slidingFitResultMapPair 
) const

Remove deleted clusters from the cluster vector and sliding fit maps and add in created clusters that are determined to be track-like.

clustersToAddthe list of clusters to add to the containers
clustersToDeletethe list of clusters to remove from the containers
sortFunctionthe sort class or function used to sort the clusterVector
clusterVectorthe vector to store clusters considered within the algorithm
slidingFitResultMapPairthe {micro, macro} pair of [cluster -> TwoDSlidingFitResult] maps

Referenced by lar_content::TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm::CreateMainTrack().

template<typename T >
void lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::UpdateContainers ( const ClusterList &  clustersToAdd,
const ClusterList &  clustersToDelete,
const T  sortFunction,
ClusterVector &  clusterVector,
SlidingFitResultMapPair slidingFitResultMapPair 
) const

Definition at line 792 of file

References InitialiseContainers(), and RemoveClusterFromContainers().

794 {
795  //ATTN: Very important to first delete pointers from containers
796  for (const Cluster *const pClusterToDelete : clustersToDelete)
797  this->RemoveClusterFromContainers(pClusterToDelete, clusterVector, slidingFitResultMapPair);
799  this->InitialiseContainers(&clustersToAdd, sortFunction, clusterVector, slidingFitResultMapPair);
800 }
void InitialiseContainers(const pandora::ClusterList *pClusterList, const T sortFunction, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, SlidingFitResultMapPair &slidingFitResultMapPair) const
Fill the cluster vector and sliding fit maps with clusters that are determined to be track-like...
void RemoveClusterFromContainers(const pandora::Cluster *const pClustertoRemove, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, SlidingFitResultMapPair &slidingFitResultMapPair) const
Remove a cluster from the cluster vector and sliding fit maps.

Member Data Documentation

bool lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_hitWidthMode
float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_lineSegmentLength

The length of a track gap.

Definition at line 317 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by GetTrackSegmentBoundaries(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_macroSlidingFitWindow

The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the macroSlidingFitResultMap.

Definition at line 309 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by InitialiseContainers(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_maxDistanceFromMainTrack

The threshold distance for a hit to be added to the main track.

Definition at line 313 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by AddToNearestCluster(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_maxHitDistanceFromCluster

The threshold separation between a hit and cluster for the hit to be merged into the cluster.

Definition at line 314 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by AddToNearestCluster(), FragmentRemnantCluster(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_maxHitSeparationForConnectedCluster

The maximum separation between two adjacent (in z) hits in a connected cluster.

Definition at line 315 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by IsClusterRemnantDisconnected(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_maxTrackGaps

The maximum number of graps allowed in the extrapolated hit vector.

Definition at line 316 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by IsTrackContinuous(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_mergePointMinCosAngleDeviation

The threshold cos opening angle between the cluster local gradient and the associated cluster global gradient used to determine merge points.

Definition at line 311 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by GetClusterMergingCoordinates(), and ReadSettings().

unsigned int lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_microSlidingFitWindow

The sliding fit window used in the fits contained within the microSlidingFitResultMap.

Definition at line 308 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by InitialiseContainers(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_minClusterLength

The minimum length of a considered cluster.

Definition at line 307 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by AddHitsToMainTrack(), InitialiseContainers(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_minHitFractionForHitRemoval

The threshold fraction of hits to be removed from the cluster for hit removal to proceed.

Definition at line 312 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by AddHitsToMainTrack(), and ReadSettings().

float lar_content::TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm::m_stableRegionClusterFraction

The threshold fraction of fit contributing layers which defines the stable region.

Definition at line 310 of file TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by GetClusterMergingCoordinates(), and ReadSettings().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: