![]() |
Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
while (1) | |
fclose (fg1) | |
fclose (fg2) | |
fclose (fg3) | |
fclose (fg4) | |
fclose (fg5) | |
fclose (fg6) | |
std::cout<< "Livermore"<< std::endl;for(Int_t j=0;j< nlines1;j++){if((ratio_liv[j] > 1.03)||(ratio_liv[j]< 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :"<< x1[j]<< ", "<< ratio_liv[j]<< std::endl;}std::cout<< "penelope"<< std::endl;for(Int_t j=0;j< nlines1;j++){if((ratio_pen[j] > 1.03)||(ratio_pen[j]< 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :"<< x1[j]<< ", "<< ratio_pen[j]<< std::endl;}std::cout<< "opt0"<< std::endl;for(Int_t j=0;j< nlines1;j++){if((ratio_opt0[j] > 1.03)||(ratio_opt0[j]< 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :"<< x1[j]<< ", "<< ratio_opt0[j]<< std::endl;}std::cout<< "opt3"<< std::endl;for(Int_t j=0;j< nlines1;j++){if((ratio_opt3[j] > 1.03)||(ratio_opt3[j]< 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :"<< x1[j]<< ", "<< ratio_opt3[j]<< std::endl;}std::cout<< "opt4"<< std::endl;for(Int_t j=0;j< nlines1;j++){if((ratio_opt4[j] > 1.03)||(ratio_opt4[j]< 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :"<< x1[j]<< ", "<< ratio_opt4[j]<< std::endl;}TGraph *gr1_ratio=new TGraph(nlines1, x1, ratio_liv);TGraph *gr2_ratio=new TGraph(nlines1, x1, ratio_pen);TGraph *gr3_ratio=new TGraph(nlines1, x1, ratio_opt0);TGraph *gr4_ratio=new TGraph(nlines1, x1, ratio_opt3);TGraph *gr5_ratio=new TGraph(nlines1, x1, ratio_opt4);gr1-> | SetTitle ("Dose rate distribution") |
gr1 | GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("Distance from the centre (cm)") |
gr1 | GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("Normalised dose rate distribution") |
gr1 | SetLineWidth (1) |
gr1 | SetMarkerColor (1) |
gr1 | SetMarkerStyle (20) |
gr1 | Draw ("AP") |
gr2 | SetLineWidth (0.3) |
gr2 | SetMarkerColor (2) |
gr2 | SetMarkerStyle (21) |
gr2 | SetMarkerSize (0.2) |
gr2 | SetLineColor (2) |
gr2 | Draw ("CP") |
gr3 | SetMarkerColor (3) |
gr3 | SetLineColor (3) |
gr4 | SetMarkerColor (4) |
gr4 | SetLineColor (4) |
gr5 | SetMarkerColor (6) |
gr5 | SetLineColor (6) |
gr6 | SetMarkerColor (9) |
gr6 | SetLineColor (9) |
leg | SetFillColor (0) |
leg | AddEntry (gr1,"Reference data","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr2,"Geant4 - Livermore","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr3,"Geant4 - Penelope","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr4,"Geant4 - opt0","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr5,"Geant4 - opt3","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr6,"Geant4 - opt4","lp") |
leg | Draw () |
c1 | Print ("Flexi_dose_rate_distribution.jpg") |
gr1_ratio | SetTitle ("Dose rate distribution - RATIO") |
gr2_ratio | Draw ("P") |
gr5_ratio | SetMarkerSize (1) |
leg | AddEntry (gr1_ratio,"Geant4 - Livermore","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr2_ratio,"Geant4 - Penelope","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr3_ratio,"Geant4 - opt0","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr4_ratio,"Geant4 - opt3","lp") |
leg | AddEntry (gr5_ratio,"Geant4 - opt4","lp") |
c1 | Print ("Flexi_dose_rate_distribution_ratio.jpg") |
Variables | |
Int_t | n_points_granero =13 |
Float_t | x1 [n_points_granero] |
Float_t | y1 [n_points_granero] |
Float_t | ratio_liv [n_points_granero] |
Float_t | x |
Float_t | y |
Int_t | ncols_granero |
Int_t | nlines1 =0 |
FILE * | fg2 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_livermore.txt", "r") |
Int_t | n_points_geant4 =398 |
Float_t | x2 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | y2 [n_points_geant4] |
Int_t | ncols_geant4_liv |
Int_t | nlines2 =0 |
FILE * | fg3 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_penelope.txt", "r") |
Float_t | x3 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | y3 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | ratio_pen [n_points_granero] |
Int_t | ncols_geant4_penelope |
Int_t | nlines3 =0 |
FILE * | fg4 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_opt0.txt", "r") |
Float_t | x4 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | y4 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | ratio_opt0 [n_points_granero] |
Int_t | ncols_geant4_opt0 |
Int_t | nlines4 =0 |
FILE * | fg5 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_opt3.txt", "r") |
Float_t | x5 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | y5 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | ratio_opt3 [n_points_granero] |
Int_t | ncols_geant4_opt3 |
Int_t | nlines5 =0 |
FILE * | fg6 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_opt4.txt", "r") |
Float_t | x6 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | y6 [n_points_geant4] |
Float_t | ratio_opt4 [n_points_granero] |
Int_t | ncols_geant4_opt4 |
Int_t | nlines6 =0 |
TGraph * | gr1 = new TGraph (nlines1, x1, y1) |
TGraph * | gr2 = new TGraph (nlines2, x2, y2) |
TGraph * | gr3 = new TGraph (nlines3, x3, y3) |
TGraph * | gr4 = new TGraph (nlines4, x4, y4) |
TGraph * | gr5 = new TGraph (nlines5, x5, y5) |
TGraph * | gr6 = new TGraph (nlines6, x6, y6) |
TLegend * | leg = new TLegend(0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8) |
leg AddEntry | ( | gr1_ratio | , |
"Geant4 - Livermore" | , | ||
"lp" | |||
) |
leg AddEntry | ( | gr2_ratio | , |
"Geant4 - Penelope" | , | ||
"lp" | |||
) |
leg AddEntry | ( | gr3_ratio | , |
"Geant4 - opt0" | , | ||
"lp" | |||
) |
leg AddEntry | ( | gr4_ratio | , |
"Geant4 - opt3" | , | ||
"lp" | |||
) |
leg AddEntry | ( | gr5_ratio | , |
"Geant4 - opt4" | , | ||
"lp" | |||
) |
gr1 Draw | ( | "AP" | ) |
gr2 Draw | ( | "CP" | ) |
leg Draw | ( | ) |
h2 Draw | ( | "P" | ) |
fclose | ( | fg1 | ) |
Referenced by while().
fclose | ( | fg2 | ) |
fclose | ( | fg3 | ) |
fclose | ( | fg4 | ) |
fclose | ( | fg5 | ) |
fclose | ( | fg6 | ) |
c1 Print | ( | "Flexi_dose_rate_distribution.jpg" | ) |
c1 Print | ( | "Flexi_dose_rate_distribution_ratio.jpg" | ) |
leg SetFillColor | ( | 0 | ) |
gr2 SetLineColor | ( | 2 | ) |
gr3 SetLineColor | ( | 3 | ) |
gr4 SetLineColor | ( | 4 | ) |
gr5 SetLineColor | ( | 6 | ) |
gr6 SetLineColor | ( | 9 | ) |
gr1 SetLineWidth | ( | 1 | ) |
gr2 SetLineWidth | ( | 0. | 3 | ) |
gr1 SetMarkerColor | ( | 1 | ) |
gr2 SetMarkerColor | ( | 2 | ) |
gr3 SetMarkerColor | ( | 3 | ) |
gr4 SetMarkerColor | ( | 4 | ) |
gr5 SetMarkerColor | ( | 6 | ) |
gr6 SetMarkerColor | ( | 9 | ) |
gr2 SetMarkerSize | ( | 0. | 2 | ) |
gr5_ratio SetMarkerSize | ( | 1 | ) |
gr1 SetMarkerStyle | ( | 20 | ) |
gr2 SetMarkerStyle | ( | 21 | ) |
std::cout<< "Livermore" << std::endl;for (Int_t j=0; j < nlines1; j++){ if ((ratio_liv[j] > 1.03) || (ratio_liv[j] < 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :"<< x1[j] << ", " << ratio_liv[j] << std::endl;} std::cout<< "penelope" << std::endl;for (Int_t j=0; j < nlines1; j++) { if ((ratio_pen[j] > 1.03) || (ratio_pen[j] < 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :" << x1[j] << ", " << ratio_pen[j] << std::endl;} std::cout<< "opt0" << std::endl;for (Int_t j=0; j < nlines1; j++) { if ((ratio_opt0[j] > 1.03) || (ratio_opt0[j] < 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :" << x1[j] << ", " << ratio_opt0[j] << std::endl;} std::cout<< "opt3" << std::endl;for (Int_t j=0; j < nlines1; j++) { if ((ratio_opt3[j] > 1.03) || (ratio_opt3[j] < 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :" << x1[j] << ", " << ratio_opt3[j] << std::endl;} std::cout<< "opt4" << std::endl;for (Int_t j=0; j < nlines1; j++) { if ((ratio_opt4[j] > 1.03) || (ratio_opt4[j] < 0.97)) std::cout<< "Difference above 3% :" << x1[j] << ", " << ratio_opt4[j] << std::endl;} TGraph *gr1_ratio = new TGraph (nlines1, x1, ratio_liv);TGraph *gr2_ratio = new TGraph (nlines1, x1, ratio_pen);TGraph *gr3_ratio = new TGraph (nlines1, x1, ratio_opt0);TGraph *gr4_ratio = new TGraph (nlines1, x1, ratio_opt3);TGraph *gr5_ratio = new TGraph (nlines1, x1, ratio_opt4);gr1-> SetTitle | ( | "Dose rate distribution" | ) |
gr1_ratio SetTitle | ( | "Dose rate distribution - RATIO" | ) |
FILE* fg2 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_livermore.txt", "r") |
Definition at line 24 of file compare_all.C.
FILE* fg3 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_penelope.txt", "r") |
Definition at line 55 of file compare_all.C.
FILE* fg4 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_opt0.txt", "r") |
Definition at line 83 of file compare_all.C.
FILE* fg5 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_opt3.txt", "r") |
Definition at line 111 of file compare_all.C.
FILE* fg6 =fopen("geant4_dose_Flexi_opt4.txt", "r") |
Definition at line 140 of file compare_all.C.
Definition at line 167 of file compare_all.C.
Definition at line 168 of file compare_all.C.
Definition at line 169 of file compare_all.C.
Definition at line 170 of file compare_all.C.
Definition at line 171 of file compare_all.C.
Definition at line 172 of file compare_all.C.
TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8) |
Definition at line 254 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t n_points_geant4 =398 |
Definition at line 25 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t n_points_granero =13 |
Definition at line 4 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t ncols_geant4_liv |
Definition at line 27 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t ncols_geant4_opt0 |
Definition at line 85 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t ncols_geant4_opt3 |
Definition at line 113 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t ncols_geant4_opt4 |
Definition at line 142 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t ncols_geant4_penelope |
Definition at line 57 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t ncols_granero |
Definition at line 7 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t nlines1 =0 |
Definition at line 8 of file compare_all.C.
Referenced by while().
Int_t nlines2 =0 |
Definition at line 28 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t nlines3 =0 |
Definition at line 58 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t nlines4 =0 |
Definition at line 86 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t nlines5 =0 |
Definition at line 114 of file compare_all.C.
Int_t nlines6 =0 |
Definition at line 143 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t ratio_liv[n_points_granero] |
Definition at line 5 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t ratio_opt0[n_points_granero] |
Definition at line 84 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t ratio_opt3[n_points_granero] |
Definition at line 112 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t ratio_opt4[n_points_granero] |
Definition at line 141 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t ratio_pen[n_points_granero] |
Definition at line 56 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t x |
Definition at line 6 of file compare_all.C.
Referenced by while().
Float_t x1[n_points_granero] |
Definition at line 5 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t x2[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 26 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t x3[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 56 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t x4[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 84 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t x5[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 112 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t x6[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 141 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t y |
Definition at line 6 of file compare_all.C.
Referenced by while().
Float_t y1[n_points_granero] |
Definition at line 5 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t y2[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 26 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t y3[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 56 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t y4[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 84 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t y5[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 112 of file compare_all.C.
Float_t y6[n_points_geant4] |
Definition at line 141 of file compare_all.C.