LArSoft  v10_04_05
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
RecoBase Directory Reference


directory  AssnsDicts
directory  TrackingDicts


file  classes.h [code]
file  Cluster.cxx [code]
 Declaration of cluster object.
file  Cluster.h [code]
 Declaration of cluster object.
file  Edge.cxx [code]
 Definition of Principal Components Axis object for LArSoft.
file  Edge.h [code]
 An object to define a "edge" which is used to connect space points in a triangulation algorithm.
file  EndPoint2D.cxx [code]
file  EndPoint2D.h [code]
file  Event.cxx [code]
 Producer module to create 3D clusters from input hits.
file  Event.h [code]
file  Hit.cxx [code]
 Definition of signal hit object.
file  Hit.h [code]
 Declaration of signal hit object.
file  MCSFitResult.h [code]
file  OpFlash.cxx [code]
file  OpFlash.h [code]
file  OpHit.cxx [code]
file  OpHit.h [code]
file  OpWaveform.cxx [code]
 Definition of calibrated photon detector waveform.
file  OpWaveform.h [code]
 Definition of calibrated photon detector waveform.
file  PCAxis.cxx [code]
file  PCAxis.h [code]
file  PFParticle.cxx [code]
file  PFParticle.h [code]
file  PointCharge.h [code]
 Information about charge reconstructed in the active volume.
file  Seed.cxx [code]
file  Seed.h [code]
file  Shower.cxx [code]
file  Shower.h [code]
file  Slice.cxx [code]
file  Slice.h [code]
file  SpacePoint.cxx [code]
file  SpacePoint.h [code]
file  Track.cxx [code]
file  Track.h [code]
 Provides recob::Track data product.
file  TrackFitHitInfo.h [code]
file  TrackHitMeta.h [code]
 Class to keep data related to recob::Hit associated with recob::Track.
file  TrackingPlane.cxx [code]
file  TrackingPlane.h [code]
file  TrackingTypes.h [code]
file  TrackTrajectory.cxx [code]
 Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space.
file  TrackTrajectory.h [code]
 Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space.
file  TrackTrajectory.tcc [code]
file  Trajectory.cxx [code]
 Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space.
file  Trajectory.h [code]
 Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space.
file  Trajectory.tcc [code]
file  TrajectoryPointFlags.cxx [code]
 Set of flags pertaining a point of the track (implementation file).
file  TrajectoryPointFlags.h [code]
 Set of flags pertaining a point of the track.
file  TrajectoryPointFlags.tcc [code]
file  Vertex.cxx [code]
file  Vertex.h [code]
file  VertexAssnMeta.h [code]
file  Wire.cxx [code]
 Definition of basic channel signal object.
file  Wire.h [code]
 Declaration of basic channel signal object.