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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
Files | |
file | LArClusterHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the cluster helper class. | |
file | LArClusterHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the cluster helper class. | |
file | LArConnectionPathwayHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the connection pathway helper class. | |
file | LArConnectionPathwayHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the connection pathway helper class. | |
file | LArDiscreteProbabilityHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the discrete probability helper helper class. | |
file | LArDiscreteProbabilityHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the discrete probability helper class. | |
file | LArEigenHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the principal curve analysis helper class. | |
file | LArEigenHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the principal curve analysis helper class. | |
file | LArFileHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the file helper class. | |
file | LArFileHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the file helper class. | |
file | LArFormattingHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the lar formatting helper class. | |
file | LArFormattingHelper.h [code] |
file | LArGeometryHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the geometry helper class. | |
file | LArGeometryHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the geometry helper class. | |
file | LArHierarchyHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the lar hierarchy helper class. | |
file | LArHierarchyHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the lar hierarchy helper class. | |
file | LArHitWidthHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the lar hit width helper class. | |
file | LArHitWidthHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the lar hit width helper class. | |
file | LArInteractionTypeHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the interaction type helper class. | |
file | LArInteractionTypeHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the interaction type helper class. | |
file | LArMCParticleHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the lar monte carlo particle helper class. | |
file | LArMCParticleHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the lar monte carlo particle helper helper class. | |
file | LArMonitoringHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the lar monitoring helper class. | |
file | LArMonitoringHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the lar monitoring helper helper class. | |
file | LArMuonLeadingHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the lar delta ray helper class. | |
file | LArMuonLeadingHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the muon leading helper class. | |
file | LArMvaHelper.cc [code] |
file | LArMvaHelper.h [code] |
file | LArObjectHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the object helper class. | |
file | LArObjectHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the object helper class. | |
file | LArPcaHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the principal curve analysis helper class. | |
file | LArPcaHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the principal curve analysis helper class. | |
file | LArPfoHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the pfo helper class. | |
file | LArPfoHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the pfo helper class. | |
file | LArPointingClusterHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the pointing cluster helper class. | |
file | LArPointingClusterHelper.h [code] |
file | LArStitchingHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the helper class for multiple tpcs. | |
file | LArStitchingHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the helper class for multiple drift volumes. | |
file | LArUtilityHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the cluster helper class. | |
file | LArVertexHelper.cc [code] |
Implementation of the vertex helper class. | |
file | LArVertexHelper.h [code] |
Header file for the vertex helper class. | |