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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
Files | |
file | ConnectionPathwayFeatureTool.cc [code] |
Implementation of the connection pathway feature tool. | |
file | ConnectionPathwayFeatureTool.h [code] |
Header file for the connection pathway feature tools. | |
file | ElectronInitialRegionRefinementAlgorithm.cc [code] |
Implementation of the electron initial region refinement algorithm class. | |
file | ElectronInitialRegionRefinementAlgorithm.h [code] |
Header file for the electron initial region refinement algorithm class. | |
file | LArProtoShower.h [code] |
Header file for the ProtoShower class. | |
file | PeakDirectionFinderTool.cc [code] |
Implementation of the peak direction finder tool class. | |
file | PeakDirectionFinderTool.h [code] |
Header file for the peak direction finder tool class. | |
file | ProtoShowerMatchingTool.cc [code] |
Implementation of the ProtoShower matching tool class. | |
file | ProtoShowerMatchingTool.h [code] |
Header file for the ProtoShower matching tool class. | |
file | ShowerSpineFinderTool.cc [code] |
Implementation of the shower spine finder tool class. | |
file | ShowerSpineFinderTool.h [code] |
Header file for the peak direction finder tool class. | |
file | ShowerStartFinderTool.cc [code] |
Implementation of the shower start finder tool class. | |
file | ShowerStartFinderTool.h [code] |
Header file for the shower start finder tool class. | |