LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
plot.C File Reference

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gStyle SetPalette (1)
gROOT SetStyle ("Plain")
 system ("ls wholeNuclearDNA_* 2> /dev/null && hadd -f wholeNuclearDNA.root wholeNuclearDNA_*.root")
TFile f ("wholeNuclearDNA.root")
c1 cd (1)
gStyle SetOptStat (000000)
ntuple SetMarkerColor (2)
ntuple SetMarkerStyle (20)
ntuple SetMarkerSize (1)
ntuple Draw ("x/1000:y/1000:z/1000","flagVolume==1","")
ntuple SetMarkerColor (4)
ntuple SetMarkerStyle (24)


Double_t scale
 c1 = new TCanvas ("c1","",20,20,1000,500)
TNtuple * ntuple = (TNtuple*)f.Get("ntuple")

Function Documentation

c1 cd ( )
ntuple Draw ( "x/1000:y/1000:z/1000"  )
TFile f ( "wholeNuclearDNA.root"  )
ntuple SetMarkerColor ( )
ntuple SetMarkerColor ( )
ntuple SetMarkerSize ( )
ntuple SetMarkerStyle ( 20  )
ntuple SetMarkerStyle ( 24  )
gStyle SetOptStat ( 000000  )
gStyle SetPalette ( )
gROOT SetStyle ( "Plain"  )
system ( "ls wholeNuclearDNA_*  2,
/dev/null &&hadd-f wholeNuclearDNA.root wholeNuclearDNA_ *.root"   

Variable Documentation

c1 = new TCanvas ("c1","",20,20,1000,500)

Definition at line 13 of file plot.C.

ntuple = (TNtuple*)f.Get("ntuple")

Definition at line 21 of file plot.C.

Double_t scale

Definition at line 11 of file plot.C.