LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
detinfo::timescales::details Namespace Reference


struct  category_of_t
struct  category_of_t< Cat, std::void_t< typename Cat::category_t > >
struct  custom_timescale_traits
struct  custom_timescale_traits< WC, std::enable_if_t< util::quantities::concepts::is_interval_or_point_v< WC > > >
struct  is_tick_type_impl
struct  is_tick_type_impl< Q, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< typename Q::baseunit_t, util::quantities::units::Tick > > >
struct  timescale_traits_base
 A template traits for time scale of category Cat. More...


template<typename Cat >
using category_of = typename category_of_t< Cat >::type

Typedef Documentation

template<typename Cat >
using detinfo::timescales::details::category_of = typedef typename category_of_t<Cat>::type

Definition at line 106 of file DetectorTimingTypes.h.