LArSoft  v09_90_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -


struct  AssnsNodeGetter
struct  AssnsNodeGetter< 0U, L, R, D >
struct  AssnsNodeGetter< 1U, L, R, D >
struct  AssnsNodeGetter< 2U, L, R, D >
struct  CaseInsensitiveComparer
struct  ClassNameStaticDumper
 Implementation detail of staticDumpClassName(). More...
struct  collection_from_reference_impl
struct  collection_from_reference_impl< CollRef, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< CollRef > > >
struct  collection_from_reference_impl< CollRef, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< CollRef > > >
struct  collection_from_reference_impl< T * >
struct  collection_from_reference_impl< T[]>
struct  collection_from_reference_impl< T[N]>
struct  collection_value_access_type_impl
struct  collection_value_access_type_impl< Ptr, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< std::decay_t< Ptr > > > >
struct  collection_value_access_type_impl< T *, void >
struct  collection_value_constant_access_type_impl
struct  collection_value_constant_access_type_impl< Ptr, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< std::decay_t< Ptr > > > >
struct  collection_value_constant_access_type_impl< T *, void >
struct  collection_value_type_impl
struct  collection_value_type_impl< Coll, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< std::decay_t< Coll > > > >
struct  collection_value_type_impl< Coll, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< std::decay_t< Coll > > > >
struct  collection_value_type_impl_pointer
struct  collection_value_type_impl_pointer< T * >
struct  collection_value_type_impl_pointer< T[]>
struct  collection_value_type_impl_pointer< T[N]>
struct  collection_value_type_impl_unique_ptr
class  ContainerStorage
class  ContainerStorage< Cont, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< Cont > > >
struct  ContainerStorageBase
struct  ContainerTraits
struct  ContainerTraitsImpl
struct  ContainerTraitsImpl< T * >
struct  count_tags_in_list
struct  count_tags_in_tuple
struct  count_tags_in_tuple< Extractor, Target, std::tuple< Tags... > >
struct  count_type_in_list_impl
struct  count_type_in_list_impl< Target, First, Others... >
struct  count_type_in_list_impl< Target, Target, Others... >
struct  DiffIterTag
 Tag for internal use. More...
struct  extract_to_tuple_type_impl
 Implementation for extract_to_tuple_type. More...
struct  extract_to_tuple_type_impl< TargetClass, Extractor, Tuple, N, N, T... >
 End-of-recursion specialization: packs all types already extracted into the target type. More...
struct  extract_to_tuple_type_impl_simple
struct  ExtractTensorDimension
struct  ExtractTensorDimension< RANK, 0U >
class  FilterRangeForStruct
struct  find_type_impl
struct  find_type_impl< Index, Skip, T >
struct  find_type_impl< Index, Skip, T, Type, Others... >
struct  get_elements_impl
class  GridContainerBase
 Base class for a container of data arranged on a grid. More...
class  GridContainerIndicesBase
 Index manager for a container of data arranged on a DIMS-dimension grid. More...
struct  has_duplicate_types_impl
struct  has_duplicate_types_impl< Tuple, First, Others... >
struct  has_duplicate_types_unwrapper
struct  has_duplicate_types_unwrapper< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  index_of_extracted_type_checked
struct  index_of_extracted_type_checked< Extractor, Target, N, N, Tuple >
struct  index_of_extracted_type_checked_after
struct  index_of_extracted_type_checked_after< Extractor, Target, N, N, Tuple >
struct  index_of_extracted_type_impl
struct  index_of_extracted_type_impl< Extractor, Target, I, Target, Tuple >
struct  index_of_type_base
struct  index_of_type_helper
class  infinite_endcount_iterator
 Class used as end iterator (sentinel) for an infinite loop. More...
struct  is_basic_string_type_impl
struct  is_basic_string_type_impl< std::basic_string< Args... > >
struct  is_basic_string_view_type_impl
struct  is_basic_string_view_type_impl< std::basic_string_view< Args... > >
struct  is_character_type_impl
struct  is_instance_of_impl
struct  is_instance_of_impl< Template, Template< Args... > >
struct  is_string_type_impl
struct  is_string_type_impl< T, std::enable_if_t< is_character_type_impl< typename T::value_type >::value > >
struct  is_string_type_impl< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_array_v< std::decay_t< T > > && is_character_type_impl< std::remove_extent_t< std::decay_t< T > > >::value > >
struct  is_string_type_impl< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< std::decay_t< T > > && is_character_type_impl< std::remove_pointer_t< std::decay_t< T > > >::value > >
struct  is_type
struct  lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl
struct  lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_final
struct  lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_final< T & >
struct  lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_wrapper
struct  lvalue_reference_into_wrapper_type_impl_wrapper< T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< T > > >
struct  make_collection_reference_impl
struct  make_collection_reference_impl< Coll, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< Coll > > >
struct  make_collection_reference_impl< Coll, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< Coll > > >
struct  make_collection_reference_impl< Ptr, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< std::decay_t< Ptr > > > >
struct  map_values_impl
struct  MoveFromPointersImpl
struct  MoveFromPointersImpl< std::vector< Data >, PtrColl >
class  MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t
 Class representing one of the available options to be selected. More...
struct  PointerVectorMaker
struct  PointerVectorMaker< Coll, std::enable_if_t< util::is_unique_ptr_v< typename Coll::value_type > > >
class  RangeForWrapperBox
 Class offering begin/end iterators of the same type out of a range of iterators of different types. More...
class  RangeForWrapperIterator
struct  RangeForWrapperTraits
 Class defining types and traits for RangeForWrapperBox. More...
struct  referenced_address_impl
struct  referenced_address_impl< T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< T > > >
struct  SameIterTag
 Tag for internal use. More...
struct  SorterFrom
struct  strip_referenceness_type_impl
struct  strip_referenceness_type_impl_ref
struct  strip_referenceness_type_impl_ref< T & >
struct  strip_referenceness_type_impl_ref< T && >
struct  strip_referenceness_type_impl_wrapref
struct  strip_referenceness_type_impl_wrapref< T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_reference_wrapper_v< std::remove_cv_t< T > > > >
struct  TagExtractorImpl
struct  TagExtractorImpl< Tagged, std::enable_if_t< always_true_type< typename std::remove_reference_t< Tagged >::tag >::value > >
struct  ToStringImpl
struct  ToStringImpl< T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_basic_string_type_v< T > > >
struct  ToStringImpl< T, std::enable_if_t< util::is_basic_string_view_type_v< T > > >
struct  type_is_in_impl
struct  type_is_in_impl< Target, First, Others... >
struct  type_is_in_impl< Target, Target, Others... >
struct  values_impl
struct  values_impl< std::map< Key, Value, Args... > >
struct  values_impl< std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Args... > >
struct  ValueToString
struct  ValueToString< Value, std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible_v< Value, std::string >|| std::is_constructible_v< std::string, Value > > >
struct  ValueToString< Value, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< Value > > >
struct  void_t< decltype(std::to_string(std::declval< Value >()))>
struct  with_const_as_dispatch_keyref
struct  with_const_as_dispatch_ref
struct  with_const_as_dispatch_ref< Base, Key, std::enable_if_t< std::is_lvalue_reference_v< Base > > >
struct  with_const_as_dispatch_ref< Base, Key, std::enable_if_t< std::is_rvalue_reference_v< Base > > >
struct  with_const_as_dispatcher
struct  with_const_as_impl
struct  with_const_as_impl< Base, Key, std::enable_if_t< std::is_const_v< Key > > >
struct  WrapRangeForDispatcher
struct  WrapRangeForDispatcher< BaseRange, false >
struct  WrapRangeForDispatcher< BaseRange, true >
class  zip_iterator
class  zip_iterator< Lead >


template<typename T >
bool operator!= (infinite_endcount_iterator< T > const &, count_iterator< T > const &)
 Never admit a infinite_endcount_iterator to be equal to anything else. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (count_iterator< T > const &, infinite_endcount_iterator< T > const &)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (infinite_endcount_iterator< T > const &, count_iterator< T > const &)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (count_iterator< T > const &, infinite_endcount_iterator< T > const &)
template<typename Coll , typename PtrColl >
void moveFromPointersImplBase (Coll &dest, PtrColl &src)
template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto make_zip_begin_iterator (Iterables &&...iterables)
template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto make_zip_end_iterator (Iterables &&...iterables)
template<typename T >
T & NullRef ()
template<typename Choices >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option)
 Prints an option into a stream. More...
Option comparison operators

— BEGIN – Comparison operators -------------------------------------—

template<typename Choices >
bool operator== (MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option, Choices const value)
 Returns whether option has the specified value. More...
template<typename Choices >
bool operator== (Choices const value, MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option)
 Returns whether option has the specified value. More...
template<typename Choices >
bool operator!= (MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option, Choices const value)
 Returns whether option does not have the specified value. More...
template<typename Choices >
bool operator!= (Choices const value, MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option)
 Returns whether option does not have the specified value. More...
template<typename Choices >
bool operator== (MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option, std::string const &label)
 Returns whether option has the specified name or alias. More...
template<typename Choices >
bool operator== (std::string const &label, MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option)
 Returns whether option has the specified name or alias. More...
template<typename Choices >
bool operator!= (MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option, std::string const &label)
 Returns whether option does not have the specified name or alias. More...
template<typename Choices >
bool operator!= (std::string const &label, MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &option)
 Returns whether option does not have the specified name or alias. More...


template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_type_v = is_type<T>()
template<typename... Strings>
constexpr auto AllConvertibleToStrings_v

Function Documentation

template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto util::details::make_zip_begin_iterator ( Iterables &&...  iterables)

Definition at line 269 of file zip.h.

References util::begin().

270  {
272  using std::begin;
273  return zip_iterator<Lead, decltype(begin(iterables))...>{begin(iterables)...};
275  } // make_zip_begin_iterator()
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:69
template<std::size_t Lead, typename... Iterables>
auto util::details::make_zip_end_iterator ( Iterables &&...  iterables)

Definition at line 279 of file zip.h.

References util::end().

280  {
282  using std::end;
283  return zip_iterator<Lead, decltype(end(iterables))...>{end(iterables)...};
285  } // make_zip_end_iterator()
decltype(auto) constexpr end(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::end.
Definition: StdUtils.h:77
template<typename Coll , typename PtrColl >
void util::details::moveFromPointersImplBase ( Coll &  dest,
PtrColl &  src 

Definition at line 265 of file SortByPointers.h.

Referenced by util::details::MoveFromPointersImpl< Coll, PtrColl >::move(), and util::details::MoveFromPointersImpl< std::vector< Data >, PtrColl >::move().

266  {
267  for (auto&& ptr : src)
268  dest.push_back(std::move(*ptr));
269  }
template<typename T >
T& util::details::NullRef ( )

Definition at line 433 of file MappedContainer.h.

434  {
435  T* nullTptr = nullptr;
436  return *nullTptr;
437  }
template<typename T >
bool util::details::operator!= ( infinite_endcount_iterator< T > const &  ,
count_iterator< T > const &   

Never admit a infinite_endcount_iterator to be equal to anything else.

Definition at line 266 of file counter.h.

Referenced by recob::TrajectoryPointFlags::fromHit(), and lar::ProviderPack< Providers >::has().

267  {
268  return true;
269  }
template<typename T >
bool util::details::operator!= ( count_iterator< T > const &  ,
infinite_endcount_iterator< T > const &   

Definition at line 272 of file counter.h.

273  {
274  return true;
275  }
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator!= ( MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option,
Choices const  value 

Returns whether option does not have the specified value.

Definition at line 692 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

References util::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >::value().

694 {
695  return option.value() != value;
696 }
double value
Definition: spectrum.C:18
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator!= ( Choices const  value,
MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option 

Returns whether option does not have the specified value.

Definition at line 699 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

References util::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >::value().

701 {
702  return option != value;
703 }
double value
Definition: spectrum.C:18
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator!= ( MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option,
std::string const &  label 

Returns whether option does not have the specified name or alias.

Definition at line 722 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

References util::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >::match().

724 {
725  return !option.match(label);
726 }
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator!= ( std::string const &  label,
MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option 

Returns whether option does not have the specified name or alias.

Definition at line 729 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

731 {
732  return option != label;
733 }
template<typename Choices >
std::ostream & util::details::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option 

Prints an option into a stream.

— END – Comparison operators ------------------------------------——

Definition at line 737 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

References util::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >::name().

739 {
740  out <<;
741  return out;
742 }
template<typename T >
bool util::details::operator== ( count_iterator< T > const &  ,
infinite_endcount_iterator< T > const &   

Definition at line 284 of file counter.h.

285  {
286  return false;
287  }
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator== ( MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option,
Choices const  value 

Returns whether option has the specified value.

Definition at line 677 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

References util::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >::value().

679 {
680  return option.value() == value;
681 }
double value
Definition: spectrum.C:18
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator== ( Choices const  value,
MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option 

Returns whether option has the specified value.

Definition at line 684 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

References util::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >::value().

686 {
687  return option == value;
688 }
double value
Definition: spectrum.C:18
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator== ( MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option,
std::string const &  label 

Returns whether option has the specified name or alias.

Definition at line 707 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

References util::details::MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices >::match().

709 {
710  return option.match(label);
711 }
template<typename Choices >
bool util::details::operator== ( std::string const &  label,
MultipleChoiceSelectionOption_t< Choices > const &  option 

Returns whether option has the specified name or alias.

Definition at line 714 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

716 {
717  return option == label;
718 }

Variable Documentation

template<typename... Strings>
constexpr auto util::details::AllConvertibleToStrings_v
Initial value:
std::conjunction_v<std::is_convertible<Strings, std::string>...>

Definition at line 31 of file MultipleChoiceSelection.h.

template<typename T >
constexpr bool util::details::is_type_v = is_type<T>()

Definition at line 489 of file RangeForWrapper.h.