LArSoft  v10_04_05
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Track.h File Reference

Offers proxy::Tracks and proxy::Track class for recob::Track access. More...

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class  proxy::TrackPointIterator< TrackProxy >
class  proxy::TrackPointWrapper< Data >
 Wrapper for a track data proxy. More...
struct  proxy::details::TrackPointIteratorBox< CollProxy >
 Structure for range-for iteration. More...
struct  proxy::details::isTrackProxy< T >
struct  proxy::details::StaticAsserts< Obj >
struct  proxy::details::StaticAsserts< TrackPointWrapper< Data > >
struct  proxy::Tracks
 Proxy tag for a recob::Track collection proxy. More...
class  proxy::TrackPointWrapper< Data >
 Wrapper for a track data proxy. More...
struct  proxy::TrackPoint
 Type of track point information. More...
struct  proxy::TrackCollectionProxyElement< CollProxy >
 Class for track proxy elements. More...
struct  proxy::CollectionProxyMakerTraits< Tracks >
 Define the traits of proxy::Tracks proxy. More...
struct  proxy::CollectionProxyMaker< Tracks >
 Specialization to create a proxy for recob::Track collection. More...
class  proxy::TrackPointIterator< TrackProxy >
struct  proxy::details::isTrackProxy< T >
struct  proxy::details::isTrackProxy< Track< TrackCollProxy > >
struct  proxy::details::TrackPointIteratorBox< CollProxy >
 Structure for range-for iteration. More...


 Encloses LArSoft data product proxy objects and utilities.See this doxygen module for an introduction to data proxies in LArSoft.


using proxy::TrackPointData = std::tuple< recob::Track const *, art::Ptr< recob::Hit >, recob::TrackFitHitInfo const *, std::size_t >
 Container of track point information. More...
template<typename TrackCollProxy >
using proxy::Track = TrackCollectionProxyElement< TrackCollProxy >
 Proxy to an element of a proxy collection of recob::Track objects. More...


template<typename TrackProxy >
TrackPointData proxy::makeTrackPointData (TrackProxy const &track, std::size_t index)
 Returns an object with information about the specified track point. More...
template<typename Data >
auto proxy::wrapTrackPoint (Data const &wrappedData)
 "Converts" point data into a proxy::TrackPointWrapper. More...
Auxiliary data

These functions may be used as arguments to proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>() call to merge of some data associated to the tracks.

auto proxy::withOriginalTrajectory (art::InputTag const &inputTag)
 Adds recob::TrackTrajectory information to the proxy. More...
auto proxy::withOriginalTrajectory ()
 Adds recob::TrackTrajectory information to the proxy. More...
auto proxy::withFitHitInfo (art::InputTag const &inputTag)
 Adds recob::TrackFitHitInfo information to the proxy. More...
auto proxy::withFitHitInfo ()
 Adds recob::TrackFitHitInfo information to the proxy. More...

Detailed Description

Offers proxy::Tracks and proxy::Track class for recob::Track access.

Gianluca Petrillo (
July 27, 2017

Definition in file Track.h.