pandora::StringVector m_inputClusterListNames
The list of cluster list names.
Class that implements the KDTree partition of 2D space and a closest point search algorithm...
unsigned int m_minClusterCaloHits
The min number of hits parameter in the energy score.
unsigned int m_slidingFitWindow
The layer window for the sliding linear fits.
Default constructor.
float m_epsilon
The epsilon parameter in the energy score.
VertexFeatureTool::FeatureToolVector m_featureToolVector
The feature tool map.
VertexSelectionBaseAlgorithm class.
float m_asymmetryConstant
The asymmetry constant parameter in the energy score.
std::vector< VertexScore > VertexScoreList
EnergyKickVertexSelectionAlgorithm class.
void GetVertexScoreList(const pandora::VertexVector &vertexVector, const BeamConstants &beamConstants, HitKDTree2D &kdTreeU, HitKDTree2D &kdTreeV, HitKDTree2D &kdTreeW, VertexScoreList &vertexScoreList) const
Get the vertex score list for a provided list of candidate vertices.
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)