15 #include <TLorentzVector.h> 76 #endif // SIMB_GTRUTH_H
int fGint
interaction code
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &output, const simb::GTruth >ruth)
int fGPhaseSpace
phase space system of DiffXSec
int fNumNeutron
number of neutrons after reaction, before FSI
double fXsec
cross section of interaction
int fNumPiPlus
number of pi pluses after reaction, before FSI
int fNumPiMinus
number of pi minuses after reaction, before FSI
int fResNum
resonance number
int fNumProton
number of protons after reaction, before FSI
double fprobability
interaction probability
int fGscatter
neutrino scattering code
int fNumPi0
number of pi0 after reaction, before FSI
bool fIsCharm
did the interaction produce a charmed hadron?
double fweight
event interaction weight (genie internal)
int ftgtPDG
PDG of Target Nucleus, nucleon only if free.
double fgQ2
< these are for the internal (on shell) genie kinematics
TLorentzVector fFShadSystP4
double fDiffXsec
differential cross section of interaction
static constexpr double kUndefinedValue