LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
10 #include "Geant4/G4ParticleTypes.hh"
11 #include "Geant4/G4LossTableManager.hh"
12 #include "Geant4/G4EmSaturation.hh"
21 #include "cetlib_except/exception.h"
24 namespace larg4{
26  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28  {
29  }
31  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33  {
34  }
36  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38  {
40  const detinfo::LArProperties* larp = lar::providerFrom<detinfo::LArPropertiesService>();
41  const detinfo::DetectorProperties* detprop = lar::providerFrom<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService>();
43  double density = detprop->Density(detprop->Temperature());
44  fEfield = detprop->Efield();
46  fGeVToElectrons = lgpHandle->GeVToElectrons();
48  // \todo get scintillation yield from LArG4Parameters or LArProperties
49  fScintYieldFactor = 1.;
51  // the recombination coefficient is in g/(MeVcm^2), but
52  // we report energy depositions in MeV/cm, need to divide
53  // Recombk from the LArG4Parameters service by the density
54  // of the argon we got above.
55  fRecombA = lgpHandle->RecombA();
56  fRecombk = lgpHandle->Recombk()/density;
57  fModBoxA = lgpHandle->ModBoxA();
58  fModBoxB = lgpHandle->ModBoxB()/density;
59  fUseModBoxRecomb = lgpHandle->UseModBoxRecomb();
61  // Use Birks Correction in the Scintillation process
62  fEMSaturation = G4LossTableManager::Instance()->EmSaturation();
64  // determine the step size using the voxel sizes
66  double maxsize = std::max(lvc->VoxelSizeX(), std::max(lvc->VoxelSizeY(), lvc->VoxelSizeZ())) * CLHEP::cm;
68  fStepSize = 0.1 * maxsize;
70  return;
71  }
73  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
74  // fNumIonElectrons returns a value that is not corrected for life time effects
76  {
77  fEnergyDeposit = 0.;
78  fNumScintPhotons = 0.;
79  fNumIonElectrons = 0.;
81  return;
82  }
84  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
85  // fNumIonElectrons returns a value that is not corrected for life time effects
87  {
89  fEnergyDeposit = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/CLHEP::MeV;
91  // Get the recombination factor for this voxel - Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A523:275-286,2004
92  // R = A/(1 + (dE/dx)*k)
93  // dE/dx is given by the voxel energy deposition, but have to convert it to MeV/cm
94  // from GeV/voxel width
95  // A = 0.800 +/- 0.003
96  // k = (0.097+/-0.001) g/(MeVcm^2)
97  // the dx depends on the trajectory of the step
98  // k should be divided by the density as our dE/dx is in MeV/cm,
99  // the division is handled in the constructor when we set fRecombk
100  // B.Baller: Add Modified Box recombination - ArgoNeuT result submitted to JINST
102  G4ThreeVector totstep = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
103  totstep -= step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
105  double dx = totstep.mag()/CLHEP::cm;
106  double recomb = 0.;
107  double dEdx = (dx == 0.0)? 0.0: fEnergyDeposit/dx;
108  double EFieldStep = EFieldAtStep(fEfield,step);
110  // Guard against spurious values of dE/dx. Note: assumes density of LAr
111  if(dEdx < 1.) dEdx = 1.;
113  if(fUseModBoxRecomb) {
114  if (dx){
115  double Xi = fModBoxB * dEdx / EFieldStep;
116  recomb = log(fModBoxA + Xi) / Xi;
117  }
118  else
119  recomb = 0;
120  }
121  else{
122  recomb = fRecombA/(1. + dEdx * fRecombk / EFieldStep);
123  }
126  // 1.e-3 converts fEnergyDeposit to GeV
127  fNumIonElectrons = fGeVToElectrons * 1.e-3 * fEnergyDeposit * recomb;
129  LOG_DEBUG("ISCalculationSeparate") << " Electrons produced for " << fEnergyDeposit
130  << " MeV deposited with " << recomb
131  << " recombination: " << fNumIonElectrons;
133  // Now do the scintillation
134  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* mpt = step->GetTrack()->GetMaterial()->GetMaterialPropertiesTable();
135  if( !mpt)
136  throw cet::exception("ISCalculationSeparate") << "Cannot find materials property table"
137  << " for this step! "
138  << step->GetTrack()->GetMaterial() << "\n";
140  // if not doing the scintillation by particle type, use the saturation
141  double scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD");
145  LOG_DEBUG("ISCalculationSeparate") << "scintillating by particle type";
147  // Get the definition of the current particle
148  G4ParticleDefinition *pDef = step->GetTrack()->GetDynamicParticle()->GetDefinition();
149  //G4MaterialPropertyVector *Scint_Yield_Vector = NULL;
151  // Obtain the G4MaterialPropertyVectory containing the
152  // scintillation light yield as a function of the deposited
153  // energy for the current particle type
155  // Protons
156  if(pDef == G4Proton::ProtonDefinition()){
157  scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("PROTONSCINTILLATIONYIELD");
158  }
159  // Muons
160  else if(pDef == G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition() ||
161  pDef == G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition()){
162  scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("MUONSCINTILLATIONYIELD");
163  }
164  // Pions
165  else if(pDef == G4PionPlus::PionPlusDefinition() ||
166  pDef == G4PionMinus::PionMinusDefinition()){
167  scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("PIONSCINTILLATIONYIELD");
168  }
169  // Kaons
170  else if(pDef == G4KaonPlus::KaonPlusDefinition() ||
171  pDef == G4KaonMinus::KaonMinusDefinition()){
172  scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("KAONSCINTILLATIONYIELD");
173  }
174  // Alphas
175  else if(pDef == G4Alpha::AlphaDefinition()){
176  scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("ALPHASCINTILLATIONYIELD");
177  }
178  // Electrons (must also account for shell-binding energy
179  // attributed to gamma from standard PhotoElectricEffect)
180  else if(pDef == G4Electron::ElectronDefinition() ||
181  pDef == G4Gamma::GammaDefinition()){
182  scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("ELECTRONSCINTILLATIONYIELD");
183  }
184  // Default for particles not enumerated/listed above
185  else{
186  scintYield = mpt->GetConstProperty("ELECTRONSCINTILLATIONYIELD");
187  }
189  // If the user has not specified yields for (p,d,t,a,carbon)
190  // then these unspecified particles will default to the
191  // electron's scintillation yield
193  // Throw an exception if no scintillation yield is found
194  if (!scintYield)
195  throw cet::exception("ISCalculationSeparate") << "Request for scintillation yield for energy "
196  << "deposit and particle type without correct "
197  << "entry in MaterialPropertiesTable\n"
198  << "ScintillationByParticleType requires at "
199  << "minimum that ELECTRONSCINTILLATIONYIELD is "
200  << "set by the user\n";
202  fNumScintPhotons = scintYield * fEnergyDeposit;
203  }
204  else if(fEMSaturation){
205  // The default linear scintillation process
206  //fEMSaturation->SetVerbose(1);
207  fVisibleEnergyDeposition = fEMSaturation->VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep(step);
209  //fNumScintPhotons = fScintYieldFactor * scintYield * fEMSaturation->VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep(step);
210  //I need a dump here
211  //mf::LogInfo("EMSaturation") <<"\n\nfEMSaturation VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep(step): "<<fEMSaturation->VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep(step)<<"\n" <<"BirksCoefs: \n";
212  // fEMSaturation->DumpBirksCoefficients();
213  //mf::LogInfo("EMSaturation")<<"\n" <<"G4Birks: \n";
214  //fEMSaturation->DumpG4BirksCoefficients();
215  //mf::LogInfo("EMSaturation")<<"fScintYieldFactor: "<<fScintYieldFactor <<"\nscintYield: "<<scintYield<<"\nfEMVisAtStep: "<<fEMSaturation->VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep(step)<<"\nfNumScintPhotons: "<<fNumScintPhotons<<"\n";
216  //mf::LogInfo("EMSaturation")<<"fTotalEnergyDeposit: "<< step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/CLHEP::MeV<<"\nfNumIonElectrons: "<<fNumIonElectrons<<"\n";
217  }
218  else{
220  fVisibleEnergyDeposition = 0.0; //This is set to zero because I have not made a correct implimentation of this value for anything but EMSaturation.
221  }
223  LOG_DEBUG("ISCalculationSeparate") << "number photons: " << fNumScintPhotons
224  << " energy: " << fEnergyDeposit/CLHEP::MeV
225  << " saturation: "
226  << fEMSaturation->VisibleEnergyDepositionAtAStep(step)
227  << " step length: " << step->GetStepLength()/CLHEP::cm;
230  return;
231  }
234 }// namespace
Store parameters for running LArG4.
double VoxelSizeX() const
Access to voxel dimensions and offsets.
double ModBoxA() const
bool fUseModBoxRecomb
from LArG4Parameters service
G4EmSaturation * fEMSaturation
pointer to EM saturation
double fScintYieldFactor
scintillation yield factor
Encapsulates calculation of LArVoxelID and LArVoxel parameters.
double EFieldAtStep(double fEfield, const G4Step *step) const
double fGeVToElectrons
conversion factor from LArProperties service
bool UseModBoxRecomb() const
Geant4 interface.
ISCalculationSeparate(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &)
double fRecombA
from LArG4Parameters service
Interface to algorithm class for a specific calculation of ionization electrons and scintillation pho...
double fEfield
value of electric field from LArProperties service
Int_t max
Definition: plot.C:27
double fNumIonElectrons
number of ionization electrons for this step
Definition: ISCalculation.h:40
double fModBoxB
from LArG4Parameters service
bool fScintByParticleType
from LArProperties service
double RecombA() const
double fStepSize
maximum step to take
virtual double Density(double temperature) const =0
Returns argon density at a given temperature.
double fRecombk
from LArG4Parameters service
double ModBoxB() const
double Recombk() const
double fNumScintPhotons
number of scintillation photons for this step
Definition: ISCalculation.h:41
#define LOG_DEBUG(id)
double fVisibleEnergyDeposition
Definition: ISCalculation.h:42
double fModBoxA
from LArG4Parameters service
double fEnergyDeposit
total energy deposited in the step
Definition: ISCalculation.h:39
virtual bool ScintByParticleType() const =0
double GeVToElectrons() const
void CalculateIonizationAndScintillation(const G4Step *step)
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33