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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - http://larsoft.org/
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include "TVectorD.h"
#include "TDecompSVD.h"
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
#include "larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/geo_types.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/DataStructs.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/DebugStruct.h"
#include "larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/Utils.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
tca | |
Functions | |
void | tca::StitchPFPs () |
void | tca::UpdateMatchStructs (TCSlice &slc, int oldTj, int newTj) |
void | tca::UpdateTp3s (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, int oldTj, int newTj) |
void | tca::FillmAllTraj (TCSlice &slc) |
bool | tca::SetStart (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt) |
void | tca::FollowTp3s (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt) |
bool | tca::FitTp3s (TCSlice &slc, const std::vector< TrajPoint3 > &tp3s, Point3_t &pos, Vector3_t &dir, float &rCorr) |
bool | tca::FitTp3s (TCSlice &slc, const std::vector< TrajPoint3 > &tp3s, unsigned short fromPt, unsigned short toPt, Point3_t &pos, Vector3_t &dir, float &rCorr) |
bool | tca::FitTp3 (TCSlice &slc, TrajPoint3 &tp3, const std::vector< Tj2Pt > &tj2pts) |
void | tca::FindCompleteness (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool doFit, bool fillTp3s, bool prt) |
void | tca::FindMissedTjsInTp3s (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, std::vector< int > &missTjs, std::vector< float > &missFrac) |
bool | tca::SharesHighScoreVx (TCSlice &slc, const PFPStruct &pfp, const Trajectory &tj) |
void | tca::Fit3D (unsigned short mode, Point3_t point, Vector3_t dir, Point3_t &fitPos, Vector3_t &fitDir) |
float | tca::AspectRatio (TCSlice &slc, std::vector< int > &tjids, CTP_t inCTP) |
unsigned short | tca::WiresSkippedInCTP (TCSlice &slc, std::vector< int > &tjids, CTP_t inCTP) |
float | tca::LengthInCTP (TCSlice &slc, std::vector< int > &tjids, CTP_t inCTP) |
bool | tca::AddMissedTj (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, unsigned short itj, bool looseCuts, bool prt) |
void | tca::CleanTjs (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt) |
bool | tca::MergePFPTjs (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt) |
void | tca::FindXMatches (TCSlice &slc, unsigned short numPlanes, short maxScore, std::vector< MatchStruct > &matVec, bool prt) |
bool | tca::MakeTp3 (TCSlice &slc, const TrajPoint &itp, const TrajPoint &jtp, TrajPoint3 &tp3, bool findDirection) |
double | tca::DeltaAngle (const Vector3_t v1, const Vector3_t v2) |
double | tca::DotProd (const Vector3_t &v1, const Vector3_t &v2) |
Vector3_t | tca::PointDirection (const Point3_t p1, const Point3_t p2) |
double | tca::PosSep (const Point3_t &pos1, const Point3_t &pos2) |
double | tca::PosSep2 (const Point3_t &pos1, const Point3_t &pos2) |
bool | tca::SetMag (Vector3_t &v1, double mag) |
void | tca::FilldEdx (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp) |
void | tca::FilldEdx (TCSlice &slc, TrajPoint3 &tp3) |
float | tca::PFPDOCA (const PFPStruct &pfp1, const PFPStruct &pfp2, unsigned short &close1, unsigned short &close2) |
bool | tca::Split3DKink (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, double sep, bool prt) |
std::vector< unsigned short > | tca::FindKinks (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, double sep, bool prt) |
double | tca::KinkAngle (TCSlice &slc, const std::vector< TrajPoint3 > &tp3s, unsigned short atPt, double sep) |
PFPStruct | tca::CreatePFP (TCSlice &slc) |
void | tca::FindPFParticles (TCSlice &slc) |
bool | tca::DefinePFP (std::string inFcnLabel, TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt) |
bool | tca::PFPVxTjOK (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt) |
void | tca::PFPVertexCheck (TCSlice &slc) |
bool | tca::AnalyzePFP (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt) |
void | tca::DefinePFPParents (TCSlice &slc, bool prt) |
void | tca::DefinePFPParentsTestBeam (TCSlice &slc, bool prt) |
bool | tca::StorePFP (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp) |
bool | tca::InsideFV (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, unsigned short end) |
bool | tca::InsideTPC (const Point3_t &pos, geo::TPCID &inTPCID) |
void | tca::FindAlongTrans (Point3_t pos1, Vector3_t dir1, Point3_t pos2, Point2_t &alongTrans) |
bool | tca::PointDirIntersect (Point3_t p1, Vector3_t p1Dir, Point3_t p2, Vector3_t p2Dir, Point3_t &intersect, float &doca) |
bool | tca::LineLineIntersect (Point3_t p1, Point3_t p2, Point3_t p3, Point3_t p4, Point3_t &intersect, float &doca) |
void | tca::ReversePFP (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp) |
float | tca::ChgFracBetween (TCSlice &slc, Point3_t pos1, Point3_t pos2) |
float | tca::ChgFracNearEnd (TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, unsigned short end) |
unsigned short | tca::FarEnd (TCSlice &slc, const PFPStruct &pfp, const Point3_t &pos) |
void | tca::PrintTp3 (std::string someText, TCSlice &slc, const TrajPoint3 &tp3) |
void | tca::PrintTp3s (std::string someText, TCSlice &slc, const PFPStruct &pfp, short printPts) |