39 unsigned int fPlane
Which plane in the detector.
Float_t y1[n_points_granero]
Float_t x1[n_points_granero]
Manage all things related to colors for the event display.
Float_t y2[n_points_geant4]
evdb::View2D * fView
Superimpose scale on 1D histo.
Base class for all event display drawing pads.
Base class for event display drawing pads.
TH1F * fRawHisto
1-D Histogram of charge or charge vs time
int fTQ
0 = plot shows charge only, 1 = plot shows charge vs time for a wire
Float_t x2[n_points_geant4]
TH1F * fRecoHisto
1-D Histogram of charge or charge vs time
void SetPlaneWire(unsigned int plane=0, unsigned int wire=0)