bool m_keepInteractionVertex
Keep the vertex for the test beam particle at the interaction point.
bool m_keepStartVertex
Keep the vertex for the test beam particle at the position of hit at minimum z.
pandora::StatusCode SetupTestBeamVertex(const pandora::Pfo *const pNuPfo, const pandora::Pfo *const pTestBeamPfo, const pandora::CartesianVector &testBeamStartVertex) const
Set up the test beam vertex.
std::string m_parentPfoListName
The parent pfo list name.
TestBeamParticleCreationAlgorithm class.
std::string m_daughterVertexListName
The daughter vertex list name.
std::string m_parentVertexListName
The parent vertex list name.
pandora::StatusCode SetupTestBeamPfo(const pandora::Pfo *const pNuPfo, const pandora::Pfo *&pTestBeamPfo, pandora::CartesianVector &testBeamStartVertex) const
Set up the test beam pfo.
std::string m_trackPfoListName
The track pfo list name.
std::string m_showerPfoListName
The shower pfo list name.
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)