LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
analysis.C File Reference

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gStyle SetOptStat ("em")
c1 SetFillColor (0)
pad1 Draw ()
pad1 cd ()
hist1 Draw ("HIST")
c1 Modified ()
c1 Update ()
hist1 GetStats (pdbStats)


TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1","PDB DNA outputs",200,10,700,780)
TPad * pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1",0.02,0.52,0.98,0.98,21)
TPad * pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2",0.02,0.02,0.48,0.48,21)
TPad * pad3 = new TPad("pad3","pad3",0.52,0.02,0.98,0.48,21)
TFile f = TFile("pdb4dna_output.root")
TH1D * hist1 = (TH1D*)f.Get("1")
TH1D * hist2 = (TH1D*)f.Get("2")
TH1D * hist3 = (TH1D*)f.Get("3")
double * pdbStats =new double[4]
cout<< "-> Edep in the target
cout<< "-> Number of SSB
cout<< "-> Number of DSB

Function Documentation

pad1 cd ( )
pad1 Draw ( )
hist1 Draw ( "HIST"  )
hist3 GetStats ( pdbStats  )
c1 Modified ( )
c1 SetFillColor ( )
gStyle SetOptStat ( "em"  )
c1 Update ( )

Variable Documentation

c1 = new TCanvas("c1","PDB DNA outputs",200,10,700,780)

Definition at line 12 of file analysis.C.

cout<< "-> Number of DSB

Definition at line 60 of file analysis.C.

TFile f = TFile("pdb4dna_output.root")

Definition at line 29 of file analysis.C.

TH1D* hist1 = (TH1D*)f.Get("1")

Definition at line 33 of file analysis.C.

TH1D* hist2 = (TH1D*)f.Get("2")

Definition at line 37 of file analysis.C.

TH1D* hist3 = (TH1D*)f.Get("3")

Definition at line 41 of file analysis.C.

pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1",0.02,0.52,0.98,0.98,21)

Definition at line 13 of file analysis.C.

pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2",0.02,0.02,0.48,0.48,21)

Definition at line 13 of file analysis.C.

pad3 = new TPad("pad3","pad3",0.52,0.02,0.98,0.48,21)

Definition at line 13 of file analysis.C.

double* pdbStats =new double[4]

Definition at line 51 of file analysis.C.

cout<< "-> Number of SSB

Definition at line 57 of file analysis.C.