LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle Class Reference

#include "CFAlgo3DAngle.h"

Inheritance diagram for cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle:
cmtool::CFloatAlgoBase cmtool::CMAlgoBase

Public Member Functions

 CFAlgo3DAngle ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~CFAlgo3DAngle ()
 Default destructor. More...
virtual float Float (const std::vector< const cluster::ClusterParamsAlg * > &clusters)
virtual void FixPhiTheta (double &phi, double &theta)
virtual void SetMaxMiddleMin (const double first, const double second, const double third, double &most, double &middle, double &least)
void SetDebug (bool debug)
void SetThetaCut (float theta_cut)
void SetPhiCut (float phi_cut)
void SetRatio (float ratio)
virtual void Report ()
virtual void Reset ()
 Function to reset the algorithm instance called within CMergeManager/CMatchManager's Reset() ... maybe implemented via child class. More...
virtual void EventBegin (const std::vector< cluster::ClusterParamsAlg > &clusters)
virtual void EventEnd ()
virtual void IterationBegin (const std::vector< cluster::ClusterParamsAlg > &clusters)
virtual void IterationEnd ()
void SetAnaFile (TFile *fout)
 Setter function for an output plot TFile pointer. More...
virtual void SetVerbose (bool doit=true)
 Setter function for verbosity. More...

Protected Attributes

float _theta_cut
float _phi_cut
float _ratio_cut
float _debug
TFile * _fout
 TFile pointer to an output file. More...
bool _verbose
 Boolean to choose verbose mode. Turned on if CMergeManager/CMatchManager's verbosity level is >= kPerMerging. More...

Detailed Description

User implementation for CFloatAlgoBase class doxygen documentation!

Definition at line 25 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::CFAlgo3DAngle ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 9 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.cxx.

References SetDebug(), SetPhiCut(), SetRatio(), and SetThetaCut().

10  //-------------------------------------------------------
11  {
13  SetDebug(false) ;
14  SetThetaCut(30) ;
15  SetPhiCut(40) ;
16  SetRatio(0.0005) ;
18  }
void SetRatio(float ratio)
Definition: CFAlgo3DAngle.h:56
Default constructor.
void SetDebug(bool debug)
Definition: CFAlgo3DAngle.h:50
void SetThetaCut(float theta_cut)
Definition: CFAlgo3DAngle.h:52
void SetPhiCut(float phi_cut)
Definition: CFAlgo3DAngle.h:54
virtual cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::~CFAlgo3DAngle ( )

Default destructor.

Definition at line 33 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

References FixPhiTheta(), Float(), and SetMaxMiddleMin().

33 {};

Member Function Documentation

virtual void cmtool::CMAlgoBase::EventBegin ( const std::vector< cluster::ClusterParamsAlg > &  clusters)

Optional function: called at the beginning of 1st iteration. This is called per event.

Reimplemented in cmtool::CFAlgoArray, cmtool::CPAlgoArray, cmtool::CBAlgoArray, and cmtool::CBAlgoPolyShortestDist.

Definition at line 45 of file CMAlgoBase.h.

Referenced by cmtool::CMergeManager::EventBegin().

46  { if(clusters.size()) return; }
virtual void cmtool::CMAlgoBase::EventEnd ( )

Optional function: called at the end of event ... after the last merging iteration is over.

Reimplemented in cmtool::CFAlgoArray, cmtool::CPAlgoArray, and cmtool::CBAlgoArray.

Definition at line 51 of file CMAlgoBase.h.

Referenced by cmtool::CMatchManager::EventEnd(), and cmtool::CMergeManager::EventEnd().

52  {return;}
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::FixPhiTheta ( double &  phi,
double &  theta 

If phi or theta are <360 (or greater than), adjust them to be in a more easily comparable range.

Definition at line 171 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.cxx.

Referenced by Float(), and ~CFAlgo3DAngle().

173  {
174  // while(phi <= 0)
175  // phi += 360 ;
176  // while(phi > 720)
177  // phi -= 360 ;
178 // if(phi <=0)
180  phi+=360;
182  if(theta != -999)
183  theta += 180 ;
185  }
float cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::Float ( const std::vector< const cluster::ClusterParamsAlg * > &  clusters)

Calculate 3d angles from all permutations of the 3 planes. Weight them according to charge profile. Choose the 2 best weights and compare those 2 theta and phi

Reimplemented from cmtool::CFloatAlgoBase.

Definition at line 28 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.cxx.

References _debug, _phi_cut, _ratio_cut, FixPhiTheta(), util::GeometryUtilities::Get3DaxisN(), and SetMaxMiddleMin().

Referenced by ~CFAlgo3DAngle().

30  {
31  // Code-block by Kazu starts
32  // This ensures the algorithm works only if # clusters is > 2 (and not =2)
33  // You may take out this block if you want to allow matching using clusters from only 2 planes.
34  if(clusters.size()==2 || clusters.size()==1) return -1;
35  // Code-block by Kazu ends
38  int plane_0 =>Plane();
39  int plane_1 =>Plane();
40  int plane_2 =>Plane();
41  double angle_2d_0 =>GetParams().angle_2d;
42  double angle_2d_1 =>GetParams().angle_2d;
43  double angle_2d_2 =>GetParams().angle_2d;
44  auto hits_0 =>GetParams().N_Hits ;
45  auto hits_1 =>GetParams().N_Hits ;
46  auto hits_2 =>GetParams().N_Hits ;
48  auto sumCharge0 =>GetParams().sum_charge;
49  auto sumCharge1 =>GetParams().sum_charge;
50  auto sumCharge2 =>GetParams().sum_charge;
52  //Calculate angles theta and phi for cluster pairs across 2 planes
53  //Theta goes from -90 to 90, phi from -180 to 180
54  double phi_01 = 0;
55  double theta_01 = 0;
56  double phi_12 = 0;
57  double theta_12 = 0;
58  double phi_02 = 0;
59  double theta_02 = 0;
61  double max_phi(0), middle_phi(0), min_phi(0);
62  double max_theta(0), middle_theta(0), min_theta(0);
63  //When theta1, theta2, phi ratios are calcualted, find best 2
64  double max_ratio(0), middle_ratio(0), min_ratio(0);
66  //For ordering hits and rejecting pairs which have a large difference in hit number
67  double max_hits(0), middle_hits(0), min_hits(0) ;
68 // double max_hits1(0), middle_hits1(0), min_hits1(0) ;
70  //Calculate phi and theta from first 2 planes; check if third plane is consistent
72  geou.Get3DaxisN(plane_0,plane_1,angle_2d_0,angle_2d_1,phi_01,theta_01);
73  geou.Get3DaxisN(plane_1,plane_2,angle_2d_1,angle_2d_2,phi_12,theta_12);
74  geou.Get3DaxisN(plane_2,plane_0,angle_2d_2,angle_2d_0,phi_02,theta_02);
76  //Adjust the range of phis/thetas that are bigger than 360 or less than 0.
77  FixPhiTheta(phi_01,theta_01);
78  FixPhiTheta(phi_12,theta_12);
79  FixPhiTheta(phi_02,theta_02);
81  //Order phi and theta for ratio calculation later
82  SetMaxMiddleMin(phi_01,phi_12,phi_02,max_phi,middle_phi,min_phi);
83  SetMaxMiddleMin(theta_01,theta_12,theta_02,max_theta,middle_theta,min_theta);
85  //Order hits from most to least
86  SetMaxMiddleMin(hits_0,hits_1,hits_2,max_hits,middle_hits,min_hits);
88  //Ratio for hits
89  double ratio_max_min = 1;
90  double ratio_max_middle = 1;
92  //Ratio for theta angles
93  double ratio_theta1 = 1;
94  double ratio_theta2 = 1;
96  //Ratio for phi--only 1 ratio because 2 of the angles come from collection plane 2
97  //and are thus the same.
98  double ratio_phi = 1;
100  //Total ratio
101  double ratio = 1;
103  //This takes into account the fact that 0 and 360 having the same relative value (for phi; 0 and 180 for theta)
104  for(int i=0; i<2 ; i++){
105  while(min_phi + 360 < max_phi +_phi_cut && min_phi +360 > max_phi - _phi_cut)
106  {
107  min_phi +=360 ;
108  SetMaxMiddleMin(max_phi, middle_phi, min_phi,max_phi,middle_phi,min_phi);
109  }
110  }
112  ratio_theta2 = min_theta / max_theta;
113  ratio_theta1 = middle_theta / max_theta;
114  ratio_phi = min_phi / max_phi ;
116  //Get the biggest ratios for the thetas and phi
117  SetMaxMiddleMin(ratio_phi, ratio_theta1, ratio_theta2, max_ratio, middle_ratio, min_ratio);
119  ratio_max_min = min_hits / max_hits ;
120  ratio_max_middle = middle_hits / max_hits ;
122  ratio = max_ratio * sumCharge1* sumCharge2 * sumCharge0; //* ; //* ratio_phi ; //* ratio_max_middle ;
124  //Test to make sure that max hits is not too much bigger than min
125  if( ratio_max_min <0.3)
126  ratio *= ratio_max_min ;
128  //GeometryUtilities returns theta=-999 when 2d Angle=0--Don't know
129  //how else to deal with that. This seems to work.
130  if( theta_01 == -999 || theta_12 == -999 || theta_02 == -999)
131  return -1 ;
134  if(_debug && ratio > _ratio_cut ){
135  std::cout<<"\nNhits planes 0, 1, 2: " <<>GetParams().N_Hits<<", "<<>GetParams().N_Hits
136  <<", "<<>GetParams().N_Hits ;
137  std::cout<<"\nTheta1 , Theta2 : "<<ratio_theta1<<", "<<ratio_theta2;
138  std::cout<<"\nPhi Ratio: "<<ratio_phi;
139  std::cout<<"\nHits ratio mid : "<<ratio_max_middle ;
140  // std::cout<<"\nHits ratio min : "<<ratio_max_min ;
141  std::cout<<"\nTotal is: " <<ratio<<" ***************";
144  std::cout<<"\n\n0: 2dAngle: "<<>GetParams().cluster_angle_2d<<std::endl;
145  std::cout<<"1: 2dAngle: "<<>GetParams().cluster_angle_2d<<std::endl;
146  std::cout<<"2: 2dAngle: "<<>GetParams().cluster_angle_2d<<std::endl;
147  std::cout<<"\nTheta,Phi MaxMM : "<<max_theta<<", "<<middle_theta<<", "<<min_theta<<"\n\t\t"
148  <<max_phi<<", "<<middle_phi<<", "<<min_phi;
150  std::cout<<"\nStart End Points: "<<>GetParams().start_point.t<<", "<<>GetParams().end_point.t<<"\n\t\t"
151  <<>GetParams().start_point.t<<", "<<>GetParams().end_point.t<<"\n\t\t "
152  <<>GetParams().start_point.t<<", "<<>GetParams().end_point.t;
154 /* std::cout<<"\nFor planes 0 and 1: "<<std::endl ;
155  std::cout<<"\tPhi : "<<phi_01<<std::endl;
156  std::cout<<"\tTheta : "<<theta_01<<std::endl ;
157  std::cout<<"For planes 1 and 2: "<<std::endl ;
158  std::cout<<"\tPhi : "<<phi_12<<std::endl;
159  std::cout<<"\tTheta : "<<theta_12<<std::endl ;
160  std::cout<<"For plane 0 and 2: "<<std::endl ;
161  std::cout<<"\tPhi : "<<phi_02<<std::endl ;
162  std::cout<<"\tTheta : "<<theta_02<<std::endl; */
163  // std::cout<<"\nNEW CLUSTERS PAIRS NOW\n\n\n"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
164  std::cout<<"\n\n\n";
165  }
167  return(ratio > _ratio_cut ? ratio : -1) ;
168  }
virtual void SetMaxMiddleMin(const double first, const double second, const double third, double &most, double &middle, double &least)
virtual void FixPhiTheta(double &phi, double &theta)
Int_t Get3DaxisN(Int_t iplane0, Int_t iplane1, Double_t omega0, Double_t omega1, Double_t &phi, Double_t &theta) const
virtual void cmtool::CMAlgoBase::IterationBegin ( const std::vector< cluster::ClusterParamsAlg > &  clusters)

Optional function: called at the beggining of each iteration over all pairs of clusters. This provides all clusters' information in case the algorithm need them. Note this is called per iteration which may be more than once per event.

Reimplemented in cmtool::CFAlgoArray, cmtool::CPAlgoArray, and cmtool::CBAlgoArray.

Definition at line 59 of file CMAlgoBase.h.

Referenced by cmtool::CMatchManager::EventBegin(), cmtool::CMatchManager::IterationBegin(), and cmtool::CMergeManager::IterationBegin().

60  { if(clusters.size()) return;}
virtual void cmtool::CMAlgoBase::IterationEnd ( )

Optional function: called at the end of each iteration over all pairs of clusters.

Reimplemented in cmtool::CFAlgoArray, cmtool::CPAlgoArray, and cmtool::CBAlgoArray.

Definition at line 65 of file CMAlgoBase.h.

Referenced by cmtool::CMatchManager::IterationEnd(), and cmtool::CMergeManager::IterationEnd().

66  {return; }
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::Report ( )

Optional function: called after Bool() function is called for all possible cluster pairs by CMergeManager/CMatchManager IFF run with verbosity level kPerIteration. Maybe useful for debugging.

Reimplemented from cmtool::CMAlgoBase.

Definition at line 270 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.cxx.

Referenced by SetRatio().

272  {
274  }
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::Reset ( )

Function to reset the algorithm instance called within CMergeManager/CMatchManager's Reset() ... maybe implemented via child class.

Reimplemented from cmtool::CMAlgoBase.

Definition at line 21 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.cxx.

Referenced by SetRatio().

23  {
25  }
void cmtool::CMAlgoBase::SetAnaFile ( TFile *  fout)

Setter function for an output plot TFile pointer.

Definition at line 77 of file CMAlgoBase.h.

References cmtool::CMAlgoBase::_fout.

Referenced by cmtool::CMergeManager::EventBegin().

77 { _fout = fout; }
TFile * _fout
TFile pointer to an output file.
Definition: CMAlgoBase.h:85
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::SetDebug ( bool  debug)

Definition at line 50 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

References _debug, and tca::debug.

Referenced by CFAlgo3DAngle().

50 { _debug = debug ; }
DebugStuff debug
Definition: DebugStruct.cxx:4
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::SetMaxMiddleMin ( const double  first,
const double  second,
const double  third,
double &  most,
double &  middle,
double &  least 

Definition at line 189 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.cxx.

Referenced by Float(), and ~CFAlgo3DAngle().

191  {
193  if(first > second && first > third){
194  max = first;
195  }
196  else if (first > second && first < third){
197  max = third ;
198  middle = first ;
199  min = second ;
200  }
201  else if (first > third && first < second){
202  max = second ;
203  middle = first ;
204  min = third ;
205  }
206  else if(first <second && first <third)
207  min = first ;
210  if (max == first && second > third){
211  middle = second ;
212  min = third ;
213  }
214  else if (max ==first && third > second){
215  middle = third ;
216  min = second ;
217  }
219  if(min ==first && second > third){
220  middle = third ;
221  max = second;
222  }
223  else if(min ==first && third > second){
224  middle = second ;
225  max = third ;
226  }
229  //Very rarely, the angles(or hits) may be equal
230  if( first == second && first > third ){
231  max = first;
232  middle = second ;
233  min = third ;
234  }
235  else if( first == second && first < third){
236  max = third;
237  middle = first ;
238  min = second ;
239  }
241  else if( first ==third && first > second){
242  max = first;
243  middle = third;
244  min = second;
245  }
247  else if( first == third && first < second){
248  max = second ;
249  middle = first;
250  min = third ;
251  }
253  else if( second ==third && second < first){
254  max = first;
255  middle = third;
256  min = second;
257  }
259  else if( second == third && second > first){
260  max = second;
261  middle = third;
262  min = first ;
263  }
266 }
Int_t max
Definition: plot.C:27
Int_t min
Definition: plot.C:26
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::SetPhiCut ( float  phi_cut)

Definition at line 54 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

References _phi_cut.

Referenced by CFAlgo3DAngle().

54 { _phi_cut = phi_cut ; }
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::SetRatio ( float  ratio)

Definition at line 56 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

References _ratio_cut, Report(), and Reset().

Referenced by CFAlgo3DAngle().

56 { _ratio_cut = ratio ; }
void cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::SetThetaCut ( float  theta_cut)

Definition at line 52 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

References _theta_cut.

Referenced by CFAlgo3DAngle().

52 { _theta_cut = theta_cut ; }
virtual void cmtool::CMAlgoBase::SetVerbose ( bool  doit = true)

Member Data Documentation

float cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::_debug

Definition at line 66 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

Referenced by Float(), and SetDebug().

TFile* cmtool::CMAlgoBase::_fout

TFile pointer to an output file.

Definition at line 85 of file CMAlgoBase.h.

Referenced by cmtool::CMAlgoBase::CMAlgoBase(), and cmtool::CMAlgoBase::SetAnaFile().

float cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::_phi_cut

Definition at line 64 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

Referenced by Float(), and SetPhiCut().

float cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::_ratio_cut

Definition at line 65 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

Referenced by Float(), and SetRatio().

float cmtool::CFAlgo3DAngle::_theta_cut

Definition at line 63 of file CFAlgo3DAngle.h.

Referenced by SetThetaCut().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: