LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
lar_content::CheatingSliceIdBaseTool Class Referenceabstract

CheatingSliceIdBaseTool class. More...

#include "CheatingSliceIdBaseTool.h"

Inheritance diagram for lar_content::CheatingSliceIdBaseTool:
lar_content::SliceIdBaseTool lar_content::CheatingBeamParticleIdTool lar_content::CheatingNeutrinoIdTool

Public Member Functions

virtual void SelectOutputPfos (const pandora::Algorithm *const pAlgorithm, const SliceHypotheses &nuSliceHypotheses, const SliceHypotheses &crSliceHypotheses, pandora::PfoList &selectedPfos)=0
 Select which reconstruction hypotheses to use; neutrino outcomes or cosmic-ray muon outcomes for each slice. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void GetTargetParticleWeight (const pandora::PfoList *const pPfoList, float &targetParticleWeight, float &totalWeight, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria)
 Get the target particle weight in a list of pfos. More...
static void GetTargetParticleWeight (const pandora::CaloHit *const pCaloHit, float &targetParticleWeight, float &totalWeight, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria)
 Get the target particle weight for a calo hit. More...

Private Member Functions

pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings (const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)

Detailed Description

CheatingSliceIdBaseTool class.

Definition at line 21 of file CheatingSliceIdBaseTool.h.

Member Function Documentation

static void lar_content::CheatingSliceIdBaseTool::GetTargetParticleWeight ( const pandora::PfoList *const  pPfoList,
float &  targetParticleWeight,
float &  totalWeight,
std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)>  fCriteria 

Get the target particle weight in a list of pfos.

pPfoListaddress of the pfo list
targetParticleWeightthe target particle weight
totalWeightthe total weight
fCriteriaa function which returns a bool (= shouldSelect) for a given input MCParticle

Referenced by lar_content::CheatingCosmicRayTaggingTool::FindAmbiguousPfos(), lar_content::CheatingCosmicRayIdentificationAlg::Run(), and lar_content::CheatingBeamParticleIdTool::SelectOutputPfos().

static void lar_content::CheatingSliceIdBaseTool::GetTargetParticleWeight ( const pandora::CaloHit *const  pCaloHit,
float &  targetParticleWeight,
float &  totalWeight,
std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)>  fCriteria 

Get the target particle weight for a calo hit.

pCaloHitaddress of the calo hit
targetParticleWeightthe target particle weight
totalWeightthe total weight
fCriteriaa function which returns a bool (= shouldSelect) for a given input MCParticle
StatusCode lar_content::CheatingSliceIdBaseTool::ReadSettings ( const pandora::TiXmlHandle  xmlHandle)

Definition at line 94 of file

95 {
97 }
virtual void lar_content::CheatingSliceIdBaseTool::SelectOutputPfos ( const pandora::Algorithm *const  pAlgorithm,
const SliceHypotheses nuSliceHypotheses,
const SliceHypotheses crSliceHypotheses,
pandora::PfoList &  selectedPfos 
pure virtual

Select which reconstruction hypotheses to use; neutrino outcomes or cosmic-ray muon outcomes for each slice.

pAlgorithmthe address of the master instance, used to access MCParticles when in training mode
nuSliceHypothesesthe parent pfos representing the neutrino outcome for each slice
crSliceHypothesesthe parent pfos representing the cosmic-ray muon outcome for each slice
sliceNuPfosto receive the list of selected pfos

Implements lar_content::SliceIdBaseTool.

Implemented in lar_content::CheatingBeamParticleIdTool, and lar_content::CheatingNeutrinoIdTool.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: