LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm Class Referenceabstract

ClusterMergingAlgorithm class. More...

#include "ClusterMergingAlgorithm.h"

Inheritance diagram for lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm:
lar_content::ClusterExtensionAlgorithm lar_content::SimpleClusterMergingAlgorithm lar_content::CosmicRayExtensionAlgorithm lar_content::CrossGapsExtensionAlgorithm lar_content::DeltaRayExtensionAlgorithm lar_content::LongitudinalExtensionAlgorithm lar_content::TransverseExtensionAlgorithm

Protected Types

typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::ClusterList > ClusterMergeMap

Protected Member Functions

virtual pandora::StatusCode Run ()
virtual pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings (const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
virtual void GetListOfCleanClusters (const pandora::ClusterList *const pClusterList, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector) const =0
 Populate cluster vector with subset of cluster list, containing clusters judged to be clean. More...
virtual void PopulateClusterMergeMap (const pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const =0
 Form associations between pointing clusters. More...
void MergeClusters (pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const
 Merge associated clusters. More...
void CollectAssociatedClusters (const pandora::Cluster *const pSeedCluster, const ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap, pandora::ClusterList &associatedClusterList) const
 Collect up all clusters associations related to a given seed cluster. More...
void CollectAssociatedClusters (const pandora::Cluster *const pSeedCluster, const pandora::Cluster *const pCurrentCluster, const ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap, const pandora::ClusterSet &clusterVetoList, pandora::ClusterList &associatedClusterList) const
 Collect up all clusters associations related to a given seed cluster. More...
void GetSortedListOfCleanClusters (const pandora::ClusterVector &inputClusters, pandora::ClusterVector &outputClusters) const
 Sort the selected clusters, so that they have a well-defined ordering. More...

Protected Attributes

std::string m_inputClusterListName
 The name of the input cluster list. If not specified, will access current list. More...

Detailed Description

ClusterMergingAlgorithm class.

Definition at line 21 of file ClusterMergingAlgorithm.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster*, pandora::ClusterList> lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::ClusterMergeMap

Definition at line 27 of file ClusterMergingAlgorithm.h.

Member Function Documentation

void lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::CollectAssociatedClusters ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pSeedCluster,
const ClusterMergeMap clusterMergeMap,
pandora::ClusterList &  associatedClusterList 
) const

Collect up all clusters associations related to a given seed cluster.

pSeedClusterpointer to the initial cluster
clusterMergeMapthe map of cluster associations
associatedClusterListthe output list of associated clusters
void lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::CollectAssociatedClusters ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pSeedCluster,
const pandora::Cluster *const  pCurrentCluster,
const ClusterMergeMap clusterMergeMap,
const pandora::ClusterSet &  clusterVetoList,
pandora::ClusterList &  associatedClusterList 
) const

Collect up all clusters associations related to a given seed cluster.

pSeedClusterpointer to the initial cluster
pCurrentClusterpointer to the current cluster
clusterMergeMapthe map of cluster associations
clusterVetoListthe list of clusters that have already been merged
associatedClusterListthe output list of associated clusters
virtual void lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::GetListOfCleanClusters ( const pandora::ClusterList *const  pClusterList,
pandora::ClusterVector &  clusterVector 
) const
protectedpure virtual

Populate cluster vector with subset of cluster list, containing clusters judged to be clean.

pClusterListaddress of the cluster list
clusterVectorto receive the populated cluster vector

Implemented in lar_content::TransverseExtensionAlgorithm, lar_content::CosmicRayExtensionAlgorithm, lar_content::CrossGapsExtensionAlgorithm, lar_content::LongitudinalExtensionAlgorithm, lar_content::SimpleClusterMergingAlgorithm, and lar_content::DeltaRayExtensionAlgorithm.

void lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::GetSortedListOfCleanClusters ( const pandora::ClusterVector &  inputClusters,
pandora::ClusterVector &  outputClusters 
) const

Sort the selected clusters, so that they have a well-defined ordering.

inputClustersthe input vector of clusters
outputClustersthe output vector of clusters

Definition at line 133 of file

134 {
135  ClusterVector pfoClusters, availableClusters;
137  for (ClusterVector::const_iterator iter = inputClusters.begin(), iterEnd = inputClusters.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
138  {
139  const Cluster *const pCluster = *iter;
141  if (!pCluster->IsAvailable())
142  {
143  pfoClusters.push_back(pCluster);
144  }
145  else
146  {
147  availableClusters.push_back(pCluster);
148  }
149  }
151  std::sort(pfoClusters.begin(), pfoClusters.end(), LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits);
152  std::sort(availableClusters.begin(), availableClusters.end(), LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits);
154  outputClusters.insert(outputClusters.end(), pfoClusters.begin(), pfoClusters.end());
155  outputClusters.insert(outputClusters.end(), availableClusters.begin(), availableClusters.end());
156 }
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::Cluster *const pLhs, const pandora::Cluster *const pRhs)
Sort clusters by number of hits, then layer span, then inner layer, then position, then pulse-height.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster > > ClusterVector
void lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::MergeClusters ( pandora::ClusterVector &  clusterVector,
ClusterMergeMap clusterMergeMap 
) const

Merge associated clusters.

clusterVectorthe vector of clean clusters
clusterMergeMapthe matrix of cluster associations

Definition at line 61 of file

62 {
63  ClusterSet clusterVetoList;
65  for (const Cluster *const pSeedCluster : clusterVector)
66  {
67  ClusterList mergeList;
68  this->CollectAssociatedClusters(pSeedCluster, pSeedCluster, clusterMergeMap, clusterVetoList, mergeList);
69  mergeList.sort(LArClusterHelper::SortByNHits);
71  for (const Cluster *const pAssociatedCluster : mergeList)
72  {
73  if (clusterVetoList.count(pAssociatedCluster))
74  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
76  if (!pAssociatedCluster->IsAvailable())
77  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
79  (void) clusterVetoList.insert(pAssociatedCluster);
81  if (m_inputClusterListName.empty())
82  {
83  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::MergeAndDeleteClusters(*this, pSeedCluster, pAssociatedCluster));
84  }
85  else
86  {
87  PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::MergeAndDeleteClusters(*this, pSeedCluster, pAssociatedCluster,
89  }
90  }
91  }
92 }
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::Cluster *const pLhs, const pandora::Cluster *const pRhs)
Sort clusters by number of hits, then layer span, then inner layer, then position, then pulse-height.
std::string m_inputClusterListName
The name of the input cluster list. If not specified, will access current list.
void CollectAssociatedClusters(const pandora::Cluster *const pSeedCluster, const ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap, pandora::ClusterList &associatedClusterList) const
Collect up all clusters associations related to a given seed cluster.
virtual void lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::PopulateClusterMergeMap ( const pandora::ClusterVector &  clusterVector,
ClusterMergeMap clusterMergeMap 
) const
protectedpure virtual

Form associations between pointing clusters.

clusterVectorthe vector of clean clusters
clusterMergeMapthe matrix of cluster associations

Implemented in lar_content::SimpleClusterMergingAlgorithm, and lar_content::ClusterExtensionAlgorithm.

StatusCode lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::ReadSettings ( const pandora::TiXmlHandle  xmlHandle)
StatusCode lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::Run ( )

Definition at line 20 of file

21 {
22  const ClusterList *pClusterList = NULL;
24  if (m_inputClusterListName.empty())
25  {
26  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::GetCurrentList(*this, pClusterList));
27  }
28  else
29  {
30  PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF_AND_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, STATUS_CODE_NOT_INITIALIZED, !=, PandoraContentApi::GetList(*this, m_inputClusterListName, pClusterList));
31  }
33  if (!pClusterList || pClusterList->empty())
34  {
35  if (PandoraContentApi::GetSettings(*this)->ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo())
36  std::cout << "ClusterMergingAlgorithm: unable to find cluster list " << m_inputClusterListName << std::endl;
39  }
41  while (true)
42  {
43  ClusterVector unsortedVector, clusterVector;
44  this->GetListOfCleanClusters(pClusterList, unsortedVector);
45  this->GetSortedListOfCleanClusters(unsortedVector, clusterVector);
47  ClusterMergeMap clusterMergeMap;
48  this->PopulateClusterMergeMap(clusterVector, clusterMergeMap);
50  if (clusterMergeMap.empty())
51  break;
53  this->MergeClusters(clusterVector, clusterMergeMap);
54  }
57 }
std::string m_inputClusterListName
The name of the input cluster list. If not specified, will access current list.
virtual void GetListOfCleanClusters(const pandora::ClusterList *const pClusterList, pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector) const =0
Populate cluster vector with subset of cluster list, containing clusters judged to be clean...
virtual void PopulateClusterMergeMap(const pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const =0
Form associations between pointing clusters.
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster > > ClusterVector
void MergeClusters(pandora::ClusterVector &clusterVector, ClusterMergeMap &clusterMergeMap) const
Merge associated clusters.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::ClusterList > ClusterMergeMap
void GetSortedListOfCleanClusters(const pandora::ClusterVector &inputClusters, pandora::ClusterVector &outputClusters) const
Sort the selected clusters, so that they have a well-defined ordering.

Member Data Documentation

std::string lar_content::ClusterMergingAlgorithm::m_inputClusterListName

The name of the input cluster list. If not specified, will access current list.

Definition at line 82 of file ClusterMergingAlgorithm.h.

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