LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
larg4::ParticleListAction Class Reference

#include "ParticleListAction.h"

Inheritance diagram for larg4::ParticleListAction:


struct  ParticleInfo_t

Public Types

using GeneratedParticleIndex_t = simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t

Public Member Functions

 ParticleListAction (double energyCut, bool storeTrajectories=false, bool keepEMShowerDaughters=false)
virtual ~ParticleListAction ()
virtual void BeginOfEventAction (const G4Event *)
 G4UserEventAction interfaces. More...
virtual void EndOfEventAction (const G4Event *)
virtual void PreTrackingAction (const G4Track *)
 G4UserTrackingAction interfaces. More...
virtual void PostTrackingAction (const G4Track *)
virtual void SteppingAction (const G4Step *)
 G4UserSteppingAction interface. More...
void ParticleFilter (std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > &&filter)
 Grabs a particle filter. More...
void ResetTrackIDOffset ()
const sim::ParticleListGetList () const
std::map< int, GeneratedParticleIndex_t > const & GetPrimaryTruthMap () const
GeneratedParticleIndex_t GetPrimaryTruthIndex (int trackId) const
 Returns the index of primary truth (sim::NoGeneratorIndex if none). More...
sim::ParticleList && YieldList ()
virtual void Config (fhicl::ParameterSet const &)
 Override Config() to extract any necessary parameters. More...
virtual void PrintConfig (std::string const &)
 Override PrintConfig() to print out current configuration. More...
virtual void BeginOfRunAction (const G4Run *)
 G4UserRunAction interfaces. More...
virtual void EndOfRunAction (const G4Run *)
virtual bool ProvidesStacking ()
virtual G4ClassificationOfNewTrack StackClassifyNewTrack (const G4Track *)
 G4UserStackingAction interfaces. More...
virtual void StackNewStage ()
virtual void StackPrepareNewEvent ()
std::string const & GetName () const
void SetName (std::string const &name)

Static Public Member Functions

static int GetCurrentTrackID ()
static int GetCurrentPdgCode ()
static bool isDropped (simb::MCParticle const *p)
 returns whether the specified particle has been marked as dropped More...

Private Member Functions

int GetParentage (int trackid) const
void AddPointToCurrentParticle (TLorentzVector const &pos, TLorentzVector const &mom, std::string const &process)
 Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter. More...

Private Attributes

G4double fenergyCut
ParticleInfo_t fCurrentParticle
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
 Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle. More...
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
 key is current track ID, value is parent ID More...
bool fKeepEMShowerDaughters
 whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc More...
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilterfFilter
 filter for particles to be kept More...
std::map< int, GeneratedParticleIndex_tfPrimaryTruthMap
 Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth. More...

Static Private Attributes

static int fCurrentTrackID = sim::NoParticleId
static int fCurrentPdgCode = 0
 pdg code of current particle More...
static int fTrackIDOffset = 0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleListAction ( double  energyCut,
bool  storeTrajectories = false,
bool  keepEMShowerDaughters = false 

Definition at line 57 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References fParentIDMap, and fparticleList.

60  : fenergyCut(energyCut * CLHEP::GeV)
61  , fparticleList(0)
62  , fstoreTrajectories(storeTrajectories)
63  , fKeepEMShowerDaughters(keepEMShowerDaughters)
64  {
65  // Create the particle list that we'll (re-)use during the course
66  // of the Geant4 simulation.
68  fParentIDMap.clear();
69  }
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
bool fKeepEMShowerDaughters
whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc
larg4::ParticleListAction::~ParticleListAction ( )

Definition at line 73 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References fparticleList.

74  {
75  // Delete anything that we created with "new'.
76  delete fparticleList;
77  }
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList

Member Function Documentation

void larg4::ParticleListAction::AddPointToCurrentParticle ( TLorentzVector const &  pos,
TLorentzVector const &  mom,
std::string const &  process 

Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter.

Definition at line 515 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References simb::MCParticle::AddTrajectoryPoint(), fCurrentParticle, fFilter, larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::keep, and larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::particle.

Referenced by SteppingAction().

518  {
520  // Add the first point in the trajectory.
521  fCurrentParticle.particle->AddTrajectoryPoint(pos, mom, process);
523  // also see if we can decide to keep the particle
524  if (!fCurrentParticle.keep)
525  fCurrentParticle.keep = fFilter->mustKeep(pos);
527  } // ParticleListAction::AddPointToCurrentParticle()
void AddTrajectoryPoint(TLorentzVector const &position, TLorentzVector const &momentum)
Definition: MCParticle.h:261
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fFilter
filter for particles to be kept
void larg4::ParticleListAction::BeginOfEventAction ( const G4Event *  )

G4UserEventAction interfaces.

Reimplemented from g4b::UserAction.

Definition at line 81 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::clear(), sim::ParticleList::clear(), fCurrentParticle, fCurrentPdgCode, fCurrentTrackID, fParentIDMap, fparticleList, and sim::NoParticleId.

82  {
83  // Clear any previous particle information.
86  fParentIDMap.clear();
88  fCurrentPdgCode = 0;
89  }
static int fCurrentPdgCode
pdg code of current particle
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
void clear()
Resets the information (does not release memory it does not own)
static const int NoParticleId
Definition: sim.h:28
virtual void g4b::UserAction::BeginOfRunAction ( const G4Run *  )

G4UserRunAction interfaces.

The following a list of methods that correspond to the available user action classes in Geant 4.0.1 and higher.

Reimplemented in larg4::VisualizationAction.

Definition at line 74 of file UserAction.h.

74 {};
virtual void g4b::UserAction::Config ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  )

Override Config() to extract any necessary parameters.

Reimplemented in altns::ExampleAction.

Definition at line 65 of file UserAction.h.

Referenced by g4b::UserAction::UserAction().

65 {};
void larg4::ParticleListAction::EndOfEventAction ( const G4Event *  )

Reimplemented from g4b::UserAction.

Definition at line 453 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References sim::ParticleList::begin(), sim::ParticleList::end(), fparticleList, and larg4::UpdateDaughterInformation::SetParticleList().

454  {
455  // Set up the utility class for the "for_each" algorithm. (We only
456  // need a separate set-up for the utility class because we need to
457  // give it the pointer to the particle list. We're using the STL
458  // "for_each" instead of the C++ "for loop" because it's supposed
459  // to be faster.
460  UpdateDaughterInformation updateDaughterInformation;
461  updateDaughterInformation.SetParticleList( fparticleList );
463  // Update the daughter information for each particle in the list.
464  std::for_each(fparticleList->begin(),
465  fparticleList->end(),
466  updateDaughterInformation);
467  }
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList
iterator begin()
Definition: ParticleList.h:305
virtual void g4b::UserAction::EndOfRunAction ( const G4Run *  )

Reimplemented in larg4::VisualizationAction.

Definition at line 75 of file UserAction.h.

75 {};
static int larg4::ParticleListAction::GetCurrentPdgCode ( )

Definition at line 96 of file ParticleListAction.h.

96 { return fCurrentPdgCode; }
static int fCurrentPdgCode
pdg code of current particle
static int larg4::ParticleListAction::GetCurrentTrackID ( )
const sim::ParticleList * larg4::ParticleListAction::GetList ( ) const

Definition at line 471 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References sim::ParticleList::begin(), sim::ParticleList::end(), fparticleList, fTrackIDOffset, GetPrimaryTruthIndex(), and sim::ParticleList::size().

472  {
473  // check if the ParticleNavigator has entries, and if
474  // so grab the highest track id value from it to
475  // add to the fTrackIDOffset
476  int highestID = 0;
477  for( auto pn = fparticleList->begin(); pn != fparticleList->end(); pn++)
478  if( (*pn).first > highestID ) highestID = (*pn).first;
480  //Only change the fTrackIDOffset if there is in fact a particle to add to the event
481  if( (fparticleList->size())!=0){ fTrackIDOffset = highestID + 1; }
483  return fparticleList;
484  }
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList
iterator begin()
Definition: ParticleList.h:305
size_type size() const
Definition: ParticleList.h:313
std::string const& g4b::UserAction::GetName ( ) const

Definition at line 98 of file UserAction.h.

References g4b::UserAction::myName.

Referenced by g4b::UserActionManager::PrintActionList().

98 { return myName; }
std::string myName
Definition: UserAction.h:101
int larg4::ParticleListAction::GetParentage ( int  trackid) const

Definition at line 96 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References fParentIDMap, LOG_DEBUG, and sim::NoParticleId.

Referenced by PreTrackingAction().

97  {
98  int parentid = sim::NoParticleId;
100  // search the fParentIDMap recursively until we have the parent id
101  // of the first EM particle that led to this one
103  while( itr != fParentIDMap.end() ){
104  LOG_DEBUG("ParticleListAction")
105  << "parentage for " << trackid
106  << " " << (*itr).second;
108  // set the parentid to the current parent ID, when the loop ends
109  // this id will be the first EM particle
110  parentid = (*itr).second;
111  itr = fParentIDMap.find(parentid);
112  }
113  LOG_DEBUG("ParticleListAction") << "final parent ID " << parentid;
115  return parentid;
116  }
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
static const int NoParticleId
Definition: sim.h:28
#define LOG_DEBUG(id)
simb::GeneratedParticleIndex_t larg4::ParticleListAction::GetPrimaryTruthIndex ( int  trackId) const

Returns the index of primary truth (sim::NoGeneratorIndex if none).

Definition at line 488 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References evd::details::end(), GetPrimaryTruthMap(), and simb::NoGeneratedParticleIndex.

Referenced by GetList(), and larg4::LArG4::produce().

489  {
490  auto const iInfo = GetPrimaryTruthMap().find(trackId);
491  return (iInfo == GetPrimaryTruthMap().end())
492  ? simb::NoGeneratedParticleIndex: iInfo->second;
493  } // ParticleListAction::GetPrimaryTruthIndex()
constexpr GeneratedParticleIndex_t NoGeneratedParticleIndex
Constant representing the absence of generator truth information.
Definition: simb.h:34
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
std::map< int, GeneratedParticleIndex_t > const & GetPrimaryTruthMap() const
std::map<int, GeneratedParticleIndex_t> const& larg4::ParticleListAction::GetPrimaryTruthMap ( ) const

Returns a map of truth record information index for each of the primary particles (by track ID).

Definition at line 105 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by GetPrimaryTruthIndex().

106  { return fPrimaryTruthMap; }
std::map< int, GeneratedParticleIndex_t > fPrimaryTruthMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth.
bool larg4::ParticleListAction::isDropped ( simb::MCParticle const *  p)

returns whether the specified particle has been marked as dropped

Definition at line 50 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References simb::MCTrajectory::empty(), and simb::MCParticle::Trajectory().

Referenced by larg4::LArG4::produce().

50  {
51  return !p || p->Trajectory().empty();
52  } // ParticleListAction::isDropped()
void larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleFilter ( std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > &&  filter)

Grabs a particle filter.

Definition at line 90 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by larg4::LArG4::beginRun().

91  { fFilter = std::move(filter); }
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fFilter
filter for particles to be kept
void larg4::ParticleListAction::PostTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  aTrack)

Reimplemented from g4b::UserAction.

Definition at line 270 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References sim::ParticleList::Archive(), larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::clear(), fCurrentParticle, fparticleList, fPrimaryTruthMap, larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::hasParticle(), larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::isPrimary(), larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::keep, larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::particle, simb::MCParticle::SetEndProcess(), simb::MCParticle::SetWeight(), simb::MCParticle::TrackId(), and larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::truthInfoIndex().

271  {
272  if (!fCurrentParticle.hasParticle()) return;
274  // if we have found no reason to keep it, drop it!
275  // (we might still need parentage information though)
276  if (!fCurrentParticle.keep) {
278  // after the particle is archived, it is deleted
280  return;
281  }
283  if(aTrack){
284  fCurrentParticle.particle->SetWeight(aTrack->GetWeight());
285  G4String process = aTrack->GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
289  }
291  // store truth record pointer, only if it is available
292  if (fCurrentParticle.isPrimary()) {
295  }
297  return;
298  }
std::map< int, GeneratedParticleIndex_t > fPrimaryTruthMap
Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth.
GeneratedParticleIndex_t truthInfoIndex() const
Returns the index of the particle in the generator truth record.
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList
int TrackId() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:214
void clear()
Resets the information (does not release memory it does not own)
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
void SetWeight(double wt)
Definition: MCParticle.h:272
void SetEndProcess(std::string s)
Definition: MCParticle.cxx:105
bool isPrimary() const
Returns whether there is a particle.
bool hasParticle() const
Returns whether there is a particle.
void Archive(const key_type &key)
Removes the particle from the list, keeping minimal info of it.
void larg4::ParticleListAction::PreTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  )

G4UserTrackingAction interfaces.

Reimplemented from g4b::UserAction.

Definition at line 120 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References sim::ParticleList::Add(), larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::clear(), energy, fCurrentParticle, fCurrentPdgCode, fCurrentTrackID, fenergyCut, fFilter, fKeepEMShowerDaughters, fParentIDMap, fparticleList, fTrackIDOffset, GetParentage(), larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::keep, sim::ParticleList::KnownParticle(), LOG_WARNING, g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation::MCParticleIndex(), simb::NoGeneratedParticleIndex, sim::NoParticleId, larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::particle, simb::MCParticle::SetPolarization(), and larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::truthIndex.

121  {
122  // Particle type.
123  G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition = track->GetDefinition();
124  G4int pdgCode = particleDefinition->GetPDGEncoding();
126  // Get Geant4's ID number for this track. This will be the same
127  // ID number that we'll use in the ParticleList.
128  // It is offset by the number of tracks accumulated from the previous Geant4
129  // runs (if any)
130  G4int trackID = track->GetTrackID() + fTrackIDOffset;
131  fCurrentTrackID = trackID;
132  fCurrentPdgCode = pdgCode;
134  // And the particle's parent (same offset as above):
135  G4int parentID = track->GetParentID() + fTrackIDOffset;
137  std::string process_name = "unknown";
139  // Is there an MCTruth object associated with this G4Track? We
140  // have to go up a "chain" of information to find out:
141  const G4DynamicParticle* dynamicParticle = track->GetDynamicParticle();
142  const G4PrimaryParticle* primaryParticle = dynamicParticle->GetPrimaryParticle();
144  if ( primaryParticle != 0 ){
145  const G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation* gppi = primaryParticle->GetUserInformation();
146  const g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation* ppi = dynamic_cast<const g4b::PrimaryParticleInformation*>(gppi);
147  if ( ppi != 0 ){
148  primaryIndex = ppi->MCParticleIndex();
150  // If we've made it this far, a PrimaryParticleInformation
151  // object exists and we are using a primary particle, set the
152  // process name accordingly
153  process_name = "primary";
155  // primary particles should have parentID = 0, even if there
156  // are multiple MCTruths for this event
157  parentID = 0;
158  } // end else no primary particle information
159  } // Is there a G4PrimaryParticle?
160  // If this is not a primary particle...
161  else{
162  // check if this particle was made in an EM shower, don't put it in the particle
163  // list as we don't care about secondaries, tertiaries, etc for these showers
164  // figure out what process is making this track - skip it if it is
165  // one of pair production, compton scattering, photoelectric effect
166  // bremstrahlung, annihilation, any ionization - who wants to save
167  // a buttload of electrons that arent from a CC interaction?
168  process_name = track->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessName();
170  && (process_name.find("conv") != std::string::npos
171  || process_name.find("LowEnConversion") != std::string::npos
172  || process_name.find("Pair") != std::string::npos
173  || process_name.find("compt") != std::string::npos
174  || process_name.find("Compt") != std::string::npos
175  || process_name.find("Brem") != std::string::npos
176  || process_name.find("phot") != std::string::npos
177  || process_name.find("Photo") != std::string::npos
178  || process_name.find("Ion") != std::string::npos
179  || process_name.find("annihil") != std::string::npos)
180  ){
182  // figure out the ultimate parentage of this particle
183  // first add this track id and its parent to the fParentIDMap
184  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
186  fCurrentTrackID = -1*this->GetParentage(trackID);
188  // check that fCurrentTrackID is in the particle list - it is possible
189  // that this particle's parent is a particle that did not get tracked.
190  // An example is a partent that was made due to muMinusCaptureAtRest
191  // and the daughter was made by the phot process. The parent likely
192  // isn't saved in the particle list because it is below the energy cut
193  // which will put a bogus track id value into the sim::IDE object for
194  // the sim::SimChannel if we don't check it.
198  // clear current particle as we are not stepping this particle and
199  // adding trajectory points to it
201  return;
203  } // end if keeping EM shower daughters
205  // Check the energy of the particle. If it falls below the energy
206  // cut, don't add it to our list.
207  G4double energy = track->GetKineticEnergy();
208  if( energy < fenergyCut ){
211  // do add the particle to the parent id map though
212  // and set the current track id to be it's ultimate parent
213  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
215  fCurrentTrackID = -1*this->GetParentage(trackID);
217  return;
218  }
220  // check to see if the parent particle has been stored in the particle navigator
221  // if not, then see if it is possible to walk up the fParentIDMap to find the
222  // ultimate parent of this particle. Use that ID as the parent ID for this
223  // particle
224  if( !fparticleList->KnownParticle(parentID) ){
225  // do add the particle to the parent id map
226  // just in case it makes a daughter that we have to track as well
227  fParentIDMap[trackID] = parentID;
228  int pid = this->GetParentage(parentID);
230  // if we still can't find the parent in the particle navigator,
231  // we have to give up
232  if( !fparticleList->KnownParticle(pid) ){
233  LOG_WARNING("ParticleListAction")
234  << "can't find parent id: "
235  << parentID
236  << " in the particle list, or fParentIDMap."
237  << " Make " << parentID << " the mother ID for"
238  << " track ID " << fCurrentTrackID
239  << " in the hope that it will aid debugging.";
240  }
241  else
242  parentID = pid;
243  }
245  }// end if not a primary particle
247  // This is probably the PDG mass, but just in case:
248  double mass = dynamicParticle->GetMass()/CLHEP::GeV;
250  // Create the sim::Particle object.
253  = new simb::MCParticle( trackID, pdgCode, process_name, parentID, mass);
254  fCurrentParticle.truthIndex = primaryIndex;
256  // if we are not filtering, we have a decision already
257  if (!fFilter) fCurrentParticle.keep = true;
259  // Polarization.
260  const G4ThreeVector& polarization = track->GetPolarization();
261  fCurrentParticle.particle->SetPolarization( TVector3( polarization.x(),
262  polarization.y(),
263  polarization.z() ) );
265  // Save the particle in the ParticleList.
267  }
int GetParentage(int trackid) const
static int fCurrentPdgCode
pdg code of current particle
GeneratedParticleIndex_t truthIndex
Index of the particle in the original generator truth record.
void Add(simb::MCParticle *value)
Definition: ParticleList.h:315
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList
std::map< int, int > fParentIDMap
key is current track ID, value is parent ID
constexpr GeneratedParticleIndex_t NoGeneratedParticleIndex
Constant representing the absence of generator truth information.
Definition: simb.h:34
void clear()
Resets the information (does not release memory it does not own)
void SetPolarization(const TVector3 &p)
Definition: MCParticle.h:270
bool fKeepEMShowerDaughters
whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc
static const int NoParticleId
Definition: sim.h:28
double energy
Definition: plottest35.C:25
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
#define LOG_WARNING(category)
std::unique_ptr< util::PositionInVolumeFilter > fFilter
filter for particles to be kept
bool KnownParticle(int trackID) const
Returns whether we have had this particle, archived or live.
Definition: ParticleList.h:215
Float_t track
Definition: plot.C:34
GeneratedParticleIndex_t MCParticleIndex() const
Returns the index of the corresponding particle in truth record.
std::size_t GeneratedParticleIndex_t
Type of particle index in the generator truth record (simb::MCTruth).
Definition: simb.h:30
virtual void g4b::UserAction::PrintConfig ( std::string const &  )

Override PrintConfig() to print out current configuration.

Reimplemented in altns::ExampleAction.

Definition at line 68 of file UserAction.h.

Referenced by g4b::UserActionManager::PrintActionList().

68 {};
virtual bool g4b::UserAction::ProvidesStacking ( )

Does this UserAction do stacking? Override to return "true" if the following interfaces are implemented

Reimplemented in altns::ExampleAction.

Definition at line 90 of file UserAction.h.

Referenced by g4b::UserActionManager::PrintActionList().

90 { return false; }
void larg4::ParticleListAction::ResetTrackIDOffset ( )

Definition at line 98 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by larg4::LArG4::produce().

void g4b::UserAction::SetName ( std::string const &  name)

Definition at line 99 of file UserAction.h.

References g4b::UserAction::myName.

Referenced by g4b::UserActionFactory::GetUserAction().

99 { myName = name; }
std::string myName
Definition: UserAction.h:101
virtual G4ClassificationOfNewTrack g4b::UserAction::StackClassifyNewTrack ( const G4Track *  )

G4UserStackingAction interfaces.

Reimplemented in altns::ExampleAction.

Definition at line 93 of file UserAction.h.

93 { return fUrgent; }
virtual void g4b::UserAction::StackNewStage ( )

Reimplemented in altns::ExampleAction.

Definition at line 94 of file UserAction.h.

94 {};
virtual void g4b::UserAction::StackPrepareNewEvent ( )

Reimplemented in altns::ExampleAction.

Definition at line 95 of file UserAction.h.

95 {};
void larg4::ParticleListAction::SteppingAction ( const G4Step *  )

G4UserSteppingAction interface.

Reimplemented from g4b::UserAction.

Definition at line 303 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References AddPointToCurrentParticle(), energy, fCurrentParticle, fstoreTrajectories, globalTime, larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::hasParticle(), LOG_DEBUG, simb::MCParticle::NumberTrajectoryPoints(), larg4::ParticleListAction::ParticleInfo_t::particle, velocity_G4, and velocity_step.

304  {
306  if ( !fCurrentParticle.hasParticle() ) {
307  return;
308  }
310  // Temporary fix for problem where DeltaTime on the first step
311  // of optical photon propagation is calculated incorrectly. -wforeman
312  globalTime = step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime();
313  velocity_G4 = step->GetTrack()->GetVelocity();
314  velocity_step = step->GetStepLength() / step->GetDeltaTime();
315  if ( (step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==0) &&
316  fabs(velocity_G4 - velocity_step) > 0.0001 ) {
317  // Subtract the faulty step time from the global time,
318  // and add the correct step time based on G4 velocity.
319  step->GetPostStepPoint()->SetGlobalTime(globalTime - step->GetDeltaTime() + step->GetStepLength()/velocity_G4);
320  }
323  // For the most part, we just want to add the post-step
324  // information to the particle's trajectory. There's one
325  // exception: In PreTrackingAction, the correct time information
326  // is not available. So add the correct vertex information here.
330  // Get the pre/along-step information from the G4Step.
331  const G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();
333  const G4ThreeVector position = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
334  G4double time = preStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
336  // Remember that LArSoft uses cm, ns, GeV.
337  TLorentzVector fourPos(position.x() / CLHEP::cm,
338  position.y() / CLHEP::cm,
339  position.z() / CLHEP::cm,
340  time / CLHEP::ns);
342  const G4ThreeVector momentum = preStepPoint->GetMomentum();
343  const G4double energy = preStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
344  TLorentzVector fourMom(momentum.x() / CLHEP::GeV,
345  momentum.y() / CLHEP::GeV,
346  momentum.z() / CLHEP::GeV,
347  energy / CLHEP::GeV);
349  // Add the first point in the trajectory.
350  AddPointToCurrentParticle( fourPos, fourMom, "Start" );
352  } // end if this is the first step
354  // At this point, the particle is being transported through the
355  // simulation. This method is being called for every voxel that
356  // the track passes through, but we don't want to update the
357  // trajectory information if we're just updating voxels. To check
358  // for this, look at the process name for the step, and compare it
359  // against the voxelization process name (set in PhysicsList.cxx).
360  G4String process = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
361  G4bool ignoreProcess = process.contains("LArVoxel") || process.contains("OpDetReadout");
363  LOG_DEBUG("ParticleListAction::SteppingAction")
364  << ": DEBUG - process='"
365  << process << "'"
366  << " ignoreProcess=" << ignoreProcess
367  << " fstoreTrajectories="
370  // We store the initial creation point of the particle
371  // and its final position (ie where it has no more energy, or at least < 1 eV) no matter
372  // what, but whether we store the rest of the trajectory depends
373  // on the process, and on a user switch.
374  if ( fstoreTrajectories && !ignoreProcess ){
375  // Get the post-step information from the G4Step.
376  const G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = step->GetPostStepPoint();
378  const G4ThreeVector position = postStepPoint->GetPosition();
379  G4double time = postStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
381  // Remember that LArSoft uses cm, ns, GeV.
382  TLorentzVector fourPos( position.x() / CLHEP::cm,
383  position.y() / CLHEP::cm,
384  position.z() / CLHEP::cm,
385  time / CLHEP::ns );
387  const G4ThreeVector momentum = postStepPoint->GetMomentum();
388  const G4double energy = postStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy();
389  TLorentzVector fourMom( momentum.x() / CLHEP::GeV,
390  momentum.y() / CLHEP::GeV,
391  momentum.z() / CLHEP::GeV,
392  energy / CLHEP::GeV );
394  // Add another point in the trajectory.
395  AddPointToCurrentParticle( fourPos, fourMom, std::string(process) );
397  }
398  }
unsigned int NumberTrajectoryPoints() const
Definition: MCParticle.h:222
G4bool fstoreTrajectories
Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.
void AddPointToCurrentParticle(TLorentzVector const &pos, TLorentzVector const &mom, std::string const &process)
Adds a trajectory point to the current particle, and runs the filter.
double velocity_step
double energy
Definition: plottest35.C:25
simb::MCParticle * particle
simple structure representing particle
double velocity_G4
double globalTime
#define LOG_DEBUG(id)
bool hasParticle() const
Returns whether there is a particle.
sim::ParticleList && larg4::ParticleListAction::YieldList ( )

Definition at line 498 of file ParticleListAction.cxx.

References sim::ParticleList::begin(), sim::ParticleList::end(), fparticleList, fTrackIDOffset, and sim::ParticleList::size().

Referenced by larg4::LArG4::produce().

499  {
500  // check if the ParticleNavigator has entries, and if
501  // so grab the highest track id value from it to
502  // add to the fTrackIDOffset
503  int highestID = 0;
504  for( auto pn = fparticleList->begin(); pn != fparticleList->end(); pn++)
505  if( (*pn).first > highestID ) highestID = (*pn).first;
507  //Only change the fTrackIDOffset if there is in fact a particle to add to the event
508  if( (fparticleList->size())!=0 ){ fTrackIDOffset = highestID + 1; }
510  return std::move(*fparticleList);
511  } // ParticleList&& ParticleListAction::YieldList()
sim::ParticleList * fparticleList
iterator begin()
Definition: ParticleList.h:305
size_type size() const
Definition: ParticleList.h:313

Member Data Documentation

ParticleInfo_t larg4::ParticleListAction::fCurrentParticle

information about the particle currently being simulated for a single particle.

Definition at line 125 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by AddPointToCurrentParticle(), BeginOfEventAction(), PostTrackingAction(), PreTrackingAction(), and SteppingAction().

int larg4::ParticleListAction::fCurrentPdgCode = 0

pdg code of current particle

Definition at line 133 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by BeginOfEventAction(), and PreTrackingAction().

int larg4::ParticleListAction::fCurrentTrackID = sim::NoParticleId

track ID of the current particle, set to eve ID for EM shower particles

Definition at line 131 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by BeginOfEventAction(), and PreTrackingAction().

G4double larg4::ParticleListAction::fenergyCut

The minimum energy for a particle to be included in the list.

Definition at line 123 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by PreTrackingAction().

std::unique_ptr<util::PositionInVolumeFilter> larg4::ParticleListAction::fFilter

filter for particles to be kept

Definition at line 138 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by AddPointToCurrentParticle(), and PreTrackingAction().

bool larg4::ParticleListAction::fKeepEMShowerDaughters

whether to keep EM shower secondaries, tertiaries, etc

Definition at line 136 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by PreTrackingAction().

std::map<int, int> larg4::ParticleListAction::fParentIDMap

key is current track ID, value is parent ID

Definition at line 130 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by BeginOfEventAction(), GetParentage(), ParticleListAction(), and PreTrackingAction().

sim::ParticleList* larg4::ParticleListAction::fparticleList

The accumulated particle information for all particles in the event.

Definition at line 127 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by BeginOfEventAction(), EndOfEventAction(), GetList(), ParticleListAction(), PostTrackingAction(), PreTrackingAction(), YieldList(), and ~ParticleListAction().

std::map<int, GeneratedParticleIndex_t> larg4::ParticleListAction::fPrimaryTruthMap

Map: particle track ID -> index of primary information in MC truth.

Definition at line 141 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by PostTrackingAction().

G4bool larg4::ParticleListAction::fstoreTrajectories

Whether to store particle trajectories with each particle.

Definition at line 129 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by SteppingAction().

int larg4::ParticleListAction::fTrackIDOffset = 0

offset added to track ids when running over multiple MCTruth objects.

Definition at line 134 of file ParticleListAction.h.

Referenced by GetList(), PreTrackingAction(), and YieldList().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: