LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
nutools::dbi::Table Class Reference

#include "Table.h"

Public Member Functions

 Table ()
 Table (std::string schemaName, std::string tableName, int tableType=kGenericTable, std::string dbhost="", std::string dbname="", std::string dbport="", std::string dbuser="")
 ~Table ()
std::string Name ()
std::string DBName ()
std::string DBHost ()
std::string User ()
std::string Role ()
std::string DBPort ()
int TableType ()
int DataSource ()
int DataTypeMask ()
void SetTableName (std::string tname)
void SetTableName (const char *tname)
void SetDataSource (std::string ds)
void SetDataSource (int ids)
bool SetTableType (int t)
void SetDataTypeMask (int mask)
void SetIgnoreEnvVar (bool f)
void SetUser (std::string uname)
void SetUser (const char *uname)
bool SetRole (std::string role)
bool SetRole (const char *role)
void SetDBName (std::string dbname)
void SetDBName (const char *dbname)
void SetDBHost (std::string dbhost)
void SetDBHost (const char *dbhost)
void SetDBPort (std::string p)
void SetDBPort (const char *p)
void SetDBInfo (std::string name, std::string host, std::string port, std::string user)
void SetDBInfo (const char *name, const char *host, const char *port, const char *user)
bool SetPasswordFile (const char *fname=0)
 fname should be the name of the file More...
void ClearPassword ()
void DisablePasswordAccess ()
void ResetRole ()
void SetVerbosity (int i)
int NCol ()
int NRow ()
void Clear ()
void ClearRows ()
nutools::dbi::Row *const GetRow (int i)
void AddRow (const Row *row)
void AddRow (const Row &row)
int AddCol (std::string cname, std::string ctype)
void AddEmptyRows (unsigned int nrow)
bool RemoveRow (int i)
nutools::dbi::Row *const NewRow ()
std::vector< std::string > GetColNames ()
std::map< std::string, int > GetColNameToIndexMap ()
std::string GetColName (int i)
int GetColIndex (std::string cname)
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDefGetCol (int i)
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDefGetCol (std::string &cname)
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDefGetCol (const char *cname)
void SetTolerance (std::string &cname, float t)
float Tolerance (std::string &cname)
bool ExistsInDB ()
bool ExecuteSQL (std::string cmd, PGresult *&res)
bool LoadFromCSV (std::string fname)
bool LoadFromCSV (const char *fname)
bool LoadFromDB ()
bool WriteToDB (bool commit=true)
 use commit=false if just testing More...
bool WriteToCSV (std::string fname, bool appendToFile=false, bool writeColNames=false)
bool WriteToCSV (const char *fname, bool appendToFile=false, bool writeColNames=false)
void ClearValidity ()
bool AddDistinctColumn (unsigned int i)
bool AddDistinctColumn (std::string col)
bool AddDistinctColumn (const char *col)
bool RemoveDistinctColumn (unsigned int i)
bool RemoveDistinctColumn (std::string col)
bool RemoveDistinctColumn (const char *col)
bool AddOrderColumn (unsigned int i)
bool AddOrderColumn (std::string col)
bool AddOrderColumn (const char *col)
bool RemoveOrderColumn (unsigned int i)
bool RemoveOrderColumn (std::string col)
bool RemoveOrderColumn (const char *col)
void SetSelectLimit (int limit)
void SetSelectOffset (int offset)
void SetOrderDesc ()
void SetOrderAsc ()
void AddExcludeCol (std::string col)
void ClearExcludedCols ()
bool GetCurrSeqVal (std::string col, long &iseq)
bool GetCurrSeqVal (const char *col, long &iseq)
int GetNPKeyCol ()
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDefGetPKeyCol (int i)
void PrintPQErrorMsg () const
std::string GetValiditySQL ()
void SetValiditySQL (std::string cmd)
bool SetDetector (std::string det)
bool GetDetector (std::string &det) const
void SetSchema (std::string s)
std::string Schema ()
template<class T >
bool SetValidityRange (std::string cname, T start, T end)
template<class T >
bool SetValidityRange (std::string cname, T start)
void RemoveValidityRange (std::string &cname)
void RemoveValidityRange (const char *cname)
void PrintColumns ()
bool GetConnection (int ntry=0)
bool CloseConnection ()
void SetConnectionTimeout (int n)
int GetConnectionTimeout ()
bool ResetConnectionInfo ()
void CacheDBCommand (std::string cmd)
void SetMinTSVld (float t)
void SetMaxTSVld (float t)
float GetMaxTSVld () const
float GetMinTSVld () const
void SetTag (std::string s)
std::string GetTag ()
bool Tag (std::string tn="", bool override=false)
bool Load ()
bool Write (bool commit=true)
void ClearChanRowMap ()
void FillChanRowMap ()
int NVldRows (uint64_t channel)
int NVldChannels ()
std::vector< uint64_t > VldChannels ()
nutools::dbi::RowGetVldRow (uint64_t channel, float t)
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > GetVldRows (uint64_t channel)
void SetRecordTime (float t)
void ClearRecordTime ()
void EnableFlushCache ()
void DisableFlushCache ()
void DisableCache ()
void EnableCache ()
void SetWSURL (std::string url)
void SetQEURL (std::string url)
void SetTimeQueries (bool f)
void SetTimeParsing (bool f)
bool TimeQueries ()
bool TimeParsing ()
void SetMinChannel (uint64_t chan)
void SetMaxChannel (uint64_t chan)
void SetChannelRange (uint64_t chan1, uint64_t chan2)
void PrintVMUsed ()
void PrintPMUsed ()
bool GetColsFromDB (std::vector< std::string > pkeyList={})
void SetFolder (std::string f)
std::string Folder ()

Private Member Functions

bool LoadConditionsTable ()
bool LoadUnstructuredConditionsTable ()
bool LoadNonConditionsTable ()
bool GetDataFromWebService (Dataset &, std::string)
void Reset ()
bool GetConnectionInfo (int ntry=0)
bool CheckForNulls ()
bool MakeConditionsCSVString (std::stringstream &ss)
std::string GetPassword ()
int ParseSelfStatusLine (char *line)

Private Attributes

bool addInsertTime
bool addInsertUser
bool addUpdateTime
bool addUpdateUser
bool fIgnoreEnvVar
bool fValidityChanged
bool fDescOrder
bool fIgnoreDB
bool fTestedExists
bool fExistsInDB
bool fHasConnection
bool fHasRecordTime
bool fFlushCache
bool fDisableCache
bool fTimeQueries
bool fTimeParsing
short fVerbosity
int fSelectLimit
int fSelectOffset
int fConnectionTimeout
int fTableType
int fDataTypeMask
int fDataSource
uint64_t fMinChannel
uint64_t fMaxChannel
std::string fTableName
std::string fUser
std::string fRole
std::string fDBPort
std::string fDBHost
std::string fDBName
std::string fSchema
std::string fDBCacheFile
std::string fPassword
std::string fValiditySQL
std::string fDetector
std::string fFolder
std::string fTag
std::string fWSURL
std::string fUConDBURL
std::string fQEURL
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDeffCol
std::vector< nutools::dbi::RowfRow
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDeffValidityStart
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDeffValidityEnd
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fPKeyList
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > fNullList
std::vector< std::string > fExcludeCol
std::vector< uint64_t > fChannelVec
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > > fChanRowMap
float fMaxTSVld
float fMinTSVld
float fRecordTime


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Table &t)

Detailed Description

Database Table Interface

Jonathan Paley
Table.h,v 1.61 2013/02/11 20:48:41 jpaley Exp

Definition at line 47 of file Table.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

nutools::dbi::Table::Table ( )

Definition at line 29 of file Table.cpp.

References addInsertTime, addInsertUser, addUpdateTime, addUpdateUser, fConnection, fConnectionTimeout, fDataSource, fDataTypeMask, fDBHost, fDBName, fDBPort, fDetector, fExistsInDB, fFolder, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fIgnoreEnvVar, fMaxChannel, fMinChannel, fQEURL, fSchema, fTableName, fTableType, fTag, fTestedExists, fTimeParsing, fTimeQueries, fUConDBURL, fUser, fVerbosity, fWSURL, nutools::dbi::kGenericTable, nutools::dbi::kUnknownSource, and Reset().

29  : fHasRecordTime(false),
30  fFlushCache(false),
31  fDisableCache(false),
32  fMaxTSVld(0),fMinTSVld(0),
33  fRecordTime(0)
34  {
35  fTableName="";
36  fConnection=0;
37  fHasConnection=false;
38  fDetector="";
39  fDBHost="";
40  fDBName="";
41  fDBPort="";
42  fUser="";
43  fSchema="undef";
45  fDataTypeMask = 0;
48  fIgnoreEnvVar = false;
49  fTestedExists = false;
50  fExistsInDB = false;
51  addInsertTime = addUpdateTime = false;
52  addInsertUser = addUpdateUser = false;
53  fIgnoreDB = false;
54  fTimeQueries = true;
55  fTimeParsing = true;
56  fMinChannel = 0;
57  fMaxChannel = 0;
58  fFolder = "";
60  Reset();
62  srandom(time(0));
64  // default total time to attempt to connect to the db/web server will be
65  // ~4 minutes (some randomness is introduced by libwda)
66  fConnectionTimeout = 4*60;
67  // override default timeout if env. variable is set, but must be
68  // greater than 20 seconds
69  char* tmpStr = getenv("DBITIMEOUT");
70  if (tmpStr) {
71  int tmpTO = atoi(tmpStr);
72  if (tmpTO > 20)
73  fConnectionTimeout = tmpTO;
74  }
76  fTag = "";
77  fWSURL = "";
78  const char* wsHost = getenv("DBIWSURL");
79  if (wsHost) fWSURL = std::string(wsHost);
81  fUConDBURL = "";
82  const char* ucondbHost = getenv("DBIUCONDBURL");
83  if (ucondbHost) fUConDBURL = std::string(ucondbHost);
85  fQEURL = "";
86  const char* qeHost = getenv("DBIQEURL");
87  if (qeHost) fQEURL = std::string(qeHost);
89  fVerbosity=0;
90  tmpStr = getenv("DBIVERB");
91  if (tmpStr) {
92  fVerbosity = atoi(tmpStr);
93  }
94  }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
bool addUpdateUser
Definition: Table.h:344
uint64_t fMaxChannel
Definition: Table.h:366
bool fDisableCache
Definition: Table.h:354
bool addInsertTime
Definition: Table.h:341
std::string fQEURL
Definition: Table.h:385
int fConnectionTimeout
Definition: Table.h:361
bool fIgnoreEnvVar
Definition: Table.h:345
std::string fFolder
Definition: Table.h:380
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
uint64_t fMinChannel
Definition: Table.h:365
bool fHasRecordTime
Definition: Table.h:352
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
float fRecordTime
Definition: Table.h:407
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fDBHost
Definition: Table.h:372
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
std::string fWSURL
Definition: Table.h:383
bool addInsertUser
Definition: Table.h:342
bool addUpdateTime
Definition: Table.h:343
bool fTestedExists
Definition: Table.h:349
std::string fTag
Definition: Table.h:382
std::string fDBPort
Definition: Table.h:371
std::string fTableName
Definition: Table.h:368
std::string fDetector
Definition: Table.h:379
std::string fDBName
Definition: Table.h:373
std::string fUConDBURL
Definition: Table.h:384
nutools::dbi::Table::Table ( std::string  schemaName,
std::string  tableName,
int  tableType = kGenericTable,
std::string  dbhost = "",
std::string  dbname = "",
std::string  dbport = "",
std::string  dbuser = "" 

Definition at line 98 of file Table.cpp.

References CloseConnection(), ExistsInDB(), fCol, fConnection, fConnectionTimeout, fDataSource, fDBCacheFile, fExistsInDB, fFolder, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fMaxChannel, fMinChannel, fSchema, fTimeParsing, fTimeQueries, fVerbosity, GetColsFromDB(), GetConnection(), nutools::dbi::kUnknownSource, Name(), Reset(), SetDBHost(), SetDBName(), SetDBPort(), SetTableName(), and SetUser().

102  {
103  fConnection=0;
104  fHasConnection=false;
105  std::string errStr;
106  fIgnoreDB = false;
108  fTimeQueries = true;
109  fTimeParsing = true;
111  fMinChannel = 0;
112  fMaxChannel = 0;
114  fFolder = "";
118  fVerbosity=0;
119  char* tmpStr = getenv("DBIVERB");
120  if (tmpStr) {
121  fVerbosity = atoi(tmpStr);
122  }
124  // default total time to attempt to connect to the db/web server will be
125  // ~4 minutes (some randomness is introduced by libwda)
126  fConnectionTimeout = 4*60;
127  // override default timeout if env. variable is set, but must be
128  // greater than 20 seconds
129  tmpStr = getenv("DBITIMEOUT");
130  if (tmpStr) {
131  int tmpTO = atoi(tmpStr);
132  if (tmpTO > 20)
133  fConnectionTimeout = tmpTO;
134  }
136  if (!dbname.empty()) SetDBName(dbname);
137  /*
138  if (DBName() == "") {
139  errStr = "Table::Table(): missing database name!";
140  throw std::runtime_error(errStr);
141  }
142  */
143  if (!dbhost.empty()) SetDBHost(dbhost);
144  /*
145  if (DBHost() == "") {
146  errStr = "Table::Table(): missing database host!";
147  throw std::runtime_error(errStr);
148  }
149  */
151  if (!dbport.empty()) SetDBPort(dbport);
152  if (!dbuser.empty()) SetUser(dbuser);
154  this->SetTableName(tableName);
155  fSchema = std::string(schemaName);
156  boost::to_lower(fSchema);
158  std::string stName = fSchema + std::string(".") + std::string(tableName);
159  // fIgnoreEnvVar = true;
161  if (!ExistsInDB()) {
162  errStr = "Table::Table(): table \'" + stName + "\' not found in database!";
163  throw std::runtime_error(errStr);
164  }
166  Reset();
167  fCol.clear();
169  bool hasConn = fHasConnection;
170  if (! fHasConnection) {
171  GetConnection();
172  hasConn = false;
173  }
175  std::vector<std::string> pkeyList;
176  // get list of rows that are primary keys
177  std::string cmd = "SELECT pg_attribute.attname, format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute WHERE indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary AND pg_class.oid = '" + stName + "'::regclass";
179  PGresult* res = PQexec(fConnection,cmd.c_str());
181  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
182  errStr = "Table::Table(): command failed: " + std::string(PQerrorMessage(fConnection));
183  if (fVerbosity > 0)
184  std::cerr << errStr << std::endl;
185  PQclear(res);
186  CloseConnection();
187  throw std::runtime_error(errStr);
188  }
190  int nRow = PQntuples(res);
191  if (nRow == 0) {
192  errStr = std::string("Table::Table(): no primary keys defined for table \'") + tableName + std::string("\', unable to proceed.");
193  PQclear(res);
194  fExistsInDB = false;
195  CloseConnection();
196  throw std::runtime_error(errStr);
197  }
199  for (int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) {
200  std::string key = std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0));
201  pkeyList.push_back(key);
202  }
204  PQclear(res);
206  // now get names and types of all columns
207  this->GetColsFromDB(pkeyList);
209  if (!hasConn) CloseConnection();
211  // now set the dB command cache file name
212  std::string dirName;
213  tmpStr = getenv("DBICACHEDIR");
214  if (tmpStr)
215  dirName = tmpStr;
216  else {
217  tmpStr = getenv("PWD");
218  if (tmpStr)
219  dirName = tmpStr;
220  else
221  dirName = "/";
222  }
224  fDBCacheFile = dirName + "/" + "." + Name() + ".cache";
226  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
uint64_t fMaxChannel
Definition: Table.h:366
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
int fConnectionTimeout
Definition: Table.h:361
std::string fFolder
Definition: Table.h:380
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
uint64_t fMinChannel
Definition: Table.h:365
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
void SetDBName(std::string dbname)
Definition: Table.h:83
pg_result PGresult
Definition: Table.h:19
void SetDBHost(std::string dbhost)
Definition: Table.h:85
void SetTableName(std::string tname)
Definition: Table.cpp:517
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
void SetDBPort(std::string p)
Definition: Table.h:87
bool GetColsFromDB(std::vector< std::string > pkeyList={})
Definition: Table.cpp:238
std::string fDBCacheFile
Definition: Table.h:376
void SetUser(std::string uname)
Definition: Table.h:79
std::string tableName
nutools::dbi::Table::~Table ( )

Definition at line 230 of file Table.cpp.

References Clear(), CloseConnection(), and fHasConnection.

231  {
232  this->Clear();
234  }
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351

Member Function Documentation

int nutools::dbi::Table::AddCol ( std::string  cname,
std::string  ctype 

Definition at line 326 of file Table.cpp.

References addInsertTime, addInsertUser, addUpdateTime, addUpdateUser, fCol, and Name().

Referenced by ClearRows().

327  {
328  for (size_t i=0; i<fCol.size(); ++i) {
329  if (fCol[i].Name() == cname) {
330  std::cerr << "Table::AddCol: column \'" << cname << "\' already exists! Fatal, aborting..." << std::endl;
331  abort();
332  }
333  }
335  ColumnDef cdef(cname,ctype);
337  fCol.push_back(cdef);
339  if (cname == "inserttime") addInsertTime = true;
340  if (cname == "insertuser") addInsertUser = true;
341  if (cname == "updatetime") addUpdateTime = true;
342  if (cname == "updateuser") addUpdateUser = true;
344  return fCol.size()-1;
345  }
bool addUpdateUser
Definition: Table.h:344
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
bool addInsertTime
Definition: Table.h:341
bool addInsertUser
Definition: Table.h:342
bool addUpdateTime
Definition: Table.h:343
bool nutools::dbi::Table::AddDistinctColumn ( unsigned int  i)

Definition at line 2458 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and fDistinctCol.

Referenced by AddDistinctColumn(), and WriteToCSV().

2459  {
2460  if (i >= fCol.size()) return false;
2462  const ColumnDef* c = &fCol[i];
2463  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fDistinctCol.size(); ++j)
2464  if (fDistinctCol[j] == c) return true;
2466  fDistinctCol.push_back(c);
2468  return true;
2469  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
Definition: Table.h:393
bool nutools::dbi::Table::AddDistinctColumn ( std::string  col)

Definition at line 2493 of file Table.cpp.

References fDistinctCol, and GetCol().

2494  {
2495  const ColumnDef* c = GetCol(cname);
2497  if (!c) return false;
2499  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fDistinctCol.size(); ++j)
2500  if (fDistinctCol[j] == c) return true;
2502  fDistinctCol.push_back(c);
2504  return true;
2505  }
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
Definition: Table.h:393
bool nutools::dbi::Table::AddDistinctColumn ( const char *  col)

Definition at line 158 of file Table.h.

References AddDistinctColumn(), and RemoveDistinctColumn().

159  { return AddDistinctColumn(std::string(col)); }
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
bool AddDistinctColumn(unsigned int i)
Definition: Table.cpp:2458
void nutools::dbi::Table::AddEmptyRows ( unsigned int  nrow)

Definition at line 371 of file Table.cpp.

References fRow, and NewRow().

Referenced by ClearRows(), GetDataFromWebService(), LoadFromCSV(), and LoadFromDB().

372  {
373  Row* row = this->NewRow();
375  fRow.resize(fRow.size()+nrow,*row);
376  }
nutools::dbi::Row *const NewRow()
Definition: Table.h:126
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
void nutools::dbi::Table::AddExcludeCol ( std::string  col)

Definition at line 180 of file Table.h.

References fExcludeCol.

180 {fExcludeCol.push_back(col); }
std::vector< std::string > fExcludeCol
Definition: Table.h:396
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
bool nutools::dbi::Table::AddOrderColumn ( unsigned int  i)

Definition at line 2530 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and fOrderCol.

Referenced by AddOrderColumn(), and RemoveDistinctColumn().

2531  {
2532  if (i >= fCol.size()) return false;
2534  const ColumnDef* c = &fCol[i];
2535  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fOrderCol.size(); ++j)
2536  if (fOrderCol[j] == c) return true;
2538  fOrderCol.push_back(c);
2540  return true;
2541  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
Definition: Table.h:394
bool nutools::dbi::Table::AddOrderColumn ( std::string  col)

Definition at line 2565 of file Table.cpp.

References fOrderCol, and GetCol().

2566  {
2567  const ColumnDef* c = GetCol(cname);
2569  if (!c) return false;
2571  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fOrderCol.size(); ++j)
2572  if (fOrderCol[j] == c) return true;
2574  fOrderCol.push_back(c);
2576  return true;
2577  }
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
Definition: Table.h:394
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
bool nutools::dbi::Table::AddOrderColumn ( const char *  col)

Definition at line 167 of file Table.h.

References AddOrderColumn(), and RemoveOrderColumn().

168  { return AddOrderColumn(std::string(col)); }
bool AddOrderColumn(unsigned int i)
Definition: Table.cpp:2530
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
void nutools::dbi::Table::AddRow ( const Row row)

Definition at line 349 of file Table.cpp.

References nutools::dbi::Row::Col(), fCol, fNullList, fRow, nutools::dbi::Column::IsNull(), and Name().

Referenced by AddRow(), and ClearRows().

350  {
351  if (!row) return;
353  Row r2(*row);
355  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fCol.size(); ++i) {
356  if (fCol[i].Name() == "inserttime" ||
357  fCol[i].Name() == "insertuser" ||
358  fCol[i].Name() == "updatetime" ||
359  fCol[i].Name() == "updateuser" ) continue;
360  if (!fCol[i].CanBeNull())
361  if (r2.Col(i).IsNull())
362  fNullList.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(fRow.size(),i));
363  }
365  fRow.push_back(r2);
367  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > fNullList
Definition: Table.h:395
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
void nutools::dbi::Table::AddRow ( const Row row)

Definition at line 379 of file Table.cpp.

References AddRow().

380  {
381  AddRow(&row);
382  }
void AddRow(const Row *row)
Definition: Table.cpp:349
void nutools::dbi::Table::CacheDBCommand ( std::string  cmd)

Definition at line 431 of file Table.cpp.

References fDBCacheFile.

Referenced by GetConnectionTimeout(), and WriteToDB().

432  {
433  std::ofstream fout;
436  fout << cmd << std::endl;
438  fout.close();
439  }
std::string fDBCacheFile
Definition: Table.h:376
bool nutools::dbi::Table::CheckForNulls ( )

Definition at line 415 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, fNullList, and fVerbosity.

Referenced by Folder(), WriteToCSV(), and WriteToDB().

416  {
417  bool isOk = fNullList.empty();
419  if (!isOk) // print out list of null columns
420  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fNullList.size(); ++i)
421  if (fVerbosity>0)
422  std::cerr << fCol[fNullList[i].second].Name() << " is NULL in row "
423  << fNullList[i].first << std::endl;
425  return isOk;
427  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > fNullList
Definition: Table.h:395
void nutools::dbi::Table::Clear ( )

Definition at line 105 of file Table.h.

References fDistinctCol, fNullList, fOrderCol, fRow, fValidityChanged, fValidityEnd, fValiditySQL, and fValidityStart.

Referenced by ~Table().

105  {
106  fRow.clear(); fValidityStart.clear(); fValidityEnd.clear();
107  fOrderCol.clear(); fDistinctCol.clear(); fNullList.clear();
108  fValiditySQL = "";
109  fValidityChanged = true;
110  }
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
Definition: Table.h:394
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityStart
Definition: Table.h:390
std::string fValiditySQL
Definition: Table.h:378
bool fValidityChanged
Definition: Table.h:346
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > fNullList
Definition: Table.h:395
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityEnd
Definition: Table.h:391
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
Definition: Table.h:393
void nutools::dbi::Table::ClearChanRowMap ( )

Definition at line 284 of file Table.h.

References fChanRowMap, and FillChanRowMap().

284 { fChanRowMap.clear(); }
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > > fChanRowMap
Definition: Table.h:399
void nutools::dbi::Table::ClearExcludedCols ( )

Definition at line 181 of file Table.h.

References fExcludeCol, and GetCurrSeqVal().

181 { fExcludeCol.clear(); }
std::vector< std::string > fExcludeCol
Definition: Table.h:396
void nutools::dbi::Table::ClearPassword ( )

Definition at line 95 of file Table.h.

References fPassword.

95 { fPassword=""; }
std::string fPassword
Definition: Table.h:377
void nutools::dbi::Table::ClearRecordTime ( )

Definition at line 294 of file Table.h.

References fHasRecordTime.

294 { fHasRecordTime = false;}
bool fHasRecordTime
Definition: Table.h:352
void nutools::dbi::Table::ClearRows ( )

Definition at line 112 of file Table.h.

References AddCol(), AddEmptyRows(), AddRow(), fNullList, fRow, fValidityChanged, GetRow(), and RemoveRow().

112 { fRow.clear(); fNullList.clear(); fValidityChanged=true;}
bool fValidityChanged
Definition: Table.h:346
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > fNullList
Definition: Table.h:395
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
void nutools::dbi::Table::ClearValidity ( )

Definition at line 477 of file Table.cpp.

References fValidityChanged, fValidityEnd, fValiditySQL, and fValidityStart.

Referenced by Reset(), and WriteToCSV().

478  {
479  fValidityStart.clear();
480  fValidityEnd.clear();
481  fValiditySQL = "";
482  fValidityChanged=true;
483  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityStart
Definition: Table.h:390
std::string fValiditySQL
Definition: Table.h:378
bool fValidityChanged
Definition: Table.h:346
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityEnd
Definition: Table.h:391
bool nutools::dbi::Table::CloseConnection ( )

Definition at line 830 of file Table.cpp.

References fConnection, fHasConnection, and fVerbosity.

Referenced by ExecuteSQL(), ExistsInDB(), GetColsFromDB(), GetConnection(), GetCurrSeqVal(), LoadFromDB(), RemoveValidityRange(), Table(), WriteToDB(), and ~Table().

831  {
832  if (fConnection) {
833  PQfinish(fConnection);
834  if (fVerbosity > 0)
835  std::cout << "Closed connection" << std::endl;
836  }
838  fConnection = 0;
839  fHasConnection = false;
841  return true;
842  }
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
int nutools::dbi::Table::DataSource ( )

Definition at line 66 of file Table.h.

References fDataSource.

66 { return fDataSource; }
int nutools::dbi::Table::DataTypeMask ( )

Definition at line 67 of file Table.h.

References fDataTypeMask, SetDataSource(), SetTableName(), and SetTableType().

67 { return fDataTypeMask; }
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::DBHost ( )

Definition at line 61 of file Table.h.

References fDBHost.

61 { return fDBHost;}
std::string fDBHost
Definition: Table.h:372
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::DBName ( )

Definition at line 60 of file Table.h.

References fDBName.

60 { return fDBName;}
std::string fDBName
Definition: Table.h:373
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::DBPort ( )

Definition at line 64 of file Table.h.

References fDBPort.

64 { return fDBPort; }
std::string fDBPort
Definition: Table.h:371
void nutools::dbi::Table::DisableCache ( )

Definition at line 299 of file Table.h.

References fDisableCache.

299 { fDisableCache = true; }
bool fDisableCache
Definition: Table.h:354
void nutools::dbi::Table::DisableFlushCache ( )

Definition at line 297 of file Table.h.

References fFlushCache.

297 { fFlushCache = false; }
void nutools::dbi::Table::DisablePasswordAccess ( )

Definition at line 96 of file Table.h.

References fPassword.

96 { fPassword = ""; }
std::string fPassword
Definition: Table.h:377
void nutools::dbi::Table::EnableCache ( )

Definition at line 300 of file Table.h.

References fDisableCache.

300 { fDisableCache = false; }
bool fDisableCache
Definition: Table.h:354
void nutools::dbi::Table::EnableFlushCache ( )

Definition at line 296 of file Table.h.

References fFlushCache.

296 { fFlushCache = true; }
bool nutools::dbi::Table::ExecuteSQL ( std::string  cmd,
PGresult *&  res 

Definition at line 1023 of file Table.cpp.

References CloseConnection(), fConnection, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fTimeQueries, fVerbosity, and GetConnection().

Referenced by GetCol().

1024  {
1025  if (fIgnoreDB) return false;
1027  bool hasConn = fHasConnection;
1028  if (! fHasConnection) {
1029  GetConnection();
1030  hasConn = false;
1031  }
1033  if (!fConnection) {
1034  std::cerr << "Table::ExecuteSQL: No connection to the database!" << std::endl;
1035  return false;
1036  }
1038  if (cmd == "") return false;
1040  if (fVerbosity)
1041  std::cerr << "Executing SQL query: " << cmd << std::endl;
1043  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt1;
1044  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt2;
1046  if (fTimeQueries) {
1047  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1048  }
1050  res = PQexec(fConnection,cmd.c_str());
1051  if (fTimeQueries) {
1052  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1053  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
1054  std::cerr << "Table::ExecuteSQL(" << cmd << "): query took "
1055  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
1056  }
1058  // close connection to the dB if necessary
1059  if (! hasConn) CloseConnection();
1061  return (res != 0);
1062  }
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
bool nutools::dbi::Table::ExistsInDB ( )

Definition at line 886 of file Table.cpp.

References CloseConnection(), fConnection, fExistsInDB, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fSchema, fTableType, fTestedExists, fVerbosity, GetConnection(), nutools::dbi::kConditionsTable, and Name().

Referenced by GetCol(), LoadFromDB(), Table(), and WriteToDB().

887  {
888  if (fIgnoreDB) return false;
890  if (fTestedExists) return fExistsInDB;
892  std::string tname = this->Name();
894  fTestedExists = true;
896  bool hasConn = fHasConnection;
897  if (! fHasConnection) {
898  GetConnection();
899  hasConn = false;
900  }
902  std::string cmd = "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname=\'" +
903  fSchema + "\'";
904  // std::cout << tname << ": " << cmd << std::endl;
905  PGresult* res = PQexec(fConnection,cmd.c_str());
907  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
908  if (fVerbosity > 0)
909  std::cerr << "Table::ExistsInDB command failed: "
910  << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
911  PQclear(res);
912  fExistsInDB = false; // set this to false just in case
913  CloseConnection();
914  return false;
915  }
917  bool retVal = false;
918  int nRow = PQntuples(res);
920  int tc=0;
921  std::vector<std::string> tList;
922  tList.push_back(tname+std::string("_snapshot"));
923  tList.push_back(tname+std::string("_snapshot_data"));
924  tList.push_back(tname+std::string("_tag"));
925  tList.push_back(tname+std::string("_tag_snapshot"));
926  tList.push_back(tname+std::string("_update"));
928  for (int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) {
929  // std::cout << string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0)) << std::endl;
930  std::string tStr = std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0));
932  if (fTableType != kConditionsTable) {
933  if (tStr == tname) {
934  retVal = true;
935  break;
936  }
937  }
938  else {
939  if (std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0)) == tList[0] ||
940  std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0)) == tList[1] ||
941  std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0)) == tList[2] ||
942  std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0)) == tList[3] ||
943  std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0)) == tList[4] )
944  ++tc;
946  if (tc == 5) {
947  retVal = true;
948  break;
949  }
950  }
951  }
953  PQclear(res);
955  if (!hasConn) CloseConnection();
957  fExistsInDB = true;
958  return retVal;
960  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
pg_result PGresult
Definition: Table.h:19
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
bool fTestedExists
Definition: Table.h:349
void nutools::dbi::Table::FillChanRowMap ( )

Definition at line 1982 of file Table.cpp.

References evd::details::begin(), nutools::dbi::Row::Channel(), fChannelVec, fChanRowMap, GetRow(), NRow(), and nutools::dbi::Row::VldTime().

Referenced by ClearChanRowMap().

1983  {
1984  nutools::dbi::Row* row;
1985  uint64_t chan;
1986  float tv;
1987  fChanRowMap.clear();
1989  for (int i=0; i<this->NRow(); ++i) {
1990  row = this->GetRow(i);
1991  chan = row->Channel();
1992  tv = row->VldTime();
1993  if (fChanRowMap[chan].empty())
1994  fChanRowMap[chan].push_back(row);
1995  else {
1996  bool wasInserted=false;
1997  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fChanRowMap[chan].size(); ++j) {
1998  if (tv < fChanRowMap[chan][j]->VldTime()) {
1999  fChanRowMap[chan].insert(fChanRowMap[chan].begin()+j,row);
2000  wasInserted=true;
2001  break;
2002  }
2003  }
2004  if (!wasInserted)
2005  fChanRowMap[chan].push_back(row);
2006  }
2007  }
2009  fChannelVec.clear();
2010  std::unordered_map<uint64_t,std::vector<nutools::dbi::Row*> >::iterator itr = fChanRowMap.begin();
2011  std::unordered_map<uint64_t,std::vector<nutools::dbi::Row*> >::iterator itrEnd = fChanRowMap.end();
2013  for (; itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
2014  fChannelVec.push_back(itr->first);
2017  }
float VldTime()
Definition: Row.h:56
uint64_t Channel()
Definition: Row.h:55
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator begin(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
std::vector< uint64_t > fChannelVec
Definition: Table.h:398
nutools::dbi::Row *const GetRow(int i)
Definition: Table.cpp:406
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > > fChanRowMap
Definition: Table.h:399
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef* nutools::dbi::Table::GetCol ( int  i)
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * nutools::dbi::Table::GetCol ( std::string &  cname)

Definition at line 570 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and Name().

571  {
572  unsigned int i=0;
573  for ( ; i < fCol.size(); ++i)
574  if (fCol[i].Name() == cname) break;
576  if (i >= fCol.size()) return 0;
578  return &fCol[i];
579  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef* nutools::dbi::Table::GetCol ( const char *  cname)

Definition at line 135 of file Table.h.

References ExecuteSQL(), ExistsInDB(), GetCol(), LoadFromCSV(), SetTolerance(), and Tolerance().

136  { std::string cstr(cname); return GetCol(cstr); }
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
int nutools::dbi::Table::GetColIndex ( std::string  cname)

Definition at line 582 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and Name().

Referenced by GetColName().

583  {
584  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fCol.size(); ++i)
585  if (fCol[i].Name() == cname) return (int)i;
586  std::cerr << "No such column \"" << cname << "\". Returning -1" << std::endl;
587  return -1;
588  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::GetColName ( int  i)

Definition at line 130 of file Table.h.

References fCol, and GetColIndex().

130 {return fCol[i].Name(); }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::vector< std::string > nutools::dbi::Table::GetColNames ( )

Definition at line 601 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol.

Referenced by NewRow().

602  {
603  std::vector<std::string> nameList;
605  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fCol.size(); ++i)
606  nameList.push_back(fCol[i].Name());
608  return nameList;
609  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::map< std::string, int > nutools::dbi::Table::GetColNameToIndexMap ( )

Definition at line 591 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol.

Referenced by NewRow(), and WriteToDB().

592  {
593  std::map<std::string,int> tmap;
594  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fCol.size(); ++i) {
595  tmap[fCol[i].Name()] = int(i);
596  }
597  return tmap;
598  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
bool nutools::dbi::Table::GetColsFromDB ( std::vector< std::string >  pkeyList = {})

Definition at line 238 of file Table.cpp.

References addInsertTime, addInsertUser, addUpdateTime, addUpdateUser, CloseConnection(), fCol, fConnection, fExistsInDB, fHasConnection, fSchema, fTableName, fTableType, fVerbosity, GetConnection(), nutools::dbi::kConditionsTable, nutools::dbi::kUnstructuredConditionsTable, and nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::SetCanBeNull().

Referenced by main(), SetChannelRange(), and Table().

239  {
241  std::cerr << "Table::GetColsFromDB() currently disabled for unstructured conditions tables." << std::endl;
242  abort();
243  }
245  bool hasConn = fHasConnection;
246  if (! fHasConnection) {
247  GetConnection();
248  hasConn = false;
249  }
251  // now get names and types of all columns
252  std::string cmd = "SELECT column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = \'" + std::string(fTableName);
254  cmd += "_update";
255  cmd += "\' and table_schema=\'" + fSchema + "\'";
257  PGresult* res = PQexec(fConnection,cmd.c_str());
259  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
260  std::string errStr = "Table::Table() command failed: " + std::string(PQerrorMessage(fConnection));
261  if (fVerbosity > 0)
262  std::cerr << errStr << std::endl;
263  PQclear(res);
264  fExistsInDB = false; // set this to false just in case
265  CloseConnection();
266  throw std::runtime_error(errStr);
267  }
269  int nRow = PQntuples(res);
271  for (int i=0; i<nRow; ++i) {
272  std::string cname = std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,0));
273  std::string ctype = std::string(PQgetvalue(res,i,1));
275  if (fTableType == kConditionsTable) {
276  if (cname == "__snapshot_id") continue;
277  if (cname == "__tr") continue;
278  if (cname == "__channel") continue; //cname = "channel";
279  if (cname == "__tv") continue; //cname = "tv";
280  }
282  if (ctype == "smallint") ctype="short";
283  else if (ctype == "double precision") ctype="double";
284  else if (ctype == "boolean") ctype="bool";
285  else if (ctype == "timestamp without time zone") ctype="timestamp";
286  else if (ctype.substr(0,7) == "varchar" || ctype == "text")
287  ctype = "text"; //varchar" + ctype.substr(8,ctype.find(')')-1);
289  // check if this column is "auto_incr", only if !conditions table
290  if (fTableType != kConditionsTable && ctype == "integer") {
291  std::string stName = fSchema + std::string(".") + std::string(fTableName);
292  cmd = "SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(\'" + stName +
293  "\',\'" + cname + "\')";
294  PGresult* res2 = PQexec(fConnection,cmd.c_str());
295  int nRow2 = PQntuples(res2);
296  for (int j=0; j<nRow2; ++j) {
297  std::string tStr = std::string(PQgetvalue(res2,j,0));
298  if (tStr != "") ctype = "auto_incr";
299  }
300  PQclear(res2);
301  }
303  // now create Column based on this info
304  ColumnDef cdef(cname,ctype);
306  if (find(pkeyList.begin(),pkeyList.end(),cname) != pkeyList.end()) {
307  cdef.SetCanBeNull(false);
308  }
309  fCol.insert(fCol.begin(),cdef);
311  if (cname == "inserttime") addInsertTime = true;
312  if (cname == "insertuser") addInsertUser = true;
313  if (cname == "updatetime") addUpdateTime = true;
314  if (cname == "updateuser") addUpdateUser = true;
315  }
317  PQclear(res);
319  if (!hasConn) CloseConnection();
321  return true;
322  }
bool addUpdateUser
Definition: Table.h:344
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
bool addInsertTime
Definition: Table.h:341
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
pg_result PGresult
Definition: Table.h:19
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
bool addInsertUser
Definition: Table.h:342
bool addUpdateTime
Definition: Table.h:343
std::string fTableName
Definition: Table.h:368
bool nutools::dbi::Table::GetConnection ( int  ntry = 0)

Definition at line 752 of file Table.cpp.

References CloseConnection(), e, fConnection, fConnectionTimeout, fDBHost, fDBName, fDBPort, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fPassword, fUser, fVerbosity, GetConnectionInfo(), nutools::dbi::Util::RunningOnGrid(), SetPasswordFile(), and t1.

Referenced by ExecuteSQL(), ExistsInDB(), GetColsFromDB(), GetCurrSeqVal(), LoadFromDB(), RemoveValidityRange(), Table(), and WriteToDB().

753  {
754  if (fIgnoreDB) return false;
756  bool gotConnInfo = false;
757  try {
758  gotConnInfo = GetConnectionInfo(ntry);
759  }
760  catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
761  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
762  return false;
763  }
765  if (!gotConnInfo) return false;
767  // now get the password file name for read-only access
769  if (Util::RunningOnGrid()) {
770  char* tmpStr = getenv("DBIGRIDPWDFILE");
771  if(tmpStr){
772  if(!this->SetPasswordFile(tmpStr)){
773  return false;
774  }
775  }
776  }
777  else {
778  char* tmpStr = getenv("DBIPWDFILE");
779  if(tmpStr){
780  if(!this->SetPasswordFile(tmpStr)) {
781  return false;
782  }
783  }
784  }
786  if (!fConnection) {
787  std::string cmd = "dbname = " + fDBName + " host = " + fDBHost + " user = " + fUser;
788  if (fDBPort != "")
789  cmd += " port = " + fDBPort;
791  if (fPassword != "")
792  cmd += " password = " + fPassword;
794  fConnection = PQconnectdb(cmd.c_str());
796  int nTry=0;
797  int sleepTime = 2;
798  time_t t0 = time(NULL);
799  time_t t1 = t0;
801  while (PQstatus(fConnection) != CONNECTION_OK &&
802  ((t1-t0) < fConnectionTimeout) ) {
803  std::cerr << "Connection to " << fDBHost << ":"
804  << fDBName << " failed: "
805  << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
807  CloseConnection();
808  sleepTime = 1 + ((double)random()/(double)RAND_MAX)*(1 << nTry++);
809  sleep(sleepTime);
810  t1 = time(NULL);
811  fConnection = PQconnectdb(cmd.c_str());
812  }
813  if (PQstatus(fConnection) != CONNECTION_OK) {
814  CloseConnection();
815  if (! GetConnection(ntry+1)) {
816  std::cerr << "Too many attempts to connect to the database, "
817  << ", giving up." << std::endl;
818  CloseConnection();
819  return false;
820  }
821  }
822  fHasConnection = true;
823  if (fVerbosity > 0)
824  std::cout << "Got new connection" << std::endl;
825  }
827  return true;
828  }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
TTree * t1
Definition: plottest35.C:26
static bool RunningOnGrid()
Definition: Util.cpp:132
bool SetPasswordFile(const char *fname=0)
fname should be the name of the file
Definition: Table.cpp:852
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
int fConnectionTimeout
Definition: Table.h:361
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
bool GetConnectionInfo(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:692
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
std::string fPassword
Definition: Table.h:377
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fDBHost
Definition: Table.h:372
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:34
std::string fDBPort
Definition: Table.h:371
std::string fDBName
Definition: Table.h:373
bool nutools::dbi::Table::GetConnectionInfo ( int  ntry = 0)

Definition at line 692 of file Table.cpp.

References fDBHost, fDBName, fDBPort, fIgnoreEnvVar, and fUser.

Referenced by Folder(), GetConnection(), and WriteToDB().

693  {
694  char* tmpStr;
695  char hname[256];
697  if (!fIgnoreEnvVar) {
698  // now check environment variables, which will override any previous settings
699  if (ntry == 0) {
700  tmpStr = getenv("DBIHOST");
701  if (tmpStr)
702  fDBHost = tmpStr;
703  }
704  else {
705  sprintf(hname,"DBIHOST%d",ntry);
706  tmpStr = getenv(hname);
707  if (tmpStr) {
708  std::cerr << "Switching to " << tmpStr << std::endl;
709  fDBHost = tmpStr;
710  }
711  else
712  return false;
713  }
715  tmpStr = getenv("DBINAME");
716  if (tmpStr)
717  fDBName = tmpStr;
718  tmpStr = getenv("DBIPORT");
719  if (tmpStr)
720  fDBPort = tmpStr;
721  tmpStr = getenv("DBIUSER");
722  if (tmpStr)
723  fUser = tmpStr;
724  }
726  if (fUser == "") {
727  tmpStr = getenv("USER");
728  if (tmpStr) {
729  fUser = tmpStr;
730  std::cerr << "Table::GetConnectionInfo: DB User undefined. Setting to \""
731  << fUser << "\"" << std::endl;
732  }
733  else {
734  throw std::runtime_error("Table::GetConnectionInfo: DB USER undefined.");
735  }
737  }
738  if (fDBHost == "") {
739  throw std::runtime_error("Table::GetConnectionInfo: DB HOST undefined.");
740  }
741  if (fDBName == "") {
742  throw std::runtime_error("Table::GetConnectionInfo: DB NAME undefined.");
743  }
745  /* if (fDBPort == "")
746  if (fTable->hasDbPort())
747  fDBPort = fTable->getDbPort();
748  */
749  return true;
750  }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
bool fIgnoreEnvVar
Definition: Table.h:345
std::string fDBHost
Definition: Table.h:372
std::string fDBPort
Definition: Table.h:371
std::string fDBName
Definition: Table.h:373
int nutools::dbi::Table::GetConnectionTimeout ( )

Definition at line 264 of file Table.h.

References CacheDBCommand(), fConnectionTimeout, operator<<, and ResetConnectionInfo().

264 { return fConnectionTimeout; }
int fConnectionTimeout
Definition: Table.h:361
bool nutools::dbi::Table::GetCurrSeqVal ( std::string  col,
long &  iseq 

Definition at line 963 of file Table.cpp.

References CloseConnection(), fConnection, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fVerbosity, GetConnection(), Name(), and Schema().

Referenced by ClearExcludedCols(), GetCurrSeqVal(), and WriteToDB().

964  {
965  if (fIgnoreDB) return false;
967  bool hasConn = fHasConnection;
968  if (! fHasConnection) {
969  GetConnection();
970  hasConn = false;
971  }
973  // now get current sequence value:
975  std::string cmd = "SELECT last_value FROM ";
976  cmd += Schema() + "." + Name();
977  cmd += "_" + col + "_seq";
979  if (fVerbosity > 0)
980  std::cerr << "Table::GetCurrSeqVal: Executing PGSQL command: \n\t"
981  << cmd << std::endl;
983  PGresult* res = PQexec(fConnection, cmd.c_str());
984  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
985  if (fVerbosity > 0)
986  std::cerr << "SELECT failed: " << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
987  PQclear(res);
988  return false;
989  }
991  // check that the number of columns is consistent
992  if (PQnfields(res) != 1) {
993  PQclear(res);
994  return false;
995  }
997  // now cache rows
998  int nRow = PQntuples(res);
1000  if (nRow != 1) {
1001  PQclear(res);
1002  return false;
1003  }
1005  if (! PQgetisnull(res,0,0)) {
1006  std::string vstr = PQgetvalue(res,0,0);
1007  try {
1008  iseq = boost::lexical_cast<long>(vstr);
1009  }
1010  catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
1011  PQclear(res);
1012  return false;
1013  }
1014  }
1016  PQclear(res);
1018  if (!hasConn) CloseConnection();
1020  return true;
1021  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
pg_result PGresult
Definition: Table.h:19
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
bool nutools::dbi::Table::GetCurrSeqVal ( const char *  col,
long &  iseq 

Definition at line 184 of file Table.h.

References GetCurrSeqVal().

185  { return GetCurrSeqVal(std::string(col), iseq); }
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
bool GetCurrSeqVal(std::string col, long &iseq)
Definition: Table.cpp:963
bool nutools::dbi::Table::GetDataFromWebService ( Dataset &  ds,
std::string  myss 

Definition at line 1565 of file Table.cpp.

References AddEmptyRows(), fCol, fConnectionTimeout, fRow, fTimeParsing, fTimeQueries, fVerbosity, Name(), ss, and t1.

Referenced by Folder(), LoadConditionsTable(), and LoadNonConditionsTable().

1566  {
1567  Tuple tu;
1568  char ss[1024];
1569  char ss2[1024];
1570  int wda_err, err;
1571  std::vector<int> colMap(fCol.size());
1572  std::vector<bool> isString(fCol.size());
1573  std::vector<bool> isKnownField(fCol.size());
1575  const char* uagent = NULL;
1577  if(fVerbosity > 0)
1578  std::cout << "DBWeb query: " << myss << std::endl;
1580  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt1;
1581  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt2;
1583  if (fTimeQueries) {
1584  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1585  }
1587  ds = getDataWithTimeout(myss.c_str(), uagent,
1588  fConnectionTimeout, &wda_err);
1590  if (fTimeQueries) {
1591  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1592  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
1593  std::cerr << "Table::Load(" << Name() << "): query took "
1594  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
1595  }
1597  int httpStatus = getHTTPstatus(ds);
1599  if (httpStatus == 504) {
1600  int nTry=0;
1601  int sleepTime = 2;
1602  time_t t0 = time(NULL);
1603  time_t t1 = t0;
1605  while (httpStatus == 504 && ((t1-t0) < fConnectionTimeout) ) {
1606  sleepTime = 1 + ((double)random()/(double)RAND_MAX)*(1 << nTry++);
1608  std::cerr << "Table::Load() for " << Name()
1609  << " failed with error 504, retrying in " << sleepTime
1610  << " seconds." << std::endl;
1612  sleep(sleepTime);
1613  t1 = time(NULL);
1614  if (fTimeQueries)
1615  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1617  ds = getDataWithTimeout(myss.c_str(), uagent,
1618  fConnectionTimeout, &wda_err);
1620  if (fTimeQueries) {
1621  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1622  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
1623  std::cerr << "Table::Load(" << Name() << "): query took "
1624  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
1625  }
1626  httpStatus = getHTTPstatus(ds);
1627  }
1628  }
1630  if (httpStatus != 200) {
1631  std::cerr << "Table::Load: Web Service returned HTTP status "
1632  << httpStatus << ": " << getHTTPmessage(ds) << std::endl;
1633  return false;
1634  }
1636  if (fTimeParsing)
1637  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1639  int ntup = getNtuples(ds);
1641  // Getting no rows back can be legitimate
1642  if(ntup == 0){
1643  if(fVerbosity > 0)
1644  std::cout << "Got zero rows from database. Is that expected?" << std::endl;
1646  fRow.clear();
1648  return true;
1649  }
1651  if(fVerbosity > 0)
1652  std::cout << "Got " << ntup-1 << " rows from database" << std::endl;
1654  int ioff=fRow.size();
1656  AddEmptyRows(ntup);
1658  tu = getFirstTuple(ds);
1659  if (tu == NULL) {
1660  std::cerr << "Table::Load(" << Name() << ") has NULL first tuple!"
1661  << std::endl;
1662  return false;
1663  }
1664  int ncol2 = getNfields(tu);
1665  std::string chanStr = "channel";
1666  std::string tvStr = "tv";
1667  std::string tvEndStr = "tvend";
1668  int chanIdx=-1;
1669  int tvIdx=-1;
1670  int tvEndIdx=-1;
1671  for (int i=0; i<ncol2; ++i) {
1672  getStringValue(tu,i,ss,sizeof(ss),&err);
1673  if (chanStr == ss) { chanIdx=i; continue;}
1674  if (tvStr == ss) { tvIdx=i; continue;}
1675  if (tvEndStr == ss) { tvEndIdx=i; continue;}
1677  bool foundMatch=false;
1678  for (unsigned int icol=0; icol<fCol.size(); ++icol) {
1679  if (fCol[icol].Name() == ss) {
1680  colMap[i] = icol;
1681  isString[i] = false;
1682  if (fCol[icol].Type() == "string" || fCol[icol].Type() == "text")
1683  isString[i] = true;
1684  foundMatch=true;
1685  break;
1686  }
1687  }
1688  if (!foundMatch) // this means this field was unexpected, so
1689  // ignore it downstream
1690  isKnownField[i] = false;
1691  else
1692  isKnownField[i] = true;
1693  }
1695  releaseTuple(tu);
1696  tu = getNextTuple(ds);
1697  int irow=0;
1698  while (tu != NULL) {
1699  for (int i=0; i<ncol2; ++i) {
1700  getStringValue(tu,i,ss,sizeof(ss),&err);
1701  if (i == chanIdx) {
1702  uint64_t chan = strtoull(ss,NULL,10);
1703  fRow[ioff+irow].SetChannel(chan);
1704  continue;
1705  }
1706  else if (i == tvIdx) {
1707  float t1 = strtof(ss,NULL);
1708  fRow[ioff+irow].SetVldTime(t1);
1709  }
1710  else if (i == tvEndIdx) {
1711  float t1 = strtof(ss,NULL);
1712  fRow[ioff+irow].SetVldTimeEnd(t1);
1713  }
1714  else {
1715  if (isKnownField[i]) {
1716  if (isString[i] && (ss[0]=='\'' || ss[0]=='\"')) { // remove quotes
1717  int k = strlen(ss);
1718  strncpy(ss2,&ss[1],k-2);
1719  ss2[k-2] = '\0';
1720  fRow[ioff+irow].Col(colMap[i]).FastSet(ss2);
1721  }
1722  else
1723  fRow[ioff+irow].Col(colMap[i]).FastSet(ss);
1724  }
1725  }
1726  }
1727  releaseTuple(tu);
1728  tu = getNextTuple(ds);
1729  ++irow;
1730  };
1732  if (fTimeParsing) {
1733  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1734  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
1735  std::cerr << "Table::Load(" << Name() << "): parsing took "
1736  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
1737  }
1739  // Make sure that the rows list is no longer than what we actually
1740  // filled. This happens because ntup above included the header row that
1741  // gives the column names.
1742  while(int(fRow.size()) > irow) fRow.pop_back();
1744  releaseDataset(ds);
1746  return true;
1747  }
code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
TTree * t1
Definition: plottest35.C:26
Float_t ss
Definition: plot.C:23
int fConnectionTimeout
Definition: Table.h:361
void * Tuple
Definition: DBFolder.h:13
void AddEmptyRows(unsigned int nrow)
Definition: Table.cpp:371
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
bool nutools::dbi::Table::GetDetector ( std::string &  det) const

Definition at line 508 of file Table.cpp.

References fDetector.

Referenced by SetValiditySQL().

509  {
510  if (fDetector == "") return false;
511  det = fDetector;
513  return true;
514  }
std::string fDetector
Definition: Table.h:379
float nutools::dbi::Table::GetMaxTSVld ( ) const

Definition at line 274 of file Table.h.

References fMaxTSVld.

274 {return fMaxTSVld; }
float nutools::dbi::Table::GetMinTSVld ( ) const

Definition at line 275 of file Table.h.

References fMinTSVld.

275 {return fMinTSVld; }
int nutools::dbi::Table::GetNPKeyCol ( )

Definition at line 189 of file Table.h.

References fPKeyList.

189 { return fPKeyList.size(); }
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fPKeyList
Definition: Table.h:392
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::GetPassword ( )

Definition at line 2599 of file Table.cpp.

References fin.

Referenced by Folder(), Tag(), and Write().

2600  {
2601  std::string pwd = "";
2603  char* pwdFile = getenv("DBIWSPWDFILE");
2604  if (pwdFile) {
2605  std::ifstream fin;
2607  if (!fin.is_open() || !fin.good()) {
2608  std::cerr << "Could not open password file " << pwdFile
2609  << ". Canceling Table::Write()" << std::endl;
2610  return pwd;
2611  }
2612  else {
2613  fin >> pwd;
2614  fin.close();
2615  }
2616  }
2618  return pwd;
2619  }
TString fin
Definition: Style.C:24
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef* nutools::dbi::Table::GetPKeyCol ( int  i)

Definition at line 190 of file Table.h.

References fPKeyList, and PrintPQErrorMsg().

190 { return fPKeyList[i]; }
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fPKeyList
Definition: Table.h:392
Row *const nutools::dbi::Table::GetRow ( int  i)

Definition at line 406 of file Table.cpp.

References fRow.

Referenced by ClearRows(), FillChanRowMap(), and MakeConditionsCSVString().

407  {
408  if (i >= 0 && i < (int)fRow.size())
409  return &fRow[i];
410  else
411  return 0;
412  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::GetTag ( )

Definition at line 278 of file Table.h.

References fTag, Load(), Tag(), and Write().

278 { return fTag; }
std::string fTag
Definition: Table.h:382
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::GetValiditySQL ( )

Definition at line 208 of file Table.h.

References fValiditySQL.

208 { return fValiditySQL; }
std::string fValiditySQL
Definition: Table.h:378
nutools::dbi::Row * nutools::dbi::Table::GetVldRow ( uint64_t  channel,
float  t 

Definition at line 2028 of file Table.cpp.

References fChanRowMap.

Referenced by VldChannels().

2029  {
2030  std::vector<nutools::dbi::Row*>& rlist = fChanRowMap[channel];
2031  if (rlist.empty()) return 0;
2032  int irow=-1;
2033  float tv;
2034  // fChanRowMap is time-ordered, so this simplifies things
2035  unsigned int i=0;
2036  for ( ; i<rlist.size(); ++i) {
2037  tv = rlist[i]->VldTime();
2038  if (t >= tv) irow=i;
2039  else break;
2040  }
2041  if (irow>=0) return rlist[irow];
2042  return 0;
2043  }
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > > fChanRowMap
Definition: Table.h:399
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > nutools::dbi::Table::GetVldRows ( uint64_t  channel)

Definition at line 2021 of file Table.cpp.

References fChanRowMap.

Referenced by VldChannels().

2022  {
2023  return fChanRowMap[channel];
2024  }
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > > fChanRowMap
Definition: Table.h:399
bool nutools::dbi::Table::LoadConditionsTable ( )

Definition at line 1873 of file Table.cpp.

References fDataTypeMask, fDisableCache, fExcludeCol, fFlushCache, fHasRecordTime, fMaxChannel, fMaxTSVld, fMinChannel, fMinTSVld, fRecordTime, fTag, fValiditySQL, fWSURL, GetCol(), GetDataFromWebService(), nutools::dbi::kDataOnly, nutools::dbi::kMCOnly, nutools::dbi::kNone, nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Name(), Name(), NCol(), nutools::dbi::Util::RunningOnGrid(), and Schema().

Referenced by Folder(), and Load().

1874  {
1875  if (fDataTypeMask == 0) {
1876  std::cerr << "Table::LoadConditionsTable: Data type mask is not set!" << std::endl;
1877  return false;
1878  }
1880  if (fMinTSVld == 0 || fMaxTSVld == 0) {
1881  std::cerr << "Table::LoadConditionsTable: No validity time is set!" << std::endl;
1882  return false;
1883  }
1885  if (fWSURL == "") {
1886  std::cerr << "Table::LoadConditionsTable: Web Service URL is not set!" << std::endl;
1887  return false;
1888  }
1890  if (!Util::RunningOnGrid()) {
1891  std::string interactiveURL = getenv("DBIWSURLINT");
1892  if (!interactiveURL.empty())
1893  fWSURL = interactiveURL;
1894  }
1896  int ncol = this->NCol();
1898  std::stringstream myss;
1900  myss << fWSURL << "get?table=" << Schema() << "." << Name() << "&";
1902  if (fDataTypeMask > kNone) {
1903  myss << "type=";
1905  if ((fDataTypeMask & kMCOnly)) myss << "mc";
1906  if ((fDataTypeMask & kDataOnly)) myss << "data";
1908  myss << "&";
1909  }
1911  if (fMaxChannel > fMinChannel) {
1912  myss << "cr=" << fMinChannel << "-" << fMaxChannel << "&";
1913  }
1915  if (fValiditySQL != "") {
1916  myss << "where=" << fValiditySQL << "&";
1917  }
1919  if (fTag != "") myss << "tag=" << fTag << "&";
1921  // char ts[256];
1923  if (fMinTSVld == fMaxTSVld) {
1924  // sprintf(ts,"t=%" PRIu64,fMinTSVld);
1925  // myss << ts; //"t=" << fMinTSVld;
1926  myss << "t=" << std::setprecision(12) << fMinTSVld;
1927  }
1928  else {
1929  // sprintf(ts,"t0=%" PRIu64 "&t1=" PRIu64,fMinTSVld,fMaxTSVld);
1930  // myss << ts; //"t0=" << fMinTSVld << "&t1=" << fMaxTSVld;
1931  myss << "t0=" << std::setprecision(12) << fMinTSVld << "&t1=" << std::setprecision(12) << fMaxTSVld;
1932  }
1934  if (fHasRecordTime) myss << "&rtime=" << fRecordTime;
1936  if (fFlushCache) myss << "&cache=flush";
1937  if (fDisableCache) myss << "&cache=no";
1939  myss << "&columns=";
1940  bool firstCol = true;
1941  for (int i=0; i<ncol; ++i) {
1942  std::string cName = this->GetCol(i)->Name();
1943  bool skipCol = false;
1944  for (size_t j=0; j<fExcludeCol.size(); ++j)
1945  if (fExcludeCol[j] == cName) {
1946  skipCol = true;
1947  break;
1948  }
1949  if (skipCol) continue;
1950  if(!firstCol) myss << ",";
1951  myss << this->GetCol(i)->Name();
1952  firstCol = false;
1953  }
1955  // std::cout << myss.str() << std::endl;
1956  Dataset ds;
1958  return GetDataFromWebService(ds,myss.str());
1960  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
uint64_t fMaxChannel
Definition: Table.h:366
bool fDisableCache
Definition: Table.h:354
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
static bool RunningOnGrid()
Definition: Util.cpp:132
std::vector< std::string > fExcludeCol
Definition: Table.h:396
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
std::string fValiditySQL
Definition: Table.h:378
uint64_t fMinChannel
Definition: Table.h:365
bool fHasRecordTime
Definition: Table.h:352
float fRecordTime
Definition: Table.h:407
std::string Name() const
Definition: ColumnDef.h:21
std::string fWSURL
Definition: Table.h:383
void * Dataset
Definition: DBFolder.h:12
std::string fTag
Definition: Table.h:382
bool GetDataFromWebService(Dataset &, std::string)
Definition: Table.cpp:1565
bool nutools::dbi::Table::LoadFromCSV ( std::string  fname)

Definition at line 1291 of file Table.cpp.

References AddEmptyRows(), fCol, fin, fRow, fTableType, nutools::dbi::kConditionsTable, Name(), NewRow(), s, and fhicl::detail::atom::value().

Referenced by GetCol(), LoadFromCSV(), and main().

1292  {
1293  std::cout << "Reading " << fname << std::endl;
1295  std::ifstream fin;
1297  if (!fin.is_open()) {
1298  std::cerr << "Could not open " << fname << std::endl;
1299  return false;
1300  }
1301  if (!fin.good()) {
1302  std::cerr << "Stream not good " << fname << std::endl;
1303  return false;
1304  }
1306  std::string s;
1308  char buff[256];
1309  std::string value;
1311  std::vector<int> colMap(fCol.size());
1312  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fCol.size(); ++i) {
1313  colMap[i] = int(i);
1314  }
1316  bool hasColNames = true;
1317  bool hasTols = true;
1319  int chanIdx=-1;
1320  int tvIdx=-1;
1321  int tvEndIdx=-1;
1323  // check first line to see if it is column names. Should begin with a '#'
1324  std::getline(fin,s);
1325  if (s[0] == '#' || fTableType == kConditionsTable) {
1326  unsigned int ic=1;
1327  if (fTableType == kConditionsTable && s[0] != '#') ic=0;
1328  int k;
1330  int joff=0;
1331  for (int j=0; ic<s.length(); ++j) {
1332  k=0;
1334  while (s[ic++] != ',' && ic<s.length())
1335  buff[k++] = s[ic-1];
1337  if (ic==s.length()) buff[k++] = s[s.length()-1];
1338  buff[k] = '\0';
1339  value = buff;
1341  boost::algorithm::trim(value);
1342  if (value == "channel") { chanIdx=j; ++joff;}
1343  else if (value == "tv") { tvIdx=j; ++joff;}
1344  else if (value == "tvend") { tvEndIdx=j; ++joff;}
1345  else {
1346  for (unsigned int jc=0; jc<fCol.size(); ++jc)
1347  if (fCol[jc].Name() == value) {
1348  colMap[j-joff] = jc;
1349  break;
1350  }
1351  }
1352  }
1354  }
1355  else {
1356  hasColNames = false;
1357  fin.clear();
1358  fin.seekg(0);
1359  }
1361  // now check for tolerances
1362  std::getline(fin,s);
1363  if (fTableType == kConditionsTable && s.substr(0,10) == "tolerance,") {
1364  unsigned int ic=11;
1365  int k;
1367  int joff=0;
1368  for (int j=0; ic<s.length(); ++j) {
1369  k=0;
1370  while (s[ic] != ',' && ic<s.length())
1371  buff[k++] = s[ic++];
1372  // if (ic==s.length()) buff[k++] = s[s.length()-1];
1373  ++ic;
1374  if (ic < s.length())
1375  buff[k] = '\0';
1376  else {
1377  buff[k] = '\0';
1378  }
1379  value = buff;
1380  if (value.length() > 0) {
1381  if (j==chanIdx || j==tvIdx || j==tvEndIdx)
1382  ++joff;
1383  else
1384  fCol[colMap[j-joff]].SetTolerance(atof(buff));
1385  }
1386  }
1387  }
1388  else {
1389  hasTols = false;
1390  fin.clear();
1391  fin.seekg(0);
1392  }
1394  Row* r = NewRow();
1396  int nRow=0;
1397  unsigned int ioff=fRow.size();
1398  unsigned int irow=0;
1399  fin.clear();
1400  fin.seekg(0);
1401  while (std::getline(fin,s))
1402  ++nRow;
1403  fin.clear();
1404  fin.seekg(0);
1405  if (hasColNames) {
1406  --nRow;
1407  std::getline(fin,s);
1408  }
1409  if (hasTols) {
1410  --nRow;
1411  std::getline(fin,s);
1412  }
1414  if (nRow<=0) {
1415  std::cout << "Table::LoadFromCSV() found no rows in "
1416  << fname << std::endl;
1417  return false;
1418  }
1420  AddEmptyRows(nRow);
1421  std::cout << "Added " << nRow << " empty rows" << std::endl;
1423  for (int jrow=0; jrow<nRow; ++jrow) {
1424  std::getline(fin,s);
1426  unsigned int ic=0;
1427  int k;
1428  bool hasX;
1429  int joff=0;
1430  for (int j=0; ic<s.length(); ++j) {
1431  k=0;
1432  hasX=false;
1433  while (s[ic++] != ',' && ic<s.length()) {
1434  buff[k++] = s[ic-1];
1435  if (buff[k-1] == 'x') hasX=true;
1436  }
1437  if (ic==s.length()) buff[k++] = s[s.length()-1];
1438  buff[k] = '\0';
1439  value = buff;
1441  if (j==chanIdx) {
1442  fRow[ioff+irow].SetChannel(strtoull(buff,NULL,10));
1443  ++joff;
1444  }
1445  else if (j==tvIdx) {
1446  fRow[ioff+irow].SetVldTime(strtoull(buff,NULL,10));
1447  ++joff;
1448  }
1449  else if (j==tvEndIdx) {
1450  fRow[ioff+irow].SetVldTimeEnd(strtoull(buff,NULL,10));
1451  ++joff;
1452  }
1453  else {
1454  if (hasX) {
1455  if (fCol[j-joff].Type() == "bigint" ||
1456  fCol[j-joff].Type() == "long") {
1457  try {
1458  std::istringstream iss(value);
1459  uint64_t ulongValue;
1460  iss >> std::hex >> ulongValue;
1461  int64_t longValue = (int64_t) ulongValue;
1462  value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(longValue);
1463  }
1464  catch (...) {
1465  // simply let "value" remain unchanged
1466  }
1467  }
1468  else if (fCol[j-joff].Type() == "int") {
1469  try {
1470  std::istringstream iss(value);
1471  uint32_t uintValue;
1472  iss >> std::hex >> uintValue;
1473  int32_t intValue = (int32_t) uintValue;
1474  value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(intValue);
1475  }
1476  catch (...) {
1477  // simply let "value" remain unchanged
1478  }
1479  }
1480  else if (fCol[j-joff].Type() == "short") {
1481  try {
1482  std::istringstream iss(value);
1483  uint16_t ushortValue;
1484  iss >> std::hex >> ushortValue;
1485  int16_t shortValue = (int16_t) ushortValue;
1486  value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(shortValue);
1487  }
1488  catch (...) {
1489  // simply let "value" remain unchanged
1490  }
1491  }
1492  } // if (hasX)
1493  if (fCol[j-joff].Type() == "text") {
1494  boost::algorithm::trim(value);
1495  if ((value[0] == '"' && value[value.length()-1] == '"') ||
1496  (value[0] == '\'' && value[value.length()-1] == '\''))
1497  value = value.substr(1,value.length()-2);
1498  }
1499  fRow[ioff+irow].Col(colMap[j-joff]).FastSet(value);
1500  } // else not a validity channel or time
1501  }
1503  fRow[ioff+irow].SetInDB();
1504  ++irow;
1505  }
1506  delete r;
1508  fin.close();
1510  return true;
1511  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
Float_t s
Definition: plot.C:23
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
nutools::dbi::Row *const NewRow()
Definition: Table.h:126
TString fin
Definition: Style.C:24
void AddEmptyRows(unsigned int nrow)
Definition: Table.cpp:371
std::string value(boost::any const &)
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
bool nutools::dbi::Table::LoadFromCSV ( const char *  fname)

Definition at line 145 of file Table.h.

References LoadFromCSV(), LoadFromDB(), WriteToCSV(), and WriteToDB().

146  { return LoadFromCSV(std::string(fname)); }
bool LoadFromCSV(std::string fname)
Definition: Table.cpp:1291
bool nutools::dbi::Table::LoadFromDB ( )

Definition at line 1065 of file Table.cpp.

References AddEmptyRows(), CloseConnection(), ExistsInDB(), fCol, fConnection, fDescOrder, fDistinctCol, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fOrderCol, fRow, fSchema, fSelectLimit, fSelectOffset, fTimeParsing, fTimeQueries, fValidityChanged, fValidityEnd, fValiditySQL, fValidityStart, fVerbosity, GetConnection(), Name(), and Schema().

Referenced by LoadFromCSV(), and LoadNonConditionsTable().

1066  {
1067  if (fIgnoreDB) return false;
1069  if (fSchema == "undef") {
1070  std::cerr << "Table::LoadFromDB: Detector not set! Table::SetDetector()"
1071  << " must be called first!" << std::endl;
1072  return false;
1073  }
1075  if (!fValidityChanged) return true;
1077  // make a connection to the dB if there isn't one already
1078  bool hasConn = fHasConnection;
1079  if (! fHasConnection) {
1080  GetConnection();
1081  hasConn = false;
1082  }
1084  if (!fConnection) {
1085  std::cerr << "Table::LoadFromDB: No connection to the database!" << std::endl;
1086  return false;
1087  }
1089  if (!ExistsInDB()) {
1090  std::cerr << "Table::LoadFromDB: Table \"" << Name()
1091  << "\" not found in database!" << std::endl;
1092  CloseConnection();
1093  return false;
1094  }
1096  std::string cmd;
1097  cmd.clear();
1098  PGresult* res;
1100  std::ostringstream outs;
1101  outs << "BEGIN";
1102  res = PQexec(fConnection, outs.str().c_str());
1103  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
1104  std::cerr << "BEGIN command failed: " << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
1105  PQclear(res);
1106  CloseConnection();
1107  return false;
1108  }
1110  PQclear(res);
1112  outs.str("");
1113  outs << "DECLARE myportal CURSOR FOR SELECT ";
1114  if (!fDistinctCol.empty()) {
1115  outs << "DISTINCT ON (";
1116  if (! fDistinctCol.empty()) {
1117  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fDistinctCol.size(); ++i) {
1118  outs << fDistinctCol[i]->Name();
1119  if (i<(fDistinctCol.size()-1)) outs << ", ";
1120  }
1121  }
1122  outs << ") ";
1123  }
1125  outs << "* from ";
1126  outs << Schema() << "." << Name();
1128  if (! fValidityStart.empty() || fValiditySQL != "" ) {
1129  outs << " WHERE " << fValiditySQL;
1130  if (fValiditySQL != "" && !fValidityStart.empty()) outs << " and ";
1132  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fValidityStart.size(); ++i) {
1133  bool isEqualTo = (fValidityStart[i].Value() == fValidityEnd[i].Value());
1134  bool needsQuotes=false;
1135  if (fValidityStart[i].Type() == "string" ||
1136  fValidityStart[i].Type() == "text" ||
1137  fValidityStart[i].Type() == "timestamp" ||
1138  fValidityStart[i].Type() == "date") needsQuotes=true;
1140  outs << fValidityStart[i].Name();
1141  if (!isEqualTo)
1142  outs << ">=";
1143  else
1144  outs << "=";
1146  if (needsQuotes) outs << "'";
1147  outs << fValidityStart[i].Value();
1148  if (needsQuotes) outs << "'";
1150  if (!isEqualTo) {
1151  outs << " and ";
1152  outs << fValidityEnd[i].Name() + "<=";
1153  if (needsQuotes) outs << "'";
1154  outs << fValidityEnd[i].Value();
1155  if (needsQuotes) outs << "'";
1156  }
1158  if (i < (fValidityStart.size()-1)) outs << " and ";
1159  }
1160  }
1162  if (!fDistinctCol.empty() || !fOrderCol.empty()) {
1163  outs << " ORDER BY ";
1165  if (!fDistinctCol.empty()) {
1166  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fDistinctCol.size(); ++i) {
1167  outs << fDistinctCol[i]->Name();
1168  if (i<(fDistinctCol.size()-1)) outs << ", ";
1169  }
1170  }
1172  if (!fOrderCol.empty()) {
1173  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fOrderCol.size(); ++i) {
1174  outs << fOrderCol[i]->Name();
1175  if (i<(fOrderCol.size()-1)) outs << ", ";
1176  }
1177  }
1179  if (fDescOrder)
1180  outs << " DESC";
1181  else
1182  outs << " ASC";
1183  }
1185  if (fSelectLimit>0) {
1186  outs << " LIMIT " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(fSelectLimit);
1187  }
1189  if (fSelectOffset>0) {
1190  outs << " OFFSET " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(fSelectOffset);
1191  }
1193  if (fVerbosity > 0)
1194  std::cerr << "Table::LoadFromDB: Executing PGSQL command: \n\t" << outs.str() << std::endl;
1195  res = PQexec(fConnection,outs.str().c_str());
1197  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
1198  std::cerr << "DECLARE CURSOR failed: " << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
1199  PQclear(res);
1200  CloseConnection();
1201  return false;
1202  }
1203  PQclear(res);
1206  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt1;
1207  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt2;
1209  if (fTimeQueries) {
1210  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1211  }
1213  res = PQexec(fConnection, "FETCH ALL in myportal");
1214  if (fTimeQueries) {
1215  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1216  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
1217  std::cerr << "Table::LoadFromDB(" << Name() << "): query took "
1218  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
1219  }
1221  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
1222  std::cerr << "FETCH ALL failed: %" << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
1223  PQclear(res);
1224  CloseConnection();
1225  return false;
1226  }
1228  // now cache rows
1229  int nRow = PQntuples(res);
1230  if (fVerbosity>0)
1231  std::cerr << "Table::LoadFromDB(" << Name() << "): got " << nRow
1232  << " rows of data." << std::endl;
1234  if (fTimeParsing)
1235  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1237  if (nRow > 0) {
1238  std::vector<int> colMap(fCol.size());
1240  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fCol.size(); ++i) {
1241  colMap[i] = PQfnumber(res,fCol[i].Name().c_str());
1242  }
1244  int k;
1246  unsigned int ioff = fRow.size();
1247  AddEmptyRows(nRow);
1249  for (int i=0; i < nRow; i++) {
1250  for (unsigned int j=0; j < fCol.size(); j++) {
1251  k = colMap[j];
1252  if (k >= 0) {
1253  if (! PQgetisnull(res,i,k)) {
1254  std::string vstr = PQgetvalue(res,i,k);
1255  fRow[ioff+i].Col(j).FastSet(vstr);
1256  }
1257  // else
1258  // fRow[ioff+i].Col(j).FastSet("");
1259  }
1260  }
1261  fRow[ioff+i].SetInDB();
1262  }
1263  }
1265  if (fTimeParsing) {
1266  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
1267  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
1268  std::cerr << "Table::LoadFromDB(" << Name() << "): parsing took "
1269  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
1270  }
1272  PQclear(res);
1274  /* close the portal ... we don't bother to check for errors ... */
1275  res = PQexec(fConnection, "CLOSE myportal");
1276  PQclear(res);
1278  /* end the transaction */
1279  res = PQexec(fConnection, "END");
1280  PQclear(res);
1282  // close connection to the dB if necessary
1283  if (! hasConn) CloseConnection();
1285  fValidityChanged = false;
1287  return true;
1288  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
Definition: Table.h:394
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityStart
Definition: Table.h:390
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
std::string fValiditySQL
Definition: Table.h:378
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
pg_result PGresult
Definition: Table.h:19
void AddEmptyRows(unsigned int nrow)
Definition: Table.cpp:371
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
bool fValidityChanged
Definition: Table.h:346
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityEnd
Definition: Table.h:391
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
Definition: Table.h:393
bool nutools::dbi::Table::LoadNonConditionsTable ( )

Definition at line 1751 of file Table.cpp.

References fDescOrder, fDisableCache, fExcludeCol, fFlushCache, fOrderCol, fQEURL, fSelectLimit, fValidityEnd, fValiditySQL, fValidityStart, GetCol(), GetDataFromWebService(), LoadFromDB(), nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Name(), Name(), NCol(), and Schema().

Referenced by Folder(), and Load().

1752  {
1753  if (fQEURL == "") {
1754  std::cerr << "Table::LoadNonConditionsTable: Query Engine URL is not set! using Table::LoadFromDB() instead." << std::endl;
1755  return LoadFromDB();
1756  }
1758  if (fValiditySQL != "") {
1759  std::cerr << "Table::LoadNonConditionsTable: pure SQL statements are not supported, using Table::LoadFromDB() instead." << std::endl;
1760  return LoadFromDB();
1761  }
1763  std::stringstream myss;
1765  myss << fQEURL << "query?t=" << Schema() << "." << Name() << "&";
1767  int ncol = this->NCol();
1769  myss << "&c=";
1770  int nc=0;
1771  for (int i=0; i<ncol; ++i) {
1772  std::string cname = this->GetCol(i)->Name();
1773  bool skipCol = false;
1774  for (size_t j=0; j<fExcludeCol.size(); ++j) {
1775  if (fExcludeCol[j] == cname) {
1776  skipCol = true;
1777  break;
1778  }
1779  }
1780  if (skipCol) continue;
1782  if (nc>0)
1783  myss << ",";
1784  myss << cname;
1785  ++nc;
1786  }
1788  if (! fValidityStart.empty()) {
1789  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fValidityStart.size(); ++i) {
1790  if (fValidityStart[i].Type() == "string" ||
1791  fValidityStart[i].Type() == "text" ||
1792  fValidityStart[i].Type() == "timestamp" ||
1793  fValidityStart[i].Type() == "date") {
1794  std::cerr << "Table::LoadNonConditionsTable: validity strings are not supported, using Table::LoadFromDB() instead." << std::endl;
1795  return LoadFromDB();
1796  }
1798  myss << "&w=";
1799  bool isEqualTo = (fValidityStart[i].Value() == fValidityEnd[i].Value());
1800  if (isEqualTo) {
1801  myss << fValidityStart[i].Name() << ":"
1802  << fValidityStart[i].Value();
1803  }
1804  else {
1805  myss << fValidityStart[i].Name() << ":ge:"
1806  << fValidityStart[i].Value() << "&w="
1807  << fValidityEnd[i].Name() << ":le:"
1808  << fValidityEnd[i].Value();
1809  }
1811  }
1812  }
1814  if (!fOrderCol.empty()) {
1815  myss << "&o=";
1816  if (fDescOrder)
1817  myss << "-";
1818  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fOrderCol.size(); ++i) {
1819  myss << fOrderCol[i]->Name();
1820  if (i<(fOrderCol.size()-1)) myss << ", ";
1821  }
1823  }
1825  if (fSelectLimit>0)
1826  myss << "&l=" << fSelectLimit;
1828  if (fDisableCache) {
1829  if (fFlushCache)
1830  myss << "&x=clear";
1831  else
1832  myss << "&x=no";
1833  }
1835  Dataset ds;
1837  return GetDataFromWebService(ds,myss.str());
1839  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
Definition: Table.h:394
bool fDisableCache
Definition: Table.h:354
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
std::string fQEURL
Definition: Table.h:385
std::vector< std::string > fExcludeCol
Definition: Table.h:396
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityStart
Definition: Table.h:390
std::string fValiditySQL
Definition: Table.h:378
std::string Name() const
Definition: ColumnDef.h:21
void * Dataset
Definition: DBFolder.h:12
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityEnd
Definition: Table.h:391
bool GetDataFromWebService(Dataset &, std::string)
Definition: Table.cpp:1565
bool nutools::dbi::Table::LoadUnstructuredConditionsTable ( )

Definition at line 1843 of file Table.cpp.

References fMaxTSVld, fMinTSVld, Folder(), fUConDBURL, Name(), and nutools::dbi::Util::RunningOnGrid().

Referenced by Folder(), and Load().

1844  {
1845  if (fMinTSVld == 0 || fMaxTSVld == 0) {
1846  std::cerr << "Table::LoadUnstructuredConditionsTable: No validity time is set!" << std::endl;
1847  return false;
1848  }
1850  if (fUConDBURL == "") {
1851  std::cerr << "Table::LoadConditionsTable: Web Service URL is not set!" << std::endl;
1852  return false;
1853  }
1855  if (!Util::RunningOnGrid()) {
1856  std::string interactiveURL = getenv("DBIUCONDBURLINT");
1857  if (!interactiveURL.empty())
1858  fUConDBURL = interactiveURL;
1859  }
1861  // int ncol = this->NCol();
1863  std::stringstream myss;
1865  myss << fUConDBURL << "get?folder=" << Folder() << "." << Name() << "&";
1868  return false;
1869  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
static bool RunningOnGrid()
Definition: Util.cpp:132
std::string Folder()
Definition: Table.h:321
std::string fUConDBURL
Definition: Table.h:384
bool nutools::dbi::Table::MakeConditionsCSVString ( std::stringstream &  ss)

Definition at line 2298 of file Table.cpp.

References nutools::dbi::Row::Channel(), nutools::dbi::Row::Col(), GetCol(), GetRow(), nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Name(), NCol(), NRow(), Tolerance(), nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Type(), nutools::dbi::Row::VldTime(), and nutools::dbi::Row::VldTimeEnd().

Referenced by Folder(), Write(), and WriteToCSV().

2299  {
2300  int ncol = this->NCol();
2301  int nrow = this->NRow();
2303  ss << "channel,tv,";
2304  bool first = true;
2305  for (int i=0; i<ncol; ++i) {
2306  std::string cname = this->GetCol(i)->Name();
2307  if(!first) ss << ",";
2308  first = false;
2309  ss << cname;
2310  }
2311  ss << std::endl;
2313  ss << "tolerance,,";
2314  first = true;
2315  for (int j=0; j<ncol; ++j) {
2316  std::string cname = this->GetCol(j)->Name();
2317  std::string ctype = this->GetCol(j)->Type();
2318  if(!first) ss << ",";
2319  first = false;
2320  float tol = this->Tolerance(cname);
2321  if (tol == 0.) {
2322  if (ctype == "double")
2323  ss << "1.e-10";
2324  else if (ctype == "float")
2325  ss << "1.e-5";
2326  }
2327  else
2328  ss << this->Tolerance(cname);
2329  }
2330  ss << std::endl;
2331  for (int i=0; i<nrow; ++i) {
2332  ss << GetRow(i)->Channel() << ","
2333  << GetRow(i)->VldTime() << ",";
2334  if (GetRow(i)->VldTimeEnd() > GetRow(i)->VldTime())
2335  ss << GetRow(i)->VldTimeEnd() << ",";
2336  first = true;
2337  for (int j=0; j<ncol; ++j) {
2338  if(!first) ss << ",";
2339  first = false;
2340  ss << GetRow(i)->Col(j);
2341  }
2342  ss << std::endl;
2343  }
2345  return true;
2346  }
float VldTime()
Definition: Row.h:56
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
Float_t ss
Definition: plot.C:23
uint64_t Channel()
Definition: Row.h:55
float Tolerance(std::string &cname)
Definition: Table.cpp:625
float VldTimeEnd()
Definition: Row.h:57
std::string Type() const
Definition: ColumnDef.h:22
std::string Name() const
Definition: ColumnDef.h:21
nutools::dbi::Row *const GetRow(int i)
Definition: Table.cpp:406
Column & Col(int i)
Definition: Row.h:53
int nutools::dbi::Table::NCol ( )

Definition at line 102 of file Table.h.

References fCol.

Referenced by LoadConditionsTable(), LoadNonConditionsTable(), MakeConditionsCSVString(), and PrintColumns().

102 {return fCol.size();}
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
nutools::dbi::Row* const nutools::dbi::Table::NewRow ( )

Definition at line 126 of file Table.h.

References fCol, GetColNames(), and GetColNameToIndexMap().

Referenced by AddEmptyRows(), and LoadFromCSV().

126 { Row* r = new Row(fCol); return r;}
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
int nutools::dbi::Table::NRow ( )

Definition at line 103 of file Table.h.

References fRow.

Referenced by FillChanRowMap(), and MakeConditionsCSVString().

103 {return fRow.size();}
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
int nutools::dbi::Table::NVldChannels ( )

Definition at line 287 of file Table.h.

References fChanRowMap.

287 { return fChanRowMap.size(); }
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > > fChanRowMap
Definition: Table.h:399
int nutools::dbi::Table::NVldRows ( uint64_t  channel)

Definition at line 286 of file Table.h.

References fChanRowMap.

286 { return fChanRowMap[channel].size(); }
std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row * > > fChanRowMap
Definition: Table.h:399
int nutools::dbi::Table::ParseSelfStatusLine ( char *  line)

Definition at line 1515 of file Table.cpp.

Referenced by Folder(), PrintPMUsed(), and PrintVMUsed().

1516  {
1517  int i = strlen(line);
1518  while (*line < '0' || *line > '9') line++;
1519  line[i-3] = '\0';
1520  i = atoi(line);
1521  return i;
1522  }
void nutools::dbi::Table::PrintColumns ( )

Definition at line 638 of file Table.cpp.

References GetCol(), art::left(), nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Name(), NCol(), and nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Type().

Referenced by RemoveValidityRange().

639  {
640  std::cout << std::endl;
641  int i = 0;
642  std::vector<int> len(0);
643  int tlen;
644  int sumlen = 0;
646  for ( ; i<this->NCol(); ++i) {
647  tlen = this->GetCol(i)->Name().length();
648  if ((int)this->GetCol(i)->Type().length() > tlen)
649  tlen = this->GetCol(i)->Type().length();
650  len.push_back(tlen);
651  sumlen += tlen;
652  }
654  int nsp = 0;
655  i = 0;
656  int j = 0;
657  while (i < this->NCol()) {
658  for ( ; i<this->NCol() && nsp<78; ++i)
659  nsp += len[i] + 1;
661  for (int k=0; k<nsp; ++k) {
662  std::cout << "_" ;
663  }
664  std::cout << std::endl;
666  int j_save = j;
667  for (; j<i; ++j)
668  std::cout << "|" << std::setw(len[j]) << std::left << this->GetCol(j)->Name();
669  std::cout << "|" << std::endl;
671  for (int k=0; k<nsp; ++k) {
672  std::cout << "-" ;
673  }
674  std::cout << std::endl;
676  j = j_save;
677  for ( ; j<i; ++j)
678  std::cout << "|" << std::setw(len[j]) << std::left << this->GetCol(j)->Type();
679  std::cout << "|" << std::endl;
681  for (int k=0; k<nsp; ++k) {
682  std::cout << "-" ;
683  }
684  std::cout << std::endl;
686  nsp = 0;
687  }
689  }
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
std::string Type() const
Definition: ColumnDef.h:22
std::string Name() const
Definition: ColumnDef.h:21
constexpr auto const & left(const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &a, const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &b)
Definition: AssnsIter.h:104
void nutools::dbi::Table::PrintPMUsed ( )

Definition at line 1546 of file Table.cpp.

References fclose(), file, Name(), ParseSelfStatusLine(), and Schema().

Referenced by SetChannelRange().

1546  { //Note: this value is in MB!
1547  FILE* file = fopen("/proc/self/status", "r");
1548  int result = -1;
1549  char line[128];
1552  while (fgets(line, 128, file) != NULL){
1553  if (strncmp(line, "VmRSS:", 6) == 0){
1554  result = this->ParseSelfStatusLine(line);
1555  break;
1556  }
1557  }
1558  fclose(file);
1559  std::cerr << Schema() << "." << Name() << ": this process using "
1560  << result/1024 << " MB of PhysicalMemory" << std::endl;
1561  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
TFile * file
int ParseSelfStatusLine(char *line)
Definition: Table.cpp:1515
void nutools::dbi::Table::PrintPQErrorMsg ( ) const

Definition at line 486 of file Table.cpp.

References fConnection.

Referenced by GetPKeyCol().

487  {
488  if (fConnection)
489  std::cerr << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
490  }
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
void nutools::dbi::Table::PrintVMUsed ( )

Definition at line 1527 of file Table.cpp.

References fclose(), file, Name(), ParseSelfStatusLine(), and Schema().

Referenced by SetChannelRange().

1527  { //Note: this value is in MB!
1528  FILE* file = fopen("/proc/self/status", "r");
1529  int result = -1;
1530  char line[128];
1533  while (fgets(line, 128, file) != NULL){
1534  if (strncmp(line, "VmSize:", 7) == 0){
1535  result = this->ParseSelfStatusLine(line);
1536  break;
1537  }
1538  }
1539  fclose(file);
1540  std::cerr << Schema() << "." << Name() << ": this process using "
1541  << result/1024 << " MB of VirtualMemory" << std::endl;
1542  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
TFile * file
int ParseSelfStatusLine(char *line)
Definition: Table.cpp:1515
bool nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveDistinctColumn ( unsigned int  i)

Definition at line 2475 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and fDistinctCol.

Referenced by AddDistinctColumn(), and RemoveDistinctColumn().

2476  {
2477  if (i >= fCol.size()) return false;
2479  const ColumnDef* c = &fCol[i];
2480  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fDistinctCol.size(); ++j)
2481  if (fDistinctCol[j] == c) {
2482  fDistinctCol.erase(fDistinctCol.begin() + j);
2483  return true;
2484  }
2486  return false;
2487  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
Definition: Table.h:393
bool nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveDistinctColumn ( std::string  col)

Definition at line 2511 of file Table.cpp.

References fDistinctCol, and GetCol().

2512  {
2513  const ColumnDef* c = GetCol(cname);
2515  if (!c) return false;
2517  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fDistinctCol.size(); ++j)
2518  if (fDistinctCol[j] == c) {
2519  fDistinctCol.erase(fDistinctCol.begin() + j);
2520  return true;
2521  }
2523  return false;
2524  }
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
Definition: Table.h:393
bool nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveDistinctColumn ( const char *  col)

Definition at line 162 of file Table.h.

References AddOrderColumn(), and RemoveDistinctColumn().

163  { return RemoveDistinctColumn(std::string(col)); }
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
bool RemoveDistinctColumn(unsigned int i)
Definition: Table.cpp:2475
bool nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveOrderColumn ( unsigned int  i)

Definition at line 2547 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and fOrderCol.

Referenced by AddOrderColumn(), and RemoveOrderColumn().

2548  {
2549  if (i >= fCol.size()) return false;
2551  const ColumnDef* c = &fCol[i];
2552  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fOrderCol.size(); ++j)
2553  if (fOrderCol[j] == c) {
2554  fOrderCol.erase(fOrderCol.begin() + j);
2555  return true;
2556  }
2558  return false;
2559  }
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
Definition: Table.h:394
bool nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveOrderColumn ( std::string  col)

Definition at line 2583 of file Table.cpp.

References fOrderCol, and GetCol().

2584  {
2585  const ColumnDef* c = GetCol(cname);
2587  if (!c) return false;
2589  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fOrderCol.size(); ++j)
2590  if (fOrderCol[j] == c) {
2591  fOrderCol.erase(fOrderCol.begin() + j);
2592  return true;
2593  }
2595  return false;
2596  }
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fOrderCol
Definition: Table.h:394
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
bool nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveOrderColumn ( const char *  col)

Definition at line 171 of file Table.h.

References RemoveOrderColumn().

172  { return RemoveOrderColumn(std::string(col)); }
bool RemoveOrderColumn(unsigned int i)
Definition: Table.cpp:2547
Int_t col[ntarg]
Definition: Style.C:29
bool nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveRow ( int  i)

note, this will only delete a row from memory, it will not delete an existing row in a dB!

Definition at line 385 of file Table.cpp.

References fNullList, and fRow.

Referenced by ClearRows().

386  {
387  if (i < 0) return false;
389  unsigned int j = i;
391  if (j >= fRow.size()) return false;
393  unsigned int kEnd = fNullList.size();
394  for (unsigned int k=0; k<kEnd; ++k)
395  if (fNullList[k].first == i) {
396  fNullList.erase(fNullList.begin()+k);
397  kEnd = fNullList.size();
398  }
400  fRow.erase(fRow.begin()+j);
402  return true;
403  }
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > fNullList
Definition: Table.h:395
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
void nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveValidityRange ( std::string &  cname)

Definition at line 2444 of file Table.cpp.

References fValidityEnd, fValidityStart, and Name().

Referenced by RemoveValidityRange(), and SetValidityRange().

2445  {
2446  unsigned int i=0;
2447  for (; i<fValidityStart.size(); ++i)
2448  if (fValidityStart[i].Name() == cname) {
2449  fValidityStart.erase(fValidityStart.begin()+i);
2450  fValidityEnd.erase(fValidityEnd.begin()+i);
2451  }
2452  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityStart
Definition: Table.h:390
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityEnd
Definition: Table.h:391
void nutools::dbi::Table::RemoveValidityRange ( const char *  cname)

Definition at line 256 of file Table.h.

References CloseConnection(), fValidityChanged, GetConnection(), PrintColumns(), and RemoveValidityRange().

257  { std::string cstr(cname); return RemoveValidityRange(cstr); fValidityChanged=true;}
void RemoveValidityRange(std::string &cname)
Definition: Table.cpp:2444
bool fValidityChanged
Definition: Table.h:346
void nutools::dbi::Table::Reset ( )

Definition at line 460 of file Table.cpp.

References ClearValidity(), fConnection, fDescOrder, fDistinctCol, fExcludeCol, fHasConnection, fMaxChannel, fMinChannel, fPKeyList, fSelectLimit, fSelectOffset, and fVerbosity.

Referenced by Folder(), and Table().

461  {
462  fConnection = 0;
463  fHasConnection = 0;
464  fPKeyList.clear();
465  fDistinctCol.clear();
466  fVerbosity = 0;
467  fDescOrder = true;
468  fSelectLimit = 0;
469  fSelectOffset = 0;
470  ClearValidity();
471  fMinChannel = 0;
472  fMaxChannel = 0;
473  fExcludeCol.clear();
474  }
uint64_t fMaxChannel
Definition: Table.h:366
void ClearValidity()
Definition: Table.cpp:477
std::vector< std::string > fExcludeCol
Definition: Table.h:396
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fPKeyList
Definition: Table.h:392
uint64_t fMinChannel
Definition: Table.h:365
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fDistinctCol
Definition: Table.h:393
bool nutools::dbi::Table::ResetConnectionInfo ( )

Referenced by GetConnectionTimeout().

void nutools::dbi::Table::ResetRole ( )

Definition at line 98 of file Table.h.

References fRole, and fUser.

98 { fRole = fUser; }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
std::string fRole
Definition: Table.h:370
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::Role ( )

Definition at line 63 of file Table.h.

References fRole.

63 { return fRole; }
std::string fRole
Definition: Table.h:370
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::Schema ( )

Definition at line 215 of file Table.h.

References fSchema.

Referenced by GetCurrSeqVal(), LoadConditionsTable(), LoadFromDB(), LoadNonConditionsTable(), PrintPMUsed(), PrintVMUsed(), Tag(), Write(), and WriteToDB().

215 { return fSchema; }
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetChannelRange ( uint64_t  chan1,
uint64_t  chan2 

Definition at line 312 of file Table.h.

References fMaxChannel, fMinChannel, GetColsFromDB(), PrintPMUsed(), and PrintVMUsed().

313  { fMinChannel=chan1; fMaxChannel=chan2;}
uint64_t fMaxChannel
Definition: Table.h:366
uint64_t fMinChannel
Definition: Table.h:365
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetConnectionTimeout ( int  n)

Definition at line 263 of file Table.h.

References fConnectionTimeout, and n.

263 { fConnectionTimeout=n;} // units in sec
int fConnectionTimeout
Definition: Table.h:361
Char_t n[5]
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDataSource ( std::string  ds)

Definition at line 530 of file Table.cpp.

References nutools::dbi::kDAQ, nutools::dbi::kDCS, nutools::dbi::kOffline, and nutools::dbi::kUnknownSource.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable(), and DataTypeMask().

530  {
531  if (ds == std::string("DAQ"))
533  else if (ds == std::string("DCS"))
535  else if (ds == std::string("Offline"))
537  else
539  }
void SetDataSource(std::string ds)
Definition: Table.cpp:530
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDataSource ( int  ids)

Definition at line 542 of file Table.cpp.

References fDataSource, nutools::dbi::kNDataSources, and nutools::dbi::kUnknownSource.

542  {
543  if (ids >= 0 && ids < nutools::dbi::kNDataSources)
544  fDataSource = ids;
545  else
547  }
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDataTypeMask ( int  mask)

Definition at line 76 of file Table.h.

References fDataTypeMask.

Referenced by main().

76 { fDataTypeMask = mask;}
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBHost ( std::string  dbhost)

Definition at line 85 of file Table.h.

References fDBHost.

Referenced by SetDBInfo(), and Table().

85 { fDBHost = dbhost; }
std::string fDBHost
Definition: Table.h:372
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBHost ( const char *  dbhost)

Definition at line 86 of file Table.h.

References fDBHost.

86 { fDBHost = dbhost; }
std::string fDBHost
Definition: Table.h:372
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBInfo ( std::string  name,
std::string  host,
std::string  port,
std::string  user 

Definition at line 550 of file Table.cpp.

References SetDBHost(), SetDBName(), SetDBPort(), and SetUser().

Referenced by SetDBPort().

552  {
553  SetDBName(name);
554  SetDBHost(host);
555  SetDBPort(port);
556  SetUser(user);
557  }
void SetDBName(std::string dbname)
Definition: Table.h:83
void SetDBHost(std::string dbhost)
Definition: Table.h:85
void SetDBPort(std::string p)
Definition: Table.h:87
void SetUser(std::string uname)
Definition: Table.h:79
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBInfo ( const char *  name,
const char *  host,
const char *  port,
const char *  user 

Definition at line 560 of file Table.cpp.

References SetDBHost(), SetDBName(), SetDBPort(), and SetUser().

562  {
563  SetDBName(name);
564  SetDBHost(host);
565  SetDBPort(port);
566  SetUser(user);
567  }
void SetDBName(std::string dbname)
Definition: Table.h:83
void SetDBHost(std::string dbhost)
Definition: Table.h:85
void SetDBPort(std::string p)
Definition: Table.h:87
void SetUser(std::string uname)
Definition: Table.h:79
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBName ( std::string  dbname)

Definition at line 83 of file Table.h.

References fDBName.

Referenced by SetDBInfo(), and Table().

83 { fDBName = dbname; }
std::string fDBName
Definition: Table.h:373
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBName ( const char *  dbname)

Definition at line 84 of file Table.h.

References fDBName.

84 { fDBName = dbname; }
std::string fDBName
Definition: Table.h:373
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBPort ( std::string  p)

Definition at line 87 of file Table.h.

References fDBPort.

Referenced by SetDBInfo(), and Table().

87 { fDBPort = p; }
std::string fDBPort
Definition: Table.h:371
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetDBPort ( const char *  p)

Definition at line 88 of file Table.h.

References fDBPort, SetDBInfo(), and SetPasswordFile().

88 { fDBPort = p; }
std::string fDBPort
Definition: Table.h:371
bool nutools::dbi::Table::SetDetector ( std::string  det)

Definition at line 493 of file Table.cpp.

References fDetector, fSchema, fTableType, and nutools::dbi::kHardwareTable.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable(), main(), and SetValiditySQL().

494  {
495  fDetector = det;
497  if (fTableType != kHardwareTable)
498  fSchema = det;
499  else
500  fSchema = "public";
502  boost::to_lower(fSchema);
504  return true;
505  }
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
std::string fDetector
Definition: Table.h:379
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetFolder ( std::string  f)

Definition at line 320 of file Table.h.

References f, and fFolder.

320 { fFolder = f; }
std::string fFolder
Definition: Table.h:380
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetIgnoreEnvVar ( bool  f)

Definition at line 78 of file Table.h.

References f, and fIgnoreEnvVar.

78 { fIgnoreEnvVar = f;}
bool fIgnoreEnvVar
Definition: Table.h:345
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetMaxChannel ( uint64_t  chan)

Definition at line 311 of file Table.h.

References fMaxChannel.

311 {fMaxChannel = chan;}
uint64_t fMaxChannel
Definition: Table.h:366
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetMaxTSVld ( float  t)

Definition at line 272 of file Table.h.

References fMaxTSVld.

Referenced by main().

272 { fMaxTSVld = t;}
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetMinChannel ( uint64_t  chan)

Definition at line 310 of file Table.h.

References fMinChannel.

310 {fMinChannel = chan;}
uint64_t fMinChannel
Definition: Table.h:365
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetMinTSVld ( float  t)

Definition at line 271 of file Table.h.

References fMinTSVld.

Referenced by main().

271 { fMinTSVld = t;}
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetOrderAsc ( )

Definition at line 178 of file Table.h.

References fDescOrder.

178 { fDescOrder = false; }
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetOrderDesc ( )

Definition at line 177 of file Table.h.

References fDescOrder.

177 { fDescOrder = true; }
bool nutools::dbi::Table::SetPasswordFile ( const char *  fname = 0)

fname should be the name of the file

Definition at line 852 of file Table.cpp.

References fin, and fPassword.

Referenced by GetConnection(), and SetDBPort().

853  {
854  std::string fNameStr = "";
856  if (fname == 0) {
857  char* tmpStr = getenv("DBIPWDFILE");
858  if (tmpStr)
859  fNameStr = tmpStr;
860  else {
861  std::cerr << "DBIPWDFILE env. variable is not set, disabling "
862  << "password-access to the dB." << std::endl;
863  fPassword = "";
864  return false;
865  }
866  }
867  else
868  fNameStr = fname;
870  std::ifstream fin;
872  if (!fin.is_open() || !fin.good()) {
873  std::cerr << "Could not open password file " << fNameStr
874  << ". Disabling password-access to the dB." << std::endl;
875  return false;
876  }
877  else {
878  fin >> fPassword;
879  fin.close();
880  }
882  return true;
883  }
std::string fPassword
Definition: Table.h:377
TString fin
Definition: Style.C:24
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetQEURL ( std::string  url)

Definition at line 303 of file Table.h.

References fQEURL.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable().

303 { fQEURL = url;}
std::string fQEURL
Definition: Table.h:385
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetRecordTime ( float  t)

Definition at line 443 of file Table.cpp.

References fHasRecordTime, and fRecordTime.

Referenced by VldChannels().

444  {
445  fRecordTime = t;
446  fHasRecordTime = true;
447  }
bool fHasRecordTime
Definition: Table.h:352
float fRecordTime
Definition: Table.h:407
bool nutools::dbi::Table::SetRole ( std::string  role)

Definition at line 845 of file Table.cpp.

References fRole.

Referenced by SetUser().

846  {
847  fRole = role;
848  return true;
849  }
std::string fRole
Definition: Table.h:370
bool nutools::dbi::Table::SetRole ( const char *  role)
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetSchema ( std::string  s)

Definition at line 214 of file Table.h.

References fSchema, and s.

214 { fSchema = s; }
Float_t s
Definition: plot.C:23
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetSelectLimit ( int  limit)

Definition at line 174 of file Table.h.

References fSelectLimit.

174 { fSelectLimit=limit; }
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetSelectOffset ( int  offset)

Definition at line 175 of file Table.h.

References fSelectOffset.

175 { fSelectOffset=offset; }
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetTableName ( std::string  tname)

Definition at line 517 of file Table.cpp.

References fTableName.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable(), DataTypeMask(), main(), and Table().

517  {
518  boost::to_lower(tname);
519  fTableName = tname;
520  }
std::string fTableName
Definition: Table.h:368
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetTableName ( const char *  tname)

Definition at line 523 of file Table.cpp.

References fTableName.

523  {
524  std::string tnameStr = tname;
525  boost::to_lower(tnameStr);
526  fTableName = tnameStr;
527  }
std::string fTableName
Definition: Table.h:368
bool nutools::dbi::Table::SetTableType ( int  t)

Definition at line 451 of file Table.cpp.

References fTableType, and nutools::dbi::kNTableType.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable(), DataTypeMask(), and main().

452  {
453  if (t < 0 || t >= kNTableType) return false;
454  fTableType = t;
456  return true;
457  }
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetTag ( std::string  s)

Definition at line 277 of file Table.h.

References fTag, and s.

277 { fTag = s; }
Float_t s
Definition: plot.C:23
std::string fTag
Definition: Table.h:382
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetTimeParsing ( bool  f)

Definition at line 306 of file Table.h.

References f, and fTimeParsing.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable().

306 {fTimeParsing = f; }
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetTimeQueries ( bool  f)

Definition at line 305 of file Table.h.

References f, and fTimeQueries.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable().

305 {fTimeQueries = f; }
TFile f
Definition: plotHisto.C:6
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetTolerance ( std::string &  cname,
float  t 

Definition at line 612 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and Name().

Referenced by GetCol().

613  {
614  unsigned int i=0;
615  for ( ; i < fCol.size(); ++i)
616  if (fCol[i].Name() == cname) break;
618  if (i >= fCol.size()) return;
620  fCol[i].SetTolerance(t);
622  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetUser ( std::string  uname)

Definition at line 79 of file Table.h.

References fUser.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable(), SetDBInfo(), and Table().

79 { fUser = uname; }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetUser ( const char *  uname)

Definition at line 80 of file Table.h.

References fUser, and SetRole().

80 { fUser = uname; }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
template<class T >
bool nutools::dbi::Table::SetValidityRange ( std::string  cname,

Definition at line 218 of file Table.h.

References evd::details::end(), fValidityChanged, fValidityEnd, fValidityStart, GetCol(), nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Name(), Name(), and nutools::dbi::ColumnDef::Type().

Referenced by SetValidityRange().

219  {
220  const ColumnDef* c = this->GetCol(cname);
221  if (c) {
222  // check to see if this makes sense for a boolean column.
223  if (c->Type() == "bool")
224  if (start != end) return false;
226  // check to see that this column wasn't already added to valid.
227  // list if it is, overwrite it
229  unsigned int i=0;
230  for (; i<fValidityStart.size(); ++i)
231  if (fValidityStart[i].Name() == c->Name()) break;
233  if (i == fValidityStart.size()) {
234  fValidityStart.push_back(ColumnDef(*c));
235  fValidityEnd.push_back(ColumnDef(*c));
236  }
237  std::stringstream startSS;
238  startSS << start;
239  std::stringstream endSS;
240  endSS << end;
241  fValidityStart[i].SetValue(startSS.str());
242  fValidityEnd[i].SetValue(endSS.str());
243  fValidityChanged=true;
244  return true;
245  }
247  return false;
248  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * GetCol(int i)
Definition: Table.h:133
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityStart
Definition: Table.h:390
bool fValidityChanged
Definition: Table.h:346
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fValidityEnd
Definition: Table.h:391
template<class T >
bool nutools::dbi::Table::SetValidityRange ( std::string  cname,

Definition at line 251 of file Table.h.

References RemoveValidityRange(), and SetValidityRange().

251  {
252  return (this->SetValidityRange(cname,start,start));
253  }
bool SetValidityRange(std::string cname, T start, T end)
Definition: Table.h:218
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetValiditySQL ( std::string  cmd)

Definition at line 209 of file Table.h.

References fValidityChanged, fValiditySQL, GetDetector(), and SetDetector().

209 { fValiditySQL = cmd; fValidityChanged=true;}
std::string fValiditySQL
Definition: Table.h:378
bool fValidityChanged
Definition: Table.h:346
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetVerbosity ( int  i)

Definition at line 100 of file Table.h.

References fVerbosity.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable(), and main().

100 { fVerbosity = i;}
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
void nutools::dbi::Table::SetWSURL ( std::string  url)

Definition at line 302 of file Table.h.

References fWSURL.

Referenced by nutools::dbi::DBIService::CreateTable().

302 { fWSURL = url;}
std::string fWSURL
Definition: Table.h:383
int nutools::dbi::Table::TableType ( )

Definition at line 65 of file Table.h.

References fTableType.

65 { return fTableType; }
bool nutools::dbi::Table::Tag ( std::string  tn = "",
bool  override = false 

Definition at line 2046 of file Table.cpp.

References fTag, fWSURL, GetPassword(), Name(), and Schema().

Referenced by GetTag(), and main().

2047  {
2048  if (tn != "") fTag = tn;
2050  if (fTag == "") return false;
2052  std::stringstream myss;
2054  myss << fWSURL << "tag?table=" << Schema() << "." << Name() << "&";
2055  myss << "tag=" << fTag;
2056  if (override)
2057  myss << "&override=yes";
2059  int status;
2060  std::string pwd = GetPassword();
2062  postHTTPsigned(myss.str().c_str(), pwd.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &status);
2064  return (status==0);
2065  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
std::string fWSURL
Definition: Table.h:383
std::string fTag
Definition: Table.h:382
std::string GetPassword()
Definition: Table.cpp:2599
bool nutools::dbi::Table::TimeParsing ( )

Definition at line 308 of file Table.h.

References fTimeParsing.

308 {return fTimeParsing; }
bool nutools::dbi::Table::TimeQueries ( )

Definition at line 307 of file Table.h.

References fTimeQueries.

307 {return fTimeQueries; }
float nutools::dbi::Table::Tolerance ( std::string &  cname)

Definition at line 625 of file Table.cpp.

References fCol, and Name().

Referenced by GetCol(), and MakeConditionsCSVString().

626  {
627  unsigned int i=0;
628  for ( ; i < fCol.size(); ++i)
629  if (fCol[i].Name() == cname) break;
631  if (i >= fCol.size()) return 0.;
633  return fCol[i].Tolerance();
635  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::User ( )

Definition at line 62 of file Table.h.

References fUser.

62 { return fUser; }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
std::vector<uint64_t> nutools::dbi::Table::VldChannels ( )

Definition at line 288 of file Table.h.

References fChannelVec, GetVldRow(), GetVldRows(), and SetRecordTime().

288 { return fChannelVec; }
std::vector< uint64_t > fChannelVec
Definition: Table.h:398
bool nutools::dbi::Table::Write ( bool  commit = true)

Definition at line 2349 of file Table.cpp.

References fDataTypeMask, fTimeQueries, fVerbosity, fWSURL, GetPassword(), nutools::dbi::kDataOnly, nutools::dbi::kMCOnly, MakeConditionsCSVString(), Name(), nutools::dbi::Util::RunningOnGrid(), Schema(), and ss.

Referenced by GetTag(), and main().

2350  {
2351  if (fDataTypeMask == 0){
2352  std::cerr << "Table::Write: Data type mask is not set!" << std::endl;
2353  return false;
2354  }
2356  if (fWSURL == "") {
2357  std::cerr << "Table::Write: Web Service URL is not set!" << std::endl;
2358  return false;
2359  }
2361  if (!Util::RunningOnGrid()) {
2362  std::string putURL = getenv("DBIWSURLPUT");
2363  if (!putURL.empty())
2364  fWSURL = putURL;
2365  }
2367  std::stringstream ss;
2371  int status;
2372  std::string url = fWSURL + "put?table=" + Schema() + "." + Name();
2374  std::stringstream typeStr;
2375  typeStr << "&type=";
2376  if ((fDataTypeMask & kMCOnly)) typeStr << "mc";
2377  if ((fDataTypeMask & kDataOnly)) typeStr << "data";
2379  url += typeStr.str();
2381  // get web service password
2382  std::string pwd = GetPassword();
2384  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt1;
2385  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt2;
2387  if (fTimeQueries)
2388  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
2390  if (fVerbosity>0)
2391  std::cout << "Posting data to: " << url << std::endl;
2393  postHTTPsigned(url.c_str(), pwd.c_str(), NULL, 0,
2394  ss.str().c_str(), ss.str().length(), &status);
2395  if (fTimeQueries) {
2396  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
2397  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
2398  std::cerr << "Table::Write(" << Name() << "): query took "
2399  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
2400  }
2401  return (status == 0);
2402  }
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
bool MakeConditionsCSVString(std::stringstream &ss)
Definition: Table.cpp:2298
static bool RunningOnGrid()
Definition: Util.cpp:132
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
Float_t ss
Definition: plot.C:23
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fWSURL
Definition: Table.h:383
std::string GetPassword()
Definition: Table.cpp:2599
bool nutools::dbi::Table::WriteToCSV ( std::string  fname,
bool  appendToFile = false,
bool  writeColNames = false 

Definition at line 2405 of file Table.cpp.

References CheckForNulls(), fCol, fRow, fTableType, nutools::dbi::kConditionsTable, MakeConditionsCSVString(), and ss.

Referenced by LoadFromCSV(), main(), and WriteToCSV().

2407  {
2408  if (! CheckForNulls()) return false;
2410  std::ofstream fout;
2411  if (!appendToFile)
2413  else
2416  if (fTableType==kConditionsTable) {
2417  std::stringstream ss;
2419  fout << ss.str();
2420  }
2421  else {
2422  if (writeColNames) {
2423  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fCol.size(); ++j) {
2424  fout << fCol[j].Name();
2425  if (j<fCol.size()-1) fout << ",";
2426  }
2427  }
2429  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fRow.size(); ++i) {
2430  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fCol.size(); ++j) {
2431  fout << fRow[i].Col(j);
2432  if (j<fCol.size()-1) fout << ",";
2433  }
2434  fout << std::endl;
2435  }
2436  }
2438  fout.close();
2440  return true;
2441  }
bool MakeConditionsCSVString(std::stringstream &ss)
Definition: Table.cpp:2298
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
Float_t ss
Definition: plot.C:23
bool CheckForNulls()
Definition: Table.cpp:415
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388
bool nutools::dbi::Table::WriteToCSV ( const char *  fname,
bool  appendToFile = false,
bool  writeColNames = false 

Definition at line 151 of file Table.h.

References AddDistinctColumn(), ClearValidity(), col, and WriteToCSV().

152  { return WriteToCSV(std::string(fname),appendToFile,writeColNames); }
bool WriteToCSV(std::string fname, bool appendToFile=false, bool writeColNames=false)
Definition: Table.cpp:2405
bool nutools::dbi::Table::WriteToDB ( bool  commit = true)

use commit=false if just testing

Definition at line 2068 of file Table.cpp.

References addInsertTime, addInsertUser, addUpdateTime, addUpdateUser, CacheDBCommand(), CheckForNulls(), CloseConnection(), nutools::dbi::Row::Col(), e, ExistsInDB(), fCol, fConnection, fHasConnection, fIgnoreDB, fPKeyList, fRow, fSchema, fTimeQueries, fUser, fVerbosity, GetColNameToIndexMap(), GetConnection(), GetConnectionInfo(), nutools::dbi::Util::GetCurrentTimeAsString(), GetCurrSeqVal(), nutools::dbi::Column::Modified(), Name(), nutools::dbi::Row::NModified(), Schema(), nutools::dbi::Row::Set(), and nutools::dbi::Row::Update().

Referenced by LoadFromCSV().

2069  {
2070  if (! CheckForNulls()) return false;
2072  bool doWrite = ! fIgnoreDB;
2073  bool hasConn = fHasConnection;
2075  try {
2077  }
2078  catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
2079  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
2080  return false;
2081  }
2083  // make a connection to the dB if one doesn't already exist
2084  if (doWrite) {
2085  if (! fHasConnection) {
2086  GetConnection();
2087  hasConn = false;
2088  }
2090  if (!fConnection) {
2091  std::cerr << "Table::WriteToDB: No connection to the database!" << std::endl;
2092  doWrite = false;
2093  }
2094  else {
2095  // now check that the table actually exists...
2096  if (!ExistsInDB()) {
2097  std::cerr << "Table::WriteToDB: Table does not exist in database!"
2098  << std::endl;
2099  doWrite = false;
2100  }
2101  }
2102  }
2104  bool retVal = true;
2106  // get current timestamp:
2107  std::string ts = Util::GetCurrentTimeAsString();
2109  PGresult* res = PQexec(fConnection, "BEGIN");
2110  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
2111  std::cerr << "BEGIN command failed: " << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
2112  PQclear(res);
2113  CloseConnection();
2114  return false;
2115  }
2117  PQclear(res);
2119  std::string cmd = "SET search_path TO " + fSchema;
2120  res = PQexec(fConnection, cmd.c_str());
2121  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
2122  std::cerr << "\'" << cmd << "\' command failed" << std::endl;
2123  PQclear(res);
2124  CloseConnection();
2125  return false;
2126  }
2127  PQclear(res);
2128  cmd.clear();
2130  std::map<std::string,int> colMap = GetColNameToIndexMap();
2131  int insertTimeIdx = colMap["inserttime"];
2132  int insertUserIdx = colMap["insertuser"];
2133  int updateTimeIdx = colMap["updatetime"];
2134  int updateUserIdx = colMap["updateuser"];
2135  // now create the INSERT command
2136  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fRow.size(); ++i) {
2137  // do an INSERT only if this entry does not already exists in the dB
2138  if (! fRow[i].InDB()) {
2139  Row r(fRow[i]);
2140  if (addInsertTime) r.Set(insertTimeIdx,ts);
2141  if (addInsertUser) r.Set(insertUserIdx,fUser);
2143  int nrowInsert = fCol.size();
2144  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fCol.size(); ++j) {
2145  if (fCol[j].Name() == "updatetime")
2146  nrowInsert--;
2147  else if (fCol[j].Name() == "updateuser")
2148  nrowInsert--;
2149  else if (fCol[j].Type() == "autoincr")
2150  nrowInsert--;
2151  }
2153  std::ostringstream outs;
2155  int ic=0;
2156  outs << "INSERT INTO " << Schema() << "." << Name() << " (";
2157  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fCol.size(); ++j) {
2158  if (fCol[j].Name() == "updatetime") continue;
2159  if (fCol[j].Name() == "updateuser") continue;
2160  if (fCol[j].Type() == "autoincr") continue;
2162  outs << fCol[j].Name();
2163  if (ic < nrowInsert-1) outs << ",";
2164  ++ic;
2165  }
2166  outs << ") VALUES (";
2168  ic = 0;
2169  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fCol.size(); ++j) {
2170  if (fCol[j].Name() == "updatetime") continue;
2171  if (fCol[j].Name() == "updateuser") continue;
2172  if (fCol[j].Type() == "autoincr") continue;
2174  outs << r.Col(j);
2176  if (ic < nrowInsert-1) outs << ",";
2177  ++ic;
2178  }
2180  outs << ")";
2182  if (fVerbosity > 0)
2183  std::cerr << "Table::WriteToDB: Executing PGSQL command: \n\t"
2184  << outs.str() << std::endl;
2186  if (!commit)
2187  std::cout << outs.str() << std::endl;
2188  else {
2189  if (doWrite) {
2190  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt1;
2191  boost::posix_time::ptime ctt2;
2193  if (fTimeQueries)
2194  ctt1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
2196  res = PQexec(fConnection, outs.str().c_str());
2198  if (fTimeQueries) {
2199  ctt2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
2200  boost::posix_time::time_duration tdiff = ctt2 - ctt1;
2201  std::cerr << "Table::WriteToDB(" << Name() << "): query took "
2202  << tdiff.total_milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
2203  }
2205  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
2206  CacheDBCommand(outs.str());
2207  std::cerr << "INSERT failed: " << PQerrorMessage(fConnection)
2208  << std::endl;
2209  retVal = false;
2210  }
2211  else {
2212  fRow[i].SetInDB();
2213  // set insert columns
2214  if (addInsertTime) fRow[i].Col(insertTimeIdx).Set(ts);
2215  if (addInsertUser) fRow[i].Col(insertUserIdx).Set(fUser);
2216  // set autoincr columns
2217  long iseq;
2218  std::string seqstr;
2219  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fCol.size(); ++j) {
2220  if (fCol[j].Type() == "autoincr") {
2221  if (this->GetCurrSeqVal(fCol[j].Name(),iseq)) {
2222  seqstr = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(iseq);
2223  fRow[i].Col(j).Set(seqstr,true);
2224  }
2225  }
2226  }
2227  }
2228  PQclear(res);
2229  }
2230  else
2231  CacheDBCommand(outs.str());
2232  }
2233  }
2234  else {
2235  if ( fRow[i].NModified() > 0 ) {
2236  Row r(fRow[i]);
2237  if (addUpdateTime) r.Update(updateTimeIdx,ts);
2238  if (addUpdateUser) r.Update(updateUserIdx,fUser);
2239  std::ostringstream outs;
2240  outs << "UPDATE " << Schema() << "." << Name() << " SET ";
2241  int im = 0;
2242  for (unsigned int j=0; j<fCol.size() && im < r.NModified(); ++j) {
2243  if (r.Col(j).Modified()) {
2244  outs << fCol[j].Name() + "=";
2245  outs << r.Col(j);
2246  ++im;
2247  if (im < r.NModified()) outs << ",";
2248  }
2249  }
2250  outs << " WHERE ";
2251  // now print out all pkey values
2252  int nkey = fPKeyList.size();
2253  for (int j=0; j<nkey; ++j) {
2254  std::string pkey = fPKeyList[j]->Name();
2255  int pkeyIdx = colMap[pkey];
2256  outs << pkey << "=" << r.Col(pkeyIdx);
2257  if (j < (nkey-1)) outs << " and ";
2258  }
2260  if (fVerbosity > 0)
2261  std::cerr << "Table::WriteToDB: Executing PGSQL command: \n\t"
2262  << outs.str() << std::endl;
2264  if (!commit)
2265  std::cout << outs.str() << std::endl;
2266  else {
2267  if (doWrite) {
2268  res = PQexec(fConnection, outs.str().c_str());
2269  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
2270  CacheDBCommand(outs.str());
2271  std::cerr << "UPDATE failed: " << PQerrorMessage(fConnection) << std::endl;
2272  retVal = false;
2273  }
2274  else {
2275  // set update columns
2276  if (addUpdateTime) fRow[i].Col(updateTimeIdx).Set(ts);
2277  if (addUpdateUser) fRow[i].Col(updateUserIdx).Set(fUser);
2278  }
2279  PQclear(res);
2280  }
2281  else
2282  CacheDBCommand(outs.str());
2283  }
2284  }
2285  }
2286  }
2288  res = PQexec(fConnection, "END");
2289  PQclear(res);
2291  // close connection to the dB if necessary
2292  if (! hasConn) CloseConnection();
2294  return retVal;
2295  }
std::string fUser
Definition: Table.h:369
bool addUpdateUser
Definition: Table.h:344
std::string Name()
Definition: Table.h:59
bool GetConnection(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:752
void CacheDBCommand(std::string cmd)
Definition: Table.cpp:431
std::vector< nutools::dbi::ColumnDef > fCol
Definition: Table.h:387
bool addInsertTime
Definition: Table.h:341
std::map< std::string, int > GetColNameToIndexMap()
Definition: Table.cpp:591
static std::string GetCurrentTimeAsString()
Definition: Util.cpp:42
std::string Schema()
Definition: Table.h:215
bool CloseConnection()
Definition: Table.cpp:830
PGconn * fConnection
Definition: Table.h:401
bool GetConnectionInfo(int ntry=0)
Definition: Table.cpp:692
std::vector< const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef * > fPKeyList
Definition: Table.h:392
bool CheckForNulls()
Definition: Table.cpp:415
bool fHasConnection
Definition: Table.h:351
pg_result PGresult
Definition: Table.h:19
short fVerbosity
Definition: Table.h:357
std::string fSchema
Definition: Table.h:374
bool GetCurrSeqVal(std::string col, long &iseq)
Definition: Table.cpp:963
bool addInsertUser
Definition: Table.h:342
bool addUpdateTime
Definition: Table.h:343
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:34
std::vector< nutools::dbi::Row > fRow
Definition: Table.h:388

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Table t 

Definition at line 414 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetConnectionTimeout().

414  {
415  for (unsigned int j=0; j<t.fRow.size(); ++j) {
416  stream << t.fRow[j] << std::endl;
417  }
418  return stream;
419  }

Member Data Documentation

bool nutools::dbi::Table::addInsertTime

Definition at line 341 of file Table.h.

Referenced by AddCol(), GetColsFromDB(), Table(), and WriteToDB().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::addInsertUser

Definition at line 342 of file Table.h.

Referenced by AddCol(), GetColsFromDB(), Table(), and WriteToDB().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::addUpdateTime

Definition at line 343 of file Table.h.

Referenced by AddCol(), GetColsFromDB(), Table(), and WriteToDB().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::addUpdateUser

Definition at line 344 of file Table.h.

Referenced by AddCol(), GetColsFromDB(), Table(), and WriteToDB().

std::vector<uint64_t> nutools::dbi::Table::fChannelVec

Definition at line 398 of file Table.h.

Referenced by FillChanRowMap(), and VldChannels().

std::unordered_map<uint64_t,std::vector<nutools::dbi::Row*> > nutools::dbi::Table::fChanRowMap

Definition at line 399 of file Table.h.

Referenced by ClearChanRowMap(), FillChanRowMap(), GetVldRow(), GetVldRows(), NVldChannels(), and NVldRows().

PGconn* nutools::dbi::Table::fConnection
int nutools::dbi::Table::fConnectionTimeout
int nutools::dbi::Table::fDataSource

Definition at line 364 of file Table.h.

Referenced by DataSource(), SetDataSource(), and Table().

int nutools::dbi::Table::fDataTypeMask

Definition at line 363 of file Table.h.

Referenced by DataTypeMask(), LoadConditionsTable(), SetDataTypeMask(), Table(), and Write().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fDBCacheFile

Definition at line 376 of file Table.h.

Referenced by CacheDBCommand(), and Table().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fDBHost

Definition at line 372 of file Table.h.

Referenced by DBHost(), GetConnection(), GetConnectionInfo(), SetDBHost(), and Table().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fDBName

Definition at line 373 of file Table.h.

Referenced by DBName(), GetConnection(), GetConnectionInfo(), SetDBName(), and Table().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fDBPort

Definition at line 371 of file Table.h.

Referenced by DBPort(), GetConnection(), GetConnectionInfo(), SetDBPort(), and Table().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fDescOrder

Definition at line 347 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadFromDB(), LoadNonConditionsTable(), Reset(), SetOrderAsc(), and SetOrderDesc().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fDetector

Definition at line 379 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetDetector(), SetDetector(), and Table().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fDisableCache

Definition at line 354 of file Table.h.

Referenced by DisableCache(), EnableCache(), LoadConditionsTable(), and LoadNonConditionsTable().

std::vector<const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef*> nutools::dbi::Table::fDistinctCol

Definition at line 393 of file Table.h.

Referenced by AddDistinctColumn(), Clear(), LoadFromDB(), RemoveDistinctColumn(), and Reset().

std::vector<std::string> nutools::dbi::Table::fExcludeCol
bool nutools::dbi::Table::fExistsInDB

Definition at line 350 of file Table.h.

Referenced by ExistsInDB(), GetColsFromDB(), and Table().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fFlushCache
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fFolder

Definition at line 380 of file Table.h.

Referenced by Folder(), SetFolder(), and Table().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fHasConnection
bool nutools::dbi::Table::fHasRecordTime

Definition at line 352 of file Table.h.

Referenced by ClearRecordTime(), LoadConditionsTable(), and SetRecordTime().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fIgnoreDB

Definition at line 348 of file Table.h.

Referenced by ExecuteSQL(), ExistsInDB(), GetConnection(), GetCurrSeqVal(), LoadFromDB(), Table(), and WriteToDB().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fIgnoreEnvVar

Definition at line 345 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetConnectionInfo(), SetIgnoreEnvVar(), and Table().

uint64_t nutools::dbi::Table::fMaxChannel

Definition at line 366 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadConditionsTable(), Reset(), SetChannelRange(), SetMaxChannel(), and Table().

float nutools::dbi::Table::fMaxTSVld
uint64_t nutools::dbi::Table::fMinChannel

Definition at line 365 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadConditionsTable(), Reset(), SetChannelRange(), SetMinChannel(), and Table().

float nutools::dbi::Table::fMinTSVld
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > nutools::dbi::Table::fNullList

Definition at line 395 of file Table.h.

Referenced by AddRow(), CheckForNulls(), Clear(), ClearRows(), and RemoveRow().

std::vector<const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef*> nutools::dbi::Table::fOrderCol

Definition at line 394 of file Table.h.

Referenced by AddOrderColumn(), Clear(), LoadFromDB(), LoadNonConditionsTable(), and RemoveOrderColumn().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fPassword

Definition at line 377 of file Table.h.

Referenced by ClearPassword(), DisablePasswordAccess(), GetConnection(), and SetPasswordFile().

std::vector<const nutools::dbi::ColumnDef*> nutools::dbi::Table::fPKeyList

Definition at line 392 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetNPKeyCol(), GetPKeyCol(), Reset(), and WriteToDB().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fQEURL

Definition at line 385 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadNonConditionsTable(), SetQEURL(), and Table().

float nutools::dbi::Table::fRecordTime

Definition at line 407 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadConditionsTable(), and SetRecordTime().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fRole

Definition at line 370 of file Table.h.

Referenced by ResetRole(), Role(), and SetRole().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fSchema
int nutools::dbi::Table::fSelectLimit

Definition at line 359 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadFromDB(), LoadNonConditionsTable(), Reset(), and SetSelectLimit().

int nutools::dbi::Table::fSelectOffset

Definition at line 360 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadFromDB(), Reset(), and SetSelectOffset().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fTableName

Definition at line 368 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetColsFromDB(), Name(), SetTableName(), and Table().

int nutools::dbi::Table::fTableType
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fTag

Definition at line 382 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetTag(), LoadConditionsTable(), SetTag(), Table(), and Tag().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fTestedExists

Definition at line 349 of file Table.h.

Referenced by ExistsInDB(), and Table().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fTimeParsing

Definition at line 356 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetDataFromWebService(), LoadFromDB(), SetTimeParsing(), Table(), and TimeParsing().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fTimeQueries
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fUConDBURL

Definition at line 384 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadUnstructuredConditionsTable(), and Table().

std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fUser

Definition at line 369 of file Table.h.

Referenced by GetConnection(), GetConnectionInfo(), ResetRole(), SetUser(), Table(), User(), and WriteToDB().

bool nutools::dbi::Table::fValidityChanged
std::vector<nutools::dbi::ColumnDef> nutools::dbi::Table::fValidityEnd
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fValiditySQL
std::vector<nutools::dbi::ColumnDef> nutools::dbi::Table::fValidityStart
std::string nutools::dbi::Table::fWSURL

Definition at line 383 of file Table.h.

Referenced by LoadConditionsTable(), SetWSURL(), Table(), Tag(), and Write().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: