LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
sim::SimEnergyDeposit Class Reference

#include "SimEnergyDeposit.h"

Public Types

using Length_t = float
using Point_t = geo::Point_t

Public Member Functions

 SimEnergyDeposit (int np=0, int ne=0, double e=0., geo::Point_t start={0., 0., 0.}, geo::Point_t end={0., 0., 0.}, double t0=0., double t1=0., int id=0, int pdg=0)
int NumPhotons () const
int NumElectrons () const
double Energy () const
geo::Point_t Start () const
geo::Point_t End () const
double Time () const
int TrackID () const
int PdgCode () const
geo::Length_t StartX () const
geo::Length_t StartY () const
geo::Length_t StartZ () const
double StartT () const
geo::Length_t EndX () const
geo::Length_t EndY () const
geo::Length_t EndZ () const
double EndT () const
geo::Point_t MidPoint () const
geo::Length_t MidPointX () const
geo::Length_t MidPointY () const
geo::Length_t MidPointZ () const
geo::Length_t X () const
geo::Length_t Y () const
geo::Length_t Z () const
double T () const
double T0 () const
double T1 () const
double E () const
geo::Length_t StepLength () const
bool operator< (const SimEnergyDeposit &rhs) const

Private Attributes

int numPhotons
int numElectrons
float edep
geo::Point_t startPos
geo::Point_t endPos
double startTime
double endTime
int trackID
int pdgCode

Detailed Description

Definition at line 46 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 51 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

sim::SimEnergyDeposit::SimEnergyDeposit ( int  np = 0,
int  ne = 0,
double  e = 0.,
geo::Point_t  start = {0.,0.,0.},
geo::Point_t  end = {0.,0.,0.},
double  t0 = 0.,
double  t1 = 0.,
int  id = 0,
int  pdg = 0 

Definition at line 67 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

70  {0.,0.,0.},
71  geo::Point_t end = {0.,0.,0.},
72  double t0 = 0.,
73  double t1 = 0.,
74  int id = 0,
75  int pdg = 0)
76  : numPhotons(np)
77  , numElectrons(ne)
78  , edep(e)
79  , startPos(start)
80  , endPos(end)
81  , startTime(t0)
82  , endTime(t1)
83  , trackID(id)
84  , pdgCode(pdg)
85  {}
code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
TTree * t1
Definition: plottest35.C:26
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:34
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Point_t
Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:187

Member Function Documentation

double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::E ( ) const

Definition at line 133 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References edep.

133 { return edep; }
geo::Point_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::End ( ) const

Definition at line 98 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos.

98 { return { endPos.X(), endPos.Y(), endPos.Z() }; }
double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::EndT ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endTime.

114 { return endTime; }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::EndX ( ) const

Definition at line 111 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos.

111 { return endPos.X(); }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::EndY ( ) const

Definition at line 112 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos.

112 { return endPos.Y(); }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::EndZ ( ) const

Definition at line 113 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos.

113 { return endPos.Z(); }
double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::Energy ( ) const
geo::Point_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::MidPoint ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

117  {
118  return {
119  ( startPos.X() + endPos.X() )/2.
120  , ( startPos.Y() + endPos.Y() )/2.
121  , ( startPos.Z() + endPos.Z() )/2.
122  };
123  }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::MidPointX ( ) const

Definition at line 124 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

Referenced by larg4::ISCalcSeparate::CalculateIonization(), and larg4::ISCalcSeparate::EFieldAtStep().

124 { return ( startPos.X() + endPos.X() )/2.; }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::MidPointY ( ) const

Definition at line 125 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

Referenced by larg4::ISCalcSeparate::CalculateIonization(), and larg4::ISCalcSeparate::EFieldAtStep().

125 { return ( startPos.Y() + endPos.Y() )/2.; }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::MidPointZ ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

Referenced by larg4::ISCalcSeparate::CalculateIonization(), and larg4::ISCalcSeparate::EFieldAtStep().

126 { return ( startPos.Z() + endPos.Z() )/2.; }
int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::NumElectrons ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References numElectrons.

95 { return numElectrons; }
int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::NumPhotons ( ) const

Definition at line 94 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References numPhotons.

94 { return numPhotons; }
bool sim::SimEnergyDeposit::operator< ( const SimEnergyDeposit rhs) const

Definition at line 147 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References edep, startPos, startTime, and trackID.

148  {
149  return trackID < rhs.trackID
150  && startTime < rhs.startTime
151  && startPos.Z() < rhs.startPos.Z()
152  && startPos.Y() < rhs.startPos.Y()
153  && startPos.X() < rhs.startPos.X()
154  && edep > rhs.edep; // sort by _decreasing_ energy
155  }
int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::PdgCode ( ) const

Definition at line 101 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References pdgCode.

Referenced by larg4::ISCalcSeparate::CalculateScintillation().

101 { return pdgCode; }
geo::Point_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::Start ( ) const

Definition at line 97 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References startPos.

97 { return { startPos.X(), startPos.Y(), startPos.Z() }; }
double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::StartT ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References startTime.

110 { return startTime; }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::StartX ( ) const

Definition at line 107 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References startPos.

107 { return startPos.X(); }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::StartY ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References startPos.

108 { return startPos.Y(); }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::StartZ ( ) const

Definition at line 109 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References startPos.

109 { return startPos.Z(); }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::StepLength ( ) const

Definition at line 138 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

Referenced by larg4::ISCalcSeparate::CalculateIonization().

138 { return ( endPos - startPos ).R(); }
double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::T ( ) const

Definition at line 130 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endTime, and startTime.

double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::T0 ( ) const

Definition at line 131 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References startTime.

Referenced by phot::PhotonLibraryPropagation::produce().

131 { return startTime; }
double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::T1 ( ) const

Definition at line 132 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endTime.

132 { return endTime; }
double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::Time ( ) const

Definition at line 99 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endTime, and startTime.

int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::TrackID ( ) const

Definition at line 100 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References trackID.

100 { return trackID; }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::X ( ) const

Definition at line 127 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

Referenced by phot::PhotonLibraryPropagation::produce().

127 { return ( startPos.X() + endPos.X() )/2.; }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::Y ( ) const

Definition at line 128 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

Referenced by phot::PhotonLibraryPropagation::produce().

128 { return ( startPos.Y() + endPos.Y() )/2.; }
geo::Length_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::Z ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

References endPos, and startPos.

Referenced by phot::PhotonLibraryPropagation::produce().

129 { return ( startPos.Z() + endPos.Z() )/2.; }

Member Data Documentation

float sim::SimEnergyDeposit::edep

Definition at line 185 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by E(), Energy(), and operator<().

geo::Point_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::endPos

Definition at line 187 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by End(), EndX(), EndY(), EndZ(), MidPoint(), MidPointX(), MidPointY(), MidPointZ(), StepLength(), X(), Y(), and Z().

double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::endTime

Definition at line 189 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by EndT(), T(), T1(), and Time().

int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::numElectrons

Definition at line 184 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by NumElectrons().

int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::numPhotons

Definition at line 183 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by NumPhotons().

int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::pdgCode

Definition at line 191 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by PdgCode().

geo::Point_t sim::SimEnergyDeposit::startPos
double sim::SimEnergyDeposit::startTime

Definition at line 188 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by operator<(), StartT(), T(), T0(), and Time().

int sim::SimEnergyDeposit::trackID

Definition at line 190 of file SimEnergyDeposit.h.

Referenced by operator<(), and TrackID().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: