LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit - File Reference
#include "art/Framework/IO/Root/GetFileFormatEra.h"
#include "art/Framework/IO/Root/RootDB/SQLite3Wrapper.h"
#include "art/Framework/IO/Root/RootDB/tkeyvfs.h"
#include "art/Framework/IO/Root/detail/InfoDumperInputFile.h"
#include "boost/program_options.hpp"
#include "canvas/Persistency/Provenance/FileFormatVersion.h"
#include "canvas/Persistency/Provenance/rootNames.h"
#include "cetlib/HorizontalRule.h"
#include "cetlib/container_algorithms.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "sqlite3.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

Go to the source code of this file.


using stringvec = vector< string >


int print_process_history (InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
int print_range_sets (InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output, bool compact)
int print_event_list (InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
int print_file_index (InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
int print_branchIDLists (InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
int db_to_file (InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output, ostream &errors)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Typedef Documentation

using stringvec = vector<string>

Definition at line 32 of file

Function Documentation

int db_to_file ( InfoDumperInputFile const &  file,
ostream &  output,
ostream &  errors 

Definition at line 323 of file

References art::detail::InfoDumperInputFile::tfile().

Referenced by main().

324 {
325  TFile* current_file = file.tfile();
326  std::string const& rootFileName = current_file->GetName();
328  // db file name has the same base as the input art/ROOT file
329  std::string::size_type const dist{rootFileName.find(".root") -
330  rootFileName.find_last_of('/')};
331  std::string const base{
332  rootFileName.substr(rootFileName.find_last_of('/') + 1, dist)};
333  std::string const extFileName{base + "db"};
335  art::SQLite3Wrapper db{current_file, "RootFileDB"};
336  int const rc{dbToFile(db, extFileName.c_str())};
337  if (rc == 0) {
338  output << "\nRootFileDB from file \"" << current_file->GetName() << "\"\n"
339  << "saved to external database file \"" << extFileName << "\".\n";
340  } else {
341  errors << "\nCould not save RootFileDB from file \""
342  << current_file->GetName() << "\"\n"
343  << "to external database file.\n";
344  }
345  return rc;
346 }
TFile * file
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 126 of file

References db_to_file(), e, file, print_branchIDLists(), print_event_list(), print_file_index(), print_process_history(), print_range_sets(), RootErrorHandler(), s, and tkeyvfs_init().

126  {
127  // ------------------
128  // use the boost command line option processing library to help out
129  // with command line options
130  std::ostringstream descstr;
131  descstr << argv[0] << " <options> [<source-file>]+";
133  bpo::options_description desc{descstr.str()};
134  desc.add_options()("help,h", "produce help message")(
135  "full-path", "print full path of file name")(
136  "event-list", "print event-list for each input file")(
137  "file-index", "prints FileIndex object for each input file")(
138  "process-history",
139  "prints list of processes that produced this file (output given in "
140  "chronological order)")(
141  "range-of-validity",
142  bpo::value<string>()->implicit_value("full"),
143  "prints range of validity for each input file. Allowed values are\n"
144  " \"full\" (default)\n"
145  " \"compact\"")("branch-ids,B",
146  "prints BranchID lists stored in the file")(
147  "db-to-file",
148  ("Writes RootFileDB to external SQLite database with the same base name as the input file and the suffix '.db'.\n"s +
149  "(Writes to directory in which '"s + argv[0] + "' is executed)."s)
150  .c_str())(
151  "source,s", bpo::value<stringvec>(), "source data file (multiple OK)");
153  bpo::options_description all_opts{"All Options"};
154  all_opts.add(desc);
156  // Each non-option argument is interpreted as the name of a files to
157  // be processed. Any number of filenames is allowed.
158  bpo::positional_options_description pd;
159  pd.add("source", -1);
160  // The variables_map contains the actual program options.
161  bpo::variables_map vm;
162  try {
163  bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
164  .options(all_opts)
165  .positional(pd)
166  .run(),
167  vm);
168  bpo::notify(vm);
169  }
170  catch (bpo::error const& e) {
171  std::cerr << "Exception from command line processing in " << argv[0] << ": "
172  << e.what() << "\n";
173  return 2;
174  }
176  if (vm.count("help")) {
177  std::cout << desc << std::endl;
178  return 1;
179  }
181  // Get the names of the files we will process.
182  stringvec file_names;
183  size_t const file_count{vm.count("source")};
184  if (file_count < 1) {
185  std::cerr << "One or more input files must be specified;"
186  << " supply filenames as program arguments\n"
187  << "For usage and options list, please do '" << argv[0]
188  << " --help'.\n";
189  return 3;
190  }
191  file_names.reserve(file_count);
192  cet::copy_all(vm["source"].as<stringvec>(), std::back_inserter(file_names));
194  enum options_t {
195  PrintProcessHistory = 0,
196  PrintRangeSetsFull,
197  PrintRangeSetsCompact,
198  PrintEventList,
199  PrintFileIndex,
200  SaveDBtoFile,
201  FullPath,
202  PrintBranchIDLists,
203  NumOptions
204  };
206  std::bitset<NumOptions> options;
207  options[PrintProcessHistory] = vm.count("process-history") > 0;
208  if (vm.count("range-of-validity") > 0) {
209  auto const& rov_value = vm["range-of-validity"].as<std::string>();
210  if (rov_value == "full") {
211  options.set(PrintRangeSetsFull);
212  } else if (rov_value == "compact") {
213  options.set(PrintRangeSetsCompact);
214  } else {
215  std::cerr
216  << "Incorrect argument value supplied for the 'range-of-validity'\n"
217  << "program option. Allowed values are:\n"
218  << " \"full\" (default)\n"
219  << " \"compact\"\n";
220  return 4;
221  }
222  }
223  options[PrintEventList] = vm.count("event-list") > 0;
224  options[PrintFileIndex] = vm.count("file-index") > 0;
225  options[SaveDBtoFile] = vm.count("db-to-file") > 0;
226  options[FullPath] = vm.count("full-path") > 0;
227  options[PrintBranchIDLists] = vm.count("branch-ids") > 0;
229  if (options.none()) {
230  std::cerr << "No options were specified for processing input files.\n"
231  << "For usage and options list, please do '" << argv[0]
232  << " --help'.\n";
233  return 5;
234  }
236  if (options.test(PrintEventList) && options.test(PrintFileIndex)) {
237  std::cerr
238  << "The --event-list and --file-index options are mutually exclusive.\n";
239  return 6;
240  }
242  SetErrorHandler(RootErrorHandler);
243  tkeyvfs_init();
245  ostream& output = std::cout;
246  ostream& errors = std::cerr;
248  int rc{0};
249  for (auto const& fn : file_names) {
250  auto const& printed_name =
251  options.test(FullPath) ? fn : fn.substr(fn.find_last_of('/') + 1ul);
252  output << cet::HorizontalRule{30}('=') << '\n'
253  << "File: " << printed_name << '\n';
254  InfoDumperInputFile const file{fn};
255  if (options.test(PrintProcessHistory))
256  rc += print_process_history(file, output);
257  if (options.test(PrintRangeSetsFull))
258  rc += print_range_sets(file, output, false);
259  if (options.test(PrintRangeSetsCompact))
260  rc += print_range_sets(file, output, true);
261  if (options.test(PrintFileIndex))
262  rc += print_file_index(file, output);
263  if (options.test(PrintEventList))
264  rc += print_event_list(file, output);
265  if (options.test(SaveDBtoFile))
266  rc += db_to_file(file, output, errors);
267  if (options.test(PrintBranchIDLists))
268  rc += print_branchIDLists(file, output);
269  output << '\n';
270  }
271  return rc;
272 }
273 catch (cet::exception const& e) {
274  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
275  return 7;
276 }
277 catch (...) {
278  std::cerr << "Exception thrown for the last processed file. Please remove "
279  "it from the file list.\n";
280  return 8;
281 }
Float_t s
Definition: plot.C:23
int print_range_sets(InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output, bool compact)
int print_file_index(InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
void RootErrorHandler(int level, bool die, char const *location, char const *message)
std::vector< std::string > stringvec
int print_branchIDLists(InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
int print_event_list(InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
int db_to_file(InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output, ostream &errors)
int tkeyvfs_init(void)
int print_process_history(InfoDumperInputFile const &file, ostream &output)
TFile * file
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:34
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
int print_branchIDLists ( InfoDumperInputFile const &  file,
ostream &  output 

Definition at line 316 of file

References art::detail::InfoDumperInputFile::print_branchIDLists().

Referenced by main().

317 {
318  file.print_branchIDLists(output);
319  return 0;
320 }
TFile * file
int print_event_list ( InfoDumperInputFile const &  file,
ostream &  output 

Definition at line 302 of file

References art::detail::InfoDumperInputFile::print_event_list().

Referenced by main().

303 {
304  file.print_event_list(output);
305  return 0;
306 }
TFile * file
int print_file_index ( InfoDumperInputFile const &  file,
ostream &  output 

Definition at line 309 of file

References art::detail::InfoDumperInputFile::print_file_index().

Referenced by main().

310 {
311  file.print_file_index(output);
312  return 0;
313 }
TFile * file
int print_process_history ( InfoDumperInputFile const &  file,
ostream &  output 

Definition at line 286 of file

References art::detail::InfoDumperInputFile::print_process_history().

Referenced by main().

287 {
288  file.print_process_history(output);
289  return 0;
290 }
TFile * file
int print_range_sets ( InfoDumperInputFile const &  file,
ostream &  output,
bool  compact 

Definition at line 293 of file

References art::detail::InfoDumperInputFile::print_range_sets().

Referenced by main().

296 {
297  file.print_range_sets(output, compactRanges);
298  return 0;
299 }
TFile * file