LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
LArSoft data proxy interfaces

Interfaces to create instances of LArSoft data proxies. More...


 LArSoft data proxy infrastructure
 Classes for implementation and customization of LArsoft proxies.


template<typename CollProxy , typename Event , typename... OptionalArgs>
auto proxy::getCollection (Event const &event, OptionalArgs &&...optionalArgs)
 Creates a proxy to a data product collection. More...

One-to-many sequential associations

These functions allow to merge into a data collection proxy auxiliary data via an art association fulfilling the one-to-many sequential association requirement.

Two categories of functions are available depending on the data source:

Variants of proxy::withAssociated() called proxy::withAssociatedMeta() allow merging the metadata of an association too. The proxy::wrapAssociated() functions always merge the metadata if the wrapped association has it.

Also, variants are available to customize the tag class.

The implementation of this feature is documented in its own doxygen module.

template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociatedMetaAs (Args &&...args)
 Helper function to merge associated data with metadata. More...
template<typename Aux , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociatedAs (Args &&...args)
 Helper function to merge associated data with no metadata. More...
template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociatedMeta (Args &&...args)
 Helper function to merge associated data. More...
template<typename Aux , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociated (Args &&...args)
 Helper function to merge associated data with no metadata. More...
template<typename AuxTag , typename Assns >
auto proxy::wrapAssociatedAs (Assns const &assns)
 Helper function to merge associated data from a given association. More...
template<typename Assns >
auto proxy::wrapAssociated (Assns const &assns)
 Helper function to merge associated data from a given association. More...
template<typename AuxTag , typename Assns >
auto proxy::wrapAssociated (Assns const &assns)
 Helper function to merge associated data from a given association. More...

Parallel data collections

These functions allow to merge into a data collection proxy some auxiliary data from other collections fulfilling the parallel data product requirement.

Two categories of functions are available depending on the data source:

Also, variants are available to customize the tag class.

The implementation of this feature is documented in its own doxygen module.

template<typename Aux , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withParallelDataAs (Args &&...args)
 Helper function to merge an auxiliary data product into the proxy. More...
template<typename Aux , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withParallelData (Args &&...args)
 Helper function to merge an auxiliary data product into the proxy. More...
template<typename AuxTag , typename AuxColl >
auto proxy::wrapParallelDataAs (AuxColl const &auxColl)
 Uses a collection as auxiliary data for a collection proxy. More...
template<typename AuxColl >
auto proxy::wrapParallelData (AuxColl const &auxColl)
 Uses a collection as auxiliary data for a collection proxy. More...

One-to-one (optional) associations

These functions allow to merge into a data collection proxy some auxiliary data via an art association fulfilling the one-to-(zero-or-one) sequential association requirement.

One category of functions is currently available:

Variants of proxy::withZeroOrOne() called proxy::withZeroOrOneMeta() will allow merging the metadata of an association too. This feature is not supported yet, though.

Also, variants are available to customize the tag class.

The implementation of this feature is documented in its own doxygen module.

template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOneMetaAs (Args &&...args)
template<typename Aux , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOneAs (Args &&...args)
template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOneMeta (Args &&...args)
 Helper function to merge one-to-(zero-or-one) associated data. More...
template<typename Aux , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOne (Args &&...args)

Detailed Description

Interfaces to create instances of LArSoft data proxies.

This section contains documentation about the main tools to instantiate a data collection proxy in LArSoft. Some prepackaged data proxies are provided by LArSoft and documented in the recostructed object data proxy section.

The starting point is the documentation of proxy::getCollection(). That function is the way to create a proxy object in your code. Auxiliary data can me merged to that proxy on creation, and only then. Different functions help with merging different auxiliary data:

Each auxiliary data is identified by a "tag", which is for example used when asking for that auxiliary data with get<Tag>() member of the proxy. Most of the withXxx() functions have a variant, usually withXxxAs(), that allows that tag to be explicitly chosen.

For the supported associated data, a variant withXxxMeta() (and withXxxMetaAs()) is offered which allows to access also the metadata of the association.

Function Documentation

template<typename CollProxy , typename Event , typename... OptionalArgs>
auto proxy::getCollection ( Event const &  event,
OptionalArgs &&...  optionalArgs 

Creates a proxy to a data product collection.

Template Parameters
CollProxytype of target main collection proxy
Eventtype of event to read data from
OptionalArgstype of optional arguments
eventevent to read data from
optionalArgsoptional arguments for construction of the proxy
a collection proxy object
See also
ways to merge more data into a proxy

This function delivers a collection proxy related to CollProxy.

The type of proxy delivered is arbitrary and usually not CollProxy. The type of the collection proxy must be explicitly specified, e.g.:

auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>
(event, tag, withAssociated<recob::Hits>());

In this case, two optional arguments are passed: the input tag to the main collection, and then withAssociated<recob::Hits>(). The meaning of both is decided depending on the collection proxy being created, but it's common to have the first argument be the input tag to the main collection, as in this example. withAssociated() is one of the ways for a proxy to have auxiliary data "merged" into. The options to merge this data are collected in the proxy interface documentation.

The collection proxy name is arbitrary, but it's custom to have it live in proxy namespace and have the same name as the base object, made plural: a proxy to a recob::Track collection data product will have a proxy called proxy::Tracks.

Note that a proxy need to be explicitly supported in order to be available. Nevertheless, a generic implementation is supported to create a proxy of a data product which is a C++ vector, so that:

auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<std::vector<recob::Track>>
(event, tag, withAssociated<recob::Hits>());

will have an outcome similar to the previous example. In this case, though, all the specific track interface that went into proxy::Tracks proxy will not be available.

The implementation of this feature is documented in its own doxygen module.


To control which type of collection proxy is produced for the type CollProxy, the class CollectionProxyMaker may be specialised.

Definition at line 82 of file getCollection.h.

References proxy::CollectionProxyMakerBase< CollProxy >::make().

83  {
84  return CollectionProxyMaker<CollProxy>::make
85  (event, std::forward<OptionalArgs>(optionalArgs)...);
86  }
Event finding and building.
template<typename Aux , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociated ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function to merge associated data with no metadata.

Template Parameters
Auxtype of associated data requested
Argstypes of constructor arguments for associated data collection
argsconstructor arguments for the associated data collection
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withAssociatedMeta(), withAssociatedMetaAs(), wrapAssociated()

This function is equivalent to withAssociatedMeta() but with the request of no associated metadata (Metadata be void). Example of usage:

auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>
(event, trackTag, withAssociated<recob::Cluster>(clusterTag));

The cluster association ("clusterTag") will be accessed by using the type recob::Cluster as tag:

for (auto const& track: tracks) {
auto const& clusters = track.get<recob::Cluster>();
for (art::Ptr<recob::Cluster> const& cluster: clusters) {
// ...
} // for clusters
} // for tracks

The interface of clusters is documented in lar::CollectionView. The interface of cluster is documented in proxy::details::AssnsNode.

For more extensive information, see proxy::withAssociatedMeta().

Definition at line 378 of file withAssociated.h.

379  { return withAssociatedMeta<Aux, void>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
template<typename Aux , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociatedAs ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function to merge associated data with no metadata.

Template Parameters
Auxtype of associated data requested
AuxTagtag to access the associated data within the proxy
Argstypes of constructor arguments for associated data collection
argsconstructor arguments for the associated data collection
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withAssociatedMeta(), withAssociatedAs(), wrapAssociatedAs()

This function is similar to withAssociated(), but it defines a tag for the data. In this example we fetch from event an association between recob::Track (which is the main type of the collection proxy proxy::Tracks) and recob::Cluster objects:

struct MyClusters {};
void analyze(art::Event const& event) {
// ...
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>
(event, trackTag, withAssociatedAs<MyCluster>(clusterTag));
// ...
for (auto const& track: tracks) {
auto const& clusters = track.get<MyCluster>();
for (auto const& clusterInfo: clusters) {
// implicit conversion:
art::Ptr<recob::Cluster> const& clusterPtr = clusterInfo;
// access to the cluster itself
recob::Cluster const& cluster = *clusterInfo;
} // for clusters
} // for tracks

The interface of clusters is documented in lar::CollectionView. The interface of clusterInfo is documented in proxy::details::AssnsNode.

For more extensive information, see proxy::withAssociatedMeta().

Definition at line 206 of file withAssociated.h.

207  {
208  return withAssociatedMetaAs<Aux, void, AuxTag>
209  (std::forward<Args>(args)...);
210  }
template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociatedMeta ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function to merge associated data.

Template Parameters
Auxtype of associated data requested
Metadatatype of associated metadata requested
Argstypes of constructor arguments for associated data collection
argsconstructor arguments for the associated data collection
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withAssociated(), withAssociatedAs(), withAssociatedMetaAs()

This function is meant to convey to getCollection() function the request for the delivered collection proxy to carry data from an association. This association must fulfil the one-to-many sequential association requirement. The associated data is normally extracted from an art association art::Assns<Main, Aux, Metadata>, where Main is the main type of the proxy collection. If no metadata is required, Metadata can be set to void, or withAssociated() can be used instead.

The function also transfers the information required to create a proxy to that auxiliary data.

This data will be tagged with the type Aux. To use a different type as tag, use withAssociatedAs() or withAssociatedMetaAs() instead, specifying the tag as second template argument, e.g.:

struct DubiousClusters {};
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>(event, trackTag,
withAssociatedMeta<recob::Cluster, void>(defaultClusterTag),
withAssociatedMetaAs<recob::Cluster, void, DubiousClusters>

or, equivalently (because we asked for no metadata):

struct DubiousClusters {};
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>(event, trackTag,
withAssociatedAs<recob::Cluster, DubiousClusters>(maybeClusterTag)

The first cluster association ("defaultClusterTag") will be accessed by using the type recob::Cluster as tag, while the second one will be accessed by the DubiousClusters tag (which is better not be defined in a local scope):

for (auto const& track: tracks) {
auto const& clusters = track.get<recob::Clusters>();
auto const& maybeClusters = track.get<DubiousClusters>();
// ...

The full interface of track is documented in lar::CollectionView. The interface of clusters and maybeClusters is documented in proxy::details::AssnsNode.

Customization of the association proxy

To have a call like:

auto tracks = getCollection<SpecialTracks>
(event, tag, withAssociatedMeta<recob::Hit, void>(hitAssnTag, "special"));

create something different than the standard association proxy, specialize proxy::AssociatedDataProxyMaker, e.g.:

namespace proxy {
template <>
struct AssociatedDataProxyMaker
<recob::Track, recob::Hit, void, SpecialTracks>
: public AssociatedDataProxyMakerBase
<recob::Track, recob::Hit, void, SpecialTracks>
template<typename Event, typename MainArgs>
static auto make(
Event const& event,
MainArgs const&,
art::InputTag assnTag,
std::string quality
::SpecialTrackHitsProxy myAuxProxy;
// ... make it, and make it right
return myAuxProxy;
}; // struct AssociatedDataProxyMaker<..., SpecialTracks>
} // namespace proxy

(the void template type signifies the association has no metadata).

Technical details

The main purpose of this function and the related WithAssociatedStruct class is to save the user from specifying the main type the auxiliary data is associated with, when using it as getCollection() argument:

auto tracks = getCollection<proxy::Tracks>
(event, tag, withAssociated<recob::Hit>(hitAssnTag));

While parsing the withAssociated() argument (or any argument), the information of which is the proxy collection type (proxy::Tracks in the example) is not known. In principle, to fully define the association, two template arguments are needed, e.g. withAssociated<recob::Track, recob::Hit>(hitAssnTag). The class WithAssociatedStruct holds the information of which associated type is requested (recob::Hit) and the information needed to create a proxy to such association (all arguments, here just hitAssnTag). The function getCollection() will have this object as argument, and when executing will be able to supply the missing information, that recob::Track is the main data product element we are associating to.

Definition at line 335 of file withAssociated.h.

336  {
337  return withAssociatedMetaAs<Aux, Metadata, Aux>
338  (std::forward<Args>(args)...);
339  }
template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withAssociatedMetaAs ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function to merge associated data with metadata.

Template Parameters
Auxtype of associated data requested
Metadatatype of associated metadata requested
AuxTagtag to access the associated data within the proxy
Argstypes of constructor arguments for associated data collection
argsconstructor arguments for the associated data collection
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withAssociatedMeta(), withAssociatedMetaAs(), wrapAssociated()

This function is similar to withAssociated(), but it also merges the specified metadata and defines a tag for the data. In this example we fetch from event an association between recob::Track (which is the main type of the collection proxy proxy::Tracks) and recob::Cluster objects, each one with an index as metadata:

struct MyClusters {};
void analyze(art::Event const& event) {
// ...
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>
(event, trackTag, withAssociatedMetaAs<int, MyCluster>(clusterTag));
// ...
for (auto const& track: tracks) {
auto const& clusters = track.get<MyCluster>();
for (auto const& clusterInfo: clusters) {
// implicit conversion:
art::Ptr<recob::Cluster> const& clusterPtr = clusterInfo;
// access to the cluster itself
recob::Cluster const& cluster = *clusterInfo;
// access to the metadata
int index =;
} // for clusters
} // for tracks

The interface of clusters is documented in lar::CollectionView. The interface of clusterInfo is documented in proxy::details::AssnsNode.

For more extensive information, see proxy::withAssociatedMeta().

Definition at line 149 of file withAssociated.h.

149  {
150  using ArgTuple_t = std::tuple<Args&&...>;
151  ArgTuple_t argsTuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
152  return details::WithAssociatedStruct<Aux, Metadata, ArgTuple_t, AuxTag>
153  (std::move(argsTuple));
154  } // withAssociatedMetaAs()
template<typename Aux , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withParallelData ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function to merge an auxiliary data product into the proxy.

Template Parameters
Auxtype of parallel data product requested
Argstypes of constructor arguments for parallel data proxy
argsconstructor arguments for the parallel data collection proxy
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle

This function is meant to convey to getCollection() function the request to merge auxiliary data structured as a collection parallel into the collection proxy.

This data will be tagged with the type Aux. To use a different type as tag, use withParallelDataAs() instead, specifying the tag as second template argument, e.g.:

struct MCS {};
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>(event, trackTag,
withParallelDataAs<recob::TrackMomentum, MCS>(MCSmomTag)

The first momentum association ("defaultMomTag") will be accessed by using the type recob::TrackMomentum as tag, while the second one will be accessed by the MCS tag (which is better not be defined in a local scope):

for (auto&& track: tracks) {
decltype(auto) trackMom = track.get<recob::TrackMomentum>();
decltype(auto) trackMCSmom = track.get<MCS>();
// ...

The default implementation of parallel data proxy returns for each element query an object with the same interface as the element of the parallel data collection. In the previous examples, that would be a constant reference to an object with recob::TrackMomentum interface.

Customization of the parallel data proxy

To have a call like:

auto tracks = getCollection<SpecialTracks>
(event, tag, withParallelData<recob::TrackMomentum>(momTag, "special"));

to create something different than the standard parallel data proxy, one needs to specialize proxy::ParallelDataProxyMaker, e.g.:

namespace proxy {
template <>
struct ParallelDataProxyMaker<recob::Track, recob::TrackMomentum, SpecialTracks>
: public ParallelDataProxyMakerBase<recob::Track, std::vector<recob::TrackMomentum>, recob::TrackMomentum>
template<typename Event, typename MainArgs>
static auto make(
Event const& event,
MainArgs const&,
art::InputTag assnTag,
std::string quality = "default"
::SpecialTrackHitsProxy myAuxProxy;
// ... make it, and make it right
return myAuxProxy;
}; // struct ParallelDataProxyMaker<recob::Track, recob::TrackMomentum, SpecialTracks>
} // namespace proxy

Definition at line 182 of file withParallelData.h.

183  { return withParallelDataAs<Aux, Aux>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
template<typename Aux , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withParallelDataAs ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function to merge an auxiliary data product into the proxy.

Template Parameters
Auxtype of parallel data product requested
AuxTagthe tag type to refer this auxiliary data as
Argstypes of constructor arguments for parallel data proxy
argsconstructor arguments for the parallel data collection proxy
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also

This function is meant to convey to getCollection() function the request for merging a auxiliary data structured as a collection parallel into the collection proxy.

It is functionally equivalent to withParallelData(), with the difference that here the auxiliary data tag must be specified. withParallelData() documentation also contains examples on how to use this function and the proxy resulting from that.

Definition at line 96 of file withParallelData.h.

Referenced by proxy::withFitHitInfo().

96  {
97  using ArgTuple_t = std::tuple<Args&&...>;
98  ArgTuple_t argsTuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
99  return details::WithParallelCollectionStruct<Aux, ArgTuple_t, AuxTag>
100  (std::move(argsTuple));
101  } // withParallelDataAs()
template<typename Aux , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOne ( Args &&...  args)

Works like withZeroOrOneMeta(), but for associations with no metadata.

See also
withZeroOrOneAs(), withZeroOrOneMeta()

Definition at line 161 of file withZeroOrOne.h.

162  { return withZeroOrOneMeta<Aux, void>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
template<typename Aux , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOneAs ( Args &&...  args)

The same as withZeroOrOne(), but it also specified a tag for the data.

Definition at line 81 of file withZeroOrOne.h.

Referenced by proxy::withOriginalTrajectory().

82  {
83  return
84  withZeroOrOneMetaAs<Aux, void, AuxTag>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
85  }
template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOneMeta ( Args &&...  args)

Helper function to merge one-to-(zero-or-one) associated data.

Template Parameters
Auxtype of associated data requested
Metadatatype of metadata coming with the associated data
Argstypes of constructor arguments for associated data collection
argsconstructor arguments for the associated data collection
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withZeroOrOneMetaAs(), withZeroOrOne()

This function is meant to convey to getCollection() function the request for the delivered collection proxy to carry auxiliary data from an association fulfilling the one-to-many sequential association requirements.

This data will be tagged with the type Aux. To use a different type as tag, use withZeroOrOneAs() instead, specifying the tag as second template argument, e.g.:

struct QuestionableVertex {};
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>(event, trackTag,
withZeroOrOneMeta<recob::Vertex, void>(defaultVertexTag),
withZeroOrOneMetaAs<recob::Vertex, void, QuestionableVertex>

and, since we are not requesting any metadata, this is equivalent to

struct QuestionableVertex {};
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>(event, trackTag,
withZeroOrOneAs<recob::Vertex, QuestionableVertex>(stinkyVertexTag)

The first vertex association ("defaultVertexTag") will be accessed by using the type recob::Vertex as tag, while the second one will be accessed by the QuestionableVertex tag (which is better not be defined in a local scope):

for (auto&& track: tracks) {
decltype(auto) vertex = track.get<recob::Vertex>();
decltype(auto) maybeVertex = track.get<QuestionableVertex>();
// ...

Customization of the association proxy

See the technical details about withAssociated(), which hold for this function and related classes too.

Technical details

See the technical details about withAssociated(), which hold for this function and related classes too.

Metadata is not supported yet (the interface is apparently there though).

Definition at line 151 of file withZeroOrOne.h.

152  {
153  return
154  withZeroOrOneMetaAs<Aux, Metadata, Aux>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
155  }
template<typename Aux , typename Metadata , typename AuxTag , typename... Args>
auto proxy::withZeroOrOneMetaAs ( Args &&...  args)

The same as withZeroOrOneMeta(), but it also specified a tag.

Metadata is not supported yet.

Definition at line 69 of file withZeroOrOne.h.

69  {
70  using ArgTuple_t = std::tuple<Args&&...>;
71  ArgTuple_t argsTuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
72  return
73  details::WithOneTo01AssociatedStruct<Aux, Metadata, ArgTuple_t, AuxTag>
74  (std::move(argsTuple));
75  } // withZeroOrOneAs()
template<typename Assns >
auto proxy::wrapAssociated ( Assns const &  assns)

Helper function to merge associated data from a given association.

Template Parameters
Assnstype of the association being merged; needs art::Assns interface
assnsthe association being merged
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withAssociatedMeta(), wrapAssociatedAs()

This function instructs the proxy to use the specified association assns directly. The specified association assns must remain valid for all the lifetime of the proxy.

The difference with wrapAssociated() is only that the tag is implicitly assigned to be the one of the associated data.

If Assns contains metadata, that is also merged into the proxy.

Usage example:

void checkClusters
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>
(event, trackTag, wrapAssociated(clusters));
for (auto const& track: tracks) {
auto const& clusters = track.get<recob::Cluster>();
for (art::Ptr<recob::Cluster> const& cluster: clusters) {
// ...
} // for clusters
} // for tracks
} // checkClusters()

For more extensive information, see proxy::withAssociatedMeta().

Definition at line 479 of file withAssociated.h.

480  { return wrapAssociatedAs<typename Assns::right_t>(assns); }
template<typename AuxTag , typename Assns >
auto proxy::wrapAssociated ( Assns const &  assns)

Helper function to merge associated data from a given association.

Template Parameters
AuxTagtag to access the associated data within the proxy
Assnstype of the association being merged; needs art::Assns interface
assnsthe association being merged
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withAssociatedMeta(), wrapAssociatedAs()

This function instructs the proxy to use the specified association assns directly. It is fully equivalent to proxy::wrapAssociatedAs().

Definition at line 497 of file withAssociated.h.

498  { return wrapAssociatedAs<AuxTag>(assns); }
template<typename AuxTag , typename Assns >
auto proxy::wrapAssociatedAs ( Assns const &  assns)

Helper function to merge associated data from a given association.

Template Parameters
AuxTagtag to access the associated data within the proxy
Assnstype of the association being merged; needs art::Assns interface
assnsthe association being merged
a temporary object that getCollection() knows to handle
See also
withAssociatedMeta(), withAssociatedMetaAs(), wrapAssociated()

This function instructs the proxy to use the specified association assns directly. The specified association assns must remain valid for all the lifetime of the proxy.

If Assns contains metadata, that is also merged into the proxy.

Usage example:

struct Clusters {};
void checkClusters
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>
(event, trackTag, wrapAssociatedAs<::Clusters>(clusters));
for (auto const& track: tracks) {
auto const& clusters = track.get<::Clusters>();
for (art::Ptr<recob::Cluster> const& cluster: clusters) {
// ...
} // for clusters
} // for tracks
} // checkClusters()

For more extensive information, see proxy::withAssociatedMeta().

Definition at line 426 of file withAssociated.h.

427  {
428  using Aux_t = typename Assns::right_t;
429  using Metadata_t = lar::util::assns_metadata_t<Assns>;
430  return
431  details::WithAssociatedStruct<Aux_t, Metadata_t, std::tuple<>, AuxTag>
432  ({});
433  } // wrapAssociatedAs()
typename assns_metadata_type< Assns >::type assns_metadata_t
Trait: type of metadata in Assns (association or its node).
Definition: AssnsTraits.h:62
template<typename AuxColl >
auto proxy::wrapParallelData ( AuxColl const &  auxColl)

Uses a collection as auxiliary data for a collection proxy.

Template Parameters
AuxColltype of the auxiliary data collection
auxCollthe data collection to be used as auxiliary data
an object making getCollection() add such auxiliary data
See also
proxy::withParallelData(), proxy::wrapParallelDataAs()

This function is meant to convey to getCollection() function the request for merging an existing auxiliary data collection structured as a collection parallel into the collection proxy.

It is functionally equivalent to wrapParallelDataAs(), with the difference that here the auxiliary data tag is automatically defined after the type of the data in the container. withParallelDataAs() documentation also contains examples on how to use this function and the proxy resulting from that.

Definition at line 261 of file withParallelData.h.

262  { return wrapParallelDataAs<util::collection_value_t<AuxColl>>(auxColl); }
template<typename AuxTag , typename AuxColl >
auto proxy::wrapParallelDataAs ( AuxColl const &  auxColl)

Uses a collection as auxiliary data for a collection proxy.

Template Parameters
AuxTagthe tag type to refer this auxiliary data as
AuxColltype of the auxiliary data collection
auxCollthe data collection to be used as auxiliary data
an object making getCollection() add such auxiliary data
See also
withParallelDataAs(), wrapParallelData()

The specified collection is used directly as auxiliary data in a collection proxy. It is required to fulfil the parallel data product requirements, but it does not have to actually be a data product (that is, it does not have to be a collection read from art).

The usage of the resulting proxy is the same as the ones created using proxy::withParallelDataAs(), but the object auxColl must remain valid as long as that proxy is being used. Example of usage:

struct MCS {};
void checkMomenta(
std::vector<recob::TrackMomentum> const& mom,
std::vector<recob::TrackMomentum> const& MCSmom
) {
auto tracks = proxy::getCollection<proxy::Tracks>(event, trackTag,
wrapParallelDataAs<recob::TrackMomentum, MCS>(MCSmomTag)
for (auto const& track: tracks) {
auto const& trackMom = track.get<recob::TrackMomentum>();
auto const& trackMCSmom = track.get<MCS>();
// ...
} // for tracks
} // checkMomenta()

The first momentum (mom) will be accessed by using the type recob::TrackMomentum as tag, while the second one (MCSmom) will be accessed by the MCS tag (which is better not be defined in a local scope).

Definition at line 233 of file withParallelData.h.

233  {
234  std::tuple<AuxColl const&> args = { auxColl };
236  <util::collection_value_t<AuxColl>, decltype(args), AuxColl, AuxTag>
237  (std::move(args));
238  } // wrapParallelDataAs()
WithAssociatedStructBase< Aux, void, ArgTuple, ParallelDataProxyMakerWrapper< Aux, AuxTag, AuxColl >::template maker_t, AuxTag > WithWrappedParallelCollectionStruct
typename collection_value_type< Coll >::type collection_value_t
Type contained in the collection Coll.
Definition: ContainerMeta.h:65