LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -

A service with multiple implementations. More...


file  ShowerCalibrationGalore.h
 Interface for a shower calibration service provider.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID.cxx
 Shower energy calibration according to particle type.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID.h
 Shower energy calibration according to particle type.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDTestHelpers.h
 Specialization of helper classes for LArSoft tests.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale.cxx
 Shower calibration service provider applying a uniform energy scale.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale.h
 Shower calibration service provider applying a uniform energy scale.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleTestHelpers.h
 Specialization of helper classes for LArSoft tests.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService.h
 Shower energy calibration according to particle type.
 Shower energy calibration according to particle type.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService.h
 A shower calibration service providing a single calibration factor.
 A shower calibration service providing a single calibration factor.
file  ShowerCalibrationGaloreService.h
 Interface for a shower calibration art service.


 Implementation detail namespace (content is not documented)


class  lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGalore
 Interface for a shower calibration service provider. More...
class  lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale
 A shower calibration service provider applying a uniform scale. More...
class  lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService
 A shower calibration art service returning a single factor. More...


using lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService = lar::ServiceProviderImplementationWrapper< ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID, ShowerCalibrationGaloreService >
 Service for shower energy calibration according to particle type. More...
using lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreService = lar::ServiceProviderInterfaceWrapper< ShowerCalibrationGalore >
 Interface for a shower calibration art service. More...

Detailed Description

A service with multiple implementations.

Example name: ShowerCalibrationGalore
Type: LArSoft service and provider
Author: Gianluca Petrillo (
Created on: April 26, 2016

This example shows a complete service with a small abstract interface and multiple implementations.

Features of the service:

Missing features that you need to look for examples elsewhere:

Technical choices:

This documentation assumes some prerequisite knowledge that can be found in other LArSoft examples:

How to use this document

This document is pretty long. You are encouraged to read it all, but you might understandably opt out of that. The document is organised in sections. We suggest that you read the section above to know what this example is about, and the (very terse) explanation of the model, and the beginning of the section of the provider header. These contain information about the design that can stimulate your own. Then, you can dig into the code and come back to the pertinent section when you have questions.

For every questions, answered or not here, you are strongly encouraged to contact the example's author (contact information is at the top of this file).

And, if you want to have a bit more printer friendly format, know this text file is written in markdown format and you can convert it to something else with:

pandoc -s -S --toc -o README.html
pandoc -s -S --toc -o README.pdf

et cetera.

Design of the interface

To be clear: the design of the interface is the hardest part of creating a service. More so if it is expected to accommodate multiple implementations, some of which can't be even imagined at the time of design.

This example applies to services that allow multiple implementations. When designing a new service and its interface, you should consider very carefully the possibility of some other person or experiment needing a radically different implementation, and avoid choices that gratuitously make that harder.

When such a service enters LArSoft, it needs to come with an implementation that is usable by every experiment. The reason is that algorithms using that service will require it to be present and configured, and not having the service running precludes from using those algorithms. While it is necessary to have a standard implementation, that implementation does not necessarily have to be useful to every experiment. In this example, one implementation reads the calibration as a single uniform factor. An experiment that does not want yet to bother with calibration can set up this implementation to always return a neutral factor 1. This may well be the default for a Monte Carlo simulation, if the energy is reconstructed with no bias there.

The factorisation model for services with multiple implementations

The factorisation model prescribes the code to be split in a functional part that is independent of the framework, and a framework interface.

A more extensive description of this model can be found in LArSoft wiki: The example AtomicNumber illustrates the model for a single implementation service.

As a reminder, services with multiple implementations are natively supported by the art framework. The implementations are C++ classes required to derive from a common service interface class. User code interacts exclusively with the interface and it does not know anything about any implementation. The implementation is only mentioned in the service configuration, where it is selected with a service_provider parameter.

There is an unfortunate term conflict between what art calls a service provider (that is, an implementation of a service allowing multiple implementations) and what LArSoft calls a service provider (that is, a separate, framework independent class that implements the core service functionality).

On top of this, LArSoft calls a art service interface a class that works as a art service and manages a (LArSoft-flavoured) service provider. Within art, a service interface might mean the interface of a service with multiple implementations allowed.

Yes, it's confusing.

In case of services with multiple implementations, each of the implementations individually follows the pattern of a factorised service. In addition, all service implementation headers must derive from the common art service interface (this is a art requirement), and all the provider headers must derive from a common provider interface (this is a LArSoft requirement).

This is, admittedly, some degree of complication the service designer must cope with. The following diagram illustrates the components of this example: we have a provider interface ShowerCalibrationGalore that is implemented in a provider with a uniform scale factor (ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale), and in another one that relies on external data (ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID). Each of them comes with its own art service:

: `-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~' :
: | :
: | :
,-------------------------------------. | ,---------------------------------------.
| ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService | | | ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService |
`-------------------------------------' | `---------------------------------------'
| | |
| ,-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-. |
| .....| ShowerCalibrationGalore |...... |
| : `-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-' : |
| : : |
,------------------------------. ,--------------------------------.
| ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale | | ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID |
`------------------------------' `--------------------------------'

The dotted lines show inheritance, while the continuous lines show ownership. Each continuous line groups two classes that form a complete factorised service. The two boxes with the wiggled lines are special in that they do not have actual code (they are pure abstract classes with no source file beside the header). This is, in general, recommended for interface classes.

We can hear you thinking: do services need to have silly names?

Answer: no! This is a privilege reserved to our official examples. The reason is that we don't want to burn a good service name (e.g., ShowerCalibration) for an example. But if your service gets to be in LArSoft, that comes with the right and duty of a pertinent name.


The example is split between two directories:

larexamples/Services/ShowerCalibrationGalore/ ### contains all example code ###
|-- README # this file
|-- Providers ## service provider code ##
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGalore.h # provider interface
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID.h # header of provider implementation
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID.cxx # source of provider implementation
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDTestHelpers.h # helper code for tests
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale.h # header of provider implementation
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale.cxx # source of provider implementation
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleTestHelpers.h # helper code for tests
| `-- showercalibrationgalore_standard.fcl # standard provider configuration
`-- Services ## art service code ##
|-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService.h # header of service implement.
|-- # ... and its source
|-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService.h # header of service implement.
`-- # ... and its source
test/Services/ShowerCalibrationGalore/ ### contains all example tests ###
|-- Providers ## unit tests for service provider ##
| |-- CreateTestShowerCalibrationFromPID.cxx # library: create test input
| |-- CreateTestShowerCalibrationFromPID.h # library: create test input
| |-- # test of library above
| |-- ShowerCalibrationGaloreTests.h # library: a test function
| |-- # test provider implementation
| `-- # test provider implementation
`-- Services ## unit test for art service interface ##
|-- # test service
|-- test_shower_calibration_from_pid.fcl # test with one implementation
`-- test_shower_calibration_scale.fcl # test with one implementation

Each directory also has its own CMakeLists.txt file.

LArSoft naming convention is that:

Directory structure

The code follows the LArSoft prescription that demands sources split into a main subtree containing all the code and configuration files, and into another one containing the tests: see the comments on directory structure in AromicNumber example.

Internally, the subdirectory ShowerCalibrationGalore contains two directories. One contains all the provider-related content, including the provider interface, the provider implementations, and their configuration. The other contains all the art service-related content. Each directory is compiled into its own library.

Additional implementations of providers and services do not have to be in these same directories, but they should still not be compiled into the same library.

The service provider interface: ShowerCalibrationGalore

The service provider interface is the fundamental class of the service. Algorithms that require shower calibration will see only this interface.

It is important to design this interface well, because every time it needs to be expanded or modified, all provider implementations have to be updated accordingly, across all the experiments that use it. Unfortunately, there is no sure recipe to get there.

The return value should be a correction factor. For any science purpose, the correction must also include an uncertainty. The uncertainty may be expensive to compute, though, and there may be cases where it is of no use. So we include two hooks, for the computation of the correction factor only, and for the complete correction with uncertainty. The uncertainty is probably made of multiple contributions, and it's conceivable that studies would isolate and treat separately those various contributions. A possible extension of this interface may consist in the addition of a bit mask argument specifying which contributions to the total uncertainty to include. From there, one could also plan for a error matrix. In this example, instead, we stick to just the total uncertainty.

Here we considered that shower calibration correction may depend on the shower energy and direction, but also on number of hits, charge profile and section, etc. It is not easy to put all this in a mandatory interface. So we decided that it would be the task for the calibration object to extract the relevant information from the reconstructed shower itself. The correction might be invoked later in the event analysis, when more is known about it. For example, a particle identification might be available. The best candidate for this other argument is again a LArSoft representation of the particle ID. At the time of writing this example (LArSoft 5.11) the standard way to represent such an ID is evolving, and so we stick to a simpler representation: a plain PDG ID. Keep in mind that using the full particle ID from LArSoft might be more convenient, and that there must be a way to specify that no ID information should be used.


The provider interface does not require any linkage — it has no code in. The same would hold if it had some bit of inlined code.

The service provider implementations in this same directory do have code, and this CMakeLists.txt makes sure a single library is created with all of them. If needs arises, additional implementations may be linked into separate libraries. Dependencies include the LArSoft library with recob::Shower definition (lardata_RecoBase). Some of the libraries we used from larcore are header-only and they do not require linking to their library.

The resulting library name will be larexamples_Services_ShowerCalibrationGalore_Providers.

Our examples follow a non-standard and not recommended practice: we install CMakeLists.txt files and FHiCL files with install_source(). This is done only because this is an example that should be distributed complete. Normally, FHiCL files are installed in the correct location thanks to the install_fhicl() directive, and CMakeLists.txt files are not installed at all.


The interface is coded into the abstract class ShowerCalibrationGalore. We chose to have no actual code generated from its definition. This is both common and usually recommended for abstract classes.

The class, in the customary lar::example namespace, implements a LArSoft provider, that is required to be not copiable and not movable. While in AtomicNumber example we did it explicitly, here we take a shortcut by inheriting from a class that is not copiable nor movable, whose only purpose is in fact that. It is lar::UncopiableAndUnmovableClass, provided by LArSoft just for convenience. The derivation is not public since this class must not contribute to the public interface.

In the class, a basic type for the correction is defined, Correction_t, that holds a factor and its uncertainty. Also, a basic type for a PDG ID specification is defined (just an alias to int).

The two interface methods are declared as pure virtual: all the implementations will be forced to implement both of them. Their prescribed behaviour is documented with Doxygen. The choice of float versus double is due to the consideration that energy in LAr TPC is never measured with a resolution requiring double precision representation. Other considerations might change the decision: whenever the correction is used in double precision math, a conversion will be performed and precision may be lost. We add also a function describing the status of the correction object. The content of the message is left to the implementer, but an implementation must be provided.

An additional bonus is an operator able to insert a Correction_t factor into an output stream. The operator<< is a template, so that it's not necessary to know which kind of stream to use, as long as it supports the needed operations (that here are operator<< (Stream&, float) and operator<< (Stream&, const char*). In this way, the operator can work with both C++ streams (std::cout) and message facility objects (mf::LogVerbatim); the "universal reference" Stream&& guarantees that temporary streams can also be used.

Only a header file is needed.


The first, and simplest, implementation of the provider interface is ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale. Its features are described in the class documentation in the usual Doxygen format, including a more verbose description of the configuration parameters.

Our implementation includes the uniform correction factor as a data member, and the interface will return its value for any energy and particle.

The class implements ShowerCalibrationGalore interface and therefore inherits by it. It also inherits unmovability and uncopiability, LArSoft requirements for service providers. The implementation details are quite similar to the ones in AtomicNumber provider example. Among them, the Doxygen-based documentation and the configuration validation structures. An explicit choice was not to provide a default value for the correction, to force users to actively choose one, even a neutral one like 1 +/- 0.

Note the use of the keyword override for all methods that we want to override from the base class (in this case, we need to override all of them because they were all pure virtual).


The implementation file for the provider is completely superfluous here. We have placed a dummy one that just includes its header. This makes sure that when we compile the providers library, C++ syntax of the provider header is checked.


To support easy initialisation of this provider in a LArSoft test, we write a couple of classes in this header. The header can be included by the tests which need this kind of initialisation. The use of these classes is described in the [Tests] section of this document. In fact, we recommend to read that description before descending into the following details of how to make that one work.

The header defines a class that have only inlined methods, and one that is a template. Therefore it lacks an implementation file.

The first class we implemented is testing::ProviderSetupClass. This is a templated class that is used by setupProvider() function to construct a working instance of the specified provider. For this to work, a proper version of this class must be implemented for our provider class, ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale. The type of construction we need, that is just to create a new provider object using a FHiCL parameter set, is so simple that it is actually the one provided by the default implementation of ProviderSetupClass. We acknowledge this by explicitly instantiating the templated class for our provider. While this is not required, it clearly states that we believe the standard setup is enough.

Descending in details, the ProviderSetupClass class is expected to have a static member setup() that takes some arguments and returns a provider, constructed and set up. The default ProviderSetupClass implementation, that we are here accepting, takes all the arguments given to setup() and it forwards them to the provider constructor. If ShowerCalibrationGalore required a multi-step setup, this default implementation would not do, and we should provide one that performs those steps (for example, a setup() function taking as arguments a FHiCL parameter set and a geometry provider, which would first create a new provider with the parameter set, then call provider's Setup() method with the geometry provider, and then return it).

The second setup class is called SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass. This is a one-shot setup class that assumes to be able to retrieve the information it needs from an "environment", represented by a template class TestEnv. This class is also expected to have a static setup() method taking as argument the environment itself. This is especially useful for tests that do not care about our provider, but need it to be available because something depends on it. This function should have a good chance to satisfy that dependency.

This class is a partial specialisation of the general one. The general one has two arguments, one being the provider class, the other being the test environment. We don't specify which test environment we want to support, and we are happy as long as it can fulfil our needs, that are documented in the description as "expose an interface equivalent to testing::TesterEnvironment. The structure of this specialisation is simple: spell out the provider class, and define a single static setup() function with a well defined prototype. The content is also misleadingly simple: just a call to a function also provided by LArSoft. This is one possible "standard" implementation. This function is designed to work with a testing::TesterEnvironment and to set up the provider from a certain available service parameter set (we chose "ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService", that will translate in the environment looking for "services.ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService" parameter set in the configuration: that is, the exact same key used in a valid art configuration). The provider will be of type lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale (no surprise here), and it will also fill in for lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGalore (that is, the interface it implements). Again, this is good enough for our provider. In the example above of a provider requiring a multi-step setup and a geometry provider, this setup() method might look like the following: first create the provider, possibly again by SimpleEnvironmentStandardSetupByName(); then, ask the environment to yield a pointer to the geometry provider, and set up the newly created provider with it; and finally, return the pointer to the provider. Note that the setup() in this class returns a bare pointer, while setup() in the first one returned a unique_ptr. This is because the latter expects the caller to manage the provider lifetime, while the former assumes that the test environment is taking that task. A bare pointer represents non-ownership: this is a fairly common assumption in modern C++, although it should be always checked. The mysterious SimpleEnvironmentStandardSetupByName() function is in its implementation explicitly telling the test environment object to manage the provider.

Once we have understood how this works, we add an example of how to make use of it in the Doxygen documentation.


This service provider is designed to read the corrections from a ROOT file, as graphs (TGraphErrors). A specific correction is returned for one of a selected number of particle types, or a generic one is returned if the particle is not supported or if no particle ID was supplied. The correction function is interpolated from the points read from file. Uncertainty is also interpolated.

The additional complexity of this implementation is due only to the greater complexity of the chosen task. The class inherits from the interface it implements, ShowerCalibrationGalore, just as ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale does, and it likewise has description in Doxygen format, configuration validation, and redefinition of the essential interface functions. The public interface of the class is slightly extended respect to the original interface, by exposing a method to reload all the calibrations from a file, and to print a report into any output stream. The latter is purely cosmetic (note that it could not live in the abstract interface because C++ does not support virtual templated methods).

The addition of ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID::readCalibration() is not cosmetic, instead. We consider here that a art service might decide to use a different calibration depending on the run period the data being processed belongs to, or on other additional information depending on the event, that the provider does not know. In this case, the service provider will use this method to communicate where to read the new calibration from. We make the explicit choice here that it is responsibility of the framework side to take care of having updated corrections. Note that in art context, the art service interface is the only class that can use the part of the provider implementation that is not in interface of ShowerCalibrationGalore: neither modules or other services will be able to. In a test context, the test is responsible of creating the provider and, depending on the test, might choose to explicitly create this implementation and gain access to its full interface.

Implementation choices include the definition of a private class to contain the information of energy correction of a single particle type, with a range of known validity derived from the input data; the use of a ROOT interpolation class to provide a continuous representation of the correction out of the discrete one supplied via graphs; some additional functions to find ROOT objects inside a ROOT file; and little more. The path from user's call to the returned number is as follow: first, the calibration object (a CalibrationInfo_t) is chosen based on a hard-coded list of possibilities. That object is then asked to provide the required information, either just the correction faction or also its uncertainty. These are obtained from interpolation objects that where initialised on construction from the data in the input graphs. A slightly special logic is used for corrections with a single point, that are considered uniform. In that case, the interpolation object is initialised as a linear interpolator, supplying an additional fake point to allows the actual interpolation.

Another important choice is to look for the calibration file in a location provided in the environment variable FW_SEARCH_PATH (that is, needless to say, standard in art). We rely on cetlib facilities to perform the search for us.


The implementation file here contains most of the actual code, except for short methods that are better left inlined and for template method implementations.


This header mirrors exactly [ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleTestHelpers.h].


We provide configuration examples for both the service providers. We choose to put them in the same FHiCL file, although it's perfectly acceptable and sometimes just better to spread them in different files.

Beside the usual documentation already described in the AtomicNumber example, we have two different configurations. They specify which provider they are for in a indirect way: they have a service_provider key set to the art service name (as opposed to the provider name). This is enough to have art use them out of the box (as the documenting header explicitly shows), and it does not bother the FHiCL validation of the provider because service_provider is explicitly mentioned as an exception.

The configuration for ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale provides in fact a valid configuration, with a neutral calibration factor 1 +/- 0 that does not hurt. This makes it the ideal configuration for experiments who don't want to bother with shower energy calibration (yet).

The configuration for ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID does not provide a valid configuration out of the box. The calibration file is a required parameter, and its content is something that is not possible to make usable for a "generic" experiment. An option might be to create a calibration file with all neutral corrections, to be stored it in larsoft_data repository. But given that it would be exactly as using the other provider, it does not gain much. We still provide a default configuration, that may guide the user to make its own. The parameters that are required but we don't have a good value for are set to the special FHiCL value @nil. Users can override it with something like

services.ShowerCalibrationGaloreService.CalibrationFile: "actual/path.root"

or otherwise. If the @nil value reaches the FHiCL parser, the latter will throw an exception and we'll know we have forgotten something.

The service: ShowerCalibrationGaloreService

The art service interface is the object art modules will look for. The module will contain:

ShowerCalibrationGalore const* showerCal
  = art::ServiceHandle<ShowerCalibrationGaloreService>()->provider();

or, completely equivalent:

auto const* showerCal = lar::providerFrom<ShowerCalibrationGaloreService>();

The class lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreService is just an interface, implemented by a different class that will provide its own provider. What would be for simple services to just ask for its provider:

| AtomicNumber |

becomes doubly indirect:

,-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~. ,-------------------------------------.
| ShowerCalibrationGaloreService |------>| ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService |
`-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~' (art) `-------------------------------------'
| (data member)
,-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-. (provider()) ,------------------------------.
| ShowerCalibrationGalore |<-------------| ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale |
`-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-' `------------------------------'

With the simple service, the caller knows the name of the interface, and receives a pointer to a provider interface. For both the service and the provider, the interface is implemented in the same class and the distinction between interface and implementation is only formal. In ShowerCalibrationGalore example, just as well, the caller knows the name of the interface, and receives a pointer to a provider interface. But in this case both service and provider interface do not come with an embedded implementation. When the art framework is requested for the service via interface, it loads a concrete implementation. When the concrete implementation is requested the provider, it returns the provider implementation it has hard-coded inside. The provider implementation is returned converted to a pointer to the provider interface, that is what the caller asked for.

Here we have to implement the service classes, one for the interface (ShowerCalibrationGaloreService) and one for each of the implementations. Each of them ends up being very similar to AtomicNumberService. One major difference is the name of the preprocessor macros needed by art.


The art service interface is an abstract class. It has a very simple task, and a very simple interface. In fact, the only method in the interface is provider(), that is supposed to return a pointer to the service provider as a provider interface ShowerCalibrationGalore. In addition, we need to define the usual provider_type data type that represents the provider interface. No constructor is needed, because the class is abstract, but a virtual destructor is needed. This is so much boilerplate, that LArSoft provides a template for it. It is called lar::ServiceProviderInterfaceWrapper because it wraps a service provider interface, and takes the provider interface as template parameter. There is a catch, though: the provider() method is not virtual. It returns the result of another method: this other method, do_provider(), is a protected pure virtual method. The derived classes will overload and implement this one to return the pointer provider. One effect of this is to deprive the implementations of the possibility to have provider() return anything else than the provider interface. Using this template guarantees that the requirements of lar::providerFrom() are satisfied, but you can code your class from scratch as long as the same requirements are satisfied (see the documentation of that function). There is actually no class named ShowerCalibrationGaloreService: that is an alias for the wrapper. This might create problems in some corner cases (for example, you would not be able to forward-declare ShowerCalibrationGaloreService) but it works for the standard case. The alternative would be to have ShowerCalibrationGaloreService as class publicly inheriting from the wrapper.

One last thing is needed: the macro DECLARE_ART_SERVICE_INTERFACE, similar to DECLARE_ART_SERVICE but specific for a service interface, needs to be invoked to inform art about this interface.

The header ends up being fairly short thanks to the boilerplate (it would not be much longer otherwise). More room for documentation! Unfortunately the using trick places the section about this service interface in the non-intuitive place of the typedefs. Conversely, not much documentation is needed here, since the real deal is in the provider interface.

Being an abstract interface, no implementation file is required (and no macro for the "definition" is needed either).


The class ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService implements a "concrete" ShowerCalibrationGaloreService art service. For normal use (e.g. in art), the service will appear only in the configuration of the job, as the service_provider of ShowerCalibrationGaloreService service.

Its functionality is to manage and keep updated a service provider, in this case an instance of ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale. The service needs to derive from the abstract interface ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale, and it needs to implement one or more constructors and the pure virtual do_provider() method that was left dangling in the interface. The constructor required by art can have one of two signatures, taking as arguments a FHiCL parameter set and a activity registry, or a FHiCL configuration table and an activity registry. The first argument will supply configuration to the service, that is going to forward it to the provider, without and with parameter validation respectively for the two signatures. The second argument is common to the two signatures and it is a facility art provides for the service to be "informed" when the framework changes status, as for example when it starts processing an event, or starts a new run, or closes an input file or is ending the job. The service is supposed to register a "callback" function that will be executed when the bound condition is met. For example, a service might decide to print a summary at the end of the job, by registering a PrintSummary() method bound to the endJob condition. In general, in the factorisation model the service would inform the provider of the changed condition and trigger any change needed. This example does not utilises this feature.

We provide only the configuration validating constructor — art will take care of the rest. We have decided to create the service provider immediately on construction. The construction of the service provider is simple: just pass the configuration to the provider constructor, and we are done. The do_provider() implementation is as trivial as to return the data member which contains the provider instance. We define some optional types to give some information about which interface we are implementing (service_interface_type) and which is the actual provider we manage (concrete_provider_type). The rest is similar to AtomicNumberService example (note that the provider_type type is inherited).

Note that if the construction of the provider requires a lot of resources and you expect that it might be unused even when configured (if for example it provides a service useful only in one event out of one hundred, a job with twenty events is likely not to invoke it), then a different, "lazy" construction pattern might be preferred. In that pattern, the constructor just saves a copy of the configuration, but it is do_provider() that constructs the provider if it's not yet available (that is, the first time provider() is called). This pattern may clash with configuration validation. Another pattern is to indeed construct the provider on service construction, with a constructor that does not perform the full initialisation. That initialisation would be then triggered by do_provider(). This pattern allows a correct configuration validation but it requires explicit support by the provider.

All this code is very patterned, and LArSoft does provide a template to save the typing, that will be used by the other service implementation, ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService. The provider must expose a certain interface, which ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale also does. Here we haven't used it just for illustration purposes.

Note the preprocessor macro DECLARE_ART_SERVICE_INTERFACE_IMPL specific for a art service implementing an interface.

Finally, the documentation mainly sends the reader to the description of the service provider, but it also reminds how write the configuration so that art uses this service implementation. It also reminds of the fact that this code should be basically invisible: access to the functionality of the provider is obtained through its interface ShowerCalibrationGalore, access to the provider is obtained through the art service interface ShowerCalibrationGaloreService and nowhere in the code ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale or its related service ShowerCalibrationGaloreService should appear. Not even in the link list of user code! The framework is expected to load and dynamically link the correct library (that might be the one containing ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService or another one, depending on the configuration) as needed.

The implementation of the service is again almost unnecessary, as it was in AtomicNumberService example. Here a preprocessor macro specific for service interface implementation must be used, DEFINE_ART_SERVICE_INTERFACE_IMPL.


The service implementation ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService manages an instance of the service provider ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID. Beside the difference in which service provider is being managed, the functionality of this service is exactly the same as the one of the other service implementation, ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService.

Here we take advantage of the template for the simple implementation of service interfaces lar::ServiceProviderImplementationWrapper. As the name suggests, this template wraps a service provider implementation. The two template arguments are the provider implementation and the art service interface. Note that these two classes don't know each other, although they both know the provider interface ShowerCalibrationGalore. The requirements to use this wrapper are documented with the wrapper itself, and they can be summarised in: the provider must have a configuration object called Config and a constructor that takes one of them as only argument. In addition, this template can't be used as is, when callback methods need to be registered.

This implementation is completely equivalent to the one in [].


Each service must live in its own library, and that library must have a specific name, so that art can connect it to the name of the service it contains and load it. This is a requirement that does not hold for the service provider library or libraries, but only for the art services.

Here we let cmake macro art_make() to take care of all the rules and requirements. We only specify that all our services must be linked with the same set of libraries. Noteworthy are the library with the provider implementations and lardata_RecoBase for recob::Shower (that might be in this case actually optional since the services don't make any use of that object). Note that although we did use some header from larcore, those headers have no implementation file and are not connected to any library, as can be read in the documentation of those very headers.

The art_make() macro will ensure that one library is created for each of the source files * present in the directory. The result can be seen in the ${MRB_BUILDDIR}/larexamples/lib directory.

If we had the need of different library sets, we would have used simple_plugin() macro instead of art_make().


As in AtomicNumber example, we have stand-alone tests for each of the service providers, and a test under art. Differently from the AtomicNumber example, we are using here a part of LArSoft test facility expressly designed for tests that use services. We have described in [ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleTestHelpers.h] file the additional work that it takes for a service provider to support these features. Here we see how to use them.

The following tests are implemented:

As a reminder, when mrb test is used, all the tests are run automatically and a global output log is also available, typically in ${MRB_BUILDDIR}/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log.


Tests are as always declared to cmake via the cet_test() macro.

For the art service test, we have a test module that needs to be built. We use the simple_plugin() macro specifying the name of the module and the link list. The link list does not include any library related to ShowerCalibrationGalore. The test module uses the abstract service interface, and it will be art to decide which libraries to link at run time.

There are two tests driven by art, that exercise the two service providers. The other tests have their own executable file.

As mentioned while describing the other CMakeLists.txt, we perform here a more complete installation than it would usually be done for non-example code.

This is not really a test... maybe it's a metatest. It creates a file that is suitable to be used as ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID calibration data. The physics content is complete naught, but the form is correct. One of its purposes is to show an example of calibration input file for the provider. Another is to allow the creation of calibration input on the spot, so that a test can use it immediately.

The actual creation of the calibration file is delegated to a separate compilation unit, CreateTestShowerCalibrationFromPID.h and its implementation. This exposes a function to create an arbitrary calibration file. The unit test ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID_test will use that function to create the file to configure its provider with.

This "test" was also used to fill the examples/CalibrationExample.root file with shower calibration data. That file is stored in larsoft_data package, which is automatically configured together with LArSoft, and it is the file that the art-based test uses to configure ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService.


This header contains a "test" function that prints the correction factor for a synthetic shower within a range of energies, and for a selection of particle IDs. It is not a real run-time test in the sense that it does not validate the correction values and can't detect failures. It will still somehow exercise the service.

The function only uses the provider interface, ShowerCalibrationGalore, and can therefore be run with any provider implementation.

The output function uses a template parameter for the output stream. As a consequence, the whole code is in a header and no implementation file is required.

This test exercises the provider implementation ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale. The test uses a known configuration and verifies that the correction factor for a synthetic shower of a certain energy matches the expected one. It also prints a correction table on the screen via the utility in ShowerCalibrationGaloreTests.h, but it does not perform any check on the output.

The test environment

This test uses the same facility as AtomicNumber_test to establish a test "environment", that is a class to refer to for global status like configuration and... service providers. The TesterEnvironment class does not know anything of any service provider, but it can figure out given the proper directions. The example begins with the creation of a configuration object. In this object, of type testing::BasicEnvironmentConfiguration, we insert a default configuration for the service called "ShowerCalibrationGaloreService". The configuration is made of three lines:

  1. specification of factor as a known value from a constant
  2. specification of error as a known value from another constant
  3. specification of a service_provider of type "ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService"

This is a complete art configuration for ShowerCalibrationGaloreService that uses ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService as implementation.

We create a test environment object by invoking the function testing::CreateTesterEnvironment() with that configuration. Not much magic involved here: a TesterEnvironment class is created, and the use of this function just saves us typing.

Finally, we tell the test environment to set up the provider lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale and cross our finger hoping it does know how to, since we don't want to. Here some magic does happen. The tester environment looks for a template class SimpleEnvironmentSetupClass specialised with lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale, and executes the static setup() method in there. That class and method is there only if the author of the service provider put it there, which we in fact did (see [ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleTestHelpers.h]). Good for us here: we just have to include that header. If ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale depended on other services, we should have them set up first, in one way or the other. One way is the same SimpleProviderSetup() call for those other providers. For geometry service, it's currently complicate enough that a specific tester environment should be used (you can see the unit test of detutil::DetectorPropertiesStandard in lardata repository).

A few lines later we access the provider with a call to test environment method Provider<lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGalore>(), and a provider of type lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGalore is ready to be used, just as when we ask art in a module: lar::providerFrom<lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGalore>().

The rest of the test is simple. We call the function that prints the correction table passing a pointer to the service provider, a energy range and a list of particle IDs. Then we ask to print a report from the provider on the screen. Finally, the real, small test: we create a synthetic shower object with lar::example::tests::MakeShower(), specifying only its energy. The function will assign some dummy value to all the other quantities the shower requires. We ask for the correction factor, and we verify that it's the same we configured in some lines above.

The test for ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID provider mirrors the one for ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale. They differ in some details, though.

This service provider requires a calibration file as input. Here we don't want to guess, so we invoke a function from the test library that creates one for us with the name we want.

Then we proceed to configure the service and the environment by the same means we used for the other provider. The configuration will be still stored as "ShowerCalibrationGaloreService", because that's what would happen in a art context, and we invoke the "simple setup" of the provider implementation we are testing. The access to the provider uses exactly the same line of code as the other test. The difference is that here it's not as simple to guess which correction to expect, and this test turns out to be not really much of a test at all. We don't verify that the correction values are as expected, because we don't have an expectation. In a real test, the expectation might be provided by the function or set of functions that produces the calibration file.

A detail here is that we used message facility instead of C++ output streams to print the output. Just to show that we can.

Tests of art services use a simple module. There is just one test module, that we'll run with two different configurations, one for each service implementation.

The test module is not much. Given its generality, it can't guess which correction values are expected, so it ends up being a glorified version of It sports configuration validation, just for habit, and will print the correction table thanks to the usual function from ShowerCalibrationGaloreTests.h.

It is not a very good test, although it's good enough to verify that the service correctly loads and is invoked. Yet it is a good example of a module using the service interface. And once more, note that no mention is made of any specific service implementation throughout the module, nor in the module configuration. The information about the service implementation starts and ends in the configuration of the service itself in the FHiCL configuration file.


If you have any question about the example, please contact its author. This section will be populated with questions and their answers.

Version 1.11: August 15, 2017 ( Teeny change: filename README -> since this is a Markdown file.

Typedef Documentation

using lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService = typedef lar::ServiceProviderImplementationWrapper <ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID, ShowerCalibrationGaloreService>

Service for shower energy calibration according to particle type.

See also
ShowerCalibrationGalore example overview

See the ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID provider documentation for configuration instructions and implementation details.

See the ShowerCalibrationGalore provider class documentation for an explanation of the interface.

Use this service and its provider by its interface only:

lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGalore const* calib
  = lar::providerFrom<lar::example::ShowerCalibrationGaloreService>();

The code does not need to mention, nor to include, nor to link to ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService service.

Configuration parameters

In addition to the service provider:

  • service_provider must be set to "ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService" in order to tell art to load this implementation.

Definition at line 55 of file ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService.h.

Interface for a shower calibration art service.

See also
ShowerCalibrationGalore example overview

Services derived from this interface just return a provider implementing the ShowerCalibrationGalore service provider interface.

Implementations of this service must override ShowerCalibrationGaloreService::do_provider().

Definition at line 39 of file ShowerCalibrationGaloreService.h.