LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
geo::vect Namespace Reference

Utilities to manipulate geometry vectors.The utilities include generic vector interface facilities allowing to use different vector types via templates. More...


 Utilities to print vector types.
 Convenience utilities not directly related to vectors.


class  MiddlePointAccumulatorDim
 Helper class to compute the middle point in a point set. More...


template<typename Vector >
using coordinate_t = details::VectorScalar_t< Vector >
 Type of coordinate of the specified vector type. More...
template<typename Vector >
using CoordReader_t = decltype(details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::X))
 Type of a coordinate reader for a vector type. More...
template<typename Vector >
using CoordManager_t = decltype(details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::X,&Vector::SetX))
 Type of a coordinate manager for a vector type. More...
using MiddlePointAccumulator = MiddlePointAccumulatorDim< 3U >
 Middle-point accumulator for vectors of dimension 3. More...


template<typename Vector , typename Coords >
constexpr Vector makeFromCoords (Coords &&coords)
 Creates a Vector object with coordinates from coords. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto coordManager (unsigned int n)
 Returns an object that can be bound to a vector to manage one of its coordinates. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto coordManager (unsigned int n, Vector &v)
 Returns an object that can be bound to a vector to manage one of its coordinates. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto bindCoord (Vector const &v, CoordReader_t< Vector > helper)
 Binds the specified constant vector to the coordinate reader. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto bindCoord (Vector &v, CoordManager_t< Vector > helper) -> details::BoundCoordManager< CoordManager_t< Vector >, Vector >
 Binds the specified vector to the coordinate manager. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto Xcoord (Vector &v)
 Returns an object to manage the coordinate X of the vector v. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto Ycoord (Vector &v)
 Returns an object to manage the coordinate Y of the vector v. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto Zcoord (Vector &v)
 Returns an object to manage the coordinate Z of the vector v. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto Tcoord (Vector &v)
 Returns an object to manage the coordinate T of the vector v. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto coord (Vector &v, unsigned int n) noexcept
 Returns an object to manage the coordinate n of a vector. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto bindCoordManagers (Vector &v)
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto bindCoordReaders (Vector const &v)
template<typename Dest , typename Source >
Dest convertTo (Source const &v)
 Returns a vector of type Dest with the same content as a Src. More...
template<typename Dest , typename Source >
std::vector< Dest > convertCollTo (std::vector< Source > const &coll)
 Returns a vector of type Dest with the same content as a Src. More...
template<typename Vector , typename Pred >
Vector transformCoords (Vector const &v, Pred &&pred)
 Returns a new vector applying a predicate to each component. More...
auto norm (geo::Vector_t const &v)
auto mag2< TVector2 > (TVector2 const &v)
Vector coordinate access abstraction

This group of utilities provides a common interface for tasks involving geometry vectors, which may have different interface. An example of that is the access of coordinates by an index: it is supported (and "slow") in TVector3 for read/write access, while in GenVector it is not supported (and given that the internal representation might be not cartesian, it's not surprising). We provide utilities which fill the gaps, relying on some looser requirements.

Coordinate managers

A "coordinate manager" is an object handling a specific coordinate out of a specific vector type; i.e., a coordinate manager object will manage for its entire lifetime the same coordinate, e.g. x or z. A coordinate manager can be:

  • bound to a vector object: that manager handles exclusively its managed coordinate for that vector object;
  • unbound: such a manager can handle the managed coordinate of any vector, which can be passed as an argument; or the unbound manager can be used to create a bound one.

Two types of managers are available:

  • reader, accesses the coordinate but can't modify it
  • manager, requires to be bound to a mutable vector and can assign and modify the coordinate via selected operations

Note that a coordinate is never returned as a reference, either mutable or constant.

Handling a coordinate of a vector object: bound managers

A bound coordinate manager can be created directly:

geo::Point_t p { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
auto px = geo::vect::Xcoord(p);
std::cout << p << " has x=" << px() << std::endl;
px += 5.0;
std::cout << p << " has now x=" << px() << std::endl;

will return something along the line of

(1,2,3) has x=1
(6,2,3) has now x=6

Functions Xcoord(), Ycoord(), Zcoord() and Tcoord() (in namespace geo::vect) are available for the supporting vector types.

If access by numeric index is necessary, coord() can be used instead:

geo::Vector_t const v { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
for (unsigned c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
auto vc = geo::vect::coord(v, c);
std::cout << v << "[" << c << "]=" << vc() << std::endl;

(note that for this example we have implicitly obtained a coordinate reader instead of a full coordinate manager because v is constant). This will print:


If there are more vectors to access the same coordinate of, it's better to use unbound managers (see below).

Handling a coordinate for any vector object

Unbound coordinate managers (and readers) can't operate directly on vectors but they need to be bound to one. Binding produces a new bound manager, leaving the unbound manager untouched. Binding is done with geo::vect::bindCoord(). For example:

geo::Point_t A { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
auto Ax = geo::vect::bindCoord(A, YcoordManager<geo::Point_t>);
std::cout << A << " has y=" << Ax << std::endl;

should produce an output like

(1,2,3) has y=2

In the example, YcoordManager is a template coordinate manager. There are managers available for X, Y, Z and T coordinates, and each one can deal only with a specific vector type; also, specifying a non-constant vector type will deliver a full manager, which can't operate on constant vectors. The unbound coordinate managers are not as useful, but a possible use is for loops on coordinates from multiple vectors:

geo::Point_t A { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, geo::Point_t B {5.0, 7.0, 9.0 };
for (unsigned c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
auto coordMan = geo::vect::coordManager(c);
auto Ac = geo::vect::bindCoord(A, coordMan);
auto Bc = geo::vect::bindCoord(B, coordMan);
std::cout << (Bc() - Ac() * 2.0) << std::endl;
} // for

which will emit


This is marginally faster than the same code with geo::vect::bindCoord() call replaced by geo::vect::coord(). More convenient still, if the coordinates are treated all just the same and c is not needed (as above):

geo::Point_t A { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, geo::Point_t B {5.0, 7.0, 9.0 };
for (auto coordMan: geo::vect::coordManagers<geo::Point_t const>()) {
auto Ac = geo::vect::bindCoord(A, coordMan);
auto Bc = geo::vect::bindCoord(B, coordMan);
std::cout << (Bc() - Ac() * 2.0) << std::endl;
} // for

Conversion between vector types

A convenience function convertTo() is provided to convert a vector into another of a different type (for example, from TVector3 to geo::Vector_t).

Vector requirements

So far, the requirements for this set of utilities are the following. The vector type must support:

  • a cartesian coordinate constructor: Vector v { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
  • accessor methods named after the name of the coordinate, acting on constant vectors, taking no arguments, and returning a copy of the coordinate value, e.g. double X() const
  • coordinate assignment methods named SetC, where C is the name of each coordinate, after the name of the coordinate, with a single argument; the return type is not prescribed; e.g. void SetY(double)
  • the coordinate names must be X and Y for 2D vectors, plus Z for 3D vectors and T for 4D vectors (metric is irrelevant here)
template<typename Vector >
constexpr unsigned int dimension ()
 Returns the dimension of the specified vector type. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr unsigned int dimension (Vector &&)
 Returns the dimension of the specified vector type. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr std::array< std::size_t, geo::vect::dimension< Vector >)> indices ()
 Returns a sequence of indices valid for a vector of the specified type. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto indices (Vector const &) -> decltype(indices< Vector >())
 Returns a sequence of indices valid for a vector of the specified type. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto coordManagers ()
 Returns an array with all coordinate managers for a type of vector. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto coordManagers (Vector &&)
 Returns an array with all coordinate managers for a type of vector. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto coordReaders ()
 Returns an array with all coordinate readers for a type of vector. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto coordReaders (Vector &&)
 Returns an array with all coordinate readers for a type of vector. More...
Functions for common vector operations.

This group of template functions are meant to be used with vectors in a generic way. The default implementation is for TVector3. Specializations can be easily written for other vector types.

In addition, two "standard" representations for vectors and points are provided.

The representations for vector and point objects are currently the same; this prevents relying on overload resolution to decide which function to use. For example, defining two functions with signature: will not compile since these two are exactly the same. A solution might be to derive two different classes from the common one:
struct Vector_t: public VectorBase_t { using VectorBase_t::VectorBase_t; };
struct Point_t: public VectorBase_t { using VectorBase_t::VectorBase_t; };
This will likely have consequences though (for example, the sum of two Vector_t or Point_t will become a VectorBase_t).
template<typename Vector , typename Scalar >
Vector rounded01 (Vector const &v, Scalar tol)
 Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1. More...
template<typename Vector , typename Scalar >
void round01 (Vector &v, Scalar tol)
 Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1. More...
template<typename Vector >
bool isfinite (Vector const &v)
 Returns whether all components of the vector are finite. More...
template<typename Vector >
Vector normalize (Vector const &v)
 Returns a vector parallel to v and with norm 1. More...
template<typename Vector >
Vector cross (Vector const &a, Vector const &b)
 Return cross product of two vectors. More...
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto dot (Vector const &a, Vector const &b)
 Return cross product of two vectors. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto mag2 (Vector const &v)
 Return norm of the specified vector. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto norm (Vector const &v)
 Return norm of the specified vector. More...
template<typename Vector >
auto mixedProduct (Vector const &a, Vector const &b, Vector const &c)
Middle point functions
template<typename Point , typename BeginIter , typename EndIter >
Point middlePointAs (BeginIter begin, EndIter end)
 Returns the middle of the specified points. More...
template<typename BeginIter , typename EndIter >
geo::Point_t middlePoint (BeginIter begin, EndIter end)
 Returns the middle of the specified points. More...
template<typename Point >
Point middlePoint (std::initializer_list< Point > points)
 Returns the middle of the specified points. More...
Support for LArSoft geometry vectors
template<typename Point >
::geo::Point_t toPoint (Point const &p)
 Convert the specified point into a geo::Point_t. More...
template<typename Vector >
::geo::Vector_t toVector (Vector const &v)
 Convert the specified vector into a geo::Vector_t. More...
template<typename Point >
std::vector< geo::Point_tconvertCollToPoint (std::vector< Point > const &coll)
template<typename Vector >
std::vector< geo::Vector_tconvertCollToVector (std::vector< Vector > const &coll)
template<typename Coords >
GENVECTOR_CONSTEXPR::geo::Point_t makePointFromCoords (Coords &&coords)
 Creates a geo::Point_t from its coordinates (see makeFromCoords()). More...
template<typename Coords >
GENVECTOR_CONSTEXPR::geo::Vector_t makeVectorFromCoords (Coords &&coords)
 Creates a geo::Vector_t from its coordinates (see makeFromCoords()). More...
TVector3 conversions
template<typename Vector >
TVector3 toTVector3 (Vector const &v)
 Converts a vector into a TVector3. More...


template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto XcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::X, &Vector::SetX)
 Object that can be bound to a vector to manage its X coordinate. More...
template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto XcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::X)
 Object that can be bound to a vector to access its X coordinate. More...
template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto const YcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::Y, &Vector::SetY)
template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto YcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::Y)
template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto ZcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::Z, &Vector::SetZ)
template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto ZcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::Z)
template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto TcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::T, &Vector::SetT)
template<typename Vector >
static constexpr auto TcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::T)

Detailed Description

Utilities to manipulate geometry vectors.

The utilities include generic vector interface facilities allowing to use different vector types via templates.

Typedef Documentation

template<typename Vector >
using geo::vect::coordinate_t = typedef details::VectorScalar_t<Vector>

Type of coordinate of the specified vector type.

Definition at line 585 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
using geo::vect::CoordManager_t = typedef decltype (details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::X, &Vector::SetX))

Type of a coordinate manager for a vector type.

Definition at line 618 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
using geo::vect::CoordReader_t = typedef decltype(details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::X))

Type of a coordinate reader for a vector type.

Definition at line 613 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Middle-point accumulator for vectors of dimension 3.

Definition at line 1180 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::bindCoord ( Vector const &  v,
CoordReader_t< Vector >  helper 

Binds the specified constant vector to the coordinate reader.

Definition at line 785 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by geo::BoxBoundedGeo::GetIntersections(), geo::BoxBoundedGeo::SortCoordinates(), and Xcoord().

786  {
787  return details::BoundCoordGetter<CoordReader_t<Vector>, Vector const>
788  (v, helper);
789  }
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::bindCoord ( Vector &  v,
CoordManager_t< Vector >  helper 
) -> details::BoundCoordManager<CoordManager_t<Vector>, Vector>

Binds the specified vector to the coordinate manager.

Definition at line 793 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

795  { return { v, helper }; }
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::bindCoordManagers ( Vector &  v)

Returns an array with all coordinate managers bound to the specified vector.

Definition at line 1715 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by geo::vect::MiddlePointAccumulatorDim< N >::add(), and Tcoord().

1715  {
1716  return details::BindCoordManagersImpl<Vector, dimension<Vector>()>::bind(v);
1717 } // geo::vect::bindCoordManagers()
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::bindCoordReaders ( Vector const &  v)

Returns an array with all coordinate readers bound to the specified vector.

Definition at line 1721 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by Tcoord(), and transformCoords().

1721  {
1722  using ConstVector = std::add_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<Vector>>;
1723  return details::BindCoordManagersImpl<ConstVector, dimension<ConstVector>()>
1724  ::bind(v);
1725 } // geo::vect::bindCoordReaders()
template<typename Dest , typename Source >
std::vector< Dest > geo::vect::convertCollTo ( std::vector< Source > const &  coll)

Returns a vector of type Dest with the same content as a Src.

Template Parameters
Desttarget vector type
Sourcetype of the vector to be converted from
collthe collection of vectors to be converted from
a collection of vectors with the same content as coll, but of type Dest
See also

This version applies convertTo() to all the elements of the specified collection, returning a collection of the same template type (std::vector).

For the requirements, see convertTo().

Definition at line 1736 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by Tcoord().

1736  {
1738  std::vector<Dest> dest;
1739  dest.reserve(coll.size());
1740  std::transform(coll.begin(), coll.end(), std::back_inserter(dest),
1741  geo::vect::convertTo<Dest, Source>);
1742  return dest;
1744 } // geo::vect::convertCollTo()
template<typename Point >
std::vector<geo::Point_t> geo::vect::convertCollToPoint ( std::vector< Point > const &  coll)

Convert the specified collection of points into a collection of geo::Point_t.

Definition at line 1294 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References convertCollToVector().

Referenced by trkf::BezierTrackerModule::produce(), and toVector().

1295  { return convertCollTo<geo::Point_t>(coll); }
template<typename Vector >
std::vector<geo::Vector_t> geo::vect::convertCollToVector ( std::vector< Vector > const &  coll)

Convert the specified collection of vectors into a collection of geo::Vector_t.

Definition at line 1301 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by convertCollToPoint(), and trkf::BezierTrackerModule::produce().

1302  { return convertCollTo<geo::Vector_t>(coll); }
template<typename Dest , typename Source >
Dest geo::vect::convertTo ( Source const &  v)

Returns a vector of type Dest with the same content as a Src.

Template Parameters
Desttarget vector type
Sourcetype of the vector to be converted from
vthe vector to be converted from
a vector with the same content as v, but of type Dest

For this to work, both Src and Dest types must satisfy the requirements of Xcoord(), Ycoord(), Zcoord() etc.

Definition at line 1730 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by Tcoord().

1731  { return details::ConvertToDispatcher<Dest, Source>::convert(v); }
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::coord ( Vector &  v,
unsigned int  n 

Returns an object to manage the coordinate n of a vector.

Template Parameters
Vectorthe type of vector to be managed
vthe vector to be managed
nthe coordinate index: 0 for X, 1 for Y and 2 for Z
an object to manage the coordinate n of a vector
See also
Xcoord(), Ycoord(), Zcoord()

Result is undefined for any value of n other than 0, 1 and 2. See Xcoord(), Ycoord() and Zcoord() for Vector type requirements.

Definition at line 1683 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References n.

Referenced by shower::EMShowerAlg::FindInitialTrackHits(), geo::BoxBoundedGeo::GetIntersections(), evd::details::GridAxisClass::GridAxisClass(), geo::vect::details::isfiniteImpl(), and Tcoord().

1683  {
1684  return vect::bindCoord<Vector>(v, coordManager<Vector>(n));
1685 }
Char_t n[5]
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::coordManager ( unsigned int  n)

Returns an object that can be bound to a vector to manage one of its coordinates.

Template Parameters
Vectortype of vector to get a manager for (constantness matters)
nindex of the coordinate (0: X, 1: Y, 2: Z, 3: T)
a coordinate manager, undefined if index is invalid

Index n is assumed to be smaller than the dimension of the vector. The manager returned for a mutable vector exposes a read/write interface. Example of usage:

// mutable vectors get a full-featured "manager":
geo::Point_t p { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
auto px
= geo::vect::bindCoord(p, geo::vect::coordManager<geo::Point_t>(0U));
px *= 5.0;
std::cout << p << " has now x=" << px() << std::endl;

will print something like:

(5,2,3) has now x=5

For a constant vector, the returned manager exposes a read-only interface. Example of usage:

// constant vectors get a "reader" (read-only manager):
geo::Vector_t v { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
(v, geo::vect::coordManager<geo::Vector_t const>(1U));
std::cout << v << " has y=" << vy() << std::endl;

will print something like:

{1,2,3) has y=2

Note that the use in these examples, coord() is preferred.

Definition at line 1677 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1678  { return details::CoordManagerImpl<Vector>::get(n); }
Char_t n[5]
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::coordManager ( unsigned int  n,
Vector &  v 

Returns an object that can be bound to a vector to manage one of its coordinates.

Template Parameters
Vectortype of vector to get a manager for (constantness matters)
nindex of the coordinate (0: X, 1: Y, 2: Z, 3: T)
va vector of type Vector (ignored)
a coordinate manager, undefined if index is invalid
See also
geo::vect::coordManager(unsigned int)

An alias of geo::vect::coordManager(unsigned int).

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::coordManagers ( )

Returns an array with all coordinate managers for a type of vector.

Definition at line 1690 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1690  {
1691  using PlainVector = std::remove_reference_t<Vector>;
1692  return
1693  details::CoordManagersImpl<PlainVector, dimension<PlainVector>()>::get();
1694 } // geo::vect::coordManagers()
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::coordManagers ( Vector &&  )

Returns an array with all coordinate managers for a type of vector.

Definition at line 1697 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1698  { return coordManagers<Vector>(); }
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::coordReaders ( )

Returns an array with all coordinate readers for a type of vector.

Definition at line 1702 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1702  {
1703  using ConstVector = std::add_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<Vector>>;
1704  return
1705  details::CoordManagersImpl<ConstVector, dimension<ConstVector>()>::get();
1706 } // geo::vect::coordReaders()
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::coordReaders ( Vector &&  )

Returns an array with all coordinate readers for a type of vector.

Definition at line 1709 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1710  { return coordReaders<Vector>(); }
template<typename Vector >
Vector geo::vect::cross ( Vector const &  a,
Vector const &  b 

Return cross product of two vectors.

Definition at line 986 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by export_G4ThreeVector(), geo::GeometryCore::IntersectSegments(), mixedProduct(), and pmtana::AlgoCFD::RecoPulse().

986 { return a.Cross(b); }
template<typename Vector >
constexpr unsigned int geo::vect::dimension ( )

Returns the dimension of the specified vector type.

Definition at line 570 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

570 { return details::dimension<Vector>(); }
template<typename Vector >
constexpr unsigned int geo::vect::dimension ( Vector &&  )

Returns the dimension of the specified vector type.

Definition at line 572 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References indices().

572 { return dimension<Vector>(); }
template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::indices ( Vector const &  ) -> decltype(indices<Vector>())

Returns a sequence of indices valid for a vector of the specified type.

Definition at line 1662 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1663  { return indices<Vector>(); }
template<typename Vector >
bool geo::vect::isfinite ( Vector const &  v)

Returns whether all components of the vector are finite.

Definition at line 1759 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References geo::vect::details::isfiniteImpl().

Referenced by cluster::ClusterParamsAlg::GetRoughAxis(), geo::vect::details::isfiniteImpl(), trkf::KTrack::isValid(), round01(), and pma::Track3D::TuneFullTree().

1760  { return details::isfiniteImpl(v, details::makeVectorIndices<Vector>()); }
bool isfiniteImpl(Point const &point, std::index_sequence< I... >)
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::mag2 ( Vector const &  v)

Return norm of the specified vector.

Definition at line 994 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by export_G4ThreeVector(), and export_G4TwoVector().

994 { return v.Mag2(); }
auto geo::vect::mag2< TVector2 > ( TVector2 const &  v)

Definition at line 116 of file geo_vectors_utils_TVector.h.

116 { return v.Mod2(); }
template<typename Vector , typename Coords >
constexpr Vector geo::vect::makeFromCoords ( Coords &&  coords)

Creates a Vector object with coordinates from coords.

Template Parameters
Vectorthe type of vector to be created
Coordstype of object holding the value of the needed coordinates
coordsobject holding the value of the needed coordinates
a newly created Vector object with coordinates from coords

To create a vector of dimension N, the first N values are extracted from coords using Coords::operator[](std::size_t). For example:

constexpr std::array<float, 5U> data { 2.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0, 15.5 };
constexpr auto p = geo::vect::makeFromCoords<geo::Point_t>(data);
auto v = geo::vect::makeFromCoords<geo::Vector_t>( + 1);

will set p as constexpr geo::Point_t {2.0, 5.0, 7.0 }, ignoring the additional data. Likewise, it will set v to geo::Vector_t{ 5.0, 7.0, 11.0 }. In both cases, the coordinates are implicitly converted from float into the scalar type of the target vectors (in both cases, double).

Definition at line 1668 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1668  {
1669  using namespace geo::vect::details;
1670  return makeFromCoordsImpl<Vector>
1671  (constexpr_forward<Coords>(coords), makeVectorIndices<Vector>());
1672 } // geo::vect::makeFromCoords()
template<typename Coords >
GENVECTOR_CONSTEXPR ::geo::Vector_t geo::vect::makeVectorFromCoords ( Coords &&  coords)

Creates a geo::Vector_t from its coordinates (see makeFromCoords()).

Definition at line 1312 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1313  { return makeFromCoords<::geo::Vector_t>(std::forward<Coords>(coords)); }
template<typename BeginIter , typename EndIter >
geo::Point_t geo::vect::middlePoint ( BeginIter  begin,
EndIter  end 

Returns the middle of the specified points.

Template Parameters
BeginItertype of iterator to a point type compatible with add()
EndItertype of end iterator
beginiterator to the first point to be averaged
enditerator after the last point to be averaged
an object of type Point_t with the value of the middle point

Example of usage:

std::vector<geo::Point_t> points {
geo::Point_t(1., 2., 3.),
geo::Point_t(2., 4., 6.),
geo::Point_t(3., 6., 9.)
auto mp = geo::vect::middlePoint(points.begin(), points.end());

The variable mp of the example will be of type geo::Point_t.

Definition at line 1240 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References evd::details::begin(), and evd::details::end().

1241  { return middlePointAs<geo::Point_t>(begin, end); }
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator begin(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
template<typename Point >
Point geo::vect::middlePoint ( std::initializer_list< Point >  points)

Returns the middle of the specified points.

Template Parameters
Pointcartesian-represented point type with 3-component constructor and X(), Y() and Z() accessors.
pointsthe list of points to be included
the value of the middle point

Example of usage:

({ geo::Point_t(1., 2., 3.), geo::Point_t(3., 6., 9.) });

The variable mp will contain the middle point between the two specified in the initializer list.

Definition at line 1260 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1261  {
1262  constexpr auto Dim = geo::vect::dimension<Point>();
1263  return MiddlePointAccumulatorDim<Dim>(points.begin(), points.end())
1264  .template middlePointAs<Point>();
1265  }
template<typename Point , typename BeginIter , typename EndIter >
Point geo::vect::middlePointAs ( BeginIter  begin,
EndIter  end 

Returns the middle of the specified points.

Template Parameters
Pointcartesian-represented point type with 3-component constructor
BeginItertype of iterator to a point type compatible with add()
EndItertype of end iterator
beginiterator to the first point to be averaged
enditerator after the last point to be averaged
an object of type Point with the value of the middle point

Example of usage:

std::vector<geo::Point_t> points {
geo::Point_t(1., 2., 3.),
geo::Point_t(2., 4., 6.),
geo::Point_t(3., 6., 9.)
auto mp = geo::vect::middlePointAs<geo::Vector_t>(points.begin(), points.end());

The variable mp of the example will be of type geo::Vector_t (converted component by components from a geo::Point_t).

Definition at line 1211 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References evd::details::begin(), and evd::details::end().

1212  {
1213  constexpr auto Dim = geo::vect::dimension<Point>();
1214  return MiddlePointAccumulatorDim<Dim>(begin, end)
1215  .template middlePointAs<Point>();
1216  }
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator begin(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::mixedProduct ( Vector const &  a,
Vector const &  b,
Vector const &  c 

Return "mixed" product of three vectors: $ \vec{a} \times \vec{b} \cdot \vec{c} $

Definition at line 1003 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References cross(), and dot().

Referenced by geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateView().

1004  { return dot(cross(a, b), c); }
constexpr auto dot(Vector const &a, Vector const &b)
Return cross product of two vectors.
Vector cross(Vector const &a, Vector const &b)
Return cross product of two vectors.
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::norm ( Vector const &  v)

Return norm of the specified vector.

Definition at line 998 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

998 { return v.Mag(); }
auto geo::vect::norm ( geo::Vector_t const &  v)

Definition at line 1335 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

1335 { return v.R(); }
template<typename Vector >
Vector geo::vect::normalize ( Vector const &  v)

Returns a vector parallel to v and with norm 1.

Definition at line 982 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by geo::PlaneBase< geo::Vector_t >::PastorizeUnitVector(), and geo::TPCGeo::SortPlanes().

982 { return v.Unit(); }
template<typename Vector , typename Scalar >
void geo::vect::round01 ( Vector &  v,
Scalar  tol 

Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.

Definition at line 973 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References isfinite(), and rounded01().

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::ResetDriftDirection(), and geo::PlaneGeo::UpdatePlaneNormal().

973 { v = rounded01(v, tol); }
Vector rounded01(Vector const &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.
template<typename Vector , typename Scalar >
Vector geo::vect::rounded01 ( Vector const &  v,
Scalar  tol 

Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.

Definition at line 965 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References geo::vect::extra::roundValue01(), and transformCoords().

Referenced by geo::PlaneGeo::DetectGeometryDirections(), geo::PlaneGeo::GetNormalAxis(), groupTPCsByDriftDir(), lar::example::TotallyCheatTrackingAlg::makeTrack(), geo::PlaneBase< geo::Vector_t >::PastorizeUnitVector(), round01(), geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateIncreasingWireDir(), geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateWidthDepthDir(), and geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateWireDir().

966  {
967  return transformCoords
968  (v, [tol](auto c){ return extra::roundValue01(c, tol); });
969  }
T roundValue01(T value, T tol)
Returns value, rounded to 0, -1 or +1 if closer than tol.
Vector transformCoords(Vector const &v, Pred &&pred)
Returns a new vector applying a predicate to each component.
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::Tcoord ( Vector &  v)

Returns an object to manage the coordinate T of the vector v.

Template Parameters
Vectorthe type of vector to be managed
vthe vector with the coordinate T to be managed
an object to manage the coordinate T of v

The type Vector needs to have a double T() const method and a auto SetT(auto) method, where the argument is the type of the managed coordinate and the return value is unspecified.

Definition at line 851 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References bindCoordManagers(), bindCoordReaders(), convertCollTo(), convertTo(), coord(), n, and transformCoords().

Referenced by geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 4U >::bind(), and geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 4U >::convert().

852  { return bindCoord<Vector>(v, TcoordManager<Vector>); }
template<typename Vector >
TVector3 geo::vect::toTVector3 ( Vector const &  v)

Converts a vector into a TVector3.

Definition at line 44 of file geo_vectors_utils_TVector.h.

Referenced by geo::GeometryCore::IntersectSegments().

44 { return convertTo<TVector3>(v); }
template<typename Vector >
::geo::Vector_t geo::vect::toVector ( Vector const &  v)
template<typename Vector , typename Pred >
Vector geo::vect::transformCoords ( Vector const &  v,
Pred &&  pred 

Returns a new vector applying a predicate to each component.

Template Parameters
Vectortype of the vector in input (and output)
Predtype of unary predicate to be applied
vthe vector to be transformed
predthe predicate to be applied
a vector equivelent to { pred(x), pred(y), ... }

The predicate is a "functor" type, taking as the single argument the coordinate to be transformed, and returning the transformed value of it.

Definition at line 1749 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References bindCoordReaders().

Referenced by rounded01(), and Tcoord().

1749  {
1750  details::CoordinateArray_t<Vector> values;
1751  unsigned int i = 0;
1752  for (auto c: bindCoordReaders(v)) values[i++] = pred(c());
1753  return makeFromCoords<Vector>(values);
1754 } // geo::vect::transformCoords()
constexpr auto bindCoordReaders(Vector const &v)
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::Xcoord ( Vector &  v)

Returns an object to manage the coordinate X of the vector v.

Template Parameters
Vectorthe type of vector to be managed
vthe vector with the coordinate X to be managed
an object to manage the coordinate X of v

The type Vector needs to have a double X() const method and a auto SetX(auto) method, where the argument is the type of the managed coordinate and the return value is unspecified.

Definition at line 809 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

References bindCoord().

Referenced by geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 2U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 3U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 4U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 2U >::convert(), geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 3U >::convert(), geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 4U >::convert(), and geo::TPCGeo::GetCathodeCenterImpl().

810  { return bindCoord(v, XcoordManager<Vector>); }
auto bindCoord(Vector &v, CoordManager_t< Vector > helper) -> details::BoundCoordManager< CoordManager_t< Vector >, Vector >
Binds the specified vector to the coordinate manager.
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::Ycoord ( Vector &  v)

Returns an object to manage the coordinate Y of the vector v.

Template Parameters
Vectorthe type of vector to be managed
vthe vector with the coordinate Y to be managed
an object to manage the coordinate Y of v

The type Vector needs to have a double Y() const method and a auto SetY(auto) method, where the argument is the type of the managed coordinate and the return value is unspecified.

Definition at line 823 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 2U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 3U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 4U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 2U >::convert(), geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 3U >::convert(), and geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 4U >::convert().

824  { return bindCoord<Vector>(v, YcoordManager<Vector>); }
template<typename Vector >
auto geo::vect::Zcoord ( Vector &  v)

Returns an object to manage the coordinate Z of the vector v.

Template Parameters
Vectorthe type of vector to be managed
vthe vector with the coordinate Z to be managed
an object to manage the coordinate Z of v

The type Vector needs to have a double Z() const method and a auto SetZ(auto) method, where the argument is the type of the managed coordinate and the return value is unspecified.

Definition at line 837 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

Referenced by geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 3U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::BindCoordManagersImpl< Vector, 4U >::bind(), geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 3U >::convert(), and geo::vect::details::ConvertToImpl< Dest, Source, 4U >::convert().

838  { return bindCoord<Vector>(v, ZcoordManager<Vector>); }

Variable Documentation

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::TcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::T, &Vector::SetT)

An object that can be bound to a vector to manage its T coordinate.

See also

Definition at line 698 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::TcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::T)

An object that can be bound to a vector to manage its T coordinate.

See also

Definition at line 704 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::XcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::X, &Vector::SetX)

Object that can be bound to a vector to manage its X coordinate.

Template Parameters
Vectortype of vector to get a manager for (mutable type required)

The manager exposes a read/write interface. Example of usage:

// mutable vectors get a full-featured "manager":
geo::Point_t p { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
auto px
= geo::vect::bindCoord(p, geo::vect::XcoordManager<geo::Point_t>);
px *= 5.0;
std::cout << p << " has now x=" << px() << std::endl;

will print something like:

(5,2,3) has now x=5

Note that the use in the example, Xcoord() is preferred.

Definition at line 643 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::XcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::X)

Object that can be bound to a vector to access its X coordinate.

Template Parameters
Vectortype of vector to get a manager for (constant type required)

The manager exposes a read-only interface. Example of usage:

// constant vectors get a "reader" (read-only manager):
geo::Vector_t v { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
(v, geo::vect::XcoordManager<geo::Vector_t const>);
std::cout << v << " has x=" << vx() << std::endl;

will print something like:

(1,2,3) has x=1

Note that the use in the example, Xcoord() is preferred.

Definition at line 668 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto const geo::vect::YcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::Y, &Vector::SetY)

An object that can be bound to a vector to manage its Y coordinate.

See also

Definition at line 674 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::YcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::Y)

An object that can be bound to a vector to manage its Y coordinate.

See also

Definition at line 680 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::ZcoordManager = details::makeCoordManager(&Vector::Z, &Vector::SetZ)

An object that can be bound to a vector to manage its Z coordinate.

See also

Definition at line 686 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.

template<typename Vector >
constexpr auto geo::vect::ZcoordManager< Vector const > = details::makeCoordReader(&Vector::Z)

An object that can be bound to a vector to manage its Z coordinate.

See also

Definition at line 692 of file geo_vectors_utils.h.