LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
geo::CryostatID Struct Reference

The data type to uniquely identify a cryostat. More...

#include "geo_types.h"

Inheritance diagram for geo::CryostatID:
geo::TPCID readout::TPCsetID geo::PlaneID readout::ROPID geo::WireID

Public Types

typedef unsigned int CryostatID_t
 Type for the ID number. More...

Public Member Functions

 CryostatID ()=default
 Default constructor: an invalid cryostat. More...
 CryostatID (CryostatID_t c)
 Constructor: valid ID of cryostat with index c. More...
 CryostatID (CryostatID_t c, bool valid)
 Constructor: valid ID of cryostat with index c. More...
 operator std::string () const
 Human-readable representation of the cryostat ID. More...
auto const & deepestIndex () const
 Returns the value of the deepest ID available (cryostat's). More...
auto & deepestIndex ()
 Returns the deepest ID available (cryostat's). More...
int cmp (CryostatID const &other) const
 Returns < 0 if this is smaller than other, 0 if equal, > 0 if larger. More...
CryostatID const & asCryostatID () const
 Conversion to CryostatID (for convenience of notation). More...
CryostatIDasCryostatID ()
 Conversion to CryostatID (for convenience of notation). More...
CryostatID const & asConstCryostatID ()
 Conversion to CryostatID (for convenience of notation). More...
ID validity
 operator bool () const
 Returns true if the ID is valid. More...
bool operator! () const
 Returns true if the ID is not valid. More...
void setValidity (bool valid)
 Sets the validity of the ID. More...
void markValid ()
 Sets the ID as valid. More...
void markInvalid ()
 Sets the ID as invalid. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static CryostatID_t getInvalidID ()
 Return the value of the invalid ID as a r-value. More...
template<typename T >
static int ThreeWayComparison (T a, T b)
 Returns < 0 if a < b, 0 if a == b, > 0 if a > b. More...

Public Attributes

bool isValid = false
 Whether this ID points to a valid element. More...
CryostatID_t Cryostat = InvalidID
 Index of cryostat. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const CryostatID_t InvalidID = std::numeric_limits<CryostatID_t>::max()
 Special code for an invalid ID. More...

Detailed Description

The data type to uniquely identify a cryostat.

Definition at line 120 of file geo_types.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned int geo::CryostatID::CryostatID_t

Type for the ID number.

Definition at line 121 of file geo_types.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

geo::CryostatID::CryostatID ( )

Default constructor: an invalid cryostat.

geo::CryostatID::CryostatID ( CryostatID_t  c)

Constructor: valid ID of cryostat with index c.

Definition at line 136 of file geo_types.h.

136 : isValid(true), Cryostat(c) {}
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:129
CryostatID_t Cryostat
Index of cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:130
geo::CryostatID::CryostatID ( CryostatID_t  c,
bool  valid 

Constructor: valid ID of cryostat with index c.

Definition at line 139 of file geo_types.h.

139 : isValid(valid), Cryostat(c) {}
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:129
CryostatID_t Cryostat
Index of cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:130

Member Function Documentation

CryostatID const& geo::CryostatID::asConstCryostatID ( )

Conversion to CryostatID (for convenience of notation).

Definition at line 181 of file geo_types.h.

181 { return *this; }
CryostatID const& geo::CryostatID::asCryostatID ( ) const

Conversion to CryostatID (for convenience of notation).

Definition at line 177 of file geo_types.h.

Referenced by readout::operator!=(), readout::operator<(), readout::operator<<(), and readout::operator==().

177 { return *this; }
CryostatID& geo::CryostatID::asCryostatID ( )

Conversion to CryostatID (for convenience of notation).

Definition at line 179 of file geo_types.h.

179 { return *this; }
int geo::CryostatID::cmp ( CryostatID const &  other) const

Returns < 0 if this is smaller than other, 0 if equal, > 0 if larger.

Definition at line 173 of file geo_types.h.

References deepestIndex().

Referenced by readout::TPCsetID::cmp(), geo::TPCID::cmp(), and readout::operator<().

174  { return ThreeWayComparison(deepestIndex(), other.deepestIndex()); }
auto const & deepestIndex() const
Returns the value of the deepest ID available (cryostat&#39;s).
Definition: geo_types.h:168
static int ThreeWayComparison(T a, T b)
Returns < 0 if a < b, 0 if a == b, > 0 if a > b.
Definition: geo_types.h:188
auto const& geo::CryostatID::deepestIndex ( ) const

Returns the value of the deepest ID available (cryostat's).

Definition at line 168 of file geo_types.h.

Referenced by cmp().

168 { return Cryostat; }
CryostatID_t Cryostat
Index of cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:130
auto& geo::CryostatID::deepestIndex ( )

Returns the deepest ID available (cryostat's).

Definition at line 170 of file geo_types.h.

170 { return Cryostat; }
CryostatID_t Cryostat
Index of cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:130
static CryostatID_t geo::CryostatID::getInvalidID ( )

Return the value of the invalid ID as a r-value.

Definition at line 184 of file geo_types.h.

References InvalidID.

184 { return CryostatID::InvalidID; }
static const CryostatID_t InvalidID
Special code for an invalid ID.
Definition: geo_types.h:126
void geo::CryostatID::markInvalid ( )

Sets the ID as invalid.

Definition at line 157 of file geo_types.h.

Referenced by geo::PlaneGeo::ClosestWireID(), and geo::GeometryCore::FindTPCAtPosition().

157 { setValidity(false); }
void setValidity(bool valid)
Sets the validity of the ID.
Definition: geo_types.h:151
void geo::CryostatID::markValid ( )

Sets the ID as valid.

Definition at line 154 of file geo_types.h.

154 { setValidity(true); }
void setValidity(bool valid)
Sets the validity of the ID.
Definition: geo_types.h:151
geo::CryostatID::operator bool ( ) const

Returns true if the ID is valid.

Definition at line 145 of file geo_types.h.

145 { return isValid; }
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:129
geo::CryostatID::operator std::string ( ) const

Human-readable representation of the cryostat ID.

Definition at line 163 of file geo_types.h.

References geo::details::writeToString().

164  { return details::writeToString(*this); }
std::string writeToString(T const &value)
Write the argument into a string.
Definition: geo_types.h:514
bool geo::CryostatID::operator! ( ) const

Returns true if the ID is not valid.

Definition at line 148 of file geo_types.h.

148 { return !isValid; }
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:129
void geo::CryostatID::setValidity ( bool  valid)

Sets the validity of the ID.

Definition at line 151 of file geo_types.h.

151 { isValid = valid; }
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:129
template<typename T >
static int geo::CryostatID::ThreeWayComparison ( a,

Returns < 0 if a < b, 0 if a == b, > 0 if a > b.

Definition at line 188 of file geo_types.h.

189  { return (a == b)? 0: ((a < b)? -1: +1); }

Member Data Documentation

CryostatID_t geo::CryostatID::Cryostat = InvalidID

Index of cryostat.

Definition at line 130 of file geo_types.h.

Referenced by detsim::WienerFilterAna::analyze(), hit::GausHitFinderAna::analyze(), mvapid::MVAAlg::CalcSegmentdEdxDist(), tca::TruthMatcher::CanReconstruct(), tca::ChgFracBetween(), tca::ChgFracNearEnd(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::compatible(), tca::CompleteIncomplete3DVerticesInGaps(), geo::ChannelMapStandardAlg::ConvertROPtoWirePlane(), util::DetectorPropertiesServiceArgoNeuT::ConvertTicksToX(), detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::ConvertTicksToX(), geo::ChannelMapStandardAlg::ConvertTPCsetToTPC(), geo::ChannelMapStandardAlg::ConvertTPCtoTPCset(), geo::ChannelMapStandardAlg::ConvertWirePlaneToROP(), util::DetectorPropertiesServiceArgoNeuT::ConvertXToTicks(), detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::ConvertXToTicks(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::correctedTime(), tss::Hit2D::Cryo(), geo::GeometryCore::Cryostat(), geo::GeometryCore::CryostatPtr(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::EncodeCTP(), tca::EncodeCTP(), cluster::EndPointAlg::EndPoint(), ems::EndPoint::EndPoint(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::fillComplexSpacePoint(), tca::FillmAllTraj(), lar_pandora::PFParticleHitDumper::FillRecoWires(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::fillSpacePoint(), tca::FillWireHitRange(), tca::Find3DVertices(), apa::DisambigAlg::FindChanTimeEndPts(), tca::FindCompleteness(), geo::GeometryCore::FindCryostatAtPosition(), hit::HitCheater::FindHitsOnChannel(), tca::FindMissedTjsInTp3s(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::FindMissedVxTjs(), tca::FindParent(), tca::FindPFParticles(), tca::FindShowers3D(), geo::GeometryCore::FindTPCAtPosition(), tca::FindXMatches(), tca::FitTp3(), tca::FitTp3s(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::FitVtx(), tca::FollowTp3s(), ems::EMShower3D::GetCloseHits(), trkf::BezierTrack::GetClosestApproach(), trkf::BezierTrack::GetClosestApproaches(), geo::GeometryCore::GetClosestOpDet(), geo::GeometryCore::GetEndTPCID(), geo::GeometryCore::GetEndTPCsetID(), lar_cluster3d::PrincipalComponentsAlg::getHit2DPocaToAxis(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::GetHitRange(), calo::Calorimetry::GetPitch(), nnet::TrainingDataAlg::getProjection(), lar_pandora::LArPandoraInput::GetTrueStartAndEndPoints(), pma::Track3D::GetUnconstrainedProj3D(), lar_pandora::PFParticleHitDumper::GetUVW(), util::DetectorPropertiesServiceArgoNeuT::GetXTicksCoefficient(), detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::GetXTicksCoefficient(), util::DetectorPropertiesServiceArgoNeuT::GetXTicksOffset(), detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::GetXTicksOffset(), cluster::MergeClusterAlg::GlobalWire(), cluster::BlurredClusteringAlg::GlobalWire(), shower::EMShowerAlg::GlobalWire(), geo::TPCDataContainer< T >::hasCryostat(), geo::PlaneDataContainer< T >::hasCryostat(), geo::GeometryCore::HasCryostat(), ems::Hit2D::Hit2D(), tss::Hit2D::Hit2D(), pma::Hit3D::Hit3D(), hit::DisambigCheater::InitHitToWids(), trkf::KHitWireLine::KHitWireLine(), trkf::KHitWireX::KHitWireX(), lar_cluster3d::PCASeedFinderAlg::LineFit2DHits(), lar_cluster3d::HoughSeedFinderAlg::LineFit2DHits(), geo::details::cryostat_id_iterator_base< GEOID >::localID(), apa::DisambigAlg::MakeCloseHits(), lar_cluster3d::StandardHit3DBuilder::makeDeadChannelPair(), lar_cluster3d::StandardHit3DBuilder::makeHitPair(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::makeSpacePoints(), trkf::CosmicTrackerAlg::MakeSPT(), evd::SimulationDrawer::MCTruth3D(), tca::MergePFPTjs(), geo::ChannelMapAlg::NearestWireID(), geo::ChannelMapStandardAlg::NTPCsets(), geo::operator!=(), geo::operator<(), anab::operator<<(), recob::operator<<(), geo::operator<<(), geo::operator==(), lar_cluster3d::PrincipalComponentsAlg::PCAAnalysis_2D(), geo::ChannelMapAlg::PlaneWireToChannel(), tca::PosInPlane(), geo::GeometryCore::PositionToCryostat(), geo::GeometryCore::PositionToTPC(), tca::Print3S(), tca::Print3V(), tca::PrintAllTraj(), cluster::LineCluster::produce(), cluster::ClusterCheater::produce(), cluster::TrajCluster::produce(), cluster::SmallClusterFinder::produce(), hit::DPRawHitFinder::produce(), calo::Calorimetry::produce(), evd::GraphCluster::produce(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::separation(), cheat::BackTracker::SpacePointHitsToWeightedXYZ(), lar::util::TrackPitchInView(), apa::DisambigAlg::TrivialDisambig(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::Vtx3ClusterMatch(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::Vtx3ClusterSplit(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::VtxMatch(), geo::ChannelMapAlg::WireCoordinate(), and tca::WireHitRangeOK().

const CryostatID_t geo::CryostatID::InvalidID = std::numeric_limits<CryostatID_t>::max()

Special code for an invalid ID.

Definition at line 126 of file geo_types.h.

Referenced by geo::GeometryCore::FindCryostatAtPosition(), getInvalidID(), and geo::GeometryCore::PositionToCryostat().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: