LArSoft  v07_13_02
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
tca::TCConfig Struct Reference

#include "DataStructs.h"

Public Attributes

std::vector< float > vtx2DCuts
 Max position pull, max Position error rms. More...
std::vector< float > vtx3DCuts
 2D vtx -> 3D vtx matching cuts More...
std::vector< float > vtxScoreWeights
std::vector< float > neutralVxCuts
std::vector< short > deltaRayTag
 min length, min MCSMom and min separation (WSE) for a delta ray tag More...
std::vector< short > muonTag
 min length and min MCSMom for a muon tag More...
std::vector< float > electronTag
std::vector< float > chkStopCuts
 [Min Chg ratio, Chg slope pull cut, Chg fit chi cut] More...
std::vector< float > showerTag
 [min MCSMom, max separation, min # Tj < separation] for a shower tag More...
std::vector< float > kinkCuts
 kink angle, nPts fit, (alternate) kink angle significance More...
std::vector< float > match3DCuts
 3D matching cuts More...
std::vector< float > matchTruth
 Match to MC truth. More...
std::vector< float > chargeCuts
std::vector< float > qualityCuts
 Min points/wire, min consecutive pts after a gap. More...
std::vector< float > pfpStitchCuts
 cuts for stitching between TPCs More...
std::vector< float > testBeamCuts
std::vector< unsigned short > minPtsFit
 Reconstruct in several passes. More...
std::vector< unsigned short > minPts
 min number of Pts required to make a trajectory More...
std::vector< unsigned short > maxAngleCode
 max allowed angle code for each pass More...
std::vector< short > minMCSMom
 Min MCSMom for each pass. More...
std::vector< float > angleRanges
 list of max angles for each angle range More...
float wirePitch
float unitsPerTick
 scale factor from Tick to WSE equivalent units More...
std::vector< float > maxPos0
std::vector< float > maxPos1
float multHitSep
 preferentially "merge" hits with < this separation More...
float maxChi
const geo::GeometryCoregeom
const detinfo::DetectorPropertiesdetprop
TMVA::Reader * showerParentReader
std::vector< float > showerParentVars
float hitErrFac
float maxWireSkipNoSignal
 max number of wires to skip w/o a signal on them More...
float maxWireSkipWithSignal
 max number of wires to skip with a signal on them More...
float projectionErrFactor
float VLAStepSize
float JTMaxHitSep2
std::bitset< 128 > useAlg
 Max hit separation for making junk trajectories. < 0 to turn off. More...
std::bitset< 128 > dbgAlg
 Allow user to turn on debug printing in algorithms (that print...) More...
short recoSlice {0}
 only reconstruct the slice with ID (0 = all) More...
bool dbgSlc {true}
 debug only in the user-defined slice? default is all slices More...
bool dbgStp {false}
 debug stepping using debug.Cryostat, debug.TPC, etc More...
bool dbgMrg {false}
bool dbg2V {false}
 debug 2D vertex finding More...
bool dbgVxNeutral {false}
bool dbgVxMerge {false}
bool dbgVxJunk {false}
bool dbg3V {false}
 debug 3D vertex finding More...
bool dbgPFP {false}
bool dbgDeltaRayTag {false}
bool dbgMuonTag {false}
bool dbg2S {false}
bool dbg3S {false}
bool dbgStitch {false}
 debug PFParticle stitching More...
bool dbgSummary {false}
 print a summary report More...
bool dbgDump {false}
short nPtsAve
 dump trajectory points More...
std::bitset< 16 > modes
 number of points to find AveChg More...
bool doForecast {false}
 See TCMode_t above. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 465 of file DataStructs.h.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::angleRanges

list of max angles for each angle range

Definition at line 486 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::AngleRange(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::SetAngleCode().

calo::CalorimetryAlg* tca::TCConfig::caloAlg

Definition at line 495 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::FilldEdx(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::TrajClusterAlg().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::chargeCuts
std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::chkStopCuts

[Min Chg ratio, Chg slope pull cut, Chg fit chi cut]

Definition at line 473 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::ChkStop(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbg2S {false}

Definition at line 518 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), tca::FindShowers3D(), and tca::TagShowerLike().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbg3S {false}

Definition at line 519 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), and tca::FindShowers3D().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbg3V {false}
bool tca::TCConfig::dbgDeltaRayTag {false}

Definition at line 516 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), and tca::TagDeltaRays().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgDump {false}
bool tca::TCConfig::dbgMrg {false}

Definition at line 509 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), and tca::EndMerge().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgMuonTag {false}

Definition at line 517 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgPFP {false}

Definition at line 515 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), and tca::FindPFParticles().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgStitch {false}

debug PFParticle stitching

Definition at line 520 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), and tca::StitchPFPs().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgSummary {false}

print a summary report

Definition at line 521 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgVxJunk {false}

Definition at line 513 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), and tca::MakeJunkVertices().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgVxMerge {false}

Definition at line 512 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), and tca::MergeWithVertex().

bool tca::TCConfig::dbgVxNeutral {false}

Definition at line 511 of file DataStructs.h.

std::vector<short> tca::TCConfig::deltaRayTag

min length, min MCSMom and min separation (WSE) for a delta ray tag

Definition at line 470 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::TagDeltaRays().

bool tca::TCConfig::doForecast {false}

See TCMode_t above.

Definition at line 525 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::StepAway().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::electronTag

Definition at line 472 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure().

float tca::TCConfig::hitErrFac
float tca::TCConfig::JTMaxHitSep2
std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::kinkCuts

kink angle, nPts fit, (alternate) kink angle significance

Definition at line 475 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::CompatibleMerge(), tca::EndMerge(), tca::FindSoftKink(), tca::GottaKink(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), tca::SplitTrajCrossingVertices(), and tca::TagDeltaRays().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::matchTruth
std::vector<unsigned short> tca::TCConfig::maxAngleCode

max allowed angle code for each pass

Definition at line 484 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::ReconstructAllTraj(), and tca::StepAway().

float tca::TCConfig::maxChi

Definition at line 492 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), tca::StepAway(), and tca::UpdateTraj().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::maxPos0
std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::maxPos1
float tca::TCConfig::maxWireSkipNoSignal

max number of wires to skip w/o a signal on them

Definition at line 499 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::StepAway().

float tca::TCConfig::maxWireSkipWithSignal

max number of wires to skip with a signal on them

Definition at line 500 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::StepAway().

std::vector<short> tca::TCConfig::minMCSMom

Min MCSMom for each pass.

Definition at line 485 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::CheckTraj(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::StepAway().

std::vector<unsigned short> tca::TCConfig::minPts

min number of Pts required to make a trajectory

Definition at line 483 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::CheckTraj(), tca::FindVtxTjs(), tca::IsGhost(), tca::MakeJunkTraj(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::ReconstructAllTraj().

std::vector<unsigned short> tca::TCConfig::minPtsFit
float tca::TCConfig::multHitSep

preferentially "merge" hits with < this separation

Definition at line 491 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::GetHitMultiplet(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure().

std::vector<short> tca::TCConfig::muonTag
std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::neutralVxCuts

Definition at line 469 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::FindNeutralVertices(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure().

short tca::TCConfig::nPtsAve

dump trajectory points

Definition at line 523 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::UpdateTjChgProperties().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::pfpStitchCuts

cuts for stitching between TPCs

Definition at line 480 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::StitchPFPs().

float tca::TCConfig::projectionErrFactor

Definition at line 501 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::AddHits(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::qualityCuts

Min points/wire, min consecutive pts after a gap.

Definition at line 479 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::CheckTraj(), tca::EndMerge(), tca::FixTrajBegin(), tca::IsGhost(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure().

short tca::TCConfig::recoSlice {0}

only reconstruct the slice with ID (0 = all)

Definition at line 506 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::DecodeDebugString(), cluster::TrajCluster::produce(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::RunTrajClusterAlg().

TMVA::Reader* tca::TCConfig::showerParentReader
std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::showerParentVars

Definition at line 497 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::ConfigureMVA(), and tca::FindParent().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::testBeamCuts
std::bitset<128> tca::TCConfig::useAlg

Max hit separation for making junk trajectories. < 0 to turn off.

Allow user to mask off specific algorithms

Definition at line 504 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::AddHits(), tca::AddLAHits(), tca::AttachTrajToVertex(), tca::CheckHiMultEndHits(), tca::CheckHiMultUnusedHits(), tca::CheckTraj(), tca::CheckTrajBeginChg(), tca::ChkChgAsymmetry(), tca::ChkHiChgHits(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::ChkInTraj(), tca::ChkMichel(), tca::ChkStop(), tca::ChkStopEndPts(), tca::ChkVxTjs(), tca::CompleteIncomplete3DVertices(), tca::CompleteIncomplete3DVerticesInGaps(), tca::CompleteIncompleteShower(), tca::DefineHitPos(), tca::DefinePFP(), tca::EndMerge(), tca::FillGaps(), tca::Find2DVertices(), tca::Find3DVertices(), tca::FindHammerVertices(), tca::FindHammerVertices2(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::FindJunkTraj(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::FindMissedVxTjs(), tca::FindNeutralVertices(), tca::FindParent(), tca::FindSoftKink(), tca::FindUseHits(), tca::FindVtxTjs(), tca::FitVertex(), tca::FixTrajBegin(), tca::FixTrajEnd(), tca::GottaKink(), tca::HiEndDelta(), tca::IsGhost(), tca::KillVerticesInShower(), tca::MakeHaloTj(), tca::MakeJunkTraj(), tca::MakeJunkVertices(), tca::MaskBadTPs(), tca::MaskedHitsOK(), tca::Match3DVtxTjs(), tca::MergeGhostTjs(), tca::MergeNearby2DShowers(), tca::MergeOverlap(), tca::MergeShowerChain(), tca::MergeSubShowers(), tca::MergeSubShowersTj(), tca::MergeWithVertex(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), tca::TrajClusterAlg::ReconstructAllTraj(), tca::ReversePropagate(), tca::SetVx2Score(), tca::Split3DKink(), tca::SplitHiChgHits(), tca::SplitTrajCrossingVertices(), tca::StepAway(), tca::TagDeltaRays(), tca::TagJunkTj(), tca::TjDeltaRMS(), tca::TrimEndPts(), tca::UpdateTraj(), and tca::VtxHitsSwap().

float tca::TCConfig::VLAStepSize
std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::vtx3DCuts

2D vtx -> 3D vtx matching cuts

Definition at line 467 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::Find3DVertices(), tca::IsCloseToVertex(), and tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure().

std::vector<float> tca::TCConfig::vtxScoreWeights

Definition at line 468 of file DataStructs.h.

Referenced by tca::TrajClusterAlg::reconfigure(), and tca::SetVx2Score().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: