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Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
This is the complete list of members for geo::BoxBoundedGeo, including all inherited members.
BoxBoundedGeo()=default | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | |
BoxBoundedGeo(Coord_t x_min, Coord_t x_max, Coord_t y_min, Coord_t y_max, Coord_t z_min, Coord_t z_max) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
BoxBoundedGeo(Coords_t lower, Coords_t upper) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
c_max | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | private |
c_min | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | private |
Center() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
CenterX() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
CenterY() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
CenterZ() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
ContainsPosition(geo::Point_t const &point, double wiggle=1.0) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
ContainsPosition(TVector3 const &point, double wiggle=1.0) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | |
ContainsPosition(double const *point, double wiggle=1.0) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | |
ContainsX(double x, double const wiggle=1) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
ContainsY(double y, double const wiggle=1) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
ContainsYZ(double y, double z, double const wiggle=1) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
ContainsZ(double z, double const wiggle=1) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
Coord_t typedef | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | |
CoordinateContained(double c, double min, double max, double wiggle=1.) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inlinestatic |
CoordinateContained(double c, double const *range, double wiggle=1.) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inlinestatic |
Coords_t typedef | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | |
ExtendToInclude(Coord_t x, Coord_t y, Coord_t z) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
ExtendToInclude(geo::Point_t const &point) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
ExtendToInclude(BoxBoundedGeo const &box) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
GetIntersections(TVector3 const &TrajectoryStart, TVector3 const &TrajectoryDirect) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | |
GetIntersections(geo::Point_t const &TrajectoryStart, geo::Vector_t const &TrajectoryDirect) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | |
HalfSizeX() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
HalfSizeY() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
HalfSizeZ() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
InFiducialX(double x, double neg_margin, double pos_margin) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
InFiducialX(double x, double margin) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
InFiducialY(double y, double neg_margin, double pos_margin) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
InFiducialY(double y, double margin) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
InFiducialZ(double z, double neg_margin, double pos_margin) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
InFiducialZ(double z, double margin) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
Max() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
MaxX() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
MaxY() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
MaxZ() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
Min() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
MinX() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
MinY() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
MinZ() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
Overlaps(geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &other) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
OverlapsX(geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &other) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
OverlapsY(geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &other) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
OverlapsZ(geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &other) const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
set_max(Coord_t &var, Coord_t value) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inlinestatic |
set_max(Coords_t &var, geo::Point_t const &value) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inlinestatic |
set_min(Coord_t &var, Coord_t value) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inlinestatic |
set_min(Coords_t &var, geo::Point_t const &value) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inlinestatic |
SetBoundaries(Coord_t x_min, Coord_t x_max, Coord_t y_min, Coord_t y_max, Coord_t z_min, Coord_t z_max) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
SetBoundaries(Coords_t lower, Coords_t upper) | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
SizeX() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
SizeY() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
SizeZ() const | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | inline |
SortCoordinates() | geo::BoxBoundedGeo | private |