LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NcaldataCreation of calibrated signals on wires
 NcheatCode to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
 NclusterCluster finding and building
 NdetinfoGeneral LArSoft Utilities
 NdetsimDetector simulation of raw signals on wires
 NdumpCollection of utilities for dumping data on screen
 NevdLArSoft includes
 NevdbManage all things related to colors for the event display
 NeventEvent finding and building
 NevgbPhysics generators for neutrinos, cosmic rays, and others
 NevgenEvent Generation using GENIE, cosmics or single particles
 NfhiclParameter set interface
 NfilterFramework includes
 Ng4bBasic interface to Geant4 for ART-based software
 NgenfGeneric Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT
 NgenieGENIE neutrino interaction simulation objects
 NgeoNamespace collecting geometry-related classes utilities
 NhitDetector simulation of raw signals on wires
 NlarLArSoft-specific namespace
 NlargDetector simulation of raw signals on wires
 Nlarg4Geant4 interface
 NlariovFilters for channels, events, etc
 NlcvnUtility class for truth labels
 NlrisConversion of binary data to root files
 NnutoolsSimple service to provide a RunHistory configured to the right run
 NphotGeneral LArSoft Utilities
 NproxyEncloses LArSoft data product proxy objects and utilities.See this doxygen module for an introduction to data proxies in LArSoft
 NrawRaw data description
 NrecobReconstruction base classes
 NshwfShower finding
 NsimMonte Carlo Simulation
 NsimbART objects
 NsimfilterFramework includes
 NstdSTL namespace
 Nt0Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
 NtestingLArSoft test utilities
 NutilNamespace for general, non-LArSoft-specific utilities
 NvertexVertex reconstruction
 CGFAbsRecoHitProducerAbstract interface class for GFRecoHitProducer
 CGFExceptionException class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information)
 CGFRecoHitProducerTemplate class for a hit producer module
 CINormalizeChargeINormalizeCharge interface class definiton
 Cis_assn< art::Assns< L, R, D > >
 CKalmanFilterFinalTrackFitterProducer for fitting Trajectories and TrackTrajectories using TrackKalmanFitter
 CKalmanFilterTrajectoryFitterProducer for fitting Trajectories and TrackTrajectories using TrackKalmanFitter
 CLArContentLArContent class
 CLArDLContentLArDLContent class
 CMultiPandoraApiMultiPandoraApi class
 CMultiPandoraApiImplMultiPandoraApiImpl class
 CParticleAncestryMapProduct to store the mapping of track IDs that were dropped in largeant back to their ancestor that wasn't dropped
 CRecoProxyUsageExampleExample of analyzer accessing vertices, tracks, and hits, using RecoBaseProxy
 CSpehereRepresentation of a 3D sphere Defines a 3D Sphere having an center (Point_t) and a radius (double)
 CTrackProducerFromPFParticleProduce a reco::Track collection, as a result of the fit of an existing recob::PFParticle collection
 CTrackProducerFromTrackProduce a reco::Track collection, as a result of the fit of an existing recob::Track collection
 CTrackProducerFromTrackTrajectoryProduce a reco::Track collection, as a result of the fit of an existing recob::TrackTrajectory collection
 CWithAssociatedStructHelper to create associated data proxy