LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
shower::EMShowerAlg Class Reference

#include "EMShowerAlg.h"

Public Member Functions

 EMShowerAlg (fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset, int debug=0)
void AssociateClustersAndTracks (std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &clusters, art::FindManyP< recob::Hit > const &fmh, art::FindManyP< recob::Track > const &fmt, std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &clusterToTracks, std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &trackToClusters) const
 Map associated tracks and clusters together given their associated hits. More...
void AssociateClustersAndTracks (std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &clusters, art::FindManyP< recob::Hit > const &fmh, art::FindManyP< recob::Track > const &fmt, std::vector< int > const &clustersToIgnore, std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &clusterToTracks, std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &trackToClusters) const
 Map associated tracks and clusters together given their associated hits, whilst ignoring certain clusters. More...
std::vector< int > CheckShowerPlanes (std::vector< std::vector< int >> const &initialShowers, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &clusters, art::FindManyP< recob::Hit > const &fmh) const
 Takes the initial showers found and tries to resolve issues where one bad view ruins the event. More...
std::unique_ptr< recob::TrackConstructTrack (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track1, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track2, std::map< int, TVector2 > const &showerCentreMap) const
std::unique_ptr< recob::TrackConstructTrack (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track1, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track2) const
void FindInitialTrack (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &hits, std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > &initialTrack, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &initialTrackHits) const
std::vector< std::vector< int > > FindShowers (std::map< int, std::vector< int >> const &trackToClusters) const
 Makes showers given a map between tracks and all clusters associated with them. More...
recob::Shower MakeShower (detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &hits, std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > const &initialTrack, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &initialTrackHits) const
 Makes a recob::Shower object given the hits in the shower and the initial track-like part. More...
recob::Shower MakeShower (detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &hits, art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &vertex, int &iok) const
 <Tingjun to="" document>=""> More...
std::vector< recob::SpacePointMakeSpacePoints (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &hits, std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &hitAssns) const
 Makes space points from the shower hits in each plane. More...
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > > OrderShowerHits (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &shower, int plane) const
 Takes the hits associated with a shower and orders them so they follow the direction of the shower. More...
void FindInitialTrackHits (std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits, art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &vertex, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &trackHits) const
 <Tingjun to="" document>=""> More...
Int_t WeightedFit (const Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, const Double_t *w, Double_t *parm) const
 <Tingjun to="" document>=""> More...
bool isCleanShower (std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits) const
 <Tingjun to="" document>=""> More...

Public Attributes

int fDebug

Private Member Functions

void CheckIsolatedHits_ (std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
bool CheckShowerHits_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &showerHitsMap) const
geo::Point_t Construct3DPoint_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit1, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit2) const
 Constructs a 3D point (in [cm]) to represent the hits given in two views. More...
double FinddEdx_ (detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &trackHits, std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > const &track) const
 Finds dE/dx for the track given a set of hits. More...
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > FindOrderOfHits_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, bool perpendicular=false) const
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > > FindShowerStart_ (std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &orderedShowerMap) const
std::map< int, std::map< int, bool > > GetPlanePermutations_ (const detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData &detProp, const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
double GlobalWire_ (const geo::WireID &wireID) const
 Find the global wire position. More...
TVector2 HitCoordinates_ (recob::Hit const &hit) const
 Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space. More...
TVector2 HitPosition_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
 Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm. More...
TVector2 HitPosition_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, TVector2 const &pos, geo::PlaneID planeID) const
 Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm. More...
std::unique_ptr< recob::TrackMakeInitialTrack_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &initialHitsMap, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &showerHitsMap) const
void OrderShowerHits_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &shower, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &orderedShower, art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &vertex) const
TVector2 Project3DPointOntoPlane_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, geo::Point_t const &point, int plane, int cryostat=0) const
std::map< double, int > RelativeWireWidth_ (const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
TVector2 ShowerCenter_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits) const
 Returns the charge-weighted shower center. More...
TVector2 ShowerDirection_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &showerHits) const
double ShowerHitRMS_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits) const
double ShowerHitRMSGradient_ (detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &showerHits) const
 Returns the gradient of the RMS vs shower segment graph. More...
int WorstPlane_ (const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
 Returns the plane which is determined to be the least likely to be correct. More...

Private Attributes

double const fMinTrackLength
double const fdEdxTrackLength
double const fSpacePointSize
unsigned int const fNfitpass
std::vector< unsigned int > const fNfithits
std::vector< double > const fToler
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
shower::ShowerEnergyAlg const fShowerEnergyAlg
calo::CalorimetryAlg const fCalorimetryAlg
pma::ProjectionMatchingAlg const fProjectionMatchingAlg
std::string const fDetector
bool const fMakeGradientPlot
bool const fMakeRMSGradientPlot
int const fNumShowerSegments

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

shower::EMShowerAlg::EMShowerAlg ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  pset,
int  debug = 0 

Definition at line 37 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References art::errors::Configuration, fCalorimetryAlg, fdEdxTrackLength, fDetector, fMakeGradientPlot, fMakeRMSGradientPlot, fMinTrackLength, fNfithits, fNfitpass, fNumShowerSegments, fProjectionMatchingAlg, fShowerEnergyAlg, fSpacePointSize, and fToler.

38  : fDebug{debug}
39  , fMinTrackLength{pset.get<double>("MinTrackLength")}
40  , fdEdxTrackLength{pset.get<double>("dEdxTrackLength")}
41  , fSpacePointSize{pset.get<double>("SpacePointSize")}
42  , fNfitpass{pset.get<unsigned int>("Nfitpass")}
43  , fNfithits{pset.get<std::vector<unsigned int>>("Nfithits")}
44  , fToler{pset.get<std::vector<double>>("Toler")}
45  , fShowerEnergyAlg(pset.get<fhicl::ParameterSet>("ShowerEnergyAlg"))
46  , fCalorimetryAlg(pset.get<fhicl::ParameterSet>("CalorimetryAlg"))
47  , fProjectionMatchingAlg(pset.get<fhicl::ParameterSet>("ProjectionMatchingAlg"))
48  , fDetector{pset.get<std::string>("Detector", "dune35t")} // tmp
49  , fMakeGradientPlot{pset.get<bool>("MakeGradientPlot", false)}
50  , fMakeRMSGradientPlot{pset.get<bool>("MakeRMSGradientPlot", false)}
51  , fNumShowerSegments{pset.get<int>("NumShowerSegments", 4)}
52 {
53  if (fNfitpass != fNfithits.size() || fNfitpass != fToler.size()) {
55  << "EMShowerAlg: fNfithits and fToler need to have size fNfitpass";
56  }
57 }
shower::ShowerEnergyAlg const fShowerEnergyAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:278
pma::ProjectionMatchingAlg const fProjectionMatchingAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:280
double const fdEdxTrackLength
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:266
unsigned int const fNfitpass
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:270
std::vector< double > const fToler
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:272
bool const fMakeRMSGradientPlot
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:286
std::vector< unsigned int > const fNfithits
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:271
DebugStuff debug
Definition: DebugStruct.cxx:4
double const fMinTrackLength
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:265
bool const fMakeGradientPlot
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:285
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
int const fNumShowerSegments
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:287
calo::CalorimetryAlg const fCalorimetryAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:279
double const fSpacePointSize
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:267
std::string const fDetector
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:282

Member Function Documentation

void shower::EMShowerAlg::AssociateClustersAndTracks ( std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &  clusters,
art::FindManyP< recob::Hit > const &  fmh,
art::FindManyP< recob::Track > const &  fmt,
std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &  clusterToTracks,
std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &  trackToClusters 
) const

Map associated tracks and clusters together given their associated hits.

Definition at line 59 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

Referenced by shower::EMShower::produce().

65 {
66  std::vector<int> clustersToIgnore = {-999};
68  clusters, fmh, fmt, clustersToIgnore, clusterToTracks, trackToClusters);
69 }
void AssociateClustersAndTracks(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &clusters, art::FindManyP< recob::Hit > const &fmh, art::FindManyP< recob::Track > const &fmt, std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &clusterToTracks, std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &trackToClusters) const
Map associated tracks and clusters together given their associated hits.
Definition: EMShowerAlg.cxx:59
void shower::EMShowerAlg::AssociateClustersAndTracks ( std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &  clusters,
art::FindManyP< recob::Hit > const &  fmh,
art::FindManyP< recob::Track > const &  fmt,
std::vector< int > const &  clustersToIgnore,
std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &  clusterToTracks,
std::map< int, std::vector< int >> &  trackToClusters 
) const

Map associated tracks and clusters together given their associated hits, whilst ignoring certain clusters.

Definition at line 71 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References fDebug, fMinTrackLength, and track.

78 {
79  // Look through all the clusters
80  for (auto const& clusterPtr : clusters) {
82  // Get the hits in this cluster
83  auto const& clusterHits =;
85  // Look at all these hits and find the associated tracks
86  for (auto const& clusterHitPtr : clusterHits) {
87  // Get the tracks associated with this hit
88  auto const& clusterHitTracks =;
89  if (clusterHitTracks.size() > 1) {
90  std::cout << "More than one track associated with this hit!\n";
91  continue;
92  }
94  if (clusterHitTracks.size() < 1) continue;
96  auto const& clusterHitTrackPtr = clusterHitTracks[0];
97  if (clusterHitTrackPtr->Length() < fMinTrackLength) {
98  if (fDebug > 2)
99  std::cout << "Track " << clusterHitTrackPtr->ID() << " is too short! ("
100  << clusterHitTrackPtr->Length() << ")\n";
101  continue;
102  }
104  // Add this cluster to the track map
105  int track = clusterHitTrackPtr.key();
106  int cluster = clusterPtr.key();
107  if (cet::search_all(clustersToIgnore, cluster)) continue;
108  if (not cet::search_all(trackToClusters[track], cluster))
109  trackToClusters[track].push_back(cluster);
110  if (not cet::search_all(clusterToTracks[cluster], track))
111  clusterToTracks[cluster].push_back(track);
112  }
113  }
114 }
Cluster finding and building.
double const fMinTrackLength
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:265
Float_t track
Definition: plot.C:35
void shower::EMShowerAlg::CheckIsolatedHits_ ( std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &  showerHitsMap) const

Checks the hits across the views in a given shower to determine if there is one in the incorrect TPC

Definition at line 116 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References fGeom, hits(), geo::GeometryCore::MaxPlanes(), util::values(), and lar::dump::vector().

Referenced by OrderShowerHits().

118 {
119  std::map<int, std::vector<int>> firstTPC;
120  for (auto const& [plane, hits] : showerHitsMap)
121  firstTPC[>WireID().TPC].push_back(plane);
123  // If all in the same TPC then that's great!
124  if (firstTPC.size() != 2) return;
126  // If they are in more than two TPCs, not much we can do
127  else if (firstTPC.size() > 2)
128  return;
130  // If we get to this point, there should be something we can do!
132  // Find the problem plane
133  int problemPlane = -1;
134  for (auto const& planes : firstTPC | views::values)
135  if (planes.size() == 1) problemPlane = planes[0];
137  // Require three hits
138  if ( < 3) return;
140  // and get the other planes with at least three hits
141  std::vector<int> otherPlanes;
142  for (int plane = 0; plane < (int)fGeom->MaxPlanes(); ++plane)
143  if (plane != problemPlane and showerHitsMap.count(plane) and
144 >= 3)
145  otherPlanes.push_back(plane);
147  if (otherPlanes.size() == 0) return;
149  // Look at the hits after the first one
150  unsigned int wrongTPC =>WireID().TPC;
151  unsigned int nHits = 0;
152  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::iterator hitIt =;
153  hitIt != and (*hitIt)->WireID().TPC == wrongTPC;
154  ++hitIt)
155  ++nHits;
157  // If there are more than two hits in the 'wrong TPC', we can't be sure it is indeed wrong
158  if (nHits > 2) return;
160  // See if at least the next four times as many hits are in a different TPC
161  std::map<int, int> otherTPCs;
163  std::next(, nHits);
164  hitIt != and
165  std::distance(std::next(, nHits), hitIt) < 4 * nHits;
166  ++hitIt)
167  ++otherTPCs[(*hitIt)->WireID().TPC];
169  if (otherTPCs.size() > 1) return;
171  // If we get this far, we can move the problem hits from the front of the shower to the back
172  std::map<int, int> tpcCount;
173  for (int const otherPlane : otherPlanes)
175  std::next(;
176  hitIt != and
177  hitIt != std::next(, 2);
178  ++hitIt)
179  ++tpcCount[(*hitIt)->WireID().TPC];
181  // Remove the first hit if it is in the wrong TPC
182  if (tpcCount.size() == 1 and
183  tpcCount.begin()->first ==
184  (int)(*std::next(, nHits))->WireID().TPC) {
185  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> naughty_hits;
186  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::iterator hitIt =;
187  hitIt != std::next(, nHits);
188  ++hitIt) {
189  naughty_hits.push_back(*hitIt);
191  }
192  for (auto const& naughty_hit : naughty_hits)
194  }
195 }
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
unsigned int MaxPlanes() const
Returns the largest number of planes among all TPCs in this detector.
decltype(auto) values(Coll &&coll)
Range-for loop helper iterating across the values of the specified collection.
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
bool shower::EMShowerAlg::CheckShowerHits_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &  showerHitsMap 
) const

Takes the shower hits in all views and ensure the ordering is consistent Returns bool, indicating whether or not everything makes sense!

Definition at line 197 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::abs(), Construct3DPoint_(), fDebug, HitPosition_(), hits(), Project3DPointOntoPlane_(), X, and Y.

Referenced by MakeInitialTrack_(), and OrderShowerHits().

200 {
201  bool consistencyCheck = true;
203  if (showerHitsMap.size() < 2) { consistencyCheck = true; }
204  else if (showerHitsMap.size() == 2) {
206  // With two views, we can check:
207  // -- timing between views is consistent
208  // -- the 3D start point makes sense when projected back onto the individual planes
210  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> startHits;
211  std::vector<int> planes;
212  for (auto const& [plane, hits] : showerHitsMap) {
213  startHits.push_back(hits.front());
214  planes.push_back(plane);
215  }
217  auto const showerStartPos = Construct3DPoint_(detProp,,;
218  TVector2 proj1 = Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, showerStartPos,;
219  TVector2 proj2 = Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, showerStartPos,;
221  double timingDifference = std::abs(>PeakTime() ->PeakTime());
222  double projectionDifference = ((HitPosition_(detProp, * - proj1).Mod() +
223  (HitPosition_(detProp, * - proj2).Mod()) /
224  (double)2;
226  if (timingDifference > 40 or projectionDifference > 5 or showerStartPos.X() == -9999 or
227  showerStartPos.Y() == -9999 or showerStartPos.Z() == -9999)
228  consistencyCheck = false;
230  if (fDebug > 1)
231  std::cout << "Timing difference is " << timingDifference << " and projection distance is "
232  << projectionDifference << " (start is (" << showerStartPos.X() << ", "
233  << showerStartPos.Y() << ", " << showerStartPos.Z() << ")\n";
234  }
235  else if (showerHitsMap.size() == 3) {
237  // With three views, we can check:
238  // -- the timing between views is consistent
239  // -- the 3D start point formed by two views and projected back into the third is close to the start point in that view
241  std::map<int, art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> start2DMap;
242  for (auto const& [plane, hits] : showerHitsMap) {
243  start2DMap[plane] = hits.front();
244  }
246  std::map<int, double> projDiff;
247  std::map<int, double> timingDiff;
249  for (int plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane) {
251  std::vector<int> otherPlanes;
252  for (int otherPlane = 0; otherPlane < 3; ++otherPlane)
253  if (otherPlane != plane) otherPlanes.push_back(otherPlane);
255  auto const showerStartPos = Construct3DPoint_(
256  detProp,,;
257  TVector2 showerStartProj = Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, showerStartPos, plane);
259  if (fDebug > 2) {
260  std::cout << "Plane... " << plane;
261  std::cout << "\nStart position in this plane is "
262  << HitPosition_(detProp, * << ", "
263  << HitPosition_(detProp, * << ")\n";
264  std::cout << "Shower start from other two planes is (" << showerStartPos.X() << ", "
265  << showerStartPos.Y() << ", " << showerStartPos.Z() << ")\n";
266  std::cout << "Projecting the other two planes gives position (" << showerStartProj.X()
267  << ", " << showerStartProj.Y() << ")\n";
268  }
270  double projDiff =
271  std::abs((showerStartProj - HitPosition_(detProp, *;
272  double timeDiff = TMath::Max(
273  std::abs(>PeakTime() ->PeakTime()),
274  std::abs(>PeakTime() ->PeakTime()));
276  if (fDebug > 1)
277  std::cout << "Plane " << plane << " has projDiff " << projDiff << " and timeDiff "
278  << timeDiff << '\n';
280  if (projDiff > 5 or timeDiff > 40) consistencyCheck = false;
281  }
282  }
284  if (fDebug > 1) std::cout << "Consistency check is " << consistencyCheck << '\n';
286  return consistencyCheck;
287 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
geo::Point_t Construct3DPoint_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit1, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit2) const
Constructs a 3D point (in [cm]) to represent the hits given in two views.
Float_t Y
Definition: plot.C:37
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
TVector2 Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, geo::Point_t const &point, int plane, int cryostat=0) const
Float_t X
Definition: plot.C:37
std::vector< int > shower::EMShowerAlg::CheckShowerPlanes ( std::vector< std::vector< int >> const &  initialShowers,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Cluster >> const &  clusters,
art::FindManyP< recob::Hit > const &  fmh 
) const

Takes the initial showers found and tries to resolve issues where one bad view ruins the event.

Definition at line 289 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References fDebug, hits(), art::Ptr< T >::key(), geo::PlaneID::Plane, recob::Cluster::Plane(), sum, lar::to_element, util::to_string(), and lar::dump::vector().

Referenced by shower::EMShower::produce().

293 {
294  std::vector<int> clustersToIgnore;
296  // Look at each shower
297  for (auto initialShowerIt = initialShowers.cbegin(); initialShowerIt != initialShowers.cend();
298  ++initialShowerIt) {
300  if (std::distance(initialShowers.cbegin(), initialShowerIt) > 0) continue;
302  // Map the clusters and cluster hits to each view
303  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Cluster>>> planeClusters;
304  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> planeHits;
305  for (int const clusterIndex : *initialShowerIt) {
306  art::Ptr<recob::Cluster> const& cluster =;
307  planeClusters[cluster->Plane().Plane].push_back(cluster);
308  for (auto const& hit :
309  planeHits[hit->WireID().Plane].push_back(hit);
310  }
312  TFile* outFile = new TFile("chargeDistributions.root", "RECREATE");
313  std::map<int, TH1D*> chargeDist;
314  for (auto const& [plane, clusterPtrs] : planeClusters) {
315  for (auto const& clusterPtr : clusterPtrs) {
316  chargeDist[plane] = new TH1D(std::string("chargeDist_Plane" + std::to_string(plane) +
317  "_Cluster" + std::to_string(clusterPtr.key()))
318  .c_str(),
319  "",
320  150,
321  0,
322  1000);
323  auto const& hits =;
324  for (auto const& hit : hits | views::transform(to_element)) {
325  chargeDist[plane]->Fill(hit.Integral());
326  }
327  outFile->cd();
328  chargeDist[plane]->Write();
329  }
330  }
331  outFile->Close();
332  delete outFile;
334  // Can't do much with fewer than three views
335  if (planeClusters.size() < 3) continue;
337  // Look at how many clusters each plane has, and the proportion of hits each one uses
338  std::map<int, std::vector<double>> planeClusterSizes;
339  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Cluster>>>::iterator planeClustersIt =
340  planeClusters.begin();
341  planeClustersIt != planeClusters.end();
342  ++planeClustersIt) {
343  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Cluster>>::iterator planeClusterIt =
344  planeClustersIt->second.begin();
345  planeClusterIt != planeClustersIt->second.end();
346  ++planeClusterIt) {
347  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hits =>key());
348  planeClusterSizes[planeClustersIt->first].push_back(
349  (double)hits.size() / (double)>first).size());
350  }
351  }
353  // Find the average hit fraction across all clusters in the plane
354  std::map<int, double> planeClustersAvSizes;
355  for (auto const& [plane, cluster_sizes] : planeClusterSizes) {
356  double const average = accumulate(cluster_sizes, 0.) / cluster_sizes.size();
357  planeClustersAvSizes[plane] = average;
358  }
360  // Now decide if there is one plane which is ruining the reconstruction
361  // If two planes have a low average cluster fraction and one high, this plane likely merges two particle deposits together
362  int badPlane = -1;
363  for (auto const [plane, avg] : planeClustersAvSizes) {
365  // Get averages from other planes and add in quadrature
366  std::vector<double> otherAverages;
367  for (auto const [other_plane, other_avg] : planeClustersAvSizes)
368  if (plane != other_plane) otherAverages.push_back(other_avg);
370  double const sumSquareAvgsOtherPlanes = accumulate(
371  otherAverages, 0., [](double sum, double avg) { return sum + cet::square(avg); });
372  double const quadOtherPlanes = std::sqrt(sumSquareAvgsOtherPlanes);
374  // If this plane has an average higher than the quadratic sum of the
375  // others, it may be bad
376  if (avg >= quadOtherPlanes) badPlane = plane;
377  }
379  if (badPlane != -1) {
380  if (fDebug > 1) std::cout << "Bad plane is " << badPlane << '\n';
381  for (auto const& cluster :
382  clustersToIgnore.push_back(cluster.key());
383  }
384  }
386  return clustersToIgnore;
387 }
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
geo::PlaneID Plane() const
Returns the plane ID this cluster lies on.
Definition: Cluster.h:717
Cluster finding and building.
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
decltype(auto) constexpr to_string(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::to_string.
key_type key() const noexcept
Definition: Ptr.h:166
PlaneID_t Plane
Index of the plane within its TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:481
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
Double_t sum
Definition: plot.C:31
geo::Point_t shower::EMShowerAlg::Construct3DPoint_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &  hit1,
art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &  hit2 
) const

Constructs a 3D point (in [cm]) to represent the hits given in two views.

Definition at line 389 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData::ConvertTicksToX(), fGeom, recob::Hit::PeakTime(), geo::WireID::planeID(), recob::Hit::WireID(), geo::GeometryCore::WireIDsIntersect(), x, geo::WireIDIntersection::y, and geo::WireIDIntersection::z.

Referenced by CheckShowerHits_(), ConstructTrack(), and MakeSpacePoints().

392 {
394  // x is average of the two x's
395  double x = (detProp.ConvertTicksToX(hit1->PeakTime(), hit1->WireID().planeID()) +
396  detProp.ConvertTicksToX(hit2->PeakTime(), hit2->WireID().planeID())) /
397  (double)2;
399  // y and z got from the wire interections
400  geo::WireIDIntersection intersection;
401  fGeom->WireIDsIntersect(hit1->WireID(), hit2->WireID(), intersection);
403  return {x, intersection.y, intersection.z};
404 }
Float_t x
Definition: compare.C:6
double z
z position of intersection
Definition: geo_types.h:792
bool WireIDsIntersect(WireID const &wid1, WireID const &wid2, Point_t &intersection) const
Computes the intersection between two wires.
geo::WireID const & WireID() const
Initial tdc tick for hit.
Definition: Hit.h:290
float PeakTime() const
Time of the signal peak, in tick units.
Definition: Hit.h:226
double y
y position of intersection
Definition: geo_types.h:791
constexpr PlaneID const & planeID() const
Definition: geo_types.h:620
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > shower::EMShowerAlg::ConstructTrack ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  track1,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  track2,
std::map< int, TVector2 > const &  showerCentreMap 
) const

Constructs a recob::Track from sets of hits in two views. Intended to be used to construct the initial first part of a shower. All PMA methods taken from the pma tracking algorithm (R. Sulej and D. Stefan). This implementation also orients the track in the correct direction if a map of shower centres (units [cm]) in each view is provided.

Definition at line 406 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References pma::ProjectionMatchingAlg::buildSegment(), Construct3DPoint_(), recob::tracking::convertCollToPoint(), recob::tracking::convertCollToVector(), util::end(), fDebug, fProjectionMatchingAlg, HitCoordinates_(), if(), Project3DPointOntoPlane_(), util::size(), lar::to_element, geo::vect::toPoint(), and track.

Referenced by ConstructTrack(), and MakeInitialTrack_().

411 {
413  std::unique_ptr<recob::Track> track;
415  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> track1, track2;
417  // Check the TPCs
418  if ((*hits1.begin())->WireID().TPC != (*hits2.begin())->WireID().TPC) {
419  mf::LogWarning("EMShowerAlg") << "Warning: attempting to construct a track from two different "
420  "TPCs. Returning a null track.";
421  return track;
422  }
424  // Check for tracks crossing TPC boundaries
425  std::map<int, int> tpcMap;
426  for (auto const& hit : hits1)
427  ++tpcMap[hit->WireID().TPC];
428  for (auto const& hit : hits2)
429  ++tpcMap[hit->WireID().TPC];
430  if (tpcMap.size() > 1) {
431  mf::LogWarning("EMShowerAlg")
432  << "Warning: attempting to construct a track which crosses more than one TPC -- PMTrack "
433  "can't handle this right now. Returning a track made just from hits in the first TPC it "
434  "traverses.";
435  unsigned int firstTPC1 =>WireID().TPC, firstTPC2 =>WireID().TPC;
436  for (auto const& hit : hits1)
437  if (hit->WireID().TPC == firstTPC1) track1.push_back(hit);
438  for (auto const& hit : hits2)
439  if (hit->WireID().TPC == firstTPC2) track2.push_back(hit);
440  }
441  else {
442  track1 = hits1;
443  track2 = hits2;
444  }
446  if (fDebug > 1) {
447  std::cout << "About to make a track from these hits:\n";
448  auto print_hits = [this](auto const& track) {
449  for (auto const& hit : track | views::transform(to_element)) {
450  std::cout << "Hit (" << HitCoordinates_(hit).X() << ", " << HitCoordinates_(hit).Y()
451  << ") (real wire " << hit.WireID().Wire << ") in TPC " << hit.WireID().TPC
452  << '\n';
453  }
454  };
455  print_hits(track1);
456  print_hits(track2);
457  }
459  auto const trackStart = Construct3DPoint_(detProp,,;
460  pma::Track3D* pmatrack = fProjectionMatchingAlg.buildSegment(detProp, track1, track2, trackStart);
462  if (!pmatrack) {
463  mf::LogInfo("EMShowerAlg") << "Skipping this event because not enough hits in two views";
464  return track;
465  }
467  std::vector<TVector3> xyz, dircos;
469  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pmatrack->size(); i++) {
471  xyz.push_back((*pmatrack)[i]->Point3D());
473  if (i < pmatrack->size() - 1) {
474  size_t j = i + 1;
475  double mag = 0.0;
476  TVector3 dc(0., 0., 0.);
477  while ((mag == 0.0) and (j < pmatrack->size())) {
478  dc = (*pmatrack)[j]->Point3D();
479  dc -= (*pmatrack)[i]->Point3D();
480  mag = dc.Mag();
481  ++j;
482  }
483  if (mag > 0.0)
484  dc *= 1.0 / mag;
485  else if (!dircos.empty())
486  dc = dircos.back();
487  dircos.push_back(dc);
488  }
489  else
490  dircos.push_back(dircos.back());
491  }
493  // Orient the track correctly
494  std::map<int, double> distanceToVertex, distanceToEnd;
495  using geo::vect::toPoint;
496  geo::Point_t const vertex = toPoint(*xyz.begin());
497  geo::Point_t const end = toPoint(*xyz.rbegin());
499  // Loop over all the planes and find the distance from the vertex and end
500  // projections to the centre in each plane
501  for (std::map<int, TVector2>::const_iterator showerCentreIt = showerCentreMap.begin();
502  showerCentreIt != showerCentreMap.end();
503  ++showerCentreIt) {
505  // Project the vertex and the end point onto this plane
506  TVector2 vertexProj = Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, vertex, showerCentreIt->first);
507  TVector2 endProj = Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, end, showerCentreIt->first);
509  // Find the distance of each to the centre of the cluster
510  distanceToVertex[showerCentreIt->first] = (vertexProj - showerCentreIt->second).Mod();
511  distanceToEnd[showerCentreIt->first] = (endProj - showerCentreIt->second).Mod();
512  }
514  // Find the average distance to the vertex and the end across the planes
515  double avDistanceToVertex = 0, avDistanceToEnd = 0;
516  for (std::map<int, double>::iterator distanceToVertexIt = distanceToVertex.begin();
517  distanceToVertexIt != distanceToVertex.end();
518  ++distanceToVertexIt)
519  avDistanceToVertex += distanceToVertexIt->second;
520  avDistanceToVertex /= distanceToVertex.size();
522  for (std::map<int, double>::iterator distanceToEndIt = distanceToEnd.begin();
523  distanceToEndIt != distanceToEnd.end();
524  ++distanceToEndIt)
525  avDistanceToEnd += distanceToEndIt->second;
526  if (distanceToEnd.size() != 0) avDistanceToEnd /= distanceToEnd.size();
528  if (fDebug > 2)
529  std::cout << "Distance to vertex is " << avDistanceToVertex << " and distance to end is "
530  << avDistanceToEnd << '\n';
532  // Change order if necessary
533  if (avDistanceToEnd > avDistanceToVertex) {
534  std::reverse(xyz.begin(), xyz.end());
535  std::transform(
536  dircos.begin(), dircos.end(), dircos.begin(), [](TVector3 const& vec) { return -1 * vec; });
537  }
539  if (xyz.size() != dircos.size())
540  mf::LogError("EMShowerAlg") << "Problem converting pma::Track3D to recob::Track";
542  track = std::make_unique<recob::Track>(
545  recob::Track::Flags_t(xyz.size()),
546  false),
547  0,
548  -1.,
549  0,
552  -1);
554  return track;
555 }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
geo::Point_t Construct3DPoint_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit1, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit2) const
Constructs a 3D point (in [cm]) to represent the hits given in two views.
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
pma::ProjectionMatchingAlg const fProjectionMatchingAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:280
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::vector< Vector_t > convertCollToVector(std::vector< Vector > const &coll)
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:78
TrackTrajectory::Flags_t Flags_t
Definition: Track.h:67
::fhicl::TupleAs< Point(::geo::Length_t,::geo::Length_t,::geo::Length_t)> Point3D
Atom object for reading a 3D point or vector (centimeters).
::geo::Point_t toPoint(Point const &p)
Convert the specified point into a geo::Point_t.
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< Double32_t, 5, 5, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< Double32_t, 5 >> SMatrixSym55
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
decltype(auto) constexpr end(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::end.
Definition: StdUtils.h:77
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:101
IDparameter< geo::WireID > WireID
Member type of validated geo::WireID parameter.
A trajectory in space reconstructed from hits.
TVector2 Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, geo::Point_t const &point, int plane, int cryostat=0) const
std::vector< Point_t > convertCollToPoint(std::vector< Point > const &coll)
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:68
pma::Track3D * buildSegment(const detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData &clockData, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &hits_1, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &hits_2={}) const
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Point_t
Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:180
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
Float_t track
Definition: plot.C:35
vertex reconstruction
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > shower::EMShowerAlg::ConstructTrack ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  track1,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  track2 
) const

Constructs a recob::Track from sets of hits in two views. Intended to be used to construct the initial first part of a shower. All methods taken from the pma tracking algorithm (R. Sulej and D. Stefan).

Definition at line 557 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References ConstructTrack().

561 {
562  std::map<int, TVector2> showerCentreMap;
563  return ConstructTrack(detProp, track1, track2, showerCentreMap);
564 }
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > ConstructTrack(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track1, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track2, std::map< int, TVector2 > const &showerCentreMap) const
double shower::EMShowerAlg::FinddEdx_ ( detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &  clockData,
detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  trackHits,
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > const &  track 
) const

Finds dE/dx for the track given a set of hits.

Definition at line 566 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References calo::CalorimetryAlg::dEdx_AREA(), util::empty(), fCalorimetryAlg, fdEdxTrackLength, geo::PlaneID::Plane, lar::to_element, lar::util::TrackPitchInView(), recob::Hit::View(), and recob::Hit::WireID().

Referenced by MakeShower().

570 {
571  assert(not empty(trackHits));
572  if (!track) return -999;
574  recob::Hit const& firstHit = *trackHits.front();
576  // Get the pitch
577  double pitch = 0;
578  try {
579  pitch = lar::util::TrackPitchInView(*track, firstHit.View());
580  }
581  catch (...) {
582  }
584  // Deal with large pitches
585  if (pitch > fdEdxTrackLength) {
586  return fCalorimetryAlg.dEdx_AREA(clockData, detProp, firstHit, pitch);
587  }
589  double totalCharge = 0, totalDistance = 0, avHitTime = 0;
590  unsigned int nHits = 0;
592  for (auto const& hit : trackHits | views::transform(to_element)) {
593  if (totalDistance + pitch < fdEdxTrackLength) {
594  totalDistance += pitch;
595  totalCharge += hit.Integral();
596  avHitTime += hit.PeakTime();
597  ++nHits;
598  }
599  }
601  avHitTime /= (double)nHits;
603  double const dQdx = totalCharge / totalDistance;
604  return fCalorimetryAlg.dEdx_AREA(clockData, detProp, dQdx, avHitTime, firstHit.WireID().Plane);
605 }
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
geo::View_t View() const
View for the plane of the hit.
Definition: Hit.h:286
geo::WireID const & WireID() const
Initial tdc tick for hit.
Definition: Hit.h:290
double const fdEdxTrackLength
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:266
PlaneID_t Plane
Index of the plane within its TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:481
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
double TrackPitchInView(recob::Track const &track, geo::View_t view, size_t trajectory_point=0U)
Returns the projected length of track on a wire pitch step [cm].
Definition: TrackUtils.cxx:75
calo::CalorimetryAlg const fCalorimetryAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:279
double dEdx_AREA(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clock_data, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &det_prop, recob::Hit const &hit, double pitch, double T0=0) const
2D representation of charge deposited in the TDC/wire plane
Definition: Hit.h:46
decltype(auto) constexpr empty(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::empty.
Definition: StdUtils.h:109
void shower::EMShowerAlg::FindInitialTrack ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &  hits,
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > &  initialTrack,
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &  initialTrackHits 
) const

Finds the initial track-like part of the shower and the hits in all views associated with it

Finding the initial track requires three stages: – find the initial track-like hits in each view – use these to construct a track

Definition at line 607 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References fDebug, FindShowerStart_(), HitCoordinates_(), MakeInitialTrack_(), lar::to_element, recob::Track::Vertex(), and recob::Track::VertexDirection().

Referenced by shower::EMShower::produce().

612 {
618  // Now find the hits belonging to the track
619  if (fDebug > 1)
620  std::cout << " ------------------ Finding initial track hits "
621  "-------------------- \n";
622  initialTrackHits = FindShowerStart_(showerHitsMap);
623  if (fDebug > 1) {
624  std::cout << "Here are the initial shower hits... \n";
625  for (auto const& [plane, hitPtrs] : initialTrackHits) {
626  std::cout << " Plane " << plane << '\n';
627  for (auto const& hit : hitPtrs | views::transform(to_element)) {
628  std::cout << " Hit is (" << HitCoordinates_(hit).X() << " (real hit " << hit.WireID()
629  << "), " << HitCoordinates_(hit).Y() << ")\n";
630  }
631  }
632  }
633  if (fDebug > 1)
634  std::cout << " ------------------ End finding initial track hits "
635  "-------------------- \n";
637  // Now we have the track hits -- can make a track!
638  if (fDebug > 1) std::cout << " ------------------ Finding initial track -------------------- \n";
639  initialTrack = MakeInitialTrack_(detProp, initialTrackHits, showerHitsMap);
640  if (initialTrack and fDebug > 1) {
641  std::cout << "The track start is (" << initialTrack->Vertex().X() << ", "
642  << initialTrack->Vertex().Y() << ", " << initialTrack->Vertex().Z() << ")\n";
643  std::cout << "The track direction is (" << initialTrack->VertexDirection().X() << ", "
644  << initialTrack->VertexDirection().Y() << ", " << initialTrack->VertexDirection().Z()
645  << ")\n";
646  }
647  if (fDebug > 1)
648  std::cout << " ------------------ End finding initial track "
649  "-------------------- \n";
650 }
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
Vector_t VertexDirection() const
Access to track direction at different points.
Definition: Track.h:166
Point_t const & Vertex() const
Access to track position at different points.
Definition: Track.h:158
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > MakeInitialTrack_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &initialHitsMap, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &showerHitsMap) const
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > > FindShowerStart_(std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &orderedShowerMap) const
void shower::EMShowerAlg::FindInitialTrackHits ( std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  showerHits,
art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &  vertex,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &  trackHits 
) const

<Tingjun to="" document>="">

Definition at line 1604 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::abs(), geo::vect::coord(), fGeom, geo::GeometryCore::FindTPCAtPosition(), fNfithits, fNfitpass, fToler, HitCoordinates_(), geo::CryostatID::isValid, recob::Vertex::position(), geo::TPCID::TPC, and WeightedFit().

Referenced by MakeShower().

1607 {
1608  // Find TPC for the vertex
1609  auto const& xyz = vertex->position();
1610  geo::TPCID tpc = fGeom->FindTPCAtPosition(xyz);
1612  // vertex cannot be projected into a TPC, find the TPC that has the most hits
1613  if (!tpc.isValid) {
1614  std::map<geo::TPCID, unsigned int> tpcmap;
1615  unsigned maxhits = 0;
1616  for (auto const& hit : showerHits) {
1617  ++tpcmap[geo::TPCID(hit->WireID())];
1618  }
1619  for (auto const& t : tpcmap) {
1620  if (t.second > maxhits) {
1621  maxhits = t.second;
1622  tpc = t.first;
1623  }
1624  }
1625  }
1626  if (!tpc.isValid) return;
1628  double parm[2];
1629  int fitok = 0;
1630  std::vector<double> wfit;
1631  std::vector<double> tfit;
1632  std::vector<double> cfit;
1634  for (size_t i = 0; i < fNfitpass; ++i) {
1636  // Fit a straight line through hits
1637  unsigned int nhits = 0;
1638  for (auto& hit : showerHits) {
1639  if (hit->WireID().TPC == tpc.TPC) {
1640  TVector2 coord = HitCoordinates_(*hit);
1641  if (i == 0 ||
1642  (std::abs((coord.Y() - (parm[0] + coord.X() * parm[1])) * cos(atan(parm[1]))) <
1643  fToler[i - 1]) ||
1644  fitok == 1) {
1645  ++nhits;
1646  if (nhits == fNfithits[i] + 1) break;
1647  wfit.push_back(coord.X());
1648  tfit.push_back(coord.Y());
1649  cfit.push_back(1.);
1650  if (i == fNfitpass - 1) { trackHits.push_back(hit); }
1651  }
1652  }
1653  }
1655  if (i < fNfitpass - 1 && wfit.size()) {
1656  fitok = WeightedFit(wfit.size(), &wfit[0], &tfit[0], &cfit[0], &parm[0]);
1657  }
1658  wfit.clear();
1659  tfit.clear();
1660  cfit.clear();
1661  }
1662 }
auto coord(Vector &v, unsigned int n) noexcept
Returns an object to manage the coordinate n of a vector.
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:210
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
unsigned int const fNfitpass
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:270
std::vector< double > const fToler
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:272
std::vector< unsigned int > const fNfithits
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:271
Int_t WeightedFit(const Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, const Double_t *w, Double_t *parm) const
<Tingjun to="" document>="">
TPCID FindTPCAtPosition(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the ID of the TPC at specified location.
The data type to uniquely identify a TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:381
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
IDparameter< geo::TPCID > TPCID
Member type of validated geo::TPCID parameter.
Index of the TPC within its cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:399
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
const Point_t & position() const
Return vertex 3D position.
Definition: Vertex.h:64
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > shower::EMShowerAlg::FindOrderOfHits_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  hits,
bool  perpendicular = false 
) const

Orders hits along the best fit line through the charge-weighted centre of the hits. Orders along the line perpendicular to the least squares line if perpendicular is set to true.

Definition at line 652 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References color(), fMakeGradientPlot, HitPosition_(), hits(), ShowerCenter_(), ShowerDirection_(), lar::to_element, X, and Y.

Referenced by OrderShowerHits(), and OrderShowerHits_().

656 {
657  // Find the charge-weighted centre (in [cm]) of this shower
658  TVector2 centre = ShowerCenter_(detProp, hits);
660  // Find a rough shower 'direction'
661  TVector2 direction = ShowerDirection_(detProp, hits);
663  if (perpendicular) direction = direction.Rotate(TMath::Pi() / 2);
665  // Find how far each hit (projected onto this axis) is from the centre
666  TVector2 pos;
667  std::map<double, art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> hitProjection;
668  for (auto const& hitPtr : hits) {
669  pos = HitPosition_(detProp, *hitPtr) - centre;
670  hitProjection[direction * pos] = hitPtr;
671  }
673  // Get a vector of hits in order of the shower
674  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> showerHits;
675  cet::transform_all(
676  hitProjection, std::back_inserter(showerHits), [](auto const& pr) { return pr.second; });
678  // Make gradient plot
679  if (fMakeGradientPlot) {
680  std::map<int, TGraph*> graphs;
681  for (auto const& hit : showerHits | views::transform(to_element)) {
682  int tpc = hit.WireID().TPC;
683  if (graphs[tpc] == nullptr) graphs[tpc] = new TGraph();
684  graphs[tpc]->SetPoint(
685  graphs[tpc]->GetN(), HitPosition_(detProp, hit).X(), HitPosition_(detProp, hit).Y());
686  }
687  TMultiGraph* multigraph = new TMultiGraph();
688  for (auto const [color, graph] : graphs) {
689  graph->SetMarkerColor(color);
690  graph->SetMarkerStyle(8);
691  graph->SetMarkerSize(2);
692  multigraph->Add(graph);
693  }
694  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas();
695  multigraph->Draw("AP");
696  TLine line;
697  line.SetLineColor(2);
698  line.DrawLine(centre.X() - 1000 * direction.X(),
699  centre.Y() - 1000 * direction.Y(),
700  centre.X() + 1000 * direction.X(),
701  centre.Y() + 1000 * direction.Y());
702  canvas->SaveAs("Gradient.png");
703  delete canvas;
704  delete multigraph;
705  }
707  return showerHits;
708 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
Float_t Y
Definition: plot.C:37
TVector2 ShowerCenter_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits) const
Returns the charge-weighted shower center.
bool const fMakeGradientPlot
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:285
TVector2 ShowerDirection_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &showerHits) const
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
std::size_t color(std::string const &procname)
Float_t X
Definition: plot.C:37
std::vector< std::vector< int > > shower::EMShowerAlg::FindShowers ( std::map< int, std::vector< int >> const &  trackToClusters) const

Makes showers given a map between tracks and all clusters associated with them.

Definition at line 710 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::values().

Referenced by shower::EMShower::produce().

712 {
713  // Showers are vectors of clusters
714  std::vector<std::vector<int>> showers;
716  // Loop over all tracks
717  for (auto const& clusters : trackToClusters | views::values) {
719  // Find which showers already made are associated with this track
720  std::vector<int> matchingShowers;
721  for (unsigned int shower = 0; shower < showers.size(); ++shower)
722  for (int const cluster : clusters) {
723  if (cet::search_all(showers[shower], cluster) and
724  not cet::search_all(matchingShowers, shower)) {
725  matchingShowers.push_back(shower);
726  }
727  }
731  // // Shouldn't be more than one
732  // if (matchingShowers.size() > 1)
733  // mf::LogInfo("EMShowerAlg") << "Number of showers this track matches is " << matchingShowers.size() << std::endl;
735  // New shower
736  if (matchingShowers.size() < 1) showers.push_back(clusters);
738  // Add to existing shower
739  else {
740  for (int const cluster : clusters) {
741  if (not cet::search_all([0]), cluster))
743  }
744  }
745  }
747  return showers;
748 }
Cluster finding and building.
decltype(auto) values(Coll &&coll)
Range-for loop helper iterating across the values of the specified collection.
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > > shower::EMShowerAlg::FindShowerStart_ ( std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &  orderedShowerMap) const

Takes a map of the shower hits on each plane (ordered from what has been decided to be the start) Returns a map of the initial track-like part of the shower on each plane

Definition at line 750 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::abs(), fDebug, HitCoordinates_(), util::size(), lar::to_element, lar::dump::vector(), X, and Y.

Referenced by FindInitialTrack().

752 {
754  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> initialHitsMap;
756  for (auto const& [plane, orderedShower] : orderedShowerMap) {
757  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> initialHits;
759  // Find if the shower is traveling along ticks or wires
760  bool wireDirection = true;
761  std::vector<int> wires;
762  for (auto const& hit : orderedShower | views::transform(to_element))
763  wires.push_back(std::round(HitCoordinates_(hit).X()));
765  cet::sort_all(wires);
766  if (std::abs(*wires.begin() - std::round(HitCoordinates_(**orderedShower.begin()).X())) > 3 and
767  std::abs(*wires.rbegin() - std::round(HitCoordinates_(**orderedShower.begin()).X())) > 3)
768  wireDirection = false;
770  // Deal with showers traveling along wires
771  if (wireDirection) {
772  bool increasing = HitCoordinates_(**orderedShower.rbegin()).X() >
773  HitCoordinates_(**orderedShower.begin()).X();
774  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> wireHitMap;
775  int multipleWires = 0;
776  for (auto const& hitPtr : orderedShower)
777  wireHitMap[std::round(HitCoordinates_(*hitPtr).X())].push_back(hitPtr);
779  for (auto const& hitPtr : orderedShower) {
780  int wire = std::round(HitCoordinates_(*hitPtr).X());
781  if (wireHitMap[wire].size() > 1) {
782  ++multipleWires;
783  if (multipleWires > 5) break;
784  continue;
785  }
786  else if ((increasing and wireHitMap[wire + 1].size() > 1 and
787  (wireHitMap[wire + 2].size() > 1 or wireHitMap[wire + 3].size() > 1)) or
788  (!increasing and wireHitMap[wire - 1].size() > 1 and
789  (wireHitMap[wire - 2].size() > 1 or wireHitMap[wire - 3].size() > 1))) {
790  if ((increasing and
791  (wireHitMap[wire + 4].size() < 2 and wireHitMap[wire + 5].size() < 2 and
792  wireHitMap[wire + 6].size() < 2 and wireHitMap[wire + 9].size() > 1)) or
793  (!increasing and
794  (wireHitMap[wire - 4].size() < 2 and wireHitMap[wire - 5].size() < 2 and
795  wireHitMap[wire - 6].size() < 2) and
796  wireHitMap[wire - 9].size() > 1))
797  initialHits.push_back(hitPtr);
798  else
799  break;
800  }
801  else
802  initialHits.push_back(hitPtr);
803  }
804  if (!initialHits.size()) initialHits.push_back(*orderedShower.begin());
805  }
807  // Deal with showers travelling along ticks
808  else {
809  bool increasing = HitCoordinates_(**orderedShower.rbegin()).Y() >
810  HitCoordinates_(**orderedShower.begin()).Y();
811  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> tickHitMap;
812  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::const_iterator hitIt = orderedShower.begin();
813  hitIt != orderedShower.end();
814  ++hitIt)
815  tickHitMap[std::round(HitCoordinates_(**hitIt).Y())].push_back(*hitIt);
817  for (auto const& hitPtr : orderedShower) {
818  int const tick = std::round(HitCoordinates_(*hitPtr).Y());
819  if ((increasing and (tickHitMap[tick + 1].size() or tickHitMap[tick + 2].size() or
820  tickHitMap[tick + 3].size() or tickHitMap[tick + 4].size() or
821  tickHitMap[tick + 5].size())) or
822  (!increasing and (tickHitMap[tick - 1].size() or tickHitMap[tick - 2].size() or
823  tickHitMap[tick - 3].size() or tickHitMap[tick - 4].size() or
824  tickHitMap[tick - 5].size())))
825  break;
826  else
827  initialHits.push_back(hitPtr);
828  }
829  if (initialHits.empty()) initialHits.push_back(*orderedShower.begin());
830  }
832  // Need at least two hits to make a track
833  if (initialHits.size() == 1 and orderedShower.size() > 2)
834  initialHits.push_back(orderedShower[1]);
836  // Quality check -- make sure there isn't a single hit in a different TPC (artefact of tracking failure)
837  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> newInitialHits;
838  std::map<int, int> tpcHitMap;
839  std::vector<int> singleHitTPCs;
840  for (auto const& hit : initialHits | views::transform(to_element))
841  ++tpcHitMap[hit.WireID().TPC];
843  for (auto const [tpc, count] : tpcHitMap)
844  if (count == 1) singleHitTPCs.push_back(tpc);
846  if (singleHitTPCs.size()) {
847  if (fDebug > 2)
848  for (int const tpc : singleHitTPCs)
849  std::cout << "Removed hits in TPC " << tpc << '\n';
851  for (auto const& hitPtr : initialHits)
852  if (not cet::search_all(singleHitTPCs, hitPtr->WireID().TPC))
853  newInitialHits.push_back(hitPtr);
854  if (!newInitialHits.size()) newInitialHits.push_back(*orderedShower.begin());
855  }
856  else
857  newInitialHits = initialHits;
859  initialHitsMap[plane] = newInitialHits;
860  }
862  return initialHitsMap;
863 }
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
Float_t Y
Definition: plot.C:37
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:101
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
tick_as<> tick
Tick number, represented by std::ptrdiff_t.
Definition: electronics.h:73
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
Float_t X
Definition: plot.C:37
std::map< int, std::map< int, bool > > shower::EMShowerAlg::GetPlanePermutations_ ( const detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData detProp,
const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &  showerHitsMap 
) const

Takes all the shower hits, ready ordered, and returns information to help with the orientation of the shower in each view Returns map of most likely permutations of reorientation Starts at 0,0,0 (i.e. don't need to reorient any plane) and ends with 1,1,1 (i.e. every plane needs reorienting) Every permutation inbetween represent increasing less likely changes to satisfy the correct orientation criteria

Definition at line 865 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::abs(), fDebug, RelativeWireWidth_(), ShowerHitRMS_(), ShowerHitRMSGradient_(), value, and util::values().

Referenced by OrderShowerHits().

868 {
870  // The map to return
871  std::map<int, std::map<int, bool>> permutations;
873  // Get the properties of the shower hits across the planes which will be used to
874  // determine the likelihood of a particular reorientation permutation
875  // -- relative width in the wire direction (if showers travel along the wire
876  // direction in a particular plane)
877  // -- the RMS gradients (how likely it is the RMS of the hit positions from
878  // central axis increases along a particular orientation)
880  // Find the RMS, RMS gradient and wire widths
881  std::map<int, double> planeRMSGradients, planeRMS;
882  for (auto const& [plane, hitPtrs] : showerHitsMap) {
883  planeRMS[plane] = ShowerHitRMS_(detProp, hitPtrs);
884  planeRMSGradients[plane] = ShowerHitRMSGradient_(detProp, hitPtrs);
885  }
887  // Order these backwards so they can be used to discriminate between planes
888  std::map<double, int> gradientMap;
889  for (int const plane : showerHitsMap | views::keys)
890  gradientMap[std::abs(] = plane;
892  std::map<double, int> wireWidthMap = RelativeWireWidth_(showerHitsMap);
894  if (fDebug > 1)
895  for (auto const [gradient, plane] : wireWidthMap)
896  std::cout << "Plane " << plane << " has relative width in wire of " << gradient
897  << "; and an RMS gradient of " << planeRMSGradients[plane] << '\n';
899  // Find the correct permutations
900  int perm = 0;
901  std::vector<std::map<int, bool>> usedPermutations;
903  // Most likely is to not change anything
904  for (int const plane : showerHitsMap | views::keys)
905  permutations[perm][plane] = 0;
906  ++perm;
908  // Use properties of the shower to determine the middle cases
909  for (int const plane : wireWidthMap | views::values) {
910  std::map<int, bool> permutation;
911  permutation[plane] = true;
912  for (int const plane2 : wireWidthMap | views::values)
913  if (plane != plane2) permutation[plane2] = false;
915  if (not cet::search_all(usedPermutations, permutation)) {
916  permutations[perm] = permutation;
917  usedPermutations.push_back(permutation);
918  ++perm;
919  }
920  }
921  for (int const plane : wireWidthMap | views::reverse | views::values) {
922  std::map<int, bool> permutation;
923  permutation[plane] = false;
924  for (int const plane2 : wireWidthMap | views::values)
925  if (plane != plane2) permutation[plane2] = true;
927  if (not cet::search_all(usedPermutations, permutation)) {
928  permutations[perm] = permutation;
929  usedPermutations.push_back(permutation);
930  ++perm;
931  }
932  }
934  // Least likely is to change everything
935  for (int const plane : showerHitsMap | views::keys)
936  permutations[perm][plane] = 1;
937  ++perm;
939  if (fDebug > 1) {
940  std::cout << "Here are the permutations!\n";
941  for (auto const& [index, permutation] : permutations) {
942  std::cout << "Permutation " << index << '\n';
943  for (auto const [plane, value] : permutation)
944  std::cout << " Plane " << plane << " has value " << value << '\n';
945  }
946  }
948  return permutations;
949 }
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
decltype(auto) values(Coll &&coll)
Range-for loop helper iterating across the values of the specified collection.
double ShowerHitRMS_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits) const
double value
Definition: spectrum.C:18
std::map< double, int > RelativeWireWidth_(const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
double ShowerHitRMSGradient_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &showerHits) const
Returns the gradient of the RMS vs shower segment graph.
double shower::EMShowerAlg::GlobalWire_ ( const geo::WireID wireID) const

Find the global wire position.

Definition at line 1683 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References geo::CryostatID::Cryostat, fDetector, fGeom, geo::WireGeo::GetCenter(), geo::kInduction, geo::GeometryCore::Nwires(), geo::PlaneID::Plane, geo::GeometryCore::SignalType(), geo::TPCID::TPC, geo::WireID::Wire, geo::GeometryCore::WireCoordinate(), and geo::GeometryCore::WireIDToWireGeo().

Referenced by HitCoordinates_(), and Project3DPointOntoPlane_().

1684 {
1685  double globalWire = -999;
1687  // Induction
1688  if (fGeom->SignalType(wireID) == geo::kInduction) {
1689  auto const wireCenter = fGeom->WireIDToWireGeo(wireID).GetCenter();
1690  globalWire = fGeom->WireCoordinate(wireCenter,
1691  geo::PlaneID{wireID.Cryostat,
1692  wireID.TPC % 2, // 0 or 1
1693  wireID.Plane});
1694  }
1696  // Collection
1697  else {
1700  if (fDetector == "dune35t") {
1701  unsigned int nwires = fGeom->Nwires(geo::PlaneID{wireID.Cryostat, 0, wireID.Plane});
1702  if (wireID.TPC == 0 or wireID.TPC == 1)
1703  globalWire = wireID.Wire;
1704  else if (wireID.TPC == 2 or wireID.TPC == 3 or wireID.TPC == 4 or wireID.TPC == 5)
1705  globalWire = nwires + wireID.Wire;
1706  else if (wireID.TPC == 6 or wireID.TPC == 7)
1707  globalWire = (2 * nwires) + wireID.Wire;
1708  else
1709  mf::LogError("BlurredClusterAlg")
1710  << "Error when trying to find a global induction plane coordinate for TPC " << wireID.TPC
1711  << " (geometry" << fDetector << ")";
1712  }
1713  else if (fDetector == "dune10kt") {
1714  unsigned int nwires = fGeom->Nwires(geo::PlaneID{wireID.Cryostat, 0, wireID.Plane});
1715  // Detector geometry has four TPCs, two on top of each other, repeated along z...
1716  int block = wireID.TPC / 4;
1717  globalWire = (nwires * block) + wireID.Wire;
1718  }
1719  else {
1720  auto const wireCenter = fGeom->WireIDToWireGeo(wireID).GetCenter();
1721  globalWire = fGeom->WireCoordinate(wireCenter,
1722  geo::PlaneID{wireID.Cryostat,
1723  wireID.TPC % 2, // 0 or 1
1724  wireID.Plane});
1725  }
1726  }
1728  return globalWire;
1729 }
Length_t WireCoordinate(Point_t const &pos, PlaneID const &planeid) const
Returns the index of the nearest wire to the specified position.
Point_t const & GetCenter() const
Returns the world coordinate of the center of the wire [cm].
Definition: WireGeo.h:221
WireGeo const & WireIDToWireGeo(WireID const &wireid) const
Returns the specified wire.
The data type to uniquely identify a Plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:463
CryostatID_t Cryostat
Index of cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:211
WireID_t Wire
Index of the wire within its plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:563
Signal from induction planes.
Definition: geo_types.h:151
PlaneID_t Plane
Index of the plane within its TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:481
SigType_t SignalType(PlaneID const &pid) const
Returns the type of signal on the channels of specified TPC plane.
unsigned int Nwires(PlaneID const &planeid) const
Returns the total number of wires in the specified plane.
Index of the TPC within its cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:399
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
std::string const fDetector
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:282
TVector2 shower::EMShowerAlg::HitCoordinates_ ( recob::Hit const &  hit) const

Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.

Definition at line 1664 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References GlobalWire_(), recob::Hit::PeakTime(), and recob::Hit::WireID().

Referenced by ConstructTrack(), FindInitialTrack(), FindInitialTrackHits(), FindShowerStart_(), HitPosition_(), OrderShowerHits(), RelativeWireWidth_(), and WorstPlane_().

1665 {
1666  return TVector2(GlobalWire_(hit.WireID()), hit.PeakTime());
1667 }
double GlobalWire_(const geo::WireID &wireID) const
Find the global wire position.
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
TVector2 shower::EMShowerAlg::HitPosition_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
recob::Hit const &  hit 
) const

Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.

Definition at line 1669 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References HitCoordinates_(), geo::WireID::planeID(), and recob::Hit::WireID().

Referenced by CheckShowerHits_(), FindOrderOfHits_(), MakeSpacePoints(), OrderShowerHits(), Project3DPointOntoPlane_(), ShowerCenter_(), ShowerDirection_(), ShowerHitRMS_(), and ShowerHitRMSGradient_().

1671 {
1672  geo::PlaneID planeID = hit.WireID().planeID();
1673  return HitPosition_(detProp, HitCoordinates_(hit), planeID);
1674 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
The data type to uniquely identify a Plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:463
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
TVector2 shower::EMShowerAlg::HitPosition_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
TVector2 const &  pos,
geo::PlaneID  planeID 
) const

Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.

Definition at line 1676 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData::ConvertTicksToX(), fGeom, and geo::GeometryCore::WirePitch().

1679 {
1680  return TVector2(pos.X() * fGeom->WirePitch(planeID), detProp.ConvertTicksToX(pos.Y(), planeID));
1681 }
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
Length_t WirePitch(PlaneID const &planeid=plane_zero) const
Returns the distance between two consecutive wires.
bool shower::EMShowerAlg::isCleanShower ( std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  hits) const

<Tingjun to="" document>="">

Definition at line 2027 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References hits(), and lar::to_element.

2028 {
2029  if (hits.empty()) return false;
2030  if (hits.size() > 2000) return true;
2031  if (hits.size() < 20) return true;
2033  std::map<int, int> hitmap;
2034  unsigned nhits = 0;
2035  for (auto const& hit : hits | views::transform(to_element)) {
2036  ++nhits;
2037  if (nhits > 2) ++hitmap[hit.WireID().Wire];
2038  if (nhits == 20) break;
2039  }
2040  if (float(nhits - 2) / hitmap.size() > 1.4)
2041  return false;
2042  else
2043  return true;
2044 }
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > shower::EMShowerAlg::MakeInitialTrack_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &  initialHitsMap,
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &  showerHitsMap 
) const

Takes initial track hits from multiple views and forms a track object which best represents the start of the shower

Definition at line 951 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References CheckShowerHits_(), ConstructTrack(), fDebug, lar::dump::vector(), and WorstPlane_().

Referenced by FindInitialTrack().

955 {
956  // Can't do much with just one view
957  if (initialHitsMap.size() < 2) {
958  mf::LogInfo("EMShowerAlg") << "Only one useful view for this shower; nothing can be done\n";
959  return std::unique_ptr<recob::Track>();
960  }
962  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> initialHitsSize;
963  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::const_iterator initialHitIt =
964  initialHitsMap.begin();
965  initialHitIt != initialHitsMap.end();
966  ++initialHitIt)
967  initialHitsSize.push_back(std::make_pair(initialHitIt->first, initialHitIt->second.size()));
969  // Sort the planes by number of hits
970  std::sort(initialHitsSize.begin(),
971  initialHitsSize.end(),
972  [](std::pair<int, int> const& size1, std::pair<int, int> const& size2) {
973  return size1.second > size2.second;
974  });
976  // Pick the two planes to use to make the track
977  // -- if more than two planes, can choose the two views
978  // more accurately
979  // -- if not, just use the two views available
981  std::vector<int> planes;
983  if (initialHitsSize.size() > 2 and !CheckShowerHits_(detProp, showerHitsMap)) {
984  int planeToIgnore = WorstPlane_(showerHitsMap);
985  if (fDebug > 1)
986  std::cout << "Igoring plane " << planeToIgnore << " in creation of initial track\n";
987  for (std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>::iterator hitsSizeIt = initialHitsSize.begin();
988  hitsSizeIt != initialHitsSize.end() and planes.size() < 2;
989  ++hitsSizeIt) {
990  if (hitsSizeIt->first == planeToIgnore) continue;
991  planes.push_back(hitsSizeIt->first);
992  }
993  }
994  else
995  planes = {,};
997  return ConstructTrack(detProp,,;
998 }
int WorstPlane_(const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
Returns the plane which is determined to be the least likely to be correct.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > ConstructTrack(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track1, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &track2, std::map< int, TVector2 > const &showerCentreMap) const
bool CheckShowerHits_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &showerHitsMap) const
recob::Shower shower::EMShowerAlg::MakeShower ( detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &  clockData,
detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &  hits,
std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > const &  initialTrack,
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &  initialTrackHits 
) const

Makes a recob::Shower object given the hits in the shower and the initial track-like part.

Definition at line 1000 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References tca::dEdx(), fDebug, fGeom, FinddEdx_(), fShowerEnergyAlg, geo::GeometryCore::MaxPlanes(), shower::ShowerEnergyAlg::ShowerEnergy(), recob::Track::Vertex(), and recob::Track::VertexDirection().

Referenced by shower::EMShower::produce().

1006 {
1008  // Find the shower hits on each plane
1009  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> planeHitsMap;
1010  for (auto const& hitPtr : hits)
1011  planeHitsMap[hitPtr->View()].push_back(hitPtr);
1013  int bestPlane = -1;
1014  unsigned int highestNumberOfHits = 0;
1015  std::vector<double> totalEnergy, totalEnergyError, dEdx, dEdxError;
1017  // Look at each of the planes
1018  for (unsigned int plane = 0; plane < fGeom->MaxPlanes(); ++plane) {
1020  // If there's hits on this plane...
1021  if (planeHitsMap.count(plane)) {
1022  dEdx.push_back(FinddEdx_(clockData, detProp,, initialTrack));
1023  totalEnergy.push_back(
1024  fShowerEnergyAlg.ShowerEnergy(clockData, detProp,, plane));
1025  if ( > highestNumberOfHits and initialHitsMap.count(plane)) {
1026  bestPlane = plane;
1027  highestNumberOfHits =;
1028  }
1029  }
1031  // If not...
1032  else {
1033  dEdx.push_back(0);
1034  totalEnergy.push_back(0);
1035  }
1036  }
1038  TVector3 direction, directionError, showerStart, showerStartError;
1039  if (initialTrack) {
1040  direction = initialTrack->VertexDirection<TVector3>();
1041  showerStart = initialTrack->Vertex<TVector3>();
1042  }
1044  if (fDebug > 0) {
1045  std::cout << "Best plane is " << bestPlane;
1046  std::cout << "\ndE/dx for each plane is: " << dEdx[0] << ", " << dEdx[1] << " and " << dEdx[2];
1047  std::cout << "\nTotal energy for each plane is: " << totalEnergy[0] << ", " << totalEnergy[1]
1048  << " and " << totalEnergy[2];
1049  std::cout << "\nThe shower start is (" << showerStart.X() << ", " << showerStart.Y() << ", "
1050  << showerStart.Z() << ")\n";
1051  std::cout << "The shower direction is (" << direction.X() << ", " << direction.Y() << ", "
1052  << direction.Z() << ")\n";
1053  }
1055  return recob::Shower(direction,
1056  directionError,
1057  showerStart,
1058  showerStartError,
1059  totalEnergy,
1060  totalEnergyError,
1061  dEdx,
1062  dEdxError,
1063  bestPlane);
1064 }
shower::ShowerEnergyAlg const fShowerEnergyAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:278
double ShowerEnergy(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, geo::PlaneID::PlaneID_t plane) const
Vector_t VertexDirection() const
Access to track direction at different points.
Definition: Track.h:166
unsigned int MaxPlanes() const
Returns the largest number of planes among all TPCs in this detector.
Point_t const & Vertex() const
Access to track position at different points.
Definition: Track.h:158
float dEdx(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const TCSlice &slc, TP3D &tp3d)
Definition: PFPUtils.cxx:2675
double FinddEdx_(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &trackHits, std::unique_ptr< recob::Track > const &track) const
Finds dE/dx for the track given a set of hits.
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
recob::Shower shower::EMShowerAlg::MakeShower ( detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &  clockData,
detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &  hits,
art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &  vertex,
int &  iok 
) const

<Tingjun to="" document>="">

Definition at line 1066 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::abs(), pma::ProjectionMatchingAlg::buildSegment(), tca::dEdx(), calo::CalorimetryAlg::dEdx_AREA(), fCalorimetryAlg, fDebug, fdEdxTrackLength, fGeom, FindInitialTrackHits(), fProjectionMatchingAlg, fShowerEnergyAlg, geo::GeometryCore::MaxPlanes(), OrderShowerHits_(), geo::GeometryCore::Plane(), shower::ShowerEnergyAlg::ShowerEnergy(), pma::Track3D::size(), util::size(), lar::dump::vector(), geo::PlaneGeo::View(), geo::GeometryCore::WireAngleToVertical(), geo::GeometryCore::WirePitch(), and recob::Vertex::XYZ().

1071 {
1072  iok = 1;
1074  // Find the shower hits on each plane
1075  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> planeHitsMap;
1076  for (auto const& hitPtr : hits)
1077  planeHitsMap[hitPtr->WireID().Plane].push_back(hitPtr);
1079  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> initialTrackHits(3);
1081  int pl0 = -1;
1082  int pl1 = -1;
1083  unsigned maxhits0 = 0;
1084  unsigned maxhits1 = 0;
1086  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::iterator planeHits = planeHitsMap.begin();
1087  planeHits != planeHitsMap.end();
1088  ++planeHits) {
1090  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> showerHits;
1091  OrderShowerHits_(detProp, planeHits->second, showerHits, vertex);
1092  FindInitialTrackHits(showerHits, vertex, initialTrackHits[planeHits->first]);
1093  if ((planeHits->second).size() > maxhits0) {
1094  if (pl0 != -1) {
1095  maxhits1 = maxhits0;
1096  pl1 = pl0;
1097  }
1098  pl0 = planeHits->first;
1099  maxhits0 = (planeHits->second).size();
1100  }
1101  else if ((planeHits->second).size() > maxhits1) {
1102  pl1 = planeHits->first;
1103  maxhits1 = (planeHits->second).size();
1104  }
1105  }
1106  if (pl0 != -1 && pl1 != -1 && initialTrackHits[pl0].size() >= 2 &&
1107  initialTrackHits[pl1].size() >= 2 &&
1108  initialTrackHits[pl0][0]->WireID().TPC == initialTrackHits[pl1][0]->WireID().TPC) {
1109  double xyz[3];
1110  vertex->XYZ(xyz);
1111  TVector3 vtx(xyz);
1112  pma::Track3D* pmatrack =
1113  fProjectionMatchingAlg.buildSegment(detProp, initialTrackHits[pl0], initialTrackHits[pl1]);
1114  std::vector<TVector3> spts;
1116  for (size_t i = 0; i < pmatrack->size(); ++i) {
1117  if ((*pmatrack)[i]->IsEnabled()) {
1118  TVector3 p3d = (*pmatrack)[i]->Point3D();
1119  spts.push_back(p3d);
1120  }
1121  }
1122  if (spts.size() >= 2) { // at least two space points
1123  TVector3 shwxyz, shwxyzerr;
1124  TVector3 shwdir, shwdirerr;
1125  std::vector<double> totalEnergy, totalEnergyError, dEdx, dEdxError;
1126  int bestPlane = pl0;
1127  double minpitch = 1000;
1128  std::vector<TVector3> dirs;
1129  if ((spts[0] - vtx).Mag() < (spts.back() - vtx).Mag()) {
1130  shwxyz = spts[0];
1131  size_t i = 5;
1132  if (spts.size() - 1 < 5) i = spts.size() - 1;
1133  shwdir = spts[i] - spts[0];
1134  shwdir = shwdir.Unit();
1135  }
1136  else {
1137  shwxyz = spts.back();
1138  size_t i = 0;
1139  if (spts.size() > 6) i = spts.size() - 6;
1140  shwdir = spts[i] - spts[spts.size() - 1];
1141  shwdir = shwdir.Unit();
1142  }
1143  for (unsigned int plane = 0; plane < fGeom->MaxPlanes(); ++plane) {
1144  if (planeHitsMap.find(plane) != planeHitsMap.end()) {
1145  totalEnergy.push_back(
1146  fShowerEnergyAlg.ShowerEnergy(clockData, detProp, planeHitsMap[plane], plane));
1147  }
1148  else {
1149  totalEnergy.push_back(0);
1150  }
1151  if (initialTrackHits[plane].size()) {
1152  double fdEdx = 0;
1153  double totQ = 0;
1154  double avgT = 0;
1155  double pitch = 0;
1156  double wirepitch = fGeom->WirePitch(initialTrackHits[plane][0]->WireID().planeID());
1157  double angleToVert =
1159  initialTrackHits[plane][0]->WireID().planeID()) -
1160  0.5 * TMath::Pi();
1161  double cosgamma = std::abs(sin(angleToVert) * shwdir.Y() + cos(angleToVert) * shwdir.Z());
1162  if (cosgamma > 0) pitch = wirepitch / cosgamma;
1163  if (pitch) {
1164  if (pitch < minpitch) {
1165  minpitch = pitch;
1166  bestPlane = plane;
1167  }
1168  int nhits = 0;
1169  std::vector<float> vQ;
1170  for (auto const& hit : initialTrackHits[plane]) {
1171  int w1 = hit->WireID().Wire;
1172  int w0 = initialTrackHits[plane][0]->WireID().Wire;
1173  if (std::abs((w1 - w0) * pitch) < fdEdxTrackLength) {
1174  vQ.push_back(hit->Integral());
1175  totQ += hit->Integral();
1176  avgT += hit->PeakTime();
1177  ++nhits;
1178  }
1179  }
1180  if (totQ) {
1181  double dQdx = TMath::Median(vQ.size(), &vQ[0]) / pitch;
1182  fdEdx = fCalorimetryAlg.dEdx_AREA(
1183  clockData, detProp, dQdx, avgT / nhits, initialTrackHits[plane][0]->WireID().Plane);
1184  }
1185  }
1186  dEdx.push_back(fdEdx);
1187  }
1188  else {
1189  dEdx.push_back(0);
1190  }
1191  }
1192  iok = 0;
1193  if (fDebug > 1) {
1194  std::cout << "Best plane is " << bestPlane;
1195  std::cout << "\ndE/dx for each plane is: " << dEdx[0] << ", " << dEdx[1] << " and "
1196  << dEdx[2];
1197  std::cout << "\nTotal energy for each plane is: " << totalEnergy[0] << ", "
1198  << totalEnergy[1] << " and " << totalEnergy[2];
1199  std::cout << "\nThe shower start is (" << shwxyz.X() << ", " << shwxyz.Y() << ", "
1200  << shwxyz.Z() << ")\n";
1201  shwxyz.Print();
1202  }
1204  return recob::Shower(shwdir,
1205  shwdirerr,
1206  shwxyz,
1207  shwxyzerr,
1208  totalEnergy,
1209  totalEnergyError,
1210  dEdx,
1211  dEdxError,
1212  bestPlane);
1213  }
1214  }
1215  return recob::Shower();
1216 }
void XYZ(double *xyz) const
Legacy method to access vertex position, preserved to avoid breaking code. Please try to use Vertex::...
Definition: Vertex.cxx:34
void FindInitialTrackHits(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits, art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &vertex, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &trackHits) const
<Tingjun to="" document>="">
shower::ShowerEnergyAlg const fShowerEnergyAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:278
pma::ProjectionMatchingAlg const fProjectionMatchingAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:280
double ShowerEnergy(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, geo::PlaneID::PlaneID_t plane) const
The data type to uniquely identify a Plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:463
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
double const fdEdxTrackLength
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:266
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:101
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
PlaneGeo const & Plane(PlaneID const &planeid) const
Returns the specified wire.
double WireAngleToVertical(View_t view, TPCID const &tpcid) const
Returns the angle of the wires in the specified view from vertical.
View_t View() const
Which coordinate does this plane measure.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:166
unsigned int MaxPlanes() const
Returns the largest number of planes among all TPCs in this detector.
IDparameter< geo::WireID > WireID
Member type of validated geo::WireID parameter.
pma::Track3D * buildSegment(const detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData &clockData, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &hits_1, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &hits_2={}) const
float dEdx(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const TCSlice &slc, TP3D &tp3d)
Definition: PFPUtils.cxx:2675
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
void OrderShowerHits_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &shower, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &orderedShower, art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &vertex) const
calo::CalorimetryAlg const fCalorimetryAlg
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:279
double dEdx_AREA(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clock_data, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &det_prop, recob::Hit const &hit, double pitch, double T0=0) const
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
size_t size() const
Definition: PmaTrack3D.h:89
recob::tracking::Plane Plane
Definition: TrackState.h:17
Length_t WirePitch(PlaneID const &planeid=plane_zero) const
Returns the distance between two consecutive wires.
std::vector< recob::SpacePoint > shower::EMShowerAlg::MakeSpacePoints ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &  hits,
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &  hitAssns 
) const

Makes space points from the shower hits in each plane.

Definition at line 1218 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References Construct3DPoint_(), fDebug, fGeom, fSpacePointSize, HitPosition_(), geo::GeometryCore::MaxPlanes(), Project3DPointOntoPlane_(), and lar::dump::vector().

Referenced by shower::EMShower::produce().

1222 {
1223  // Space points to return
1224  std::vector<recob::SpacePoint> spacePoints;
1226  // Make space points
1227  // Use the following procedure:
1228  // -- Consider hits plane by plane
1229  // -- For each hit on the first plane, consider the 3D point made by combining with each hit from the second plane
1230  // -- Project this 3D point back into the two planes
1231  // -- Determine how close to a the original hits this point lies
1232  // -- If close enough, make a 3D space point from this point
1233  // -- Discard these used hits in future iterations, along with hits in the
1234  // third plane (if exists) close to the projection of the point into this
1235  // plane
1237  // Container to hold used hits
1238  std::vector<int> usedHits;
1240  // Look through plane by plane
1241  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::const_iterator showerHitIt =
1242  showerHits.begin();
1243  showerHitIt != showerHits.end();
1244  ++showerHitIt) {
1246  // Find the other planes with hits
1247  std::vector<int> otherPlanes;
1248  for (unsigned int otherPlane = 0; otherPlane < fGeom->MaxPlanes(); ++otherPlane)
1249  if ((int)otherPlane != showerHitIt->first and showerHits.count(otherPlane))
1250  otherPlanes.push_back(otherPlane);
1252  // Can't make space points if we only have one view
1253  if (otherPlanes.size() == 0) return spacePoints;
1255  // Look at all hits on this plane
1256  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::const_iterator planeHitIt = showerHitIt->second.begin();
1257  planeHitIt != showerHitIt->second.end();
1258  ++planeHitIt) {
1260  if (std::find(usedHits.begin(), usedHits.end(), planeHitIt->key()) != usedHits.end())
1261  continue;
1263  // Make a 3D point with every hit on the second plane
1264  const std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> otherPlaneHits =;
1265  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::const_iterator otherPlaneHitIt =
1266  otherPlaneHits.begin();
1267  otherPlaneHitIt != otherPlaneHits.end() and
1268  std::find(usedHits.begin(), usedHits.end(), planeHitIt->key()) == usedHits.end();
1269  ++otherPlaneHitIt) {
1271  if ((*otherPlaneHitIt)->WireID().TPC != (*planeHitIt)->WireID().TPC or
1272  std::find(usedHits.begin(), usedHits.end(), otherPlaneHitIt->key()) != usedHits.end())
1273  continue;
1275  auto const point = Construct3DPoint_(detProp, *planeHitIt, *otherPlaneHitIt);
1276  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> pointHits;
1277  bool truePoint = false;
1279  if (otherPlanes.size() > 1) {
1281  TVector2 projThirdPlane = Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, point,;
1282  const std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> otherOtherPlaneHits =
1285  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::const_iterator otherOtherPlaneHitIt =
1286  otherOtherPlaneHits.begin();
1287  otherOtherPlaneHitIt != otherOtherPlaneHits.end() and !truePoint;
1288  ++otherOtherPlaneHitIt) {
1290  if ((*otherOtherPlaneHitIt)->WireID().TPC == (*planeHitIt)->WireID().TPC and
1291  (projThirdPlane - HitPosition_(detProp, **otherOtherPlaneHitIt)).Mod() <
1292  fSpacePointSize) {
1294  truePoint = true;
1296  // Remove hits used to make the point
1297  usedHits.push_back(planeHitIt->key());
1298  usedHits.push_back(otherPlaneHitIt->key());
1299  usedHits.push_back(otherOtherPlaneHitIt->key());
1301  pointHits.push_back(*planeHitIt);
1302  pointHits.push_back(*otherPlaneHitIt);
1303  pointHits.push_back(*otherOtherPlaneHitIt);
1304  }
1305  }
1306  }
1308  else if ((Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, point, (*planeHitIt)->WireID().Plane) -
1309  HitPosition_(detProp, **planeHitIt))
1310  .Mod() < fSpacePointSize and
1311  (Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detProp, point, (*otherPlaneHitIt)->WireID().Plane) -
1312  HitPosition_(detProp, **otherPlaneHitIt))
1313  .Mod() < fSpacePointSize) {
1315  truePoint = true;
1317  usedHits.push_back(planeHitIt->key());
1318  usedHits.push_back(otherPlaneHitIt->key());
1320  pointHits.push_back(*planeHitIt);
1321  pointHits.push_back(*otherPlaneHitIt);
1322  }
1324  // Make space point
1325  if (truePoint) {
1326  double xyz[3] = {point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z()};
1327  double xyzerr[6] = {fSpacePointSize,
1332  fSpacePointSize};
1333  double chisq = 0.;
1334  spacePoints.emplace_back(xyz, xyzerr, chisq);
1335  hitAssns.push_back(pointHits);
1336  }
1338  } // end loop over second plane hits
1340  } // end loop over first plane hits
1342  } // end loop over planes
1344  if (fDebug > 0) {
1345  std::cout << "-------------------- Space points -------------------\n";
1346  std::cout << "There are " << spacePoints.size() << " space points:\n";
1347  if (fDebug > 1)
1348  for (std::vector<recob::SpacePoint>::const_iterator spacePointIt = spacePoints.begin();
1349  spacePointIt != spacePoints.end();
1350  ++spacePointIt) {
1351  const double* xyz = spacePointIt->XYZ();
1352  std::cout << " Space point (" << xyz[0] << ", " << xyz[1] << ", " << xyz[2] << ")\n";
1353  }
1354  }
1356  return spacePoints;
1357 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
geo::Point_t Construct3DPoint_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit1, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > const &hit2) const
Constructs a 3D point (in [cm]) to represent the hits given in two views.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
unsigned int MaxPlanes() const
Returns the largest number of planes among all TPCs in this detector.
TVector2 Project3DPointOntoPlane_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, geo::Point_t const &point, int plane, int cryostat=0) const
double const fSpacePointSize
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:267
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > > shower::EMShowerAlg::OrderShowerHits ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > const &  shower,
int  plane 
) const

Takes the hits associated with a shower and orders them so they follow the direction of the shower.

Ordering the shower hits requires three stages: – putting all the hits in a given plane in some kind of order – use the properties of the hits in all three planes to check this order – orient the hits correctly using properties of the shower

Definition at line 1359 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References CheckIsolatedHits_(), CheckShowerHits_(), fDebug, fGeom, FindOrderOfHits_(), GetPlanePermutations_(), HitCoordinates_(), HitPosition_(), hits(), geo::GeometryCore::MaxPlanes(), n, RelativeWireWidth_(), ShowerHitRMS_(), ShowerHitRMSGradient_(), lar::to_element, lar::dump::vector(), X, and Y.

Referenced by shower::EMShower::produce().

1363 {
1369  // ------------- Put hits in order ------------
1371  // Find the shower hits on each plane
1372  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> showerHitsMap;
1373  for (auto const& hitPtr : shower) {
1374  showerHitsMap[hitPtr->WireID().Plane].push_back(hitPtr);
1375  }
1377  // Order the hits, get the RMS and the RMS gradient for the hits in this plane
1378  std::map<int, double> planeRMSGradients, planeRMS;
1379  for (auto const& [plane, hits] : showerHitsMap) {
1380  if (desired_plane != plane and desired_plane != -1) continue;
1381  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> orderedHits = FindOrderOfHits_(detProp, hits);
1382  planeRMS[plane] = ShowerHitRMS_(detProp, orderedHits);
1383  planeRMSGradients[plane] = ShowerHitRMSGradient_(detProp, orderedHits);
1384  showerHitsMap[plane] = orderedHits;
1385  }
1387  if (fDebug > 1) {
1388  for (auto const [plane, shower_hit_rms] : planeRMS) {
1389  std::cout << "Plane " << plane << " has RMS " << shower_hit_rms << " and RMS gradient "
1390  << << '\n';
1391  }
1392  }
1394  if (fDebug > 2) {
1395  std::cout << "\nHits in order; after ordering, before reversing...\n";
1396  for (auto const& [plane, hitPtrs] : showerHitsMap) {
1397  std::cout << " Plane " << plane << '\n';
1398  for (auto const& hit : hitPtrs | views::transform(to_element)) {
1399  std::cout << " Hit at (" << HitCoordinates_(hit).X() << ", " << HitCoordinates_(hit).Y()
1400  << ") -- real wire " << hit.WireID() << ", hit position ("
1401  << HitPosition_(detProp, hit).X() << ", " << HitPosition_(detProp, hit).Y()
1402  << ")\n";
1403  }
1404  }
1405  }
1407  // ------------- Check between the views to ensure consistency of ordering -------------
1409  // Check between the views to make sure there isn't a poorly formed shower in just one view
1410  // First, determine the average RMS and RMS gradient across the other planes
1411  std::map<int, double> planeOtherRMS, planeOtherRMSGradients;
1412  for (std::map<int, double>::iterator planeRMSIt = planeRMS.begin(); planeRMSIt != planeRMS.end();
1413  ++planeRMSIt) {
1414  planeOtherRMS[planeRMSIt->first] = 0;
1415  planeOtherRMSGradients[planeRMSIt->first] = 0;
1416  int nOtherPlanes = 0;
1417  for (int plane = 0; plane < (int)fGeom->MaxPlanes(); ++plane) {
1418  if (plane != planeRMSIt->first and planeRMS.count(plane)) {
1419  planeOtherRMS[planeRMSIt->first] +=;
1420  planeOtherRMSGradients[planeRMSIt->first] +=;
1421  ++nOtherPlanes;
1422  }
1423  }
1424  planeOtherRMS[planeRMSIt->first] /= (double)nOtherPlanes;
1425  planeOtherRMSGradients[planeRMSIt->first] /= (double)nOtherPlanes;
1426  }
1428  // Look to see if one plane has a particularly high RMS (compared to the
1429  // others) whilst having a similar gradient
1430  for (auto const& [plane, hitPtrs] : showerHitsMap) {
1431  if ( > * 2) {
1432  if (fDebug > 1) std::cout << "Plane " << plane << " was perpendicular... recalculating\n";
1433  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> orderedHits =
1434  this->FindOrderOfHits_(detProp, hitPtrs, true);
1435  showerHitsMap[plane] = orderedHits;
1436  planeRMSGradients[plane] = this->ShowerHitRMSGradient_(detProp, orderedHits);
1437  }
1438  }
1440  // ------------- Orient the shower correctly ---------------
1442  if (fDebug > 1) {
1443  std::cout << "Before reversing, here are the start and end points...\n";
1444  for (auto const& [plane, hitPtrs] : showerHitsMap) {
1445  std::cout << " Plane " << plane << " has start (" << HitCoordinates_(*hitPtrs.front()).X()
1446  << ", " << HitCoordinates_(*hitPtrs.front()).Y() << ") (real wire "
1447  << hitPtrs.front()->WireID() << ") and end ("
1448  << HitCoordinates_(*hitPtrs.back()).X() << ", "
1449  << HitCoordinates_(*hitPtrs.back()).Y() << ") (real wire "
1450  << hitPtrs.back()->WireID() << ")\n";
1451  }
1452  }
1454  // Use the RMS gradient information to get an initial ordering
1455  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::iterator showerHitsIt =
1456  showerHitsMap.begin();
1457  showerHitsIt != showerHitsMap.end();
1458  ++showerHitsIt) {
1459  double gradient =>first);
1460  if (gradient < 0) std::reverse(showerHitsIt->second.begin(), showerHitsIt->second.end());
1461  }
1463  if (fDebug > 2) {
1464  std::cout << "\nHits in order; after reversing, before checking isolated hits...\n";
1465  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::iterator showerHitsIt =
1466  showerHitsMap.begin();
1467  showerHitsIt != showerHitsMap.end();
1468  ++showerHitsIt) {
1469  std::cout << " Plane " << showerHitsIt->first << '\n';
1470  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::iterator hitIt = showerHitsIt->second.begin();
1471  hitIt != showerHitsIt->second.end();
1472  ++hitIt)
1473  std::cout << " Hit at (" << HitCoordinates_(**hitIt).X() << ", "
1474  << HitCoordinates_(**hitIt).Y() << ") -- real wire " << (*hitIt)->WireID()
1475  << ", hit position (" << HitPosition_(detProp, **hitIt).X() << ", "
1476  << HitPosition_(detProp, **hitIt).Y() << ")\n";
1477  }
1478  }
1480  CheckIsolatedHits_(showerHitsMap);
1482  if (fDebug > 2) {
1483  std::cout << "\nHits in order; after checking isolated hits...\n";
1484  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::iterator showerHitsIt =
1485  showerHitsMap.begin();
1486  showerHitsIt != showerHitsMap.end();
1487  ++showerHitsIt) {
1488  std::cout << " Plane " << showerHitsIt->first << '\n';
1489  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::iterator hitIt = showerHitsIt->second.begin();
1490  hitIt != showerHitsIt->second.end();
1491  ++hitIt)
1492  std::cout << " Hit at (" << HitCoordinates_(**hitIt).X() << ", "
1493  << HitCoordinates_(**hitIt).Y() << ") -- real wire " << (*hitIt)->WireID()
1494  << ", hit position (" << HitPosition_(detProp, **hitIt).X() << ", "
1495  << HitPosition_(detProp, **hitIt).Y() << ")\n";
1496  }
1497  }
1499  if (fDebug > 1) {
1500  std::cout << "After reversing and checking isolated hits, here are the "
1501  "start and end points...\n";
1502  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::iterator showerHitsIt =
1503  showerHitsMap.begin();
1504  showerHitsIt != showerHitsMap.end();
1505  ++showerHitsIt)
1506  std::cout << " Plane " << showerHitsIt->first << " has start ("
1507  << HitCoordinates_(*showerHitsIt->second.front()).X() << ", "
1508  << HitCoordinates_(*showerHitsIt->second.front()).Y() << ") (real wire "
1509  << showerHitsIt->second.front()->WireID() << ") and end ("
1510  << HitCoordinates_(*showerHitsIt->second.back()).X() << ", "
1511  << HitCoordinates_(*showerHitsIt->second.back()).Y() << ")\n";
1512  }
1514  // Check for views in which the shower travels almost along the wire planes
1515  // (shown by a small relative wire width)
1516  std::map<double, int> wireWidths = RelativeWireWidth_(showerHitsMap);
1517  std::vector<int> badPlanes;
1518  if (fDebug > 1) std::cout << "Here are the relative wire widths... \n";
1519  for (auto const [relative_wire_width, plane] : wireWidths) {
1520  if (fDebug > 1)
1521  std::cout << "Plane " << plane << " has relative wire width " << relative_wire_width << '\n';
1522  if (relative_wire_width < 1 / (double)wireWidths.size()) badPlanes.push_back(plane);
1523  }
1525  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> ignoredPlanes;
1526  if (badPlanes.size() == 1) {
1527  int const badPlane = badPlanes[0];
1528  if (fDebug > 1) std::cout << "Ignoring plane " << badPlane << " when orientating\n";
1529  ignoredPlanes[badPlane] =;
1530  showerHitsMap.erase(badPlane);
1531  }
1533  // Consider all possible permutations of planes (0/1, oriented
1534  // correctly/incorrectly)
1535  std::map<int, std::map<int, bool>> permutations = GetPlanePermutations_(detProp, showerHitsMap);
1537  // Go through all permutations until we have a satisfactory orientation
1538  auto const originalShowerHitsMap = showerHitsMap;
1540  int n = 0;
1541  while (!CheckShowerHits_(detProp, showerHitsMap) and
1542  n < TMath::Power(2, (int)showerHitsMap.size())) {
1543  if (fDebug > 1) std::cout << "Permutation " << n << '\n';
1544  for (int const plane : showerHitsMap | views::keys) {
1545  auto hits =;
1546  if (permutations[n][plane] == 1) { std::reverse(hits.begin(), hits.end()); }
1547  showerHitsMap[plane] = hits;
1548  }
1549  ++n;
1550  }
1552  // Go back to original if still no consistency
1553  if (!CheckShowerHits_(detProp, showerHitsMap)) showerHitsMap = originalShowerHitsMap;
1555  if (fDebug > 2) {
1556  std::cout << "End of OrderShowerHits: here are the order of hits:\n";
1557  for (auto const& [plane, hitPtrs] : showerHitsMap) {
1558  std::cout << " Plane " << plane << '\n';
1559  for (auto const& hit : hitPtrs | views::transform(to_element)) {
1560  std::cout << " Hit (" << HitCoordinates_(hit).X() << " (real wire " << hit.WireID()
1561  << "), " << HitCoordinates_(hit).Y() << ") -- pos ("
1562  << HitPosition_(detProp, hit).X() << ", " << HitPosition_(detProp, hit).Y()
1563  << ")\n";
1564  }
1565  }
1566  }
1568  if (ignoredPlanes.size())
1569  showerHitsMap[ignoredPlanes.begin()->first] = ignoredPlanes.begin()->second;
1571  return showerHitsMap;
1572 }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
Float_t Y
Definition: plot.C:37
std::map< int, std::map< int, bool > > GetPlanePermutations_(const detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData &detProp, const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
void CheckIsolatedHits_(std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
unsigned int MaxPlanes() const
Returns the largest number of planes among all TPCs in this detector.
double ShowerHitRMS_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits) const
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
bool CheckShowerHits_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> const &showerHitsMap) const
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > FindOrderOfHits_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, bool perpendicular=false) const
Char_t n[5]
std::map< double, int > RelativeWireWidth_(const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &showerHitsMap) const
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
Float_t X
Definition: plot.C:37
double ShowerHitRMSGradient_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &showerHits) const
Returns the gradient of the RMS vs shower segment graph.
void shower::EMShowerAlg::OrderShowerHits_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  shower,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &  orderedShower,
art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > const &  vertex 
) const

Takes the hits associated with a shower and orders then so they follow the direction of the shower

Definition at line 1574 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData::ConvertXToTicks(), fGeom, FindOrderOfHits_(), geo::GeometryCore::FindTPCAtPosition(), art::Ptr< T >::isNull(), geo::CryostatID::isValid, recob::Hit::PeakTime(), geo::WireID::planeID(), recob::Vertex::position(), geo::TPCID::TPC, geo::WireID::Wire, geo::GeometryCore::WireCoordinate(), and recob::Hit::WireID().

Referenced by MakeShower().

1578 {
1579  showerHits = FindOrderOfHits_(detProp, shower);
1581  // Find TPC for the vertex
1582  auto const& xyz = vertex->position();
1583  geo::TPCID tpc = fGeom->FindTPCAtPosition(xyz);
1584  if (!tpc.isValid && showerHits.size()) tpc = geo::TPCID(showerHits[0]->WireID());
1586  // Find hits in the same TPC
1587  art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit0, hit1;
1588  for (auto& hit : showerHits) {
1589  if (hit->WireID().TPC == tpc.TPC) {
1590  if (hit0.isNull()) { hit0 = hit; }
1591  hit1 = hit;
1592  }
1593  }
1594  if (hit0.isNull() || hit1.isNull()) return;
1595  TVector2 coord0 = TVector2(hit0->WireID().Wire, hit0->PeakTime());
1596  TVector2 coord1 = TVector2(hit1->WireID().Wire, hit1->PeakTime());
1597  TVector2 coordvtx = TVector2(fGeom->WireCoordinate(xyz, hit0->WireID().planeID()),
1598  detProp.ConvertXToTicks(xyz.X(), hit0->WireID().planeID()));
1599  if ((coord1 - coordvtx).Mod() < (coord0 - coordvtx).Mod()) {
1600  std::reverse(showerHits.begin(), showerHits.end());
1601  }
1602 }
Length_t WireCoordinate(Point_t const &pos, PlaneID const &planeid) const
Returns the index of the nearest wire to the specified position.
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:210
WireID_t Wire
Index of the wire within its plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:563
geo::WireID const & WireID() const
Initial tdc tick for hit.
Definition: Hit.h:290
TPCID FindTPCAtPosition(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the ID of the TPC at specified location.
IDparameter< geo::WireID > WireID
Member type of validated geo::WireID parameter.
bool isNull() const noexcept
Definition: Ptr.h:211
The data type to uniquely identify a TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:381
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
float PeakTime() const
Time of the signal peak, in tick units.
Definition: Hit.h:226
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > FindOrderOfHits_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &hits, bool perpendicular=false) const
constexpr PlaneID const & planeID() const
Definition: geo_types.h:620
Index of the TPC within its cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:399
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
const Point_t & position() const
Return vertex 3D position.
Definition: Vertex.h:64
TVector2 shower::EMShowerAlg::Project3DPointOntoPlane_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
geo::Point_t const &  point,
int  plane,
int  cryostat = 0 
) const

Projects a 3D point (units [cm]) onto a 2D plane Returns 2D point (units [cm])

Definition at line 1915 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData::ConvertXToTicks(), e, fGeom, geo::GeometryCore::FindTPCAtPosition(), GlobalWire_(), HitPosition_(), geo::CryostatID::isValid, geo::GeometryCore::NearestWireID(), geo::InvalidWireError::suggestedWireID(), and geo::TPCID::TPC.

Referenced by CheckShowerHits_(), ConstructTrack(), and MakeSpacePoints().

1920 {
1922  TVector2 wireTickPos = TVector2(-999., -999.);
1924  geo::TPCID tpcID = fGeom->FindTPCAtPosition(point);
1925  int tpc = 0;
1926  if (tpcID.isValid)
1927  tpc = tpcID.TPC;
1928  else
1929  return wireTickPos;
1931  // Construct wire ID for this point projected onto the plane
1932  geo::PlaneID planeID = geo::PlaneID(cryostat, tpc, plane);
1933  geo::WireID wireID;
1934  try {
1935  wireID = fGeom->NearestWireID(point, planeID);
1936  }
1937  catch (geo::InvalidWireError const& e) {
1938  wireID = e.suggestedWireID(); // pick the closest valid wire
1939  }
1941  wireTickPos = TVector2(GlobalWire_(wireID), detProp.ConvertXToTicks(point.X(), planeID));
1943  return HitPosition_(detProp, wireTickPos, planeID);
1944 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
The data type to uniquely identify a Plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:463
bool isValid
Whether this ID points to a valid element.
Definition: geo_types.h:210
double GlobalWire_(const geo::WireID &wireID) const
Find the global wire position.
IDparameter< geo::PlaneID > PlaneID
Member type of validated geo::PlaneID parameter.
TPCID FindTPCAtPosition(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the ID of the TPC at specified location.
The data type to uniquely identify a TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:381
WireID NearestWireID(Point_t const &point, PlaneID const &planeid) const
Returns the ID of wire closest to position in the specified TPC.
Exception thrown on invalid wire number.
Definition: Exceptions.h:39
Index of the TPC within its cryostat.
Definition: geo_types.h:399
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
geo::WireID suggestedWireID() const
Returns a better wire ID.
Definition: Exceptions.h:87
std::map< double, int > shower::EMShowerAlg::RelativeWireWidth_ ( const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &  showerHitsMap) const

Determines the 'relative wire width', i.e. how spread a shower is across wires of each plane relative to the others If a shower travels along the wire directions in a particular view, it will have a smaller wire width in that view Returns a map relating these widths to each plane

Definition at line 1731 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::abs(), fGeom, HitCoordinates_(), geo::GeometryCore::MaxPlanes(), lar::dump::vector(), and X.

Referenced by GetPlanePermutations_(), and OrderShowerHits().

1733 {
1735  // Get the wire widths
1736  std::map<int, int> planeWireLength;
1737  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::const_iterator showerHitsIt =
1738  showerHitsMap.begin();
1739  showerHitsIt != showerHitsMap.end();
1740  ++showerHitsIt)
1741  planeWireLength[showerHitsIt->first] =
1742  std::abs(HitCoordinates_(*showerHitsIt->second.front()).X() -
1743  HitCoordinates_(*showerHitsIt->second.back()).X());
1745  // Find the relative wire width for each plane with respect to the others
1746  std::map<int, double> planeOtherWireLengths;
1747  for (std::map<int, int>::iterator planeWireLengthIt = planeWireLength.begin();
1748  planeWireLengthIt != planeWireLength.end();
1749  ++planeWireLengthIt) {
1750  double quad = 0.;
1751  for (int plane = 0; plane < (int)fGeom->MaxPlanes(); ++plane)
1752  if (plane != planeWireLengthIt->first and planeWireLength.count(plane))
1753  quad += cet::square(planeWireLength[plane]);
1754  quad = std::sqrt(quad);
1755  planeOtherWireLengths[planeWireLengthIt->first] =
1756  planeWireLength[planeWireLengthIt->first] / (double)quad;
1757  }
1759  // Order these backwards
1760  std::map<double, int> wireWidthMap;
1761  for (std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>>::const_iterator showerHitsIt =
1762  showerHitsMap.begin();
1763  showerHitsIt != showerHitsMap.end();
1764  ++showerHitsIt)
1765  wireWidthMap[>first)] = showerHitsIt->first;
1767  return wireWidthMap;
1768 }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
unsigned int MaxPlanes() const
Returns the largest number of planes among all TPCs in this detector.
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
Float_t X
Definition: plot.C:37
TVector2 shower::EMShowerAlg::ShowerCenter_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  showerHits 
) const

Returns the charge-weighted shower center.

Definition at line 1796 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References HitPosition_(), and lar::dump::vector().

Referenced by FindOrderOfHits_(), and ShowerHitRMS_().

1799 {
1801  TVector2 pos, chargePoint = TVector2(0, 0);
1802  double totalCharge = 0;
1803  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::const_iterator hit = showerHits.begin();
1804  hit != showerHits.end();
1805  ++hit) {
1806  pos = HitPosition_(detProp, **hit);
1807  chargePoint += (*hit)->Integral() * pos;
1808  totalCharge += (*hit)->Integral();
1809  }
1810  TVector2 centre = chargePoint / totalCharge;
1812  return centre;
1813 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
TVector2 shower::EMShowerAlg::ShowerDirection_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &  showerHits 
) const

Returns a rough charge-weighted shower 'direction' given the hits in the shower

Definition at line 1770 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References HitPosition_(), lar::dump::vector(), and weight.

Referenced by FindOrderOfHits_(), ShowerHitRMS_(), and ShowerHitRMSGradient_().

1773 {
1775  TVector2 pos;
1776  double weight = 1;
1777  double sumx = 0., sumy = 0., sumx2 = 0., sumxy = 0., sumweight = 0.;
1778  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::const_iterator hit = showerHits.begin();
1779  hit != showerHits.end();
1780  ++hit) {
1781  //++nhits;
1782  pos = HitPosition_(detProp, **hit);
1783  weight = cet::square((*hit)->Integral());
1784  sumweight += weight;
1785  sumx += weight * pos.X();
1786  sumy += weight * pos.Y();
1787  sumx2 += weight * pos.X() * pos.X();
1788  sumxy += weight * pos.X() * pos.Y();
1789  }
1790  double gradient = (sumweight * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / (sumweight * sumx2 - sumx * sumx);
1791  TVector2 direction = TVector2(1, gradient).Unit();
1793  return direction;
1794 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
double weight
Definition: plottest35.C:25
double shower::EMShowerAlg::ShowerHitRMS_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &  showerHits 
) const

Returns the RMS of the hits from the central shower 'axis' along the length of the shower

Definition at line 1815 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References HitPosition_(), proj, ShowerCenter_(), ShowerDirection_(), and lar::dump::vector().

Referenced by GetPlanePermutations_(), and OrderShowerHits().

1817 {
1819  TVector2 direction = ShowerDirection_(detProp, showerHits);
1820  TVector2 centre = ShowerCenter_(detProp, showerHits);
1822  std::vector<double> distanceToAxis;
1823  for (std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>::const_iterator showerHitsIt = showerHits.begin();
1824  showerHitsIt != showerHits.end();
1825  ++showerHitsIt) {
1826  TVector2 proj = (HitPosition_(detProp, **showerHitsIt) - centre).Proj(direction) + centre;
1827  distanceToAxis.push_back((HitPosition_(detProp, **showerHitsIt) - proj).Mod());
1828  }
1829  double RMS = TMath::RMS(distanceToAxis.begin(), distanceToAxis.end());
1831  return RMS;
1832 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
TVector2 ShowerCenter_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> const &showerHits) const
Returns the charge-weighted shower center.
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:289
TVector2 ShowerDirection_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &showerHits) const
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
double shower::EMShowerAlg::ShowerHitRMSGradient_ ( detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &  detProp,
const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &  showerHits 
) const

Returns the gradient of the RMS vs shower segment graph.

Definition at line 1834 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References bin, fMakeRMSGradientPlot, fNumShowerSegments, HitPosition_(), proj, ShowerDirection_(), lar::to_element, and weight.

Referenced by GetPlanePermutations_(), and OrderShowerHits().

1837 {
1838  // Find a rough shower 'direction' and center
1839  TVector2 direction = ShowerDirection_(detProp, showerHits);
1841  // Bin the hits into discreet chunks
1842  int nShowerSegments = fNumShowerSegments;
1843  double lengthOfShower =
1844  (HitPosition_(detProp, *showerHits.back()) - HitPosition_(detProp, *showerHits.front())).Mod();
1845  double lengthOfSegment = lengthOfShower / (double)nShowerSegments;
1846  std::map<int, std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> showerSegments;
1847  std::map<int, double> segmentCharge;
1848  for (auto const& hitPtr : showerHits) {
1849  auto const& hit = *hitPtr;
1850  int const segment =
1851  (HitPosition_(detProp, hit) - HitPosition_(detProp, *showerHits.front())).Mod() /
1852  lengthOfSegment;
1853  showerSegments[segment].push_back(hitPtr);
1854  segmentCharge[segment] += hit.Integral();
1855  }
1857  TGraph* graph = new TGraph();
1858  std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> binVsRMS;
1860  // Loop over the bins to find the distribution of hits as the shower
1861  // progresses
1862  for (auto const& [segment, hitPtrs] : showerSegments) {
1864  // Get the mean position of the hits in this bin
1865  TVector2 meanPosition(0, 0);
1866  for (auto const& hit : hitPtrs | views::transform(to_element))
1867  meanPosition += HitPosition_(detProp, hit);
1868  meanPosition /= (double)hitPtrs.size();
1870  // Get the RMS of this bin
1871  std::vector<double> distanceToAxisBin;
1872  for (auto const& hit : hitPtrs | views::transform(to_element)) {
1873  TVector2 proj = (HitPosition_(detProp, hit) - meanPosition).Proj(direction) + meanPosition;
1874  distanceToAxisBin.push_back((HitPosition_(detProp, hit) - proj).Mod());
1875  }
1877  double RMSBin = TMath::RMS(distanceToAxisBin.begin(), distanceToAxisBin.end());
1878  binVsRMS.emplace_back(segment, RMSBin);
1879  if (fMakeRMSGradientPlot) graph->SetPoint(graph->GetN(), segment, RMSBin);
1880  }
1882  // Get the gradient of the RMS-bin plot
1883  double sumx = 0., sumy = 0., sumx2 = 0., sumxy = 0., sumweight = 0.;
1884  for (auto const& [bin, RMSBin] : binVsRMS) {
1885  double weight =;
1886  sumweight += weight;
1887  sumx += weight * bin;
1888  sumy += weight * RMSBin;
1889  sumx2 += weight * bin * bin;
1890  sumxy += weight * bin * RMSBin;
1891  }
1892  double RMSgradient = (sumweight * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / (sumweight * sumx2 - sumx * sumx);
1894  if (fMakeRMSGradientPlot) {
1895  TVector2 direction = TVector2(1, RMSgradient).Unit();
1896  TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas();
1897  graph->Draw();
1898  graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Shower segment");
1899  graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("RMS of hit distribution");
1900  TVector2 centre = TVector2(graph->GetMean(1), graph->GetMean(2));
1901  TLine line;
1902  line.SetLineColor(2);
1903  line.DrawLine(centre.X() - 1000 * direction.X(),
1904  centre.Y() - 1000 * direction.Y(),
1905  centre.X() + 1000 * direction.X(),
1906  centre.Y() + 1000 * direction.Y());
1907  canv->SaveAs("RMSGradient.png");
1908  delete canv;
1909  }
1910  delete graph;
1912  return RMSgradient;
1913 }
TVector2 HitPosition_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in units of cm.
constexpr to_element_t to_element
Definition: ToElement.h:25
bool const fMakeRMSGradientPlot
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:286
float bin[41]
Definition: plottest35.C:14
TVector2 ShowerDirection_(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &showerHits) const
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
double weight
Definition: plottest35.C:25
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
int const fNumShowerSegments
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:287
Int_t shower::EMShowerAlg::WeightedFit ( const Int_t  n,
const Double_t *  x,
const Double_t *  y,
const Double_t *  w,
Double_t *  parm 
) const

<Tingjun to="" document>="">

Definition at line 1983 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References n.

Referenced by FindInitialTrackHits().

1988 {
1990  Double_t sumx = 0.;
1991  Double_t sumx2 = 0.;
1992  Double_t sumy = 0.;
1993  Double_t sumxy = 0.;
1994  Double_t sumw = 0.;
1995  Double_t eparm[2];
1997  parm[0] = 0.;
1998  parm[1] = 0.;
1999  eparm[0] = 0.;
2000  eparm[1] = 0.;
2002  for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2003  sumx += x[i] * w[i];
2004  sumx2 += x[i] * x[i] * w[i];
2005  sumy += y[i] * w[i];
2006  sumxy += x[i] * y[i] * w[i];
2007  sumw += w[i];
2008  }
2010  if (sumx2 * sumw - sumx * sumx == 0.) return 1;
2011  if (sumx2 - sumx * sumx / sumw == 0.) return 1;
2013  parm[0] = (sumy * sumx2 - sumx * sumxy) / (sumx2 * sumw - sumx * sumx);
2014  parm[1] = (sumxy - sumx * sumy / sumw) / (sumx2 - sumx * sumx / sumw);
2016  eparm[0] = sumx2 * (sumx2 * sumw - sumx * sumx);
2017  eparm[1] = (sumx2 - sumx * sumx / sumw);
2019  if (eparm[0] < 0. || eparm[1] < 0.) return 1;
2021  eparm[0] = sqrt(eparm[0]) / (sumx2 * sumw - sumx * sumx);
2022  eparm[1] = sqrt(eparm[1]) / (sumx2 - sumx * sumx / sumw);
2024  return 0;
2025 }
Float_t x
Definition: compare.C:6
Float_t y
Definition: compare.C:6
Char_t n[5]
Float_t w
Definition: plot.C:20
int shower::EMShowerAlg::WorstPlane_ ( const std::map< int, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >>> &  showerHitsMap) const

Returns the plane which is determined to be the least likely to be correct.

Definition at line 1946 of file EMShowerAlg.cxx.

References util::abs(), fDebug, fGeom, HitCoordinates_(), hits(), geo::GeometryCore::MaxPlanes(), and X.

Referenced by MakeInitialTrack_().

1948 {
1949  // Get the width of the shower in wire coordinate
1950  std::map<int, int> planeWireLength;
1951  std::map<int, double> planeOtherWireLengths;
1952  for (auto const& [plane, hits] : showerHitsMap)
1953  planeWireLength[plane] =
1954  std::abs(HitCoordinates_(*hits.front()).X() - HitCoordinates_(*hits.back()).X());
1955  for (std::map<int, int>::iterator planeWireLengthIt = planeWireLength.begin();
1956  planeWireLengthIt != planeWireLength.end();
1957  ++planeWireLengthIt) {
1958  double quad = 0.;
1959  for (int plane = 0; plane < (int)fGeom->MaxPlanes(); ++plane)
1960  if (plane != planeWireLengthIt->first and planeWireLength.count(plane))
1961  quad += cet::square(planeWireLength[plane]);
1962  quad = std::sqrt(quad);
1963  planeOtherWireLengths[planeWireLengthIt->first] =
1964  planeWireLength[planeWireLengthIt->first] / (double)quad;
1965  }
1967  if (fDebug > 1)
1968  for (auto const [plane, relative_width] : planeOtherWireLengths) {
1969  std::cout << "Plane " << plane << " has " << planeWireLength[plane]
1970  << " wire width and therefore has relative width in wire of " << relative_width
1971  << '\n';
1972  }
1974  std::map<double, int> wireWidthMap;
1975  for (int const plane : showerHitsMap | views::keys) {
1976  double wireWidth =;
1977  wireWidthMap[wireWidth] = plane;
1978  }
1980  return wireWidthMap.begin()->second;
1981 }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
void hits()
Definition: readHits.C:15
unsigned int MaxPlanes() const
Returns the largest number of planes among all TPCs in this detector.
TVector2 HitCoordinates_(recob::Hit const &hit) const
Return the coordinates of this hit in global wire/tick space.
art::ServiceHandle< geo::Geometry const > fGeom
Definition: EMShowerAlg.h:275
Float_t X
Definition: plot.C:37

Member Data Documentation

calo::CalorimetryAlg const shower::EMShowerAlg::fCalorimetryAlg

Definition at line 279 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), FinddEdx_(), and MakeShower().

double const shower::EMShowerAlg::fdEdxTrackLength

Definition at line 266 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), FinddEdx_(), and MakeShower().

std::string const shower::EMShowerAlg::fDetector

Definition at line 282 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and GlobalWire_().

bool const shower::EMShowerAlg::fMakeGradientPlot

Definition at line 285 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and FindOrderOfHits_().

bool const shower::EMShowerAlg::fMakeRMSGradientPlot

Definition at line 286 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and ShowerHitRMSGradient_().

double const shower::EMShowerAlg::fMinTrackLength

Definition at line 265 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by AssociateClustersAndTracks(), and EMShowerAlg().

std::vector<unsigned int> const shower::EMShowerAlg::fNfithits

Definition at line 271 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and FindInitialTrackHits().

unsigned int const shower::EMShowerAlg::fNfitpass

Definition at line 270 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and FindInitialTrackHits().

int const shower::EMShowerAlg::fNumShowerSegments

Definition at line 287 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and ShowerHitRMSGradient_().

pma::ProjectionMatchingAlg const shower::EMShowerAlg::fProjectionMatchingAlg

Definition at line 280 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by ConstructTrack(), EMShowerAlg(), and MakeShower().

shower::ShowerEnergyAlg const shower::EMShowerAlg::fShowerEnergyAlg

Definition at line 278 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and MakeShower().

double const shower::EMShowerAlg::fSpacePointSize

Definition at line 267 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and MakeSpacePoints().

std::vector<double> const shower::EMShowerAlg::fToler

Definition at line 272 of file EMShowerAlg.h.

Referenced by EMShowerAlg(), and FindInitialTrackHits().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: