![]() |
Liquid Argon Software toolkit - https://larsoft.org/
Namespaces | |
actions | |
compatibility | |
detail | |
errors | |
ExceptionDetail | |
fp_detail | |
friendlyname | |
hlt | |
input | |
InputSourceFactory | |
productstatus | |
PtrRemapperDetail | |
rootNames | |
stats | |
Functions | |
bool | find_config (std::string const &filename, std::string const &search_path_spec, std::string &full_path) |
int | run_art (int argc, char **argv, bpo::options_description &all_desc, OptionsHandlers &&handlers) |
bool | is_glob (std::string const &pattern) |
std::string | glob2reg (std::string pattern) |
std::vector< std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator > | regexMatch (std::vector< std::string > const &strings, std::string const &pattern) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GroupSelector &gs) |
MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostBeginJob) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostSourceConstruction) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreSourceEvent) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostSourceEvent) | |
MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreSourceSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostSourceSubRun) | |
MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreSourceRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostSourceRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostOpenFile) | |
MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreCloseFile) | |
MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostCloseFile) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreProcessEvent) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostProcessEvent) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostBeginRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreBeginSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostBeginSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreProcessPath) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostProcessPath) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PrePathBeginRun) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostPathBeginRun) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostPathEndRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PrePathBeginSubRun) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostPathBeginSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PrePathEndSubRun) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostPathEndSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreModuleConstruction) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModuleConstruction) | |
MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostBeginJobWorkers) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreModuleBeginJob) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModuleBeginJob) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreModuleEndJob) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModuleEndJob) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModule) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreModuleBeginRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModuleBeginRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreModuleEndRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModuleEndRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreModuleBeginSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModuleBeginSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PreModuleEndSubRun) | |
MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN (PostModuleEndSubRun) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Granularity const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, OutputFileStatus const ofs) |
template<typename UserConfig , typename ImplicitConfig > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProducerTable< UserConfig, ImplicitConfig > const &t) |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::begin< Level::Job > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::begin< Level::InputFile > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::begin< Level::Run > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::begin< Level::SubRun > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::finalize< Level::SubRun > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::finalize< Level::Run > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::finalize< Level::InputFile > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::finalize< Level::Job > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::finalizeContainingLevels< Level::SubRun > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::finalizeContainingLevels< Level::Event > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::recordOutputModuleClosureRequests< Level::Run > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::recordOutputModuleClosureRequests< Level::SubRun > () |
template<> | |
void | EventProcessor::recordOutputModuleClosureRequests< Level::Event > () |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, FileProperties const &fp) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, MixHelper::Mode) |
RangeSet | rangeSetFor (RunPrincipal const &rp) |
RangeSet | rangeSetFor (SubRunPrincipal const &srp) |
template<typename T , typename P > | |
std::enable_if_t<!detail::range_sets_supported(P::branch_type)> | put_product_in_principal (std::unique_ptr< T > &&product, P &principal, std::string const &module_label, std::string const &instance_name={}) |
template<typename T , typename P > | |
std::enable_if_t< detail::range_sets_supported(P::branch_type)> | put_product_in_principal (std::unique_ptr< T > &&product, P &principal, std::string const &module_label, std::string const &instance_name={}, RangeSet &&rs=RangeSet::invalid()) |
static void | markAncestors (ProductProvenance const &iInfo, EventPrincipal &e, std::map< ProductID, bool > &oMap, std::set< ProductID > &oMapperMissing) |
std::optional< GroupQueryResult > | resolve_unique_product (std::vector< cet::exempt_ptr< art::Group >> const &product_groups, art::WrappedTypeID const &wrapped) |
std::vector< GroupQueryResult > | resolve_products (std::vector< cet::exempt_ptr< art::Group >> const &groups, art::TypeID const &wrapped_type) |
template<class T > | |
void | swap (Handle< T > &a, Handle< T > &b) |
template<class T > | |
void | swap (ValidHandle< T > &a, ValidHandle< T > &b) |
template<class T > | |
void | convert_handle (GroupQueryResult const &, Handle< T > &) |
template<class T > | |
std::enable_if_t< detail::is_handle_v< T >, RangeSet const & > | range_of_validity (T const &h) |
template<class T , class U > | |
std::enable_if_t< detail::are_handles_v< T, U >, bool > | same_ranges (T const &a, U const &b) |
template<class T , class U > | |
std::enable_if_t< detail::are_handles_v< T, U >, bool > | disjoint_ranges (T const &a, U const &b) |
template<class T , class U > | |
std::enable_if_t< detail::are_handles_v< T, U >, bool > | overlapping_ranges (T const &a, U const &b) |
void | swap (OutputHandle &a, OutputHandle &b) |
bool | operator< (ProductInfo const &a, ProductInfo const &b) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, ProductInfo::ConsumableType const ct) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, ProductInfo const &info) |
template<typename PROD > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Handle< PROD > const &h) |
bool | operator== (Provenance const &a, Provenance const &b) noexcept |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, Provenance const &p) |
template<typename A , typename B > | |
std::enable_if_t< is_selector< A > &&is_selector< B >, AndHelper< A, B > > | operator&& (A const &a, B const &b) |
template<typename A , typename B > | |
std::enable_if_t< is_selector< A > &&is_selector< B >, OrHelper< A, B > > | operator|| (A const &a, B const &b) |
template<typename A > | |
std::enable_if_t< is_selector< A >, NotHelper< A > > | operator! (A const &a) |
template<class T , class U > | |
bool | same_ranges (SummedValue< T > const &a, SummedValue< U > const &b) |
template<class T , class U > | |
bool | disjoint_ranges (SummedValue< T > const &a, SummedValue< U > const &b) |
template<class T , class U > | |
bool | overlapping_ranges (SummedValue< T > const &a, SummedValue< U > const &b) |
std::string | translateFileDeliveryStatus (FileDeliveryStatus stat) |
std::string | translateFileDisposition (FileDisposition fd) |
std::string | translateFileTransferStatus (FileTransferStatus stat) |
constexpr bool | is_legacy (ServiceScope const scope) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_shared (ServiceScope const scope) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ServiceTable< T > const &t) |
template<typename CONTAINER > | |
void | concatContainers (CONTAINER &out, CONTAINER const &in) |
template<typename COLLECTION > | |
void | flattenCollections (std::vector< COLLECTION const * > const &in, COLLECTION &out) |
template<typename COLLECTION , typename OFFSETS > | |
void | flattenCollections (std::vector< COLLECTION const * > const &in, COLLECTION &out, OFFSETS &offsets) |
template<typename T > | |
void | flattenCollections (std::vector< PtrVector< T > const * > const &in, PtrVector< T > &out) |
template<typename T , typename OFFSETS > | |
void | flattenCollections (std::vector< PtrVector< T > const * > const &in, PtrVector< T > &out, OFFSETS &offsets) |
bool | operator< (EventProcessHistoryID const &lh, EventProcessHistoryID const &rh) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ModuleDescription const &p) |
bool | is_modifier (ModuleType const mt) |
bool | is_observer (ModuleType const mt) |
std::string | to_string (ModuleType const mt) |
std::pair< std::string, std::string > | split_process_and_path_names (std::string path_spec) |
PathSpec | path_spec (std::string const &path_spec) |
std::vector< PathSpec > | path_specs (std::vector< std::string > const &path_spec_strs) |
std::string | to_string (PathID const id) |
std::string | to_string (PathSpec const &spec) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, PathSpec const &spec) |
auto | to_tuple (PathSpec const &spec) noexcept |
bool | operator== (PathSpec const &a, PathSpec const &b) |
bool | operator< (PathSpec const &a, PathSpec const &b) |
void | ensureTable (fhicl::intermediate_table &table, std::string const &fhicl_spec) |
void | printArtException (cet::exception const &e, char const *prog) |
void | printBadAllocException (char const *prog) |
void | printStdException (std::exception const &e, char const *prog) |
void | printUnknownException (char const *prog) |
template<typename T > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_class< T >::value, tool_return_type< T > > | make_tool (fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset) |
template<typename T > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_function< T >::value, tool_return_type< T > > | make_tool (fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset, std::string const &function_tool_type) |
template<typename T , typename TableConfig > | |
tool_return_type< T > | make_tool (TableConfig const &tc, std::string const &function_tool_type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ost, const MallocOpts &opts) |
std::string | parent_path (std::string const &path) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, suffix_type const st) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T1, T2 >::value||std::is_base_of< T1, T2 >::value||std::is_base_of< T2, T1 >::value, bool > | pointersEqual (T1 *t1, T2 *t2) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< T1, T2 >::value &&!std::is_base_of< T1, T2 >::value &&!std::is_base_of< T2, T1 >::value, bool > | pointersEqual (T1 *, T2 *) |
constexpr auto | fullRun () |
constexpr auto | fullSubRun () |
constexpr auto | runFragment () |
constexpr auto | subRunFragment () |
auto | runFragment (RangeSet const &rs) |
auto | subRunFragment (RangeSet const &rs) |
bool | operator!= (ScheduleID const left, ScheduleID const right) noexcept |
bool | operator<= (ScheduleID const left, ScheduleID const right) noexcept |
bool | operator> (ScheduleID const left, ScheduleID const right) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (ScheduleID const left, ScheduleID const right) noexcept |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, ScheduleID const sid) |
std::string | unique_filename (std::string stem, std::string extension=".root") |
void | setupSignals (bool want_sigint_enabled) |
std::string const & | getReleaseVersion () |
template<typename A , typename B , typename D , typename F > | |
void | for_each_group (art::Assns< A, B, D > const &assns, F func) |
Helper functions to access associations in order. More... | |
template<typename A , typename B , typename D , typename F > | |
void | for_each_group_with_left (art::Assns< A, B, D > const &assns, F func) |
template<typename A , typename B , typename D , typename F > | |
void | for_each_pair (art::Assns< A, B, D > const &assns, F func) |
template<Direction Dir> | |
constexpr int | signed_one () |
template<Direction Dir> | |
constexpr auto | index_for_dereferencing (std::size_t const i) |
template<typename L , typename R , typename D , Direction Dir> | |
constexpr auto const & | left (const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &a, const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &b) |
template<typename L , typename R , typename D , Direction Dir> | |
constexpr auto const & | right (const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &a, const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const &b) |
template<typename T , typename L , typename R , typename D > | |
auto const & | get (AssnsNode< L, R, D > const &r) |
template<typename Collection > | |
void | getElementAddresses (Collection const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &indices, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr) |
template<typename T > | |
void | getElementAddresses (cet::map_vector< T > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &indices, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &ost, const HLTGlobalStatus &hlt) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ost, HLTGlobalStatus const &hlt) |
template<typename H > | |
ProductPtr (H) -> ProductPtr< typename H::element_type > | |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< U, T >, bool > | operator== (ProductPtr< T > const &lhs, ProductPtr< U > const &rhs) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< U, T >, bool > | operator!= (ProductPtr< T > const &lhs, ProductPtr< U > const &rhs) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< U, T >, bool > | operator< (ProductPtr< T > const &lhs, ProductPtr< U > const &rhs) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProductPtr< T > const &p) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< U, T >, bool > | operator== (Ptr< T > const &lhs, Ptr< U > const &rhs) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< U, T >, bool > | operator!= (Ptr< T > const &lhs, Ptr< U > const &rhs) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< T, U >||std::is_base_of_v< U, T >, bool > | operator< (Ptr< T > const &lhs, Ptr< U > const &rhs) |
template<typename T , typename H > | |
void | fill_ptr_vector (std::vector< Ptr< T >> &ptrs, H const &h) |
template<typename T , typename H > | |
void | fill_ptr_list (std::list< Ptr< T >> &ptrs, H const &h) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Ptr< T > const &p) |
template<typename H , typename T > | |
Ptr (H, T) -> Ptr< detail::not_map_vector_t< typename H::element_type >> | |
template<typename T > | |
void | swap (PtrVector< T > &, PtrVector< T > &) |
void | swap (RefCore &lhs, RefCore &rhs) |
constexpr bool | operator== (RefCore const &lhs, RefCore const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator!= (RefCore const &lhs, RefCore const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator< (RefCore const &lhs, RefCore const &rhs) noexcept |
auto | sampled_from (std::string process_name) |
template<class COLLECTION > | |
void | setPtr (COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr) |
template<typename T > | |
void | setPtr (cet::map_vector< T > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr) |
template<typename T > | |
void const * | address_of (T const &t) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
void const * | address_of_second (typename cet::map_vector< T >::value_type const &t) noexcept |
void | swap (TriggerResults &lhs, TriggerResults &rhs) |
bool | operator< (BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b) |
bool | combinable (BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b) |
bool | operator== (BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchDescription const &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchKey const &bk) |
bool | operator< (BranchKey const &a, BranchKey const &b) |
bool | operator== (BranchKey const &a, BranchKey const &b) |
bool | operator!= (BranchKey const &a, BranchKey const &b) |
std::string const & | BranchTypeToString (BranchType const bt) |
std::string const & | BranchTypeToProductTreeName (BranchType const bt) |
std::string const & | BranchTypeToMetaDataTreeName (BranchType const bt) |
std::string const & | BranchTypeToAuxiliaryBranchName (BranchType const bt) |
std::string const & | productProvenanceBranchName (BranchType const bt) |
std::string const & | BranchTypeToMajorIndexName (BranchType const bt) |
std::string const & | BranchTypeToMinorIndexName (BranchType const bt) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchType const branchType) |
template<typename F > | |
void | for_each_branch_type (F f) |
std::string | canonicalProductName (std::string const &friendlyClassName, std::string const &moduleLabel, std::string const &productInstanceName, std::string const &processName) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchID const &id) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, EventAuxiliary const &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const EventAuxiliary &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, EventID const &iID) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, EventRange const &r) |
bool | operator== (FileFormatVersion const &a, FileFormatVersion const &b) |
bool | operator!= (FileFormatVersion const &a, FileFormatVersion const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, FileFormatVersion const &ff) |
bool | operator< (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh) |
bool | operator> (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh) |
bool | operator>= (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh) |
bool | operator<= (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh) |
bool | operator== (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh) |
bool | operator!= (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh) |
bool | operator== (FileIndex const &lh, FileIndex const &rh) |
bool | operator!= (FileIndex const &lh, FileIndex const &rh) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, FileIndex::Element const &el) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, FileIndex const &fileIndex) |
template<int I> | |
void | swap (Hash< I > &a, Hash< I > &b) |
template<int I> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Hash< I > const &h) |
template<Level L = Level::Event> | |
constexpr bool | is_valid (IDNumber_t< L > const id) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ParameterSetBlob const &blob) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, Parentage const &) |
bool | operator== (Parentage const &a, Parentage const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Parentage const &a, Parentage const &b) |
bool | operator!= (ProcessConfiguration const &a, ProcessConfiguration const &b) |
bool | operator< (ProcessConfiguration const &a, ProcessConfiguration const &b) |
bool | operator== (ProcessConfiguration const &a, ProcessConfiguration const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProcessConfiguration const &pc) |
void | swap (ProcessHistory &a, ProcessHistory &b) |
bool | operator== (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b) |
bool | operator!= (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b) |
bool | isAncestor (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b) |
bool | isDescendant (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &ost, ProcessHistory const &ph) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProductID const id) |
ProductDescriptions | make_product_descriptions (ProductList const &productList) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, ProductProvenance const &p) |
bool | operator== (ProductProvenance const &a, ProductProvenance const &b) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (ProductProvenance const &a, ProductProvenance const &b) noexcept |
bool | operator< (ProductProvenance const &a, ProductProvenance const &b) noexcept |
bool | operator== (RangeSet const &l, RangeSet const &r) |
bool | same_ranges (RangeSet const &l, RangeSet const &r) |
bool | disjoint_ranges (RangeSet const &l, RangeSet const &r) |
void | throw_if_not_disjoint (RunNumber_t const rn, EventRange const &left, EventRange const &right) noexcept(false) |
bool | overlapping_ranges (RangeSet const &l, RangeSet const &r) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, RangeSet const &rs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, ResultsAuxiliary const &p) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, const RunAuxiliary &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, art::RunID const &iID) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, SampledEventInfo const &eventInfo) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, SubRunAuxiliary const &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, SubRunID const &iID) |
std::string | to_iso_string_assuming_unix_epoch (Timestamp const &ts) |
bool | operator< (TypeLabel const &a, TypeLabel const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, TypeLabel const &tl) |
template<typename WANTED_POINTER , typename InputIterator > | |
WANTED_POINTER | ensurePointer (InputIterator it) |
bool | operator!= (InputTag const &left, InputTag const &right) |
void | decode (std::any const &a, InputTag &tag) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, InputTag const &tag) |
constexpr auto | underlying_value (Level const l) noexcept |
constexpr auto | highest_level () noexcept |
constexpr auto | level_up (Level const l) noexcept |
constexpr auto | most_deeply_nested_level () noexcept |
constexpr auto | level_down (Level const l) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_above_most_deeply_nested_level (Level const l) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_most_deeply_nested_level (Level const l) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_highest_level (Level const l) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_level_contained_by (Level const l1, Level const l2) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Level const l) |
bool | operator> (TypeID const &a, TypeID const &b) |
bool | operator!= (TypeID const &a, TypeID const &b) |
void | swap (TypeID &left, TypeID &right) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, TypeID const &tid) |
string | name_of_template_arg (string const &template_instance, size_t desired_arg) |
string | name_of_assns_partner (string assns_type_name) |
string | name_of_assns_base (string assns_type_name) |
string | name_of_unwrapped_product (string const &wrapped_name) |
bool | is_instantiation_of (std::string const &type_name, std::string const &template_name) |
bool | is_instantiation_of (TypeID const &tid, std::string const &template_name) |
bool | is_assns (std::string const &type_name) |
bool | is_assns (TypeID const &tid) |
std::string | uniform_type_name (std::type_info const &tid) |
std::string | uniform_type_name (std::string name) |
std::string | wrappedClassName (std::string const &className) |
std::string const & | getCanvasReleaseVersion () |
Variables | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr bool | is_selector |
template<typename T > | |
detail::SharedResource_t | SharedResource {typeid(T).name(), true} |
DebugTasksValue | debugTasks |
std::atomic< int > | shutdown_flag {0} |
DebugValue | debugit |
An art event visitor component takes a reference to an art::Event object. Components with this interface will typically implement a sink or a source WCT interface.
Note, this is a Wire Cell Toolkit Interface class which depends on external types so is not kept in wire-cell-iface. See that package for in-toolkit WCT interfaces.
A wcls::MainTool is a main entry point to the WCT from LS
See the WCLS_tool as the likely only implementation.
Fixme: maybe need to pick a less generic name for this tool?
using art::AvailableProducts_t = typedef std::unordered_set<ProductID, ProductID::Hash> |
Definition at line 24 of file type_aliases.h.
using art::BranchIDList = typedef std::vector<BranchID::value_type> |
Definition at line 17 of file BranchIDList.h.
using art::BranchIDLists = typedef std::vector<BranchIDList> |
Definition at line 18 of file BranchIDList.h.
using art::CountingStatistics = typedef ExecutionCounts<stats::Visited, stats::Run, stats::Passed, stats::Failed, stats::ExceptionThrown> |
Definition at line 85 of file ExecutionCounts.h.
using art::DataFlowDumper = typedef ProvenanceDumper<DataFlow> |
Definition at line 25 of file DataFlowDumper_module.cc.
using art::EntryNumberSequence = typedef std::vector<FileIndex::EntryNumber_t> |
Definition at line 27 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::EventAuxiliarySequence = typedef std::vector<EventAuxiliary> |
Definition at line 28 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::EventIDIndex = typedef std::map<FileIndex::EntryNumber_t, EventID> |
Definition at line 23 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::EventIDSequence = typedef std::vector<EventID> |
Definition at line 26 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::EventNumber_t = typedef IDNumber_t<Level::Event> |
Definition at line 118 of file IDNumber.h.
using art::Exception = typedef cet::coded_exception<errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate> |
Definition at line 66 of file Exception.h.
using art::exception_ptr_t = typedef std::shared_ptr<art::Exception const> |
Definition at line 22 of file GroupQueryResult.h.
using art::group_ptr_t = typedef cet::exempt_ptr<Group> |
Definition at line 21 of file GroupQueryResult.h.
using art::IDNumber_t = typedef typename IDNumber<L>::type |
Definition at line 109 of file IDNumber.h.
using art::MixFunc = typedef std::function< bool(std::vector<PROD const*> const&, OPROD&, PtrRemapper const&)> |
Definition at line 19 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::MixOpList = typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MixOpBase>> |
Definition at line 22 of file MixIOPolicy.h.
using art::module_label_t = typedef std::string |
Definition at line 26 of file WorkerInPath.h.
using art::OptionsHandlers = typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<art::OptionsHandler>> |
Definition at line 10 of file OptionsHandlers.h.
using art::ParameterSetMap = typedef std::map<fhicl::ParameterSetID, ParameterSetBlob> |
Definition at line 10 of file ParameterSetMap.h.
using art::ParentageID = typedef Hash<ParentageType> |
Definition at line 8 of file ParentageID.h.
using art::ParentageRegistry = typedef thread_safe_registry_via_id<ParentageID, Parentage> |
Definition at line 9 of file ParentageRegistry.h.
using art::ProcessConfigurationID = typedef Hash<ProcessConfigurationType> |
Definition at line 8 of file ProcessConfigurationID.h.
Definition at line 18 of file ProcessConfigurationRegistry.h.
using art::ProcessConfigurationRegistry = typedef thread_safe_registry_via_id<ProcessConfigurationID, ProcessConfiguration> |
Definition at line 17 of file ProcessConfigurationRegistry.h.
using art::ProcessConfigurations = typedef std::vector<ProcessConfiguration> |
Definition at line 49 of file ProcessConfiguration.h.
using art::ProcessHistoryID = typedef Hash<ProcessHistoryType> |
Definition at line 8 of file ProcessHistoryID.h.
using art::ProcessHistoryMap = typedef std::map<ProcessHistoryID const, ProcessHistory> |
Definition at line 143 of file ProcessHistory.h.
using art::ProcessHistoryRegistry = typedef thread_safe_registry_via_id<ProcessHistoryID, ProcessHistory> |
Definition at line 23 of file ProcessHistoryRegistry.h.
using art::ProcessLookup = typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<ProductID>> |
Definition at line 17 of file type_aliases.h.
using art::product_typeids_t = typedef std::map<product_metatype, TypeID> |
using art::ProductDescriptions = typedef std::vector<BranchDescription> |
Definition at line 289 of file BranchDescription.h.
using art::ProductDescriptionsByID = typedef std::map<ProductID, BranchDescription> |
Definition at line 290 of file BranchDescription.h.
using art::ProductList = typedef std::map<BranchKey, BranchDescription> |
Definition at line 15 of file ProductList.h.
using art::ProductListUpdatedCallback = typedef std::function<void(ProductTables const&)> |
Definition at line 54 of file UpdateOutputCallbacks.h.
using art::ProductLookup_t = typedef std::map<std::string, ProcessLookup> |
Definition at line 23 of file type_aliases.h.
using art::ProductProvenances = typedef std::vector<ProductProvenance> |
Definition at line 53 of file ProductProvenance.h.
using art::ProductStatus = typedef unsigned char |
Definition at line 6 of file ProductStatus.h.
using art::ReleaseVersion = typedef std::string |
Definition at line 7 of file ReleaseVersion.h.
using art::RunIDIndex = typedef std::map<SubRunID, FileIndex::EntryNumber_t> |
Definition at line 25 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::RunNumber_t = typedef IDNumber_t<Level::Run> |
Definition at line 120 of file IDNumber.h.
using art::SampledRunInfo = typedef std::map<std::string, SampledInfo<RunID>> |
Definition at line 38 of file SampledInfo.h.
using art::SampledSubRunInfo = typedef std::map<std::string, SampledInfo<SubRunID>> |
Definition at line 39 of file SampledInfo.h.
using art::Selections = typedef ProductDescriptionsByID |
Definition at line 11 of file Selections.h.
using art::SelectionsArray = typedef std::array<Selections, NumBranchTypes> |
Definition at line 12 of file Selections.h.
using art::SpecProdList = typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EDProduct const>> |
Definition at line 21 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::SubRunIDIndex = typedef std::map<SubRunID, FileIndex::EntryNumber_t> |
Definition at line 24 of file MixTypes.h.
using art::SubRunNumber_t = typedef IDNumber_t<Level::SubRun> |
Definition at line 119 of file IDNumber.h.
using art::TimeValue_t = typedef std::uint64_t |
Definition at line 8 of file Timestamp.h.
using art::tool_return_type = typedef typename detail::tool_type<T>::return_type |
Definition at line 14 of file make_tool.h.
using art::tuple_element_t = typedef typename tuple_element<I, Node>::type |
Definition at line 56 of file AssnsNode.h.
using art::TypeLabelLookup_t = typedef std::map<TypeLabel, BranchDescription> |
Definition at line 20 of file type_aliases.h.
using art::ViewLookup_t = typedef ProcessLookup |
Definition at line 18 of file type_aliases.h.
using art::WorkerMap = typedef std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Worker>> |
Definition at line 11 of file WorkerMap.h.
Enumerator | |
BranchActionBegin | |
BranchActionEnd | |
BranchActionProcess |
Definition at line 7 of file BranchActionType.h.
enum art::BranchType |
Enumerator | |
InEvent | |
InSubRun | |
InRun | |
InResults | |
NumBranchTypes |
Definition at line 20 of file BranchType.h.
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 23 of file InputFileCatalog.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 14 of file FileDisposition.h.
enum art::HashedTypes |
Enumerator | |
ModuleDescriptionType | |
ParameterSetType | |
ProcessHistoryType | |
ProcessConfigurationType | |
EntryDescriptionType | |
ParentageType |
Definition at line 11 of file HashedTypes.h.
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
illegal | |
legacy | |
shared | |
replicated |
Definition at line 19 of file ModuleType.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
non_art | |
producer | |
filter | |
analyzer | |
output_module | |
producing_service |
Definition at line 11 of file ModuleType.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Open | |
Switching | |
Closed |
Definition at line 8 of file OutputFileStatus.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Yes | |
No |
Definition at line 5 of file Persistable.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
produces | |
reconstitutes |
Definition at line 38 of file ProductRegistryHelper.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Normal | |
LeftRight | |
RightLeft | |
LeftRightData | |
RightLeftData |
Definition at line 5 of file product_metatype.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 7 of file ServiceScope.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
module | |
plugin | |
service | |
source | |
tool | |
mfPlugin | |
mfStatsPlugin |
Definition at line 59 of file PluginSuffixes.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
BeginJob | |
EndJob | |
BeginFile | |
EndFile | |
BeginRun | |
EndRun | |
BeginSubRun | |
EndSubRun | |
BeginEvent | |
EndEvent |
Definition at line 7 of file Transition.h.
enum art::Verbosity |
Enumerator | |
Silent | |
Concise | |
Normal | |
Detailed |
Definition at line 5 of file Verbosity.h.
noexcept |
noexcept |
std::string const & art::BranchTypeToAuxiliaryBranchName | ( | BranchType const | bt | ) |
Definition at line 83 of file BranchType.cc.
std::string const & art::BranchTypeToMajorIndexName | ( | BranchType const | bt | ) |
Definition at line 101 of file BranchType.cc.
std::string const & art::BranchTypeToMetaDataTreeName | ( | BranchType const | bt | ) |
Definition at line 77 of file BranchType.cc.
std::string const & art::BranchTypeToMinorIndexName | ( | BranchType const | bt | ) |
Definition at line 107 of file BranchType.cc.
std::string const & art::BranchTypeToProductTreeName | ( | BranchType const | bt | ) |
Definition at line 71 of file BranchType.cc.
std::string const & art::BranchTypeToString | ( | BranchType const | bt | ) |
Definition at line 65 of file BranchType.cc.
Referenced by art::ConsumesInfo::assemble_consumes_statement(), operator<<(), and art::FileDumperOutput::printPrincipal().
std::string art::canonicalProductName | ( | std::string const & | friendlyClassName, |
std::string const & | moduleLabel, | ||
std::string const & | productInstanceName, | ||
std::string const & | processName | ||
) |
Definition at line 9 of file canonicalProductName.cc.
Referenced by art::BranchKey::branchName(), art::BranchDescription::fluffTransients_(), art::ProductInserter::getProductDescription_(), art::ProductRetriever::getProductID_(), art::ProductID::invalid(), art::MixOp< Prod, OProd >::outgoingProductID(), and put_product_in_principal().
bool art::combinable | ( | BranchDescription const & | a, |
BranchDescription const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 315 of file BranchDescription.cc.
References art::BranchDescription::branchType(), art::BranchDescription::friendlyClassName(), art::BranchDescription::moduleLabel(), art::BranchDescription::processName(), art::BranchDescription::producedClassName(), art::BranchDescription::productID(), and art::BranchDescription::productInstanceName().
Referenced by art::OutputModule::doSelectProducts(), and art::Principal::fillGroup().
void art::concatContainers | ( | CONTAINER & | out, |
CONTAINER const & | in | ||
) |
Definition at line 254 of file CollectionUtilities.h.
References art::detail::TwoArgInsert< CONTAINER >::concatenate().
Referenced by flattenCollections().
void art::convert_handle | ( | GroupQueryResult const & | orig, |
Handle< T > & | result | ||
) |
Definition at line 280 of file Handle.h.
References art::Handle< T >::swap().
void art::decode | ( | std::any const & | a, |
InputTag & | tag | ||
) |
Definition at line 117 of file InputTag.cc.
References fhicl::detail::decode(), fhicl::detail::is_sequence(), and tmp.
std::enable_if_t<detail::are_handles_v<T, U>, bool> art::disjoint_ranges | ( | T const & | a, |
U const & | b | ||
) |
bool art::disjoint_ranges | ( | SummedValue< T > const & | a, |
SummedValue< U > const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 193 of file SummedValue.h.
References disjoint_ranges(), and art::SummedValue< T >::rangeOfValidity().
Definition at line 414 of file RangeSet.cc.
References art::RangeSet::collapse(), art::RangeSet::empty(), art::RangeSet::has_disjoint_ranges(), art::RangeSet::is_valid(), art::RangeSet::ranges(), and art::RangeSet::run().
inline |
Definition at line 77 of file ensurePointer.h.
References art::errors::LogicError.
Referenced by art::detail::IPRHelper< ProdA, ProdB, Data, DATACOLL, EVENT >::operator()().
void art::ensureTable | ( | fhicl::intermediate_table & | table, |
std::string const & | fhicl_spec | ||
) |
Definition at line 6 of file ensureTable.cc.
References fhicl::intermediate_table::exists(), and fhicl::intermediate_table::putEmptyTable().
Referenced by art::BasicOutputOptionsHandler::doCheckOptions(), and art::FileCatalogOptionsHandler::doProcessOptions().
inline |
Definition at line 294 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::openInputFile().
inline |
Definition at line 286 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::beginJob(), and art::EventProcessor::timer_.
void art::EventProcessor::begin< Level::Run > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 301 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::beginRun(), art::EventProcessor::finalizeRunEnabled_, art::EventProcessor::handleEmptyRuns_, and art::EventProcessor::readRun().
void art::EventProcessor::begin< Level::SubRun > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 315 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::beginRunIfNotDoneAlready(), art::EventProcessor::beginSubRun(), art::EventProcessor::finalizeSubRunEnabled_, art::EventProcessor::handleEmptySubRuns_, art::EventProcessor::readSubRun(), and art::EventProcessor::runPrincipal_.
void art::EventProcessor::finalize< Level::InputFile > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 376 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::closeAllFiles(), art::EventProcessor::closeInputFile(), Job, and art::EventProcessor::nextLevel_.
void art::EventProcessor::finalize< Level::Job > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 387 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::endJob(), and art::EventProcessor::timer_.
void art::EventProcessor::finalize< Level::Run > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 354 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::beginRunCalled_, art::EventProcessor::endRun(), art::EventProcessor::finalizeRunEnabled_, art::EventProcessor::openSomeOutputFiles(), art::EventProcessor::runPrincipal_, art::EventProcessor::setRunAuxiliaryRangeSetID(), and art::EventProcessor::writeRun().
void art::EventProcessor::finalize< Level::SubRun > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 332 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::beginSubRunCalled_, art::EventProcessor::endSubRun(), art::EventProcessor::finalizeSubRunEnabled_, art::EventProcessor::openSomeOutputFiles(), art::EventProcessor::setSubRunAuxiliaryRangeSetID(), art::EventProcessor::subRunPrincipal_, and art::EventProcessor::writeSubRun().
void art::EventProcessor::finalizeContainingLevels< Level::Event > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 402 of file EventProcessor.cc.
void art::EventProcessor::finalizeContainingLevels< Level::SubRun > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 395 of file EventProcessor.cc.
void art::EventProcessor::recordOutputModuleClosureRequests< Level::Event > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 424 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::Granularity::Event, art::EventProcessor::main_schedule(), and art::Schedule::recordOutputClosureRequests().
void art::EventProcessor::recordOutputModuleClosureRequests< Level::Run > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 410 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::main_schedule(), art::Schedule::recordOutputClosureRequests(), and art::Granularity::Run.
void art::EventProcessor::recordOutputModuleClosureRequests< Level::SubRun > | ( | ) |
Definition at line 417 of file EventProcessor.cc.
References art::EventProcessor::main_schedule(), art::Schedule::recordOutputClosureRequests(), and art::Granularity::SubRun.
void art::fill_ptr_list | ( | std::list< Ptr< T >> & | ptrs, |
H const & | h | ||
) |
void art::fill_ptr_vector | ( | std::vector< Ptr< T >> & | ptrs, |
H const & | h | ||
) |
Definition at line 306 of file Ptr.h.
Referenced by cheat::CheckBackTracking::analyze(), shower::TCShowerAnalysis::analyze(), shower::TCShowerElectronLikelihood::analyze(), shower::TCShowerTemplateMaker::analyze(), pdsp::CheckCNNScore::analyze(), calo::CaloChecker::analyze(), hit::MagDriftAna::analyze(), pfpf::PFPAna::analyze(), cluster::ClusterAna::analyze(), hit::GausHitFinderAna::analyze(), cluster::DBclusterAna::analyze(), cheat::RecoCheckAna::analyze(), nnet::EvaluateROIEff::analyze(), lcvn::LArNuCVNZlibMaker::analyze(), NuShowerEff::analyze(), nnet::RawWaveformDump::analyze(), nnet::RawWaveformClnSigDump::analyze(), ClusteringValidation::ClusteringValidation::analyze(), ShowerRecoTools::ShowerExampleTool::CalculateElement(), evd::AnalysisBaseDrawer::CalorShower(), shower::LArPandoraShowerCheatingAlg::CheatDebugEVD(), shower::LArPandoraShowerAlg::DebugEVD(), evd::AnalysisBaseDrawer::DrawDeDx(), evd::AnalysisBaseDrawer::DrawKineticEnergy(), simfilter::FilterNoDirtNeutrinos::filter(), shower::TCShower::getShowersWithoutSlices(), trkf::SeedFinderModule::GetSortedHitsFromClusters(), evd::RecoBaseDrawer::GetSpacePoints(), nnet::EmTrack< N >::make_clusters(), wc::CellTree::processCalib(), DUNE::NeutrinoShowerEff::processEff(), DUNE::MuonTrackingEff::processEff(), DUNE::NeutrinoTrackingEff::processEff(), wc::CellTree::processMC(), wc::CellTree::processOpFlash(), wc::CellTree::processOpHit(), wc::CellTree::processRaw(), wc::CellTree::processSpacePoint(), wc::CellTree::processSpacePointTruthDepo(), wc::CellTree::processTrigger(), pid::Chi2ParticleID::produce(), hit::DisambigCheater::produce(), vertex::VertexCheater::produce(), lcvn::LArCVNEvaluator::produce(), shwf::ShowerCheater::produce(), cosmic::CosmicClusterTagger::produce(), event::EventCheater::produce(), cosmic::CosmicTrackTagger::produce(), lcvn::ICVNMapper< T, U >::produce(), reco::shower::LArPandoraModularShowerCreation::produce(), apa::APAHitFinder::produce(), sppt::TTSpacePointFinder::produce(), trkf::TrackCheater::produce(), cluster::ClusterCheater::produce(), evwgh::EventWeight::produce(), cluster::DBCluster3D::produce(), CRHitRemoval::produce(), shower::TCShower::produce(), reco3d::SpacePointSolver::produce(), calo::ShowerCalorimetry::produce(), cluster::BlurredClustering::produce(), nnet::WaveformRoiFinder::produce(), sce::SCECorrection::produce(), trkf::CCTrackMaker::produce(), lbne::PhotonCounterT0Matching::produce(), NuGraphInference::produce(), nnet::EmTrack< N >::produce(), vertex::FeatureVertexFinder::produce(), shower::EMShower::produce(), trkf::PMAlgTrajFitter::produce(), calo::Calorimetry::produce(), t0::MCTruthT0Matching::produce(), nnet::EmTrackClusterId2out::produce(), nnet::EmTrackClusterId::produce(), nnet::EmTrackMichelId::produce(), trkf::PMAlgTrackMaker::produce(), calo::GnocchiCalorimetry::produce(), trkf::CosmicTracker::produce(), cheat::PhotonBackTracker::Rebuild(), apa::DisambigAlg::RunDisambig(), nnet::TrainingDataAlg::setDataEventData(), and tss::TrackShowerHits::sortHits().
bool art::find_config | ( | std::string const & | filename, |
std::string const & | search_path_spec, | ||
std::string & | full_path | ||
) |
Definition at line 13 of file find_config.cc.
References e.
void art::flattenCollections | ( | std::vector< COLLECTION const * > const & | in, |
COLLECTION & | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 267 of file CollectionUtilities.h.
References concatContainers().
void art::flattenCollections | ( | std::vector< COLLECTION const * > const & | in, |
COLLECTION & | out, | ||
OFFSETS & | offsets | ||
) |
Definition at line 287 of file CollectionUtilities.h.
References in, and art::detail::mix_offset< C >::offset().
void art::flattenCollections | ( | std::vector< PtrVector< T > const * > const & | in, |
PtrVector< T > & | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 308 of file CollectionUtilities.h.
References in, art::errors::LogicError, and art::detail::verifyPtrCollection().
void art::flattenCollections | ( | std::vector< PtrVector< T > const * > const & | in, |
PtrVector< T > & | out, | ||
OFFSETS & | offsets | ||
) |
Definition at line 324 of file CollectionUtilities.h.
References in, art::errors::LogicError, and art::detail::verifyPtrCollection().
void art::for_each_branch_type | ( | F | f | ) |
Definition at line 38 of file BranchType.h.
References f, InEvent, and NumBranchTypes.
Referenced by art::OutputModule::doSelectProducts(), art::ProducesCollector::fillDescriptions(), and art::ProductRegistryHelper::registerProducts().
void art::for_each_group | ( | art::Assns< A, B, D > const & | assns, |
F | func | ||
) |
Helper functions to access associations in order.
A | type of association being read |
F | type of functor to be called on each associated group |
assns | the association being read |
func | functor to be called on each associated group |
This function takes two input arguments, a constant reference to the association data product itself (assns
), and the function (func
) to be operated on each of the group of associated objects. This function represents the association data product as a range of ranges representing the right hand side in the collection, hence the function provided as the second argument should assume that it will be operating on a range of art::Ptr to the associated data products grouped by the data product they are associated with.
Example: assuming that a module with input tag stored in fTrackTag
has created associations of each track to its hits, the total charge for each track can be extracted by:
A number of important points need to be realised about this example:
); if the order of the hits is relevant (it is not in this specific example), hits must be associated in that orderrecob::Track
as left key and recob::Hit
as right key;func
; any object behaving as a function and able to accept the range of hits as its only argument will work just as well;func
will be called once for every track (but if a track has no associated hit, that track will be skipped, and if a track appears in more than one association sequence, like in (T1,H1) (T1,H2) (T2,H4) (T1,H3), then that track will appear as many times);func
does not return any value: the results are accumulated in a new sequence;func
receives a range of art pointers (art::Ptr<recob::Hit>
) which needs to be navigated with the begin()
free functions (don't specify their namespace: C++ will figure out!); double dereferencing is needed: the first (*iHit
) will turn the range iterator into the pointed art::Ptr<recob::Hit>
, and the second ((...)->Integral()
) accesses the recob::Hit
pointed by the art pointer;func
does not know which track the hits are associated to, and it assumes that the first sequence of hits is associated to the first track (so that its total charge will be available in totalCharge[0]
), the second sequence to the second track (totalCharge[1]
) and so on.Therefore, for a assns
sequence like
(T1,H1) (T1,H2) (T2,H4) (T2,H6) (T1,H5)
the function for_each_group()
will execute two calls:
func({ H1, H2 }) func({ H4, H6, H5 })
dealing with the hits associated to T1
first, and T2
Definition at line 111 of file AssnsAlgorithms.h.
References a1, a2, and util::values().
Referenced by util::for_each_associated_group().
void art::for_each_group_with_left | ( | art::Assns< A, B, D > const & | assns, |
F | func | ||
) |
Definition at line 141 of file AssnsAlgorithms.h.
References util::begin(), for_each_pair(), left(), and util::values().
void art::for_each_pair | ( | art::Assns< A, B, D > const & | assns, |
F | func | ||
) |
constexpr auto art::fullRun | ( | ) |
Definition at line 22 of file ProductSemantics.h.
Referenced by evgen::SNNueAr40CCGen::beginRun(), evgen::CosmicsGen::beginRun(), evgen::FileMuons::beginRun(), evgen::PhotonGen::beginRun(), evgen::NDKGen::beginRun(), evgen::NucleonDecay::beginRun(), evgen::GaisserParam::beginRun(), evgen::MarleyGen::beginRun(), evgen::NeutronOsc::beginRun(), evgen::TextFileGen::beginRun(), evgen::GENIEGen::beginRun(), evgen::LightSource::beginRun(), evgen::MUSUN::beginRun(), evgen::RadioGen::beginRun(), evgen::MarleyTimeGen::beginRun(), evgen::CORSIKAGen::beginRun(), evgen::SingleGen::beginRun(), and geo::GeometryConfigurationWriter::postReadRun().
constexpr auto art::fullSubRun | ( | ) |
Definition at line 27 of file ProductSemantics.h.
auto const & art::get | ( | AssnsNode< L, R, D > const & | r | ) |
std::string const & art::getCanvasReleaseVersion | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6 of file GetReleaseVersion.cc.
void art::getElementAddresses | ( | Collection const & | coll, |
std::type_info const & | iToType, | ||
std::vector< unsigned long > const & | indices, | ||
std::vector< void const * > & | oPtr | ||
) |
Definition at line 68 of file getElementAddresses.h.
References art::detail::maybeCastObj().
Referenced by art::Wrapper< T >::do_getElementAddresses().
void art::getElementAddresses | ( | cet::map_vector< T > const & | obj, |
std::type_info const & | iToType, | ||
std::vector< unsigned long > const & | indices, | ||
std::vector< void const * > & | oPtr | ||
) |
Definition at line 84 of file getElementAddresses.h.
References art::detail::value_type_helper::look_past_pair(), art::detail::maybeCastObj(), art::detail::value_type_helper::starts_with_pair(), and uniform_type_name().
std::string const & art::getReleaseVersion | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4 of file GetReleaseVersion.cc.
Referenced by art::BasicOptionsHandler::BasicOptionsHandler(), art::BasicOptionsHandler::doCheckOptions(), art::EventProcessor::EventProcessor(), art::PathManager::loadModuleThreadingType_(), art::PathManager::loadModuleType_(), art::InputSourceFactory::make(), art::PathManager::makeModule_(), art::PathManager::makeTriggerResultsInserter_(), and art::PathManager::moduleInformation_().
std::string art::glob2reg | ( | std::string | pattern | ) |
Definition at line 17 of file RegexMatch.cc.
Referenced by regexMatch().
noexcept |
Definition at line 32 of file Level.h.
Referenced by art::EventProcessor::advanceItemType(), is_highest_level(), art::EventProcessor::levelsToProcess(), and art::EventProcessor::readAndProcessAsync().
constexpr auto art::index_for_dereferencing | ( | std::size_t const | i | ) |
Definition at line 85 of file AssnsIter.h.
References Forward.
noexcept |
Definition at line 56 of file Level.h.
References most_deeply_nested_level(), and underlying_value().
inline |
Definition at line 66 of file TypeID.h.
References is_instantiation_of().
Referenced by art::detail::createProductLookups(), is_assns(), name_of_assns_base(), and name_of_assns_partner().
inline |
Definition at line 73 of file TypeID.h.
References art::TypeID::className(), is_assns(), name_of_assns_base(), name_of_assns_partner(), name_of_template_arg(), name_of_unwrapped_product(), operator!=(), operator<<(), operator>(), and art::TypeID::swap().
bool art::is_glob | ( | std::string const & | pattern | ) |
Definition at line 11 of file RegexMatch.cc.
Referenced by art::EventSelector::data_for().
noexcept |
inline |
Definition at line 53 of file TypeID.h.
Referenced by is_assns(), is_instantiation_of(), and name_of_unwrapped_product().
inline |
Definition at line 60 of file TypeID.h.
References art::TypeID::className(), and is_instantiation_of().
noexcept |
Definition at line 10 of file ServiceScope.h.
References LEGACY.
inline |
Definition at line 22 of file ModuleType.h.
References filter, and producer.
Referenced by art::detail::make_trigger_path_subgraphs(), and art::detail::verify_in_order_dependencies().
noexcept |
Definition at line 62 of file Level.h.
References most_deeply_nested_level().
inline |
Definition at line 28 of file ModuleType.h.
References analyzer, and output_module.
Referenced by art::PathManager::fillSelectEventsDeps_().
noexcept |
Definition at line 15 of file ServiceScope.h.
References SHARED.
noexcept |
Definition at line 113 of file IDNumber.h.
Referenced by art::RangeSet::invalidChecksum(), art::EventRange::is_full_subRun(), art::EventRange::is_valid(), and lar::sparse_vector< float >::void_range().
bool art::isAncestor | ( | ProcessHistory const & | a, |
ProcessHistory const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 255 of file ProcessHistory.cc.
References art::ProcessHistory::data(), and art::ProcessHistory::size().
Referenced by isDescendant().
bool art::isDescendant | ( | ProcessHistory const & | a, |
ProcessHistory const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 273 of file ProcessHistory.cc.
References isAncestor().
constexpr auto const& art::left | ( | const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const & | a, |
const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 94 of file AssnsIter.h.
References Forward.
Referenced by art::Assns< L, R, void >::addMany(), recob::TrackTrajectory::AtLeastValidTrajectoryPoints(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterAtBigGap(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterByKinks(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterByKinksTrial(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterByMaxDefect(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterInHalf(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterPathFinder::breakIntoTinyBits(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::breakIntoTinyBits(), lar_cluster3d::StandardHit3DBuilder::BuildChannelStatusVec(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::MSTPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::kdTree::BuildKdTree(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterPathFinder::buildVoronoiDiagram(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::buildVoronoiDiagram(), voronoi2d::VoronoiDiagram::ComputeFaceArea(), fhicl::detail::ValidateThenSet::delegated_parameter(), evdb_tool::DrawGausHits::Draw(), art::RangeSet::emplace_range(), cluster::TrajCluster::endJob(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterParamsBuilder::FillClusterParams(), evgen::NDKGen::FillHistograms(), evgen::GENIEGen::FillHistograms(), lar_cluster3d::MinSpanTreeAlg::FindBestPathInCluster(), lar_cluster3d::MSTPathFinder::FindBestPathInCluster(), voronoi2d::VoronoiDiagram::findBoundingBox(), lar_cluster3d::SnippetHit3DBuilder::findGoodHitPairs(), lar_cluster3d::StandardHit3DBuilder::findGoodTriplets(), lar_cluster3d::SnippetHit3DBuilder::findGoodTriplets(), reco_tool::CandHitDerivative::findHitCandidates(), reco_tool::CandHitMorphological::findHitCandidates(), reco_tool::WaveformTools::findPeaks(), for_each_group_with_left(), mf::service::ELdestination::formSummary(), evgb::GENIEHelper::GENIEHelper(), voronoi2d::VoronoiDiagram::getConvexHull(), reco_tool::WaveformTools::getTruncatedMeanRMS(), art::TimeTracker::logToDestination_(), lar_cluster3d::Cluster3D::MakeAndSavePCAPoints(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterMergeAlg::ModifyClusters(), operator!=(), shims::operator!=(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator<(), util::flags::operator<(), operator<=(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator<=(), shims::operator==(), operator>(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator>(), operator>=(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator>=(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::orderHitsAlongEdge(), lar_cluster3d::PrincipalComponentsAlg::PCAAnalysis_3D(), art::detail::print_module_types(), art::detail::print_path_names(), art::detail::print_service_types(), nutools::dbi::Table::PrintColumns(), reco::shower::ShowerElementHolder::PrintElements(), lar_pandora::LArPandoraEventDump::PrintProperty(), reco::shower::ShowerProducedPtrsHolder::PrintPtrs(), hit::GausHitFinder::produce(), boost::python::detail::proxy_group< Proxy >::replace(), lar_content::LArPcaHelper::RunPca(), lar_cluster3d::MinSpanTreeAlg::RunPrimsAlgorithm(), lar_cluster3d::MSTPathFinder::RunPrimsAlgorithm(), sort_pred2(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::subDivideCluster(), art::MemoryTracker::summary_(), throw_if_not_disjoint(), cluster::HoughTransformCounters< KEY, COUNTER, SIZE, ALLOC, SUBCOUNTERS >::unchecked_add_range_max(), and cluster::HoughTransformCounters< KEY, COUNTER, SIZE, ALLOC, SUBCOUNTERS >::unchecked_set_range().
noexcept |
noexcept |
Definition at line 38 of file Level.h.
References underlying_value().
Referenced by most_deeply_nested_level().
art::ProductDescriptions art::make_product_descriptions | ( | ProductList const & | productList | ) |
Definition at line 5 of file ProductList.cc.
References util::values().
std::enable_if_t<std::is_class<T>::value, tool_return_type<T> > art::make_tool | ( | fhicl::ParameterSet const & | pset | ) |
Definition at line 18 of file make_tool.h.
References art::errors::Configuration, e, fhicl::ParameterSet::get(), art::Suffixes::tool(), and value.
std::enable_if_t<std::is_function<T>::value, tool_return_type<T> > art::make_tool | ( | fhicl::ParameterSet const & | pset, |
std::string const & | function_tool_type | ||
) |
Definition at line 35 of file make_tool.h.
References art::errors::Configuration, e, fhicl::ParameterSet::get(), and art::Suffixes::tool().
tool_return_type<T> art::make_tool | ( | TableConfig const & | tc, |
std::string const & | function_tool_type | ||
) |
Definition at line 55 of file make_tool.h.
static |
Definition at line 51 of file ProvenanceCheckerOutput_module.cc.
References art::Principal::branchToProductProvenance(), art::ProductProvenance::parentage(), and art::Parentage::parents().
Referenced by art::ProvenanceCheckerOutput::write().
art::MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostBeginJob | ) |
Definition at line 83 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostEndJob | ) |
art::MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreSourceSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreSourceRun | ) |
art::MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreOpenFile | ) |
art::MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreCloseFile | ) |
art::MFSU_0_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostCloseFile | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostSourceConstruction | ) |
Definition at line 94 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreSourceEvent | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostSourceSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostSourceRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostOpenFile | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreBeginRun | ) |
Definition at line 163 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostBeginRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostEndRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreBeginSubRun | ) |
Definition at line 189 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostBeginSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostEndSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreProcessPath | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PrePathBeginRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PrePathEndRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PrePathBeginSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PrePathEndSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModuleConstruction | ) |
Definition at line 265 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModuleConstruction | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModuleBeginJob | ) |
Definition at line 283 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModuleBeginJob | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModuleEndJob | ) |
Definition at line 296 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModuleEndJob | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModule | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModule | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModuleBeginRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModuleBeginRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModuleEndRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModuleEndRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModuleBeginSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModuleBeginSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreModuleEndSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_1_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostModuleEndSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostSourceEvent | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreProcessEvent | ) |
Definition at line 150 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostProcessEvent | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreEndRun | ) |
Definition at line 176 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PreEndSubRun | ) |
Definition at line 202 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
References mf::SetIteration(), and mf::SetModuleName().
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostProcessPath | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostPathBeginRun | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostPathEndRun | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostPathBeginSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostPathEndSubRun | ) |
art::MFSU_2_ARG_UPDATER_DEFN | ( | PostBeginJobWorkers | ) |
Definition at line 278 of file MFStatusUpdater.cc.
noexcept |
Definition at line 44 of file Level.h.
References level_up(), and NumNestingLevels.
Referenced by is_above_most_deeply_nested_level(), is_most_deeply_nested_level(), and art::EventProcessor::readAndProcessAsync().
std::string art::name_of_assns_base | ( | string | assns_type_name | ) |
Definition at line 188 of file TypeID.cc.
References is_assns(), and name_of_template_arg().
Referenced by art::detail::createProductLookups(), and is_assns().
std::string art::name_of_assns_partner | ( | string | assns_type_name | ) |
Definition at line 173 of file TypeID.cc.
References is_assns(), and name_of_template_arg().
Referenced by is_assns().
std::string art::name_of_template_arg | ( | string const & | template_instance, |
size_t | desired_arg | ||
) |
Definition at line 121 of file TypeID.cc.
Referenced by is_assns(), name_of_assns_base(), name_of_assns_partner(), and name_of_unwrapped_product().
std::string art::name_of_unwrapped_product | ( | string const & | wrapped_name | ) |
Definition at line 206 of file TypeID.cc.
References is_instantiation_of(), art::errors::LogicError, and name_of_template_arg().
Referenced by is_assns().
std::enable_if_t<is_selector<A>, NotHelper<A> > art::operator! | ( | A const & | a | ) |
Definition at line 338 of file Selector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 83 of file BranchKey.h.
inline |
Definition at line 34 of file FileFormatVersion.h.
References ff, and operator<<().
noexcept |
Definition at line 41 of file ScheduleID.cc.
References left(), and right().
Referenced by is_assns().
bool art::operator!= | ( | Parentage const & | a, |
Parentage const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 56 of file Parentage.cc.
bool art::operator!= | ( | ProcessConfiguration const & | a, |
ProcessConfiguration const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 65 of file ProcessConfiguration.cc.
noexcept |
bool art::operator!= | ( | TypeID const & | a, |
TypeID const & | b | ||
) |
noexcept |
Definition at line 105 of file ProductProvenance.cc.
bool art::operator!= | ( | InputTag const & | left, |
InputTag const & | right | ||
) |
Definition at line 111 of file InputTag.cc.
References right().
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<U, T>, bool> art::operator!= | ( | ProductPtr< T > const & | lhs, |
ProductPtr< U > const & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 210 of file ProductPtr.h.
bool art::operator!= | ( | ProcessHistory const & | a, |
ProcessHistory const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 249 of file ProcessHistory.cc.
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<U, T>, bool> art::operator!= | ( | Ptr< T > const & | lhs, |
Ptr< U > const & | rhs | ||
) |
bool art::operator!= | ( | FileIndex::Element const & | lh, |
FileIndex::Element const & | rh | ||
) |
Definition at line 445 of file FileIndex.cc.
bool art::operator!= | ( | FileIndex const & | lh, |
FileIndex const & | rh | ||
) |
Definition at line 457 of file FileIndex.cc.
std::enable_if_t<is_selector<A> && is_selector<B>, AndHelper<A, B> > art::operator&& | ( | A const & | a, |
B const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 264 of file Selector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 17 of file EventProcessHistoryID.h.
References art::EventProcessHistoryID::eventID_.
Definition at line 63 of file BranchKey.h.
References art::BranchKey::branchType_, art::BranchKey::friendlyClassName_, art::BranchKey::moduleLabel_, art::BranchKey::processName_, and art::BranchKey::productInstanceName_.
Definition at line 46 of file TypeLabel.cc.
References art::TypeLabel::className(), art::TypeLabel::emulatedModule_, art::TypeLabel::hasEmulatedModule(), and art::TypeLabel::productInstanceName_.
bool art::operator< | ( | ProductInfo const & | a, |
ProductInfo const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 51 of file ProductInfo.cc.
Definition at line 65 of file PathSpec.h.
References operator<<(), path_spec(), path_specs(), art::PathID::to_string, and to_tuple().
bool art::operator< | ( | ProcessConfiguration const & | a, |
ProcessConfiguration const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 71 of file ProcessConfiguration.cc.
References art::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), art::ProcessConfiguration::processName(), and art::ProcessConfiguration::releaseVersion().
Definition at line 87 of file RefCore.h.
References art::RefCore::swap().
noexcept |
Definition at line 113 of file ProductProvenance.cc.
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<U, T>, bool> art::operator< | ( | ProductPtr< T > const & | lhs, |
ProductPtr< U > const & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 219 of file ProductPtr.h.
References art::ProductPtr< T >::refCore().
bool art::operator< | ( | BranchDescription const & | a, |
BranchDescription const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 255 of file BranchDescription.cc.
References art::BranchDescription::branchType(), art::BranchDescription::friendlyClassName(), art::BranchDescription::moduleLabel(), art::BranchDescription::processConfigurationIDs(), art::BranchDescription::processName(), art::BranchDescription::producedClassName(), art::BranchDescription::productID(), art::BranchDescription::productInstanceName(), and art::BranchDescription::psetIDs().
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<U, T>, bool> art::operator< | ( | Ptr< T > const & | lhs, |
Ptr< U > const & | rhs | ||
) |
bool art::operator< | ( | FileIndex::Element const & | lh, |
FileIndex::Element const & | rh | ||
) |
Definition at line 415 of file FileIndex.cc.
References art::FileIndex::Element::eventID.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
ParameterSetBlob const & | blob | ||
) |
Definition at line 8 of file ParameterSetBlob.cc.
References art::ParameterSetBlob::pset_.
inline |
Definition at line 11 of file OutputFileStatus.h.
References Closed, art::errors::LogicError, Open, and Switching.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
SubRunID const & | iID | ||
) |
Definition at line 6 of file SubRunID.cc.
References art::SubRunID::isFlush(), art::SubRunID::isValid(), art::SubRunID::run_, and art::SubRunID::subRun_.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
EventID const & | iID | ||
) |
Definition at line 6 of file EventID.cc.
References art::EventID::event_, art::EventID::isFlush(), art::EventID::isValid(), and art::EventID::subRun_.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
art::RunID const & | iID | ||
) |
Definition at line 6 of file RunID.cc.
References art::RunID::isFlush(), art::RunID::isValid(), and art::RunID::run_.
ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const GroupSelector & | gs | ||
) |
Definition at line 63 of file GroupSelector.cc.
References art::GroupSelector::print().
Referenced by is_assns(), operator!=(), art::MallocOpts::operator!=(), and operator<().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
BranchID const & | id | ||
) |
Definition at line 20 of file BranchID.cc.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | ost, |
const MallocOpts & | opts | ||
) |
Definition at line 24 of file MallocOpts.cc.
References art::MallocOpts::mmap_max_, art::MallocOpts::mmap_thr_, art::MallocOpts::top_pad_, and art::MallocOpts::trim_thr_.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
ProductID const | id | ||
) |
Definition at line 25 of file ProductID.cc.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
BranchKey const & | bk | ||
) |
Definition at line 30 of file BranchKey.cc.
References art::BranchKey::branchType_, art::BranchKey::friendlyClassName_, art::BranchKey::moduleLabel_, art::BranchKey::processName_, and art::BranchKey::productInstanceName_.
inline |
Definition at line 31 of file BranchType.h.
References BranchTypeToString().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
FileFormatVersion const & | ff | ||
) |
Definition at line 5 of file FileFormatVersion.cc.
References art::FileFormatVersion::era_, and art::FileFormatVersion::value_.
inline |
Definition at line 42 of file SampledInfo.h.
References art::SampledEventInfo::dataset, art::SampledEventInfo::id, art::SampledEventInfo::probability, and art::SampledEventInfo::weight.
std::ostream& art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | ost, |
HLTGlobalStatus const & | hlt | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 42 of file ResultsAuxiliary.h.
References art::ResultsAuxiliary::write().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
Parentage const & | |||
) |
Definition at line 43 of file Parentage.cc.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
TypeLabel const & | tl | ||
) |
Definition at line 59 of file TypeLabel.cc.
References art::TypeLabel::className(), art::TypeLabel::emulatedModule(), art::TypeLabel::hasEmulatedModule(), art::TypeLabel::productInstanceName(), art::TypeLabel::supportsView(), and art::TypeLabel::transient().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
PathSpec const & | spec | ||
) |
std::ostream& art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | , |
const EventAuxiliary & | |||
) |
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
ScheduleID const | sid | ||
) |
Definition at line 65 of file ScheduleID.cc.
References art::ScheduleID::id().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
ProductInfo::ConsumableType const | ct | ||
) |
Definition at line 67 of file ProductInfo.cc.
References art::ProductInfo::Many, art::ProductInfo::Product, and art::ProductInfo::ViewElement.
inline |
Definition at line 70 of file PluginSuffixes.h.
inline |
Definition at line 71 of file ServiceTable.h.
References fhicl::detail::TableBase::print_allowed_configuration().
inline |
Definition at line 73 of file ProducerTable.h.
References art::ProducerTable< UserConfig, ImplicitConfig, UserKeysToIgnore >::print_allowed_configuration().
inline |
Definition at line 80 of file Level.h.
References Event, InputFile, Job, NumNestingLevels, ReadyToAdvance, Run, SubRun, and underlying_value().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
ProductProvenance const & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 83 of file ProductProvenance.cc.
References art::ProductProvenance::write().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
ProductInfo const & | info | ||
) |
Definition at line 84 of file ProductInfo.cc.
inline |
Definition at line 85 of file OutputFileGranularity.h.
References art::Granularity::Event, art::Granularity::InputFile, art::Granularity::Job, art::Granularity::Run, art::Granularity::SubRun, and art::Granularity::Unset.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
ProcessConfiguration const & | pc | ||
) |
Definition at line 85 of file ProcessConfiguration.cc.
References art::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), art::ProcessConfiguration::processName(), and art::ProcessConfiguration::releaseVersion().
std::ostream& art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
EventAuxiliary const & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 109 of file EventAuxiliary.cc.
References art::EventAuxiliary::write().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
TypeID const & | tid | ||
) |
Definition at line 114 of file TypeID.cc.
References art::TypeID::print().
ostream& art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | ost, |
const HLTGlobalStatus & | hlt | ||
) |
Definition at line 134 of file HLTGlobalStatus.cc.
References n, art::HLTGlobalStatus::size(), and art::HLTGlobalStatus::state().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
ModuleDescription const & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 148 of file ModuleDescription.cc.
References art::ModuleDescription::write().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
SubRunAuxiliary const & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 149 of file SubRunAuxiliary.cc.
References art::SubRunAuxiliary::write().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
const RunAuxiliary & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 150 of file RunAuxiliary.cc.
References art::RunAuxiliary::write().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
InputTag const & | tag | ||
) |
Definition at line 150 of file InputTag.cc.
References art::InputTag::instance(), art::InputTag::label(), and art::InputTag::process().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
Provenance const & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 157 of file Provenance.cc.
References art::Provenance::write().
std::ostream& art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
Hash< I > const & | h | ||
) |
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
FileProperties const & | fp | ||
) |
std::ostream& art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
ProductPtr< T > const & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 226 of file ProductPtr.h.
References art::RefCore::id().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
EventRange const & | r | ||
) |
Definition at line 231 of file EventRange.cc.
References art::EventRange::begin(), art::EventRange::end(), art::EventRange::is_full_subRun(), and art::EventRange::subRun().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | ost, |
ProcessHistory const & | ph | ||
) |
Definition at line 279 of file ProcessHistory.cc.
std::ostream& art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
Ptr< T > const & | p | ||
) |
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
BranchDescription const & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 334 of file BranchDescription.cc.
References art::BranchDescription::write().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
MixHelper::Mode | mode | ||
) |
Definition at line 129 of file MixHelper.cc.
References art::MixHelper::RANDOM_LIM_REPLACE, art::MixHelper::RANDOM_NO_REPLACE, art::MixHelper::RANDOM_REPLACE, art::MixHelper::SEQUENTIAL, and art::MixHelper::UNKNOWN.
std::ostream& art::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
Handle< PROD > const & | h | ||
) |
Definition at line 462 of file ProductRetriever.h.
References art::Handle< T >::product().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
RangeSet const & | rs | ||
) |
Definition at line 477 of file RangeSet.cc.
References art::RangeSet::is_full_run(), art::RangeSet::ranges(), and art::RangeSet::run().
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
FileIndex::Element const & | el | ||
) |
Definition at line 480 of file FileIndex.cc.
References art::FileIndex::Element::entry, and art::FileIndex::Element::eventID.
std::ostream & art::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
FileIndex const & | fileIndex | ||
) |
Definition at line 487 of file FileIndex.cc.
References e, art::FileIndex::kEvent, art::FileIndex::kRun, and art::FileIndex::kSubRun.
noexcept |
Definition at line 47 of file ScheduleID.cc.
References left(), and right().
bool art::operator<= | ( | FileIndex::Element const & | lh, |
FileIndex::Element const & | rh | ||
) |
Definition at line 433 of file FileIndex.cc.
Definition at line 77 of file BranchKey.h.
inline |
Definition at line 28 of file FileFormatVersion.h.
References art::FileFormatVersion::value_.
Definition at line 50 of file Parentage.cc.
References art::Parentage::parents().
bool art::operator== | ( | ProcessConfiguration const & | a, |
ProcessConfiguration const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 78 of file ProcessConfiguration.cc.
References art::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), art::ProcessConfiguration::processName(), and art::ProcessConfiguration::releaseVersion().
noexcept |
Definition at line 90 of file ProductProvenance.cc.
noexcept |
Definition at line 141 of file Provenance.cc.
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<U, T>, bool> art::operator== | ( | ProductPtr< T > const & | lhs, |
ProductPtr< U > const & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 201 of file ProductPtr.h.
bool art::operator== | ( | ProcessHistory const & | a, |
ProcessHistory const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 243 of file ProcessHistory.cc.
References art::ProcessHistory::data().
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<T, U> || std::is_base_of_v<U, T>, bool> art::operator== | ( | Ptr< T > const & | lhs, |
Ptr< U > const & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 275 of file Ptr.h.
References art::Ptr< T >::key(), and art::Ptr< T >::refCore().
bool art::operator== | ( | BranchDescription const & | a, |
BranchDescription const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 327 of file BranchDescription.cc.
References art::BranchDescription::combinable, art::BranchDescription::processConfigurationIDs(), and art::BranchDescription::psetIDs().
Definition at line 399 of file RangeSet.cc.
References art::RangeSet::is_valid(), art::RangeSet::ranges(), and art::RangeSet::run().
bool art::operator== | ( | FileIndex::Element const & | lh, |
FileIndex::Element const & | rh | ||
) |
Definition at line 439 of file FileIndex.cc.
Definition at line 451 of file FileIndex.cc.
References art::FileIndex::entries_.
noexcept |
Definition at line 53 of file ScheduleID.cc.
References left(), and right().
Referenced by is_assns().
bool art::operator> | ( | FileIndex::Element const & | lh, |
FileIndex::Element const & | rh | ||
) |
Definition at line 421 of file FileIndex.cc.
noexcept |
Definition at line 59 of file ScheduleID.cc.
References left(), and right().
bool art::operator>= | ( | FileIndex::Element const & | lh, |
FileIndex::Element const & | rh | ||
) |
Definition at line 427 of file FileIndex.cc.
std::enable_if_t<is_selector<A> && is_selector<B>, OrHelper<A, B> > art::operator|| | ( | A const & | a, |
B const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 303 of file Selector.h.
std::enable_if_t<detail::are_handles_v<T, U>, bool> art::overlapping_ranges | ( | T const & | a, |
U const & | b | ||
) |
bool art::overlapping_ranges | ( | SummedValue< T > const & | a, |
SummedValue< U > const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 200 of file SummedValue.h.
References overlapping_ranges(), and art::SummedValue< T >::rangeOfValidity().
Definition at line 468 of file RangeSet.cc.
References disjoint_ranges(), and art::RangeSet::is_valid().
std::string art::parent_path | ( | std::string const & | path | ) |
Definition at line 15 of file parent_path.cc.
PathSpec art::path_spec | ( | std::string const & | path_spec | ) |
Definition at line 22 of file PathSpec.cc.
References art::PathID::invalid().
Referenced by art::PathManager::createModulesAndWorkers(), art::PathManager::fillSelectEventsDeps_(), art::PathManager::getModuleGraphInfoCollection_(), art::detail::make_path_ordering_edges(), art::detail::make_synchronization_edges(), art::detail::make_trigger_path_subgraphs(), operator<(), path_specs(), art::detail::path_specs(), art::PathManager::PathManager(), art::detail::print_path_names(), art::detail::prune_config_if_enabled(), and art::detail::triggerReport().
std::vector< PathSpec > art::path_specs | ( | std::vector< std::string > const & | path_spec_strs | ) |
Definition at line 34 of file PathSpec.cc.
References art::PathID::invalid(), and path_spec().
Referenced by art::PathManager::fillSelectEventsDeps_(), and operator<().
inline |
Definition at line 15 of file pointersEqual.h.
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T1, T2>::value && !std::is_base_of<T1, T2>::value && !std::is_base_of<T2, T1>::value, bool> art::pointersEqual | ( | T1 * | , |
T2 * | |||
) |
Definition at line 26 of file pointersEqual.h.
References art::errors::LogicError.
void art::printArtException | ( | cet::exception const & | e, |
char const * | prog | ||
) |
Definition at line 13 of file ExceptionMessages.cc.
Referenced by run_art().
void art::printBadAllocException | ( | char const * | prog | ) |
Definition at line 26 of file ExceptionMessages.cc.
Referenced by run_art().
void art::printStdException | ( | std::exception const & | e, |
char const * | prog | ||
) |
Definition at line 41 of file ExceptionMessages.cc.
Referenced by run_art().
void art::printUnknownException | ( | char const * | prog | ) |
Definition at line 54 of file ExceptionMessages.cc.
Referenced by run_art().
std::string const & art::productProvenanceBranchName | ( | BranchType const | bt | ) |
Definition at line 91 of file BranchType.cc.
art::ProductPtr | ( | H | ) | -> ProductPtr< typename H::element_type > |
art::Ptr | ( | H | , |
T | |||
) | -> Ptr< detail::not_map_vector_t< typename H::element_type >> |
std::enable_if_t<!detail::range_sets_supported(P::branch_type)> art::put_product_in_principal | ( | std::unique_ptr< T > && | product, |
P & | principal, | ||
std::string const & | module_label, | ||
std::string const & | instance_name = {} |
) |
Definition at line 44 of file put_product_in_principal.h.
References canonicalProductName(), art::RangeSet::invalid(), art::errors::NullPointerError, art::productstatus::present(), and art::errors::ProductPutFailure.
Referenced by fluxr::PPFXFluxReader::readNext(), lris::LArRawInputDriverJP250L::readNext(), lris::LArRawInputDriverShortBo::readNext(), lris::LArRawInputDriverLongBo::readNext(), and lris::LArRawInputDriver::readNext().
std::enable_if_t<detail::range_sets_supported(P::branch_type)> art::put_product_in_principal | ( | std::unique_ptr< T > && | product, |
P & | principal, | ||
std::string const & | module_label, | ||
std::string const & | instance_name = {} , |
RangeSet && | rs = RangeSet::invalid() |
) |
Definition at line 86 of file put_product_in_principal.h.
References canonicalProductName(), art::RangeSet::invalid(), art::RangeSet::is_valid(), art::errors::NullPointerError, art::productstatus::present(), art::errors::ProductPutFailure, and rangeSetFor().
std::enable_if_t<detail::is_handle_v<T>, RangeSet const&> art::range_of_validity | ( | T const & | h | ) |
Referenced by art::ValidHandle< T >::productGetter(), and art::detail::throw_if_invalid().
inline |
Definition at line 31 of file put_product_in_principal.h.
References art::RangeSet::forRun(), and art::RunPrincipal::runID().
Referenced by put_product_in_principal().
inline |
Definition at line 37 of file put_product_in_principal.h.
References art::RangeSet::forSubRun(), and art::SubRunPrincipal::subRunID().
std::vector< std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator > art::regexMatch | ( | std::vector< std::string > const & | strings, |
std::string const & | pattern | ||
) |
Definition at line 25 of file RegexMatch.cc.
References e, and glob2reg().
Referenced by art::EventSelector::data_for().
std::vector< GroupQueryResult > art::resolve_products | ( | std::vector< cet::exempt_ptr< art::Group >> const & | groups, |
art::TypeID const & | wrapped_type | ||
) |
Definition at line 428 of file Group.cc.
Referenced by art::ProductRetriever::getContainerForView_(), and art::Principal::getMany().
std::optional< GroupQueryResult > art::resolve_unique_product | ( | std::vector< cet::exempt_ptr< art::Group >> const & | product_groups, |
art::WrappedTypeID const & | wrapped | ||
) |
Definition at line 387 of file Group.cc.
References e, art::WrappedTypeID::product_type, art::errors::ProductNotFound, and art::WrappedTypeID::wrapped_product_type.
Referenced by art::Principal::getBySelector().
constexpr auto const& art::right | ( | const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const & | a, |
const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir > const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 102 of file AssnsIter.h.
References Forward.
Referenced by art::Assns< L, R, void >::addMany(), pfpf::PFPAna::analyze(), cluster::ClusterAna::analyze(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterAtBigGap(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterByKinks(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterByKinksTrial(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterByMaxDefect(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::breakClusterInHalf(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterPathFinder::breakIntoTinyBits(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::breakIntoTinyBits(), lar_cluster3d::StandardHit3DBuilder::BuildChannelStatusVec(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::MSTPathFinder::buildConvexHull(), lar_cluster3d::kdTree::BuildKdTree(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterPathFinder::buildVoronoiDiagram(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::buildVoronoiDiagram(), util::details::RangeForWrapperIterator< BeginIter, EndIter >::Comparer::ComparerImpl< A, B, std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< A >()!=std::declval< B >()), bool >::value > >::compare(), voronoi2d::compareSiteEventPtrs(), voronoi2d::VoronoiDiagram::ComputeFaceArea(), evdb_tool::DrawGausHits::Draw(), recob::dumper::DumpPCAxis(), art::RangeSet::emplace_range(), cluster::TrajCluster::endJob(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterParamsBuilder::FillClusterParams(), lar_cluster3d::MinSpanTreeAlg::FindBestPathInCluster(), lar_cluster3d::MSTPathFinder::FindBestPathInCluster(), voronoi2d::VoronoiDiagram::findBoundingBox(), lar_cluster3d::SnippetHit3DBuilder::findGoodHitPairs(), lar_cluster3d::StandardHit3DBuilder::findGoodTriplets(), lar_cluster3d::SnippetHit3DBuilder::findGoodTriplets(), reco_tool::CandHitDerivative::findHitCandidates(), reco_tool::CandHitMorphological::findHitCandidates(), reco_tool::WaveformTools::findPeaks(), mf::service::ELdestination::formSummary(), voronoi2d::VoronoiDiagram::getConvexHull(), G4THitsCollection< T >::GetSize(), reco_tool::WaveformTools::getTruncatedMeanRMS(), lar_cluster3d::Hit3DCompare(), lar_cluster3d::Cluster3D::MakeAndSavePCAPoints(), evd::SimulationDrawer::MCTruthLongText(), lar_cluster3d::ClusterMergeAlg::ModifyClusters(), operator!=(), util::flags::operator!=(), shims::operator!=(), art::SortInvalidFirst< T >::operator()(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator<(), util::flags::operator<(), recob::operator<<(), reco::operator<<(), operator<=(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator<=(), util::flags::operator<=(), ThreeVector< double >::operator==(), util::flags::operator==(), shims::operator==(), operator>(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator>(), util::flags::operator>(), operator>=(), art::const_AssnsIter< L, R, D, Dir >::operator>=(), util::flags::operator>=(), lar_cluster3d::ConvexHullPathFinder::orderHitsAlongEdge(), lar_cluster3d::PrincipalComponentsAlg::PCAAnalysis_3D(), tca::Print2V(), tca::Print3V(), art::detail::print_path_names(), tca::PrintAllTraj(), trkf::CCTrackMaker::PrintClusters(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::PrintClusters(), tca::PrintP(), tca::PrintPFP(), trkf::CCTrackMaker::PrintTracks(), cluster::ClusterCrawlerAlg::PrintVertices(), hit::GausHitFinder::produce(), boost::python::detail::proxy_group< Proxy >::replace(), lar_content::LArPcaHelper::RunPca(), lar_cluster3d::MinSpanTreeAlg::RunPrimsAlgorithm(), lar_cluster3d::MSTPathFinder::RunPrimsAlgorithm(), sort_pred2(), trkf::CCTrackMaker::SortMatches(), art::RangeSet::split_range(), hit::CCHitFinderAlg::StudyHits(), lar_cluster3d::VoronoiPathFinder::subDivideCluster(), throw_if_not_disjoint(), art::detail::triggerReport(), and util::flags::Bits_t< Storage_t >::unsetBits().
int art::run_art | ( | int | argc, |
char ** | argv, | ||
bpo::options_description & | all_desc, | ||
OptionsHandlers && | handlers | ||
) |
Definition at line 142 of file run_art.cc.
References e, art::detail::exists_outside_prolog(), art::detail::fhicl_key(), fhicl::intermediate_table::get(), fhicl::ParameterSet::get(), fhicl::ParameterSet::has_key(), art::detail::info_success(), fhicl::ParameterSet::make(), art::detail::print_config_summary(), printArtException(), printBadAllocException(), printStdException(), printUnknownException(), art::detail::prune_config_if_enabled(), fhicl::ParameterSetRegistry::put(), mf::SetIteration(), shutdown_flag, mf::StartMessageFacility(), value, and art::detail::collected_exception::what().
Referenced by artapp().
constexpr auto art::runFragment | ( | ) |
Definition at line 33 of file ProductSemantics.h.
inline |
Definition at line 44 of file ProductSemantics.h.
std::enable_if_t<detail::are_handles_v<T, U>, bool> art::same_ranges | ( | T const & | a, |
U const & | b | ||
) |
bool art::same_ranges | ( | SummedValue< T > const & | a, |
SummedValue< U > const & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 186 of file SummedValue.h.
References art::SummedValue< T >::rangeOfValidity(), and same_ranges().
Definition at line 408 of file RangeSet.cc.
References r.
inline |
void art::setPtr | ( | COLLECTION const & | coll, |
std::type_info const & | iToType, | ||
unsigned long | iIndex, | ||
void const *& | oPtr | ||
) |
Referenced by art::Wrapper< T >::do_getElementAddress().
void art::setPtr | ( | cet::map_vector< T > const & | obj, |
std::type_info const & | iToType, | ||
unsigned long | iIndex, | ||
void const *& | oPtr | ||
) |
Definition at line 52 of file setPtr.h.
References art::detail::value_type_helper::look_past_pair(), art::detail::maybeCastObj(), art::detail::value_type_helper::starts_with_pair(), and uniform_type_name().
void art::setupSignals | ( | bool | want_sigint_enabled | ) |
Definition at line 120 of file UnixSignalHandlers.cc.
References handle_sigusr2().
Referenced by art::EventProcessor::EventProcessor().
constexpr int art::signed_one | ( | ) |
Definition at line 17 of file AssnsIter.h.
References Forward.
std::pair< std::string, std::string > art::split_process_and_path_names | ( | std::string | path_spec | ) |
Definition at line 11 of file PathSpec.cc.
References art::detail::remove_whitespace().
constexpr auto art::subRunFragment | ( | ) |
Definition at line 38 of file ProductSemantics.h.
Referenced by evgen::GENIEGen::endSubRun().
inline |
Definition at line 49 of file ProductSemantics.h.
Definition at line 595 of file PtrVector.h.
References art::PtrVector< T >::swap().
Referenced by art::PtrVector< T >::swap().
void art::swap | ( | TriggerResults & | lhs, |
TriggerResults & | rhs | ||
) |
Referenced by art::Assns< L, R, void >::swap_(), and art::BranchDescription::wrappedName().
void art::swap | ( | ValidHandle< T > & | a, |
ValidHandle< T > & | b | ||
) |
Referenced by art::Handle< T >::swap(), and art::ValidHandle< T >::swap().
Definition at line 70 of file RefCore.cc.
References art::RefCore::swap().
Referenced by art::RefCore::swap().
void art::swap | ( | OutputHandle & | a, |
OutputHandle & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 71 of file OutputHandle.cc.
References art::OutputHandle::swap().
Referenced by art::OutputHandle::swap().
Definition at line 108 of file TypeID.cc.
References art::TypeID::swap().
Referenced by art::TypeID::swap().
Definition at line 207 of file Hash.h.
References art::Hash< I >::swap().
void art::swap | ( | ProcessHistory & | a, |
ProcessHistory & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 237 of file ProcessHistory.cc.
References art::ProcessHistory::swap().
noexcept |
Definition at line 453 of file RangeSet.cc.
References art::errors::EventRangeOverlap, left(), and right().
Referenced by art::RangeSet::collapse(), and art::RangeSet::emplace_range().
std::string art::to_iso_string_assuming_unix_epoch | ( | Timestamp const & | ts | ) |
Definition at line 8 of file Timestamp.cc.
References art::Timestamp::value().
Referenced by art::Timestamp::lowMask().
inline |
Definition at line 34 of file ModuleType.h.
References analyzer, filter, art::errors::LogicError, non_art, output_module, and producer.
Referenced by art::BasicOptionsHandler::BasicOptionsHandler(), art::PathManager::fillWorkers_(), art::PathManager::moduleInformation_(), operator<<(), art::PathManager::prependedTriggerPathNames_(), art::Wrapper< T >::productSize(), art::PostCloseFileRenamer::subTimestamp_(), art::RangeSet::to_compact_string(), and to_string().
std::string art::to_string | ( | PathID const | id | ) |
std::string art::to_string | ( | PathSpec const & | spec | ) |
Definition at line 55 of file PathSpec.cc.
References art::PathSpec::name, art::PathSpec::path_id, and to_string().
Referenced by to_string().
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 53 of file PathSpec.h.
Referenced by operator<(), and operator==().
std::string art::translateFileDeliveryStatus | ( | FileDeliveryStatus | stat | ) |
Definition at line 8 of file FileDeliveryStatus.cc.
References art::detail::FDS::BAD_GATEWAY, art::detail::FDS::BAD_REQUEST, art::detail::FDS::CONFLICT, art::detail::FDS::FORBIDDEN, art::detail::FDS::NO_MORE_FILES, art::detail::FDS::NOT_FOUND, art::detail::FDS::PENDING, art::detail::FDS::SERVER_EXCEPTION, art::detail::FDS::SPECIFIC_ERRORS, SUCCESS, art::detail::FDS::TRY_AGAIN_LATER, and art::detail::FDS::UNAVAILABLE.
Referenced by art::detail::FileServiceProxy::obtainURI_().
std::string art::translateFileDisposition | ( | FileDisposition | fd | ) |
Definition at line 8 of file FileDisposition.cc.
References art::detail::FDS::PENDING.
std::string art::translateFileTransferStatus | ( | FileTransferStatus | stat | ) |
Definition at line 8 of file FileTransferStatus.cc.
References art::detail::FDS::BAD_REQUEST, art::detail::FDS::FORBIDDEN, art::detail::FTS::GONE, art::detail::FDS::NOT_FOUND, art::detail::FTS::PAYMENT_REQUIRED, art::detail::FDS::PENDING, art::detail::FTS::SERVER_ERROR, SUCCESS, art::detail::FTS::TOO_LARGE, art::detail::FTS::UNAUTHORIZED, art::detail::FDS::UNAVAILABLE, and art::detail::FTS::URI_TOO_LONG.
Referenced by art::detail::FileServiceProxy::obtainFileFromURI_().
noexcept |
Definition at line 26 of file Level.h.
Referenced by is_above_most_deeply_nested_level(), is_level_contained_by(), level_down(), level_up(), and operator<<().
inline |
Definition at line 36 of file uniform_type_name.h.
Referenced by art::TypeID::className(), getElementAddresses(), and setPtr().
std::string art::uniform_type_name | ( | std::string | name | ) |
[in] | name | The already-demangled name for a type. |
Definition at line 158 of file uniform_type_name.cc.
std::string art::unique_filename | ( | std::string | stem, |
std::string | extension = ".root" |
) |
Definition at line 18 of file unique_filename.cc.
References close(), e, and art::errors::FileOpenError.
std::string art::wrappedClassName | ( | std::string const & | className | ) |
Definition at line 5 of file WrappedClassName.cc.
Referenced by art::BranchDescription::fluffTransients_().
DebugValue art::debugit |
Definition at line 14 of file DebugMacros.cc.
Referenced by art::ActionTable::addDefaults_().
DebugTasksValue art::debugTasks |
Definition at line 75 of file TaskDebugMacros.cc.
constexpr bool art::is_selector |
Definition at line 44 of file Selector.h.
detail::SharedResource_t art::SharedResource {typeid(T).name(), true} |
Definition at line 25 of file SharedResource.h.
atomic< int > art::shutdown_flag {0} |
Definition at line 19 of file UnixSignalHandlers.cc.
Referenced by handle_sigusr2(), art::EventProcessor::process(), art::EventProcessor::readAndProcessAsync(), run_art(), and art::EventProcessor::runToCompletion().