LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
22 #include "TFile.h"
23 #include "TObject.h"
24 #include "TTree.h"
26 #include <memory>
27 #include <vector>
29 // ======================================================================
30 // JP250L conversion of raw DAQ file to ART format
32 namespace lris {
33  // ======================================================================
34  // class c'tor/d'tor:
37  art::SourceHelper const& pm)
38  : principalMaker_(pm), m_current(0), m_data(0)
39  {
41  helper.reconstitutes<std::vector<raw::RawDigit>, art::InEvent>("daq");
43  }
45  // ======================================================================
47  {
48  delete[] m_data;
49  }
51  // ======================================================================
52  void LArRawInputDriverJP250L::readFile(std::string const& name, art::FileBlock*& fb)
53  {
54  TFile m_f(name.c_str());
55  TTree* runTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(m_f.Get("runTree"));
57  m_eventTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(m_f.Get("eventTree"));
58  m_eventTree->SetDirectory(0);
59  m_nEvent = m_eventTree->GetEntries();
61  // run information
62  runTree->SetBranchAddress("runID", &m_runID);
63  runTree->SetBranchAddress("unixtime", &m_unixtime);
64  runTree->SetBranchAddress("nChannels", &m_nChannels);
65  runTree->SetBranchAddress("nSamples", &m_nSamples);
66  runTree->GetEntry(0);
68  // have to add 1 to the runID because it can't be zero
69  // adding 1 to every runID ensures that all runIDs are bumped in the same way
70  m_runID += 1;
72  const int nLength = (m_nSamples + 4) * m_nChannels;
73  m_data = new unsigned short[nLength];
74  m_eventTree->SetBranchAddress("data", m_data);
76  // Fill and return a new Fileblock.
77  // The string tells you what the version of the LArRawInputDriver is
78  fb = new art::FileBlock(art::FileFormatVersion(1, "LArRawInputJP250L 2013_01"), name);
80  return;
81  }
83  // ======================================================================
85  art::SubRunPrincipal* const& /* inSR */,
86  art::RunPrincipal*& outR,
87  art::SubRunPrincipal*& outSR,
88  art::EventPrincipal*& outE)
89  {
91  if (m_current > m_nEvent) return false;
93  m_eventTree->GetEntry(m_current);
95  raw::DAQHeader daqHeader;
96  daqHeader.SetRun(m_runID);
97  daqHeader.SetTimeStamp(m_unixtime);
98  daqHeader.SetNChannels(m_nChannels);
99  // set the event number to start at 1 - ART likes to start numbering
100  // things from 1
101  daqHeader.SetEvent(m_current + 1);
103  // the following DAQHeader fields are not used by JP250L at this time
104  //daqHeader.SetStatus(1);
105  //daqHeader.SetFixedWord(h1.fixed);
106  //daqHeader.SetFileFormat(h1.format);
107  //daqHeader.SetSoftwareVersion(;
108  //daqHeader.SetSpareWord(h1.spare);
110  // make unique_ptrs for the data products to store in the event
111  std::unique_ptr<raw::DAQHeader> daqcol(new raw::DAQHeader(daqHeader));
112  std::unique_ptr<std::vector<raw::RawDigit>> rdcol(new std::vector<raw::RawDigit>);
114  // loop over the signals and break them into
115  // one RawDigit for each channel
116  std::vector<short> adcVec(m_nSamples, 0);
117  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < m_nChannels; ++n) {
118  adcVec.clear();
119  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nSamples; ++i) {
120  adcVec.push_back(m_data[(m_nSamples + 4) * n + (4 + i)]);
121  }
122  rdcol->push_back(raw::RawDigit(n, m_nSamples, adcVec));
123  }
125  art::RunNumber_t rn = daqHeader.GetRun();
127  art::EventNumber_t en = daqHeader.GetEvent();
128  art::Timestamp tstamp = daqHeader.GetTimeStamp();
130  // Make the Run and SubRun principals
131  // this step is done once per run.
132  if (m_current < 1) {
133  std::unique_ptr<sumdata::RunData> rundata(new sumdata::RunData("jpl250l"));
134  outR = principalMaker_.makeRunPrincipal(rn, tstamp);
135  outSR = principalMaker_.makeSubRunPrincipal(rn, sn, tstamp);
136  art::put_product_in_principal(std::move(rundata), *outR, "daq");
137  }
139  // make the Event principal
140  outE = principalMaker_.makeEventPrincipal(rn, sn, en, tstamp);
142  // Put products in the event.
143  // first argument places the desired data product in the file
144  // second argument is event record to associate it to
145  // third argument is the label of the module storing the
146  // information. "daq" is standard in LArSoft
147  art::put_product_in_principal(std::move(rdcol), *outE,
148  "daq"); // Module label
149  art::put_product_in_principal(std::move(daqcol), *outE,
150  "daq"); // Module label
152  // increment the entry to get out of the TTree for the next time through the loop
153  ++m_current;
155  return true;
156  }
158 }
unsigned int m_unixtime
unix timestamp of the start of the run
unsigned int m_nEvent
number of triggers in the TTree
Collection of charge vs time digitized from a single readout channel.
Definition: RawDigit.h:68
void SetRun(unsigned short i)
Definition: DAQHeader.h:101
SubRunPrincipal * makeSubRunPrincipal(SubRunAuxiliary subRunAux) const
void readFile(std::string const &name, art::FileBlock *&fb)
unsigned short m_runID
run ID, has to start from 1
void SetTimeStamp(time_t t)
Definition: DAQHeader.h:113
EventPrincipal * makeEventPrincipal(EventAuxiliary eventAux) const
Definition of basic raw digits.
LArRawInputDriverJP250L(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset, art::ProductRegistryHelper &helper, art::SourceHelper const &pm)
TTree * m_eventTree
TTree containing information from each trigger.
Source to convert JP250L files to LArSoft files.
TypeLabel const & reconstitutes(std::string const &modLabel, std::string const &instanceName={})
Float_t sn
Definition: plot.C:23
IDNumber_t< Level::SubRun > SubRunNumber_t
Definition: IDNumber.h:119
void SetNChannels(uint32_t i)
Definition: DAQHeader.h:121
unsigned short * m_data
the ADC of each time sample for each channel
TFile fb("Li6.root")
bool readNext(art::RunPrincipal *const &inR, art::SubRunPrincipal *const &inSR, art::RunPrincipal *&outR, art::SubRunPrincipal *&outSR, art::EventPrincipal *&outE)
unsigned short m_nChannels
number of channels in the detector
RunPrincipal * makeRunPrincipal(RunAuxiliary runAux) const
std::enable_if_t<!detail::range_sets_supported(P::branch_type)> put_product_in_principal(std::unique_ptr< T > &&product, P &principal, std::string const &module_label, std::string const &instance_name={})
unsigned short m_nSamples
number of time samples per channel
Conversion of binary data to root files.
unsigned short GetRun() const
Definition: DAQHeader.h:141
art::SourceHelper const & principalMaker_
IDNumber_t< Level::Event > EventNumber_t
Definition: IDNumber.h:118
unsigned short GetEvent() const
Definition: DAQHeader.h:149
Char_t n[5]
unsigned int m_current
current entry in the TTree
void SetEvent(unsigned short i)
Definition: DAQHeader.h:109
time_t GetTimeStamp() const
Definition: DAQHeader.h:153
IDNumber_t< Level::Run > RunNumber_t
Definition: IDNumber.h:120