LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
plot.C File Reference

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gStyle SetPalette (1)
gROOT SetStyle ("Plain")
gStyle SetOptStat (000000)
c1 Divide (1, 1)
 while (1)
 fclose (fp)
c1 cd (1)
gPad SetLogx ()
gPad SetLogy ()
h2 Draw ()
ntuple SetMarkerStyle (24)
ntuple SetMarkerSize (1.)
ntuple Draw ("sc:E","","LPsame")
ntuple SetMarkerStyle (20)
ntuple Draw ("sn:E","","LPsame")
h2 GetXaxis () -> SetLabelSize(0.025)
h2 GetYaxis () -> SetLabelSize(0.025)
pt1 Draw ("SAME")


 c1 = new TCanvas ("c1","",60,60,800,800)
FILE * fp = fopen("s.txt","r")
Float_t radius
Float_t E
Float_t thick
Float_t sc
Float_t ssc
Float_t sn
Float_t ssn
Int_t ncols = 0
Int_t nlines = 0
TNtuple * ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","s","radius:thick:E:sc:ssc:sn:ssn")
TH2F * h2 = new TH2F ("h2","",2,99.999,1e4,2,1e0,1e3)
TText * pt1 = new TText(200,200,"Cytoplasm")
TText * pt2 = new TText(400,15,"Nucleus")

Function Documentation

c1 cd ( )
c1 Divide ( ,
h2 Draw ( )
ntuple Draw ( "sc:E"  ,
""  ,
ntuple Draw ( "sn:E"  ,
""  ,
pt1 Draw ( "SAME"  )
fclose ( fp  )
h2 GetXaxis ( ) -> SetLabelSize(0.025)
h2 GetYaxis ( ) -> SetLabelSize(0.025)
gPad SetLogx ( )
gPad SetLogy ( )
ntuple SetMarkerSize ( 1.  )
ntuple SetMarkerStyle ( 24  )
ntuple SetMarkerStyle ( 20  )
gStyle SetOptStat ( 000000  )
gStyle SetPalette ( )
gROOT SetStyle ( "Plain"  )
while ( )

Definition at line 28 of file plot.C.

References c1, and fclose().

29 {
30  ncols = fscanf(fp,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f",&radius,&thick,&E,&sc,&ssc,&sn,&ssn);
31  if (ncols < 0) break;
32  ntuple->Fill(radius,thick,E,sc,ssc,sn,ssn);
33  nlines++;
34 }
Float_t ssn
Definition: plot.C:23
Float_t ssc
Definition: plot.C:23
TNtuple * ntuple
Definition: plot.C:20
Float_t E
Definition: plot.C:20
Float_t radius
Definition: plot.C:23
Float_t thick
Definition: plot.C:23
Float_t sn
Definition: plot.C:23
FILE * fp
Definition: plot.C:34
Float_t sc
Definition: plot.C:23
Int_t nlines
Definition: plot.C:51
Int_t ncols
Definition: plot.C:52

Variable Documentation

c1 = new TCanvas ("c1","",60,60,800,800)

Definition at line 18 of file plot.C.

Float_t E

Definition at line 23 of file plot.C.

FILE* fp = fopen("s.txt","r")

Definition at line 21 of file plot.C.

TH2F* h2 = new TH2F ("h2","",2,99.999,1e4,2,1e0,1e3)

Definition at line 41 of file plot.C.

Int_t ncols = 0

Definition at line 24 of file plot.C.

Int_t nlines = 0

Definition at line 25 of file plot.C.

TNtuple* ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","s","radius:thick:E:sc:ssc:sn:ssn")

Definition at line 27 of file plot.C.

Float_t ssc
Float_t ssn

Definition at line 23 of file plot.C.

Float_t thick

Definition at line 23 of file plot.C.