LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //############################################################################
2 //### Name: ShowerExampleTool ###
3 //### Author: Dominic Barker ( ###
4 //### Date: 26.06.19 ###
5 //### Description: Example form of the shower tools ###
6 //############################################################################
8 //Framework Includes
11 //LArSoft Includes
16 namespace ShowerRecoTools {
18  class ShowerExampleTool : public IShowerTool {
20  public:
23  //Example Direction Finder
24  int CalculateElement(const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle>& pfparticle,
25  art::Event& Event,
26  reco::shower::ShowerElementHolder& ShowerEleHolder) override;
28  private:
29  //Function to initialise the producer i.e produces<std::vector<recob::Vertex> >(); commands go here.
30  void InitialiseProducers() override;
32  //Function to add the assoctions
34  art::Event& Event,
35  reco::shower::ShowerElementHolder& ShowerEleHolder) override;
37  //prehaps you want a fcl parameter.
39  int fVerbose;
40  };
43  : //Setup the algs and others here
44  IShowerTool(pset.get<fhicl::ParameterSet>("BaseTools"))
45  , fPFParticleLabel(pset.get<art::InputTag>("PFParticleLabel"))
46  , fVerbose(pset.get<int>("Verbose"))
47  {}
50  {
51  //Do you create something and you want to save it the event. Initialsie here. For every event with have a vector of showers so each one has a vertex. This is what we are saving. Make sure to use the name "myvertex" later down the line.
52  InitialiseProduct<std::vector<recob::Vertex>>("myvertex");
54  //We can also do associations
55  InitialiseProduct<art::Assns<recob::Shower, recob::Vertex>>("myvertexassan");
56  }
59  art::Event& Event,
60  reco::shower::ShowerElementHolder& ShowerEleHolder)
61  {
63  //In here calculate a shower or element (or multiple). It can be something used to create the recob::shower i.e. the direction. These have specific names so be careful to make these correctly. Alternative you can create something completely new e.g. recob::Vertex and add it the shower element holder
65  //Now we are calculating the property of the shower like pfparticle. You have access to everything in the event. Maybe you want the vertex.
67  auto const vtxHandle = Event.getValidHandle<std::vector<recob::Vertex>>(fPFParticleLabel);
68  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Vertex>> vertices;
69  art::fill_ptr_vector(vertices, vtxHandle);
71  //Remember the module goes through the tools and if you want to (fcl param) it will loop over them twice. You can check to see if a element has been set with a specific name:
72  bool shower_direction_set = ShowerEleHolder.CheckElement("ShowerDirection");
74  geo::Vector_t ShowerDirection = {-999, -999, -999};
76  //Then you can go and get that element if you want to use it and fill it in for you.
77  if (shower_direction_set) { ShowerEleHolder.GetElement("ShowerDirection", ShowerDirection); }
79  //Do some crazy physics - Some legacy code in here for ease.
80  recob::Vertex const& proposed_vertex = *vertices[0];
81  auto pos = proposed_vertex.position();
83  if (ShowerDirection.X() < 0) { pos *= -1.; }
84  recob::Vertex new_vertex{pos, {}, util::kBogusD, util::kBogusI};
85  geo::Point_t recobshower_err = pos * 0.1;
86  //You can set elements of the recob::shower just choose the right name (you can acess them later). You can give the property an error anf this must be done the for standard recob::shower properties; The standard is to access the name via a fcl file.
87  ShowerEleHolder.SetElement(pos, recobshower_err, "ShowerStartPosition");
89  //You can also set the same element with a different name so that you can compare downstream two tools.
90  //The standard is to actually define the name in fcl.
91  ShowerEleHolder.SetElement(pos, recobshower_err, "ShowerExampleTool_ShowerStartPosition");
93  //Or you can set one of the save elements
94  ShowerEleHolder.SetElement(new_vertex, "myvertex");
96  //Or a new unsave one.
97  std::vector<double> xyz_vec = {pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z()};
98  ShowerEleHolder.SetElement(xyz_vec, "xyz");
100  //If you want to check if your element was actually made before the shower is made you can set a bool. If partial showers is turned off then the shower will not be made if this element is not filled. Properties i.e. elements with errors i.e. ShowerStartPosition will not be checked. There is no way to store properties in the Event, only products are stored. You can make your own class which holds the error. The defualt is not to check the element. The recob::shower properties are checked however.
101  ShowerEleHolder.SetElement(xyz_vec, "xyz", true);
103  //You can see if an element will be checked before the shower is save with
104  bool will_be_checked = ShowerEleHolder.CheckElementTag("xyz");
106  if (will_be_checked) { std::cout << "Element checked at save time" << std::endl; }
108  //You can also changed the tag.
109  ShowerEleHolder.SetElementTag("xyz", false);
111  //Note: Elements that are actually saved because you defined them in InitialiseProducers will be checked regardless. We don't want you saving nothign now.
113  //You can also get the shower number that you are current one (the first shower number is 0).
114  int showernum = ShowerEleHolder.GetShowerNumber();
115  if (fVerbose > 1) std::cout << "You on are shower: " << showernum << std::endl;
117  //You can also read out what ptr are set and what elements are set:.
118  PrintPtrs();
119  PrintPtr("myvertex");
120  ShowerEleHolder.PrintElements();
122  //Remember to add make a new fcl parmas list for your new tool. For examles see showertools.fcl. And remember to add it the the list in the module fcl params list.
124  return 0;
125  }
128  art::Event& Event,
129  reco::shower::ShowerElementHolder& ShowerEleHolder)
130  {
131  //Here you add elements to associations defined. You can get the art::Ptrs by GetProducedElementPtr<T>. Then you can add single like a usally association using AddSingle<assn<T>. Assn below.
133  //First check the element has been set
134  if (!ShowerEleHolder.CheckElement("myvertex")) {
135  if (fVerbose) mf::LogError("ShowerExampleTooAddAssn") << "vertex not set." << std::endl;
136  return 1;
137  }
139  //Then you can get the size of the vector which the unique ptr hold so that you can do associations. If you are comfortable in the fact that your element will always be made when a shower is made you don't need to to do this you can just get the art ptr as: const art::Ptr<recob::Vertex> vertexptr = GetProducedElementPtr<recob::Vertex>("myvertex", ShowerEleHolder);. Note doing this when you allow partial showers to be set can screw up the assocation for the partial shower.
140  int ptrsize = GetVectorPtrSize("myvertex");
142  const art::Ptr<recob::Vertex> vertexptr =
143  GetProducedElementPtr<recob::Vertex>("myvertex", ShowerEleHolder, ptrsize);
144  const art::Ptr<recob::Shower> showerptr =
145  GetProducedElementPtr<recob::Shower>("shower", ShowerEleHolder);
146  AddSingle<art::Assns<recob::Shower, recob::Vertex>>(showerptr, vertexptr, "myvertexassan");
148  return 0;
149  }
150 }
int AddAssociations(const art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > &pfpPtr, art::Event &Event, reco::shower::ShowerElementHolder &ShowerEleHolder) override
Definition: ToolMacros.h:42
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Vector_t
Type for representation of momenta in 3D space.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:160
int GetVectorPtrSize(std::string Name)
Definition: IShowerTool.h:158
void SetElement(T &dataproduct, const std::string &Name, bool checktag=false)
void SetElementTag(const std::string &Name, bool checkelement)
constexpr int kBogusI
obviously bogus integer value
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
Definition of vertex object for LArSoft.
Definition: Vertex.h:35
void PrintPtr(std::string Name)
Definition: IShowerTool.h:162
parameter set interface
bool CheckElement(const std::string &Name) const
bool CheckElementTag(const std::string &Name) const
int GetElement(const std::string &Name, T &Element) const
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Point_t
Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:180
ValidHandle< PROD > getValidHandle(InputTag const &tag) const
decltype(auto) get(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::to_string.
Definition: StdUtils.h:120
ShowerExampleTool(const fhicl::ParameterSet &pset)
Definition: MVAAlg.h:12
int CalculateElement(const art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > &pfparticle, art::Event &Event, reco::shower::ShowerElementHolder &ShowerEleHolder) override
constexpr double kBogusD
obviously bogus double value
void fill_ptr_vector(std::vector< Ptr< T >> &ptrs, H const &h)
Definition: Ptr.h:306
const Point_t & position() const
Return vertex 3D position.
Definition: Vertex.h:64