LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
LArPandoraEventBuilding Directory Reference


directory  LArPandoraShower
directory  SliceIdTools


file [code]
 module for lar pandora collection splitting
file  LArPandoraEvent.cxx [code]
 A description of all outputs from an instance of pandora with functionality to filter outputs.
file  LArPandoraEvent.h [code]
 A description of all outputs from an instance of pandora with functionality to filter and merge multiple output.
file [code]
file [code]
file  LArPandoraSliceIdHelper.cxx [code]
 implementation of the slice id helper class
file  LArPandoraSliceIdHelper.h [code]
 helper class for slice id tools
file [code]
 module for lar pandora track creation
file  Slice.h [code]
 header for the lar pandora slice class
file  SliceIdBaseTool.h [code]
 header for the lar pandora slice ID base tool