LArSoft  v09_93_00
Liquid Argon Software toolkit -
geo::PlaneGeo Class Reference

Geometry information for a single wire plane.The plane is represented in the geometry by a solid which contains wires. Currently, only box solids are well supported. The box which is representation of the plane has some thickness, and it should not be assumed that the wires are in the median section of it, that is, the center of the box may not lie on the plane defined by the wires. More...

#include "PlaneGeo.h"


struct  PlaneGeoCoordinatesTag
 Tag for vectors in the "local" GDML coordinate frame of the plane. More...
struct  RectSpecs
struct  WidthDepthReferenceTag
 Tag for plane frame base vectors. More...
struct  WireCoordinateReferenceTag
 Tag for wire base vectors. More...

Public Types

using ID_t = PlaneID
using WireCollection_t = std::vector< geo::WireGeo >
using GeoNodePath_t = std::vector< TGeoNode const * >
using ElementIteratorBox = WireCollection_t const &
 Type returned by IterateElements(). More...
using Rect = lar::util::simple_geo::Rectangle< double >
 Type for description of rectangles. More...
Types for geometry-local reference vectors.

These types represents points and displacement vectors in the reference frame defined in the plane geometry box from the GDML geometry description.

No alias is explicitly defined for the LArSoft global vector types, geo::Point_t and geo::Vector_t.

Remember the LocalPoint_t and LocalVector_t vectors from different instances of geo::PlaneGeo have the same type but are not compatible.

using LocalPoint_t = geo::Point3DBase_t< PlaneGeoCoordinatesTag >
 Type of points in the local GDML wire plane frame. More...
using LocalVector_t = geo::Vector3DBase_t< PlaneGeoCoordinatesTag >
 Type of displacement vectors in the local GDML wire plane frame. More...
Types for vectors in the wire coordinate frame.
using WireCoordProjection_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< double >, WireCoordinateReferenceTag >
 Type for projections in the wire base representation. More...
using WireDecomposer_t = geo::Decomposer< geo::Vector_t, geo::Point_t, WireCoordProjection_t >
 Type used for plane decompositions on wire base. More...
using WireDecomposedVector_t = WireDecomposer_t::DecomposedVector_t
 Type describing a 3D point or vector decomposed on a plane on wire base. More...
Types for vectors in the width/depth coordinate frame.
using WidthDepthProjection_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< double >, WidthDepthReferenceTag >
using WidthDepthDisplacement_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< double >, WidthDepthReferenceTag >
 Type for vector projections in the plane frame base representation. More...
using WidthDepthDecomposer_t = geo::Decomposer< geo::Vector_t, geo::Point_t, WidthDepthProjection_t >
 Type used for plane decompositions on plane frame (width/depth). More...
using WDDecomposedVector_t = WidthDepthDecomposer_t::DecomposedVector_t

Public Member Functions

 PlaneGeo (TGeoNode const &node, geo::TransformationMatrix &&trans, WireCollection_t &&wires)
 Construct a representation of a single plane of the detector. More...
double Width () const
 Return the width of the plane. More...
double Depth () const
 Return the depth of the plane. More...
geo::BoxBoundedGeo BoundingBox () const
WireGeo const & Wire (unsigned int iwire) const
geo::WirePtr WirePtr (unsigned int iwire) const
 Returns the wire number iwire from this plane. More...
const WireGeoFirstWire () const
 Return the first wire in the plane. More...
const WireGeoMiddleWire () const
 Return the middle wire in the plane. More...
const WireGeoLastWire () const
 Return the last wire in the plane. More...
geo::WireGeo const & NearestWire (geo::Point_t const &pos) const
 Returns the wire closest to the specified position. More...
geo::WireID ClosestWireID (geo::WireID::WireID_t wireNo) const
 Returns the closest valid wire ID to the specified wire. More...
geo::WireID ClosestWireID (geo::WireID const &wireid) const
 Returns the closest valid wire ID to the specified wire. More...
Rect const & ActiveArea () const
 Returns an area covered by the wires in the plane. More...
template<typename Stream >
void PrintPlaneInfo (Stream &&out, std::string indent="", unsigned int verbosity=1) const
 Returns a volume including all the wires in the plane. More...
std::string PlaneInfo (std::string indent="", unsigned int verbosity=1) const
 Returns a string with plane information. More...
double WireCoordinate (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns the coordinate of the point on the plane, in wire units. More...
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromPlane (WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const
 Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the plane. More...
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromPlane (WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double margin=0.0) const
 Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the area of plane. More...
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromActivePlane (WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const
 Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the active area of plane. More...
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromActivePlane (WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double margin=0.0) const
 Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the active area of plane. More...
WidthDepthProjection_t MoveProjectionToPlane (WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj) const
 Returns the projection, moved onto the plane if necessary. More...
void SortWires (geo::GeoObjectSorter const &sorter)
 Apply sorting to WireGeo objects. More...
void UpdateAfterSorting (geo::PlaneID planeid, geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &TPCbox)
 Performs all needed updates after the TPC has sorted the planes. More...
Plane properties
View_t View () const
 Which coordinate does this plane measure. More...
Orient_t Orientation () const
 What is the orientation of the plane. More...
double ThetaZ () const
 Angle of the wires from positive z axis; $ \theta_{z} \in [ 0, \pi ]$. More...
double PhiZ () const
 Angle from positive z axis of the wire coordinate axis, in radians. More...
double SinPhiZ () const
 Sine of PhiZ() More...
double CosPhiZ () const
 Cosine of PhiZ() More...
geo::PlaneID const & ID () const
 Returns the identifier of this plane. More...
Plane size and coordinates
Vector_t const & WidthDir () const
 Return the direction of plane width. More...
Vector_t const & DepthDir () const
 Return the direction of plane depth. More...
Wire access
unsigned int Nwires () const
 Number of wires in this plane. More...
unsigned int NElements () const
 Number of wires in this plane. More...
bool HasWire (unsigned int iwire) const
 Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane. More...
bool HasElement (unsigned int iwire) const
 Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane. More...
bool HasWire (geo::WireID const &wireid) const
 Returns whether the wire in wireid is present in this plane. More...
bool HasElement (geo::WireID const &wireid) const
 Returns whether the wire in wireid is present in this plane. More...
WireGeo const & Wire (WireID const &wireid) const
 Returns the wire in wireid from this plane. More...
WireGeo const & GetElement (WireID const &wireid) const
 Returns the wire in wireid from this plane. More...
geo::WirePtr WirePtr (WireID const &wireid) const
 Returns the wire in wireid from this plane. More...
geo::WirePtr GetElementPtr (WireID const &wireid) const
 Returns the wire in wireid from this plane. More...
ElementIteratorBox IterateElements () const
 Allows range-for iteration on all wires in this plane. More...
ElementIteratorBox IterateWires () const
 Allows range-for iteration on all wires in this plane. More...
Plane geometry properties
double WirePitch () const
 Return the wire pitch (in centimeters). It is assumed constant. More...
bool WireIDincreasesWithZ () const
 Returns whether the higher z wires have higher wire ID. More...
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection () const
 Returns the direction normal to the plane. More...
Vector_t const & GetIncreasingWireDirection () const
 Returns the direction of increasing wires. More...
Point_t const & GetCenter () const
 Returns the centre of the wire plane in world coordinates [cm]. More...
Point_t GetBoxCenter () const
 Returns the centre of the box representing the plane. More...
Vector_t const & GetWireDirection () const
 Returns the direction of the wires. More...
geo::WireID NearestWireID (geo::Point_t const &pos) const
 Returns the ID of wire closest to the specified position. More...
double DistanceFromPlane (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns the distance of the specified point from the wire plane. More...
void DriftPoint (geo::Point_t &position, double distance) const
 Shifts the position of an electron drifted by a distance. More...
void DriftPoint (geo::Point_t &position) const
 Shifts the position along drift direction to fall on the plane. More...
double InterWireProjectedDistance (WireCoordProjection_t const &projDir) const
 Returns the distance between wires along the specified direction. More...
double InterWireDistance (geo::Vector_t const &dir) const
 Returns the distance between wires along the specified direction. More...
double InterWireProjectedDistance (Vector_t const &dir) const
 Returns the distance between wires along the specified direction. More...
Projections on wire length/wire coordinate direction base

These methods deal with projection of points and vectors on the plane, using a geometric reference base which is dependent on the wire direction. This is useful for plane reconstruction.

double PlaneCoordinateFrom (geo::Point_t const &point, geo::WireGeo const &refWire) const
 Returns the coordinate of point on the plane respect to a wire. More...
double PlaneCoordinate (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns the coordinate of the point on the plane. More...
WireDecomposedVector_t DecomposePoint (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Decomposes a 3D point in two components. More...
Point_t ProjectionReferencePoint () const
 Returns the reference point used by PointProjection(). More...
WireCoordProjection_t Projection (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane. More...
WireCoordProjection_t PointProjection (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane. More...
WireCoordProjection_t Projection (geo::Vector_t const &v) const
 Returns the projection of the specified vector on the plane. More...
Vector_t ComposeVector (WireDecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
 Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance. More...
Vector_t ComposeVector (double distance, WireCoordProjection_t const &proj) const
 Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance. More...
Point_t ComposePoint (WireDecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
 Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance. More...
Point_t ComposePoint (double distance, WireCoordProjection_t const &proj) const
 Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance. More...
Projection on width/depth plane

These methods deal with projection of points and vectors on the plane, using a geometric reference base which is not dependent on the wire direction. This is more useful when comparing with the TPC or other planes.

WDDecomposedVector_t DecomposePointWidthDepth (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Decomposes a 3D point in two components. More...
WidthDepthProjection_t PointWidthDepthProjection (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane. More...
WidthDepthProjection_t VectorWidthDepthProjection (geo::Vector_t const &v) const
 Returns the projection of the specified vector on the plane. More...
bool isProjectionOnPlane (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns if the projection of specified point is within the plane. More...
geo::Point_t MovePointOverPlane (geo::Point_t const &point) const
 Returns the point, moved so that its projection is over the plane. More...
Point_t ComposePoint (WDDecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
 Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance. More...
Point_t ComposePoint (double distance, WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj) const
 Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance. More...
Coordinate transformation

Local points and displacement vectors are described by the types geo::PlaneGeo::LocalPoint_t and geo::PlaneGeo::LocalVector_t, respectively.

geo::Point_t toWorldCoords (LocalPoint_t const &local) const
 Transform point from local plane frame to world frame. More...
geo::Vector_t toWorldCoords (LocalVector_t const &local) const
 Transform direction vector from local to world. More...
LocalPoint_t toLocalCoords (geo::Point_t const &world) const
 Transform point from world frame to local plane frame. More...
LocalVector_t toLocalCoords (geo::Vector_t const &world) const
 Transform direction vector from world to local. More...
void SetView (geo::View_t view)
 Set the signal view (for TPCGeo). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string ViewName (geo::View_t view)
 Returns the name of the specified view. More...
static std::string OrientationName (geo::Orient_t orientation)
 Returns the name of the specified orientation. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int MaxVerbosity = 6
 Maximum value for print verbosity. More...

Private Types

using LocalTransformation_t = geo::LocalTransformationGeo< ROOT::Math::Transform3D, LocalPoint_t, LocalVector_t >

Private Member Functions

void DetectGeometryDirections ()
 Sets the geometry directions. More...
geo::Vector_t GetNormalAxis () const
 Returns a direction normal to the plane (pointing is not defined). More...
void UpdatePlaneNormal (geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &TPCbox)
 Updates the cached normal to plane versor; needs the TPC box coordinates. More...
void UpdateWidthDepthDir ()
 Updates the cached depth and width direction. More...
void UpdateIncreasingWireDir ()
 Updates the cached direction to increasing wires. More...
void UpdateWireDir ()
 Updates the cached direction to wire. More...
void UpdateOrientation ()
 Updates plane orientation. More...
void UpdateWirePitch ()
 Updates the stored wire pitch. More...
void UpdateWirePlaneCenter ()
 Updates the stored wire plane center. More...
void UpdatePhiZ ()
 Updates the stored $ \phi_{z} $. More...
void UpdateView ()
 Updates the stored view. More...
void UpdateWirePitchSlow ()
 Updates the stored wire pitch with a slower, more robust algorithm. More...
void UpdateDecompWireOrigin ()
 Updates the position of the wire coordinate decomposition. More...
void UpdateActiveArea ()
 Updates the internally used active area. More...
bool shouldFlipWire (geo::WireGeo const &wire) const
 Whether the specified wire should have start and end swapped. More...

Private Attributes

LocalTransformation_t fTrans
 Plane to world transform. More...
TGeoVolume const * fVolume
 Plane volume description. More...
View_t fView
 Does this plane measure U, V, or W? More...
Orient_t fOrientation
 Is the plane vertical or horizontal? More...
WireCollection_t fWire
 List of wires in this plane. More...
double fWirePitch
 Pitch of wires in this plane. More...
double fSinPhiZ
 Sine of $ \phi_{z} $. More...
double fCosPhiZ
 Cosine of $ \phi_{z} $. More...
geo::Vector_t fNormal
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
RectSpecs fFrameSize
Rect fActiveArea
 Area covered by wires in frame base. More...
geo::Point_t fCenter
 Center of the plane, lying on the wire plane. More...
geo::PlaneID fID
 ID of this plane. More...


struct details::ActiveAreaCalculator

Detailed Description

Geometry information for a single wire plane.

The plane is represented in the geometry by a solid which contains wires. Currently, only box solids are well supported. The box which is representation of the plane has some thickness, and it should not be assumed that the wires are in the median section of it, that is, the center of the box may not lie on the plane defined by the wires.

The plane defines two local reference frames. The first, depending on wire directions and therefore called "wire base", is defined by the normal to the plane (pointing toward the center of the TPC), the direction of the wires, and the direction that the wires measure. This is a positive orthogonal base. Note that for this base to be correctly defined, the Geometry service has to provide external information (for example, where the center of the TPC is).

The second, depending only on the shape of the plane and called "frame base", is defined by the normal (the same as for the previous one), and two orthogonal axes, "width" and "depth", aligned with the sides of the plane. If the plane has not the shape of a box, this reference frame is not available. This coordinate system is also positive defined. These components are all measured in centimeters.

Definition at line 78 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Type returned by IterateElements().

Definition at line 85 of file PlaneGeo.h.

using geo::PlaneGeo::GeoNodePath_t = std::vector<TGeoNode const*>

Definition at line 82 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Definition at line 80 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Type of points in the local GDML wire plane frame.

Definition at line 106 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Definition at line 1318 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Type of displacement vectors in the local GDML wire plane frame.

Definition at line 109 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Type for description of rectangles.

Definition at line 157 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Type describing a 3D point or vector decomposed on a plane with plane frame base (width and depth).

Definition at line 152 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Type used for plane decompositions on plane frame (width/depth).

Definition at line 148 of file PlaneGeo.h.

using geo::PlaneGeo::WidthDepthDisplacement_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<double>, WidthDepthReferenceTag>

Type for vector projections in the plane frame base representation.

Definition at line 144 of file PlaneGeo.h.

using geo::PlaneGeo::WidthDepthProjection_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<double>, WidthDepthReferenceTag>

Type for projections in the plane frame base representation.

the following should be a PositionVector2D

Definition at line 140 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Definition at line 81 of file PlaneGeo.h.

using geo::PlaneGeo::WireCoordProjection_t = ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian2D<double>, WireCoordinateReferenceTag>

Type for projections in the wire base representation.

Definition at line 121 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Type describing a 3D point or vector decomposed on a plane on wire base.

Definition at line 127 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Type used for plane decompositions on wire base.

Definition at line 124 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

geo::PlaneGeo::PlaneGeo ( TGeoNode const &  node,
geo::TransformationMatrix &&  trans,
WireCollection_t &&  wires 

Construct a representation of a single plane of the detector.

Definition at line 399 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References DetectGeometryDirections(), fVolume, and UpdateWirePitchSlow().

402  : fTrans(std::move(trans))
403  , fVolume(node.GetVolume())
406  , fWire(std::move(wires))
407  , fWirePitch(0.)
408  , fSinPhiZ(0.)
409  , fCosPhiZ(0.)
410  , fDecompWire()
411  , fDecompFrame()
412  , fCenter()
413  {
415  if (!fVolume) {
416  throw cet::exception("PlaneGeo")
417  << "Plane geometry node " << node.IsA()->GetName() << "[" << node.GetName() << ", #"
418  << node.GetNumber() << "] has no volume!\n";
419  }
421  // view is now set at TPC level with SetView
426  } // PlaneGeo::PlaneGeo()
geo::Point_t fCenter
Center of the plane, lying on the wire plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1352
double fWirePitch
Pitch of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1335
Unknown view.
Definition: geo_types.h:142
View_t fView
Does this plane measure U, V, or W?
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1332
void DetectGeometryDirections()
Sets the geometry directions.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:707
TGeoVolume const * fVolume
Plane volume description.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1331
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
Planes that are in the vertical plane (e.g. ArgoNeuT).
Definition: geo_types.h:147
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
double fSinPhiZ
Sine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1336
void UpdateWirePitchSlow()
Updates the stored wire pitch with a slower, more robust algorithm.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:1035
LocalTransformation_t fTrans
Plane to world transform.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1330
double fCosPhiZ
Cosine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1337
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Orient_t fOrientation
Is the plane vertical or horizontal?
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1333
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33

Member Function Documentation

Rect const& geo::PlaneGeo::ActiveArea ( ) const

Returns an area covered by the wires in the plane.

The returned value is conceptually akin of a projection of Coverage() volume. Yet, the precise definition of the area is not specified, therefore this area should not be uses for physics.

The current implementation is documented in details::ActiveAreaCalculator.

Definition at line 685 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References art::detail::indent().

685 { return fActiveArea; }
Rect fActiveArea
Area covered by wires in frame base.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1350
geo::BoxBoundedGeo geo::PlaneGeo::BoundingBox ( ) const

Returns the world coordinates of the box containing the plane.

See also

Definition at line 430 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References geo::BoxBoundedGeo::ExtendToInclude(), fVolume, geo::BoxBoundedGeo::SetBoundaries(), and toWorldCoords().

431  {
433  //
434  // The algorithm is not very refined...
435  //
437  TGeoBBox const* pShape = dynamic_cast<TGeoBBox const*>(fVolume->GetShape());
438  if (!pShape) {
439  throw cet::exception("PlaneGeo")
440  << "BoundingBox(): volume " << fVolume->IsA()->GetName() << " is not a TGeoBBox!";
441  }
443  geo::BoxBoundedGeo box;
444  unsigned int points = 0;
445  for (double dx : {-(pShape->GetDX()), +(pShape->GetDX())}) {
446  for (double dy : {-(pShape->GetDY()), +(pShape->GetDY())}) {
447  for (double dz : {-(pShape->GetDZ()), +(pShape->GetDZ())}) {
449  auto const p = toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t{dx, dy, dz});
451  if (points++ == 0)
452  box.SetBoundaries(p, p);
453  else
454  box.ExtendToInclude(p);
456  } // for z
457  } // for y
458  } // for x
459  return box;
461  } // PlaneGeo::BoundingBox()
TGeoVolume const * fVolume
Plane volume description.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1331
geo::Point_t toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t const &local) const
Transform point from local plane frame to world frame.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1225
A base class aware of world box coordinatesAn object describing a simple shape can inherit from this ...
Definition: BoxBoundedGeo.h:33
void SetBoundaries(Coord_t x_min, Coord_t x_max, Coord_t y_min, Coord_t y_max, Coord_t z_min, Coord_t z_max)
Sets the boundaries in world coordinates as specified.
void ExtendToInclude(Coord_t x, Coord_t y, Coord_t z)
Extends the current box to also include the specified point.
geo::Point3DBase_t< PlaneGeoCoordinatesTag > LocalPoint_t
Type of points in the local GDML wire plane frame.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:106
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
geo::WireID geo::PlaneGeo::ClosestWireID ( geo::WireID::WireID_t  wireNo) const

Returns the closest valid wire ID to the specified wire.

wireNonumber of the wire on this plane
complete wire ID of the closest wire on this plane

If the wire number described a wire present on this plane, its complete wire ID is returned, valid. Otherwise, a valid wire ID is returned which points to the existing wire closest to the specified wire number: the first wire if the wire number is negative, or the last wire if the wire number is larger than the actual wires.

Note that the argument geo::WireID::WireID_t type is an integral type, and if a floating point value is specified for it, it's subject to truncation.

Definition at line 1365 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by NearestWire().

1366 {
1367  return {ID(), std::min(wireNo, Nwires())};
1368 }
geo::PlaneID const & ID() const
Returns the identifier of this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:184
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
geo::WireID geo::PlaneGeo::ClosestWireID ( geo::WireID const &  wireid) const

Returns the closest valid wire ID to the specified wire.

wireidthe wire ID (must be on this plane)
complete wire ID of the closest wire, invalid if not this plane
See also

If wireid is not on this plane, it is returned but marked as invalid. Otherwise, the returned ID is the same as in ClosestWireID(geo::WireID::WireID_t).

Definition at line 1370 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References geo::PlaneID::asPlaneID(), geo::CryostatID::markInvalid(), and geo::WireID::Wire.

1371 {
1372  if (wireid.asPlaneID() != ID()) {
1373  geo::WireID invalid{wireid};
1374  invalid.markInvalid();
1375  return invalid;
1376  }
1377  return ClosestWireID(wireid.Wire);
1378 } // geo::PlaneGeo::ClosestWireID()
void markInvalid()
Sets the ID as invalid.
Definition: geo_types.h:238
geo::PlaneID const & ID() const
Returns the identifier of this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:184
geo::WireID ClosestWireID(geo::WireID::WireID_t wireNo) const
Returns the closest valid wire ID to the specified wire.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1365
Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::ComposePoint ( WireDecomposedVector_t const &  decomp) const

Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance.

decompdecomposed point
the 3D point from composition of projection and distance
See also
DecomposePoint(), ComposePoint(double, WireCoordProjection_t const&)

See ComposePoint(double, WireCoordProjection_t const&) for details.

Definition at line 924 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::ComposePoint(), and larg4::LArVoxelReadout::RecoverOffPlaneDeposit().

925  {
926  return fDecompWire.ComposePoint(decomp);
927  }
Point_t ComposePoint(DecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance.
Definition: Decomposer.h:610
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::ComposePoint ( double  distance,
WireCoordProjection_t const &  proj 
) const

Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance.

distancedistance of the target point from the wire plane
projprojection of the target point on the wire plane
the 3D point from composition of projection and distance
See also

The returned point is the reference point of the frame system (that is, the plane center), translated by two 3D vectors:

  1. a vector parallel to the plane normal, with norm the input distance
  2. a vector lying on the plane, whose projection via PointProjection() gives the input projection

The choice of the projection reference point embodies the same convention used in PointProjection() and DecomposePoint(). In fact, the strict definition of the result of this method is a 3D point whose decomposition on the plane frame base matches the method arguments.

Definition at line 950 of file PlaneGeo.h.

951  {
952  return fDecompWire.ComposePoint(distance, proj);
953  }
Point_t ComposePoint(DecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance.
Definition: Decomposer.h:610
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::ComposePoint ( WDDecomposedVector_t const &  decomp) const

Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance.

decompdecomposed point
the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance
See also
DecomposePointWidthDepth(), ComposePointWidthDepth(double, DecomposedVector_t::Projection_t const&)

See ComposePointWidthDepth(double, DecomposedVector_t::Projection_t const&) for details.

Definition at line 1182 of file PlaneGeo.h.

1183  {
1184  return fDecompFrame.ComposePoint(decomp);
1185  }
Point_t ComposePoint(DecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance.
Definition: Decomposer.h:610
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::ComposePoint ( double  distance,
WidthDepthProjection_t const &  proj 
) const

Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance.

distancedistance of the target point from the wire plane
projprojection of the target point on the wire plane
the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance
See also

The returned vector is the sum of two 3D vectors:

  1. a vector parallel to the plane normal, with norm the input distance
  2. a vector lying on the plane, whose projection via PointWidthDepthProjection() gives the input projection

Given the arbitrary definition of the projection reference, it is assumed that the same convention is used as in PointWidthDepthProjection() and DecomposePointWidthDepth().

Definition at line 1207 of file PlaneGeo.h.

1208  {
1209  return fDecompFrame.ComposePoint(distance, proj);
1210  }
Point_t ComposePoint(DecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
Returns the 3D point from composition of projection and distance.
Definition: Decomposer.h:610
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
Vector_t geo::PlaneGeo::ComposeVector ( WireDecomposedVector_t const &  decomp) const

Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance.

decompdecomposed vector
the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance
See also
DecomposePoint(), ComposeVector(double, WireCoordProjection_t const&), ComposePoint(WireDecomposedVector_t const&)

See ComposeVector(double, WireCoordProjection_t const&) for details.

Definition at line 890 of file PlaneGeo.h.

891  {
892  return fDecompWire.ComposeVector(decomp);
893  } //@}
Vector_t ComposeVector(DecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance.
Definition: Decomposer.h:651
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Vector_t geo::PlaneGeo::ComposeVector ( double  distance,
WireCoordProjection_t const &  proj 
) const

Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance.

distancecomponent of target vector orthogonal to the wire plane
projprojection of the target vector on the wire plane
the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance
See also

The returned vector is the sum of two 3D vectors:

  1. a vector parallel to the plane normal, with norm the input distance
  2. a vector lying on the plane, whose projection via VectorProjection() gives the input projection

Definition at line 909 of file PlaneGeo.h.

910  {
911  return fDecompWire.ComposeVector(distance, proj);
912  }
Vector_t ComposeVector(DecomposedVector_t const &decomp) const
Returns the 3D vector from composition of projection and distance.
Definition: Decomposer.h:651
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
double geo::PlaneGeo::CosPhiZ ( ) const

Cosine of PhiZ()

Definition at line 181 of file PlaneGeo.h.

181 { return fCosPhiZ; }
double fCosPhiZ
Cosine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1337
WireDecomposedVector_t geo::PlaneGeo::DecomposePoint ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Decomposes a 3D point in two components.

pointthe point to be decomposed
the two components of point, on the plane and orthogonal to it

The point is decomposed in:

  1. a component orthogonal to the plane, expressed as a signed real number
  2. a component lying on the plane, expressed as a 2D vector

The distance is obtained as by DistanceFromPlane(). The projection on the plane is obtained following the same convention as PointProjection().

Definition at line 817 of file PlaneGeo.h.

818  {
819  return fDecompWire.DecomposePoint(point);
820  }
DecomposedVector_t DecomposePoint(Point_t const &point) const
Decomposes a 3D point in two components.
Definition: Decomposer.h:516
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
WDDecomposedVector_t geo::PlaneGeo::DecomposePointWidthDepth ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Decomposes a 3D point in two components.

pointthe point to be decomposed
the two components of point, on the plane and orthogonal to it

The point is decomposed in:

  1. a component orthogonal to the plane, expressed as a signed real number
  2. a component lying on the plane, expressed as a 2D vector

The distance is obtained as by DistanceFromPlane(). The projection on the plane is obtained following the same convention as PointWidthDepthProjection().

Definition at line 982 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::DecomposePoint().

983  {
984  return fDecompFrame.DecomposePoint(point);
985  }
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
DecomposedVector_t DecomposePoint(Point_t const &point) const
Decomposes a 3D point in two components.
Definition: Decomposer.h:516
PlaneGeo::WidthDepthProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::DeltaFromActivePlane ( WidthDepthProjection_t const &  proj,
double  wMargin,
double  dMargin 
) const

Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the active area of plane.

projstarting projection
wMarginthe point is brought this amount inside the active area
dMarginthe point is brought this amount inside the active area
a projection displacement
See also

The "active" area of the plane is the rectangular area which includes all the wires. The area is obtained as the smallest rectangle including the projection of both ends of all wires in the plane, less half a pitch. This defines a "fiducial" area away from the borders of the plane. The projection is in the frame reference (PointWidthDepthProjection()). The area is reduced on each side by the specified margins. If for example wMargin is 1.0, the active area lower border on the width direction will be increased by 1 cm, and the upper border will be decreased by 1 cm effectively making the active area 2 cm narrowed on the width direction. The same independently applies to the depth direction with dMargin. The main purpose of the margins is to accommodate for rounding errors. A version of this method with default margins of 0 is also available.

If the projection is already on the active area of the plane, the returned displacement is null. Otherwise, the displacement, added to proj, will bring it on the active plane area (in fact, on its border).

Definition at line 515 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References lar::util::simple_geo::Range< Data >::delta(), lar::util::simple_geo::Rectangle< Data >::depth, fActiveArea, and lar::util::simple_geo::Rectangle< Data >::width.

Referenced by larg4::LArVoxelReadout::RecoverOffPlaneDeposit().

519  {
521  return {, wMargin),, dMargin)};
523  } // PlaneGeo::DeltaFromActivePlane()
Rect fActiveArea
Area covered by wires in frame base.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1350
Range_t width
Range along width direction.
Definition: SimpleGeo.h:429
Range_t depth
Range along depth direction.
Definition: SimpleGeo.h:430
Data_t delta(Data_t v, Data_t margin=0.0) const
Definition: SimpleGeo.h:473
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
WidthDepthProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::DeltaFromActivePlane ( WidthDepthProjection_t const &  proj,
double  margin = 0.0 
) const

Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the active area of plane.

projstarting projection
marginthe point is brought this amount inside the active area _(default: 0)_
a projection displacement
See also
DeltaFromActivePlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const&, double, double)

This is the implementation with default values for margins of DeltaFromActivePlane(). The depth and width margins are the same, and 0 by default.

Definition at line 1131 of file PlaneGeo.h.

1133  {
1134  return DeltaFromActivePlane(proj, margin, margin);
1135  }
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromActivePlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const
Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border ...
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:515
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
PlaneGeo::WidthDepthProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::DeltaFromPlane ( WidthDepthProjection_t const &  proj,
double  wMargin,
double  dMargin 
) const

Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the plane.

projstarting projection
wMarginthe point is brought this amount inside the target area
dMarginthe point is brought this amount inside the target area
a projection displacement
See also

The returned projection vector is guaranteed, when added to proj, to yield a projection on or within the border of the plane (the "target area"), as defined by the GDML geometry.

The target plane area is reduced on each side by the specified margins. If for example wMargin is 1.0, the area lower border on the width direction will be increased by 1 cm, and the upper border will be decreased by 1 cm effectively making the area 2 cm narrowed on the width direction. The same independently applies to the depth direction with dMargin. The main purpose of the margins is to accommodate for rounding errors. A version of this method with default margins of 0 is also available.

If the projection is already on the target area, the returned displacement is null.

Definition at line 504 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References fFrameSize, geo::PlaneGeo::RectSpecs::HalfDepth(), and geo::PlaneGeo::RectSpecs::HalfWidth().

Referenced by isProjectionOnPlane(), MovePointOverPlane(), and MoveProjectionToPlane().

507  {
509  return {symmetricCapDelta(proj.X(), fFrameSize.HalfWidth() - wMargin),
510  symmetricCapDelta(proj.Y(), fFrameSize.HalfDepth() - dMargin)};
512  } // PlaneGeo::DeltaFromPlane()
double HalfWidth() const
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1324
RectSpecs fFrameSize
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1348
double HalfDepth() const
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1325
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
WidthDepthProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::DeltaFromPlane ( WidthDepthProjection_t const &  proj,
double  margin = 0.0 
) const

Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border of) the area of plane.

projstarting projection
marginthe point is brought this amount inside the plane area _(default: 0)_
a projection displacement
See also
DeltaFromPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const&, double, double)

This is the implementation with default values for margins of DeltaFromPlane(). The depth and width margins are the same, and 0 by default.

Definition at line 1081 of file PlaneGeo.h.

1083  {
1084  return DeltaFromPlane(proj, margin, margin);
1085  }
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const
Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border ...
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:504
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
double geo::PlaneGeo::Depth ( ) const

Return the depth of the plane.

See also
Width(), WidthDir(), DepthDir()

The precise definition is arbitrary (see DepthDir()).

Definition at line 229 of file PlaneGeo.h.

229 { return fFrameSize.Depth(); }
double Depth() const
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1327
RectSpecs fFrameSize
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1348
Vector_t const& geo::PlaneGeo::DepthDir ( ) const

Return the direction of plane depth.

The precise definition of the sides is arbitrary, but they are defined to lie on the wire plane and so that WidthDir(), DepthDir() and GetNormalDirection() make a orthonormal base. That base (width, depth, normal) is guaranteed to be positive defined.

Definition at line 212 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by MovePointOverPlane(), geo::TPCGeo::RefDepthDir(), and UpdateWidthDepthDir().

212 { return fDecompFrame.SecondaryDir(); }
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
Vector_t const & SecondaryDir() const
Returns the plane secondary axis direction.
Definition: Decomposer.h:458
void geo::PlaneGeo::DetectGeometryDirections ( )

Sets the geometry directions.

Definition at line 707 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References util::abs(), e, fDecompFrame, fFrameSize, fVolume, geo::PlaneGeo::RectSpecs::halfDepth, geo::PlaneGeo::RectSpecs::halfWidth, geo::origin(), geo::vect::rounded01(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetMainDir(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetOrigin(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetSecondaryDir(), toWorldCoords(), and Z.

Referenced by PlaneGeo().

708  {
710  //
711  // We need to identify which are the "long" directions of the plane.
712  // We assume it is a box, and the shortest side is excluded.
713  // The first direction ("width") is given by preference to z.
714  // If z is the direction of the normal to the plane... oh well.
715  // Let's say privilege to the one which comes from local z, then y.
716  // That means: undefined.
717  //
718  // Requirements:
719  // - ROOT geometry information (shapes and transformations)
720  // - the shape must be a box (an error is PRINTED if not)
721  // - center of the wire plane (not just the center of the plane box)
722  //
724  //
725  // how do they look like in the world?
726  //
727  TGeoBBox const* pShape = dynamic_cast<TGeoBBox const*>(fVolume->GetShape());
728  if (!pShape) {
729  mf::LogError("BoxInfo") << "Volume " << fVolume->IsA()->GetName()
730  << " is not a TGeoBBox! Dimensions won't be available.";
731  // set it invalid
733  fDecompFrame.SetMainDir({0., 0., 0.});
734  fDecompFrame.SetSecondaryDir({0., 0., 0.});
735  fFrameSize = {0.0, 0.0};
736  return;
737  }
739  std::array<geo::Vector_t, 3U> sides;
740  size_t iSmallest = 3;
741  {
742  size_t iSide = 0;
744  sides[iSide] = toWorldCoords(LocalVector_t{pShape->GetDX(), 0.0, 0.0});
745  iSmallest = iSide;
746  ++iSide;
748  sides[iSide] = toWorldCoords(LocalVector_t{0.0, pShape->GetDY(), 0.0});
749  if (sides[iSide].Mag2() < sides[iSmallest].Mag2()) iSmallest = iSide;
750  ++iSide;
752  sides[iSide] = toWorldCoords(LocalVector_t{0.0, 0.0, pShape->GetDZ()});
753  if (sides[iSide].Mag2() < sides[iSmallest].Mag2()) iSmallest = iSide;
754  ++iSide;
755  }
757  //
758  // which are the largest ones?
759  //
760  size_t kept[2];
761  {
762  size_t iKept = 0;
763  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
764  if (i != iSmallest) kept[iKept++] = i;
765  }
767  //
768  // which is which?
769  //
770  // Pick width as the most z-like.
771  //
772  size_t const iiWidth =
773  std::abs(sides[kept[0]].Unit().Z()) > std::abs(sides[kept[1]].Unit().Z()) ? 0 : 1;
774  size_t const iWidth = kept[iiWidth];
775  size_t const iDepth = kept[1 - iiWidth]; // the other
777  fDecompFrame.SetMainDir(geo::vect::rounded01(sides[iWidth].Unit(), 1e-4));
778  fDecompFrame.SetSecondaryDir(geo::vect::rounded01(sides[iDepth].Unit(), 1e-4));
779  fFrameSize.halfWidth = sides[iWidth].R();
780  fFrameSize.halfDepth = sides[iDepth].R();
782  } // PlaneGeo::DetectGeometryDirections()
void SetSecondaryDir(Vector_t const &dir)
Change the secondary direction of the projection base.
Definition: Decomposer.h:441
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
Float_t Z
Definition: plot.C:37
TGeoVolume const * fVolume
Plane volume description.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1331
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
geo::Point_t toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t const &local) const
Transform point from local plane frame to world frame.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1225
RectSpecs fFrameSize
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1348
Vector rounded01(Vector const &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.
void SetOrigin(Point_t const &point)
Change the 3D point of the reference frame origin.
Definition: Decomposer.h:435
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
geo::Vector3DBase_t< PlaneGeoCoordinatesTag > LocalVector_t
Type of displacement vectors in the local GDML wire plane frame.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:109
constexpr Point origin()
Returns a origin position with a point of the specified type.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:229
void SetMainDir(Vector_t const &dir)
Change the main direction of the projection base.
Definition: Decomposer.h:438
double geo::PlaneGeo::DistanceFromPlane ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns the distance of the specified point from the wire plane.

pointa point in world coordinates [cm]
the signed distance from the wire plane

The distance is defined positive if the point lies in the side the normal vector (GetNormalDirection()) points to.

The distance is defined from the geometric plane where the wires lie, and it may not match the distance from the center of the geometry box representing the plane. It should always match the drift distance from this wire plane, and the result of DriftPoint(point, DistanceFromPlane(point)) will bring the point to the plane.

Definition at line 558 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::ComputeDriftDistance(), geo::TPCGeo::DistanceFromReferencePlane(), larg4::LArVoxelReadout::RecoverOffPlaneDeposit(), and UpdateWirePlaneCenter().

559  {
560  return fDecompWire.PointNormalComponent(point);
561  }
auto PointNormalComponent(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the secondary component of a point.
Definition: Decomposer.h:481
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
void geo::PlaneGeo::DriftPoint ( geo::Point_t position,
double  distance 
) const

Shifts the position of an electron drifted by a distance.

position_(modified)_ the position of the electron
distancedrift distance to shift the electron by [cm]

This is a pure geometry computation: the position is shifted by the drift distance in the direction opposite to the normal to the plane (as returned by GetNormalDirection()), no matter where the position is relative to the plane. The wording about "electron position" is just meant to remind that the drift shift is taken with opposite sign: since the point is assumed to be an electron, a positive drift normally moves its position toward the wire plane.

Definition at line 579 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::TPCGeo::DriftPoint(), and UpdateWirePlaneCenter().

580  {
581  position -= distance * GetNormalDirection();
582  }
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
void geo::PlaneGeo::DriftPoint ( geo::Point_t position) const

Shifts the position along drift direction to fall on the plane.

position_(modified)_ the position to be shifted

This is a pure geometry computation: the position is shifted by the drift distance in the direction opposite to the normal to the plane (as returned by GetNormalDirection()), no matter where the position is relative to the plane.

Definition at line 595 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References dir.

596  {
597  DriftPoint(position, DistanceFromPlane(position));
598  }
void DriftPoint(geo::Point_t &position, double distance) const
Shifts the position of an electron drifted by a distance.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:579
double DistanceFromPlane(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the distance of the specified point from the wire plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:558
const WireGeo& geo::PlaneGeo::FirstWire ( ) const

Return the first wire in the plane.

Definition at line 312 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::details::ActiveAreaCalculator::initializeWireEnds(), ThetaZ(), UpdateDecompWireOrigin(), and UpdateWireDir().

312 { return Wire(0); }
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::GetBoxCenter ( ) const

Returns the centre of the box representing the plane.

the centre of the box, in world coordinates [cm]
See also

This is the centre of the box representing the plane in the geometry description, in world coordinates. This is rarely of any use, as most of the times GetCenter() delivers the proper information, e.g. for simulation and reconstruction.

Definition at line 449 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by hit::GausHitFinderAna::analyze(), geo::TPCGeo::DetectDriftDirection(), evd::TWQMultiTPCProjectionView::FindLineLength(), evd::TWQProjectionView::FindLineLength(), cluster::ClusterCheater::produce(), geo::TPCGeo::ResetDriftDirection(), UpdatePlaneNormal(), and UpdateWirePlaneCenter().

449 { return toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}); }
geo::Point_t toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t const &local) const
Transform point from local plane frame to world frame.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1225
geo::Point3DBase_t< PlaneGeoCoordinatesTag > LocalPoint_t
Type of points in the local GDML wire plane frame.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:106
Point_t const& geo::PlaneGeo::GetCenter ( ) const

Returns the centre of the wire plane in world coordinates [cm].

See also

The center of the plane is defined so that it has width and depth coordinates in the middle of the plane box (that is, the geometrical representation of the plane in the geometry description), and the other coordinate set at drift distance 0.

Note that this does not necessarily match the center of the box, if the geometry does not place the wires, which define the drift distance, in the plane in the middle of the box.

Definition at line 435 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::DriftPartitions::computeCoverage(), detinfo::DetectorPropertiesStandard::DataFor(), larg4::LArVoxelReadout::DriftIonizationElectrons(), pma::PMAlgStitching::GetTPCXOffsets(), detsim::DriftElectronstoPlane::produce(), detsim::SimDriftElectrons::produce(), geo::TPCGeo::ProjectionReferencePoint(), phot::SemiAnalyticalModel::SemiAnalyticalModel(), DUNE::NeutrinoTrackingEff::truthLength(), and UpdateDecompWireOrigin().

435 { return fCenter; }
geo::Point_t fCenter
Center of the plane, lying on the wire plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1352
WireGeo const& geo::PlaneGeo::GetElement ( WireID const &  wireid) const

Returns the wire in wireid from this plane.

wireidfull wire ID
a constant reference to the wire in wireid
cet::exception(category "WireOutOfRange") if no such wire

The cryostat, TPC and plane numbers in wireid are ignored, as it is ignored whether wireid is invalid.

Definition at line 285 of file PlaneGeo.h.

285 { return Wire(wireid); }
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
geo::WirePtr geo::PlaneGeo::GetElementPtr ( WireID const &  wireid) const

Returns the wire in wireid from this plane.

wireidfull wire ID
a constant pointer to the wire, or nullptr if it does not exist

The cryostat, TPC and plane numbers in wireid are ignored, as it is ignored whether wireid is invalid.

Definition at line 308 of file PlaneGeo.h.

308 { return WirePtr(wireid); }
geo::WirePtr WirePtr(unsigned int iwire) const
Returns the wire number iwire from this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:293
Vector_t const& geo::PlaneGeo::GetIncreasingWireDirection ( ) const

Returns the direction of increasing wires.

a TVector3 versor with the direction of increasing wires

The versor is orthogonal to the wires (assumed parallel), lies on the plane and its direction goes toward increasing wire IDs.

Definition at line 418 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::details::ActiveAreaCalculator::adjustCorners(), ShowerRecoTools::ShowerTrajPointdEdx::CalculateElement(), shower::LArPandoraShowerAlg::OrderShowerHits(), shouldFlipWire(), UpdatePhiZ(), and WireIDincreasesWithZ().

418 { return fDecompWire.SecondaryDir(); }
Vector_t const & SecondaryDir() const
Returns the plane secondary axis direction.
Definition: Decomposer.h:458
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
geo::Vector_t geo::PlaneGeo::GetNormalAxis ( ) const

Returns a direction normal to the plane (pointing is not defined).

Definition at line 785 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References geo::WireGeo::Direction(), e, geo::WireGeo::GetCenter(), Nwires(), geo::vect::rounded01(), and Wire().

Referenced by UpdatePlaneNormal().

786  {
787  const unsigned int NWires = Nwires();
788  if (NWires < 2) return {}; // why are we even here?
790  // 1) get the direction of the middle wire
791  auto const WireDir = Wire(NWires / 2).Direction();
793  // 2) get the direction between the middle wire and the next one
794  auto const ToNextWire = Wire(NWires / 2 + 1).GetCenter() - Wire(NWires / 2).GetCenter();
796  // 3) get the direction perpendicular to the plane
797  // 4) round it
798  // 5) return its norm
799  return geo::vect::rounded01(WireDir.Cross(ToNextWire).Unit(), 1e-4);
801  } // PlaneGeo::GetNormalAxis()
Point_t const & GetCenter() const
Returns the world coordinate of the center of the wire [cm].
Definition: WireGeo.h:221
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
Vector_t Direction() const
Definition: WireGeo.h:289
Vector rounded01(Vector const &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
Vector_t const& geo::PlaneGeo::GetNormalDirection ( ) const

Returns the direction normal to the plane.

a TVector3 versor with a direction normal to the plane

The versor is orthogonal to the plane. The direction is defined so that the semi-space pointed to contains the TPC center.

Each decomposition base (wire-based and frame-based) has its own normal, defined solely from its two decomposition plane axes. The wire-based frame is nevertheless required to have a normal matching this one, while the frame-based normal might happen to be in the opposite direction depending on the original geometry description.

Definition at line 407 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by shouldFlipWire(), UpdateIncreasingWireDir(), UpdateOrientation(), UpdateView(), UpdateWidthDepthDir(), and UpdateWireDir().

407 { return fNormal; }
geo::Vector_t fNormal
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1339
Vector_t const& geo::PlaneGeo::GetWireDirection ( ) const

Returns the direction of the wires.

a unit vector following the direction of the wires

All wires in the plane are assumed parallel.

Definition at line 459 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by lar::util::TrackPitchInView(), and UpdateView().

459 { return fDecompWire.MainDir(); }
Vector_t const & MainDir() const
Returns the plane main axis direction.
Definition: Decomposer.h:455
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
bool geo::PlaneGeo::HasElement ( unsigned int  iwire) const

Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane.

iwireindex of wire in this plane
whether the wire with index iwire is present in this plane

Definition at line 253 of file PlaneGeo.h.

253 { return HasWire(iwire); }
bool HasWire(unsigned int iwire) const
Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:252
bool geo::PlaneGeo::HasElement ( geo::WireID const &  wireid) const

Returns whether the wire in wireid is present in this plane.

wireidfull wire ID
whether the wire in wireid is present in this plane

The cryostat, TPC and plane numbers in wireid are ignored, as it is ignored whether wireid is invalid.

Definition at line 266 of file PlaneGeo.h.

266 { return HasWire(wireid); }
bool HasWire(unsigned int iwire) const
Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:252
bool geo::PlaneGeo::HasWire ( unsigned int  iwire) const

Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane.

iwireindex of wire in this plane
whether the wire with index iwire is present in this plane

Definition at line 252 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::GeometryCore::HasWire().

252 { return iwire < Nwires(); }
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
bool geo::PlaneGeo::HasWire ( geo::WireID const &  wireid) const

Returns whether the wire in wireid is present in this plane.

wireidfull wire ID
whether the wire in wireid is present in this plane

The cryostat, TPC and plane numbers in wireid are ignored, as it is ignored whether wireid is invalid.

Definition at line 265 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References HasWire(), and geo::WireID::Wire.

Referenced by HasWire().

265 { return HasWire(wireid.Wire); }
bool HasWire(unsigned int iwire) const
Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:252
geo::PlaneID const& geo::PlaneGeo::ID ( ) const

Returns the identifier of this plane.

Definition at line 184 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by larg4::LArVoxelReadout::DriftIonizationElectrons(), NearestWire(), NearestWireID(), geo::GeometryCore::Print(), geo::TPCGeo::ReferencePlaneID(), and lar::util::TrackPitchInView().

184 { return fID; }
geo::PlaneID fID
ID of this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1354
double geo::PlaneGeo::InterWireDistance ( geo::Vector_t const &  dir) const

Returns the distance between wires along the specified direction.

dirthe direction (3D)
the distance between wires along that direction [cm]

The direction is specified as a 3D vector in the world coordinate frame. The modulus of the vector is ignored but expected to be non null.

The returned distance is the space that would be covered starting from a wire toward the dir direction and stopping when the projection on the wire plane reaches another wire. This distance is returned in centimeters, always positive and not smaller than the wire pitch.

If the direction is too close to the wire direction, the result will be numerically unstable and might be infinite (test with std::isinf(), std::isfinite() or std::isnormal()). It is recommended that the caller take special actions when the result is too large.

Definition at line 634 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References util::abs(), e, fDecompWire, fWirePitch, r, and geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::VectorSecondaryComponent().

635  {
636  // the secondary component of the wire decomposition basis is wire coord.
637  double const r = dir.R();
638  assert(r >= 1.e-6);
640  double const absWireCoordProj = std::abs(fDecompWire.VectorSecondaryComponent(dir));
641  return r / absWireCoordProj * fWirePitch;
643  } // PlaneGeo::InterWireDistance()
TRandom r
Definition: spectrum.C:23
auto VectorSecondaryComponent(Vector_t const &v) const
Returns the secondary component of a vector.
Definition: Decomposer.h:530
double fWirePitch
Pitch of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1335
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
TDirectory * dir
Definition: macro.C:5
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
double geo::PlaneGeo::InterWireProjectedDistance ( WireCoordProjection_t const &  projDir) const

Returns the distance between wires along the specified direction.

projDirthe direction, projected on the plane (2D)
the distance between wires along that direction [cm]

The direction is specified as a geo::PlaneGeo::WireCoordProjection_t vector, defined as in geo::PlaneGeo::Projection(). The modulus of the projection is ignored but expected to be non null.

The returned distance is the space that would be covered starting from a wire toward the projDir direction and stopping at the first wire met. This distance is returned in centimeters, always positive and not smaller than the wire pitch.

If the direction is too close to the wire direction, the result will be numerically unstable and might be infinite (test with std::isinf(), std::isfinite() or std::isnormal()). It is recommended that the caller take special actions when the result is too large.

Definition at line 627 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References e, and fWirePitch.

Referenced by lar::util::TrackPitchInView().

628  {
629  assert(lar::util::Vector2DComparison{1e-6}.nonZero(projDir));
630  return std::sqrt(cet::square(projDir.X() / projDir.Y()) + 1.0) * fWirePitch;
631  } // PlaneGeo::InterWireProjectedDistance()
double fWirePitch
Pitch of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1335
Class comparing 2D vectors.
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
double geo::PlaneGeo::InterWireProjectedDistance ( Vector_t const &  dir) const

Returns the distance between wires along the specified direction.

dirthe direction in detector space (3D)
the distance between wires along that direction [cm]
See also
InterWireProjectedDistance(geo::PlaneGeo::WireCoordProjection_t const&) const

The direction is specified as a 3D vector. Its modulus is ignored but expected to be non null.

The returned distance is the space that would be covered starting from a wire toward the direction projection of dir on the wire plane, and stopping at the first wire met. This distance is returned in centimeters and always positive.

This is not a 3D distance (for example, it's not useful to compute $ ds $ of a track to get its ionization energy $ dE/ds $), but it is the distance projected on the wire plane.

Definition at line 668 of file PlaneGeo.h.

669  {
671  }
WireCoordProjection_t Projection(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:850
double InterWireProjectedDistance(WireCoordProjection_t const &projDir) const
Returns the distance between wires along the specified direction.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:627
TDirectory * dir
Definition: macro.C:5
bool geo::PlaneGeo::isProjectionOnPlane ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns if the projection of specified point is within the plane.

pointworld coordinate of the point to test [cm]
whether the projection of specified point is within the plane
See also
PointWidthDepthProjection(), Width(), Height()

The method extracts the projection of the specified point on the plane, as in PointWidthDepthProjection(), and then verifies that the projection falls within the wire plane area, as defined by the dimensions from the geometry description.

Definition at line 526 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References DeltaFromPlane(), and PointWidthDepthProjection().

527  {
529  auto const deltaProj = DeltaFromPlane(PointWidthDepthProjection(point));
531  return (deltaProj.X() == 0.) && (deltaProj.Y() == 0.);
533  } // PlaneGeo::isProjectionOnPlane()
WidthDepthProjection_t PointWidthDepthProjection(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1000
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const
Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border ...
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:504
ElementIteratorBox geo::PlaneGeo::IterateElements ( ) const

Allows range-for iteration on all wires in this plane.

an object suitable for range-for iteration on all wires

This example uses geometry to iterate on all planes in an outer loop, and then iterates on all wires in the plane in the inner loop:

auto geom = lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
for (geo::PlaneGeo const& plane: geom->IteratePlanes()) {
// collect plane information
for (geo::WireGeo const& wire: plane.IterateWires()) {
// do something with each single wire
} // for planes

(note that all data types here can be replaced with auto). The resulting sequence exposes the wires within the plane in their ID order, from plane 0 to Nplanes() - 1.

Since the wire ID is not contained in geo::WireGeo, further steps are needed to obtain it if needed. For example:

auto geom = lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
for (geo::PlaneGeo const& plane: geom->IteratePlanes()) {
// collect plane information
geo::PlaneID const planeid { plane.ID() };
for (auto&& iWire, wire: util::enumerate(plane.IterateWires())) {
geo::WireID const wireid (planeID, iWire);
// do something with each single wire and ID
} // for planes

Definition at line 368 of file PlaneGeo.h.

368 { return fWire; }
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
ElementIteratorBox geo::PlaneGeo::IterateWires ( ) const

Allows range-for iteration on all wires in this plane.

an object suitable for range-for iteration on all wires

This example uses geometry to iterate on all planes in an outer loop, and then iterates on all wires in the plane in the inner loop:

auto geom = lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
for (geo::PlaneGeo const& plane: geom->IteratePlanes()) {
// collect plane information
for (geo::WireGeo const& wire: plane.IterateWires()) {
// do something with each single wire
} // for planes

(note that all data types here can be replaced with auto). The resulting sequence exposes the wires within the plane in their ID order, from plane 0 to Nplanes() - 1.

Since the wire ID is not contained in geo::WireGeo, further steps are needed to obtain it if needed. For example:

auto geom = lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
for (geo::PlaneGeo const& plane: geom->IteratePlanes()) {
// collect plane information
geo::PlaneID const planeid { plane.ID() };
for (auto&& iWire, wire: util::enumerate(plane.IterateWires())) {
geo::WireID const wireid (planeID, iWire);
// do something with each single wire and ID
} // for planes

Definition at line 369 of file PlaneGeo.h.

369 { return IterateElements(); }
ElementIteratorBox IterateElements() const
Allows range-for iteration on all wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:368
const WireGeo& geo::PlaneGeo::LastWire ( ) const

Return the last wire in the plane.

Definition at line 318 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::details::ActiveAreaCalculator::initializeWireEnds().

318 { return Wire(Nwires() - 1); }
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
const WireGeo& geo::PlaneGeo::MiddleWire ( ) const

Return the middle wire in the plane.

Definition at line 315 of file PlaneGeo.h.

315 { return Wire(Nwires() / 2); }
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
geo::Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::MovePointOverPlane ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns the point, moved so that its projection is over the plane.

pointpoint to be checked and moved
the new value of the point
See also
isProjectionOnPlane(), MoveProjectionToPlane(), Width(), Height()

If the projection of the point on the plane falls outside it, the returned point is translated so that its projection is now on the border of the plane. The translation happens along the directions of the plane frame, as described in MoveProjectionToPlane().

Definition at line 558 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References DeltaFromPlane(), DepthDir(), PointWidthDepthProjection(), and WidthDir().

559  {
560  //
561  // This implementation is subject to rounding errors, since the result of
562  // the addition might jitter above or below the border.
563  //
565  auto const deltaProj = DeltaFromPlane(PointWidthDepthProjection(point));
567  return point + deltaProj.X() * WidthDir() + deltaProj.Y() * DepthDir();
569  } // PlaneGeo::MovePointOverPlane()
Vector_t const & DepthDir() const
Return the direction of plane depth.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:212
WidthDepthProjection_t PointWidthDepthProjection(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1000
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const
Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border ...
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:504
Vector_t const & WidthDir() const
Return the direction of plane width.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:200
PlaneGeo::WidthDepthProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::MoveProjectionToPlane ( WidthDepthProjection_t const &  proj) const

Returns the projection, moved onto the plane if necessary.

projprojection to be checked and moved
the new value of the projection
See also
isProjectionOnPlane(), Width(), Height()

The projection proj is defined as in the output of PointWidthDepthProjection(). The method caps width and depth of the projection so that it stays on the plane. A new capped value is returned. Since the reference point of the frame is defined as the center of the plane, this action is equivalent to force the width component in $ \left[ -\frac{w}{2}, \frac{w}{2} \right] $ range and the depth component into $ \left[ -\frac{d}{2}, \frac{d}{2} \right] $, with $ w $ and $ d $ the width and depth of the wire plane.

Definition at line 536 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References DeltaFromPlane(), fFrameSize, geo::PlaneGeo::RectSpecs::HalfDepth(), and geo::PlaneGeo::RectSpecs::HalfWidth().

538  {
539  //
540  // We have a more complicate implementation to avoid rounding errors.
541  // In this way, the result is really guaranteed to be exactly on the border.
542  //
543  auto const delta = DeltaFromPlane(proj);
544  return {(delta.X() == 0.0) ?
545  proj.X() :
546  ((delta.X() > 0) ? -fFrameSize.HalfWidth() // delta positive -> proj on negative side
547  :
549  (delta.Y() == 0.0) ?
550  proj.Y() :
551  ((delta.Y() > 0) ? -fFrameSize.HalfDepth() // delta positive -> proj on negative side
552  :
553  fFrameSize.HalfDepth())};
555  } // PlaneGeo::MoveProjectionToPlane()
double HalfWidth() const
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1324
RectSpecs fFrameSize
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1348
double HalfDepth() const
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1325
WidthDepthProjection_t DeltaFromPlane(WidthDepthProjection_t const &proj, double wMargin, double dMargin) const
Returns a projection vector that, added to the argument, gives a projection inside (or at the border ...
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:504
Float_t proj
Definition: plot.C:35
geo::WireGeo const & geo::PlaneGeo::NearestWire ( geo::Point_t const &  pos) const

Returns the wire closest to the specified position.

posworld coordinates of the point [cm]
the ID of the wire closest to the projection of pos on the plane
InvalidWireError(category: "Geometry") if out of range

The position is projected on the wire plane, and the nearest wire to the projected point is returned.

If the wire is father than half a wire pitch from the point, an exception is thrown that contains both the wire that would be the closest one (badWireID()), and also the wire that is actually the closest one (betterWireID()). When this happens, the specified position was outside the wire plane.

Note that the caller should check for containment: this function may or may not report the position being outside the plane, depending on where it is. In the current implementation, the wires are considered infinitely long, and if the position projection is closer than half the wire pitch from any of these extrapolated wires, the method will not report error.

Definition at line 605 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References ClosestWireID(), ID(), NearestWireID(), Wire(), and geo::WireID::Wire.

606  {
608  //
609  // Note that this code is ready for when NearestWireID() will be changed
610  // to return an invalid ID instead of throwing.
611  // As things are now, `NearestWireID()` will never return an invalid ID,
612  // but it will throw an exception similar to this one.
613  //
615  geo::WireID const wireID = NearestWireID(point);
616  if (wireID) return Wire(wireID); // we have that wire, so we return it
618  // wire ID is invalid, meaning it's out of range. Throw an exception!
619  geo::WireID const closestID = ClosestWireID(wireID);
620  throw InvalidWireError("Geometry", ID(), closestID.Wire, wireID.Wire)
621  << "Can't find nearest wire for position " << point << " in plane " << std::string(ID())
622  << " approx wire number # " << closestID.Wire << " (capped from " << wireID.Wire << ")\n";
624  } // PlaneGeo::NearestWire()
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
WireID_t Wire
Index of the wire within its plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:563
geo::WireID NearestWireID(geo::Point_t const &pos) const
Returns the ID of wire closest to the specified position.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:572
geo::PlaneID const & ID() const
Returns the identifier of this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:184
geo::WireID ClosestWireID(geo::WireID::WireID_t wireNo) const
Returns the closest valid wire ID to the specified wire.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1365
geo::WireID geo::PlaneGeo::NearestWireID ( geo::Point_t const &  pos) const

Returns the ID of wire closest to the specified position.

posworld coordinates of the point [cm]
the ID of the wire closest to the projection of pos on the plane
InvalidWireError(category: "Geometry") if out of range

The position is projected on the wire plane, and the ID of the nearest wire to the projected point is returned.

If the wire does not exist, an exception is thrown that contains both the wire that would be the closest one (badWireID()), and also the wire that is actually the closest one (betterWireID()). When this happens, the specified position was outside the wire plane.

Note that the caller should check for containment: this function may or may not report the position being outside the plane, depending on where it is. In the current implementation, the wires are considered infinitely long, and if the position projection is closer than half the wire pitch from any of these extrapolated wires, the method will not report error.

When the ID is out of range, instead of throwing an exception, return an invalid wire ID with the wire number set to the non-existing wire which would be the nearest to pos.

Definition at line 572 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References ID(), Nwires(), and WireCoordinate().

Referenced by NearestWire(), and geo::GeometryCore::NearestWireID().

573  {
575  //
576  // 1) compute the wire coordinate of the point
577  // 2) get the closest wire number
578  // 3) check if the wire does exist
579  // 4) build and return the wire ID
580  //
582  // this line merges parts (1) and (2); add 0.5 to have the correct rounding:
583  int nearestWireNo = int(0.5 + WireCoordinate(pos));
585  // if we are outside of the wireplane range, throw an exception
586  if ((nearestWireNo < 0) || ((unsigned int)nearestWireNo >= Nwires())) {
588  auto wireNo = nearestWireNo; // save for the output
590  if (nearestWireNo < 0)
591  wireNo = 0;
592  else
593  wireNo = Nwires() - 1;
595  throw InvalidWireError("Geometry", ID(), nearestWireNo, wireNo)
596  << "Can't find nearest wire for position " << pos << " in plane " << std::string(ID())
597  << " approx wire number # " << wireNo << " (capped from " << nearestWireNo << ")\n";
598  } // if invalid
600  return {ID(), (geo::WireID::WireID_t)nearestWireNo};
602  } // PlaneGeo::NearestWireID()
double WireCoordinate(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the coordinate of the point on the plane, in wire units.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:797
geo::PlaneID const & ID() const
Returns the identifier of this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:184
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
unsigned int WireID_t
Type for the ID number.
Definition: geo_types.h:546
unsigned int geo::PlaneGeo::NElements ( ) const

Number of wires in this plane.

Definition at line 243 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::GeometryCore::Nwires().

243 { return Nwires(); }
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
unsigned int geo::PlaneGeo::Nwires ( ) const

Number of wires in this plane.

Definition at line 242 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by hit::DisambigCheater::DisambigCheater(), geo::GeometryCore::GetEndWireID(), GetNormalAxis(), geo::ChannelMapStandardAlg::Initialize(), NearestWireID(), geo::GeometryCore::Print(), UpdateIncreasingWireDir(), and UpdateWirePitch().

242 { return fWire.size(); }
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
Orient_t geo::PlaneGeo::Orientation ( ) const

What is the orientation of the plane.

Definition at line 169 of file PlaneGeo.h.

169 { return fOrientation; }
Orient_t fOrientation
Is the plane vertical or horizontal?
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1333
std::string geo::PlaneGeo::OrientationName ( geo::Orient_t  orientation)

Returns the name of the specified orientation.

Definition at line 697 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References geo::kHorizontal, and geo::kVertical.

698  {
699  switch (orientation) {
700  case geo::kHorizontal: return "horizontal"; break;
701  case geo::kVertical: return "vertical"; break;
702  default: return "unexpected"; break;
703  } // switch
704  } // PlaneGeo::OrientationName()
Planes that are in the horizontal plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:146
Planes that are in the vertical plane (e.g. ArgoNeuT).
Definition: geo_types.h:147
double geo::PlaneGeo::PhiZ ( ) const

Angle from positive z axis of the wire coordinate axis, in radians.

Definition at line 175 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::GeometryCore::ThirdPlane_dTdW(), and geo::GeometryCore::ThirdPlaneSlope().

175 { return std::atan2(fSinPhiZ, fCosPhiZ); }
double fSinPhiZ
Sine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1336
double fCosPhiZ
Cosine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1337
double geo::PlaneGeo::PlaneCoordinate ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns the coordinate of the point on the plane.

pointworld coordinate of the point to get the coordinate of [cm]
the coordinate of the point [cm]
See also
PlaneCoordinateFrom(TVector3 const&, geo::Wire const&)

The method returns the coordinate of the point in the direction measured by the wires on this plane starting on the first wire, in world units (that is, centimeters). A point on the first wire will have coordinate 0.0, one on the next wire will have coordinate equal to a single wire pitch, etc.

The point does not need to be on the plane, and the projection of the point to the plane is considered.

Definition at line 777 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by pma::GetProjectionToPlane(), and pma::Node3D::UpdateProj2D().

778  {
779  return fDecompWire.PointSecondaryComponent(point);
780  }
auto PointSecondaryComponent(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the secondary component of a point.
Definition: Decomposer.h:475
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
double geo::PlaneGeo::PlaneCoordinateFrom ( geo::Point_t const &  point,
geo::WireGeo const &  refWire 
) const

Returns the coordinate of point on the plane respect to a wire.

pointworld coordinate of the point to get the coordinate of [cm]
refWirereference wire
the coordinate of the point [cm]
See also

The method returns the coordinate of the point in the direction measured by the wires on this plane starting from the specified reference wire, in world units (that is, centimeters).

The point does not need to be on the plane, and the projection of the point to the plane is considered. The reference wire, instead, must belong to this plane. This assumption is not checked, and if violated the results are undefined (in the current implementation, they are just wrong).

Definition at line 755 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References geo::WireGeo::GetCenter().

756  {
757  return fDecompWire.VectorSecondaryComponent(point - refWire.GetCenter());
758  }
auto VectorSecondaryComponent(Vector_t const &v) const
Returns the secondary component of a vector.
Definition: Decomposer.h:530
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
std::string geo::PlaneGeo::PlaneInfo ( std::string  indent = "",
unsigned int  verbosity = 1 
) const

Returns a string with plane information.

See also

The information is provided by PrintPlaneInfo(), and the arguments have the same meaning.

Definition at line 495 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References PrintPlaneInfo().

497  {
498  std::ostringstream sstr;
499  PrintPlaneInfo(sstr, indent, verbosity);
500  return sstr.str();
501  } // PlaneGeo::PlaneInfo()
std::string indent(std::size_t const i)
void PrintPlaneInfo(Stream &&out, std::string indent="", unsigned int verbosity=1) const
Returns a volume including all the wires in the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1384
WireCoordProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::PointProjection ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.

pointthe 3D point to be projected, in world coordinates
a 2D vector representing the projection of point on the plane

The returned vector is a 2D vector expressing the projection of the point (from world coordinates) on the wire plane. The vector is expressed as $ ( \ell, w ) $. The component $ \ell $ is measured on the direction of the first wire (see WireGeo::Direction()), using its center (see WireGeo::GetCenter()) as reference point. The component $ w $ is defined on the wire coordinate direction (see GetIncreasingWireDirection()), relative to the first wire, as it is returned by PlaneCoordinate().

The reference point is also returned by ProjectionReferencePoint().

Definition at line 854 of file PlaneGeo.h.

855  {
856  return Projection(point);
857  }
WireCoordProjection_t Projection(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:850
WidthDepthProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::PointWidthDepthProjection ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.

pointthe 3D point to be projected, in world coordinates
a 2D vector representing the projection of point on the plane

The returned vector is a 2D vector expressing the projection of the point (from world coordinates) on the wire plane. The vector is expressed as $ ( w, d ) $, components following the width direction (WidthDir()) and the depth direction (DepthDir()) respectively. The origin point is the center of the plane.

Definition at line 1000 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::details::ActiveAreaCalculator::initializeWireEnds(), isProjectionOnPlane(), MovePointOverPlane(), geo::TPCGeo::Projection(), and larg4::LArVoxelReadout::RecoverOffPlaneDeposit().

1001  {
1002  return fDecompFrame.ProjectPointOnPlane(point);
1003  }
Projection_t ProjectPointOnPlane(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.
Definition: Decomposer.h:497
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
template<typename Stream >
void geo::PlaneGeo::PrintPlaneInfo ( Stream &&  out,
std::string  indent = "",
unsigned int  verbosity = 1 
) const

Returns a volume including all the wires in the plane.

Prints information about this plane.

Template Parameters
Streamtype of output stream to use
outstream to send the information to
indentprepend each line with this string
verbosityamount of information printed

Information on single wires is not printed. Note that the first line out the output is not indented.

Verbosity levels

  • 0: only plane ID
  • 1 _(default)_: also center and wire angle
  • 2: also information about wires
  • 3: also information about normal and increasing coordinate direction
  • 4: also information about wire direction, width and depth
  • 5: also coverage
  • 6: also bounding box

Definition at line 1384 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by PlaneInfo(), and geo::GeometryCore::Print().

1388 {
1390  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1391  out << "plane " << std::string(ID());
1393  if (verbosity-- <= 0) return; // 0
1395  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1396  out << " at " << GetCenter() << " cm"
1397  << ", theta: " << ThetaZ() << " rad";
1399  if (verbosity-- <= 0) return; // 1
1401  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1402  unsigned int const nWires = Nwires();
1404  out << "\n"
1405  << indent << "normal to wire: " << PhiZ() << " rad"
1406  << ", with orientation " << OrientationName(Orientation()) << ", has " << nWires
1407  << " wires measuring " << ViewName(View()) << " with a wire pitch of " << WirePitch()
1408  << " cm";
1410  if (verbosity-- <= 0) return; // 2
1412  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1413  auto const& normal = GetNormalDirection();
1414  auto const& incrZdir = GetIncreasingWireDirection();
1415  auto const& wireNormalDir = fDecompWire.NormalDir();
1416  out << "\n"
1417  << indent << "normal to plane: " << normal
1418  << ", direction of increasing wire number: " << incrZdir
1419  << " [wire frame normal: " << wireNormalDir << "]"
1420  << " (" << (WireIDincreasesWithZ() ? "increases" : "decreases") << " with z)";
1422  if (verbosity-- <= 0) return; // 3
1424  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1426  auto const& wireDir = GetWireDirection();
1427  auto const& widthDir = WidthDir();
1428  auto const& depthDir = DepthDir();
1429  auto const& frameNormalDir = fDecompFrame.NormalDir();
1431  out << "\n"
1432  << indent << "wire direction: " << wireDir << "; width " << Width()
1433  << " cm in direction: " << widthDir << ", depth " << Depth()
1434  << " cm in direction: " << depthDir << " [normal: " << frameNormalDir << "]";
1436  if (verbosity-- <= 0) return; // 4
1438  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1439  // get the area spanned by the wires
1440  out << "\n"
1441  << indent << "wires cover width " << ActiveArea().width.lower << " to "
1442  << ActiveArea().width.upper << ", depth " << ActiveArea().depth.lower << " to "
1443  << ActiveArea().depth.upper << " cm";
1444  if (verbosity-- <= 0) return; // 5
1446  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1447  // print also the containing box
1448  auto const box = BoundingBox();
1449  out << "\n" << indent << "bounding box: " << box.Min() << " -- " << box.Max();
1451  // if (verbosity-- <= 0) return; // 6
1453  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1454 } // geo::PlaneGeo::PrintPlaneInfo()
static std::string OrientationName(geo::Orient_t orientation)
Returns the name of the specified orientation.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:697
static std::string ViewName(geo::View_t view)
Returns the name of the specified view.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:682
Vector_t const & DepthDir() const
Return the direction of plane depth.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:212
Point_t const & GetCenter() const
Returns the centre of the wire plane in world coordinates [cm].
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:435
Vector_t const & NormalDir() const
Returns the plane normal axis direction.
Definition: Decomposer.h:461
Rect const & ActiveArea() const
Returns an area covered by the wires in the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:685
geo::BoxBoundedGeo BoundingBox() const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:430
double ThetaZ() const
Angle of the wires from positive z axis; .
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:646
View_t View() const
Which coordinate does this plane measure.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:166
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
double PhiZ() const
Angle from positive z axis of the wire coordinate axis, in radians.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:175
Vector_t const & GetWireDirection() const
Returns the direction of the wires.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:459
double Depth() const
Return the depth of the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:229
std::string indent(std::size_t const i)
double Width() const
Return the width of the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:221
Range_t width
Range along width direction.
Definition: SimpleGeo.h:429
Orient_t Orientation() const
What is the orientation of the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:169
Range_t depth
Range along depth direction.
Definition: SimpleGeo.h:430
geo::PlaneID const & ID() const
Returns the identifier of this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:184
Vector_t const & WidthDir() const
Return the direction of plane width.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:200
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
bool WireIDincreasesWithZ() const
Returns whether the higher z wires have higher wire ID.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:483
Data_t upper
Ending coordinate.
Definition: SimpleGeo.h:359
Vector_t const & GetIncreasingWireDirection() const
Returns the direction of increasing wires.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:418
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Data_t lower
Starting coordinate.
Definition: SimpleGeo.h:358
double WirePitch() const
Return the wire pitch (in centimeters). It is assumed constant.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:378
WireCoordProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::Projection ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.

pointthe 3D point to be projected, in world coordinates
a 2D vector representing the projection of point on the plane

The returned vector is a 2D vector expressing the projection of the point (from world coordinates) on the wire plane. The vector is expressed as $ ( \ell, w ) $. The component $ \ell $ is measured on the direction of the first wire (see WireGeo::Direction()), using its center (see WireGeo::GetCenter()) as reference point. The component $ w $ is defined on the wire coordinate direction (see GetIncreasingWireDirection()), relative to the first wire, as it is returned by PlaneCoordinate().

The reference point is also returned by ProjectionReferencePoint().

Definition at line 850 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by lar::util::TrackPitchInView().

851  {
852  return fDecompWire.ProjectPointOnPlane(point);
853  }
Projection_t ProjectPointOnPlane(Point_t const &point) const
Returns the projection of the specified point on the plane.
Definition: Decomposer.h:497
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
WireCoordProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::Projection ( geo::Vector_t const &  v) const

Returns the projection of the specified vector on the plane.

vthe 3D vector to be projected, in world units
a 2D vector representing the projection of v on the plane

The returned vector is a 2D vector expressing the projection of the vector (from world units) on the wire plane. The vector is expressed as $ ( \ell, w ) $. The component $ \ell $ is measured on the direction of the first wire (see WireGeo::Direction()). The component $ w $ is defined on the wire coordinate direction (see GetIncreasingWireDirection()).

Definition at line 873 of file PlaneGeo.h.

874  {
876  }
Projection_t ProjectVectorOnPlane(Vector_t const &v) const
Returns the projection of the specified vector on the plane.
Definition: Decomposer.h:549
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::ProjectionReferencePoint ( ) const

Returns the reference point used by PointProjection().

The returned point is such that its decomposition results in a null projection and a 0 distance from the plane.

Definition at line 830 of file PlaneGeo.h.

830 { return fDecompWire.ReferencePoint(); }
Point_t ReferencePoint() const
Returns the reference point for the plane coordinate, as a 3D point.
Definition: Decomposer.h:449
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
void geo::PlaneGeo::SetView ( geo::View_t  view)

Set the signal view (for TPCGeo).

Definition at line 1254 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by UpdateView().

1254 { fView = view; }
View_t fView
Does this plane measure U, V, or W?
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1332
bool geo::PlaneGeo::shouldFlipWire ( geo::WireGeo const &  wire) const

Whether the specified wire should have start and end swapped.

Definition at line 1113 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References geo::WireGeo::Direction(), GetIncreasingWireDirection(), and GetNormalDirection().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

1114  {
1115  //
1116  // The correct orientation is so that:
1117  //
1118  // (direction) x (wire coordinate direction) . (plane normal)
1119  //
1120  // is positive; it it's negative, then we should flip the wire.
1121  //
1122  // Note that the increasing wire direction comes from the wire frame, while
1123  // the normal direction is computed independently by geometry.
1124  // The resulting normal in the wire frame is expected to be the same as the
1125  // plane normal from GetNormalDirection(); if this is not the case, flipping
1126  // the wire direction should restore it.
1127  //
1129  return wire.Direction().Cross(GetIncreasingWireDirection()).Dot(GetNormalDirection()) <
1130  +0.5; // should be in fact exactly +1
1132  } // PlaneGeo::shouldFlipWire()
Vector_t const & GetIncreasingWireDirection() const
Returns the direction of increasing wires.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:418
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
double geo::PlaneGeo::SinPhiZ ( ) const

Sine of PhiZ()

Definition at line 178 of file PlaneGeo.h.

178 { return fSinPhiZ; }
double fSinPhiZ
Sine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1336
void geo::PlaneGeo::SortWires ( geo::GeoObjectSorter const &  sorter)

Apply sorting to WireGeo objects.

Definition at line 477 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References fWire, and geo::GeoObjectSorter::SortWires().

478  {
479  sorter.SortWires(fWire);
480  }
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
double geo::PlaneGeo::ThetaZ ( ) const

Angle of the wires from positive z axis; $ \theta_{z} \in [ 0, \pi ]$.

Definition at line 646 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References FirstWire(), and geo::WireGeo::ThetaZ().

Referenced by tca::dEdx(), calo::Calorimetry::GetPitch(), trkf::SpacePts::produce(), trkf::Track3Dreco::produce(), vertex::VertexFinder2D::produce(), and geo::GeometryCore::WireAngleToVertical().

647  {
648  return FirstWire().ThetaZ();
649  }
double ThetaZ() const
Returns angle of wire with respect to z axis in the Y-Z plane in radians.
Definition: WireGeo.h:248
const WireGeo & FirstWire() const
Return the first wire in the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:312
LocalPoint_t geo::PlaneGeo::toLocalCoords ( geo::Point_t const &  world) const

Transform point from world frame to local plane frame.

Definition at line 1237 of file PlaneGeo.h.

1238  {
1239  return fTrans.toLocalCoords(world);
1240  }
LocalPoint_t toLocalCoords(GlobalPoint_t const &world) const
Transforms a point from world frame to local frame.
LocalTransformation_t fTrans
Plane to world transform.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1330
LocalVector_t geo::PlaneGeo::toLocalCoords ( geo::Vector_t const &  world) const

Transform direction vector from world to local.

Definition at line 1243 of file PlaneGeo.h.

1244  {
1245  return fTrans.toLocalCoords(world);
1246  }
LocalPoint_t toLocalCoords(GlobalPoint_t const &world) const
Transforms a point from world frame to local frame.
LocalTransformation_t fTrans
Plane to world transform.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1330
geo::Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::toWorldCoords ( LocalPoint_t const &  local) const

Transform point from local plane frame to world frame.

Definition at line 1225 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by BoundingBox(), DetectGeometryDirections(), evd::RecoBaseDrawer::DrawTrack2D(), evd::TWQMultiTPCProjectionView::FindEndPoint(), evd::TWQProjectionView::FindEndPoint(), util::GeometryUtilities::Get2DPointProjection(), util::GeometryUtilities::GetProjectedPoint(), and geo::sortPlaneStandard().

1226  {
1227  return fTrans.toWorldCoords(local);
1228  }
LocalTransformation_t fTrans
Plane to world transform.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1330
GlobalPoint_t toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t const &local) const
Transforms a point from local frame to world frame.
geo::Vector_t geo::PlaneGeo::toWorldCoords ( LocalVector_t const &  local) const

Transform direction vector from local to world.

Definition at line 1231 of file PlaneGeo.h.

1232  {
1233  return fTrans.toWorldCoords(local);
1234  }
LocalTransformation_t fTrans
Plane to world transform.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1330
GlobalPoint_t toWorldCoords(LocalPoint_t const &local) const
Transforms a point from local frame to world frame.
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateActiveArea ( )

Updates the internally used active area.

Definition at line 1068 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References fActiveArea.

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

1069  {
1071  //
1072  // The active area is defined in the width/depth space which include
1073  // approximatively all wires.
1074  //
1075  // See `ActiveAreaCalculator` for details of the algorithm.
1076  //
1078  // we scratch 1 um from each side to avoid rounding errors later
1079  fActiveArea = details::ActiveAreaCalculator(*this, 0.0001);
1081  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateActiveArea()
Rect fActiveArea
Area covered by wires in frame base.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1350
friend struct details::ActiveAreaCalculator
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1356
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateAfterSorting ( geo::PlaneID  planeid,
geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &  TPCbox 

Performs all needed updates after the TPC has sorted the planes.

Definition at line 652 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References fID, fWire, shouldFlipWire(), UpdateActiveArea(), UpdateDecompWireOrigin(), UpdateIncreasingWireDir(), UpdateOrientation(), UpdatePhiZ(), UpdatePlaneNormal(), UpdateView(), UpdateWidthDepthDir(), UpdateWireDir(), UpdateWirePitch(), and UpdateWirePlaneCenter().

653  {
654  // the order here matters
656  // reset our ID
657  fID = planeid;
659  UpdatePlaneNormal(TPCbox);
663  // update wires
664  geo::WireID::WireID_t wireNo = 0;
665  for (auto& wire : fWire) {
666  wire.UpdateAfterSorting(geo::WireID(fID, wireNo), shouldFlipWire(wire));
667  ++wireNo;
668  } // for wires
671  UpdateWireDir();
674  UpdateWirePitch();
676  UpdatePhiZ();
677  UpdateView();
679  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateAfterSorting()
void UpdateIncreasingWireDir()
Updates the cached direction to increasing wires.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:991
void UpdateWirePitch()
Updates the stored wire pitch.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:836
void UpdateWidthDepthDir()
Updates the cached depth and width direction.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:972
void UpdateOrientation()
Updates plane orientation.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:804
geo::PlaneID fID
ID of this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1354
bool shouldFlipWire(geo::WireGeo const &wire) const
Whether the specified wire should have start and end swapped.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:1113
void UpdatePlaneNormal(geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &TPCbox)
Updates the cached normal to plane versor; needs the TPC box coordinates.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:952
void UpdatePhiZ()
Updates the stored .
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:849
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
void UpdateView()
Updates the stored view.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:856
unsigned int WireID_t
Type for the ID number.
Definition: geo_types.h:546
void UpdateWirePlaneCenter()
Updates the stored wire plane center.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:1084
void UpdateDecompWireOrigin()
Updates the position of the wire coordinate decomposition.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:1057
void UpdateActiveArea()
Updates the internally used active area.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:1068
void UpdateWireDir()
Updates the cached direction to wire.
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:1021
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateDecompWireOrigin ( )

Updates the position of the wire coordinate decomposition.

Definition at line 1057 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References fDecompWire, FirstWire(), GetCenter(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetOrigin(), and geo::vect::toPoint().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

1058  {
1060  //
1061  // update the origin of the reference frame (the middle of the first wire)
1062  //
1065  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateDecompWireOrigin()
Point_t const & GetCenter() const
Returns the centre of the wire plane in world coordinates [cm].
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:435
::geo::Point_t toPoint(Point const &p)
Convert the specified point into a geo::Point_t.
const WireGeo & FirstWire() const
Return the first wire in the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:312
void SetOrigin(Point_t const &point)
Change the 3D point of the reference frame origin.
Definition: Decomposer.h:435
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateIncreasingWireDir ( )

Updates the cached direction to increasing wires.

Definition at line 991 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References e, fDecompWire, geo::WireGeo::GetCenter(), GetNormalDirection(), Nwires(), geo::vect::rounded01(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetSecondaryDir(), and Wire().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

992  {
994  //
995  // Direction measured by the wires, pointing toward increasing wire number;
996  // requires:
997  // - the normal to the plane to be correct
998  // - wires to be sorted
999  //
1001  // 1) get the direction of the middle wire
1002  auto refWireNo = Nwires() / 2;
1003  if (refWireNo == Nwires() - 1) --refWireNo;
1004  auto const& refWire = Wire(refWireNo);
1005  auto const& WireDir = refWire.Direction(); // we only rely on the axis
1007  // 2) get the axis perpendicular to it on the wire plane
1008  // (arbitrary direction)
1009  auto wireCoordDir = GetNormalDirection().Cross(WireDir).Unit();
1011  // 3) where is the next wire?
1012  auto toNextWire = Wire(refWireNo + 1).GetCenter() - refWire.GetCenter();
1014  // 4) if wireCoordDir is pointing away from the next wire, flip it
1015  if (wireCoordDir.Dot(toNextWire) < 0) { wireCoordDir = -wireCoordDir; }
1018  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateIncreasingWireDir()
Point_t const & GetCenter() const
Returns the world coordinate of the center of the wire [cm].
Definition: WireGeo.h:221
void SetSecondaryDir(Vector_t const &dir)
Change the secondary direction of the projection base.
Definition: Decomposer.h:441
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
Vector rounded01(Vector const &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateOrientation ( )

Updates plane orientation.

Definition at line 804 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References util::abs(), e, fOrientation, fWire, GetNormalDirection(), geo::kHorizontal, and geo::kVertical.

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

805  {
807  //
808  // this algorithm needs to know about the axis;
809  // the normal is expected to be already updated.
810  //
812  // sanity check
813  if (fWire.size() < 2) {
814  // this likely means construction is not complete yet
815  throw cet::exception("NoWireInPlane")
816  << "PlaneGeo::UpdateOrientation(): only " << fWire.size() << " wires!\n";
817  } // if
819  auto normal = GetNormalDirection();
821  if (std::abs(std::abs(normal.X()) - 1.) < 1e-3)
823  else if (std::abs(std::abs(normal.Y()) - 1.) < 1e-3)
825  else {
826  // at this point, the only problem is the lack of a label for this
827  // orientation; probably introducing a geo::kOtherOrientation would
828  // suffice
829  throw cet::exception("Geometry")
830  << "Plane with unsupported orientation (normal: " << normal << ")\n";
831  }
833  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateOrientation()
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
Planes that are in the horizontal plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:146
Planes that are in the vertical plane (e.g. ArgoNeuT).
Definition: geo_types.h:147
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
Orient_t fOrientation
Is the plane vertical or horizontal?
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1333
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdatePhiZ ( )

Updates the stored $ \phi_{z} $.

Definition at line 849 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References fCosPhiZ, fSinPhiZ, and GetIncreasingWireDirection().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

850  {
851  auto const& wire_coord_dir = GetIncreasingWireDirection();
852  fCosPhiZ = wire_coord_dir.Z();
853  fSinPhiZ = wire_coord_dir.Y();
854  } // PlaneGeo::UpdatePhiZ()
double fSinPhiZ
Sine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1336
double fCosPhiZ
Cosine of .
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1337
Vector_t const & GetIncreasingWireDirection() const
Returns the direction of increasing wires.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:418
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdatePlaneNormal ( geo::BoxBoundedGeo const &  TPCbox)

Updates the cached normal to plane versor; needs the TPC box coordinates.

Definition at line 952 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References geo::BoxBoundedGeo::Center(), e, fNormal, GetBoxCenter(), GetNormalAxis(), and geo::vect::round01().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

953  {
955  //
956  // direction normal to the wire plane, points toward the center of TPC
957  //
959  // start from the axis
962  // now evaluate where we are pointing
963  auto const towardCenter = TPCbox.Center() - GetBoxCenter();
965  // if they are pointing in opposite directions, flip the normal
966  if (fNormal.Dot(towardCenter) < 0) fNormal = -fNormal;
969  } // PlaneGeo::UpdatePlaneNormal()
void round01(Vector &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.
geo::Vector_t fNormal
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1339
Point_t GetBoxCenter() const
Returns the centre of the box representing the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:449
geo::Vector_t GetNormalAxis() const
Returns a direction normal to the plane (pointing is not defined).
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:785
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateView ( )

Updates the stored view.

Definition at line 856 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References util::abs(), geo::vect::dot(), e, GetNormalDirection(), GetWireDirection(), geo::kU, geo::kV, geo::kX, geo::kY, geo::kZ, geo::vect::mixedProduct(), SetView(), geo::Xaxis(), geo::Yaxis(), and geo::Zaxis().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

857  {
858  /*
859  * This algorithm assigns views according to the angle the wire axis cuts
860  * with y axis ("thetaY"), but from the point of view of the center of the
861  * TPC.
862  * A special case is when the drift axis is on y axis.
863  *
864  * In the normal case, the discrimination happens on the the arctangent of
865  * the point { (y,w), (y x n,w) }, where w is the wire direction, y is the
866  * coordinate axis and n the normal to the wire plane. This definition gives
867  * the same value regardless of the direction of w on its axis.
868  *
869  * If thetaY is 0, wires are parallel to the y axis:
870  * the view is assigned as kX or kZ depending on whether the plane normal is
871  * closer to the z axis or the x axis, respectively (the normal describes
872  * a direction _not_ measured by the wires).
873  *
874  * If thetaY is a right angle, the wires are orthogonal to y axis and view
875  * kY view is assigned.
876  * If thetaY is smaller than 0, the view is called "U".
877  * If thetaY is larger than 0, the view is called "V".
878  *
879  * The special case where the drift axis is on y axis is treated separately.
880  * In that case, the role of y axis is replaced by the z axis and the
881  * discriminating figure is equivalent to the usual ThetaZ().
882  *
883  * If thetaZ is 0, the wires are measuring x and kX view is chosen.
884  * If thetaZ is a right angle, the wires are measuring z and kZ view is
885  * chosen.
886  * If thetaZ is smaller than 0, the view is called "U".
887  * If thetaZ is larger than 0, the view is called "V".
888  *
889  */
891  auto const& normalDir = GetNormalDirection();
892  auto const& wireDir = GetWireDirection();
894  // normal direction has been rounded, so exact comparison can work
895  if (std::abs(normalDir.Y()) != 1.0) {
896  //
897  // normal case: drift direction is not along y (vertical)
898  //
900  // yw is pretty much GetWireDirection().Y()...
901  // thetaY is related to atan2(ynw, yw)
902  double const yw = geo::vect::dot(wireDir, geo::Yaxis());
903  double const ynw = geo::vect::mixedProduct(geo::Yaxis(), normalDir, wireDir);
905  if (std::abs(yw) < 1.0e-4) { // wires orthogonal to y axis
906  double const closeToX = std::abs(geo::vect::dot(normalDir, geo::Xaxis()));
907  double const closeToZ = std::abs(geo::vect::dot(normalDir, geo::Zaxis()));
908  SetView((closeToZ > closeToX) ? geo::kX : geo::kY);
909  }
910  else if (std::abs(ynw) < 1.0e-4) { // wires parallel to y axis
911  SetView(geo::kZ);
912  }
913  else if ((ynw * yw) < 0)
914  SetView(geo::kU); // different sign => thetaY > 0
915  else if ((ynw * yw) > 0)
916  SetView(geo::kV); // same sign => thetaY < 0
917  else
918  assert(false); // logic error?!
919  }
920  else { // if drift is vertical
921  //
922  // special case: drift direction is along y (vertical)
923  //
925  // zw is pretty much GetWireDirection().Z()...
926  double const zw = geo::vect::dot(wireDir, geo::Zaxis());
927  // while GetNormalDirection() axis is on y, its direction is not fixed:
928  double const znw = geo::vect::mixedProduct(geo::Zaxis(), normalDir, wireDir);
930  // thetaZ is std::atan(znw/zw)
932  if (std::abs(zw) < 1.0e-4) { // orthogonal to z, orthogonal to y...
933  // this is equivalent to thetaZ = +/- pi/2
934  SetView(geo::kZ);
935  }
936  else if (std::abs(znw) < 1.0e-4) { // parallel to z, orthogonal to y...
937  // this is equivalent to thetaZ = 0
938  SetView(geo::kX);
939  }
940  else if ((znw * zw) < 0)
941  SetView(geo::kU); // different sign => thetaZ > 0
942  else if ((znw * zw) > 0)
943  SetView(geo::kV); // same sign => thetaZ < 0
944  else
945  assert(false); // logic error?!
947  } // if drift direction... else
949  } // UpdateView()
void SetView(geo::View_t view)
Set the signal view (for TPCGeo).
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1254
Planes which measure V.
Definition: geo_types.h:136
auto mixedProduct(Vector const &a, Vector const &b, Vector const &c)
Planes which measure X direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:140
constexpr Vector Yaxis()
Returns a y axis vector of the specified type.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:215
constexpr auto abs(T v)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
Planes which measure Z direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:138
Planes which measure Y direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:139
Planes which measure U.
Definition: geo_types.h:135
Vector_t const & GetWireDirection() const
Returns the direction of the wires.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:459
constexpr Vector Xaxis()
Returns a x axis vector of the specified type.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:208
constexpr auto dot(Vector const &a, OtherVector const &b)
Return cross product of two vectors.
constexpr Vector Zaxis()
Returns a z axis vector of the specified type.
Definition: geo_vectors.h:222
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateWidthDepthDir ( )

Updates the cached depth and width direction.

Definition at line 972 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References DepthDir(), e, fDecompFrame, GetNormalDirection(), geo::vect::rounded01(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SecondaryDir(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetSecondaryDir(), and WidthDir().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

973  {
975  //
976  // fix the positiveness of the width/depth/normal frame
977  //
979  // The basis is already set and orthonormal, with only the width
980  // and depth directions arbitrary.
981  // We choose the direction of the secondary axis ("depth")
982  // so that the frame normal is oriented in the general direction of the
983  // plane normal (the latter is computed independently).
984  if (WidthDir().Cross(DepthDir()).Dot(GetNormalDirection()) < 0.0) {
986  }
988  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateWidthDepthDir()
void SetSecondaryDir(Vector_t const &dir)
Change the secondary direction of the projection base.
Definition: Decomposer.h:441
Vector_t const & DepthDir() const
Return the direction of plane depth.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:212
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
Vector rounded01(Vector const &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.
Vector_t const & SecondaryDir() const
Returns the plane secondary axis direction.
Definition: Decomposer.h:458
Vector_t const & WidthDir() const
Return the direction of plane width.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:200
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateWireDir ( )

Updates the cached direction to wire.

Definition at line 1021 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References e, fDecompWire, FirstWire(), GetNormalDirection(), lar::util::makeVector3DComparison(), geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::NormalDir(), geo::vect::rounded01(), and geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetMainDir().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

1022  {
1026  //
1027  // check that the resulting normal matches the plane one
1028  //
1029  assert(
1032  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateWireDir()
Vector_t const & NormalDir() const
Returns the plane normal axis direction.
Definition: Decomposer.h:461
auto makeVector3DComparison(RealType threshold)
Creates a Vector3DComparison from a RealComparisons object.
const WireGeo & FirstWire() const
Return the first wire in the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:312
Vector rounded01(Vector const &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0, -1 or +1.
Vector_t const & GetNormalDirection() const
Returns the direction normal to the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:407
Definition: types.h:12
WireDecomposer_t fDecompWire
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1343
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
void SetMainDir(Vector_t const &dir)
Change the main direction of the projection base.
Definition: Decomposer.h:438
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateWirePitch ( )

Updates the stored wire pitch.

Definition at line 836 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References fWirePitch, Nwires(), Wire(), and geo::WireGeo::WirePitch().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

837  {
838  // pick long wires around the center of the detector,
839  // so that their coordinates are defined with better precision
840  assert(Nwires() > 1);
842  auto const iWire = Nwires() / 2;
844  fWirePitch = geo::WireGeo::WirePitch(Wire(iWire - 1), Wire(iWire));
846  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateWirePitch()
double fWirePitch
Pitch of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1335
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
unsigned int Nwires() const
Number of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:242
static double WirePitch(WireGeo const &w1, WireGeo const &w2)
Returns the pitch (distance on y/z plane) between two wires, in cm.
Definition: WireGeo.h:449
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateWirePitchSlow ( )

Updates the stored wire pitch with a slower, more robust algorithm.

Definition at line 1035 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References e, fWire, fWirePitch, and geo::WireGeo::WirePitch().

Referenced by PlaneGeo().

1036  {
1038  //
1039  // Compare one wire (the first one, for convenience) with all other wires;
1040  // the wire pitch is the smallest distance we find.
1041  //
1042  // This algorithm assumes wire pitch is constant, but it does not assume
1043  // wire ordering (which UpdateWirePitch() does).
1044  //
1045  auto firstWire = fWire.cbegin(), wire = firstWire, wend = fWire.cend();
1046  fWirePitch = geo::WireGeo::WirePitch(*firstWire, *(++wire));
1048  while (++wire != wend) {
1049  auto wirePitch = geo::WireGeo::WirePitch(*firstWire, *wire);
1050  if (wirePitch < 1e-4) continue; // it's 0!
1051  if (wirePitch < fWirePitch) fWirePitch = wirePitch;
1052  } // while
1054  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateWirePitchSlow()
double fWirePitch
Pitch of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1335
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
static double WirePitch(WireGeo const &w1, WireGeo const &w2)
Returns the pitch (distance on y/z plane) between two wires, in cm.
Definition: WireGeo.h:449
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
void geo::PlaneGeo::UpdateWirePlaneCenter ( )

Updates the stored wire plane center.

Definition at line 1084 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References DistanceFromPlane(), DriftPoint(), e, fCenter, fDecompFrame, GetBoxCenter(), geo::vect::round0(), and geo::Decomposer< Vector, Point, ProjVector >::SetOrigin().

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

1085  {
1087  //
1088  // The center of the wire plane is defined as the center of the plane box,
1089  // translated to the plane the wires lie on.
1090  // This assumes that the thickness direction of the box is aligned with
1091  // the drift direction, so that the translated point is still in the middle
1092  // of width and depth dimensions.
1093  // It is possible to remove that assumption by translating the center of the
1094  // box along the thickness direction enough to bring it to the wire plane.
1095  // The math is just a bit less straightforward, so we don't bother yet.
1096  //
1097  // Requirements:
1098  // * the wire decomposition frame must be set up (at least its origin and
1099  // normal direction)
1100  //
1102  fCenter = GetBoxCenter();
1106  geo::vect::round0(fCenter, 1e-7); // round dimensions less than 1 nm to 0
1108  fDecompFrame.SetOrigin(fCenter); // equivalent to GetCenter() now
1110  } // PlaneGeo::UpdateWirePlaneCenter()
geo::Point_t fCenter
Center of the plane, lying on the wire plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1352
void round0(Vector &v, Scalar tol)
Returns a vector with all components rounded if close to 0.
void DriftPoint(geo::Point_t &position, double distance) const
Shifts the position of an electron drifted by a distance.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:579
Point_t GetBoxCenter() const
Returns the centre of the box representing the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:449
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
void SetOrigin(Point_t const &point)
Change the 3D point of the reference frame origin.
Definition: Decomposer.h:435
double DistanceFromPlane(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the distance of the specified point from the wire plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:558
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
WidthDepthProjection_t geo::PlaneGeo::VectorWidthDepthProjection ( geo::Vector_t const &  v) const

Returns the projection of the specified vector on the plane.

vthe 3D vector to be projected, in world units
a 2D vector representing the projection of v on the plane

The returned vector is a 2D vector expressing the projection of the vector (from world units) on the wire plane. The vector is expressed as $ ( w, d ) $, components following the width direction (WidthDir()) and the depth direction (DepthDir()) respectively.

Definition at line 1018 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References proj.

Referenced by geo::details::ActiveAreaCalculator::adjustCorners(), and geo::TPCGeo::Projection().

1019  {
1021  }
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
Projection_t ProjectVectorOnPlane(Vector_t const &v) const
Returns the projection of the specified vector on the plane.
Definition: Decomposer.h:549
std::string geo::PlaneGeo::ViewName ( geo::View_t  view)

Returns the name of the specified view.

Definition at line 682 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References geo::k3D, geo::kU, geo::kUnknown, geo::kV, geo::kX, geo::kY, geo::kZ, and util::to_string().

Referenced by nnet::WaveformDenoiseTest::analyze(), nnet::NoiseWaveformDump::analyze(), nnet::RawWaveformDump::analyze(), nnet::RawWaveformClnSigDump::analyze(), trkf::SeedFinderAlgorithm::GetCenterAndDirection(), lar::util::TrackPitchInView(), and geo::GeometryCore::WireAngleToVertical().

683  {
684  switch (view) {
685  case geo::kU: return "U";
686  case geo::kV: return "V";
687  case geo::kZ: return "Z";
688  case geo::kY: return "Y";
689  case geo::kX: return "X";
690  case geo::k3D: return "3D";
691  case geo::kUnknown: return "?";
692  default: return "<UNSUPPORTED (" + std::to_string((int)view) + ")>";
693  } // switch
694  } // PlaneGeo::ViewName()
Planes which measure V.
Definition: geo_types.h:136
Unknown view.
Definition: geo_types.h:142
Planes which measure X direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:140
Planes which measure Z direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:138
Planes which measure Y direction.
Definition: geo_types.h:139
3-dimensional objects, potentially hits, clusters, prongs, etc.
Definition: geo_types.h:141
Planes which measure U.
Definition: geo_types.h:135
decltype(auto) constexpr to_string(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::to_string.
double geo::PlaneGeo::Width ( ) const

Return the width of the plane.

See also
Depth(), WidthDir(), DepthDir()

The precise definition is arbitrary (see WidthDir()).

Definition at line 221 of file PlaneGeo.h.

221 { return fFrameSize.Width(); }
RectSpecs fFrameSize
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1348
double Width() const
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1326
Vector_t const& geo::PlaneGeo::WidthDir ( ) const

Return the direction of plane width.

The precise definition of the sides is arbitrary, but they are defined to lie on the wire plane and so that WidthDir(), DepthDir() and GetNormalDirection() make a orthonormal base. That base (width, depth, normal) is guaranteed to be positive defined.

Definition at line 200 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by MovePointOverPlane(), geo::TPCGeo::RefWidthDir(), and UpdateWidthDepthDir().

200 { return fDecompFrame.MainDir(); }
WidthDepthDecomposer_t fDecompFrame
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1347
Vector_t const & MainDir() const
Returns the plane main axis direction.
Definition: Decomposer.h:455
geo::WireGeo const & geo::PlaneGeo::Wire ( unsigned int  iwire) const

Return the iwire'th wire in the plane.

cet::exception(category "WireOutOfRange") if no such wire
In the past, no check was performed.

Definition at line 465 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References WirePtr().

Referenced by hit::MagDriftAna::analyze(), trkf::Track3DKalmanSPS::dQdxCalc(), evd::RecoBaseDrawer::DrawTrack2D(), GetNormalAxis(), geo::ChannelMapStandardAlg::Initialize(), trkf::SpacePointAlg::makeSpacePoints(), NearestWire(), geo::GeometryCore::Print(), UpdateIncreasingWireDir(), UpdateWirePitch(), and geo::GeometryCore::Wire().

466  {
467  geo::WireGeo const* pWire = WirePtr(iwire);
468  if (!pWire) {
469  throw cet::exception("WireOutOfRange") << "Request for non-existant wire " << iwire << "\n";
470  }
471  return *pWire;
472  } // PlaneGeo::Wire(int)
geo::WirePtr WirePtr(unsigned int iwire) const
Returns the wire number iwire from this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:293
Geometry description of a TPC wireThe wire is a single straight segment on a wire plane...
Definition: WireGeo.h:114
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
WireGeo const& geo::PlaneGeo::Wire ( WireID const &  wireid) const

Returns the wire in wireid from this plane.

wireidfull wire ID
a constant reference to the wire in wireid
cet::exception(category "WireOutOfRange") if no such wire

The cryostat, TPC and plane numbers in wireid are ignored, as it is ignored whether wireid is invalid.

Definition at line 284 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References Wire(), and geo::WireID::Wire.

Referenced by Wire().

284 { return Wire(wireid.Wire); }
WireGeo const & Wire(unsigned int iwire) const
Definition: PlaneGeo.cxx:465
double geo::PlaneGeo::WireCoordinate ( geo::Point_t const &  point) const

Returns the coordinate of the point on the plane, in wire units.

pointworld coordinate of the point to get the coordinate of
the coordinate of the point, in wire pitch units
See also
CoordinateFrom(TVector3 const&, geo::Wire const&)

The method returns the coordinate of the point in the direction measured by the wires on this plane starting on the first wire, in wire units (that is, wire pitches). A point on the first wire will have coordinate 0.0, one on the next wire will have coordinate 1.0, etc.

The point does not need to be on the plane, and the projection of the point to the plane is considered.

Definition at line 797 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by lar_cluster3d::StandardHit3DBuilder::NearestWireID(), lar_cluster3d::SnippetHit3DBuilder::NearestWireID(), NearestWireID(), and geo::GeometryCore::WireCoordinate().

798  {
799  return PlaneCoordinate(point) / WirePitch();
800  }
double PlaneCoordinate(geo::Point_t const &point) const
Returns the coordinate of the point on the plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:777
double WirePitch() const
Return the wire pitch (in centimeters). It is assumed constant.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:378
bool geo::PlaneGeo::WireIDincreasesWithZ ( ) const

Returns whether the higher z wires have higher wire ID.

whether the higher z wires have higher wire ID
See also

This method is related to GetIncreasingWireDirection() (it might be expressed as "GetIncreasingWireDirection()[2] > 0"), but it is implemented in a faster and independent way.

Definition at line 483 of file PlaneGeo.cxx.

References e, GetIncreasingWireDirection(), lar::util::RealComparisons< RealType >::nonNegative(), and Z.

484  {
486  } // PlaneGeo::WireIDincreasesWithZ()
Provides simple real number checks.
Float_t Z
Definition: plot.C:37
constexpr bool nonNegative(Value_t value) const
Returns whether value is larger than or equal() to zero.
Vector_t const & GetIncreasingWireDirection() const
Returns the direction of increasing wires.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:418
Float_t e
Definition: plot.C:35
geo::WirePtr geo::PlaneGeo::WirePtr ( unsigned int  iwire) const

Returns the wire number iwire from this plane.

iwirethe number of local wire
a constant pointer to the wire, or nullptr if it does not exist

Definition at line 293 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by Wire(), and geo::GeometryCore::WirePtr().

294  {
295  return HasWire(iwire) ? &(fWire[iwire]) : nullptr;
296  }
WireCollection_t fWire
List of wires in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:1334
bool HasWire(unsigned int iwire) const
Returns whether a wire with index iwire is present in this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:252
geo::WirePtr geo::PlaneGeo::WirePtr ( WireID const &  wireid) const

Returns the wire in wireid from this plane.

wireidfull wire ID
a constant pointer to the wire, or nullptr if it does not exist

The cryostat, TPC and plane numbers in wireid are ignored, as it is ignored whether wireid is invalid.

Definition at line 307 of file PlaneGeo.h.

References geo::WireID::Wire, and WirePtr().

Referenced by WirePtr().

307 { return WirePtr(wireid.Wire); }
geo::WirePtr WirePtr(unsigned int iwire) const
Returns the wire number iwire from this plane.
Definition: PlaneGeo.h:293

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend struct details::ActiveAreaCalculator

Definition at line 1356 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Member Data Documentation

Rect geo::PlaneGeo::fActiveArea

Area covered by wires in frame base.

Definition at line 1350 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by DeltaFromActivePlane(), and UpdateActiveArea().

geo::Point_t geo::PlaneGeo::fCenter

Center of the plane, lying on the wire plane.

Definition at line 1352 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by UpdateWirePlaneCenter().

double geo::PlaneGeo::fCosPhiZ

Cosine of $ \phi_{z} $.

Definition at line 1337 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by UpdatePhiZ().

WidthDepthDecomposer_t geo::PlaneGeo::fDecompFrame

Decomposition on frame coordinates; the main direction is a "width", the secondary one is just orthogonal to it ("depth"). Normal can differ in sign from the plane one.

Definition at line 1347 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by DetectGeometryDirections(), UpdateWidthDepthDir(), and UpdateWirePlaneCenter().

WireDecomposer_t geo::PlaneGeo::fDecompWire

Decomposition on wire coordinates; the main direction is along the wire, the secondary one is the one measured by the wire, the normal matches the plane's normal.

Definition at line 1343 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by InterWireDistance(), UpdateDecompWireOrigin(), UpdateIncreasingWireDir(), and UpdateWireDir().

RectSpecs geo::PlaneGeo::fFrameSize

Size of the frame of the plane.

Definition at line 1348 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by DeltaFromPlane(), DetectGeometryDirections(), and MoveProjectionToPlane().

geo::PlaneID geo::PlaneGeo::fID

ID of this plane.

Definition at line 1354 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by UpdateAfterSorting().

geo::Vector_t geo::PlaneGeo::fNormal

Normal to the plane, inward in TPC.

Definition at line 1339 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by UpdatePlaneNormal().

Orient_t geo::PlaneGeo::fOrientation

Is the plane vertical or horizontal?

Definition at line 1333 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by UpdateOrientation().

double geo::PlaneGeo::fSinPhiZ

Sine of $ \phi_{z} $.

Definition at line 1336 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by UpdatePhiZ().

LocalTransformation_t geo::PlaneGeo::fTrans

Plane to world transform.

Definition at line 1330 of file PlaneGeo.h.

View_t geo::PlaneGeo::fView

Does this plane measure U, V, or W?

Definition at line 1332 of file PlaneGeo.h.

TGeoVolume const* geo::PlaneGeo::fVolume

Plane volume description.

Definition at line 1331 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by BoundingBox(), DetectGeometryDirections(), and PlaneGeo().

WireCollection_t geo::PlaneGeo::fWire

List of wires in this plane.

Definition at line 1334 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by SortWires(), UpdateAfterSorting(), UpdateOrientation(), and UpdateWirePitchSlow().

double geo::PlaneGeo::fWirePitch

Pitch of wires in this plane.

Definition at line 1335 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by InterWireDistance(), InterWireProjectedDistance(), UpdateWirePitch(), and UpdateWirePitchSlow().

constexpr unsigned int geo::PlaneGeo::MaxVerbosity = 6

Maximum value for print verbosity.

Definition at line 725 of file PlaneGeo.h.

Referenced by geo::GeometryCore::Print().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: